Awp Study Material
Awp Study Material
Awp Study Material
Credits: 4 3 1 -
Course Objective:
This course introduces basic terminology and concepts of Antennas and its radiation mechanism
and also analyzes the electric, magnetic field emission and power radiated from various basic
antennas and their mathematical formulation for the analysis and design of antennas.This course
also introduces various microwave antennas, their mechanical structures and their operational
behavior to obtain the radiation patterns and also procedures to measure antenna parameters.
1.J. D. Kraus, R. J. Marhefka and Ahmad S. Khan, “Antennas and Wave Propagation”,
TMH, New Delhi, (Special Indian Edition), 4th Edition, 2010.
1.C. A. Balanis, John Wiley & Sons, “Antenna Theory”, 3rd Edition, 2005.
Course Outcomes:
2. Capable to analyze the designed antenna such as half wave, quarter wave and loop antennas
and field evaluation under various conditions and formulate the electric as well as the magnetic
fields Equation set for Far field and near field conditions.
3. Understand the Array system of different antennas and filed analysis under application of
different currents to the individual antenna elements and understand the design issues, operation
of fundamental antennas like Yagi-Uda, Horn antennas and helical structure and also their
operation methodology in practice.
4. Understand the characteristics, features and applications of Micro strip and parabolic reflector
antennas, Design a lens structure and also the bench setup for antenna parameter measurement of
testing for their effectiveness.
5. Know about the means of propagation of Electromagnetic wave i.e. free space propagation
and also about frequency dependent layer selection, its respective issues for an effective
transmission of information in the form of EM wave to a remote location and related issues.
The first radio antennas were built by Heinrich Hertz, a professor at the Technical
Institute in Karlsruhe, Germany. Heinrich Hertz‘s end-loaded half-wave dipole transmitting
antenna and resonant half-wave receiving loop operating at λ = 8 m in 1886.
Hertz was the pioneer and father of radio, his invention remained a laboratory uriosity
until 20-year-old Guglielmo Marconi of Bologna, Italy, went on to add tuning circuits, big
antenna and ground systems for longer wavelengths, and was able to signal over large
distances. In mid-December 1901 he startled the world by receiving signals at St. Johns,
Newfoundland, from a transmitting station he had constructed at Poldhu in Cornwall,
Guglielmo Marconi‘s square conical antenna at Poldhu, England, in 1905 for sending
transatlantic signals at wavelengths of 1000s of meters. Shown in fig. below. Rarely has an
invention captured the public imagination as Marconi‘s wireless did at the beginning of the
20th century. With the advent of radar during World War II, centimeter wavelengths became
popular and the entire radio spectrum opened up to wide usage.
Thousands of communication satellites bristling with antennas now circle the earth in
low, medium, and geostationary orbits. The geostationary satellites form a ring around the
earth similar to the rings around Saturn. Your hand-held Global Position Satellite (GPS)
receiver gives your latitude, longitude and elevation to centimeter accuracy anywhere on or
above the earth day or night, cloudy or clear.
Very Large Array (VLA) of 27 steerable parabolic dish antennas each 25 m in
diameter operating at centimeter wavelengths for observing radio sources at distances of
billions of light-years. The array is located at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
near Socorro,
New Mexico in 1980. Shown in fig. below. Our probes with their arrays of antennas have
visited the planets of the solar system and beyond, responding to our commands and sending
back photographs and data at centimeter wavelengths even though it may take over 5 hours
for the signals to travel one way. And our radio telescope antennas operating at millimeter to
kilometer wavelengths receive signals from objects so distant that it has taken more than 10
billion years for the signals to arrive.
Helix antenna array on one of 24 Global Position Satellites (GPS) in Medium Earth
Orbit (MEO) at 20,000km. Operating at λ = 20 cm, these satellites provide you on or above
the earth with your position (latitude, longitude and elevation) to an accuracy of better than 1
meter in 1985. Shown in fig. below.
In the above image, the antennas help the communication to be established in the
whole area, including the valleys and mountains. This process would obviously be easier
than laying a wiring system throughout the area.
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig4 Fig 5
Fig 6
Lnns antnnnas:
Convex-plane, co vex-convex , convex-concave and concave-plane lenses o
These antennas are usually used for very high frequency applications.
Microstrip antnnnas: (fig 7)
rectangular, circular etc. shaped metallic patch above a ground plane :- Used
in aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, missiles, cars, mobile phones etc.
Fig 7
Array antnnnas: Yagi-Uda antenna, microstrip patch array, aperture array, slotted
waveguide array :- Used for very high gain applications with added
advantage, such as controllable radiation pattern.
o If the charge is not moving, a current is not created and there is no radiation.
So, it is the current distribution on the antennas that produce the radiation. Usually
these current distributions are excited by transmission lines and waveguides as shown in the
fig. 8.
Fig 8. Antenna radiation mechanism
I L or Q V
I = Time changing current in Amps/sec
Q= Charge in Coulombs
b) In space, these two fields will be in-phase and perpendicular to each other at any given
moment. Although a conductor is usually considered to be present when a moving electric
or magnetic field is mentioned, the laws governing these fields do not say anything about
a conductor. Thus, these laws hold true whether a conductor is present or not
c) The current and voltage distribution on a half-wave Hertz antenna is shown in Figure 10
In view A, a piece of wire is cut in half and attached to the terminals of a high frequency
(HF), alternating current (AC) generator. The frequency of the generator is set so each
half of the wire is one-quarter wavelength of the output. The symbol for wavelength is the
Greek letter lambda (D). The result is the common dipole antenna.
λ/4 λ/4
charge distribution
half wave Antenna
Fig: 10
1. A current flows in the antenna with an amplitude that varies with the generator voltage.
2. A sine wave distribution of charge exists on the antenna. The charges can reverse polarity
for every half cycle.
3. The sine wave variation in charge magnitude lags the sine wave variation in current by
one-quarter cycle.
Antenna Parameters:
d) At a given moment, the generator's right side is positive and its left side is negative. A
law of physics states that like charges repel each other. Consequently, electrons will
flow away from the negative terminal as far as possible while the positive terminal
will attract electrons. View B of Figure 1-1 shows the direction and distribution of
electron flow. The distribution curve shows that most current flows in the center and
none flows at the ends. The current distribution over the antenna is always the same,
regardless of how much or how little current is flowing. However, current at any
given point on the antenna will vary directly with the amount of voltage that the
generator develops.
e) One-quarter cycle after the electrons begin to flow, the generator develops it;
minimum voltage and the current decreases to zero. At that moment, the condition
shown in view C of Figure 1-1 will exist. Although no current is flowing, a minimum
number of electrons are at the left end of the line and a minimum number are at the
right end. The charge distribution along the wire varies as the voltage of the generator
varies (view C).
The duality of an antenna specifies a circuit device on one band and a space device on
the other hand. Figure.11 shows the schematic diagram of basic antenna parameters,
illustrating dual characteristics of an antenna.
Most practical transmitting antennas are divided into two basic classifications,
HERTZ ANTENNAS (half-wave) and MARCONI (quarter-wave) ANTENNAS.
Hertz antennas are generally installed some distance above the ground and are
positioned to radiate either vertically or horizontally. Marconi antennas operate with one end
grounded and are mounted perpendicular to the earth or a surface acting as a ground. The
Hertz antenna, also referred to as a dipole, is the basis for some of the more complex antenna
systems used today. Hertz antennas are generally used for operating frequencies of 2 MHz
and above, while Marconi antennas are used for operating frequencies below 2 MHz. All
antennas regardless of their shape or size, have four basic characteristics: reciprocity,
directivity, gain, and polarization.
Isotropic Radiator:An antenna does not radiate uniformly in all directions. For the
sake of a reference, we consider a hypothetical antenna called an isotropic radiator having
equal radiation in all directions.
Directional Antenna: A directional antenna is one which can radiate or receive
electromagnetic waves more effectively in some directions than in others.
Radiation Pattern:
The relative distribution of radiated power as a function of direction in space (i.e., as function
of and ) is called the radiation pattern of the antenna. Instead of 3D surface, it is common
practice to show planar cross section radiation pattern. E-plane and H-plane patterns give two
most important views. The E-plane pattern is a view obtained from a section containing
maximum value of the radiated field and electric field lies in the plane of the section.
Similarly when such a section is taken such that the plane of the section contains H field and
the direction of maximum radiation. A typical radiation patter plot is shown in figure 12.
The main lobe contains the direction of maximum radiation. However in some antennas,
more than one major lobe may exist. Lobe other than major lobe are called minor lobes.
Minor lobes can be further represent radiation in the considered direction and require to be
HPBW or half power beam width: Refers to the angular width between the points at which
the radiated power per unit area is one half of the maximum.
The convention is to refer to polarization with reference to the surface of the earth.
Precise orientation is less problematic than one might think, since waves bounce of the
ground and other objects so do not maintain their original orientation anyway. In space,
horizontal and vertical lose their meaning, so alignment of linearly polarized sending and
receiving antennas is more difficult to achieve. These difficulties are somewhat circumvented
by circular polarization of waves. With circular polarization, the tip of the electric field vector
traces out a circle when viewed in the direction of propagation.
Figure 14. Polarisation
Vertical and horizontal are the simplest forms of polarization and they both fall into a
category known as linear polarization. However it is also possible to use circular polarization.
This has a number of benefits for areas such as satellite applications where it helps overcome
the effects of propagation anomalies, ground reflections and the effects of the spin that occur
on many satellites.
Circular polarization is a little more difficult to visualize than linear polarization.
However it can be imagined by visualizing a signal propagating from an antenna that is
rotating. The tip of the electric field vector will then be seen to trace out a helix or corkscrew
as it travels away from the antenna. Circular polarization can be seen to be either right or left
handed dependent upon the direction of rotation as seen from the transmitter.
Ey Ey
Practically any antenna cannot radiate energy with same strength uniformly in all
directions- radiation will be large in one direction , while zero or minimum in other
The radiation from the antenna in any direction is measured in terms of field strength
at a point located at a particular distance from an antenna.
The field strength can be calculated by measuring voltage at two points on an electric
links of face and their dividing by distance between two points. Hence unit of radiation
pattern is V/m. The radiation pattern of an antenna is the important characteristic of antenna
because it indicates the distribution of energy radiated by an antenna in the space.
The radiation pattern is nothing but a graph which shows the variation of actual field
strength of EM field at all the points equidistant from the antenna. Hence, it is 3-D graph.
Radiation patterns are of two types:
(i) If the radiation of the antenna is represented graphically as a function of direction
it is called radiation pattnrn. But if the radiation of the antenna is expressed in
terms of the field strength E (V/m) , then the graphical representation is called
finld strnngth pattnrn or finld radiation pattnrn.
θ=0 Eഁ
Main lobe Eθ
side lobe
Θθθθ θ
Back lobes
Fig. 3-D radiation pattern with main lobe, side lobes and back lobes.
It‘s a 3-D pattern to represent field radiation pattern, spherical co-ordinate system is most
‗r‘ indicates the distance from antenna located at origin to the distance point P. The
field intensity at point P is proportional to the distance ‗r‘. From the above fig. it is clear that
field pattern consists of main lobe in z-direction where θ=0 (which represents maximum
radiation in that direction) then minor lobes on the sides (which are also called side lobes)
and nulls between different lobes indicating minimum or zero radiation.
