Chem - Physical and Chemical Properties
Chem - Physical and Chemical Properties
Chem - Physical and Chemical Properties
The properties that can be observed and measured without changing the basic nature of the substance.
color, shape, texture, odour, taste, malleability, conductivity, elasticity, magnetism, density, mass,
opacity, volatility, diffusion, transparency, solubility, melting point, boiling point etc.
Melting point and boiling are generally considered while choosing a material for use.
A property that is seen when a substance takes part in a chemical change.
Examples of chemical properties are:
Reactivity, flammability, acidity, alkalinity, toxicity etc.
• Reactivity of a substance tells us how likely a substance will undergo a chemical reaction
• Let’s say we carry out the experiment by adding potassium, magnesium and zinc into test tubes
containing dilute sulfuric acid.
• We’d expect the potassium to react explosively (in reality you would never do this in a school
laboratory as it is too dangerous), while the magnesium would bubble vigorously and the zinc
would form bubbles very slowly.
• We can therefore confirm their order of reactivity (from most reactive to least) as: potassium,
magnesium then zinc.
Q1. Identify each of the following as an example of a physical property or a chemical property.
1. Silver tarnishes when it comes in contact with hydrogen sulfide in the air.
2. A banana is yellow.
5. Gasoline is flammable.
8. A bar of lead is more easily bent than is a bar of aluminium of the same size.
9. Potassium metal is kept submerged in oil to prevent contact with oxygen or water.
Time ( ) Temperature ( )
0 25
1 40
2 62
3 88
4 102
5 110
6 110
7 110