Design and Kinematic Analysis of The Car Jack

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Design and Kinematic Analysis of the Car Jack

Article  in  TEM Journal · August 2020

DOI: 10.18421/TEM93-12


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5 authors, including:

Nedim Pervan Adis Muminovic

University of Sarajevo University of Sarajevo


Elmedin Mesic Vahidin Hadžiabdić

University of Sarajevo University of Sarajevo


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TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 924‐928, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM93-12, August 2020. 

Design and Kinematic Analysis of the Car Jack

Nedim Pervan, Adis J. Muminović, Elmedin Mešić,
Vahidin Hadžiabdić, Muamer Delić

University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vilsonovo šetalište 9, Sarajevo,

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Abstract – Car jack is the basic equipment of every To choose the right car jack, the most important
car. To replace the tires or to repair a specific defect on parameters are lifting height and maximum load
the car it is necessary to have a car jack. A modern capacity which it can carry. Also, experience has
way of creating the complex mechanical structures is shown that stability of car jack is very important
described in this paper, which allows for rapid change
parameter. The stability of the car jack mostly
of parameters and therefore of the whole design, i.e.
the parameterized car jack model was developed. depends on the construction design [3], [4], [5].
Also, the goal of this research is to carry out
kinematic analysis of a car jack design. Parametric
model is developed in such a way that all parameters of
design are in correlations to one main parameter. The
angle of thread spindle is chosen for main parameter.
Usually, main parameter should be chosen as one of
the parameters from power input elements.
Car jack has a human hand power which is applied
on car jack handle and because of that, the angle of
rotation of thread spindle is the best for main
parameter. Figure 1. “Scissor” car jack

Keywords – complex mechanisms, car jack, There are many designs of car jacks that are mostly
kinematic analysis, 3D parametric modelling, manually operated. Of course, there are car jacks that
parametrization use electric lifting power, but they are much more
expensive and not accessible to every car owner.
1. Introduction This research is carried out to develop a
parameterized CAD model and to carry out a
A car lift is a device used to lift a car and keep it at
kinematic analysis. Today, most commonly used car
a certain height. The lifting force of car jacks is
jack is known as "Scissor” car jack (Figure 1.). The
usually achieved via a threaded spindle or hydraulic
parametric model was developed for this car jack on
cylinder. Only by using manual force, the car jack
which kinematic analysis was performed. A lot of
allows us to lift the vehicle to a certain height. [1],
different research is done regarding car jacks [6], [7],
[8], [9].

DOI: 10.18421/TEM93‐12  2. Design and Development of Parametric  3D Model
Corresponding author: Vahidin Hadžiabdić,  Goal of 3D modelling is not only to get visual
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,  representation of design. 3D model can be developed
Vilsonovo šetalište 9, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.  as functional 3D model with all kinematics
Email:  functionalities like the real one. Using this 3D
Received:   21 April 2020.  parametric model, it is possible to change positions
Revised:     15 June 2020.  of some parts on design by editing some of the
Accepted:   23 June 2020.  parameters [10], [11], [12]. This type of 3D
Published:  28 August 2020.  parametric modelling is used in this research to
model the car jack. Simulation of the car lifting can
©  2020  Vahidin  Hadžiabdić  et  al;  published  be carried out using this CAD model.
by  UIKTEN.  This  work  is  licensed  under  the  Creative 
Parametrization of car jack is very important, not
Commons  Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs  4.0 
only to make parametrization of some dimensions of
individual parts, it is more important to make
The  article  is  published  with  Open  Access  at  parametrization of positions of some points on car  jack.

924     TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 3 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 924‐928, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM93‐12, August 2020. 

Another feature which needs to be implemented is

to use links to connect all individual parts in one
functional assembly [13], [14]. Using links, it is
enabled that all changes on individual parts will
automatically be updated in all assemblies where that
part is copied.

Figure 2. Published elements

The first step in publishing process is to make all
elements as public (Figure 2.). Before that, the names
of all parts need to be checked, two or more parts
can’t have the same name. After publishing of all
parts, they can be copied easily.
Links are also important to show threads inside the
software in real form and to enable positioning and
parametrization of parts. Every assembly model has a
control model. This model is a main part of the
whole assembly model which is parametric
All information about the assembly, like
coordinate systems, sketches, parameters, planes,
etc., are stored inside control model. All other parts
of assembly are also stored inside this control model b)
(Figure 3.). Figure 3. Control model; a) parameters, b) coordinate
Coordinate systems have very important role in systems
parametric controlled models. They determine
positions of all parts inside assembly. By changing
some parameters in the control part, parameters
which influence the position of a car jack, the
coordinate systems will move and according to them
appropriate parts will move also.
To get accurate results from kinematics analysis it
is important to model thread spindle and thread nut
as real as possible. Problem with threads is how to
establish real connection between thread toots.
Standard constrains can not be used for this. The only
option is to use links. By using standard constrains it Figure 4. Connection of thread nut and thread spindle
is impossible to move thread nut along the thread
spindle. Figure 4. shows a connection between thread
Without links, using standard constrains, there will spindle and thread nut. It is important to notice that
be a problem because thread nut will have there is not any material penetration between thread
penetration to thread spindle during moving. spindle and thread nut.