The pattern consists a small lobe exactly opposite to the main lobe which is called
back lobe. The field radiation pattern can be expressed completely w.r.t. field intensity and
polarization using 3 factors.
(1) Eθ (θ,ഁ) →The θ-component of the electric field as a function of angles θ and ഁ (v/m)
(2) Eഁ(θ,ഁ) → The ഁ-component of electric field as a function of angle θ and ഁ (v/m)
(3) δθ(θ,ഁ) or δഁ(θ,ഁ) → The phase angles of both the field components (deg. Or rad.)
The field pattern is expressed in terms of relative field pattern which is commonly
called normalized field pattern. The normalized field pattern is defined as the ration of the
field component to its max. value.
Normalized field pattern is a dimensionless quantity with max. value =1.
The normalized field patterns for θ and ഁ components of Electric Field are given as
Eθn(θ,ഁ) = Eθ(θ,ഁ)/Eθ(θ,ഁ)max.
Similarly Eഁn(θ,ഁ) = Eഁ(θ,ഁ)/Eഁ(θ,ഁ)max.
We don‘t go for 3D pattern design instead we are preferring polar plots of the
relative magnitude of the field in any desired plane are sketched.
These polar plots are plotted in two planes – one containing the antenna and the other
normal to it. These planes are called Principln planns and thn two plots or pattnrns arn
callnd Principln plann pattnrns.” These patterns are obtained by plotting by plotting the
magnitude of the normalized field strengths. When the magnitude of the normalized field
strength is plotted versus θ with constant ഁ. The pattern is called E-plane pattern or vertical
Figure16 (a) Principal E plane pattern Fig ure16(b) Principal H plane pattern
Where, dΩ = sinθ dθ dΦ
Many times ĂA is described interms of the angles subtended by half power points of
the main lobe. Equivalent solid angle ĂA
Of beam area
The beam area can be written as ĂA ≈ θHP ഁHP steradian , θHP & ഁHP hald power beam
widths neglecting minor lobes.
The power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle is called the radiation
intensity U (watts per steradian or per square degree). The normalized power pattern of the
previous section can also be expressed in terms of this parameter as the ratio of the radiation
intensity U (θ , Φ ), as a function of angle, to its maximum value. Thus,
Where as the Poynting vector S depends on the distance from the antenna (varying
inversely as the square of the distance), the radiation intensity U is independent of the
distance, assuming in both cases that we are in the far field of the antenna.
P rad =
2 [ ,ᴓ Ω
ᴓ=0 =0
Pn(θ,ഁ) = U(θ,Φ)
The beam area ĂA (or beam solid angle) consists of the main beam area (or solid
angle) ΩM plus the minor-lobe area (or solid angle) Ω m . Thus,
ΩA = ΩM + Ω m
The ratio of the main beam area to the (total) beam area is called the (main) beam
efficiency ȀM Thus,
ȀM =
!"#$ % & $' % $ ( $! ( & ! !)* 1
!"#$ % & $' % ,- ! !!
Where θ1 = half angel of the cone within which the percentage of total power is
forced. Mathematically beam efficiency is given by
2 1 ,ᴓ ᴓ
ᴓ=0 =0
BE =
ᴓ=0 =0
,ᴓ ᴓ
The beam efficiency can be expressed in terms of the main beam area (ΩM) and total
area (ΩA), then the beam efficiency is defined as the ratio of the main beam area to the total
beam area, given by
1= ΩM/ ΩA + Ωm/ ΩA = ȀM + Ȁm
The ratio of the minor-lobe area ( Ωm ) to the (total) beam area is called the stray factor.
D = 4π x # .$# # %$ $ ! $! !"$ -
* %$ %
Gain is a parameter which measures the degree of directivity of the antenna's radiation
pattern. A high-gain antenna will preferentially radiate in a particular direction. Specifically,
the antenna gain, or power gain of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the intensity (power
per unit surface) radiated by the antenna in the direction of its maximum output, at an
arbitrary distance, divided by the intensity radiated at the same distance by a hypothetical
isotropic antenna.
$! !"$ - %$ % ,- ( ! !! $! ( %$ & $ ! /# . ! ,$ - %$" !&
$! !"$ - %$ % ( " # %$" !& ,- (- ( $& * $" $& ! !!
As we mentioned earlier, some antennas are highly directional. That is, they
propagate more energy in certain directions than in others. The ratio between the amount of
energy propagated in these directions and the energy that would be propagated if the antenna
were not directional is known as antenna GAIN. The gain of an antenna is constant. whether
the antenna is used for transmitting or receiving.
Directivity function describes the variation of the radiation intensity. The directivity function
D(θ,ഁ) describes the variation of the radiation intensity. The directivity function D(θ,ഁ)
is defined by
If Pr is the radiated power, the gives the amount of power radiated per unit solid
angle. Had this power beam uniformly radiated in all directions then average power radiated
D(θ,ഁ) = = 4π x Ω ------------------ (3)
The maximum of directivity function is called the directivity.
In defining directivity function total radiated power is taken as the reference. Another
parameter called the gain of an antenna is defined in the similar manner which takes into
account the total input power rather than the total radiated power is used as the reference. The
amount of power given as input to the antenna is not fully radiated.
G (θ,ഁ) = Pd(θ,ᴓ)
Prad /4πr2
• The numerator in the above ratio is the radiation intensity while the denominator is
the average value of radiation intensity.
• So directive gain
• Thus the directive gain can be defined as the measure of the concentration of the
radiated power in a particular direction of (θ,ഁ).
• The ratio of the max. Power density to the average power radiated is called max.
Directive gain or directivity of the antenna, denoted by GDmax. Or D
D=G Pdmax
Dmax. =
/4 2
Directivity can also be defined as ,
Directivity is a dimensionless quantity and can also be expressed in terms of Electric Field
Intensity as
D=G = 4π|Emax.|2 / | ( , ᴓ)| 2 sinθ dθ dഁ = 4π|Emax .|2
Dmax 0 0 |( ,ᴓ)|sin θ dθ dᴓ
0 0
Ee know that,
1 2
Pavg = , ᴓ sinθ dθ dഁ
4༏ =0
And dĂ = sinθ dθ dഁ
Therefore Pavg =
( , ᴓ) dĂ W/sr
4 4
H I. ,ഁ H I 1
Hence , D = DE = 1
,ഁ, Ă or D= 1 dĂ
4 4 4 4 [ ,ᴓ ]
,ᴓ H I .
4 4
D = =
,ഁ Ă Ω
If the half power beam widths of an antenna are known then,
The resolution of an antenna is defined as half of the beam width between first nulls,
Resolution =
But half the beam width between first nulls is approximately equal to the HPBW of an
*Practically , HPBW is slightly less than FNBW/2
Also we know that, the antenna beam area is given by the product of two half power beam
width in two principle planes.
/!, /!,
ĂA = θHP ഁHP ≈ ( ) θ( )ഁ
2 2
If there are ‗N‘ no.of point sources of radiation distributed uniformly, then antenna resolve
those and is given by
N= ; ĂA =beam area expressed in sr.
But by the definition, the directivity of antenna is defined as, D=
Hence D = N → so ideally no. Of point sources resolved by an antenna is equal to
directivity of an antenna.
The resolution of antenna is also called Rayleigh Resolution. The expression D=
represents no. Of beam area of antenna pattern. D = N represents no. Of point sources
resolved by antenna in the sky which is ideally equal to directivity of an antenna.
So, ηr =
Prad + Ploss
The power radiated and the ohmic power loss can be expressed in terms of r.m.s. current as
ηr =
Rrad + Rloss
The ratio of the power radiated in a particular direction , ഁ, to the actual power input to
the antenna is called power gain of antenna.
Gp , ഁ, = Pd , ഁ, /Pin
The maximum power gain can be defined as the ratio of the max. Radiation intensity to the
radiation intensity due to isotropic lossless antenna.
Gpmax =
H I.
Gpmax =
( )
But the maximum radiation intensity is given by
Umax. = Prad/4π GDmax = GDmax. = D
4 4
Aperture concept: Aperture of an Antenna is the area through which the power is radiated or
receive. Concept of Apertures is most simply introduced by considering a Receiving
Antenna. Let receiving antenna be a rectangular Horn immersed in the field of uniform plane
wave as shown.
Let the pointing vector or power density of the plane wave be S watts/sq-m and let the
area or physical aperture be Ap sq-m. If the horn extracts all the power from the wave over
it‘s entire physical Aperture Ap. Power absorbed is given by
Aperture efficiency is defined as Ȁap =
The effective antenna aperture is the ratio of the available power at the terminals of the
antenna to the power flux density of a plane wave incident upon the antenna, which is
matched to the antenna in terms of polarization. If no direction is specified, the direction of
maximum radiation is implied. Effective Aperture (Ae) describes the effectiveness of an
antenna in receiving mode, it is ration of power delivered to receiver to incident power
Effective aperture is defined as the ratio of power received in the load to the average
power density produced at the point
Ae = m2.....................................................(1)
DE .
Power received by the antenna may be denoted by PR. An antenna should have maximum
useful area to extract energy and thus the max. effective aperture is obtained when power
received is maximum, denoted by Aem. Let us calculate effective aperture for the Herzian
dipole, when the Hertzian dipole is used as the receiving antenna, it extracts power from the
incident waves and delivers it to the load, producing voltage in it. The voltage induced in the
antenna is given by
'QU 'QU2
I= = ....................(4)
+Y. +( −Y. )
2 2
PR = I R =
rms rad 2 rad
PR = dL2/8 Rrad.................................................(5)
The maximum effective aperture is given by
Aem = =
2 dL2
8 Rrad
Aem = 1 2
*2 120
Aem = *
4 80 2 2
Above equation represents the max, effective aperture of the Hertzian dipole. But the
directivity of Hertzian dipole is 1.5.
Hence, we can rewrite the expression for the max. effective aperture as
Aem = )%H I. λ2
The equivalent aperture of a lossless antenna may be defined in terms of the maximum
directivity as
Aem = ( λ /4π) D .......................... (8)
In receiving antenna, effective aperture is very important parameter as it indicated the ability
of an antenna to extract energy from EM waves. The various types of apertures are:-
(a) Scattnring Apnrturn(As):- The scattering aperture is defined as the ration of power
received by radiation resistance Rrad to the average power density at point
As = Irms2. Rrad/ DE = Irms2. Rrad /P avg using an equivalent circuit of antenna
$ H =
*+ 2+ .*+. 2
' 2
As =
*+ 2+ .*+. 2 D.
For max. power transfer condition, RL = RA = Rrad assuming Rloss =0 and XL= -XA, we get
Thus it is observed that under maximum power transfer condition the (As)max, of antenna is
same as (Ae)max.
The ratio of scattering aperture of an antenna to its effective aperture is known as scattering
ratio, denoted by β and its value lies between 0 and ∞
(b) Loss Aperture (Al):- It is aperture of an antenna related to the loss resistance of an
antenna. It is defined as the ratio of power dissipated by the loss resistance of an
antenna to the average power density at a point. It is called loss aperture and denoted
by Al.
