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Department of Mechanical Engineering

1st Board of Study

Course Outline for BS Mechanical

(Fall 2014 onward)

Balochistan University of Information Technology,

Engineering & Management Sciences, Quetta

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 1 of 98

Table of Contents
APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................................ 5

Acknowledgement: ............................................................................................................ 6

List of Contributors ............................................................................................................ 7

Semester Wise Courses.................................................................................................... 8

1st Semester .................................................................................................................. 13

Applied Chemistry ................................................................................................ 14

Applied Physics .................................................................................................... 15

Calculus and Analytical Geometry ........................................................................ 16

Computer System & Programming ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Engineering Drawing & Graphics.......................................................................... 18

Functional English ................................................................................................ 19

2nd Semester ................................................................................................................ 21

Islamic Studies ..................................................................................................... 26

Electrical Engineering ........................................................................................... 23

Linear Algebra and Differential Equation .............................................................. 28

Communication Skills ........................................................................................... 22

Engineering Mechanics: Statics............................................................................ 25

Thermodynamics-I ................................................................................................ 30

Mechanical Workshop .......................................................................................... 29

3rd Semester ................................................................................................................. 32

Engineering Materials and Metallurgy .................................................................. 33

Engineering Mechanics : Dynamics...................................................................... 34

Fluid Mechanics-I ................................................................................................. 35

Pakistan Studies ................................................................................................... 36

Solid Mechanics-I ................................................................................................. 37

Thermodynamics II ............................................................................................... 38

4th Semester ................................................................................................................. 40

Basic Electronics .................................................................................................. 41

Complex Variable & Transforms II ....................................................................... 42

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 2 of 98

Social Anthropology.............................................................................................. 43

Fluid Mechanics - II .............................................................................................. 45

Machine Design & CAD – 1 .................................................................................. 46

Solid Mechanics - II .............................................................................................. 47

5th Semester .................................................................................................................. 49

Machine Design & CAD-II ..................................................................................... 51

Numerical Analysis ............................................................................................... 52

Precision Engineering and Metrology ................................................................... 53

Technical Report Writing & Presentation skills ..................................................... 54

6h Semester ................................................................................................................... 56

Applied Statistics .................................................................................................. 57

Machine Control System ...................................................................................... 58

Manufacturing Processes ..................................................................................... 59

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ........................................................................... 60

Theory of Machines .............................................................................................. 61

7th Semester ................................................................................................................. 63

Engineering Economics ........................................................................................ 64

Internal Combustion Engines................................................................................ 65

Mechanical Vibrations .......................................................................................... 66

Project Part I ......................................................................................................... 67

Technical Elective I............................................................................................... 68

8th Semester ................................................................................................................. 70

Project Part II ........................................................................................................ 71

Technical Elective II .............................................................................................. 72

Technical Elective III ............................................................................................. 73

Technical Elective IV ............................................................................................ 74

List of Technical Electives: .......................................................................................... 76

Renewable Energy Technology ............................................................................ 77

Heating Ventilation & air Conditioning (HVAC) ..................................................... 78

Gas Dynamics ...................................................................................................... 79

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 3 of 98

Aerodynamics ....................................................................................................... 80

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) .................................................................. 81

Introduction to Finite Element Methods ................................................................ 82

Maintenance Engineering ..................................................................................... 83

Introduction to Mechatronics................................................................................. 84

Automation & Robotics ......................................................................................... 85

Tribology ............................................................................................................... 86

Nuclear Engineering ............................................................................................. 87

Power Plants ........................................................................................................ 88

List of Management Electives ...................................................................................... 90

Operations Research............................................................................................ 91

Operations Management ...................................................................................... 92

Total Quality Management ................................................................................... 93

Project Management ............................................................................................ 94

Operations Research............................................................................................ 95

Engineering Law ................................................................................................... 96

Business and Entrepreneurship............................................................................ 97

Safety Health and Environment Management ...................................................... 98

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 4 of 98


S# Name Signature with Dates

1 Engr. Arshad Ali
Chairperson Department of Mechanical Engineering,
BUITEMS, Quetta.

2 Prof. Dr. Ehsanullah Kakar

Dean Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, BUITEMS,

3 Prof. Dr. Maqsood

Professor Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, BUITEMS,

4 Prof. Dr. M. A. K. Malghani

Professor Faculty of Life Sciences & Informatics,
BUITEMS, Quetta.

5 Prof. Dr. Mirza Jahanzaib

Chairman Industrial Engineering University of Engineering
& Technology Taxila.

6 Engr. Rashid Khan

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology
7 Engr. Syed Zaid Hassnay
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, BUITEMS, Quetta.

8 Engr. Asif Hussain

Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS,

9 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz

Professor Faculty of Arts & Basic Sciences, BUITEMS,

10 Engr. Muhammad Anwar Khan

Director Directorate of Information Technology
BUITEMS, Quetta.

11 Director
Directorate of Information Technology BUITEMS, Quetta.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 5 of 98


I am thankful to all the members of board of study and especially Dr. Mirza Janazaib Chairman UET
Taxila who not only provided guideline in pros and cons of the board of study but also given help in
building the lab manuals and related software for the benefit of our department of Mechanical

I am thankful for the contribution of the CMS Lead Rabia Aijaz and Hafza Ashraf, who put their effort to
Allocate the courses with the desired course outline in CMS Database and provided all the necessary
support required for the formulation of Course codes in their proper levels with endorsement of pre
requisites subjects.

I am also thankful for the contribution of Mr. Mudassar Iqbal for the guideline for the subjects of
Mathematics and Mr. Muzammil Hussain for providing support in course outline for Electrical Engineering
and Basic Electronics

Arshad Ali
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 6 of 98

List of Contributors

Arshad Ali
Chairperson Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS
Email: arshad.ali@buitms.edu.pk

Syed Zaid Hassnay

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS
Email: zaid.hassnay@buitms.edu.pk

Muzammil Hussain
Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering
Email: muzammil.hussain@buitms.edu.pk

Abdul Wadood
Chairperson, Department of Social Sciences, BUITEMS
Email: abdul.wadood@buitms.edu.pk

Rabia Aijaz
CMS Functional Lead, IT Dte
Email: rabia.aijaz@buitms.edu.pk

Hafza Ashraf
CMS Functional Lead, IT Dte
Email: rabia.aijaz@buitms.edu.pk

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 7 of 98

Semester Wise Courses

1st Semester


1 667890 CHE- 102 Applied Chemistry (LEC) 2 14

2 000565 CHE- 102L Applied Chemistry (LAB) 1 14

3 667889 PHY- 205 Applied Physics (LEC) 2 15

4 666681 PHY- 205L Applied Physics (LAB) 1 15

5 000706 MATHP- 118 Calculus & Analytical Geometry (LEC) 3 16

6 667891 CS- 109 Computer Systems and Programming ( LEC) 2

7 667892 CS- 109L Computer Systems and Programming ( LAB) 1

8 666745 ENGG- 201 Engineering Drawing & Graphics (LEC) 2 18

9 667893 ENGG- 201L Engineering Drawing & Graphics (LAB) 1 18

10 000003 HUM- 163 Functional English (LEC) 3 19

Total Credit Hours in 1st Semester 18

2nd Semester


1 666757 HUM- 268 Communication Skills (LEC) 2 22

2 667963 EE- 108 Electrical Engineering (LEC) 2 23

3 667054 EE- 108L Electrical Engineering (LAB) 1 23

4 667965 MECH- 141 Engineering Mechanics: Statics (LEC) 3 25

5 666698 HUM- 101 Islamic Studies (LEC) 2 26

Linear Algebra and Differential Equation ( MATHP- 118 Calculus &

6 000762 MATHP- 170 3 28
LEC) Analytical Geometry (LEC)

7 667964 MECH- 101L Mechanical Workshop (LAB) 2 29

8 667966 MECH- 121 Thermodynamics-I (LEC) 3 30

Total Credit Hours in 2nd t Semester 18

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 8 of 98

3rd Semester


1 667972 MECH- 244 Engineering Materials and Metallurgy ( LEC) 3 33

2 667969 MECH- 241 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (LEC) 3 34

3 667970 MECH- 241L Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (LAB) 1 34

4 667975 MECH- 222 Fluid Mechanics-I (LEC) 3 35

5 000115 HUM- 102 Pakistan Studies (LEC) 2 36

6 667971 MECH- 242 Solid Mechanics-I (LEC) 3 37

7 667973 MECH- 221 Thermodynamics-II (LEC) 3 MECH- 121 Thermodynamics-I 38

8 667974 MECH- 221L Thermodynamics-II (LAB) 1 38

Total Credit Hours in 3rd Semester 19

4th Semester


1 666878 EE- 106 Basic Electronics (LEC) 2 41

2 666879 EE- 106L Basic Electronics (LAB) 1 41

MATHP- 170 Linear Algebra &

3 000708 MATHA- 213 Complex Variable & Transforms (LEC) 3 42
Diff Equ

4 667980 MECH- 223 Fluid Mechanics-II (LEC) 3 MECH- 222 Fluid Mechanics-I 45

5 667981 MECH- 223L Fluid Mechanics-II (LAB) 1 45

6 667976 MECH- 261 Machine Design & CAD-I (LEC) 2 46

7 667977 MECH- 261L Machine Design & CAD-I (LAB) 1 46

8 667978 MECH- 243 Solid Mechanics–II (LEC) 2 MECH- 242 Solid Mechanics-I 47

10 667979 MECH- 243L Solid Mechanics–II (LAB) 1 47

Total Credit Hours in 4th Semester 17

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 9 of 98

5th Semester


1 668022 MECH- 321 Heat & Mass Transfer (LEC) 3 50

2 668023 MECH- 321L Heat & Mass Transfer (LAB) 1 50

MECH- 261 Machine

3 668018 MECH- 361 Machine Design & CAD-II (LEC) 3 51

4 668019 MECH- 361L Machine Design & CAD-II (LAB) 1 51

Mathp- 170 Linear Algebra &

5 000429 MATHA- 216 Numerical Analysis (LEC) 2 52
Diff Equ
MATHA- Mathp- 170 Linear Algebra &
5 000429 Numerical Analysis (LEC) 1 52
216L Diff Equ

6 668020 MECH- 301 Precision Engineering and Metrology ( LEC) 2 53

7 668021 MECH- 301L Precision Engineering and Metrology ( LAB) 1 53

Technical Report Writing & Presentation skills

8 667253 HUM- 276 3 54

Total Credit Hours in 4th Semester 17

6th Semester


1 000235 STAT- 203 Applied Statistics (LEC) 3 57

2 668026 MECH- 303 Machine Control System (LEC) 2 58

3 668027 MECH- 303L Machine Control System (LAB) 1 58

4 668024 MECH- 302 Manufacturing Processes (LEC) 3 59

5 668025 MECH- 302L Manufacturing Processes (LAB) 1 59

6 668030 MECH- 322 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (LEC) 3 60

7 668031 MECH- 322L Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (LAB) 1 60

8 668028 MECH- 341 Theory Of Machines (LEC) 3 61

9 668029 MECH- 341L Theory Of Machines (LAB) 1 61

Total Credit Hours in 6th Semester 18

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 10 of 98

7th Semester


1 666827 ECON- 105 Engineering Economics (LEC) 2 64

2 668034 MECH- 421 Internal Combustion Engines (LEC) 2 65

3 668035 MECH- 421L Internal Combustion Engines (LAB) 1 65

4 668032 MECH- 461 Mechanical Vibrations (LEC) 3 66

5 668033 MECH- 461L Mechanical Vibrations (LAB) 1 66

6 668036 MECH- 462 Project Part-I (LAB) 3 67

7 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective I 3 76

Total Credit Hours in 7th Semester 15

8th Semester


1 668037 MECH- 463 Project Part-II (LAB) 3 71

2 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective II 3 76

3 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective III 3 76

4 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective IV 3 76

Total Credit Hours in 8th Semester 12

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 11 of 98

1st Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 12 of 98

1st Semester


1 667890 CHE- 102 Applied Chemistry (LEC) 2 14

2 000565 CHE- 102L Applied Chemistry (LAB) 1 14

3 667889 PHY- 205 Applied Physics (LEC) 2 15

4 666681 PHY- 205L Applied Physics (LAB) 1 15

5 000706 MATHP- 118 Calculus & Analytical Geometry (LEC) 3 16

6 667891 CS- 109 Computer Systems and Programming ( LEC) 2 17

7 667892 CS- 109L Computer Systems and Programming ( LAB) 1 17

8 666745 ENGG- 201 Engineering Drawing & Graphics (LEC) 2 18

9 667893 ENGG- 201L Engineering Drawing & Graphics (LAB) 1 18

10 000003 HUM- 163 Functional English (LEC) 3 19

Total Credit Hours in 1st Semester 18

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 13 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Applied Chemistry Code CHE - 102 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
This course will represent mechanical engineering students to applied nature of chemistry by learning the
fundamentals like balancing chemical equation, formulating a solution to a problem using these
equations. Furthermore this course will relate chemistry to industrial applications like processing of
Plastics, refining of fossil fuel and petroleum products, adhesive, electrochemical nature of corrosion and
its protection with paints and coatings. Treatment of waste/industrial water will also be covered. Advance
topics like Nano chemistry and its applications and chemistry involved in silicon extraction and its
applications in electronic industry will also be introduced

