Unit - 2 - Goal Setting

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• Defining Goal setting.

• Why don’t most people set Goals
• Importance of Goals setting.
• Why Goals fail.
• Selection for setting Goals
• Types of Goals
• Time to set your Goal
• SMART Goals
Meaning of Goal

• Goal is an observable and measurable end

result having one or more objectives to be
achieved within a more or less fixed
Meaning of Goal Setting
• Goal setting is the process of identifying
something that you want to accomplish and
establishing measurable goals and
• When you decide on a financial change to save
more money and then set a certain amount to
save each month, this is an example of goal
Why don’t more people set goals?
• A pessimistic attitude – Always seeing the pitfalls rather than
the possibilities.

• Fear of failure – What if I don’t make it? People feel

subconsciously that if they don’t set goals and if they don’t make
it, then they haven’t failed. But they are failures to begin with.

• A lack of ambition – This is a result of our value system and lack

of desire to live a fulfilled life. Our limited thinking prevents us
from progress. There was a fisherman who, every time he caught
a big fish, would throw it back into the river, keeping only the
smaller ones. A man watching this unusual behavior asked the
fisherman why he was doing this. The fisherman replied,
“Because I have a small frying pan.” Most people never make it
in life because they are carrying a small frying pan. That is
limited thinking.
Why don’t more people set goals?
• A fear of rejection – If I don’t make it, what will other
people says?
• Procrastination – “Someday, I will set my goals.” This
tie in with a lack of ambition.
• Low self-esteem – Because a person is not internally
driven and has no inspiration.
• Ignorance of the important of goals – Nobody taught
them and they never learned the importance of
• A lack of knowledge about goal-setting – People don’t
know the mechanics of setting goals. They need a
step-by-step guide so that they can follow a system.
Why set Goals ?
1. You take control of your life
2. You focus on the important things
3. You will make good decisions
4. You can finish the task efficiently
5. You will be self-confident and enthusiastic
6. You will make progress
7. You are closer to success
Why Goals Fail

• The goal was not written down.

• Rewards for achieving the goals were not given.
• The goal was unrealistic or not specific enough.
• The goal is not really believable or little commitment exists.
• Keep changing or switching goals with the weather
• The person who set the goal has not told anyone else for added
accountability, help and support.
• The goal was not incorporated into a realistic plan that includes
measurements, timelines and resources.
Steps of Goal Setting
1. Identify personal values & mission statement
2. Figuring out the goal for achieving it
3. Setting personal goals shows these life aspects
4. An individual should brainstorm his goal
5. Writing goal down & making sure the goals are SMART
& they are top quality goal
6. Prioritize goal
7. List the skills & knowledge required to reach the goal
8. Creating deadline
9. Develop personal actions
10. Review the progress & update goal accordingly
11. Celebrate success
12. Start the progress all over again
Goal Setting Selection
• 1.Your goal must be conceivable. You must be able to imagine,
conceptualize and understand the goal or desired result. Top
athletes practice visualizing step-by-step actual success in their
sports competition. By visualizing your success in great detail, you
are conditioning your mind and preparing yourself to achieve your
desired success.
• 2.Make your goal believable. Your goal should be consistent with
your personal values system, and you must believe you can reach
the goal. It is critically important that you believe in yourself. You
must see yourself with the goal in hand.
• 3.Your goal must be achievable. You must have the mental and
physical capacity to reach the goal. It would, however, be
important for your goal to cause you to stretch beyond normal
self-imposed limits. You will find a goal that causes you to stretch
and grow will be the goal that gives you the most satisfaction.
Don't be afraid to challenge yourself to go beyond old limits!
Goal Setting Selection
• 4.Make your goal measurable. Deciding to do better than last year or to
be happy gives you no standard by which you can measure progress. Be
sure to relate your goal to quantity, percentage increases, dollar volume,
time or distance. This will allow you to measure your progress.
• 5.Your goal should be controllable. This means you must be able to
achieve the goal yourself, or gain the willing cooperation of others to reach
the goal. This emphasizes the importance of building team spirit. If you can
have no control over the outcome of an event, it's not realistic to set a goal
in this area. It would be like gambling in Las Vegas. Without a proven
system that beats the odds, lack of control will lead to frustration - and
cost you a lot of money!
• 6.Be sure you have singleness of purpose. Make sure your goal is not in
conflict with other areas of your life. For instance, if you decide to travel
extensively in your business or work 80 to 90 hours per week, this will
interfere with your personal or family relationships. The travel and long
hours could lead to poor health or family discord. Some goals become
mutually exclusive and create conflict with other goals.
Types of Goals
Setting SMART
If goals aren’t reachable, they
aren’t worth making. All you have to
do to set realistic goals is follow the
SMART goals guidelines.
• What details do you want to

• “I want to do better in history”

• “I want to increase my history

grade from an 85% to a 90%.
• All goals should have a way to
evaluate whether or not they
were accomplished.

• “I want to run the mile better.”

• “I want to improve my mile

time by 30 seconds.”
• Goals mustLE
be something you
are capable of reaching.

Which one would be a better

goal for Tom Brady?
“I will help my team to win the
2016 Super Bowl”
“I will rehabilitate my knee so
that I can play football again
next season.
• Make goals that are important to
you and your lifestyle.

Which goal is better for a teacher?

• “My goal is to discover a cure for


• “My goal is to inspire at least one

student to become a doctor to research
a cure for cancer”
• Make sure that you have a time set
as a “dead line” so your goal is not

• “My goal is to be able to run a half


• My goal is to run in a half

marathon by May of 2009.
• S – Specific. For example, “I want to lose weight.” This is wishful
thinking. It becomes a goal when I pin myself down to “I will lose
10 pounds in 90 days.”
• M – Must be measurable. If we cannot measure it, we cannot
accomplish it. Measurement is a way of monitoring our progress.
For example, 10 pounds/90 days are measurement.
• A – Must be achievable. Achievable means that it should be out of
reach enough to be challenging but it should not be out of sight,
otherwise it becomes heartening.
• R – Realistic. A person who wants to lose 50 pounds in 30 days is
being unrealistic.
• T – Time-bound. There should be a starting date and a finishing
Final tips to Goal Setting:
• Write down your goals and look at them often!
• If you achieved your goals too easily, make your
next goals harder.
• Failure to meet goals only matters if you don’t
learn something from your mistakes.

• Goal setting is am important method of:

– Deciding what’s important for you to achieve.
– Motivating yourself.
– Building self-confidence.
“Create a vision of who you want to
Take out a clean sheet of paper, write down a
description of yourself 10 years in the future. Who
are you? What does your life look like? What are
you doing? Where? Who is around you? Allow
yourself to imagine a future in which failure is
impossible, and there are no limits.
“Live into that picture”

• Let’s say that you’ve articulated a 5 or 10-year vision. Given

this scenario, work backwards.
• What will have had to have happened for this to be true in
10 years?
• What will you have had to learn?
• What skills will you have had to develop?
• What auditions will you have had to take?
• Who will you have had to meet and develop relationships
• Are any of these stepping stones any more improbable than
what Schwarzenegger has achieved?

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