Konigsberg Rules Final

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Königsberg: East Prussia 1945

2018 Revolution Games 0

Königsberg: East Prussia 1945
Königsberg represents the fighting in East Prussia and adjacent areas The map represents the parts of East Prussia and Poland over which
in Poland from January 13th to February 1st, 1945. Each turn the historical campaign was fought. The map scale is approximately 8
represents 2 days. The units are mostly divisions and brigades for the km per hex. Several charts, tables, tracks, and boxes are printed
Germans and corps and brigades for the Soviets. around the map.

2.2.1 Turn Track

2.0 COMPONENTS This on-map track provides a place to mark the current turn. Advance
the Turn Marker one box at the end of each turn.
KÖNIGSBERG includes the following components:
 One 22” by 34” map
 One sheet of 1/2” die-cut counters
 This rule booklet
 One cover/player aid

2.1 Rules
Each major grouping of the rules is called a rule; a part within a rule
is a section.. A specific section can contain several related cases,
which would be identified as 3.5.1, 3.5.2 etc. The Table of Contents is
located on the back of this rule book.
2.2.2 Terrain Effects Chart (TEC)
2.1.1 Cumulative Effects The TEC provides a map key and shows the effects of the different
In all cases where a unit is subject to multiple modifiers to its terrain features on movement and combat.
strength, the effects are cumulative. A unit halved for terrain and
halved for supply in combat is quartered overall. 2.2.3 Combat Results Table (CRT)
The CRT is used to resolve combat.
2.1.2 Standard Rounding Rule
When units involved in a combat must halve (or quarter) their combat 2.2.4 Luftwaffe and Soviet Air Army Boxes
strengths, first add up all fractions and then round down. These boxes are used to hold Soviet Air units of the 1st and 4th Air
Armies and the German Air unit.
2.1.3 Fog of War (Optional)
Except when calculating the odds for an attack he has committed to 2.2.5 Volksturm Box
undertake, a player cannot examine the units comprising an enemy This box is used to hold the Volksturm units between placements.
stack. He can only observe the stack’s top unit (or marker if
applicable). A player cannot cancel an attack after announcing it 2.2.6 Soviet and German Activations Tracks
(unless at least 1-2 odds are not achieved.). These boxes are used to hold the Soviet and German Command Chits
after they have been drawn. Box 1 for first chit drawn, etc.
2.1.4 Soviet Fronts
The Soviet Player has two Fronts, the 2nd Belorussian and 3rd 2.2.7 Airbase Box
Belorussian. These Fronts have slightly different counter colors. This box is used to hold grounded and refitting Soviet and/or German
They have different limits on how many Command Chits they may air units.
draw each turn, printed on the Turn Record Track. Their
Headquarters may not command units of the other Front, including 2.2.8 Gross Deutschland Box
Independent units of the other front. Air units of the two Fronts The Gross Deutschland Box (GD) is used to hold all four GD units and
may only support attacks of their own Front. Units of the two Fronts the GD Command Chit when the unit has been withdrawn.
may stack together. A three-player game is possible with two Soviet
players each with his own Front versus one German player. 2.2.9 Supply Source Hexes
Hexes with a black and white supply source symbol are supply
2.1.5 Preparation for Play sources for German units; red and white supply source symbols are
The players select their side (German or Soviet), setting up their units supply sources for Soviet units and black and red supply source
according to the set up. (See Section15.0) Place the Turn marker on symbols are supply sources which change hand from German to
Turn 1 of the Turn Track. Place all reinforcements on their correct Soviet during the game.
arrival turn on the TRT. Place the Soviet air units in their respective
Air Army boxes and the German air unit in the Luftwaffe box. 2.2.10 Bridges
Continue by placing the Volksturm units in the Volksturm box. The A river crossed by a road or railroad is a bridged river hexside. A
players will also need a cup to draw Command and Action Chits from. bridge cancels all movement, combat, and ZOC effects of a river.
Place all Command and Action Chits that do not have a turn number Conversely, a river hexside not crossed by a road or railroad is an
on them in the cup to start the game. unbridged river hexside.
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Königsberg: East Prussia 1945
2.3 Command Chits their Movement Segment. Reduced strength mechanized units are
Command Chits are used to activate specific HQs, which in turn allow not affected nor are full strength units that move by rail.
combat units under their command to move and attack. There is one
corresponding Command Chit for each HQ in the game. All available 2.5.4 GD Withdrawal
Soviet and German Command Chits are placed in the same cup, from When this Special Action Chit is drawn, immediately remove from
which they are randomly drawn one at a time. The Turn Track play the units of the GD Corps from the map (if not already destroyed)
specifies how many of the German and Soviet HQs can be activated and place them in the GD Box. The GD Corps consists of four units:
once their Command Chit has been drawn. There are separate limits GD HQ, GD Fus, GD armor battalion, and GD division. Remove the GD
for the two Soviet Fronts. Command Chit as well. Once acted upon, the GD Withdrawal Special
Action Chit is never returned to the draw cup.
Example: In Turn 3, the Germans would activate the first five HQs
whose Command Chit had been drawn from the cup. The sixth and 2.5.5 GD Returns
subsequent HQs could not be activated that turn. The earlier withdrawn GD Corps return to play via Entry Point B.
(Eliminated units do not return, reduced units return as reduced. If
2.4 Special Command Chits only the HQ is still alive then the HQ returns by itself) Once acted
upon, the GD Returns Special Action Chit is never returned to the
draw cup. When drawn, treat the arrival of GD as a regular
2.4.1 Soviet Front Chits
reinforcement, with its own movement phase. Add the GD Command
The Soviet player has two 2nd BR Front Chits, and two 3rd BR Front
Chit to the draw cup, and if applicable, it can be activated as normal
chits; they arrive at different times during play. (See Section
in the same turn. (Note if GD Returns drawn and GD has not yet been
withdrawn this chit is ignored and returned to the draw cup during
the next Turn Advance Sequence)
2.4.2 German HGM Chit
The German player has the HGM Chit, which allows him to command
any Corps he wishes. This represents the actions of Reinhardt himself. 2.6 Markers
(See Section 4.1.3) The following markers are used in the game:

2.6.1 Turn Marker

2.5 Action Chits
This is placed on the Turn Track to record the turn currently in
Königsberg contains white Action Chits. Each Action Chit has one or
both national insignia on it, indicating which side is affected. Action
Chits with a turn indicated on them are added to the cup on the turn
2.6.2 Victory Points (VPs)
indicated. Action Chits do not count against the number of activated
Use the VP counters to keep track of VP objectives taken.
Command Chits drawn per turn. However, once all Command Chits
are drawn for that turn then no further chits are drawn so action chits
2.6.3 Out of Supply/ Isolated
may remain in the draw cup. All drawn action chits are returned to
Units that are ‘out-of-supply’ have an ‘out-of- supply’ marker placed
the draw cup during the next Turn Advance Sequence. (Exception: see
on them. Their reverse side is used when a unit becomes Isolated.
GD Withdrawal and GD Returns)
2.6.4 Activation Limit
2.5.1 Soviet Barrage Action Chits
There are three markers provided for players to mark the number of
The Soviet player has the two Soviet Fronts Barrage Chits, one for the
activations for the turn on their Activations tracks on the map if they
2nd BR Front and one for the 3rd BR Front. When a Barrage Chit is
choose to do instead of looking at the turn record track.
drawn, roll 1d6 and compare the result with the Barrage Table, which
will indicate the number of 2:1 attacks the Front may do. Ignore shifts
for Forest or Marsh. A Barrage attack may only be made against a 3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY
German unit in a hex adjacent to a Soviet unit of the relevant Front. The game proceeds following the phases outlined below.
The same hex may not be targeted twice. The same unit may be
targeted twice if it retreated into a hex that is then subject to another BARRAGE PHASE (first turn only)
Barrage attack. Barrage results are affected by villages, towns, AIR UNIT PHASE
and cities. They are not affected by defensive lines or festung lines. Refitted Unit Return Segment
Grounded Unit Refitting Segment
2.5.2 Random Event Action Chit
When this Action Chit is drawn roll 2d6 and compare the result with REINFORCEMENT PHASE
the Random Event Table (on the back of these rules). Instantly apply Reinforcement Segment
the result before proceeding with the new chit draw. Replacement Segment
Volksturm Deployment Segment
2.5.3 No Gas Action Chit COMMAND PHASE
All full-strength German Mechanized units that move after the NO Command Segment
GAS Action Chit has been drawn automatically lose one step during Movement Segment
Combat Segment

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Königsberg: East Prussia 1945
SUPPLY PHASE 4.2.1 Combat Unit Activation
END OF TURN PHASE An activated Soviet HQ can activate all combat units under its
Volksturm Return Segment command (the units have color coded bars that match the HQ color),
Sudden Death Victory Segment as well as two independent combat units; an activated German HQ
Turn Advance Segment does the same but can activate three independent combat units; all
units must be within its Command Range.
BARRAGE PHASE (first turn only)
The German player starts with two 1d6 rolls on the Barrage Table; the 4.2.2 Independent Units
result equals the number of barrage attempts at 2:1. The German Units without a color bar are independent. (German independent
player then resolves these attacks. units are also color coded with a lighter shade of gray) Independent
units may be activated more than once per turn; they can be
The Soviet player follows with two 1d6 rolls per Front on the Barrage activated as independent units each time they are within Command
Table; the result equals the number of barrage attempts at 2:1 odds. Range of the activated HQ up to the limits in section 4.2.1. The
The Soviet player then resolves these attacks. German player has four units that are independent and part of a
formation, GD has three units and HG one. These units may be
NOTE: During this Phase only, units two hexes away from friendly activated by their formation HQ and function normally as non-
units may be targeted. Both players have a -1 modifier on their independent units if they do so; or they may be activated as
respective barrage attack rolls on all attacks in this phase. independent units by any other German HQ. So, for example if the
GD HQ activated it could activate the GD units and 3 other
4.0 COMMAND independent units.
All combat units must be activated by a HQ to move and attack other
units (Exception: See 4.1.3 chit). A HQ may be activated more than 4.2.3 German 7th Panzer HQ
once in a turn as long as the following rules are followed. The German 7th Panzer HQ has no units under its direct command
(i.e. color-coded). It can command five Independent units within its
command range.
4.1 Command Phase
4.2.4 Command Range
4.1.1 Command Chit Draws Command Range is measured in terms of hexes, counted from the HQ
In the Command Phase, Command Chits are randomly drawn one by unit. An HQ with a Command Range of four can thus activate friendly
one from the cup; who draws the chit does not matter. Check the combat units up to four hexes away. Determine Command Range at
Turn Track to see how many HQs can be activated that turn. Once the instant the HQ is activated: a combat unit may only be activated
that limit has been reached, no more Command Chits for that force if it is within the Command Range of a suitable HQ at that moment.
can be activated that turn. The owner of the drawn chit becomes the Activated combat units may later leave the HQ’s Command Range
active player and activates the HQ matching the Command Chit. The during movement or combat.
activated HQ can now activate all units of its formation and within its
command range to move and attack. Once all applicable units have 4.2.5 Command Range Limitations
moved and/or attacked, the player then places the drawn Command Command Ranges do not extend through water hexes or across water
Chit face up into his Activations Track in the first empty box available. hexsides. They extend across an unbridged major river one hex.
Supply status, enemy units, and enemy ZOCs (EZOCs) have no effect
4.1.2 Soviet 2BR and 3BR Chits on Command Range.
The Soviet 2BR and 3BR chits activate any one HQ under their
command (Soviet player’s choice). Like all the other Command Chits, 4.2.6 Out of Command
they are available each turn once in play, and count towards the Any unit that is not within command range when the HQ is activated
number of activations allowed each turn by the Soviet players front. is considered Out of Command. An out of command unit may not
move or attack. A unit is only out of command while its HQ’s
4.1.3 German HEERESGRUPPE MITTE (HGM) Chit activation is resolved. It does not persist through the turn and has no
The German HGM Chit activates any one HQ (German player’s effect on supply status or defense strength.
choice). Like all the other Command Chits, it is available each turn
once in play, and counts towards the number of activations allowed
each turn by the German player. When activated, the HGM Chit also 5.0 ZONES OF CONTROL (ZOCs)
allows two independent units anywhere on the map (even if out of Zones of Control (ZOCs) represent a unit’s ability to inhibit enemy
command) to move. They may use regular movement, strategic movement, retreat, and supply around them. The ZOCs of enemy
movement, or rail movement. These two units may not attack. units are called Enemy Zones of Control (EZOCs). A unit exerts a ZOC
into all adjacent hexes. (Exceptions: See 5.6, 5.2)
4.2 HQs & Command Execution
The HQ corresponding to the drawn command chit is activated.