Course Outline
Introduction to Chemical equation and calculations. Periodic table and its trends
Thermochemistry and chemical thermodynamics. Hess’s law, Thermodynamic potentials and relations.
Industrial applications of thermochemistry. Electrochemistry and Electrolysis. Corrosion and its
protection. Batteries and Fuel Cell chemistry. Industrial chemistry introduction. Important chemicals and
their applications. Petroleum products and fuel chemistry. Lubricants, adhesive and adhesion. Carbon
Chemistry and Rubber industry. Chemistry of polymers and plastic industry. Water Chemistry
introduction. Purification and usage of Industrial water

Lab Outlines

Determination of total alkalinity of a given sample; Determination of total acidity of a given sample;
Determination of the amount of ferrous ions in a given sample: Determination of total hardness of a given
sample of water; Determination of surface tension of a given sample; Determination of coefficient of a
given sample; Determination of chloride ions in a given sample; Determination of Bicarbonate and
Carbonate ions in a given sample; Determination of turbidity in a given sample by precipitation;
Determination of turbidity in a given a sample by spectrophotometer; Plotting of titration curve and
determination of total alkalinity in a given sample; Plotting of titration curve and determination of acidity
in a given sample; Plotting a calibration curve and determination of ions present in a given sample.

Recommended Books

1. Applied Chemistry: A Textbook For Engineers And Technologists By: O.V. Roussak H. D.

Gesser: 2013 Edition: Springer

2. Chemistry, The Central Science, Theodore L. Brown Et Al. 13th Edition (2014)

3. Physical Chemistry (3rd Edt.) By Thomas Engel And Philip Reid : Prentice Hall, (2013)

4. Chemistry For Engineering Students (William H. Brown And Lawrence S. Brown), Cengage

Learning; 2 Edition (2010)

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 14 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Applied Physics Code PHY - 205 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
Introduction to Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Semiconductor Physics, Waves and Oscillation,
Optics and Laser, Space Physics.

Course Outline:
Introduction: Scientific notation and significant figures. Units in different systems. Vectors: Review of
vectors, Vector derivatives, Line and surface integrals, Gradient of scalar. Mechanics: Coordinate
systems. Motion under constant acceleration, Newton laws and their applications, Uniform circular
motion. Vortex Motion, Frictional forces. Work and energy. Potential energy, energy conservation, energy
and our environment. Electrostatics and magnetism: Coulombs law. Gauss’s law. Electric field around
conductors. Dielectrics. Magnetic fields. Magnetic force on current. Semiconductor Physics: Energy
levels in a semiconductor. Hole concept. Intrinsic and extrinsic regions. Law of mass action. P-N junction.
Waves and Oscillations: Free oscillation of systems with one degree of freedom. Classical wave
equation. Transverse modes for continuous string. Standing waves. Dispersion relation for waves. Optics
and Laser: Basic introduction to Optics and Laser. Diffraction grating. Lasers, population inversion.
Resonant cavities. Quantum efficiency. He-Ne, Ruby and CO2 lasers. Doppler effect and sonic boom.
Modern Physics: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect. Bohr theory of hydrogen atom, atomic spectra,
reduce mass, De-broglie hypothesis braggs law, electron microscope, zeeman effect, atomic nucleus,
mass energy relation, binding energy, nuclear forces and fundamental forces. Exponential decay and half

Books Recommended
1. A Textbook Of Applied Physics, Volume I, and Volume II: By A.K. Jha
2. Applied Physics for Engineers By Mehta Neeraj
3. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Applied Physics Arthur Beiser McGraw Hill
Professional, 2004
4 Applied Physics By S. Mani Naidu, Naidu S. Mani

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 15 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Calculus and Analytical Geometry Code MATHP- 118 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
To learn fundamentals of mathematics, calculus and analytical geometry

Course Outline:
Complex Numbers: Basic Operations, Graphical Representations, Polar and Exponential Forms of
Complex Numbers, De’Moivre’s Theorem with Applications.
Functions: Hyperbolic Functions and their Graphical representation, Hyperbolic and Trigonometric
identities and their relationship, Exponential Functions.
Differentiation: Differentiation and Successive Differentiation and its Applications to Rate, Speed and
Acceleration, Leibritze’s Theorem and its Applications, Equations of Tangents and Normals, Curvature,
Radius and Centre of Curvature, Maxima and Minima of Function of One Variable and its Applications,
Convexity and Concavity, Points of Inflexion, Concept of Infinite Series, Taylor’s and Mclaurin’s Series
and Expansion of Functions, Errors and Approximations and Limiting Values of Functions.
Partial Differentiation: Partial Differential Coefficient and Chain Rule, Partial Differentiation of an Implicit
Function, Total Differential, Euler’s Theorem, Applications to Small Errors and Approximations, Statement
of Taylor’s Theorem of Two Independent Variable and its Applications.
Integral Calculus: Standard Integrals, Function of a Linear Function, Integration by Substitution, by Partial
Fractions and by Parts, Integration of Trigonometric Functions, Definite Integrals and their Properties and
Reduction Formulae, Curve Tracing in Rectangular and Polar Coordinates.
Integration Applications: Volumes of Solids Of Revolution, Centroid of a Plane Figure, Centre of Gravity
of a Solid of Revolution, Lengths of Curves, Surface Revolution, Rules of Pappus, Moment of Inertia,
Radius of Gyration, Parallel Axes Theorem, Perpendicular Axes Theorem, Second Moment of Area,
Composite Figures, Centres of Pressure and Depth of Centre of Pressure.
Analytical Solid Geometry: Rectangular Co-ordinate Systems in Three Dimensions, Direction Cosines,
Plane (Straight Line) and Sphere.

Books Recommended
1. Elliott Mendelson & Frank Ayres, Schaum’s series, Calculus, McGraw Hill
2. Murray Spiegel, Schaum’s series, Complex Variables, McGraw Hill
3. Antom, H. Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Johney Wiley and Sons
4. Talpur, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Ferozsons (Latest Edition)
5. Yousuf, S.M. Mathematical Methods, Ilmi Kutab Khana (Latest Edition)

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 16 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name 1Introduction to Computer Programming Code CS - 109 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
Understand the generic principles of computer programming as applied directly to common situations.
Comprehend the procedures, algorithms, functions and processes of an appropriate computer language.
Use the knowledge both of algorithmic functions and of computer programming. Demonstrate the use of
these concepts and knowledge in the direct production of programs applied to diverse problem settings.

Course Outline:
This course covers overview of Computer Programming, Principles of Structured and Modular
Programming, Overview of Structured Programming Languages, Algorithms and Problem Solving,
Program Development:

Analyzing Problem, Designing Algorithm/Solution, Testing Designed Solution, Translating Algorithms into
Programs, Fundamental Programming Constructs, Data Types; Basics of Input and Output, Selection and
Decision (If, If-Else, Nested If-Else, Switch Statement and Condition Operator), Repetition (While and For
Loop, Do-While Loops), Break Statement, Continue Statement, Control Structures, Functions, Arrays,
Pointers, Records, Files (Input-Output), Testing & Debugging.

Recommended Books:

1. C How to Program, Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, Prentice Hall; 7th Edition (March 4, 2012)

2. Programming in C, Stephen G. Kochan, Addison-Wesley Professional; 4th edition (

3. Java How to Program, Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, Prentice Hall; 9th Eedition (March, 2011)

4. C++ How to Programme, Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, Prentice Hall; 9th Edition (February, 2013)

Note: The 1st semester intake Fall 2014 have studied the course with course outline of computer system
and programming, which was taken from the guideline of the HEC revision 2012 However the update has
been approved from the 1st Board of study of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, which will be in
practice from Fall 2015 intake onward.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 17 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Mechanical Engineering Drawing &

Course Name Code 2ENGG - 201 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
To ability to comprehend the science of Engineering Drawing so that they are able to convey their creative
ideas effectively. To provide the link from conventional 2D drawings

Course Outline:
Introduction. Types of lines, lettering, dimensioning, use of pencil and drawing instruments, planning of
drawing sheet. Projections. Types of projections, orthographic projections, plane of projections, four
quadrants, projection of points, projection of straight lines, examples with different quadrants, traces of a
line, true length of a line, inclination to both the planes, projection of oblique and auxiliary planes. Loci of
Points and Generated Curves. Loci of points and straight lines. Cycloid, epicycloid, involute, Archimedean
Development of Solids. Types of solids, polyhedral, solids of revolution, prism,
Pyramid, cylinder, cone, sphere. Intersection of Surfaces. Intersection of cylinder and cylinder, cone and
cylinder, cone and cone, cone and prism.
Projection of Solids. Projection of various solids in simple position and inclined positions.
Section of Solids. True shape of section on auxiliary plane of various solids.

Recommended Books:
1. Technical Graphics Communication By Bertoline Wiebe, Miller. Mohler, Irwin McGraw-Hill
2. Practical Geometry & Engineering Graphics By Abbot.
3. Engineering Graphics By Craft, Meyers & Boyer
4. Technical Graphics Communication, By Gary R. Bertoline and Eric N. Wiebe; McGraw-Hill
5. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics By D. F. Rogers and J. A. Adams; McGraw-Hill

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 18 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Functional English Code HUM - 163 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
To enhance language skills and develop critical thinking.

Course Outline:
Basics of Grammar, parts of speech and use of articles, sentence structure, active and passive voice,
practice in unified sentence, analysis of phrase, clause and sentence structure, transitive and
intransitive verbs, punctuation and spelling.

Comprehension: Answers to questions on a given text.

Discussion: General topics and every-day conversation (topics for discussion to be at the discretion of
the teacher keeping in view the level of students).
Listening: To be improved by showing documentaries/films carefully selected by subject teachers.
Translation skills: Urdu to English.
Paragraph writing: Topics to be chosen at the discretion of the teacher.
Presentation skills: Introduction.

Recommended Books:
1. Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet. Exercises
1. Third edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0194313492
2. Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet. Exercises
2. Third edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0194313506
3. Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Christine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise Grellet. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 0 19 435405 7 Pages 20-27 and 35-41.
4. Reading. Upper Intermediate. Brain Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19 453402 2.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 19 of 98

2nd Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 20 of 98

2nd Semester


1 666757 HUM- 268 Communication Skills (LEC) 2 22

2 667963 EE- 108 Electrical Engineering (LEC) 2 23

3 667054 EE- 108L Electrical Engineering (LAB) 1 23

4 667965 MECH- 141 Engineering Mechanics: Statics (LEC) 3 25

5 666698 HUM- 101 Islamic Studies (LEC) 2 26

Linear Algebra and Differential Equation ( MATHP- 118 Calculus &

6 000762 MATHP- 170 3 28
LEC) Analytical Geometry (LEC)

7 667964 MECH- 101 Mechanical Workshop (LEC) 2 29

8 667966 MECH- 121 Thermodynamics-I (LEC) 3 30

Total Credit Hours in 2nd t Semester 18

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 21 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Communication Skills Code HUM - 268 Credit Hours 2+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
To enable the students to meet their real life communication needs

Course Outline:
Paragraph writing: Practice in writing a good, unified and coherent paragraph
Essay writing: Introduction
CV and job applications
Translation skills: Urdu to English
Study skills: Skimming and scanning, intensive and extensive, and speed reading, summary and précis
writing and comprehension
Academic skills: Letter / memo writing and minutes of the meeting, use of library and internet recourses
Presentation skills: Personality development (emphasis on content, style and pronunciation)
Note: documentaries to be shown for discussion and review

Recommended Books:
a) Grammar
1. A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet, Practical English Grammar.
Exercises 2. Third edition. Oxford University Press 1986. ISBN 0 19 431350 6.
b) Writing
1. Marie-Chrisitine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise Grellet, Writing. Intermediate. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 019 435405 7 Pages 45-53 (note taking).
2. Rob Nolasco, Writing. Upper-Intermediate. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1992.
ISBN 0 19 435406 5 (particularly good for writing memos, introduction to presentations, descriptive and
argumentative writing).
c) Reading
1. Brian Tomlinson and Rod Ellis, Reading. Advanced. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1991. ISBN 0 19 453403 0.
2. John Langan, Reading and Study Skills
3. Riachard Yorky, Study Skills

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 22 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Electrical Engineering Code EE - 101 Credit Hours 2+1

Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
Electric and Magnetic Circuits: Electric Circuits, Kirchoff’s Laws, Superposition theorem, Substitution
theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Rosen’s theorem of star / mesh transformation, Proof
for DC circuits and their applications to circuit analysis. Magnetic Circuit, Series and parallel circuits,
Principles of calculation of ampere turns for magnetic circuits of electromagnets, Transformers, Bipolar
and multipolar DC machines. Inductances in series and parallel, Hystercsis loss, Eddy current loss, Lifting
power of a magnet.