' 2 . VQ
Al =
*+ 2+ .*+. 2 DE
' 2 . VQ
Al =
*+ + VQ 2+ .*+. 2 DE
(c) Collncting Apnrturn (Ac):- The collecting aperture (Ac) is the sum of effective
aperture scattering aperture and loss aperture of an antenna. Hence , we can write
Ac = Ae +As +Al
2 2 2
Ac = I . R /P .+I . R /P . + I . R /P .
rms L avg rms rad avg rms loss avg
' 2 *+ + VQ
Ac = where VA2 is VA2
*+ + VQ 2+ .*+. 2 D.
(d) Physical Apnrturn: The physical aperture (Ap) is the parameter which deals with the
actual physical size or cross section of an antenna. Ap is defined as the actual physical
cross section of an antenna normal to the direction of propagation of EM waves
towards an antenna which is set for its max. response.
For large cross section antennas Ap is greater than Ae, for antennas like short
dipole, Ap < Ae. When the losses are assumed to be zero, the physical aperture and
effective aperture both are equal
Ap = Ae (Ploss =0)
γ = (Ae)max./Ap
It is the area that captures energy from a passing EM wave. An antenna with large
aperture(Ae) has more gain than one with smaller aperture (Ae) since it captures more
energy from a passing radio wave and can radiate more in that direction while transmitting.
Far Field due to an Alternating Current Element (Oscillating dipole):-
With reference to Fig. 4–2 consider that a time varying current I is flowing in a very
short and very thin wire of length dl in the z-direction (where dl tends to zero). This current is
given by Idl cos ωt. Since the current is in the z direction, the current density J will have only
a z-component (i.e., J = Jzaz). The vector magnetic potential A will also have only a z-
component (i.e., A = Azaz).
Though the cylindrical coordinate system can suitably accommodate the configuration of a
filamentary current carrying conductor, wherein only the Az component exists and the Aρ and
Aφ components are zero, but since the three-dimensional radiation problem needs to be
tackled in spherical coordinate system, Az is to be transformed to the spherical coordinate
system. This transformation results in
Ar = Az cos θ, Aθ = −Az sin θ and Aφ = 0 (2)
In view of the relation IdV = _ds = `dv, for filamentary current, which we come acrossed in
the last topics, can be written as
Further from the relation B = a ×A, the components ofa ×A are obtained as below.
From (5), it can be noted that only Hφ survives. It can also be stated that φ derivative is zero
(i.e., ∂/∂φ ≡ 0)for all field components due to the symmetry along φ. From (2) and (5c),
From (1a) of sec. 4.2, E = 1 b . ( P
From (12), it can be concluded that for r < λ/6, the induction field will dominate whereas for
r > λ/6, the radiation field assumes more importance. Thus for r >> λ/6, only the radiation
field needs to be accounted.
The expressions of Eθ,Er and Hφ given by (10) and (11) involve three types of terms, which
represent three different types of fields. These are noted below:
1. The terms inversely proportional to r3 represent electrostatic field. Such terms are involved
in the expressions of Eθ and Er
2. The terms inversely proportional to r2 represent induction or near field. Such terms are
involved in all the field components, i.e., in Eθ , Er and Hφ.
3. Lastly, the terms which are inversely proportional only to r represent radiation (distant or
far) field and are involved in the expressions of Eθ and Hφ.
FBR is defined as the power radiated in the desired direction to the power radiated in
opposite direction.
%$ % $! % "$ % %$ & $ !
%$ % $! "$ %$ & $ !
The FBR value desired is very high as it is expected to have large radiation in the
front or desired direction rather than that in the back or opposite direction.
The FBR depends on frequency of operation, so when frequency of an antenna
changes , the FBR also changes. FBR also depends on the spacing between the antenna
elements. If the spacing between the antenna elements increases the FBR decreases. The
FBR also depends on the electrical length of the parasitic elements of the antenna.
FBR can be raised by diverting the gain of backward direction response of the antenna
to the parasitic elements. The method of adjusting the electrical length of the parasitic
element is called tuning. These higher FBR is obtained at the cost of gain from the opposite
Practically FBR is important in case of receiving antennas rather than transmitting
antennas. At the receiving antenna, adjustments are made in such a way to obtain max, FBR
rather than max. gain.
The radiation resistance of an antenna is defined as the equivalent resistance that would
dissipate the same amount power as is radiated by the antenna. For the elementary current
element we have discussed so far. From equation (3.26) we find that radiated power density
/2 /2
Where = n-1/n but here we have 3 = 2x 3 = 2x2/3
=0 =0 =0
Pr = | I|2 ηo (dl)2 Ko 2 / 12 π ...............................................
Further dP = P r2 sinθ dθ dഁ
r = Pavav r2 dĂ
r = ηo /6π (2
)2 ............................................... (5)
Substituting ηo as 120π
r = 480π /6π ( )
r = 480π /6π ( )
For such an elementary dipole antenna the principal E and H plane pattern are shown in Fig
16(a) and (b).
Figure16 (a) Principal E plane pattern Fig ure16(b) Principal H plane pattern
To understand the radiation process, a critical look at Maxwell‘s equations is more
than essential. Since for wave propagation all the field quantities have to be time varying,
with the presumption of sinusoidal variation, all field quantities involved may be
−γ z
characterized by the term ejωt . The space variation may be characterized by the term e ,
where γ is the propagation constant which is normally a complex quantity (i.e., γ = α + jβ).
The parameter α is called the attenuation constant and β is called the phase shift constant.
As long as waves remain confined to free space, the attenuation can be neglected (i.e.,
α = 0 ). Thus, the study of radiation may be confined to only those fields which result in
waves characterized by the term e−jβz. The field emanating from an antenna is assumed to be
progressing in the positive z direction without attenuation.
Maxwell‘s equations can be written in differential and integral forms. For the present
study, the differential form of equations is more suited. The relevant equations involving
electric field intensity E, electric flux density D, magnetic field intensity H, magnetic flux
density B, current density J and the charge density ρ are as given below.
D = εE ............................................ (2a)
B = Μh …. (2b)
J = ζE = E/ρ ................................ (2c)
In (2), E is the permittivity, µ is the permeability, σ is the conductivity and ρ is the resistivity
(ρ = 1/σ ) of the media. It is to be noted that the symbol ρ involved in (1c) and (2c) represents
entirely different quantities.
gV V gD D
V =Ȁ = ȀȀ = ȀȀȀ 3(a)
4 h 4 h 4 h
E = −a V 3(b)
In (3a), V is the scalar electric potential; ρl , ρs and ρv are line, surface and volume
charge densities; and R is the distance between the source and the point at which V is to be
i$ $ i_
A=Ȁ =ȀȀ =ȀȀȀ i` D
4 4 4
B = a ×A (4b) 4(b)
a 2A = −µJ (in general) and a 2A = 0 for J = 0 4(c)
In (4), A is the vector magnetic potential, I is the current, K is the surface current density and
J and R are the same as defined earlier.
Since radiation is a time varying phenomena, the validity of these relations needs to
be tested. To start with consider (3b) When its curl is taken, it is noted that
a ×E = a ×(−a V ) ≡ 0 (1)
In view of the vector identity that the curl of a gradient is identically zero. But from (1b)
a ×E = −∂B/∂t for a time-varying field. The discrepancy is obvious and can be
addressed by using (4b)
Let E = −a V + N (2) (2)
a ×E = a ×(−a V )+a ×N = 0+a ×N = −∂B/∂t = −∂(a ×A)/∂t
Thus, a ×N = −∂(a ×A)/∂t = −a ×(∂A/∂t) = a ×(−∂A/∂t)
Or a ×N = −∂A/∂t (3) (3)
Substitution of (3) in (2) gives a new relation (4) which satisfies both the static and the time-
varying conditions:
E = −a V − ∂A/∂t (4)
In the second step, the validity of (1c) is to be tested by using the relation of (2a) and (4).
a ・D = a ・(EE) = Ea ・E
= Ea ・(−a V − ∂A/∂t)
= E(−a ・a V − ∂/∂t (a ・A) = ρ
From the above relation, a 2V + ∂/∂t (a ・A) = −ρ/E (5)
The RHS of (5) leads to the following relations:
a 2V = −ρ/E for static conditions (6a)
a 2V = −ρ/E − ∂/∂t (a ・A) for time-varying conditions (6b)
In the third step, the validity of (1a) is to be tested by using the relations of equation
(2b), (4b) and (4).
a ×H = J + ∂D/∂t (1a)
B = µH or H = B/µ
The LHS of (1a) can be written as
LHS = (a ×B)/µ = (a ×a ×A)/µ = [a (a ・ A)−a A]/µ
This relation uses the vector identity a ×∇ ×A ≡ a (∇ ・A)−a A 2
The RHS of 1(a) can also be written as
RHS = J + E∂E/∂t = J + E∂(−a V − ∂A/∂t)/∂t
= J + E[−a (∂V/∂t) − ∂2A/∂t2]
= J − E[a (∂V/∂t) + ∂2A/∂t2] (9)
On equating LHS and RHS terms, one gets
a (∇ ・A)−a A = µJ − µE[a (∂V/∂t) + ∂2A/∂t2]
In (6b) and (10), the term a 2A is defined in (4c) in last section, where as the term a ・A is yet
to be defined. As per the statement of Helmholtz Theorem, “A vector field is completely
defined only when both its curl and divergence are knownĀ. There are some conditions which
specify divergence of A. Two of these conditions,
known as Lornntz gaugn condition and Coulomb’s gaugn condition, are given by (11) and
(12) respectively.
a ・A = −µE∂V/∂t (11)
a ・A = 0 (12)
Using the Lorentz gauge condition, (6b) and (10) can be rewritten as
a 2V = −ρ/E − ∂ (µE∂V/∂t)/∂t = −ρ/E − µE (∂2V/∂t2) (13)
a 2A = −µJ + µE (∂2A/∂t2) (14)
Radiation for sinusoidal time variation characterized by ejωt
V = V0e jωt and A = A0e jωt
a 2V = −ρ/E + ω2µEV (15)
a 2A = −µJ + ω2µEJ (16)
If ρ and J in the expressions of V and A given by (3a) and (4a) of Sec. 4.2, they become
functions of time and this time t is replaced by t' such that t' = t − r/υ. ρ and J can be
replaced by [ρ] and [J ] respectively.
Equation (3a) and (4a) can now be rewritten as
V =Ȁ D (17)
4 h
i [$] D
A= Ȁ
Fig. 16 : Geometry of the configuration containing the elemental volume dv and an arbitrary
point P.
As an example if ρ = e−r cos ωt, and t is replaced by t' one gets [ρ] = e−r cos[ω(t −R/υ)].
In this expression, R is the distance between the elemental volume dv located in a current-
carrying conductor and the point P as shown in Fig. 16 and υ is the velocity with which the
field progresses or the wave travels. V and A given by (17) and (18) are called the rntardnd
potnntials. If t' = t + r/υ, V and A are termed as advancnd potnntials. With reference to Fig.
16,equation (17) and (18) can be written as
g ( ′,P)
V (r, t) = 4 hv
dv' (19)
= iȀ `( ′ ,)
A(r,t) 4 v (20)
In (19) and (20), V and A are the functions of the distance r and the time t . To get the
retarded potentials from (19) and (20), t is to be replaced by t' and the resulting field
equations are
g( ′ ,P− )
V(r,t) = v Ȁ D
dv' (21)
i ` ( ′ ,P− )
A(r,t) = Ȁv D dv' (22)
The antennas are symmetrically fed at the center by a balanced two-wire transmission
line. The antennas may be of any length, but it is assumed that the current distribution is
sinusoidal. Current-distribution measurements indicate that this is a good assumption
provided that the antenna is thin, i.e., when the conductor diameter is less than, say, λ/100.