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5.1 ZOC Effects 6.2 Terrain Effects on Movement
Units pay +2MPs to enter and another +2MPs to leave an EZOC. These According to the Terrain Effects on Movement Chart (TEC), each hex
extra costs are cumulative. Given the MPs, units can move directly and hexside feature costs MPs.
from EZOC to EZOC and can move into and exit any number of EZOCs.
6.2.1 Roads
5.2 ZOC Capable Units Units may use roads only when following a continuous path along the
Units with a printed Attack (NOT Defense) combat strength of ‘1’ or road to enter a given hex. Such units pay the road movement cost
more have ZOCs. and ignore the MP costs of the hex entered or hexside crossed.

5.2.1 Units with No ZOCs 6.2.2 Unbridged Minor River Hexside

HQs, Garrisons, and Volksturm exert no ZOCs To cross an unbridged minor river hexside, a unit must expend one
additional MP, as well as the regular MP cost of the hex entered. It
5.3 ZOC and Reinforcements moves across the river but must then stop and can go no further in
Reinforcements cannot be placed directly into enemy ZOCs. Friendly the current Movement Segment. Note that if crossed by a road or
units do not negate EZOCs for placement of reinforcements. rail the hexside is a bridged river hexside and the 1 MP cost and
stopping after crossing would not apply.
5.4 Retreats and EZOCs 6.2.3 Restrictive Terrain
Remove one step from a stack that retreats into an EZOC. Retreating A unit may not move off map under any circumstances, into a water
stacks lose one step total, not one step per unit. Do this for each EZOC hex, or across water hexsides. The combat and movement
entered on a hex by hex basis. Friendly units do not negate EZOC’s for restrictions regarding water hexsides only apply to hexsides that are
retreat purposes. completely covered by water. If there is some land between the
hexes it is not a water hexside. Example: hexes 1227 and 1327 are
5.5 ZOC and Supply linked by land and thus a unit may move between the two hexes.
EZOCs block supply lines. Friendly units negate EZOCs in their hexes
for supply purposes ONLY. 6.3 Movement Restrictions
Units cannot enter enemy occupied hexes. Exception: a combat unit
5.5.1 Units Out of Supply and ZOCs (with an attack strength greater than zero) can overrun a lone
Out of supply units continue to exert ZOCs in the normal manner. enemy HQ by simply entering the hex, the HQ is eliminated. This can
be done during regular movement, strategic movement or during
5.6 ZOC Limitations advance or retreat after combat.
EZOCs do not extend into water hexes or across water hexsides or
across unbridged major rivers. 6.4 Strategic Movement
A unit using a road to enter an adjacent road hex expends only ½ MP
6.0 MOVEMENT if it starts the Movement Segment in a road hex and only moves along
In the Movement Segment, the active player can move his activated a road for its entire movement.
HQ and commanded combat units as far as he wants within each
unit’s movement allowance and any other applicable restrictions. 6.4.1 Strategic Movement Restrictions
(1) The unit must neither start nor end in an EZOC, nor may it enter
6.1 How to Move Units an EZOC during any part of its movement.
The active player can move all, some, or none of his commanded (2) Railroads cannot be used for strategic movement.
units. Units are moved one at a time. The movement of a unit must (3) A unit may never exceed the stacking limit at any time while
be fully completed before another unit can be moved. performing strategic movement, for example, a combat unit passing
through a hex already occupied by two combat units, or a HQ passing
6.1.1 Movement Allowance through another HQ while using strategic movement.
Each unit has a movement allowance (MA) on the counter. A unit
cannot expend more movement points (MPs) than its movement 6.5 Rail Movement
allowance (Exception: Advance after Combat. See Rule 9.6). A unit with a movement allowance greater than zero, not in EZOC,
starting its move on a rail hex may move an unlimited distance along
6.1.2 Use of Movement Points rail hexes. Such a unit stops when entering an EZOC, or if the rail line
To enter an adjacent hex, a unit must expend the MP cost indicated is physically blocked by an enemy unit with no ZOC, like a HQ,
by the TEC for the hex (and hexside, if applicable) plus any applicable Volksturm, or garrison it stops adjacent to such units. A unit may not
EZOC costs. Mechanized units pay higher movement cost for some combine rail movement with other forms of movement.
terrain. (see TEC). The unit may not be able to move even a single hex
if the costs are higher than its movement allowance.

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A stack occurs when a hex contains more than one unit. A maximum In the Combat Segment, the active player can attack enemy units
of two combat units (whether full- or reduced-strength) and one HQ adjacent to his activated combat units. Empty hexes or HQs alone
can occupy a hex. Enforce stacking at each phase’s end and at the cannot be attacked. A player is never forced to attack, although units
instant a unit finishes its movement, retreat or advance after combat. must defend if attacked.