AC Single Phase and Polyphase Systems: Single Phase systems, Series, Parallel and series parallel
circuits, J operator method and polar method. Resonance and measurement of power and power factor.
Polyphase systems, Polyphase generation, Star and delta connections, Voltage and current relations,
measurement of power and power factor, Balanced and unbalanced load analysis.

DC Machines: Construction, Simple lap and wave windings Equalizing connections and dummy coils,
Elementary concept of armature reaction and commutation, Cross and demagnetizing ampere turns. DC
Generators, Types, emf equation, Losses, Efficiency, Performance curves, Characteristics, Critical
resistance and AC Synchronous Machines: Construction, Stator single layer, Double layer and concentric
windings, Damping windings. Coil Span factor, Distribution factor, Leakage and armature reaction,
Synchronous impedance. Alternators, Types, emf equation, Speed and frequency, Losses and efficiency,
alternator on load, Voltage regulation by synchronous impedance method. Synchronous Motors, Types,
Principle of working, Vector diagram on load and its analysis for stator current, power factor, torque and
mechanical output, Effect of Variation of excitation, Losses and efficiency.

AC Induction Machines: Induction Motors, Construction, Types, Rotating field theory, Principle of
working, Slip and its effect on motor current quantities. Losses, efficiency and performance curves.
Starting, Full load and maximum torque relations, Torque slip characteristics.

Transformers: Construction, Principle of working, Emf equation, Transformation ratios, No load working
and vector diagram, magnetizing current, Vector diagram on load, Equivalent circuit, open circuit and
short circuit tests, Losses, Efficiency and performance curves, All day efficiency, Percentage and per unit

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 23 of 98

R, X and Z. Voltage regulation and Kapp’s regulation diagram. Transformer as a mutually inductive
circuit. speed and effect of armature reaction of OCC, Internal and external characteristics from OCC
neglecting and accounting armature reaction. Calculate of series ampere turns for level and over
compounding. Motors, Principle, Back EMF, Torque, Speed and speed regulation. Types,
Characteristics, Performance curves, Losses and efficiency. Speed and torque problems involving
magnetization curve, charging and ignition circuits of automobiles.

AC Synchronous Machines: Construction, Stator single layer, Double layer and concentric windings,
Damping windings. Coil Span factor, Distribution factor, Leakage and armature reaction, Synchronous
impedance. Alternators, Types, emf equation, Speed and frequency, Losses and efficiency, alternator on
load, Voltage regulation by synchronous impedance method. Synchronous Motors, Types, Principle of
working, Vector diagram on load and its analysis for stator current, power factor, torque and mechanical
output, Effect of Variation of excitation, Losses and efficiency.

Converting Machines: Rotary Converters, Construction, Principle of working, Transformer connections,

Voltage and current rations of single and three phase converters. Mercury arc rectifiers, Construction,
Operation, Transformer connections, Voltage and current ratios of single phase and three phase
rectifiers. The practical work will be based on the above course.

Books Recommended

1. Basic Electrical Engineering: Circuits, Machines, Electronics Arthur Eugene Fitzgerald McGraw-Hill
book Company, Incorporated
2. Principles of electrical engineering by Vk Mehta And Rohit Mehta
3. Basic Circuit Analysis for Electrical Engineering By Dana Constantinovici, Matthew Govindsamy
4. Basic electrical engineering in S.I. system of units By B. L.. Theraja, A. K. Theraja

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 24 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Engineering Mechanics: Statics Code MECH- 141 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To gain basic understanding of various engineering structures in equilibrium.
• To develop knowledge regarding physical phenomena in mathematical terms

Course Outline:

Force System. Force, rectangular components, moment, couples, resultant of forces, moments and
couples (two and three dimensional systems).

Equilibrium. Mechanical systems, isolation and equilibrium equations for two and three dimensional
systems. Free body diagram, two force and three force members.

Structures. Plane trusses, method of joints, method of sections, frames and machine analysis. Forces
in beams and cables

Friction. Types of friction, dry friction, applications of friction. Lab Outline:

The experiments of Engineering Mechanics-I will be conducted with Engineering Mechanics-II.

Recommended Books:
1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers by Beer and Johnston
2. Engineering Mechanics (Statics) by J. L. Meriam
3. Engineering Mechanics (Statics) by R. C. Hibbler

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 25 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Islamic Studies Code HUM - 101 Credit Hours 2+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
• To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
• To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
• To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and religious life.

Course Outline:
• Basic Concepts of Quran
• History of Quran
• Uloom-ul -Quran

Study of selected text of holly Quran

• Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith (Verse No. 284-286)
• Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18)
• Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11)
• Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No. 63-77)
• Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam (Verse No. 152-154)

Study of selected text of holly Quran

• Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No. 6, 21, 40, 56, 57, 58.)
• Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (Verse No. 18,19, 20) Related to thinking, Day of Judgment
• Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No.1,14) SEERAT OF HOLY PROPHET
(S.A.W) I
• Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (Before Prophet Hood)
• Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah
• Important Lessons derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah

Seerat of holy prophet (s.a.w) ii

• Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina
• Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina
• Important Lessons derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina

Introduction to Sunnah
• Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds of Hadith, Uloom –ul-Hadith, Sunnah & Hadith
• Legal Position of Sunnah

Selected study from text of hadith

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 26 of 98

Introduction to Islamic law and jurisprudence
• Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
• History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
• Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
• Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
• Islam and Sectarianism

Islamic culture & civilization

• Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
• Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization
• Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization
• Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues ISLAM & SCIENCE
• Basic Concepts of Islam & Science
• Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science
• Quran & Science

Islamic economic system

• Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
• Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
• Islamic Concept of Riba
• Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce

Political system of Islam

• Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System
• Islamic Concept of Sovereignty
• Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam

Islamic history
• Period of Khlaft-e-Rashida
• Period of Ummayyads
• Period of Abbasids

Social system of Islam

• Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam
• Elements of Family
• Ethical Values of Islam

Recommended Books:
1. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI, Islamabad
2. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Muslim Conduct of State”
3. Hameed ullah Muhammad, ‘Introduction to Islam
4. Mulana Muhammad Yousaf Islahi,”
5. Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf PubliCation Islamabad, Pakistan.
6. Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic
University, Islamabad (1993)
7. Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes” Islamic Book Service (1982)
8. H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep & Deep PubliCations New Delhi (1989)
9. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 27 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Linear Algebra and Differential Equation Code MATHP- 170 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Pre Requisite: MATHP-118 Calculus &

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams
Analytical Geometry

Specific Objectives:
An ability to define linear equation and identify system of linear equations and non-linear equations,
describe linear transformation and matrix of linear transformation, Eigen value problems, Solve the linear
1st order differential equations, Solve second order differential equations using different techniques,
Apply 2nd order differential equations to the variety of theoretical problems, Understand the meaning,
use and applications of the partial differential equations

Course Outline
System of Linear Equations and Matrices Introduction to System of Linear, Matrix Form of a System
of Linear Equations, Gaussian Elimination Method, Gauss-Jordan Method, Consistent and Inconsistent
Systems, Homogeneous System of Equations

Matrix Algebra: Definitions, An Algorithm for finding the Inverse of a matrix, Characterization of
Invertible Matrices, LU Factorization

Applications of Linear Systems: Traffic Flow Problems, Electric Circuit Problems, Economic Models
Linear Transformations: Introduction, Matrix Transformations, Domain and Range of Linear
Transformations, Geometric Interpretation of Linear Transformations, Matrix of Linear Transformations

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Definition of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Computations of

Eigenvalues, Properties of Eigenvalues, Diagonalization, Applications of Eigenvalues. Introduction to
Differential Equations: Introduction, Definitions and terminology, Formulations, order, degree and the
linearity of differential equation, Initial-value problems, De’s in mathematical models

First Order Differential Equations: Variables separable forms, Homogenous equations, Non-
homogenous equations, Exact equations, Linear equations, Solution by substitutions, Applications of First
Order DE’s, Modeling with the first order differential equations, Orthogonal trajectories, Population
dynamics, Applications of linear equations, Applications of non-linear equations, Exercises

Higher Order Linear Differential Equations: Introduction and preliminary theory, Initial-value and
boundary-value problems, Homogenous and non-homogenous equations, Method of undetermined
coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Power series solution, Applications of the Second Order
Differential Equations, Spring mass problems, Partial Differential Equations: Basic concepts, Vibrating
string, Wave equation, Separation of variables, Heat equation solution by separation of variables,

1. Linear Algebra And Its Applications By David C. Lay, 4th Edition

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, By Erwin Kreyszig, 8th Edition
3. Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications, H. Antone, Chris Rorres
4. Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems, Dennis. G. Zill, Michael R. Cullen, 7th

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 28 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Mechanical Workshop Code MECH- 101 Credit Hours 0+2
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To learn the basic operations of Machine, Fitting, Electric, Carpentry and Smithy shops.
• To get hands on experience on various machines.
• To learn the use various tools.

Lab Outline:

Fitting Shop. Assembly/disassembly of basic mechanical components. Wood-Work Shop. Timber and
its type, defects, and preservation methods, different types of wood joints.

Electric Shop. Types and uses of cables. Types of electric circuits, electrical appliances.

Forging & Foundry Shop. Tools and accessories, furnace types, casting.

Machine Shop. Introduction to machine tools, basic lathe operations.

Welding Shop. Soldering, brazing and welding.

Students will be assigned practical jobs in relevant shops.

Recommended Books:
1. Workshop Technology, By W. A. J Chapman Butterworth-Heinemann
2. Electrical Wiring By Richter and Schwan McGraw-Hill EduCation
3. Wiring Manual By Pak Cables Limited.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 29 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Thermodynamics-I Code MECH- 121 Credit Hours 3+0

Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To gain basic concepts of thermodynamics and its laws, conservation of energy and cycle concepts.
• Properties of working fluids

Course Outline:
Basic concepts: the system, control volume, working substance, heat and work,
state and properties, thermodynamic process and cycle, first law of
thermodynamics, ideal gas laws, equations of state, thermodynamic temperature scale, concept of open
and closed cycles
Properties of pure substances: phase diagram, use of steam tables.
Thermodynamic processes relationship: constant volume, constant pressure, constant temperature,
constant enthalpy and general law processes, steady state and steady flow process, uniform state and
uniform flow processes, steady flow energy equation and steady flow devices.
Second law of thermodynamics: definitions, applications, reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot
cycle and concept of entropy and its applications to flow and non-flow processes, enthalpy-entropy
diagrams of working fluids, thermodynamic cycles, efficiencies, and their applications, Idealized P-V and
T-S diagrams of cycles, Rankine cycle and its applications.