Thus, the sinusoidal current distribution approximates the natural distribution on thin
antennas. Examples of the approximate natural-current distributions on a number of thin,
linear center-fed antennas of different length are illustrated in fig. 6–7. The currents are in
phase over each λ/2 section and in opposite phase over the next. Referring to fig. 6–8, let us
now proceed to develop the far-field equations for a symmetrical, thin, linear, center-fed
antenna of length l. The retarded value of the current at any point z on the antenna referred to
a point at a distance s is
Let us now proceed to find the fields everywhere around a short dipole. Let the dipole
of length L be placed coincident with the z axis and with its center at the origin as in Fig. 6–2.
The relation of the electric field components, Er,Eθ and Eφ, is then as shown. It is assumed
that the medium surrounding the dipole is air or vacuum.
Equation (2) is a statement of the fact that the disturbance at a time t and at a distance
r from a current element is caused by a current [I ] that occurred at an earlier time t − r/c.
The time difference r/c is the interval required for the disturbance to travel the distance r,
where c is the velocity of light (=300 Mm s−1).
Electric and magnetic fields can be expressed in terms of vector and scalar potentials.
Since we will be interested not only in the fields near the dipole but also at distances which
are large compared to the wavelength, we must use retarded potentials, i.e., expressions
involving t − r/c. For a dipole located as in Fig. 6–2 or Fig. 6–3a, the retarded vector
potential of the electric current has only one component, namely, Az. Its value is
In obtaining (12) and (13) the relation was used that μ ε = 1/c , where c = velocity of light.
0 0 2
Turning our attention now to the magnntic finld, this may be calculated from curl of A as
Since Aφ = 0, the first and fourth terms of (14) are zero, since Ar and Aθ are independent of
φ, so that the second and third terms of (14) are also zero. Thus, only the last two terms
contribute, so that a ×A, and hence also H, have only a φ component. Thus,
Thus, the fields from the dipole have only three components Er,Eθ and Hφ. The
components Eφ,Hr and Hθ are everywhere zero. When r is very large, the terms in 1/r2 and
1/r3 in (12), (13), and (15) can be neglected in favor of the terms in 1/r. Thus, in the far field
Er is negligible, and we have effectively only two field components, Eθ and Hφ, given by
The restriction that r _ L still applies. The expressions for the electric field, (26) and (27), are
identical to those obtained in electrostatics for the field of two point charges, +q0 and −q0,
separated by a distance L.
The relation for the magnetic field, (28), may be recognized as the Biot-Savart relation for the
magnetic field of a short element carrying a steady or slowly varying current. Since in the
expressions for the quasi-stationary case the fields decrease as 1/r2 or 1/r3, the fields are
confined to the vicinity of the dipole and there is negligible radiation. In the general
expressions for the fields, (21), (22) and (23), it is the 1/r terms which are important in the far
field and hence take into account the radiation. The expressions for the fields from a short
dipole developed above are summarized in Table 6–1.
For the three components of Eθ , their variation with distance is as shown in Fig. 6–5.
For rλ greater than the Radian distance [1/(2π)], component A of the electric field is
dominant, for rλ less than the radian distance Component C of the electric field is dominant,
while at the radian distance only B contributes (= π) because Although |A| = |B| = |C| = π,A
and C are in phase opposition and cancel.
Let us now calculate the radiation resistance of the short dipole of Fig. 6–1b. This may be
done as follows.The Poynting vector of the far field is integrated over a large sphere to obtain
the total power radiated. This power is then equated to I 2R where I is the rms current on the
dipole and R is a resistance, called the radiation resistance of the dipole.
The average Poynting vector is given by
In this section expressions for the far-field patterns of thin linear antennas will be
developed. It is assumed that the antennas are symmetrically fed at the center by a balanced
two-wire transmission line. The antennas may be of any length, but it is assumed that the
current distribution is sinusoidal. Current-distribution measurements indicate that this is a
good assumption provided that the antenna is thin, i.e., when the conductor diameter is less
than, say, λ/100. Thus, the sinusoidal current distribution approximates the natural
distribution on thin antennas. Examples of the approximate natural-current distributions on a
number of thin, linear center-fed antennas of different length are illustrated in Fig. 6–7. The
currents are in phase over each λ/2 section and in opposite phase over the next.
Referring to Fig. 6–8, let us now proceed to develop the far-field equations for a symmetrical,
thin, linear, center-fed antenna of length L. The retarded value of the current at any point z on
the antenna referred to a point at a distance s is
is the form factor for the current on the antenna. The expression (L/2)+z is used when z < 0
and (L/2)−z is used when z > 0. By regarding the antenna as made up of a series of
infinitesimal dipoles of length dz, the field of the entire antenna may then be obtained by
integrating the fields from all of the dipoles making up the antenna with the result1
Equations (2), (3) and (3a) give the far fields Hφ and Eθ of a symmetrical, center-fed,
thin linear antenna of length L. The shape of the far-field pattern is given by the factor in the
brackets. The factors preceding the brackets in (2) and (3) give the instantaneous magnitude
of the fields as functions of the antenna current and the distance r. To obtain the rms value of
the field, we let [I0] equal the rms current at the location of the current maximum. There is no
factor involving phase in (2) or (3), since the center of the antenna is taken as the phase
center. Hence any phase change of the fields as a function of θ will be a jump of 180◦ when
the pattern factor changes sign.
As examples of the far-field patterns of linear center-fed antennas, three antennas of different
lengths will be considered. Since the amplitude factor is independent of the length, only the
relative field patterns as given by the pattern factor will be compared.
It can be noted that E has no φ component and H contains only a φ component and thus
As the average power in the terms involving sin 2ωt′ and cos 2ωt′ over a complete cycle is
zero, Pθ represents the power which surges back and forth in the θ direction and there is no
net power flow in the direction of propagation.
Since sin 2ωt′ and cos 2ωt′ terms will not contribute towards average power, all such terms
can be eliminated. In view of the remaining terms
The total radiated power P can be obtained by integrating the average power over the entire
surface of an imaginary sphere of radius r.
In (9), I represents the peak current. If P is to be obtained in terms of effective current Ieff , the
total power can be written as
where Rrad is the radiation resistance. In arriving at (9) from (8), the following relation is
From (11), the Rrad obtained for three different cases of radiating elements shown in Fig. 4–
6 are the following:
Case (a) Radiation resistance for an element of length dl with uniform current distribution
shown in Fig. 4–6a is given by
Case (b) Radiation resistance for an element of length dl with non-uniform current
distribution shown in Fig. 4–6b is given by
Case (c) Radiation resistance for an element of length h = 2dl = 2L with non-uniform current
distribution shown in Fig. 4–6c is given by
Thnsn rnlations hold good for vnry short antnnnas, that is, up to λ/8 in lnngth.
The radiation resistance of an antenna is defined as the equivalent resistance that would
dissipate the same amount power as is radiated by the antenna. For the elementary current
element we have discussed so far. From equation (3.26) we find that radiated power density
/2 /2
Where = n-1/n but here we have 3 = 2x 3 = 2x2/3
=0 =0 =0
Pr = | I|2 ηo (dl)2 Ko 2 / 12 π ...............................................
Further dP = P r2 sinθ dθ dഁ
r av = Pav r2 dĂ
dPr / dĂ =| I|2 ηo (dl)2 Ko2 sin2θ / 32 π2 ............................................(4)
From (3) and (4)
r = ηo /6π (2
)2 ............................................... (5)
Substituting ηo as 120π
r = 480π /6π ( )
r = 480π /6π ( )
For such an elementary dipole antenna the principal E and H plane pattern are shown in Fig
16(a) and (b).
Figure16 (a) Principal E plane pattern Fig ure16(b) Principal H plane pattern
The bandwidth (3 dB beam width) can be found to be 900 in the E plane.
Let Pinc represents the power density of the incident wave at the location of the
receiving antenna and PL represents the maximum average power delivered to the load under
matched conditions with the receiving antenna properly oriented with respect to the
polarization of the incident wave.
We can write,
PL = Aea Pinc ......................(9)
Where Pinc = E2/2 ηo and the term Aea is called the maximum effective aperture of the antenna.
Aea is related to the directivity of the antenna D as,
Radian is plane angle with its vertex a the centre of a circle of radius r and is subtended by
an arc whose length is equal to r. Circumference of the circle is 2πr Therefore total angle of
the circle is 2π radians.
Steradian is solid angle with its vertex at the centre of a sphere of radius r, which is
subtended by a spherical surface area equal to the area of a square with side length r Area of
the sphere is 4πr2. Therefore the total solid angle of the sphere is 4π steradians
A few conversions :
1 radian = 180/π. Degrees
1 radian2 =(180/π)2 degrees2 =3282 steradians.
Hence BW of antenna can be defined as the band of frequencies over which the antenna
maintains required characteristics to the specified value. Antenna BW mainly depends on
impedance and pattern of antenna. BW of the antenna is inversely proportional to Q factor of
BW = ∆W = W2 –W1 = W0/Q
∆f = f2 –f1 = f0/Q Hz
ANTENNA BEAM EIDTH:- Antenna beam width is the measure of the directivity of the
antenna. It is an angular width in degrees and is measured on a radiation pattern or major
lobe. The antenna beam width is defined as the angular width in degrees between the two
points on a major lobe of a radiation pattern where the radiated power reduces to the half of
the max. value.
The following figure shows how antenna beam width can be measured
Beam width between first
The beam width is also called Half Power beam width (HPBW) because it is measured
between two points on the major lobe where the power is half of its max. power.
The directivity (D) of the antenna is related with beam solid angle ΩA or beam area by,
D = ΩA ; where ΩA beam area
ΩA (HPBW) in horizontal plane x (HPBW) in vertical plane
(HPBW) in E-plane x (HPBW) in H- plane
B = ΩA = θE x θH
D= ; θE & θH are in radians
Prob 1:
A radiating element of 1cm carries an effective current of 0.5 amp at 3 GHz.
Calculate the radiated power.
Prob 2:- Evaluate the radiation resistance of a radiating element having length L = 5 m at
(a) f = 30 kHz (b) f = 30 MHz (c) f = 15 MHz.
Prob3: The radiating element shown in Fig. 4–2 is of 10 m length and carries a current of
1 amp. It radiates in θ = 30◦ direction in free space at f = 3 MHz. Estimate the magnitudes of
E and Hat a point located at 100 km from the point of origination.
λ λ
At 3 MHz, = 100 m. As long as the length of the element remains less than or equal to /10, the general
expressions of field components given by (10a), (10b) and (11) can be used to estimate the required
values. These equations are
Yagi uda array
Yagi-Uda or Yagi is named after the inventors Prof. S.Uda and Prof. H.Yagi around 1928.
The basic element used in a Yagi is λ/2 dipole placed horizontally known as driven element or
active element. In order to convert bidirectional dipole into unidirectional system, the passive
elements are used which include reflector and director. The passive or parasitic elements are
placed parallel to driven element, collinearly placed close together.The Parasitic element placed
in front of driven element is called director whose length is 5% less than the drive element. The
element placed at the back of driven element is called reflector whose length is 5% more than
that of driver element. The space between the element ranges between 0.1λ to 0.3λ.