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 3 / 2020.                                                                                                                              925 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 924‐928, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM93‐12, August 2020. 

3. Analytical Kinematic Calculations of the x D  b cos  (7)

Car Jacks
From (6) and (7), the following equation can be
For kinematics analysis of a car jack design, formulated:
schematic drawing from Figure 5. can be used. All a e
parameters will be given in correlation to the angle of cos   cos   (8)
rotation of thread spindle . When thread spindle is b b
turned around for one full circle, nut will be moved If equation (4) is included in equation (8), then
for the value of one step P. In the case of a car jack following equations can be written:
(Figure 5.), points C and D will move for the value of
1 p 
one step P for one full circle of thread spindle. Point cos    a cos  0    e (9)
C is the nut and point D is thread spindle support, b 2 
which moves in the same way as the nut.
1  p  (10)
  arccos   a cos  0    e 
b  2 
Using already
known trigonometric identities
sin   1  cos  and sin   1  cos 2  , equations

(4) and (9) can be given as

 p  (11)
sin   1   cos  0  
 2 
1  p  (12)
sin   1    a cos  0    e 
  2 

Adding equations (11) and (12) in equation (2), the

Figure 5. Schematic drawing of car jack equation for lifting height H of a car jack in
dependence of rotation angle of thread spindle can be
Movement of point D in function of thread spindle given as:
angle can be given as: 2
 p 
 p H  d  f  a 1   cos  0  
xD   p     2  (13)
2 2 2
1  p 
 b 1    a cos  0    e 
Lifting height, H in Figure 5., can be given as: b  2 

H  d  f  a sin   b sin  (2)

Differencing equations (13) in accordance to the
time, speed of lifting vd in dependence of rotation
Total movement of point D from Figure 5. can be angle of thread spindle can be calculated as:
given as:
 p  p  p  p
 cos  0       a cos  0    e   
x D   a cos  0  a cos  (3)
vd   2  2
  2  2
2 2
 p  1  p 
Where α0, is the value of angle α in lowest position. 1   cos  0   b 1    a cos  0    e 
 2  b  2 
From equations (1) and (3) it is possible to get the
equations which describe how angle α is dependent
on rotation angle of thread spindle :
4. Numerical Kinematic Analysis of Car Jacks
cos   cos  0   (4)
2 a Kinematics analysis, which includes calculation of
 p  speed and acceleration of elements and points on
a  arccos  cos  0   (5) kinematic system can be carried out not only
 2 a 
analytically, but numerical methods can be used also.
Similar process can be carried out to get the equation Numerical analysis is usually carried out using
for how angle β is dependent on rotation angle of advanced numerical computer applications for wide
thread spindle . Position of point D from Figure 5. type of use [15]. In this research, for numerical
can be given as a function of angle α and β: kinematics analysis of car jack, software package
CATIA is used. More precisely, its module DMU
x D  e  a cos  (6)
Kinematics. This module enables to simulate the

926                                                                                                                           TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 3 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 924‐928, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM93‐12, August 2020. 

moving of car jack parts and to input additional laws 5. Results

of movement.
Analysing the car jack it can be concluded that it Results of analytical and numerical kinematics
has only one degree of movement, that movement is analysis of car jack are shown in Figures 8., 9. and
rotation of thread spindle. If thread spindle is not 10.
moving all other parts of assembly are stationary.
That is the reason why thread spindle angle is chosen
as main parameter.
Simulation in DMU Kinematics module is carried
out by adding additional connections between car
jack parts and by adding mathematical laws from
chapter 2. Simulation is started by manually putting
car jack in lowest possible position (Figure 6.).

Figure 8. Lifting speed in correlation to the thread

spindle angle of rotation

Figure 6. Lowest possible position of car jack and tree

prepared for simulation

All connections, which are applied to the parts of

car jack added some geometrical conditions between
parts. After definition of connection, it is necessary
to add law of motion by adding main parameter
(angle of thread spindle). Also, it is necessary to add
parameters which will be used to measure lifting Figure 9. Lifting height in correlation to the thread
spindle angle of rotation
height, lifting speed and angle α (Figure 7.).
After definition of all the above-mentioned
parameters and laws, car jack is ready for kinematics
simulation. It is necessary to wait for car jack to
come to the most possible upper position and after
that, the results are ready to be obtained.

Figure 10. Change of angle α in correlation to the thread

spindle angle of rotation

Figure 7. Display of measured parameters in CATIA tree

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 3 / 2020.                                                                                                                              927 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 924‐928, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM93‐12, August 2020. 

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928                                                                                                                           TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 3 / 2020. 
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