Recommended Books:
1. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, By Yunus A. Cengel,Michael A. Boles McGraw-Hill
2. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, By M. J. Moran and H. O. Shapiro, John Wiley &
3. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, By Sonntang, Borgnakke,Van Wylen John Wiley & Sons
4. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, By T. D. Eastop and A. McConkey

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 30 of 98

3rd Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 31 of 98

3rd Semester


Engineering Materials and Metallurgy (

1 667972 MECH- 244 3 33

2 667969 MECH- 241 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (LEC) 3 34

3 667970 MECH- 241L Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (LAB) 1 34

4 667975 MECH- 222 Fluid Mechanics-I (LEC) 3 35

5 000115 HUM- 102 Pakistan Studies (LEC) 2 36

6 667971 MECH- 242 Solid Mechanics-I (LEC) 3 37

7 667973 MECH- 221 Thermodynamics-II (LEC) 3 MECH- 121 Thermodynamics-I 38

8 667974 MECH- 221L Thermodynamics-II (LAB) 1 38

Total Credit Hours in 3rd Semester 19

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 32 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Code MECH- 244 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the appropriate use and selection of various engineering materials in
designing and manufacturing of components and associated processes.
• To acquire knowledge related to the microstructure of engineering materials

Course Outline:

Structure of Metals: Crystalline structure of metals, allotropy. Crystallographic planes, mechanisms in
metals, slip and slip systems, dislocation, twinning, yield phenomenon and strain aging, Bauchinger
Metals and Alloy Systems: Production of iron, wrought iron, cast iron. Production of steel and its
classification, ferrite, austenite, S-iron, cementite, pearlite, martensite, bainite, etc. Iron-carbon phase
diagram, alloying elements and their effect on the properties of alloy steel. Refining of copper, aluminum
and zinc. Aluminum alloys, zinc alloys, copper alloys, brass and bronzes. Metals and alloys for special
applications. Corrosion of metals anti-corrosive coatings and paints.
Material Forms and Designation: Heat treatment critical temp, transformation on heating/cooling,
annealing, normalizing, tempering, quenching, austempering, hardening, rolling processes and
production of various steel sections such a billet, bar, rod, channel, Roll load calculation, British
standards and ASTM standard specification on iron/steel.

Non Metals
Composition, properties and uses of plastics, rubber, ceramics, fiberglass, composite materials and
Polymers: Molecular structure, bonding & classification of polymer compounding, forming operations
etc., plastics.
Ceramics and refractories: Ceramic bonding, properties, ceramics material, crystalline and
amorphous, silica, glass etc., refractory materials and their types, Introduction to Composite Materials,
Material failure analysis.

Recommended Books:
1. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, By E. P Degarmo Prentice Hall
2. Process and Materials of Manufacturing By Lindberg.
3. Ceramic Science for Materials Technologist By T. J McCalm
4. Engineering with polymers By P. C. Powell Springer
5. Introduction to Engineering Materials By William F. Smith McGraw-Hill Science
6. Material Science By David Collister

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 33 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Engineering Mechanics : Dynamics Code MECH- 241 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
To gain fundamental concepts of bodies under dynamic conditions
To implement laws of motions to components / structures under the influence of forces

Course Outline:
Kinematics of Particles. Rectilinear motion, plane curvilinear motion, rectangular coordinates, normal and
tangential coordinates polar coordinates.

Kinetics of Particles. Force, mass, and acceleration, Newton’s second law of motion, equations of motion,
kinetic diagrams, rectilinear motion, curvilinear motion. Work and energy, potential energy. Impulse and
momentum, conservation of momentum.

Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies. Angular motion relations, absolute motion, relative velocity, instantaneous
centre of zero velocity, relative acceleration.

Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Force, mass, and acceleration, equation of motion, translation, fixed axis
rotation, general plane motion, work and energy relationship, impulse and momentum equation.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline of Engineering Mechanics-I & II will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
7. Vector Mechanics for Engineers (Dynamics) by Beer and Johnston
8. Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) by J. L. Meriam
9. Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) by R. C. Hibbler

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 34 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Fluid Mechanics-I Code MECH- 222 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
To introduce the basic principles of fluid mechanics.
Understanding the basic concepts in fluid static and fluid dynamics.

Course Outline:
Fluid Properties: Ideal and real fluids, viscosity and compressibility of fluids, fluid pressure, absolute, gauge
and vacuum pressures, difference between static and dynamic pressure, flow velocity and flow rate

Fluid statics: Measurement of static pressure, stagnation pressure, pressure in a fluid under the action of
gravity, homogeneous fluid, constant-velocity rotation of a liquid around-fixed axis, hydraulic circuits, force on
container wall, force on flat surfaces, force on curved surfaces, buoyancy of fluid at rest, stability of a floating
body, surface tension and capillary tubes.

Fluid dynamics: One dimensional inviscid flow (flow filament theory), equation of continuity, Euler’s equations
of motion, Bernoulli’s equation, impulse and momentum, one dimensional viscous flow, generalized Bernoulli’s
equation, flow in conduits

Dimensional analysis, similitude and its applications: Buckingham- Pi theorem, Reynolds’ law of similitude

Lab Outline:
The experiments of Fluid Mechanics-I will be conducted with Fluid Mechanics -II.

Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, By Munson, Young and Okiishi, John Wiley & Sons
2. Fluid Mechanics, By Frank M. White McGraw-Hill
3. Fluid Mechanics by Shames McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.
4. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, By Clayton T. Crowe, Donald F. Elger, John A. Roberson, John Wiley &

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 35 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Pakistan Studies Code HUM- 102 Credit Hours 2+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To develop vision of Historical Perspective, Government, Politics, Contemporary Pakistan,
ideological background of Pakistan and To study the process of governance, national
development, issues arising in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan.

Course Outline:

1. Historical Perspective
Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-
Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah,Factors leading to Muslim separatism, People and Land, Indus Civilization,
Muslim advent, LoCation and Geo-Physical features.
2. Government and Politics in Pakistan Political and constitutional phases: 1947-58, 1958-71, 1971-77,
1977-88, 1988-99, 1999 onward
3. Contemporary Pakistan: Economic institutions and issues, Society and social structure, Ethnicity
Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges, Futuristic outlook of Pakistan

Recommended Books:
1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, the Macmillan Press Ltd 1980.
2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000.
3. S. M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis. Karachi: Oxford
University Press, 1993.
4. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.
5. Wilcox, Wayne. The Emergence of Bangladesh., Washington: American Enterprise, Institute of Public
Policy Research, 1972.
6. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-e-Islamia, Club Road, nd.
7. Amin, Tahir. Ethno - National Movement in Pakistan, Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad.
8. Ziring, Lawrence. Enigma of Political Development. Kent England: WmDawson & Sons Ltd, 1980.
9. Zahid, Ansar. History & Culture of Sindh. Karachi: Royal Book Company, 1980.
10. Afzal, M. Rafique. Political Parties in Pakistan, Vol. I, II & III. Islamabad: National Institute of Historical
and cultural Research, 1998.
11. Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967.
12. Aziz, K. K. Party, Politics in Pakistan, Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural
Research, 1976.
13. Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan under Martial 15 14 Law, Lahore: Vanguard, 1987.
14. Haq, Noor ul. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective. Islamabad: National
Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1993.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 36 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Solid Mechanics-I Code MECH - 242 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To gain basic understanding of the concepts of solid mechanics and familiarize students with the
methods of analysis.
• To study the response of different engineering materials under various types of loadings.

Course Outline:
Mechanical properties of materials, tensile, compressive and shear stress & strain.

Hooke’s law, stress strain relationship

Thermal stresses, torsion of circular bars

Shearing force and bending moment, pure bending of beams, shear stresses in beams

Beam deflection using various methods, residual stresses, analysis of statically indeterminate problems, stress
concentration, thin and thick curved bars, and thin walled pressure vessels.

Lab Outline:
The experiments of Mechanics of Materials-I will be conducted with Mechanics of Materials-II.

Recommended Books:
1. Mechanics of Materials by Ferdinand P. Beer & Russel Johnston Jr. McGraw-Hill
2. Mechanics of Materials by R. C. Hibbler
3. Mechanics of Engineering Materials by P. P. Benham & R. J. Crawford Longman Sc & Tech
4. Mechanics of Materials by Popov

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 37 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Thermodynamics II Code MECH - 221 Credit Hours 3+1

Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Pre Requisite: MECH- 121

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To introduce turbo-machinery (Turbines, compressors and engines etc.)
• To study the behavior of ideal and real gas mixtures.
• Understanding of different thermodynamic systems and to deal with real-world engineering
problems in order to improve the performance of such systems.

Course Outline:
Mixture with chemical reaction: Combustion reaction equations, stoichiometric chemical reaction, air-fuel
ratio, rich and lean mixtures, enthalpy of formation.
Compressors: classification and working principles, single stage and multistage compressors, inter-cooling,
efficiencies and P-V diagrams of reciprocating compressors, velocity diagrams of centrifugal compressors,
performance characteristics and working regimes.
Boilers: generation of steam through boilers, classification and configurations of boilers and their applications,
boiler efficiencies and heat balance sheet.
Nozzles: Introduction to nozzles, flow through steam nozzle and its efficiencies, their classification working
Turbines: Steam turbine, their classification and working principles.
Introduction to internal combustion engines: Two and four-stroke engines, SI and CI engines, carburetion and
fuel injection system.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline of Thermodynamics-I & II will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, By M. J. Moran and H. O. Shapiro, J Wiley & Sons
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, By Sonntang, Borgnakke, Van Wylen John Wiley & Sons
3. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, By Yunus Cengel, Michael A. Boles McGraw-Hill
4. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, By T. D. Eastop and A. McConkey
5. Basic Engineering Thermodynamic, By Rayner Joel Prentice Hall

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 38 of 98

4th Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 39 of 98

4th Semester


1 666878 EE- 106 Basic Electronics (LEC) 2 41

2 666879 EE- 106L Basic Electronics (LAB) 1 41

MATHP- 170 Linear Algebra &

3 000708 MATHA- 213 Complex Variable & Transforms (LEC) 3 42
Diff Equ

4 668119 HUM-291 Social Anthropology (LEC) 2 43

5 667980 MECH- 223 Fluid Mechanics-II (LEC) 3 MECH- 222 Fluid Mechanics-I 45

6 667981 MECH- 223L Fluid Mechanics-II (LAB) 1 45

7 667976 MECH- 261 Machine Design & CAD-I (LEC) 2 46

8 667977 MECH- 261L Machine Design & CAD-I (LAB) 1 46

9 667978 MECH- 243 Solid Mechanics–II (LEC) 3 MECH- 242 Solid Mechanics-I 47

10 667979 MECH- 243L Solid Mechanics–II (LAB) 1 47

Total Credit Hours in 4th Semester 19

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 40 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Basic Electronics Code EE - 106 Credit Hours 2+1

Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Conduction in Solids: Introduction, mechanics of conduction, mobility. Bohr’s model for the elements, energy
level diagrams for solids, conductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, electron-hole pairs in an intrinsic
semiconductor, distribution of electron and hole in conduction and valence bands, recombination and lifetime.

Semiconductors and Diodes: Donor and acceptor impurities, Zero biased, forward biased and reverse biased
junction diodes, junction diode current equation, depletion barrier width and junction capacitance, diffusion
capacitance, Zero and Avalanche break down, Hall effect, FabriCation of pn junction, diodes.
Electron Emission Devices: Types of electron emissions, thermionic diode, volt ampere characteristics, Child
Langmuin Power Law, Gas filled diode, Thermionic triode, Parameters and characteristics, Tetrode, Pentode,
and beam power tubes , Parameters and characteristics.

Simple Diode Circuits and Applications: Mathematical and graphical analysis of diode circuits, The ideal
and non ideal diodes, Piecewise linear models, Analysis of piecewise linear models of vacuum tube and
junction diodes, The half wave rectifier. The inductance filter, The inductance capacitance filter circuits, Zener
and gas diode, Voltage regulator circuits, Clamping and DC restorer circuits, Voltage doubler circuits, Clipping
and limiting circuits.

Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors: Transistor biasing and thermal stabilization, The operating point, Bias
stability, Collector to base bias, Fixed bias, Emitter feedback bias, Stabilization for the self biased circuits, Field
effect transistors, Basic principles and theory, Types, FET characteristics, Different configurations-common
gate, Common source and common drain, The FET, small signal model, Parameters, Biasing of the FET.
Amplifier Circuits: Introduction “h” parameters, Hybrid model for transistor, Elementary treatment, Low
frequency transistor amplifier circuits, Stage cascaded LF

Lab Outline: Study of DC series circuits, parallel circuits, Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, current divider
theorem, voltage divider theorem, network theorems, simple RLC circuits, transformer operation, and
simulation of basic electrical circuits using PSPICE.