Basic Operation:
The phases of the current in the parasitic element depends upon the length and the distance
between the elements. Parasitic antenna in the vicinity of radiating antenna is used either to
reflect or to direct the radiated energy so that a compact directional system is obtained.
A parasitic element of length greater than λ/2 is inductive which lags and of length
less than λ/2 is capacitive which leads the current due to induced voltage. Properly
spaced elements of length less than λ/2 act as director and add the fields of driven
element. Each director will excite the next. The reflector adds the fields of driven
element in the direction from reflector towards the driven element.
The greater the distance between driven and director elements, the greater the
capacitive reactance needed to provide correct phasing of parasitic elements. Hence
the length of element is tapered-off to achieve reactance.
A Yagi system has the following characteristics.
1. The three element array (reflector, active and director) is generally
referred as beam antenna.
2. It has unidirectional beam of moderate directivity with light weight, low
cost and simplicity in design.
3. The band width increases between 2% when the space between elements
ranges between 0.1λ to 0.15 λ.
4. It provides a gain of 8 dB and a front-to-back ratio of 20dB.
5. Yagi is also known as super-directive or super gain antenna since the
system results a high gain.
6. If greater directivity is to be obtained, more directors are used. Array up
to 40 elements can be used.
7. Arrays can be stacked to increase the directivity.
8. Yagi is essentially a fixed frequency device. Frequency sensitivity and
bandwidth of about 3% is achievable.
9. To increase the directivity Yagi‘s can be staked one above the other or
one by side of the other.
Lens antenna
Like parabolic reflectors, lens is used to convert circular or spherical wave fronts
into planar wave fronts, as a transmitter and vice-versa as a receiver. Lens is a
medium through which the waves are transmitted or received.
Lenses are of two types like decelerating medium and accelerating medium. In
decelerating system, the velocity with in the medium is les s than that of free space
velocity. Pure dielectrics like Lucite or polystyrene, impure dielectrics or H-plane
metal plates can be used as decelerating mediums.
Accelerating system is the one in which the velocity within the medium is more
than that of free space velocity. E -plane metal plates are the examples for
accelerating types.
Fig 6.12: Lens Antenna
2π θ dθ
W = ∫ ∫U sinθ dθ dφ
θ dθ
W= U 2π ∫sin θ dθ
W= 2π U sinθ dθ
---- (6.31)
The velocity in between E-Plane Metal Plate is more than the Free space velocity v0
Here helical antenna is connected between the coaxial cable and ground plane. Ground plane is
made of radial and concentric conductors. The radiation characteristics of helical antenna depend
upon the diameter (D) and spacing S.
In the above figure,
2 2
L= length of one turn =√S +(πD) N = Number of turns
D = Diameter of helix = πD
α = Pitch angle = tanl(S/πD)
l = Distance between helix and
ground plane.
The radiation characteristics of the antenna can be varied by
controlling the size of its geometrical properties compared to the
Mode of Operation
Normal Mode
Axial Mode
1. Normal mode of radiation
Normal mode of radiation characteristics is obtained when dimensions of helical antenna are very
small compared to the operating wavelength. Here, the radiation field is maximum in the direction
normal to the helical axis. In normal mode, bandwidth and efficiency are very low. The above
factors can be increased, by increasing the antenna size. The radiation fields of helical antenna are
similar to the loops and short dipoles. So, helical antenna is equivalent to the small loops and short
dipoles connected in series.
We know that, general expression for far field in small loop is,
EΦ = {120 π2[I] sinθ/r}[A/λ2]
r = Distance
I = I0 sin ω(t-r/C) = Retarded current
A = Area of loop = πD2/4
D = Diameter
λ = Operating wavelength.
The performance of helical antenna is measured in terms of Axial Ratio (AR). Axial ratio is defined
as the ratio of far fields of short dipole to the small loop.
Axial Ratio, AR =( EØ)/(EΦ)
2. Axial mode of radiation:Helical antenna is operated in axial mode when circumference C and
spacing S are in the order of one wavelength. Here, maximum radiation field is along the helical
axis and polarization is circular. In axial mode, pitch angle lies between 12° to 18° and beam
width and antenna gain depends upon helix length NS.
R = Terminal impedance
C = Circumference.
In normal mode, beam width and radiation efficiency is very small. The above factors
increased by using axial mode of radiation. Half power beam width in axial mode is,
λ = Wavelength
C = Circumference
N = Number of turns
S = Spacing.
The radiation pattern of a radiating antenna element is modified using reflectors. A simple
example is that the backward radiation from an antenna may be eliminated with a large metallic
plane sheet reflector. So, the desired characteristics may be produced by means of a large,
suitably shaped, and illuminated reflector surface. The characteristics of antennas with sheet
reflectors or their equivalent are considered in this chapter.
Some reflectors are illustrated in Figure 3.1. The arrangement in Figure 3.1a has a large, flat
sheet reflector near a linear dipole antenna to reduce the backward radiation. With small spacing
between the antenna and sheet this arrangement also yields an increase in substantial gain in the
forward radiation. The desirable properties of the sheet reflector may be largely preserved with
the reflector reduced in size as long as its size is greater than that of the antenna.
With two flat sheets intersecting at an angle α (<180 ) as in Figure 3.1b, a sharper radiation
pattern than from a flat sheet reflector (α =180 ) can be obtained. This arrangement, called
corner reflector antenna, is most practical where apertures of 1 or 2λ are of convenient size. A
corner reflector without an exciting antenna can be used as a passive reflector or target for radar
waves. In this application the aperture may be many wavelengths, and the corner angle is always
90 . Reflectors with this angle have the property that an incidence wave is reflected back toward
its source, the corner acting as a retroreflector.
When it is feasible to build antennas with apertures of many wavelengths, parabolic reflectors
can be used to provide highly directional antennas. A parabolic reflector antenna is shown in
Figure 3.1c. The parabola reflects the waves originating from a source at the focus into a parallel
beam, the parabola transforming the curved wave front from the feed antenna at the focus into a
plane wave front. A front fed and a cassegrain –feed parabolic reflectors are depicted in Figures
3.1c and d. Many other shapes of reflectors can be employed for special applications. For
instance, with an antenna at one focus, the elliptical reflector produces a diverging beam with all
reflected waves passing through the second focus of the ellipse. Examples of reflectors of other
shapes are the hyperbolic and the spherical reflectors.
The plane sheet reflector, the corner reflector, the parabolic reflector and other reflectors are
discussed in more detail in the following sections. In addition, feed systems, aperture blockage,
aperture efficiency, diffraction, surface irregularities, gain and frequency-selective surfaces are
Let an omnidirectional antenna is placed at a distance h above an infinite, flat, perfect electric
conductor as shown in Figure 3.2. Power from the actual source is radiated in all directions in a
manner determined by its unbounded medium directional properties. For an observation point p1
,there is a direct wave. In addition, a wave from the actual source radiated toward point R1 of the
interface undergoes a reflection. The direction is determined by the law of reflection (θ1i = θ1r )
which assures that the energy in homogeneous media travels in straight lines along the shortest
paths. This wave will pass through the observation point p1 . By extending its actual path below
the interface, it will seem to originate from a virtual source positioned a distance h below the
boundary. For another observation point p2 the point of reflection is R2 , but the virtual source is
the same as before. The same is concluded for all other observation points above the
interface.The amount of reflection is generally determined by the respective constitutive
parameters of the media below and above the interface. For a perfect electric conductor below
the interface, the incidence wave is completely reflected and the field below the boundary is
zero. According to the boundary conditions, the tangential components of the electric field must
vanish at all points along the interface. Thus for an incident electric field with vertical
polarization shown by the arrows, the polarization of the reflected waves must be as indicated in
the figure to satisfy the boundary conditions.
Figure 3.2 Antenna above an infinite, flat, perfect electric conductor.
For a vertical dipole, to excite the polarization of the reflected waves, the virtual source must
also be vertical and with a polarity in the same direction as that of the actual source (thus a
reflection coefficient of +1). Another orientation of the source will be to have the radiating
element in a horizontal position, as shown in Figure 3.3. As shown in Figures 3.3, the virtual
source (image) is also placed at a distance h below the interface. For horizontal polarized
antenna, the image will have a 180 polarity difference relative to the actual source (thus a
reflection coefficient of -1).
In addition to electric sources, artificial equivalent magneticĀ sources have been introduced to
aid in the analyses of electromagnetic boundary value problems. Figure 3.3 displays the sources
and their images for an electric plane conductor. The single arrow indicates an electric element
and the double a magnetic one. The direction of the arrow identifies the polarity.
Electric conductor
Figure 3.3 Electric and magnetic sources and their images near electric conductors
For better collimination of the power in the forward directions, an arrangement can be made with
two plane reflectors joined so as to form a corner, as shown in Figure 3.10 (a). This is known as
the corner reflector. Because of its simplicity in construction, it has many unique applications.
For example, if the reflector is used as a passive target for radar or communication applications,
it will return the signal exactly in the same direction as it received it when its included angle is
90 . This is illustrated geometrically in Figure 3.10(b). Because of this unique feature, military
ships and vehicles are designed with minimum sharp corners to reduce their detection by enemy
Figure 3.10 Side and perspective views of solid and wire-grid corner reflectors
In most practical applications, the included angle formed by the plates is usually 90 ; however
other angles are also used. To maintain a given system efficiency, the spacing between the vertex
and the feed element must increase as the included angle of the reflector decreases, and vice-
versa. For reflectors with infinite sides, the gain increases as the included angle between the
planes decreases. This, however, may not be true for finite size plates. For simplicity, in this
chapter it will be assumed that the plates themselves are infinite in extent (l = ∞). However, since
in practice the dimensions must be finite, guidelines on the size of aperture Da , length (l), height
(h) is given.
The feed element for a corner reflector is almost always a dipole or an array of collinear dipoles
placed parallel to the vertex distance s away. Greater bandwidth is obtained when the feed
elements are cylindrical or biconical dipoles instead of thin wires.
In many applications, especially when the wavelength is large compared to tolerable physical
dimensions, the surfaces of the corner reflector are frequently made of grid wires rather than
solid sheet metal.One of the reasons for doing that is to reduce wind resistance and overall
system weight. The spacing g between wires is made a small fraction of a wavelength (usually g
≤ λ/10).
For wires that are parallel to the length of the dipole, as is the case for the arrangement of Figure
3.10(d), the reflectivity of the grid-wire surface is as good as that of a solid surface. In practice,
the aperture of the corner reflector ( Da ) is usually made between one and two wavelengths (λ <
Da < 2λ). The length of the sides of a 90 corner reflector is most commonly taken to be about
twice the distance from the vertex to the feed (l 2s).
For reflectors with smaller included angles, the sides are made larger. The feed-to-vertex
distance (s) is usually taken to be between λ/3 and 2λ/3 (λ/3 < s < 2λ/3). For each reflector, there
is an optimum feed-to-vertex spacing. If the spacing becomes too small, the radiation resistance
decreases and becomes comparable to the loss resistance of the system which leads to an
inefficient antenna. For very large spacing, the system produces undesirable multiple lobes, and
it loses its directional characteristics. It has been experimentally observed that increasing the size
of the sides does not greatly affect the beam width and directivity, but it increases the bandwidth
and radiation resistance. The main lobe is somewhat broader for reflectors with finite sides
compared to that of infinite dimensions. The height (h) of the reflector is usually taken to be
about 1.2 to 1.5 times greater than the total length of the feed element, in order to reduce
radiation toward the back region from the ends.
