Petri Net-Based Modeling and Simulation of A Hybrid Manufacturing System
Petri Net-Based Modeling and Simulation of A Hybrid Manufacturing System
Petri Net-Based Modeling and Simulation of A Hybrid Manufacturing System
2 58
3 authors, including:
Abolfazl Jalilvand
University of Zanjan
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x& 2 = f 2 ( x2 , u , t )
1. Introduction
y = g 2 ( x2 , u, t )
Hybrid systems have emerged as a technique
for modeling and analyzing a class of
autonomous control systems containing both x&1 = f1 ( x1 , u , t ) x&3 = f 3 ( x3 , u , t )
continuous-state and discrete event dynamics [1- y = g1 ( x1 , u , t ) y = g 3 ( x3 , u , t )
3]. When the continuous and discrete dynamics
coexist and interact with each other, it is
important to develop models that accurately
describe the dynamic behavior of such hybrid
systems. Many times it is not only desirable but
x& N = f N ( x N , u , t ) xx4.& == ff4 ((xx4 ,,uu,,tt))
also natural to use hybrid models to describe the 4 4 4
y = g 4 ( x4 , u, t )
dynamic behavior of systems. Many physical y = g N ( x N , u, t ) y = g 4 ( x4 , u, t )
systems are hybrid in the sense that they have
barriers or limitations. Inside the limitations they ...
are modeled with differential equations. A Figure 1: A schematic representation of a hybrid
natural way to model these systems is to use a system with N modes.
mixture of differential equations and The mode transitions may be caused by an
inequalities. Other systems have switches and external control signal, by an internal control
signal (if the controller is already included in the dynamical law until a discrete transition occurs.
system under consideration), or by the dynamics Discrete transitions are instantaneous state
of the system itself, i.e. when a certain boundary changes that separate continuous state evolutions
in the state space is crossed. The latter is [14]. Due to combination of discrete and
expressed by guard [1]. continuous behavior, hybrid systems are
In one formulation of hybrid systems the inherently difficult to analyze formally.
continuous state plant is supervised by a discrete Numerical simulation therefore plays an
event controller [10-12]. Such a hybrid system important role in the analysis of such systems.
consists of three main components: a plant, a The simulation of hybrid systems alternates
discrete event controller and an interface. The between solving differential equations
continuous process to be controlled, together numerically and making discrete transitions.
with any continuous controller, is identified as In this paper we use a special version of
plant and is often described in terms of timed Petri nets as a tool for the mathematical
differential/difference equations. In an effort to description and simulation of the behaviour of
import more intelligence and decision making hybrid systems. To simulate the Petri net model
capabilities to the system, it may be desired for a of the hybrid system a modified Petri net toolbox
rule based discrete event controller to determine is used.
the control and performance objectives of real
time plant. The interface makes it possible for 2. Hybrid Dynamical Systems
these different processes to communicate with
each other. As it is illustrated in Fig. 2 it consists As it was mentioned previously, a class of
of two main parts: the event generator and the hybrid dynamical system, commonly found in
actuator. The event generator receives the the literature, considers the tree layer structure
discrete time measurement signal of hybrid plant depicted in Fig. 2. Here we deal with this hybrid
and issues appropriate events when the state control system with more details. The
enters a new region of the state space. The continuous system plant is a three-tuple
actuator determines the control input which is S = ( X ,U , f ) , consisting of the state set, input
applied to the hybrid system. set and state transition function respectively. The
Discrete Event continuous system plant equations are [15]:
Controller x& (t ) = f ( x(t ), u (t )) (1)
r ( n) ~
x ( n) Where x ∈ X ⊂ ℜn and u ∈U ⊂ ℜ m .
Interface f : X × U → ℜ n is assumed to be lipschitz
actuator generator continuous. For simplicity we assume that the
continuous state x(t ) can be measured.
r (t ) x(t ) The interface equations are:
(Σ / S ) : u (t ) = γ ( r (k )) (2)
( S / Σ) : z (k ) = α( x(t ), u (t )) (3)
Figure 2: A hybrid control system. Where r ∈ ℜ , u ∈ U ⊂ ℜ and x ∈ X ⊂ ℜ n .
p m
IEEE --- 2005 International Conference on Emerging Technologies
September 17-18, Islamabad
IEEE --- 2005 International Conference on Emerging Technologies
September 17-18, Islamabad
IEEE --- 2005 International Conference on Emerging Technologies
September 17-18, Islamabad
t1(--) & t2(-)
For simulation purpose we consider the
robotic manufacturing system with following 0.5
a = 0m , b = 1m , c = 5m , d = 6m , v1 = 2.5(m / s) , 0 5 10 15
20 25 30 35
t 2 , t3 and t 4 based on their corresponding 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
dynamics. We have assumed that the state of 0
all transitions we can obtain the complete Figure 9: The states of transitions.
behaviour of the hybrid system.
In this figure we define the following values for
describing the state of the transition.
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