Reference Books
1. Electronic Devices 6th edition, By Floyd , Prentice Hall
2. Electronic Principles By Malvino,A.Paul, Mc Graw Hill
3. Principles of Electronics By V K Mehta & Rohit Mehta, S.Chand Company

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 41 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Complex Variable & Transforms II Code MATHA - 213 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Pre Requisite: Mathp- 170 Linear

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams
Algebra & Diff Equ

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Course Objectives:

To discuss the complex number system, different types of complex functions, analytic properties of complex
numbers, theorems in complex analysis to carryout various mathematical operations in complex plane, roots
of a complex equation. To discuss limits, continuity, differentiability, contour integrals, analytic functions and
harmonic functions. Cauchy–Riemann equations in the Cartesian and polar coordinates, Cauchy’s integral
formula, Cauchy–Goursat theorem, convergence of sequence and series, Taylor series, Laurents series.
4.Integral transforms with a special focus on Laplace integral transform. Fourier transform:

Course Outline

Introductory Concepts : Introduction to Complex Number System, Argand diagram, De Moivre’s theorem and
its Applications Problem Solving Techniques

Analyticity of Functions – Complex and Analytical Functions, Harmonic Function, Cauchy-Riemann Equations.
Cauchy’s theorem and Cauchy’s Line Integral. Singularities, Poles, Residues. Contour Integration.

Singularities –Laplace transform – Laplace transform definition, Laplace transforms of elementary functions
Properties of Laplace transform, Periodic functions and their Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transform
and its properties, Convolution theorem, Inverse Laplace transform by integral and partial fraction methods,
Heaviside expansion formula, Solutions of ordinary differential equations by Laplace transform, Applications of
Laplace transforms

Fourier series and Transform – Fourier theorem and coefficients in Fourier series, Even and odd functions,
Complex form of Fourier series, Fourier transform definition, Fourier transforms of simple functions, Magnitude
and phase spectra, Fourier transform theorems, Inverse Fourier transform,

Solution of Differential Equations– Series solution of differential equations, Validity of series solution, Ordinary
point, Singular point, Forbenius method, Indicial equation, Bessel’s differential equation, its solution of first kind
and recurrence formulae, Legendre differential equation and its solution, Rodrigues formula

Recommended Books:

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Krevszig E., John Wiley & Sons, 9th edition.

2. Complex Variables and Applications by Brown J. W. and Churchill R. V., McGraw-Hill, 7th edition.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 42 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Social Anthropology Code HUM - 207 Credit Hours 2+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
The students are expected to learn anthropological skills for applications by professional engineers and other
related practitioners. Societal growth needs are to be understood within our own cultural environment. Such
a body of applied knowledge will result in improving the professional performance of would-be engineers. As
culture and society play an important role towards all human activities, this course will help students relate
technical skills to the societal needs and requirements.

Course Outline:
I Introduction
• Anthropology and Social Anthropology
• Fields of Anthropology
• Anthropological Research Methods
• Social Anthropology and other Social Sciences
• Significance of Social Anthropology
II Culture
• Definition, Properties and Taxonomy
• Evolution of Growth and Culture
• Evolution of Man: Religious and Modern Perspectives
• Evolution of Culture
• Culture and Personality
III Evolution and Growth of Culture
• Evolution of Man
• Schools of Thought in Cultural Anthropology
• Acculturation
• Enculturation
• Ethnocentrism and Xenocentrism
IV Language and Culture
• Communication
• Structural Linguistics
• Historical Linguistics
• Relationship between Language and Culture
• Ethnography
V Economic System
• Global Economic System
• The AlloCation of Resources
• The Conversion of Resources
• The Distribution of Goods and Services
Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 43 of 98
• Poverty and Inequality
VI Marriage and Family
• Marriage and Mate Selection
• The Family: Types and Functions
• Kinship System
• Structure and Function of Family
• Gender Relations
VII Political Organization
• Political Sociology
• Origin of Political Organization and Organizational System
• Types of Political Organizations
• Power Politics and Factionalism in Pakistan
• Resolution of Conflict
VIII Religion and Magic
• The Universality of Religion
• Comparative Religions
• Religion and Society
• Religious Beliefs and Practices
• Witchcraft and Sorcery
IX Culture Change
• Forms of Art
• Expressive Culture
• Process of Cultural Change
• Cultural Change in the Modern World
• Cultural Change in Pakistani society
Recommended Books:
1. Ahmad, Akbar S. 1990. Pakistani Society, Karachi, Royal Books Co.
2. Bernard, H. Russel. 1994. Research Methods in Anthropology, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches.
London: Sage PubliCations
3. Bodley, John H. 1994. Cultural Anthropology, California: Mayfield Publishing Co.
4. Brogger, Jan. 1993. Social Anthropology and the Lonely Crowd. New Delhi: Reliance Publishing
5. Ember, Carol R. & Ember Melvin. 2005. Anthropology, 11th ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Ince. Harper and
6. Harris Marvin. 1987. Cultural Anthropology. New York: Harper and Row
7. Harris Marvin. 1985. Culture, People, nature; An Introduction to General Anthropology London: Harper and Row
8. Haviland, W. A. (2005). Anthropology: The Human Challenge. New York, Thomson Learning Inc.
9. Hertzler J. O. 1981. The Social Structure of Islam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
10. Keesing, Roger m. 1998. Cultural Anthropology: A contemporary perspective. 3rd ed. New York: Harcourt Brace
College Publishers.
11. Kottak, Conard Phillip. 2002. Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity. 9th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill
Higher EduCation.
12. Kennedy, Charles H. 1992. Pakistan London: Westview Press.
13. Marron, Stanley. 1057. Pakistani Society and Culture. New Heaven
14. Wilson, Richard A. 1996. Human Rights, Culture and Context: Anthropological Perspective. London: Pluto

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 44 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Fluid Mechanics - II Code MECH - 223 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Pre Requisite: MECH- 222 Fluid

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the working of Turbo-machinery (Pumps, Turbines, etc.)
• To understand and use boundary layer and differential equations to determine parameters in internal and
external flows.
• Understand the concept of Non-Newtonian flows.
• To study compressible flow

Course Outline:
Two and three dimensional ideal fluid flow
Potential flow, circulation, stream function and velocity potential, uniform flow, two dimensional source and
sink, vortex, the doublet, lift and drag forces.
Two and three dimensional viscous fluid flow
Navier stokes equations of motion, two dimensional flow between parallel plates, flow in a circular pipe, creep
flow, Reynold’s equation, hydrodynamic lubriCation in journal bearing.

Boundary layer theory

Boundary layer theory, laminar & turbulent boundary layers, boundary layer control, airfoil cascades.

Fluid machinery
Similarity relations for turbo machines, specific speed, classification of turbo machines, impulse turbines,
reaction turbines, hydraulic jacks, pumps and their performance curves.
Computational fluid dynamics
Introduction, numerical operations for differentiation and integration, programming procedure, simple exercise

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline of Fluid Mechanics-I & II will be covered in the Lab class.
Recommended Books:

1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, By Munson, Young and Okiishi John Wiley & Sons
2. Fluid Mechanics, By Frank M. White, McGraw-Hill
3. Fluid Mechanics, By Shames, McGraw-Hill.
4. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, By Clayton T. Crowe, Donald F. Elger, John A. Roberson, John Wiley

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 45 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Machine Design & CAD – 1 Code MECH - 261 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To design common machine elements and to gain experience in solving design problems.
• To prepare professional quality solutions and effectively communicate the results of analysis and design.

Course Outline:
• Basic criteria of design of machine parts
• Determination of permissible and actual stresses, factor of safety, design of keys, cotters, and
couplings, Design of brakes and clutches, flywheel
• Design of welded, riveted and bolted joints
• Design of translation screws
• Design codes and standards, tolerances, standards of fits & tolerances
• Fundamentals of CAD.

Lab Outline:
• Two & Three Dimensional modeling of machine components using CAD software.

Recommended Books:
1. Mechanical Engineering Design, By J. E. Shigley, McGraw-Hill
2. Machine Design, An Integrated Approach, By R L Norton, McGraw-Hill.
3. Design of Machine Elements, By M. F. Spotts, Prentice Hall
4. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, By R. C. Juvinall & K. M. Marshek, John Wiley
5. Related CAD software user’s guide

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 46 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Solid Mechanics - II Code MECH - 243 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Pre Requisite: MECH- 242 Solid

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To gain advanced understanding of the mechanical behavior of materials such as plastic deformation.
• Study of 3-D stress analysis

Course Outline:
Analysis of stress and strain in two and three dimensions, principal stresses and strains
Mohr’s circle for stress and strain, thick walled cylinders
Symmetrical and asymmetrical loading
Introduction to fracture mechanics, impact loading, fatigue and creep, virtual work, theories of failure.
Theory of columns.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline of Mechanics of Materials-I & II will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Mechanics of Materials by Ferdinand P. Beer & Russel Johnston Jr.McGraw-Hill
2. Mechanics of Materials by R. C. Hibbler
3. Mechanics of Engineering Materials by P. P. Benham & R. J. Crawford Longman Sc & Tech
4. Mechanics of Materials by Popov

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 47 of 98

5th Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 48 of 98

5th Semester


1 668022 MECH- 321 Heat & Mass Transfer (LEC) 3 50

2 668023 MECH- 321L Heat & Mass Transfer (LAB) 1 50

MECH- 261 Machine

3 668018 MECH- 361 Machine Design & CAD-II (LEC) 3 51

4 668019 MECH- 361L Machine Design & CAD-II (LAB) 1 51

Mathp- 170 Linear Algebra

5 000429 MATHA- 216 Numerical Analysis (LEC) 2 52
& Diff Equ

6 MATHA- 216L Numerical Analysis (LAB) 1

7 668020 MECH- 301 Precision Engineering and Metrology (LEC) 2 53

8 668021 MECH- 301L Precision Engineering and Metrology (LAB) 1 53

Technical Report Writing & Presentation skills

9 667253 HUM- 276 3 54

Total Credit Hours in 5th Semester 17

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 49 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Heat & Mass Transfer Code MECH - 321 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• Understanding of basic principles of heat & mass transfer involved in thermo-fluids as well as another
related fields.
• To design main mechanical component of industries e.g. heat exchanger, boilers, condensers,

Course Outline:

Conduction: Heat equation, Fourier’s law, one dimensional steady state heat conduction through plane and
composite walls, cylinders and spheres with and without heat generating sources, critical thickness of
insulation, heat transfer through extended surfaces, transient conduction, lumped capacitance method.

Convection: Newton’s law of cooling, boundary layer, natural (free) and forced convection heat transfer.
coefficient of heat transfer for free and forced convection, effects of laminar, transition and turbulent flow on
coefficient of heat transfer, flow over flat plates, heat transfer for flow through pipes and ducts, non-dimensional
parameters related to heat transfer and their applications. Shear stresses, friction coefficient for fully developed
flow, Reynolds analogy, heat transfer with phase change, boiling, condensation.

Radiation: Stefan Boltzmann’s law, black body radiation, absorptivity, reflectivity, transmissivity. Wien’s
Displacement law, Kirchoff’s law, gray body radiation. Radiation shape factor and its applications.

Mass transfer: Ficks law and its applications, analogy between momentum, heat and mass transfer.

Heat exchangers: Classification, overall heat transfer coefficient. LMTD and NTU methods.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer By Incropera & DeWitt, John Wiley & Sons
2. Heat Transfer, A Practical Approach By Y. A. Cengel, McGraw-Hill
3. Heat Transfer By J. P. Holman, McGraw-Hill
4. Elements of Heat Transfer by Frank Keith, International Text Books Co

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 50 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Machine Design & CAD-II Code MECH - 361 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Pre Requisite: MECH- 261 Machine

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To design common machine elements and to gain experience in solving design problems.
• To prepare professional quality solutions and to effectively communicate the results of analysis and

Course Outline:
Kinematics, force analysis and design of spur, helical, bevel & worm gears, design of rolling contact bearings,
hydrodynamic theory of lubrication, journal bearings, mechanical springs, design of belts, ropes and chains,
design of shafts. Introduction to experimental stress analysis. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis.

Lab Outline:
Assembly modelling and generation of engineering drawings using related CAD software. Use of Finite Element
Analysis software to solve related engineering problems.