The analysis for the field radiated by a source in the presence of a corner reflector is facilitated
when the included angle (α) of the reflector is α = π/n, where n is an integer (α = π, π/2, π/3,
π/4, etc.). For these cases (α = 180 , 90 , 60 , 45 , etc.)it is possible to find a system of images,
which when properly placed in the absence of the reflector plates, form an array that yields the
same field within the space formed by the reflector plates as the actual system.
The number of images, polarity, and position is controlled by included angle and the polarization
of the feed element. The geometrical and electrical arrangement of the images for corner
reflectors with included angles of 90, 60, 45 and 30.
Figure3.11 Corner reflectors and their images (with perpendicularly polarized feeds) for angles of 90 , 60 , 45 and 30 .
If a beam of parallel rays is incident upon a reflector whose geometrical shape is a parabola, the
radiation will converge or get focused at a spot which is known as the focal point. In the same
manner if a point source is placed at the focal point, the rays reflected by a parabolic reflector
will emerge as a parallel beam. The symmetrical point on the parabolic surface is known as the
vertex. Rays that emerge in a parallel formation are usually said to be collimated. In practice,
collimation is often used to describe the highly directional characteristics of an antenna even
though the emanating rays are not exactly parallel. Since the transmitter (receiver) is placed at
the focal point of the parabola, the configuration is usually known as front fed.
A parabolic reflector can take two different forms. One configuration is that of the parabolic
right cylinder, whose energy is collimated at a line that is parallel to the axis of the cylinder
through the focal point of the reflector. The most widely used feed for this type of a reflector is a
linear dipole, a linear array, or a slotted waveguide. The other reflector configuration is that
which is formed by rotating the parabola around its axis, and it is referred to as a paraboloid
(parabola of revolution). A pyramidal or a conical horn has been widely utilized as a feed for this
The disadvantage of the front-fed arrangement is that the transmission line from the feed must
usually be long enough to reach the transmitting or the receiving equipment, which is usually
placed behind or below the reflector. This may necessitate the use of long transmission lines
whose losses may not be tolerable in many applications, especially in low-noise receiving
systems. In some applications, the transmitting or receiving equipment is placed at the focal
point to avoid the need for long transmission lines. However, in some of these applications,
especially for transmission that may require large amplifiers and for low-noise receiving systems
where cooling and weatherproofing may be necessary, the equipment may be too heavy and
bulky and will provide undesirable blockage.
The arrangement that avoids placing the feed (transmitter and/or receiver) at the focal point is
that shown in Figure 3.1(d) and it is known as the Cassegrain feed. Through geometrical optics,
Cassegrain, a famous astronomer (N. Cassegrain of France, hence its name), showed that
incident parallel rays can be focused to a point by utilizing two reflectors. To accomplish this,
the main (primary) reflector must be a parabola, the secondary reflector (Subreflector) a
hyperbola, and the feed placed along the axis of the parabola usually at or near the vertex.
Cassegrain used this scheme to construct optical telescopes, and then its design was copied for
use in radio frequency systems. For this arrangement, the rays that emanate from the feed
illuminate the Subreflector and are reflected by it in the direction of the primary reflector, as if
they originated at the focal point of the parabola (primary reflector). The rays are then reflected
by the primary reflector and are converted to parallel rays, provided the primary reflector is a
parabola and the subreflector is a hyperbola. Diffraction occurs at the edges of the subreflector
and primary reflector and they must be taken into account to accurately predict the overall
system pattern, especially in regions of low intensity. Even in regions of high intensity,
diffraction must be included if an accurate formation of the fine ripple structure of the pattern is
desired. With the Cassegrain-feed arrangement, the transmitting and/or receiving equipment can
be placed behind the primary reflector. This scheme makes the system relatively more accessible
for servicing and adjustments.
Cassegrain designs, employing dual reflector surfaces, are used in applications where pattern
control is essential, such as in satellite ground-based systems, and have efficiencies of 65-80%.
They supersede the performance of the single-reflector front-fed arrangement by about 10%.
Using geometrical optics, the classical Cassegrain configuration, consisting of a paraboloid
andhyperboloid, is designed to achieve a uniform phase front in the aperture of the paraboloid.
By employing good feed designs, this arrangement can achieve lower spillover and more
uniform illumination of the main reflector. In addition, slight shaping of one or both of the dual-
reflector‘s surfaces can lead to an aperture with almost uniform amplitude and phase with
substantial enhancement in gain. These are referred to as shaped reflectors. Shaping techniques
have been employed in dual-reflectors used in earth station applications.
Two reflectors with ray geometry, with concept of equivalent parabola, are shown in Figure 3.19
The use of a second reflector, which is usually referred to as the subreflector or subdish, gives an
additional degree of freedom for achieving good performance in a number of different
applications. For an accurate description of its performance, diffraction techniques must be used
to take into account diffractions from the edges of the subreflector, especially when its diameter
is small.
To achieve good radiation characteristics, the subreflector must be few wavelengths in diameter.
However, its presence introduces shadowing which is the principle limitation of its use as a
microwave antenna. The shadowing can significantly degrade the gain of the system, unless the
main reflector is several wavelengths in diameter. Therefore the Cassegrain is usually attractive
for applications that require gains of 40 dB or greater. There are, however, a variety of
techniques that can be used to minimize the aperture blocking by the subreflector. Some of them
are minimum blocking with simple Cassegrain, and twisting Cassegrains for least blocking
Horn Antennas
Flared waveguides that produce a nearly uniform phase front larger than the waveguide itself.
Constructed in a variety of shapes such as sectoral E-plane, sectoral H-plane, pyramidal, conical,
Horn antennas are very popular at UHF (300 MHz-3 GHz) and higher frequencies (I've heard
of horn antennas operating as high as 140 GHz). Horn antennas often have a directional radiation
pattern with a high antenna gain, which can range up to 25 dB in some cases, with 10-20 dB
being typical. Horn antennas have a wide impedance bandwidth, implying that the input
impedance is slowly varying over a wide frequency range (which also implies low values
for S11 or VSWR). The bandwidth for practical horn antennas can be on the order of 20:1 (for
instance, operating from 1 GHz-20 GHz), with a 10:1 bandwidth not being uncommon.
The gain of horn antennas often increases (and the beamwidth decreases) as the frequency of
operation is increased. This is because the size of the horn aperture is always measured in
wavelengths; at higher frequencies the horn antenna is "electrically larger"; this is because a
higher frequency has a smaller wavelength. Since the horn antenna has a fixed physical size (say
a square aperture of 20 cm across, for instance), the aperture is more wavelengths across at
higher frequencies. And, a recurring theme in antenna theory is that larger antennas (in terms of
wavelengths in size) have higher directivities.
Horn antennas are typically fed by a section of a waveguide, as shown in Figure 4. The
waveguide itself is often fed with a short dipole, which is shown in red in Figure 4. A waveguide
is simply a hollow, metal cavity (see the waveguide tutorial). Waveguides are used to guide
electromagnetic energy from one place to another. The waveguide in Figure 4 is a rectangular
waveguide of width band height a, with b>a. The E-field distribution for the dominant mode is
shown in the lower part of Figure 1.
Antenna Arrays
Antennas with a given radiation pattern may be arranged in a pattern line, circle, plane, etc.) to
yield a different radiation pattern.
Antenna array - a configuration of multiple antennas (elements) arranged to achieve a given
radiation pattern.
Simple antennas can be combined to achieve desired directional effects. Individual antennas are
called elements and the combination is an array
Types of Arrays
Linear array - antenna elements arranged along a straight line.
Circular array - antenna elements arranged around a circular ring.
Planar array - antenna elements arranged over some planar surface (example - rectangular array).
Conformal array - antenna elements arranged to conform two some non-planar surface (such as
an aircraft skin).
Types of Arrays
Yagi-Uda Array
Often called Yagi array
Parasitic, end-fire, unidirectional
One driven element: dipole or folded dipole
One reflector behind driven element and slightly longer
One or more directors in front of driven element and slightly shorter
Collinear Array
All elements along same axis
Used to provide an omnidirectional horizontal pattern from a vertical antenna
Concentrates radiation in horizontal plane
Broadside Array
Broadside array is one of the most commonly used antenna array in practice. The array in
which a number of identical parallel antennas are arranged along a line perpendicular to
the line of array axis is known as broadside array, which is shown in figure (2.1). In this,
the individual antennas are equally spaced along a line and each element is fed with
current of equal magnitude, all in the same phase.
The radiation pattern of broadside array is bidirectional, which radiates equally well in
either direction of maximum radiation.
End-Fire Array
The array in which a number of identical antennas are spaced equally along a line and
Individual elements are fed with currents of unequal phases (i.e., with a phase shift of
180°) is known as end fire array .This array is similar to that of broadside array except
that individual elements are fed in with, a phase shift of 180 .In this, the direction of
radiation is coincides with the direction of the array axis, which is shown in figure
The radiation pattern of end fire array is unidirectional. But, the end fire array may be Bi
directional also. One such example is a two element array, fed with equal current, 180°
out of phase .
Collinear Array
The array in which antennas are arranged end to end in a single line is known as collinear
array. the arrangement of collinear array, in which one antenna is stacked over another
antenna. Similar to that of broadside array, the individual elements of the collinear array
are fed with equal in phase currents. A collinear array is a broadside radiator, in which
the direction of maximum radiation is perpendicular to the line of antenna. The collinear
array is sometimes called as broadcast or Omni directional arrays because its radiation
pattern has circular symmetry with its main to be everywhere perpendicular to the
principal axis.
Application of Arrays
E2 = E0 exp(j*Ψ/2)
E1 = E0 exp(-j*Ψ/2)
θ is :
E=2E0 COS(2π/λ*d/2*cosθ)
Point of minima= At θ=0 E=0. .. 0 (or) π At θ=±π/3 E=1/√2 3db bandwidth point= ±π/3
CASE2: 2 isotropic point sources of same amplitude but opposite phase
Pattern multiplication:
The total far-field radiation pattern|E| of array(array pattern)consists of the original radiation
pattern of a single array element multiplying with the magnitude of the arrayfactor|AF|.This is a
general property of antenna arrays and is called the principle of pattern multiplication.
The total field pattern of an array of non-isotropic but similar sources is the multiplication of the
individual source pattern and the pattern of an array of isotropic point sources each located at the
phase centre of individual source and having the relative amplitude and phase, where as the total
phase patterns is the addition of the phase pattern of the individual sources and the array of
isotropic point sources.
An array is said to be linear if the individual elements of the array are spaced equally along a line
and uniform if the same are fed with currents of equal amplitude and having a uniform phase
shift along the line
An array is said to be broadside if the ̀= ±90 phase angle is such that it makes maximum
radiation perpendicular to the line of array i.e. 900&2700
For broad side array Ψ=0 & δ=0
Therefore Ψ =dr*cos̀ +δ=βdcos̀+0=0
therefore ̀max= 900&2700
Broadside array example for n=4 and d=λ/2
By previous results we have ̀max = 900&2700
Direction of pattern maxima:
E=(1/n)(sin(nΨ/2)) /sin(Ψ/2)
This is maximum when numerator is maximum i.e. sin(nΨ/2)=1
nΨ/2= ±(2k+1)π/2 where k=0,1,2.........