7.1 Overstacking 9.1 Combat Results

Reinforcements and Rebuilt units can overstack initially upon The Combat Results Table (CRT) gives results that either affects the
placement but must be stacked legally by that phase’s end. If a unit attacker (A) or the defender (D). The defender always executes his
exceeds the stacking limit in the last hex of a retreat, it must attempt result first.
to retreat one additional hex. If it cannot legally do so, it is eliminated
instead. If through retreat, two or more HQs do end up stacking in The possible results are:
the same hex, retreat the HQ one additional hex. If it cannot do so, it A = The result affects the Attacker
is eliminated. D = The result affects the Defender
# = Number of steps lost
r# = Number of hexes to be retreated.
8.0 REINFORCEMENTS * = The attacker must take this result if the defender does not retreat.
Place reinforcements into the hex containing their entry area (because the defender is in village, town, city or behind a defensive
designation. Reinforcements are treated as being in supply and in line or festung line). If the defenders 'did retreat', but were destroyed
command upon entering, and have a movement phase upon in the act (for example, entering an EZOC), that counts as a retreat,
entering, being able to use either regular, strategic or rail movement and therefore the result does not affect the Attacker.
as applicable. NOTE: Be careful to block railroad lines with your units
or your opponent will be able to move reinforcements deep behind Example: A result of D1r2 would mean that the Defender must lose
your lines. They can also do this in rail movement of course. one step and retreat two hexes.
8.0.1 Stacking
Reinforcements can overstack on placement provided they split up
9.2 Combat Restrictions
during that phase.
9.2.1 Attack Direction
8.0.2 Movement Allowance Any number of units can attack in a single combat, and attacks can be
Placing reinforcements does not cost MPs. Units have a full MA upon made from any direction or set of directions. Units stacked together
placement. could attack different hexes, but no single unit can contribute to more
than one attack.
8.0.3 EZOCs
Reinforcements cannot be placed upon enemy units, nor into EZOCs. 9.2.2 Defining Defending Target
Friendly units do not negate EZOCs for reinforcement placement. Attack all units in a hex as a single defending strength. The defender
NOTE: If enemy units occupy the reinforcement’s entry hex, or have it cannot withhold units in a hex from attack. Units within a stack
covered by an EZOC, the reinforcements arrive within ten hexes of cannot be attacked singly – stacks always defend together.
their entry hex along the same map edge.
9.2.3 Zero Combat Value Units
8.0.4 Restrictions Units with a combat value of zero can participate in an attack with
Reinforcements that cannot enter the map under any circumstances other non-zero units. While they add nothing in the way of combat
are considered eliminated. strength, such units can help absorb step losses and may advance
after combat. (Exception: Units with zero movement allowances may
not advance.)
8.1 Reinforcement Command Chits
Command Chits corresponding to any HQs due to arrive this turn are
placed in the drawing cup.
9.3 Odds Determination
Total the modified attack strength and divide by the total modified
8.1.1 Special Command Chits defense strength; this produces the Combat Ratio. Apply the
All the 2 BR Front, 3 BR Front and the HGM Command Chits enter as Standard Rounding Rule (See Section 2.1.2) to the totals and express
reinforcements. They have no HQ units on the map of their own but the two numbers as a ratio, Attacker to Defender. Several factors can
work as described in 4.1. Place them into the drawing cup on their affect the attack and defense strengths:
turn of entry. NOTE: Several armies start with their HQs on the map
during initial set-up, but their Command Chit enters play as (1) Out of Supply units have their attack strengths halved.
reinforcements. For example, the Soviet 43rd and 2nd Guard Armies (2) Isolated units have both their attack and defense strengths
which arrive on Turn 2. halved.
(3) Terrain effects (Unbridged Major and Minor rivers which halve
attack strengths) are cumulative with supply effects.
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9.3.1 Terrain Features 9.5 Retreats
When occupied by defending units, some terrain types provide The owning player retreats his own units, defender first. Units may
favorable ratio combat shifts (See TEC). One shift changes the column not retreat through enemy units. Exception: A retreating combat unit
to be used on the CRT by one column. Terrain effects are cumulative. can overrun a lone enemy HQ by simply entering the hex.
Retreat priorities are listed below; in order of precedence.
For Festungs and defensive lines, the German player (only) receives
the benefit if all the attackers are attacking across the applicable 9.5.1 Terrain Restrictions
hexside. If a German unit is attacked through a combination of Units can retreat only into or through hexes that the units could move
Festung and defensive lines, treat it as attacked across a Festung. through during movement. Units which cannot complete their retreat
for this reason must lose one step per hex the stack cannot retreat.
The combat and movement restrictions regarding water hexsides The owning player freely selects which unit takes these losses.
only apply to hexsides that are completely covered by water. If there
is some land between the hexes it is not a water hexside. 9.5.2 Length
Retreats are given as the number of hexes the affected units must
9.3.3 Restrictions retreat. Each retreat path hex must be further away from the unit’s
If the final Combat Ratio is less than 1-2 once any terrain effects have original hex than the last (e.g. the second hex retreated is two hexes
been applied, the attack is not possible and is cancelled. If it is greater away from the combat hex.) Units which cannot complete their full
than 7-1, the combat is resolved on the 7-1+ column on the CRT. Also, retreat must lose one step per hex the stack cannot retreat. The
if the total defense strength in a hex is reduced to zero by rounding owning player freely selects which unit takes these losses.
down, the combat is resolved on the 7-1+ column of the CRT,
regardless of any potential terrain shifts. 9.5.3 Retreat into EZOC
If possible, the unit must not retreat into an EZOC. If the unit must
9.4 Step Losses retreat into an EZOC it must retreat into the fewest possible. Each hex
Full strength units that take a step loss are flipped over and become containing an EZOC entered by retreating unit costs the retreating
reduced. Reduced strength units which take a step loss are destroyed unit one step. This loss is in addition to the combat result itself. If a
and removed from play. Not all units have two steps. HQ do not have stack must do so, the stack loses one step per EZOC entered, not per
a step as they are not a combat unit. unit. The strongest unit in the stack takes the loss. Defense strength
if defender retreat and attack strength if attacker retreat. Friendly
9.4.1 First Step Loss units do not negate EZOCs for this purpose.
When a result calls for a step loss, the first step to be removed must
be from that side’s strongest unit which participated in that combat. 9.5.4 Retreat Direction
Strongest unit means the one with the highest printed attack strength German units must retreat north, or west if possible. The Soviet units
(for the attacker) and defense strength (for the defender). If two units must retreat south, or east if possible. See diagram on back of the
have equal strength, owning player’s choice. cover. (The map is tilted so these directions are not exact and thus
the diagram) There is no penalty for not being able to retreat the
9.4.2 Multiple Step Losses proper direction
Beyond the requirement for the strongest unit to take the first loss,
any additional losses can be distributed as seen fit by the owning 9.5.5 Retreats and Zero Movement Units
player. There is no requirement for every unit to take one loss before Some units have a MA of zero. These units take all retreat results as
any units take a second one. loss results unless located in a village, town, or city in which case the
first retreat would be negated, and all other retreat results would
9.4.3 Single Step Units result in a loss for each hex not retreated. Units with movement
Some units have only one step. These units have printing on only one allowances stacked with a zero-movement allowance unit retreat
side. A single step loss eliminates any such unit. normally. The requirement to retreat is not cancelled by the zero
movement point units taking losses because it is unable to retreat.
9.4.4 Negating First Step Loss
Units located in a town, city, or a German unit attacked solely through 9.5.6 Retreating Stacks
festung lines, ignore the first loss result from the CRT. Units taking Retreating units can stay together as a stack or retreat using separate
multiple losses may ignore the first loss but must take any additional paths, at the owning player’s discretion. If a unit exceeds the stacking
losses as normal. Example: A unit defending the city of Insterburg is limit in the last hex of a retreat, it must attempt to retreat one
attacked and a D1r result is rolled. However, since it is placed in a city, additional hex. If it cannot legally do so, it is eliminated instead. If
the loss result is negated (as is the retreat result; see Section 9.5.7). through retreat, two or more HQs do end up stacking in the same hex,
Had the result been D2r, the unit would have taken one loss, but still retreat the HQ one additional hex. If it cannot do so, it is eliminated.
no retreat.
9.5.7 Negating First Retreat Result
Units located in a village, town or city, or a German unit attacked
solely through festung lines, ignores the first increment of a Retreat
result. Note that attacking units in villages, towns and cities have their