Recommended Books:
1. Mechanical Engineering Design, By J. E. Shigley, McGraw-Hill
2. Machine Design, An Integrated Approach, By R L Norton, McGraw-Hill.
3. Design of Machine Elements, By M. F. Spotts, Prentice Hall
4. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, By R. C. Juvinall & K. M. Marshek, John Wiley
5. Related CAD and FEA software user’s guide

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 51 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Numerical Analysis Code MATHA - 216 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Pre Requisite: Mathp- 170 Linear

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams
Algebra & Diff Equ

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
To enable the students appreciate the significance of numerical methods for solving engineering problems.
Course Contents:

Preliminaries of Computing a) Basic concepts: round-off errors, floating point arithmetic, Convergence.

Numerical solution of Non linear Equations a) Bisection method, fixed-point iteration, Newton’s method. b)
Error analysis for Iterative Methods. c) Computing roots of polynomials. Interpolation and Polynomial
Approximation a) Lagrange Polynomial b) Divided Differences c) Hermite Interpolation. Numerical integration
and differentiation a) Trapezoidal rule, etc., Gaussian quadrature and Euler-Maclaurin formula.

Applied Linear Algebra a) Direct methods for solving linear systems, numerical factorizations. b) Eigenvalue
problems. IVP problems for ODE a) Euler’s, Taylor, Runge-Kutta, and multistep methods, Stability.
Numerical linear algebra a) Direct methods b) Iterative methods. Approximation theory a) Least square
approximation. Approximating Eigenvalues a) Power method, Householder’s method. BVP for ODE a)
Shooting methods.

Lab part of the course be presented by use of the programming in Mat Lab.

Recommended Books:

1. Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis, 9th Edition.

2. Numerical Methods in Engineering With MATLAB® Jaan Kiusalaas
3. Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Excel Third Edition Steven T. Karris

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 52 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Precision Engineering and Metrology Code MECH - 301 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the methods and principles of instrumentations of various systems.
• To learn the basic method to measure various parameters.

Course Outline:
Significance of measurement, planning of experiments, general measurement system, calibration, static and
dynamic measurement sensitivity, range, accuracy precision, repeatability, and uncertainty of instruments,
measurement errors, instruments for measurement of length, force, torque, strain, frequency, pressure, flow,
and temperature. Introduction to data acquisition systems, A/D and D/A converters.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Measurement Systems Applications and Design, By E. Doeblin, McGraw Hill
2. Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, By R. Figliola, And D. Beasley, John Wiley.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 53 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Technical Report Writing & Presentation skills Code HUM - 276 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
This course aims to develop the principles of technical writing that will give it a logical base – appealing to both
the technical or non-technical reader. Our expert course leader will train writers to be efficient and logical in
their use of words, ensuring that the purpose of each component is understood and achieved.
And finally, this course will teach you how to make business presentations with authority and assurance. How
to clearly define the subject matter; how to inform and convince; and how to convey your message clearly and
to the point

Course Outline:
• The elements of the writing process
• The different modes of writing
• The specific elements of technical writing
• Achieving clarity and coherence in their technical writing
• Academic writing: How to write a proposal for research paper/term paper, How to write a research
paper/term paper (emphasis on style, content, language, form, clarity, consistency)
• The various types of reports utilized in an organization
• The different elements of a technical report: how to organise segments, and how to achieve emphasis
and clarity through use of headings, fonts, bullets, and other devices available.
• Structure a technical presentation to gain maximum effect
• Develop a formalized presentation
• Effective presentation skills – project control and confidence
Note: Extensive reading is required for vocabulary building

Recommended Books:
1. A Practical Guide to Technical Reports and Presentations: Elizabeth Hildinger, Paula Bary Kahn, Eric
2. Engineers' Guide to Technical Writing By Kenneth G. Budinski
3. Communication Skills: For Engineers and Scientists By Sangeeta Sharma, Binod Mishra
4. Writing for Engineers: Joan Van Emden, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
5. John Langan, College Writing Skills by, McGraw Hill, 2004
6. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, Patterns of College Writing. St. Martin’s Press, 4th edition
7. Ron White, Writing. Advanced. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19 435407
3 (particularly suitable for discursive, descriptive, argumentative and report writing).
8. John Langan, College Writing Skills. McGraw-Hill Higher EduCation. 2004.
9. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, Patterns of College Writing (4th edition) by. St. Martin’s

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 54 of 98

6th Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 55 of 98

6h Semester


1 000235 STAT- 203 Applied Statistics (LEC) 3 57

2 668026 MECH- 303 Machine Control System (LEC) 2 58

3 668027 MECH- 303L Machine Control System (LAB) 1 58

4 668024 MECH- 302 Manufacturing Processes (LEC) 3 59

5 668025 MECH- 302L Manufacturing Processes (LAB) 1 59

6 668030 MECH- 322 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (LEC) 3 60

7 668031 MECH- 322L Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (LAB) 1 60

8 668028 MECH- 341 Theory Of Machines (LEC) 3 61

9 668029 MECH- 341L Theory Of Machines (LAB) 1 61

Total Credit Hours in 6th Semester 18

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 56 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Applied Statistics Code STAT - 203 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives of course:

• To learn techniques of statistical analysis of the data and probability.

Course Outline:

Presentation of Data: Classification, tabulation, classes, graphical representation, histograms, frequency

polygons, frequency curves and Control Charts
Measures of Central Tendency: Means: Arithmetic Mean (A.M), Geometric Mean (GM), Harmonic Mean (HM),
and their properties, Weighted mean, median, quartiles, mode and their relations, Merits and demerits of

Measures of Dispersion: Range, moments, skewness, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation,
variance and its coefficients, kurtosis.
Curve Fitting: Goodness of fit, Fitting a straight line, parabola, cubic Equation. Simple Regression: Scatter
diagram, linear regression and correlation.

Probability: Definitions, sample space, events. Laws of probability, conditional probability, Dependent and
independent events

Random Variable: Introduction, distribution function, discrete random variable and its probability distribution,
Continuous random variable and its probability density function, Mathematical expectation of a random
variable, Moment generating functions.

Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson, uniform, exponential and normal distribution functions and its
approximation to Poisson distribution.

Recommended Books:
1. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers Sixth Edition Douglas C. Montgomery

2. Statistical methods for engineers by McCuen, Richard Prentice Hall

3. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences JAY DEVORE

4. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Anthony Hayter

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 57 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Machine Control System Code MECH- 303 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude & attentiveness: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams
Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To gain basic understanding and implementation of various control systems
• To learn mathematical modeling of various systems
Course Outline: Basic concepts System, control system, input, output, open-loop and closed loop control
systems, elements of a general control system, examples of control system.

Mathematical modeling of physical system: Operational notation, grounded chair representation, series
parallel, laws, equations of motion for spring mass damper systems, levered system, rotational system,
geared system, electrical components and R. L. C circuits, electrical analogies for mechanical systems, scale
factors, thermal systems and fluid system.
Transfer functions and systems response: Review of Laplace transform, impulse, step and ramp functions,
concept of transfer functions of common components, block diagram algebra, signal flow graphs, impulse, step,
and ramp response of first and second order systems, characterization of response (time constant, gain,
overshoot, rise time, settling time, steady state error, etc.) relation of system response to loCation of system
poles and zeros.
Stability of control system: Concept of stability, Routh Hurwitz criterion, root locus methods and its use in
control System design, digital control.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Automatic Control Systems, By B. C. Kuo, F. Golnaraghi, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Modern Control System, By Richard C. Dorf, Prentice Hall.
3. Automatic Control, By J. J. Distofano et al.
4. Automatic Control, By Francis H. Raven.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 58 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Manufacturing Processes Code MECH- 302 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand various manufacturing processes.
• To get hands on experience on various types of machine tools.
• To apply effectively various manufacturing techniques/operations used in broad spectrum of engineering
and manufacturing companies.

Course Outline:
Forming & shaping processes and equipment, material removal, cutting tools, machining processes for
producing various shapes, extrusion and drawing, sheet metal forming, forming & shaping plastics & composite
materials, joining process & equipment, solid state welding process, metal casting process & equipment:
powder metallurgy, surface treatment, non-conventional machining process, jigs & fixtures.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, By M. P. Groover John Wiley & Sons
2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology By Kalpakjian Prentice Hall
3. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing By E. P Degarmo Prentice Hall
4. Process and Materials of manufacture By F. A Lindberg.
5. Introduction to Manufacturing Process By John Aschey.
6. Manufacturing Process By B. H Amstead, P. F Ostwald.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 59 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Code MECH- 322 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand refrigeration systems.
• To develop basic ideas about cycle analysis and designing parameters pertaining to refrigeration and air
conditioning systems
• To deal with the problems related to architectural, building services, HVAC, equipment

Course Outline:

Refrigeration cycles: Reversed Carnot and Joule Cycles, vapour compression and vapour absorption
systems, COP, pressure- enthalpy chart, types of refrigerants, air cycle refrigeration, multiple effect
compression, multi-stage compression, heat pumps

Air conditioning: Indoor and outdoor air conditions, comfort conditions and comfort zone, indoor air quality,

Central air-conditioning system: Essential components of central air-conditioning plant, water chiller and
water heater, air handling unit, chilled water and hot water recirculation system, return air supply system,
fresh air supply system air mixture chamber, supply fan, air dust cleaning and bacteria removal, air supply
and air return terminals, diffusers and grilles, CFM rating and tons of air-conditioning of a central air-
conditioning plant.

Load calculation and system design: Cooling and heating load calculation procedures, duct sizing and
piping design, pumps and fans selection, air ventilation: calculation of fresh air supply of a multi-story
building, air handling unit for untreated fresh air, forced convection based air ventilator design.

Lab Outline: Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Analysis and Design, By McQuiston, Parker and Spitler John
Wiley & Sons
2. Heating and Cooling of Buildings, By Ed. Kreider, Curtiss & Rabl McGraw-Hill
3. Principles of Refrigeration, By Dossat, R. J., John Wiley
4. HVAC Systems Design Handbook, By Haines, Roger W. Wilson, Lewis McGraw-Hill Companies
5. ASHRAE Handbook

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 60 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Mechanics of Machines Code MECH- 341 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the mechanics and mechanisms involved in various machine elements
• To learn the applications of various machine components.

Course Outline:
Simple mechanism, screw threads and efficiency, friction of pivot, collar and conical bearing, cone, plate and
centrifugal clutch, belts and rope drives, chains and sprockets, bands and shoe brakes, governors, effort and
power, sensitivity, controlling force and stability, gyroscope, geometry of gears, gear trains, dynamometers.
Linkages: synthesis and analysis, position, velocity and acceleration analysis, turning moment diagram,
flywheels, cam and follower, steering gears, balancing.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, By J. E. Shigley & Uicker, McGraw-Hill
2. Mechanism Design, By Erdman and Sanders, McGraw-Hill.
3. Principles of Mechanisms, By F. Dyson, Oxford University Press.
4. Theory of Machines, By W.G. Green Blackie & Son.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 61 of 98

7th Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 62 of 98

7th Semester


1 666827 ECON- 105 Engineering Economics (LEC) 2 64

2 668034 MECH- 421 Internal Combustion Engines (LEC) 2 65

3 668035 MECH- 421L Internal Combustion Engines (LAB) 1 65

4 668032 MECH- 461 Mechanical Vibrations (LEC) 3 66

5 668033 MECH- 461L Mechanical Vibrations (LAB) 1 66

6 668036 MECH- 462 Project Part-I (LAB) 3 67

7 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective I 3 76

Total Credit Hours in 7th Semester 15

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 63 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Engineering Economics Code ECON - 105 Credit Hours 2+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives of course:

. To introduce the fundamentals of engineering economics.
. To enable students to perform economic analysis of different projects.

Course Outline:
Fundamentals of Engineering Economics: Basic concepts and principles of Economics, Micro-economics
theory, the problems of financial scarcity, Basic concept of Engineering Economy, Consumer and Producer
goods, Goods and services, Price-supply-demand-relationship, Equilibrium, Elasticity of demand & supply,
Measures of economic worth, Non-monitory values, Theory of pricing, Theory of production and laws of return.
Capital Financing and AlloCation: Funding, funding agencies and planning commission, Capital Budgeting,
AlloCation of capital among independent projects, financing with debt capital, Financing with equity capital,
Trading on equity, Financial leveraging
Business Organization and Industrial Relationship: Types of ownership, types of stocks, partnership and
joint companies, Banking and Specialized credit institution; Labour problems, labour organization, prevention
and settlement of disputes, Markets, competition and monopoly.
Linear Programming: Mathematical statement of linear programming problems, Graphic solution Simplex
procedure, Duality problem
Depreciation and Taxes: Depreciation concept. Economic life, Methods of depreciation, Profit and returns on
capital, productivity of capital, Gain (loss) on the disposal of an asset, depreciation as a tax shield
Selection between Alternatives: Time value of money and financial rate of return, present value, future value
and annuities, Rate of Return Analysis, Incremental Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Payback Period,
Sensitivity and Breakeven Analysis, alternatives having different lives, making of buy decisions and
replacement decisions.

Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Engineering Economics and Decision Analysis By David Whitman, Ronald E. Terry
2. Engineering Economy by William G. Sullivan, James A. Bontadelli, Elin M. Wicks
3. Contemporary Engineering Economics by Chan S. Park Schaums Outline of Engineering Economics
4. Jose Sepulveda, William E. Souder, Byron S. Gottfried

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 64 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Internal Combustion Engines Code MECH- 421 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To learn the working principles of various types of internal combustion engines, their components,
performance and their applications
• To gain the knowledge of internal combustion engines emissions on environment
• To understand the use of alternative fuels

Course Outline:
Engine classification, working principles of SI and CI engines, working principle of turbo-charged engine, its
performance characteristics. Testing and performance characteristics of petrol and diesel engines under
variable conditions of load and speed, knocking characteristics, ignition advance and retard, pressure-crank
angle diagram, combustion phases of SI and CI engines.
Engine emissions and their control through in-cylinder and out-cylinder techniques, exhaust gas recirculation
(EGR) system, thermal reactor and Course IDalytic converters, EFI engines and advantages over conventional
petrol engine, engine performance under part-load conditions, introduction to dual fuel engines, alternative
fuels, engine lubriCation and lubricants.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals By J. B. Heywood McGraw-Hill
2. Introduction to I. C. Engines By Richard Stone Palgrave Macmillan
3. Internal combustion engines By C-F Taylor. MIT Press

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 65 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Mechanical Vibrations Code MECH- 461 Credit Hours 3+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To determine the effect of vibration on the performance and safety of systems.
• To control the effects of vibration.

Course Outline:
Oscillatory motion: Elements of vibrating system, harmonic motion.
Single degree of freedom systems: equation of motion: Newton’s method, energy method, finding natural
frequencies, Rayliegh method and Holzer method, Two degree of freedom systems: normal modes of vibration,
coordinate coupling, forced harmonic vibration, vibration absorber, vibration damper, orthogonality conditions.
Vibration of elastic bodies: free and forced vibration of cables and uniform bars, free and forced lateral
vibrations of simply supported thin beams, torsional vibration of circular shafts with single rotor and two rotors,
critical speed of rotating shafts.

Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the course outline mentioned above will be covered in the Lab class.

Recommended Books:
1. Mechanical Vibrations: Theory & Applications, By W. T. Thompson Prentice Hall
2. Mechanical Vibrations, By S. S. Rao. McGraw-Hill
3. Elements of Vibration Analysis By L. Meirovitch, McGraw-Hill
4. Vibration for Engineers By Endrew Dimargonas, Prentice Hall

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 66 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Project Part I Code MECH- 462 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Project Part I include the proposal writing, Group making and approval process through presentation to group
of experts as advised by the chairman department of mechanical engineering before mid term examinations
The project plan and 25% of the complete work is required to be submitted by the students to the respective

Project Meetings, Discussion and project work is to be checked for progress monitoring of the project through
out the semester as and when required and decided by the department, with mutual consent.

Evaluation Criteria
Project Proposal submission before midterm Exams: 25%
Report Submission in Final Semester: 50%
Sessional: 25%

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 67 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Technical Elective I Code MECH- XXX Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

See the list of courses available in the Technical Elective Section of this document

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 68 of 98

8th Semester

BS Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 69 of 98

8th Semester


1 668037 MECH- 463 Project Part-II (LAB) 3 71

2 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective II 3 76

3 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective III 3 76

4 XXXXXX MECH-XXX Technical Elective IV 3 76

Total Credit Hours in 8th Semester 12

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 70 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Project Part II Code MECH- 463 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Project Part II will be monitored through the similar scheme as presented in project part I, the only difference
is the evaluation of project part II will comprise of Final project report after appearing in project defense
presenation and subsequent approval. Three copies of the project report is required for submission. (One for
Department, One copy for project supervisor and one copy for Central Library)

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 71 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Technical Elective II Code MECH- XXX Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

See the list of courses available in the Technical Elective Section of this document

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 72 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Technical Elective III Code MECH- XXX Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

See the list of courses available in the Technical Elective Section of this document

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 73 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Technical Elective IV Code MECH- XXX Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

See the list of courses available in the Technical Elective Section of this document

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 74 of 98

Technical Electives

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 75 of 98

List of Technical Electives:

(ME-431) Renewable Energy Technology

(ME-432) Heating Ventilation & Air-conditioning (HVAC)

(ME-433) Gas Dynamics

(ME-434) Aerodynamics

(ME-435) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

(ME-413) Finite Element Methods (FEM)

(ME-421) Maintenance Engineering

(ME-422) Introduction to Mechatronics

(ME-423) Automation and Robotics

(ME-414) Tribology

(ME-436) Nuclear Engineering

(ME-437) Power Plants

(ME-415) Mechanical Engineering Design Analysis

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 76 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Renewable Energy Technology Code MECH - 425 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand exploration of various energy sources.
• To understand the concepts of energy conversion systems
• To implement the ways of energy conservation and management.
Course Outline:
Introduction to types of renewable energy, solar energy, tidal wave and geothermal energy, biomass energy,
fuel cell and heat pump systems, energy efficiency issues and energy storage, potential of using renewable
energy resources as supplement of conventional energy resources.
Renewable and non-renewable energies used as hybrid energy systems, modern renewable energy plants.

Wind energy, wind turbine design specifiCations, compatible electric generators and major operational, wind
mills design usage for pumping water.
Biomass energy conversion methods, detailed description of synthetic gas, biodiesel, biomass and biogas,
operational and maintenance problems and their remedies.
Recommended Books:
1. Renewable Energy, By Godfrey Boyle, Oxford University Press
2. Renewable Energy Resources, By john Twidell, Tony Weir, Spon Press
3. Renewable Energy Conversion, Transmission and Storage, By Bent Sorensen

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 77 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Heating Ventilation & air Conditioning (HVAC) Code MECH - 432 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Course Outline:

Introduction, definition and basic terminology. Refrigeration cycles: vapor compression cycle, COP, pressure-
enthalpy chart, types of refrigerants, air cycle refrigeration, vapor absorption system. Air conditioning: Indoor
and outdoor air conditions, comfort conditions and comfort zone, indoor air quality. psychrometry, Central air-
conditioning system, essential components of central airconditioning plant, water chiller and water heater, air
handling unit, chilled water and hot water recirculation system, return air supply system, fresh air supply system
air mixture chamber, supply fan. Air dust. leaning and bacteria removal, air supply and air return terminals,
diffusers and grilles, CFM rating and tons of air-conditioning of a central air-conditioning plant. Cooling load
and heating load calculation procedures, duct sizing and piping design, pumps and fans selection. Air
ventilation: calculation of fresh air supply of a multi story building, air handling unit for untreated fresh air, dust
and bacteria removal systems, forced convection based air ventilator design.

Recommended Books:
1. Heat, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Analysis and Design, 6th Edition By McQuiston, Parker and Spitler
HTJohn Wiley & SonsTH
2. Heating and Cooling of Buildings 2nd Edition By Ed. Kreider, Curtiss & Rabl McGraw-Hill
3. HVAC Systems Design Handbook 3rd Edition By Haines, Roger W. Wilson, Lewis McGraw-Hill Companies;
4. ASHRAE Handbook

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 78 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Gas Dynamics Code MECH - 433 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the applications of mechanics and thermodynamics to a variety of compressible fluid
problems, both practical and theoretical.
• Emphasis is placed on understanding physical mechanisms and the use of computer simulations to
understand unsteady compressible flows and pressure waves in fluids.
Course Outline:
Basic governing laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, limitations. Sub-sonic and supersonic
gas flow. Mach number and Mach angle. Isentropic Flow and Applications; Operation of nozzles under
varying pressure ratios. Normal and oblique shocks, Prandtl-Meyer compression and expansion with
applications. Rayleigh flow and Fanno flow, Busemann’s shock polar diagram.
Recommended Books:
1. Gas Dynamics, By M. J. Zucrow and J. D. Hoffman, Wiley. John Wiley & Sons, 1976
2. The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow (Volume 1), 1st Edition By A. H.
Shapiro, Ronald Wiley
3. Gas Dynamics, 2nd Edition By J. E. John, Allyn and Bacon.
4. Compressible Flow By B. W. Imrie

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 79 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Aerodynamics Code MECH - 434 Credit Hours 3+0

Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the concepts in incompressible airfoil theory, including symmetric and cambered airfoils
using analytical and numerical approaches.
• To understand the incompressible wing theory, including down wash, lifting-line theory, elliptic wings,
general twisted wings, applications of fundamentals to the design of a wing to meet given performance

Course Outline:

Introduction, aerodynamics of incompressible flow, compressible and ideal fluid flow, airfoils theory, finite
wing aerodynamics, blade element theory and aircraft propellers, Cascade aerodynamics, jet propulsion,
intake and nozzle performance, aircraft performance measurement.
Recommended Books:
1. Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, By El. Houghton & A. E. Brock St Mortin Cambridge University
Press, 2003
2. Aerodynamics, By L. J. Clancy, Hallstead Pr.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 80 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Code MECH - 424 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• Computational Fluid Dynamics Course provides an introduction to the methods and analysis techniques
used in computational solutions of fluid mechanics and heat transfer problems.
• This course introduces the students to the finite difference and finite volume method as a means of
solving different type of differential equations that arise in fluid dynamics.

Course Outline:
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Problem solving strategy using CFD, Governing Equations of
Fluid Flow, Discretisation of Governing equations, Finite difference method, Introduction to the Finite Volume
Method , Numerical solution of governing equations, Solution analysis and accuracy, Introduction to
advanced topics

Recommended Books:
1. Jiyuan Tu, Guan Heng Yeoh and Chaoqun LIU, Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach,
2. J. D. Anderson, Jr., Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basic with Applications, McGraw-Hill.
3. H. Versteeg and W. Malalasekera, An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume
Method, Prentice Hall/Pearson.
4. Suhas V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Taylor & Francis.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 81 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Introduction to Finite Element Methods Code MECH - 413 Credit Hours 2+1
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the mathematical and physical principles underlying the Finite Element Method (FEM)
as applied to solid mechanics and thermal analysis
• To understand the importance of analysis and design, using the FEM, in the broader context of
engineering practice

Course Outline:
Introduction to stress analysis by FEM, Basic concepts, Types of elements, linear static analysis, Review of
the basic continuum theory, 1-D and 2-D FEM problems, Plane stress and plane strain problems, energy
method, variational principles and Ritz’s methods; co-ordinate transformation; isoparametric formulation,
solution of Eigen value, boundary value, discretized time dependent problems, use of commercial finite
element code, project based learning of FEM.

Recommended Books:
1. An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, J. Reddy, McGraw-Hill.
2. The Finite Element Method: Principles and Applications By P. E. Lewis, J. P. Ward. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co. 1991
3. Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis 2nd Edition, By Richard G. Budynass, McGraw-Hill
4. Finite Element Analysis-Theory and Applications 2nd Edition, By Saeed Moaveni, Prentice Hall

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 82 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Maintenance Engineering Code MECH - 421 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the significance of maintenance engineering.
• To understand the concepts of maintenance engineering.
• To implement the ways of maintenance engineering.

Course Outline:
Introductory aspects concerning engineering maintenance, Maintenance management and control,
Preventive maintenance (PM), Various aspects of corrective maintenance (CM) Reliability-centered
maintenance, Quality maintenance processes, Modern maintenance, Maintainability management in system
life cycle.

Recommended Books:
1. Maintenance Engineering Handbook by R. K Mobley, L. R. Higgins, D. J. Wikoff, McGraw-Hill
2. Maintenance Engineering & Management by R.C. Mishra, K. Pathak, Prentice Hall of India
3. Engineering Maintenance, A Modern Approach by B. S. Dhillon, CRC Press London

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 83 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Introduction to Mechatronics Code MECH - 422 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To acquire fundamental knowledge for electro mechanical design.
• To develop synergistic integration of mechanical, electrical, electronic engineering applications

Course Outline:

Sensors and transducers, transducer characteristics, sensors for measuring displacement, strain, force,
pressure, temperature and motion, encoders.