K=0 major lobe maxima
K=1 nΨ/2= ±3π/2 Ψ= ±3π/4
Therefore dr*cos̀=2π/λ*d*Cos̀= ±3π/4
cos̀= ±3/4
̀ =(̀max)minor lobe= cos-1 (± 3/4) = ±41.40 or ±138.60 ̀= cos-1 (± 5/4)
which is not At K=2 possible
Direction of pattern minima or nulls It occurs when numerator=0
i.e. sin(nΨ/2) =0 nΨ/2= ±kπ where k=1,2,3..................................
now using condition δ=0
Ψ =±2kπ/n= ±kπ/2 dr*cos̀= 2π/λ*d/2*cos̀
To enhance the directivity of an end-fire array, Hansen and Woodyard proposed that the phase
shift of an ordinary EFA
be increased as
Conditions (14.2)–(14.3) are known as the Hansen–Woodyard conditions for end-fire radiation.
They follow from a procedure for maximizing the directivity, which we outline below.
The normalized pattern AFn of a uniform linear array is
if the argument ψ=kdcos̀+β is sufficiently small (see previous lecture). We are looking for an
optimal , which results in maximum directivity. Let
β= -pd (14.5)
The Directivity is
which is easier to remember and gives almost identical results since the curve g(z) at its
minimum is fairly flat.
Change variable:
The function is a relatively fast decaying function as Z increases. That is why, for large arrays,
where Nkd/2 is big enough(>20) , the integral (14.30) can be approximated by
Directivity of ordinary EFA
If the radiation has its maximum at θ=0° , then the minimum of U av is obtained as in (14.13):
Advantages of Linear Arrays with Nonuniform Amplitude Distribution
The most often met BSAs, classified according to the type of their excitation amplitudes, are:
a) the uniform BSA – relatively high directivity, but the side-lobe levels are high;
b) Dolph–Tschebyscheff (or Chebyshev) BSA – for a given number of elements, maximum
directivity is next after that of the uniform BSA; side-lobe levels are the lowest in comparison
with the other two types of arrays for a given directivity;
c) binomial BSA – does not have good directivity but has very low side-lobe levels (when d=λ/2
, there are no side lobes at all).
Let us consider a linear array with an even number (2M) of elements, located symmetrically
along the z-axis, with excitation, which is also symmetrical with respect to z=0 . For a broadside
Array (β=0)
If the linear array consists of an odd number (2M+1) of elements, located symmetrically along
the z-axis, the array factor is
Binomial Broadside Array
The binomial BSA was investigated and proposed by J. S. Stone to synthesize patterns without
side lobes. First, consider a 2–element array (along the z-axis).
the relative excitation amplitudes at each element of an (N+1)-element array can be determined.
An array with a binomial distribution of the excitation amplitudes is called a binomial array. The
excitation distribution as given by the binomial expansion gives the rnlativn values of the
amplitudes. It is immediately seen that there is too wide variation of the amplitude, which is a
disadvantage of the BAs. The overall efficiency of such an antenna would be low. Besides, the
BA has relatively wide beam. Its HPBW is the largest as compared to the uniform BSA or the
Dolph–Chebyshev array.
Dolph–Chebyshev Array (DCA)
Dolph proposed (in 1946) a method to design arrays with any desired side-lobe levels and any
HPBWs. This method is based on the approximation of the pattern of the array by a Chebyshev
polynomial of order m, high enough to meet the requirement for the side-lobe levels. A DCA
with no side lobes (side-lobe level of −∞ dB) reduces to the binomial design.
Chebyshev polynomials
The Chebyshev polynomial of order m is defined by
A Chebyshev polynomial Tm(z) of any order m can be derived via a recursion formula, provided
Tm−1(z) and Tm−2(z) are known:
If , z≤1 then the Chebyshev polynomials are related to the cosine functions, see (15.16). We can
always expand the function cos(mx) as a polynomial of cos(x) of order m, e.g., for , m=2,
The expansion of cos(mx) can be done by observing that (ejx)m=ejmx and by making use of
Euler’s formula as
The left side of the equation is then expanded and its real and imaginary parts are equated to
those on the right. Similar relations hold for the hyperbolic cosine function cosh.
Comparing the trigonometric relation in (15.18) with the expression for T2 (z)
above (see the expanded Chebybshev polynomials after (15.17)), we see that the Chebyshev
argument z is related to the cosine argument x by
In general, for a given side-lobe level, the higher the order m of the polynomial, the narrower the
beamwidth. However, for m > 10, the difference is not substantial – see the slopes Tm(z)of in the
previous figure. The AF of an N-element array (15.5) or (15.6) is shaped by a Chebyshev
polynomial by requiring that
Then, we require that the maximum of TN-1 is fixed at an argument z0 (|zo|>1), where
Where TN-1>1 . The maxima of |TN-1(z)| for |z|≤ 1 are equal to unity and they correspond to the
side lobes of the AF. Thus, has side-lobe levels equal to R0. The AF is a polynomial of cosu ,
and the TN-1(z) is a polynomial of z where z is limited to the range
Antenna Measurements
Testing of real antennas is fundamental to antenna theory. All the antenna theory in the world doesn't
add up to a hill of beans if the antennas under test don't perform as desired. Antenna Measurements
is a science unto itself; as a very good antenna measurer once said to me "good antenna measurements
don't just happen".
Basically, we want to measure many of the fundamental parameters listed on the Antenna Basics page.
The most common and desired measurements are an antenna' s radiation pattern including antenna
gain ,Directivity.
For antenna test equipment, we will attempt to illuminate the test antenna (often called an Antenna-
Under-Test) with a plane wave. This will be approximated by using a source (transmitting) antenna
with known radiation pattern and characteristics, in such a way that the fields incident upon the test
antenna are approximately plane waves. More will be discussed about this in the next section. The
required equipment for antenna measurements include:
A source antenna and transmitter - This antenna will have a known pattern that can be used to
illuminate the test antenna
A receiver system - This determines how much power is received by the test antenna
A positioning system - This system is used to rotate the test antenna relative to the source
antenna, to measure the radiation pattern as a function of angle.
Ground Eave Propagation:-
In LOS model,the assumption is that there is only one path for propagation of EM Wave
from transmit antenna to receive antenna. The two antennas are kept in free space with
no other objects intersecting radiation from transmitter antenna.If two antennas are
situated close the ground due to discontinuity in the electrical properties at the air
ground interface any wave that falls on the ground is reflected. The amount of reflection
depending on factors like angle of incidence,Polarization of wave, Electrical Properties
of the Ground i.e conductivity and dielectric constant,the frequency of the
propagatingwave.Thus,the field at any point above the ground is a vector sum of the
fields due to the direct and the reflected waves.
Direct Eave:-
It is limited toline-of sightĀ transmission distances. The limiting factors are antenna
height and curvature of earth. The Radiohorizonisabout80%greaterthanline of sight because
of diffraction effects. A Part of the signal from the transmitter is bounced off the ground
and reflected back to the receiving antenna. If the phase between the direct wave and the
reflected wave are not in phase can cause problems
Detune the antenna so that the reflected wave is too weak to receive
Travels directly without reflection on ground. Occurs when both antennas are in LOS
Spacewave bend near ground follows a curved path. Antennas must display a very low
angle of emission.Power radiated must be in direction of the horizon instead of escaping in
sky. A high gain and horizontally polarized antenna is recommended.
If dipole and the fieldpoints are on the surface of the earth but separated by a distanced, We
have R2=R1=d and ψ=0
If ground has finite conductivity(typically10-3S/m-30*10-3S/m) then = -1,
The EF due to the direct and ground reflected wave will cancel each other. The EF due to
the direct and ground reflected wave is also known as surface wave. Surface wave
constitute the primary mode of propagation for frequencies in the range of few KHz-
several MHz. In AM broadcast application, A vertical monopole above the ground is used
to radiate power in the MW frequency b and.The receivers are placed very close to the
surface of the earth and hence they receive the broadcast signal via surface wave. Achieve
Propagation over hundreds of kilometers. Attenuation factor of the surface wave depends
The numerical distance p=(πR/λχ)cosb, where b is the power factor angle b=tan-1(r+1/χ)
Where R is the distance between the transmit and receive antennas and χis given as
For χ»r the power factor angle is nearly zero and the ground is almost resistive.
For a1MHz wave propagating over a ground surface with ζ=12*10-3S/m andr=15 the
valve of χis 215.7and is much greater thanr.
The power factor angle is 4.250. At higher frequency100MHz the valve of χ is 2.157 and
power factor angle becomes 82.320
For large numerical distance the attenuation factor decreases by a factor of10 for every
decade i.e 20dB/decade.Thus attenuation is inversely proportional to p and R.
The e-ljkeRctric field intensity due to the surface wave is proportional to the product of As u
and e /R. The EF due to the surface wave at large distance from vertically polarized
antenna is inversely propositional to the surface of the distance or the power is inversely
propositional to R4.
The EF of a vertically polarized wave near the surface of the earth have a forward tilt.
The magnitude of the wave tilt depends on the conductivity and permittivity of the earth.
The horizontal component is smaller than the vertical component and they are not in
phase. The EF is elliptically polarized very close to the surface of the earth.
The space wave follows two distinct paths from the transmitting antenna to the receiving
antenna—one through the air directly to the receiving antenna, the other reflected from the
ground to the receiving antenna. The primary path of the space wave is directly from the
transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna. So, the receiving antenna must be located
within the radio horizon of the transmitting antenna. Because space waves are refracted
slightly, even when propagated through the troposphere, the radio horizon is actually about
one-third farther than the line-of-sight or natural horizon.
Although space waves suffer little ground attenuation, they nevertheless are susceptible to
fading. This is because space waves actually follow two paths of different lengths (direct
and ground reflected path) to the receiving site and, therefore, may arrive in or out of phase.
If these two component waves are received in phase, the result is a reinforced or stronger
signal. Likewise, if they are received out of phase, they tend to cancel one another, which
results in a weak or fading signal.
Sky Eave
The sky wave, often called the ionospheric wave, is radiated in an upward direction and
returned to Earth at some distant location because of refraction from the ionosphere. This
form of propagation is relatively unaffected by the Earth's surface and can propagate signals
over great distances. Usually the high frequency (hf) band is used for sky wave propagation.
The following in-depth study of the ionosphere and its effect on sky waves will help you to
better understand the nature of sky wave propagation.
The lowest part of the earth‘s atmosphere is called the troposphere. Typically, the
troposphere extends from the surface of the earth to an altitude of approximately 9km at the
poles and 17km at the equator. This upper boundary is referred to as the tropo pause and is
defined as the point at which the temperature in the atmosphere begins to increase with
height. With in the troposphere, the temperature is found to decrease with altitude at a rate of
approximately 7oCperkm.Theearth‘sweathersystemisconfinedtothe troposphere and the
fluctuations in weather parameters like temperature, pressure and humidity cause the
refractive index of the air in this layer to vary from one point to an other. It is in this context
that the troposphere assumes a vital role in the propagation of radio waves at VHF (30-
300MHz)and UHF (300-3000MHz)frequencies. The meteorological conditions therefore
influence the manner in which radio wave propagation occurs in the troposphere both on
a spatial and temporal scale.