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first retreat negated as well. Example: A unit defending the city of penalties. If, in a later Supply Phase, a supply line can be traced for
Elbing is attacked and a Dr result is rolled. However, since it is in a city such units, the owning player removes the Out of Supply or Isolation
hex, the result is negated. Had the result been a Dr2, the unit would marker.
have to retreat one hex, since only the first hex of the retreat is
negated. 10.1 Tracing Supply Lines
A Supply Line is a path free of enemy units and EZOCs traced from a
9.5.8 Negating All Retreat Results unit to its side’s supply source. The first four hexes of a supply line
German units attacked solely through defensive lines ignore all may be of any passable terrain. The remainder of the supply line must
retreat results. be road or railroad hexes (it may be a combination of road and
railroad hexes) or have reached a supply source with its first 4 hexes
9.5.9 Combined Terrain Types of trace.
If German unit(s) in a village is attacked solely through festung lines
or defensive lines, the effects of the festung line or defensive line is 10.1.1 Supply Restrictions
applied and the village is ignored. If a German unit(s) in a town or city A supply line cannot cross unbridged major river hexsides or water
is attacked solely through festung lines or defensive lines, the first hexsides, unless the hex/hexside is crossed by either a road and
loss is negated, and all retreats are negated. railroad. The path cannot go through hexes occupied by enemy units
or their ZOCs. Remember that friendly units negate EZOCs in their
9.6 Advance after Combat hexes for supply purposes.
Any time an attack results in the Defender’s hex becoming vacant,
attacking units can occupy that hex. Advancing after combat is 10.1.2 Supply Duration
optional; the Attacker may advance all, some, or none of his attacking After a successful trace, units are supplied until the next Supply
units, subject to stacking limits. The Defender’s original hex must be Phase, regardless of changing circumstances. Conversely, Out-of-
the first advance hex. While advancing after combat, advancing units Supply units must wait until (at least) the next Supply Phase to qualify
do not expend MPs and EZOCs are ignored. as being in supply.

9.6.1 Advance Restrictions 10.2 Supply Sources

No unit can advance after combat over an unbridged major river The Soviet player may trace supply to any of the Soviet supply sources
hexside. marked on the map edge (red/white). The German player may trace
supply to any of the German supply sources on the map edges
9.6.2 Defending Units (black/white) as well as the city of Königsberg.
The defender cannot advance after combat.
10.2.1 Split Supply Sources
9.6.3 Mechanized Units The split supply sources (black/red) start as German supply sources.
When the Defender retreats or is eliminated, Mechanized combat Once conquered by the Soviet player, it becomes a Soviet supply
units (only) can advance up to two hexes. Mechanized units that source for the remainder of the game, even if the German player
participated in the same combat can end their advance in different retakes it.
hexes, normal stacking restrictions apply.
9.6.4 Mechanized Units and Terrain The German player must be able to trace a line of supply via the
A Mechanized unit that crosses an unbridged minor river hexside or Autobahn and hex 2931 or 2831 between Königsberg and Elbing,
enters a town or city in the first hex of its advance after combat must otherwise Königsberg is considered a Limited Supply Centre until a
stop and cannot advance a second hex. valid line of supply is re-established.

9.6.5 HQ’s 10.2.3 Limited Supply Center

HQs may advance after combat with the unit/units in their stack. Units using Konigsberg as a limited supply source become Out-of-
Supply but never become Isolated. Units tracing back to Königsberg
9.6.6 Overrun in this manner have a supply line of ten hexes, checked during the
An advancing combat unit may overrun a lone enemy HQ by simply Supply Phase. The supply line may be of any passable terrain type.
entering its hex.
10.3 Out of Supply
During the Supply Phase, both players check each of their units to 10.3.1 Out of Supply Effects
determine if a supply line exists. If no supply line can be traced, mark Out of Supply units have their attack strength halved. Their defense
the unit with an Out of Supply marker. If the unit is out of supply and strength and movement allowance are not affected.
already has an Out of Supply marker on it, it is isolated instead, and
the Out of Supply marker should be flicked over to its Isolation side.
If the unit already has an Isolation marker, it suffers no further

2018 Revolution Games 8

Königsberg: East Prussia 1945
10.3.2 Isolation previously eliminated at full strength in one turn. It would have to
Isolated units have their attack strength, defense strength and return at reduced strength and be rebuilt in a future turn.
movement allowance halved.
11.2.3 Placing Rebuilt Units
10.3.3 Zero Movement Units and Supply Rebuilt units must be placed in the hex with the units’ HQ. The hex
Zero movement units never become out of supply. must be in supply. Independent units may be placed with friendly
HQ. Rebuilt units may be placed in EZOCs. After the unit is placed it
11.0 SPECIAL RULES may immediately move using regular movement, strategic
movement, or rail movement. Rebuilt units may overstack but they
must be stacked legally after their movement.
11.1 HQ Special Rules
11.2.4 Replacements and Out of Supply
11.1.1 Retreats Units that are out of supply may not be rebuilt. Rebuilt units may not
An HQ stacked with combat units at the start of a combat must be placed with a HQ that is out of supply.
retreat with them if they are forced to retreat because of this combat.

