IR Dry Lab
IR Dry Lab
IR Dry Lab
2. To learn of the important role of infrared spectroscopy in the study of structure of organic compounds
3. To develop skill in the recognition of characteristic absorption bands
4. To identify a compound by an investigation of its infrared spectrum
During the course of this year we will study several different classes of compounds including alcohols, alkenes, and ketones.
Each of these classes is distinguished by the presence of a "Functional Group" in the molecule. For example, all alcohols contain
an 'O-H' group attached to an sp3 hybridized carbon atom. Alkenes contain a carbon-carbon double bond (C=C), and ketones
contain a carbon-oxygen double bond (C=O).As you will learn, IR may actually be thought of as a Functional Group detector.The
quickest and easiest way to determine the presence of one of these "Functional Groups" is to take the IR spectrum of the
compound. The technique is simple and can often provide a definitive answer in less than ten minutes. Evidence provided by IR
is widely respected. It is commonly used in judicial proceedings as much as fingerprints are used. In fact, the IR of a pure
compound bears the same relationship to that compound as fingerprints do to an individual.To save space, we will not discuss
the theory of IR Spectroscopy. Consult the index of your lecture text. Every modern Organic text discusses IR theory in some
detail. Be sure to read that section of your text before doing your first IR so that you will understand what you are doing.
Figure 2: Close-up of the salt plates in the IR instrument, ready to take a sample
IR spectra can be determined for solids, liquids, or gases.IR gas analysis is a common analytical tool for those involved in studies
of atmospheric pollution. The only draw-back is that it is very expensive and delicate cells are needed.IR spectra of solids and
liquids are usually obtained by dissolving the sample in a relatively IR transparent solvent such as CCl 4 and using simple liquid
cells. A solid could also be ground to a fine paste with NUJOL TM (a mixture of highly purified hydrocarbons) and the resulting
'mull' studied directly. The NUJOL exhibits only a very few well defined peaks that can be ignored when examining the spectrum
of the mull. Solid spectra may also be obtained by mixing the solid with dry KBr, grinding to a fine, well mixed powder, and then
forming a disk of the mixture by applying high pressure in a specially designed device. The resulting 'KBr Disk' will produce a
spectrum free of almost all extraneous peaks.Liquids are the easiest to study by IR. A pure sample of the liquid (1-2 drops) may
be placed between two disks of pure NaCl or KBr and the resulting 'sandwich' placed directly in the sample holder of the
spectrometer. Excellent spectra can be obtained in a matter of a few minutes with minimum expense. This technique is called
running a "neat" spectrum, meaning the spectrum is of the pure liquid only, without solvent.
Reference Spectra
The Infrared spectra of thousands of compounds have been determined and compiled by several different companies. Two of
the most popular collections are the Sadtler Index of IR Spectra and the Aldrich Library of Infra-red SpectraBoth collections are
easily accessible in 'hard copy' form in most major university libraries. They are also available in computer readable format for
rapid searching and spectrum matching. All modern FT-IR spectrometers are controlled by computers. The operating system
often has the capability of searching one or more databases of spectra and finding the spectra that most closely match the
spectrum that was just run.It is always a good idea to compare your IR spectrum with an authentic spectrum of the material you
think you have.ALL IR Spectra in this manual are reproduced with permission from: The Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, Edition
1, Charles J. Pouchert, Volume 1, 1985.
Functional Groups
We have seen that IR is really a "Functional Group Detector." As such, it will be a valuable tool throughout this year. You
should become accustomed to examining an IR spectrum and looking for characteristic bands that indicate the presence of a
Functional Group.This lab manual contains copies of spectra of various compounds. These will serve as the reference spectra
for the infrared experiment. Study these spectra and become familiar with the regions that indicate the presence of -OH, C=O,
C-H, etc. Where is the "Fingerprint Region" and what is its significance? Consult your lecture text for help with these
questions.Make your own Table of Functional Groups and IR Frequency Ranges. (Consult your lecture text for these important
numbers)Some IR stretching frequencies are located here.
1. What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is known as the infrared region? Express your answer in terms of both
frequency (wavenumbers) and wavelength (microns). You may need to consult the lecture text on this one.
2. What is the frequency range of the characteristic absorption bands of the following bonds?
3. Describe two significant differences between the infrared spectra of ethyl alcohol and ethylene.
4. Which region in the IR spectrum could be used to distinguish between butanoic acid and 2-butanone?
(a) 3200-3600 cm–1
(b) 1600 cm–1
(c) 1680-1750 cm–1
(d) 2500-3300 cm–1
(I) C-H
(II) N-H
(IV) F-H
Prepare a spectrum of your unknown and attach the spectrum to this report form (Given).
Compare the spectrum of your compound with the spectra of the compounds in the functional group that you have circled.
Reference spectra may be found in the lecture text or the laboratory manual. Identifying other major peaks may help you
isolate the compound. Write the name of the compound you believe your unknown to be.
Unknown #1
Unknown #2
Unknown #3
Unknown #4