In general, the refractive index, n, of the troposphere decreases with altitude To simplify
the mathematics involved variations in the horizontal are neglected and horizontal
homogeneity of the refractive index of the troposphere is assumed in most discussions
on this topic.A typical value for natsea levelis1.000350.Afewsabove sea level,this might
decrease to a value such as1.000300.For all practical purposes,at this scale,this change in
the refractive index is negligibly small,with hardly any visible deviation. However,
immediately above the surface of the sea ,it is often this small(but rapid) change in the
refractive index profile that facilitates the formation of meteorological phenomena called
evaporation ducts .A convenient way of expressing these unwieldy numbers is to use
the concept of refractivity instead. Refractivity, N, is defined as follows:
N = (n–1)*106
All three terms, P,T and e fall with height in an exponential manner, resulting in a
corresponding decrease in N with height. A standard atmosphere, therefore is one in which
the refractivity varies with altitude according to equation. Using Snell‘s law, a radio ray
projected into the atmosphere will have to travel from a denser to rarer medium and will
refract downwards towards the surface of the earth. The curvature of the ray, however, will
still be less than the earth‘s curvature. The gradient of refractivity in this case generally
varies from 0to–79N- units per kilo. When the refractivity gradient varies from–79to– from
units per kilo, as uper refractive condition is said to prevail in the troposphere and the
ray will refract downwards at a rate greater than standard but less than the curvature of the
earth. A refractivity gradient that is even lessthan–157N-unitsunits per kilo will result in array
that refracts to wards the earth‘s surface w with
ith a curvature that exceeds the curvature of the
earth.This situation is referred to a strapping and is of particular importance in the context of
evaporation ducts. Finally, if the refractivity gradient is greater than 0N units per kilo, a sub
refractive condition exists and a radio ray will now refract upwards, away from the surface
of the earth.
Depending on the existing conditions in the troposphere, a radio wave will under go any of
the types of refraction: sub refraction, standard refraction, super refraction or trapping.
Figure1 illustrates the four refractive conditions discussed above.
While dealing with radio propagation profiles, the curved radio rays are replaced with line
arrays for the purpose of geometric simplicity.To account for drawing rradioadio rays as straight
lines, the earth radius has to be increased. The radius of this virtual sphere is
Known as the effective earth radius and it is approximately equal to four four--thirds the true
radius of the earth(i.e. roughly 8500km).A more classical fo form
rm of representing n is that of
modified refractivity, M. In this case, the surface of the earth is represented by a flat plane
and the radio rays are constituted by curves that are determined by Snell‘s law and the
corresponding value of M at each point aalong
long the radio link. The following is the expression
for M
N +0.157h,
As that portion of the curve with a strong negative M gradient. Therefore, despite the fact
that the height h is increasing, it is the sharp fall in the water vapour pressure, e, that
contributes to the rapid decrease in M.
Once e has reached its ambient value at a given height, a further rise in altitude does not
cause a substantial change in the humidity of the troposphere.Thus,as h increases further,N
decreases more (since air pressure and temperature both decrease with height). But this
decrease in N is very small over large height increments. Consequently, despite a decreasing
N term, it is the h term that starts to domain at e in the expression for M. Thus,
M now gradually increases with height , and can be seen as the portion of the curve that has
a positive M gradient.
The point at which the M gradient changes from negative to positive is referred to as the
evaporation duct height(or thickness),and is a practical and realistic measure of the strength
of the evaporation duct.
Since the top of an evaporation duct is not ‗solid‘(as in the case of an actual waveguide),
there will be a small but finite amount of energy leakage in to the freespace immediately
above the duct. However, despite this escape of energy, radiowaves are still capable of
travelling great distances through the duct, with relatively small attenuation and path loss.
The ducting effect of ten results in radio signals reaching places that are beyond the radio
horizon with improved signal strengths. This naturally has far reaching implications on
practical radio propagation patterns. For this reason, evaporation ducts and their impact on
radio wave propagation have been studied extensively over the years. Numerous statistical
models have been proposed to describe evaporation ducts and compute the duct heights
under different atmospheric conditions.
The presence of evaporation ducts might not always indicate enhanced signal strengths. For
instance, if there is an un wanted distant transmitter also located with in the duct, then there
is always the possibility of the system under consideration being susceptible to signal
interference and interception. This is dependent on the location of the radio paths being
investigated. An other scenario that might arise is the interference between the various
propagation modes that exist within the evaporation duct itself. Depending on the separation
of the transmitter and receiver and the prevailing atmospheric conditions, there could be
destructive interference between the direct and reflected rays, the latter of which is
comprised of the various multiple hop (one-hop, two-hop, and so on) propagation modes.
Additionally, signal degradation may also occur if there is destructive interference between
various modes that arrive at the receiver after refraction from different heights in the
troposphere. All these situations could possibly cause key problems in the domain of
cellular mobile communication systems in littoral regions. Thus, in addition to aiding radio
wave propagation, evaporation ducts could also be principal limiting factors in beyond line
of sight over-the-sea UHF propagation.
Introduction of Sky Eave Propagation or IONOSPERIC Eave Propagation
Ionization occurs when high energy ultraviolet light waves from the sun enter the
ionospheric region of the atmosphere, strike a gas atom, and literally knock an electron free
from its parent atom. A normal atom is electrically neutral since it contains both a positive
proton in its nucleus and a negative orbiting electron. When the negative electron is
knocked free from the atom, the atom becomes positively charged (called a positive ion)
and remains in space along with the free electron, which is negatively charged. This
process of upsetting electrical neutrality is known as IONIZATION. The free negative
electrons subsequently absorb part of the ultraviolet energy, which initially freed them from
their atoms. As the ultraviolet light wave continues to produce positive ions and
negative electrons, its intensity decreases because of the absorption of energy by the free
electrons, and an ionized layer is formed.
The rate at which ionization occurs depends on the density of atoms in the atmosphere and
the intensity of the ultraviolet light wave, which varies with the activity of the sun.
Since the atmosphere is bombarded by ultraviolet light waves of different frequencies,
several ionized layers are formed at different altitudes. Lower frequency ultraviolet waves
penetrate the
atmosphere the least; therefore, they produce ionized layers at the higher altitudes.
Conversely, ultraviolet waves of higher frequencies penetrate deeper and produce layers at
the lower altitudes. An important factor in determining the density of ionized layers is the
elevation angle of the sun, which changes frequently. For this reason, the height and
thickness of the ionized layers vary, depending on the time of day and even the season of
the year. Recombination Recall that the process of ionization involves ultraviolet light
waves knocking electrons free from their atoms. A reverse process called
RECOMBINATION occurs when the free electrons and positive ions collide with each
other. Since these collisions are inevitable, the positive ions return to their original neutral
atom state.
The recombination process also depends on the time of day. Between the hours of early
morning and late afternoon, the rate of ionization exceeds the rate of recombination. During
this period, the ionized layers reach their greatest density and exert maximum influence on
radio waves.
During the late afternoon and early evening hours, however, the rate of recombination
exceeds the rate of ionization, and the density of the ionized layers begins to decrease.
Throughout the night, density continues to decrease, reaching a low point just before
The D layer ranges from about 30 to 55 miles. Ionization in the D layer is low because it is
the lowest region of the ionosphere. This layer has the ability to refract signals of low
frequencies. High frequencies pass right through it and are attenuated. After sunset, the D
layer disappears because of the rapid recombination of ions.
b. The E layer limits are from about 55 to 90 miles. This layer is also known as the
Heaviside layer, because these two men were the first to propose its existence. The rate of
ionic recombination in this layer is rather rapid after sunset and the layer is almost gone
by midnight. This layer has the ability to refract signals as high as 20 megahertz. For this
reason, it is valuable for communications in ranges up to about 1500 miles.
c. The F layer exists from about 90 to 240 miles. During the daylight hours, the F layer
separates into two layers, the F1 and F2 layers. The ionization level in these layers is quite
high and varies widely during the day. At noon, this portion of the atmosphere is closest to
the sun and the degree of ionization is maximum. Since the atmosphere is rarefied at these
heights, recombination occurs slowly after sunset. Therefore, a fairly constant ionized layer
is always present. The F layers are responsible for high-frequency, long distance
If a wave strikes a thin, very highly ionized layer, the wave may be bent back so rapidly
that it will appear to have been reflected instead of refracted back to Earth. To reflect a
radio wave, the highly ionized layer must be approximately no thicker than one wavelength
of the radio wave.
Since the ionized layers are often several miles thick, ionospheric reflection is more
likely to occur at long wavelengths (low frequencies).
Day and night structure of ionosphere:
Critical Frequency
For any given time, each ionospheric layer has a maximum frequency at which
radio waves can be transmitted vertically and refracted back to Earth. This frequency is
known as the CRITICAL FREQUENCY. It is a term that you will hear frequently in any
discussion of radio wave propagation.
Radio waves transmitted at frequencies higher than the critical frequency of a given
layer will pass through the layer and be lost in space; but if these same waves enter an
upper layer with a higher critical frequency, they will be refracted back to Earth. Radio
waves of frequencies lower than the critical frequency will also be refracted back to Earth
unless they are absorbed or have been refracted from a lower layer. The lower the
frequency of a radio wave, the more rapidly the wave is refracted by a given degree of
ionization. Figure 2-16 shows three separate waves of different frequencies entering an
ionospheric layer at the same angle. Notice that the 5-megahertz wave is refracted quite
sharply. The 20-megahertz wave is refracted less sharply and returned to Earth at a
greater distance. The 100-megahertz wave is obviously greater than the critical frequency
for that ionized layer and, therefore, is not refracted but is passed into space.
Maximum Usable Frequency
As we discussed earlier, the higher the frequency of a radio wave, the lower the rate of
refraction by an ionized layer. Therefore, for a given angle of incidence and time of day,
there is a maximum frequency that can be used for communications between two given
locations. This frequency is known as the MAXIMUM USABLE FREQUENCY (muf).
Waves at frequencies above the muf are normally refracted so slowly that they return to
Earth beyond the desired location, or pass on through the ionosphere and are lost. You
should understand, however, that use of an established muf certainly does not guarantee
successful communications between a transmitting site and a receiving site. Variations in
the ionosphere may occur at any time and consequently raise or lower the predetermined
muf. This is particularly true for radio waves being refracted by the highly variable F2
layer. The muf is highest around noon when ultraviolet light waves from the sun are the
most intense. It then drops rather sharply as recombination begins to take place.
Lowest Usable Frequency
The coverage of transmission distance between transmitter and receiver in more than one
hop is called multi-hop propagation.
The longest single hop propagation is obtained when the transmitted ray is tangential at the
earth surface.
The maximum practical distance covered by a single hop is 2000 km for E layer and 4000
km for F2 layer.
Multi-hop propagation paths occur when the semicircumference of the earth is just over
20,000 km.
Defined as the height to which a short pulse of energy sent vertically upward.
It will always be greater than the actual height.
If it is known, it is easy to calculate the angle of incidence required for the wave to return
at a desired point.
The measurement of virtual height is normally carried out by means of an instrument
known as ionosonde.