11.1.2 Advance after Combat

11.3 Volksturm
An HQ stacked with combat units at the start of a combat may (1) There are four Volksturm units in the game, but the German player
advance with them, at the Attacker’s option, if they advance after this may only start with two of them. The other two may be added to the
combat. It can advance two hexes if it is stacked with Mechanized available pool as the result of a Random Event.
units advancing two hexes.
(2) Volksturm units start in the Volksturm Box. During the Volksturm
11.1.3 Removal Deployment Segment, the German player may freely place them in
An HQ (and its corresponding Command Chit) is removed from the any supplied German controlled city, town or village hex at least three
game under the following circumstances: hexes from any Soviet unit. They may not be stacked together. The
(1) If there are no friendly combat units on map assigned to that HQ definition of control is a location that did not start the game behind
and no Independent units within Command Range of the HQ at Soviet lines and/or has not been passed through by Soviet units.
the end of a Replacement Segment;
(2) If it is lost due to combat, i.e. all units it was stacked with are (3) If a Volksturm unit is lost in combat, it returns to the Volksturm
eliminated. This includes barrage combats. Box, ready to be placed next turn.
(3) If it is overrun. (see below)
11.4 Admiral Hipper Heavy Cruiser
11.1.4 Lone HQs and Overruns (1) Admiral Hipper arrives on Turn 8 in Frische Haff and remains there
Lone HQs can be overrun by enemy combat forces in the movement for the rest of the game.
accompanying the Reinforcement Segment or Replacement
Segment, the regular Movement Segment, and as part of retreating (2) The unit can only target hexes two hexes away from Frische Haff.
and advancing after combat. The enemy unit must have the MPs to
enter the hex; being adjacent is not enough. NOTE: Defending HQs (3) Any HQ within range (Frische Haff counts as one big hex) of
with friendly combat units is an important tactic to use. Admiral Hipper can activate it and use its attack strength in a combat.
It may only be activated once per turn.
11.2 Replacements
Both players check their respective number of replacements for the (4) Admiral Hipper cannot retreat or take any kind of losses.
turn on the TRT. Replacements can be used to rebuild lost steps for
in supply units on the board or rebuild eliminated units. You may 11.5 German 6th and 55th Corp HQs
replace a lost step while in an EZOC. Single-step units and zero The 6th and 55th Corps held the frontline adjacent to the Soviet 2nd
movement allowance units may not be given replacements. and 3rd Belorussian Fronts. To reflect their defensive mission, the
Replacements cannot be accumulated and must be used the turn HQs of both Corps may not be moved till released. The units assigned
they arrive. The German player assigns his replacements first. to these HQ may not be moved out of the HQ’s command range till
their HQ are released. Independent units activated by these HQs may
11.2.1 Soviet Replacements move as normal. As soon as the Soviets have accrued 2VPs anywhere
The cost of rebuilding both Soviet non- mechanized and mechanized on the map, or the HQs themselves have been in a hex which has
steps is one replacement. A Soviet unit may return from being been attacked, the HQ and their units are immediately released from
previously eliminated at full strength in one turn at cost of two this restriction and may move normally. The HQ and their units are
replacement points. Or at partial strength for a cost of one. released from this restriction on game turn six if they have not been
released previously.
11.2.2 German Replacements
The cost of rebuilding a German non- mechanized step is one
replacement point. A mechanized step requires two replacement
points to replace however. A German unit may not return from being
9 2018 Revolution Games
Königsberg: East Prussia 1945
12.0 AIR UNITS 13.2 Sudden death Victory
The German player has one air unit and the Soviet player has seven. If the Soviet player occupies either the hex of Königsberg or Elbing at
Each air unit has two values, +2 on the front size (FULL ATTACK) and the end of any turn with a unit in supply, the game ends in a sudden
+1 on the rear (NORMAL ATTACK). death victory. If this never happens, determine victory using the
conditions below.
12.1 Air Attack
During a Combat Segment, the Attacking Player can support any 13.2.1 Victory Conditions
combat by placing air unit(s) onto the targeted unit(s) by moving the The Victory conditions are based on the German possession of
air unit(s) from the Air Army Box (Soviet) or Luftwaffe Box (German) Victory Point Hexes (VPH):
located on the map. The player may choose to perform a NORMAL
Soviet Overwhelming Victory: 1-3 VPH
ATTACK (+1) or a FULL ATTACK (+2). The number indicated on the air
unit is the number of shifts to the right that the air unit contributes Soviet Major Victory: 4-6 VPH
to the combat. A maximum of two air units can be used in the same Soviet Historical Victory: 7 VPH
combat. German Minor Victory: 8-9 VPH
German Major Victory: 10-12 VPH
12.1.1 Normal and Full Attack German Overwhelming Victory: 13-14 VPH
An air unit that has used FULL ATTACK is placed in the grounded side
of the airbase box on the map. However, an air unit that has used 13.2.2 Victory Point Hexes
NORMAL ATTACK is placed in the ‘refit’ side of the airbase box. The following locations are the Victory Point Hexes and have their
names in red type, each worth 1 point:
Insterburg-1836, Lötzen-1329, Königsberg-2932, Allenstein-2220,
12.2 Air Units Recovery Schröttersburg-1902, Thorn-3203, Kulm-3507, Graudenz-3409,
Marienwerder-3412, Bartenstein-2327, Elbing-3420, Mielau-1811,
12.2.1 Grounded Braunsberg-3225 and Wehlau-2323.
In the next Grounded Unit Refitting Segment, the air unit is moved to
the ‘refit’ side of the airbase box.
12.2.2 Refit
In the next Refitted Unit Return Segment, the air unit is moved to the 14.1 Optional Rules
respective Air Army or Luftwaffe box.
14.1.1 SS Regiment Böhme
12.3 Soviet Air Army Restrictions (Marked with an asterisk (*)), SS Reg. Böhme was a motorcycle unit.
2 BF and 3 BF can only use those air units allocated to them. Units Place in Königsberg at games start.
may never be relocated to the other Air Army Box, even if all of one’s
Air Army’s units are grounded. 14.1.2 zbV KG Mikosch Division
(Marked with an asterisk (*)), this was a hastily assembled unit,
12.4 3rd and 18th Air Army arriving in Pillau just before the advancing Soviets. If the unit ever
These two units (marked with die) originally belonged to the 1st Baltic reached divisional level, I have not found out but as they started as a
Front and they work somewhat differently from the other air units. KG and acted as a zbV they received the full title. Introduce Mikosch,
They start the game fully operational in the 1st Air Army Box. If at reduced strength at entry area C in reinforcement segment
performing a FULL or NORMAL ATTACK they are handled as any other following a Soviet unit being within five hexes of Königsberg.
ordinary air unit. However, when going from the Refit Box to the Air
Army Box during the Refitted Unit Return Segment, a die roll is 14.1.3 20th Panzer
necessary. Only a die roll result of ‘6’ allows the unit to return. If a ‘6’ The 20th Panzer division historically was in East Prussia but was
is not rolled, the unit remains in the ‘refit’ side of the Airbase Box until resting and rebuilding and never committed to combat. Players may
the next turn when the die-roll is performed again. at their option place this unit in hex 1323.