Computer architecture
Microprocessor, micro-programming, Bus systems, assembly language programming
Motors with drivers
Stepper and servo motors, introduction to programmable logic controller (PLC).

Ports, input/output, analog to digital converter, sampling theory, digital to analog converter, sample and hold,
multiplexer, interfacing switches, LEDs, stepper motors and DC motors to micro-controllers.
Introduction to condition monitoring, and sensor fusion.

Recommended Books:
1. Design with Microprocessors for Mechanical Engineers, By A. K. Stiffler, McGraw-Hill
2. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications, By Goankr, Prentice Hall
3. Introduction to Mechatronics & Measurement Systems By David G. Akiatore, Michael B. Histard
4. Mechatronics An integrated approach By Clarence W. Desilva

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 84 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Automation & Robotics Code MECH - 423 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To familiarize the students with the concepts and techniques in robot
manipulator control, to incorporate robots in engineering systems.
• To impart fundamentals of manipulators, sensors, actuators, end effectors and product design for

Course Outline:
An overview of Robotics, Drive methods, Sensors for robots. Spatial description and transformation, Forward
kinematics Inverse Kinematics Jacobean, Denavit-Hartenherg coordinate transformations, Force/Torque
relations, Trajectory planning, Dynamics, Lagrange equations, Position control, PID control, Inverse
dynamics feed forward control, Nonlinear and two parts control. open-Loop Manipulators, Closed Loop
Linkages, Epicyclical Gear Drives, Wrist Mechanisms, Tendon Driven Robotics Hands. Robot Sensors
including contact sensors and proximity sensors, Machine vision systems Robotics applications growth and

Recommended Books:
1. Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control
Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing, by Lorenzo Sciavicco, Springer, 2009, ISSN 1439-
2232, ISBN: 1846286417, 9781846286414.
2. Springer Handbook of Robotics Gale virtual reference library, edited by Bruno Siciliano, Oussama
Khatib, Springer, 2008, ISBN: 354023957X, 9783540239574.
3. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control By John J. Craig, Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition (August 6,
2004), ISBN-10: 0201543613, ISBN-13: 978-0201543612.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 85 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Tribology Code MECH - 414 Credit Hours 3+0

Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the tribological systems:
• To design the interfaces between two or more bodies in relative motion.

Course Outline:
Fundamental topics include: geometric, chemical, and physical characterization of surfaces; friction and wear
mechanisms for metals, polymers, and ceramics, including abrasive wear, delamination theory, tool wear,
erosive wear, wear of polymers and composites; and boundary lubriCation and solid-film lubriCation. The
course also considers the relationship between nano-tribology and macro-tribology, rolling contacts,
tribological problems in magnetic recording and electrical contacts, and monitoring and diagnosis of friction
and wear. Case studies are used to illustrate key points.

Recommended Books:
1. Engineering Tribology, by G. W. Stachowiak.
2. Tribology, Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials by I.M. Hutchings.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 86 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Nuclear Engineering Code MECH - 437 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:

Review of nuclear physics, reactor physics, reactor heat transport. Types of nuclear reactors, and power

plants. Reactor material . Nuclear fuels, enrichment and reprocessing; handling of fuels . Safety aspects.

Recommended Books

1. Introduction to Nuclear Engineering By J.P. Lamarsh. Prentice Hall 2001

2. Nuclear Power Engineering By M. M. El Wakil McGraw-Hill 1962

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 87 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Power Plants Code MECH - 427 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To gain understanding of working principles of various types of power plants operating on conventional
as well as renewable energies
• To learn the methods of trouble shooting, maintenance and optimization of various types of power

Course Outline:
Conventional power plants
Steam turbine, gas turbine, combined cycle, jet engine, diesel engine, nuclear, hydro-electric and combined
heat and power plants (CHP).
Non-Conventional power plants
Solar, wind, geothermal, ocean waves and tidal power plants.

Recommended Books:
1. Power Plant Technology, By M. M. El Wakil, McGraw-Hill
2. Power Plant, By F. T. Morse
3. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologist, By T. D. Eastop & J. McConkey

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 88 of 98

Management Electives

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 89 of 98

List of Management Electives

(ME-451) Operations Management

(ME-452) Total Quality Management

(ME-453) Project Management

(ME-454) Operations Research

(ME-455) Engineering Law

(ME-456) Business and Entrepreneurship

(ME-457) Safety Health and Environment Management

(ME-458) Environment and Health

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 90 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Operations Research Code MECH - 454 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the Operations Research tools and techniques.
• To understand working and applications of computer software packages.

Course Outline:
Operation Research Techniques and basics, Linear programming, graphical method, simplex method
dynamic programming, sensitivity and post-optimal analysis, transportation models, Queuing theory
(weighting live models). Replacement Models. Simulation. Basic principles, discrete models vs. continuous
system simulation, Markov Chain.

Recommended Books:
1. Operations Research by H. A. Taha, Prentice Hall
2. Operation Management-Strategy and analysis by Krajewsky and Ritzman
3. Operations Research by S. Kalavathy, Vikas Publishing House.
4. Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms by Wayne L. Winston

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 91 of 98


Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.

UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Operations Management Code MECH - 451 Credit Hours 3+0

Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
. To understand the philosophy of Operations management
. To implement the tools and techniques in the organizations.

Course Outline:
Basics of managing manufacturing and service organizations; strategic decision making; facility loCation and
layout; job design and work compensation; demand forecasting; capacity and material planning; scheduling
in various environments; emerging trends in managing operations. Use of quantitative management tools
after introducing fundamental concepts.

Recommended Books:
1. Operations Management by Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers and Robert Johnston.
2. Operation Management by Jay Heizer and Barry Render.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 92 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Total Quality Management Code MECH - 452 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
. To understand the philosophy of total quality management
. To implement the tools and techniques in the organizations.

Course Outline:
Fundamental principles; Standards; Techniques for quality analysis and improvements; statistical methods
and SPC. Acceptance sampling; QFD; Value engineering; Cross-functional management and benchmarking;
ISO-9000 applications, clauses, and implementation issues, Six Sigma.

Recommended Books:
1. Total Quality Management with text cases by John S. Oakland, Butterworth-Heinemann
2. Total Quality Management by Besterfields, Prentice Hall.
3. Statistical Quality Control by D.C. Montgomery

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 93 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Project Management Code MECH - 453 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand modern project management techniques related government regulations.
• To implement modern project management techniques using software.

Course Outline:
Fundamental principles, project proposals and feasibilities, project life cycle; project organization and human
resource management; PM planning; Work breakdown structure; Estimating time and cost; Precedence
relationships; Project scheduling and control techniques; Project risk analysis; Time compression and
resource leveling; Computerized project management; special software packages

Recommended Books:
1. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner,
John Wiley
2. Case studies in project management, 2nd Edition, by Harold Kerzner, John Wiley
3. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) 4th Edition, by P. M.I.

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 94 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Operations Research Code MECH - 454 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand modern project management techniques related government regulations.
• To implement modern project management techniques using software.

Course Outline:
Linear Programming: Formulation, Graphic solution, Assumptions of LP, the simplex method, Equality
constraints, Inequality constraints, Negative RHS, Duality theory, Primal and dual problem. Special types of
LP problems: The transportation problem, Production scheduling, North-west corner rule, Vogel’s
approximation method, Russell’s method, Transshipment problem, Assignment problem, Goal programming,
Sensitivity analysis, Parametric programming, Dynamic programming, integer Programming. Queuing
Theory: Basic queuing process, The birth and death process, Basic model with infinite and finite queue,
Limited input source, Priority Queuing model. Inventory Control Theory: Deterministic Model: Continuous
review uniform demand, shortages permitted, quantity discount – shortages not permitted. Stochastic Model:
Single – period model with no setup cost, Model with initial stock level, Single – period model with setup cost,
Two – period inventory model with no setup cost.

Books Recommended
1. Operations Research: An Introduction, 8/E By Taha
2. Introduction to Operations Research: A Computer-oriented Algorithmic Approach By Billy E. Gillett
3. Operations Research By A. M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 95 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Engineering Law Code MECH - 455 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Course Outline:
Introduction to legal studies, concepts and sources of law, basic principles of the law contract as it relates to
engineers. The duty of care for engineers and the concept of negligence. Aspects of employment law.
Intellectual property. Designs, patents, copyright in engineering. Enforcing rights to intellectual property.

Recommended Books:
1. Engineering Law and I.C.E. Contracts 4th Edition By Abrahamson Taylor & Francis

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 96 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Business and Entrepreneurship Code MECH - 456 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the philosophy of Business and Entrepreneurship • To implement the tools and techniques in
the organizations.

Course Outline:
Evolution of the concept of entrepreneur, Characteristics of an entrepreneur, Distinction between an
entrepreneur and a Manager, in Economic Development, Factors affecting entrepreneurial growth (economic,
Non-Economic and Government factors)
Critical factors for stalling a new enterprise. Ingredients for a successful new business. Self-assessment and
feedback, Personal entrepreneurial competencies. Goal setting.
Creativity and sources of new business ideas, the difference the difference between ideas and opportunity
and creativity. Assessing business opportunities in Pakistan. Screening and evaluating opportunities Product
planning and development process. Creating parallel competition by developing a similar product or service,
Product life cycle, Finding sponsorship. Acquiring a going concern, E-Commerce and business start-up and
Marketing as a philosophy, marketing management: Creating a marketing plan, Analyzing the environmental
situation and the market opportunity, Setting marketing objective, Formulating a marketing strategy.
The business plan as selling document, reasons for writing a business plan your company: What’s your
identity, Field work started, Marketing issues: Who are your buyers?., Product issues: What are you selling?,
Production exercise, Sales and Promotion: Financial issues: Targeting and writing the plan: Business Plan
compilation exercise.
Franchising, becoming a franchisees versus starting a stand-alone business, the franchisee contract, Non-
contractual considerations of buying a franchise, Limitations of franchising.

Recommended Books:
1. Rober D. Hisrich and Michael P. Peter, Entrepreneurs/lip,5th Edition, McGraw-Hill
2. S. S. Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development
3. Irving Burstiner, the small Businesses Handbook
4. Bruce A. Kirchhoff, Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capitalism
5. Modern Business Management, A System & Environment Approach by McGraw-Hill
6. William D. Bygrave, The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurs/lip Entrepreneurship CEFE, Germany,
Development Manual

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 97 of 98

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Science, Quetta. Pakistan.
UAN : +92 (81) 111-717-111, Phone No. :+92 (81) 2880410, +92 (81) 2881036, Fax No. : +92 (81) 2880522

Course Name Safety Health and Environment Management Code MECH - 457 Credit Hours 3+0
Grading Scheme (F83): Lecture Mid (25 Marks) Final (50 Marks) Sessional (25 Marks) Total (100), LAB Final (50 Marks)
D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
50 to 54 55 to 57 58 to 60 61 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84  85
1.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Sessional Criteria: Assignments, Quizzes, Class Attitude: Note: Student need 75% attendance to sit in exams Pre Requisite: None

Instructions: Grades D and C - can be improved. Total number of attempts for any subject are 3 including the regular attempt. Student can take maximum
of 21 credit hours in a regular semester and 10 credit hours in summer or winter camp.

Specific Objectives:
• To understand the philosophy of Safety Health and Environment
• To implement the concepts in the organizations.

Course Outline:
Introduction of Health and Safety, Industrial Safety: introduction objectives of Safety, Importance of Safety in
an industry, Industrial accidents, Effects of accidents, Types of accidents incidence of fire. Fire prevention
and control.
Principles of accident prevention, hazard analysis. Legal, humanitarian and economic reason for action.
Safety inspection procedures. Safety training, First aid and emergency procedures,.
Introduction: importance of clean environment, Scale of Environmental Pollution. Environmental Act. Health
and Safety Act.
Atmospheric Pollution: Types of Atmospheric pollution, Their Causes and Effects on Human Health,
Available Technologies for Controlling Pollution.
Industrial Waste: Solid Waste, Industrial Effluents and Waste Gases, waste treatment plants.
Noise Pollution: Measurement of Noise level, Effect of excessive noise on human health. Remedial
ISO Standards for Safety and Health and Environment

Recommended Books:
1. Safety at Works 4th Edition By John Ridley, Butter Worths Publishers
2. Factory & Production Management By K. G. Lockyer, Pitman Publishing

Department of Mechanical Engineering BUITEMS, Quetta 98 of 98

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