13.0 HOW TO WIN THE GAME 15.0 Set Up

13.1 Victory Points Set up listed by unit identifications. R indicates the unit sets up on its
At the start of the game the German player controls all Victory Point reduced side. (color) indicates the color band of the units.
hexes. (See Section 13.2.2) All Victory Control markers should be
placed on their hexes German side up. Whenever a Soviet combat Soviet 3BF (the lighter colored Soviet units)
unit (not HQs) enters a Victory Point Hex, flip the Control Marker to 43 Army (black) 90 in 2143; 103 in 1943
the Soviet side. 39 Army (red) 28G (tank), 113 in 1144; 152 in 1044; 94, 5G, 39
HQ in 1043
5 Army (green) 2G(tank), 45 in 1140; 72, 65, 5HQ in 1039
2018 Revolution Games 10
Königsberg: East Prussia 1945
28 Army (blue) 3G, 218(tank) in 1137; 20, 128, 28 HQ in 1036 German Garrisons
2G Army (orange) 60, 153(tank) in 0935; 136, 2G HQ in 0936; Thorn in 3203; Kulm in 3507; Graud in 3409; Elbing in 3420;
11G in 0835 Konig in 2932, Lotzen in 1329
11G Army (gray) 36G in 0838; 120(tank), 8G in 0738, 16G, 11G
HQ in 0739. 16.0 Players Notes
31 Army (pink) 71 in 0534; 36, 44, 31 HQ in 0434
Independent Units (no color band) 1(tank) in 0735; 2G(tank) in German Player: The Germans will lose a lot of units and a lot of
0840, 43G(tank) in 0741 ground. But keep playing as the victory conditions are quite balanced.
Defense in depth is the plan in this battle. Since the Soviets have more
Soviet 2BF (the darker colored Soviet units) activations and stronger units they will create breakthroughs and if
70 Army (green) 96, 70 HQ in 0506; 47 in 0606; 114 in 0507 you do not have a second or third line you will be in trouble. The
65 Army (purple) 105, 65HQ in 0308; 46 in 0408; 18 in 0309 Soviet 2BF is the trouble front. You need to rail units from your other
areas to put troop in front of them. The 6th corps and 55 corps are
2SH Army (red) 88, 116 in 0709; 108, 30G in 0710; 2SH HQ in
good for this once their HQ can move. Independent units are also
0609 good to send as any HQ can command them and the 7 th Panzer
48 Army (blue) 29 in 0811; 42 in 0812; 53, 48 HQ in 0712 commands 5 of them. Look at the road and rail net for Soviet advance
3 Army (gray) 41, 35, 3 HQ in 0613; 40 in 0514 routes. The rail line from Warsaw to Marienburg is the most
49 Army (dark blue) 121, 124, 49 HQ in 0516; 70 in 0416 dangerous advance route and the roads through Sichelberg a close
Independent units (no color band) 1G in 0708; 8G in 0410; 23G second. Try to set up your HQ in towns with enough troops they are
in 0312, 8 in 0213, 3G (6-4-8) in 0214 not easily eliminated. If you can get an area under command of two
HQ or more that helps to allow your independents to activate
multiple times per turn and react to multiple threats. Counter attack
German (darker gray units)
a handful of times per game at most critical times using the air
9 Corps (dark blue) 56 in 1342; 561 in 1542; 548 in1841; 551 in support to gain shifts. Also look to choke the Soviet supply as they are
2142; 286 in 2441; 9 HQ in 1939 often trying to make deep narrow breakthroughs. Finally use your
26 Corps (purple) 549 in 1338; 349 in 1339; 1 in 1340; 69 in Volksturm as speed bumps as they are free and good at it. On turn
1341; 26 HQ in 1838 one Praschnitz and Gumbinnen are good choices.
HG Corps (brown) 1HG(tank) in 1636 (This unit is lighter gray);
2HG in 1435-R; 61 in 1337; HG HQ in 1833 Soviet Player: The Soviet player must get the most out of his
41 PZ Corps (white) 21 in 1233; 28 in 1234; 50 in 1032; 367 in independent units by having them activated by multiple HQ’s each
0832; 170 in 0732, 41 PZ HQ in 1031 turn. So, positioning troops and HQ is critical. Especially early in the
6 Corps (red) 558 in 0531; 131 in 0330; HAN in 0327; 541 in game the need is to eliminate a lot of Germans to open up things later
in the game and long dives into the enemy rear look good but are
0325; 6 HQ in 0626
often counterproductive as you end up the next turn with perhaps
55 Corps (blue) 203 in 0322; 562 in 0321; 547 in 0620, 53 HQ in one HQ that can activate the units and you might not even draw that
0722 HQ. Watch your supply lines as the German player will launch raids
20 Corps (orange) 209(tank) in 1111; 292 in 0814; 14 in 0815; or mini offensives to try to cut off your advance. Railroad movement
102 in 0918; 20 HQ in 1016 and strategic movement are key to getting troops forward so be sure
23 Corps (yellow) 129 in 1013; 299 in 1012;7 in 1010; 5 in 1008; you understand those rules. Eliminating German HQ’s is a mixed
23 HQ in 1213 blessing; a key one that controls a section of critical front is probably
27 Corps (dark green) 35 in 0908; 252 in 0907; 542 in 0906; 27 worth eliminating but ones in off areas are ones the German player is
HQ in 1206 wasting picks on and should not be targets unless they are moving
28 Corps (light green) 607 in 3040-R troops to the main fronts. Know what chits are in the pool each turn
so you can plan what will likely be activated. For example, on turn one
in the 3BF the green, red, and blue are going to be activated as no
German Independent Infantry (lighter gray units) other chits are in the pool. Notice that as far as taking a town or city
23 in 1427; 605 in 1628-R; 10 in 1826; HAU in 2026; 401 in all tables from 5-1 up will work equally well, just a one in six chance
2931-R; 83 in 1519-R, 461 in 2516-R; 627 in 1409; 73 in 0905. of failure. Unless he has a garrison unit and then higher odds help.

German Independent Mechanized (lt. gray with vehicles) Credits -Three Crowns Edition
Designer, Developer, Graphics, Research: Stefan Ekström
GD Corps (black) GD(tank) in 1635; GD(halftrack) in 1416; GD
Cover, Research, Playtesting: Magnus Nordlöff
Fus(truck) in 1517, GD HQ in 1625 Playtesting: Jan Larsson, Göran Björkman, Anders Brinck, Edvard
18 in 1321, 5, 505 in 1739; 277 in 1540; 259 in 1539; 279 in Brink
1538; 232 in 1232; 102 in 0728; 185 in 0919; 904 in Special Thanks: Geoff Noble, Cezary Domalski
1015; 909 in 0915; 507 in 1209; 276 in 1208; 7 in 1408, 190 in
1106; 24 in 2925; 7PZ HQ in 1915

11 2018 Revolution Games

Königsberg: East Prussia 1945
12.1 AIR ATTACK ........................................................................ 10
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 2
12.2 AIR UNITS RECOVERY ........................................................... 10
2.0 COMPONENTS ................................................................... 2 12.3 SOVIET AIR ARMY RESTRICTIONS ............................................ 10
12.4 3RD AND 18TH AIR ARMY ........................................................ 10
2.1 RULES ................................................................................. 2
2.2 MAP ................................................................................... 2 13.0 HOW TO WIN THE GAME..................................................10
2.3 COMMAND CHITS .................................................................. 3
13.1 VICTORY POINTS.................................................................. 10
2.4 SPECIAL COMMAND CHITS ...................................................... 3
13.2 SUDDEN DEATH VICTORY ....................................................... 10
2.5 ACTION CHITS ....................................................................... 3
2.6 MARKERS............................................................................. 3 14.0 OPTIONAL RULES..............................................................10
3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY ........................................................... 3 14.1 OPTIONAL RULES ................................................................. 10
4.0 COMMAND ........................................................................ 4 15.0 SET UP ..............................................................................10
4.1 COMMAND PHASE ................................................................. 4
4.2 HQS & COMMAND EXECUTION................................................ 4
2 German Reinforcement. Roll 1D6. 1-3 15SS Enters at A. 4-
5.0 ZONES OF CONTROL (ZOCS) ............................................... 4 6 28th Corps enters at D. If one is already in play, the other
5.1 ZOC EFFECTS ....................................................................... 5 unit comes on.
5.2 ZOC CAPABLE UNITS ............................................................. 5 3 Free Movement. Activate any German HQ. All units
5.3 ZOC AND REINFORCEMENTS.................................................... 5 activated may move but may not attack.
5.4 RETREATS AND EZOCS ........................................................... 5 4 German Barrage. German player may perform a single
5.5 ZOC AND SUPPLY .................................................................. 5 barrage combat at 2-1 in a hex adjacent to his units.
5.6 ZOC LIMITATIONS ................................................................. 5 5 Refugees. The next HQ drawn has its all units it activates
slowed by refugees. Decrease movement allowances by
6.0 MOVEMENT ....................................................................... 5 one and no strategic movement. Rail movement is
6.1 HOW TO MOVE UNITS ........................................................... 5 unaffected.
6.2 TERRAIN EFFECTS ON MOVEMENT ............................................ 5 6 Bad Weather. Move all air units in refit box to grounded
6.3 MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS...................................................... 5 box. Move all air units in Air Army Boxes and Luftwaffe Box
6.4 STRATEGIC MOVEMENT .......................................................... 5 to Refit Box.
6.5 RAIL MOVEMENT .................................................................. 5 7 Soviet Atrocity. Increase available Volksturm by one. (put
in map box) Maximum is four per turn.
7.0 STACKING .......................................................................... 6
8 Bad Weather. Move all air units in refit box to grounded
7.1 OVERSTACKING ..................................................................... 6 box. Move all air units in Air Army Boxes and Luftwaffe Box
to Refit Box.
8.0 REINFORCEMENTS ............................................................. 6
9 Refugees. The next HQ drawn has all units it activates
8.1 REINFORCEMENT COMMAND CHITS .......................................... 6 slowed by refugees. Decrease movement allowances by
one and no strategic movement. Rail movement is
9.0 COMBAT ............................................................................ 6
9.1 COMBAT RESULTS.................................................................. 6 10 Stalin Interferes. Soviet front loses two activations
9.2 COMBAT RESTRICTIONS .......................................................... 6 immediately. Roll 1D6. 1-3=2BF, 4-6 3BF.
9.3 ODDS DETERMINATION .......................................................... 6 Soviet Barrage. Soviet player may perform a single
9.4 STEP LOSSES ......................................................................... 7
barrage combat at 2-1 in a hex adjacent to his units.
9.5 RETREATS............................................................................. 7 Soviet Early Arrival. Soviet 19th Army enters at F.
9.6 ADVANCE AFTER COMBAT ....................................................... 8
10.0 SUPPLY AND ISOLATION .................................................... 8
Unit Abbreviations
10.1 TRACING SUPPLY LINES ........................................................... 8 Mot: Motorized VG: Volkgrenadier
10.2 SUPPLY SOURCES ................................................................... 8 Mech: Mechanized VlkStm: Volksturm
10.3 OUT OF SUPPLY..................................................................... 8 G: Guard Le: Lehr
C: Cavalry zbV: zur besonderen
11.0 SPECIAL RULES ................................................................... 9 Jäg: Jägers Verwendung (For Special
11.1 HQ SPECIAL RULES ................................................................ 9 Pz: Panzer Employment)
11.2 REPLACEMENTS ..................................................................... 9 T: Tank UR: Ukreplennyi Raion (Fortified
11.3 VOLKSTURM ......................................................................... 9 GD: Gross Deutschland Region)
11.4 ADMIRAL HIPPER HEAVY CRUISER............................................. 9 HG: Hermann Göring HGM: Heeres Gruppe Mitte
Sh: Shock BF: Belorussian Front
11.5 GERMAN 6TH AND 55TH CORP HQS ........................................... 9
KG: Kampfgruppe Fus: Fusilier
12.0 AIR UNITS ........................................................................ 10

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