United States Patent

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United States Patent (19) 1) Patent Number: 4,494,485

Kendall et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 22, 1985

(54) FIRED HEATER 3.407,023 l ()/ 1968 Hirschberg et al. ................ 4 /328
3,445,175 5/1969 Krieger ............................... 43 /328
(75) Inventors: Robert M. Kendall, Sunnyvale: 3.5632) 2/1971 Hornbose ... 122/5() R
Richard J. Schreiber, Mountain 3,635.648 1/1972 Morse et al. ........................ 431/328
View. both of Calif. 3,810,732 5/1974 Koch ............................... 43 A328 X
4.089,303 SA978 Brufert ............................ 22/25() R
(73) Assignee: Gas Research Institute, Chicago, Ill.
2} Appl. No.: 554,438 Primary Examiner-Edward G. Favors
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Fehr, Hohbach, Test,
(22 Filed: Nov. 22, 1983 Albritton & Herbert
51) Int. Cl. .............................................. F22B 21/00 (57) ABSTRACT
52 U.S. C. ........................... 122/250 R; 122/184 D;
A fired heater incorporating radiant tube sections in the
122/8; 431/328 combustion chamber. Radiant burners mounted in the
58) Field of Search ..................... 122/14, 18, 19, 245,
122/250 R, 4: 431/328 chamber side walls combust reactants flamelessly and
transfer thermal energy inwardly to the radiant section
(56) References Cited tubes. Certain of the embodiments include tube coils
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS forming convection sections with gaseous products of
2,825.33 3/958 Born et al. .......................... 122/35.4 combustion flowing in heat exchange relationship with
3.182.638 5/1965 Lee et al. ............................ 122/240 the convection section tubes after which they are chan
3.221.7ll 12/1965 Beggs .................................. 122/240 neled into a flue.
3.265,043 8/1966 Lee et all 122/360
3.302.621 2/1967 Klein ................................... 122/50 15 Claims, 7 Drawing Figures
U.S. Patent Jan. 22, 1985 Sheet 1 of 5 4,494,485

U.S. Patent Jan. 22, 1985 Sheet 2 of 5 4,494,485

U.S. Patent Jan. 22, 1985 Sheet 3 of 5 4,494,485
U.S. Patent Jan. 22, 1985 Sheet 4 of 5 4,494,485
U.S. Patent Jan. 22, 1985 Sheet 5 of 5 4,494,485
sions, a wide range of turn down capability, and low
FIRED HEATER noise levels.
The invention in summary includes a fired heater of
This invention relates to apparatus and processes for vertical setting configuration having a cylindrical side
heating fluids and in particular relates to fired heaters of wall in which radiant burners are mounted. A bundle of
the type used in petroleum, chemical and other indus tubes forming a radiant section is spaced inwardly from
tries. The invention has application in heaters for steam the burners. In one embodiment another bundle of tubes
generation as well as hydrocarbon heating and petro forming a convection section is mounted concentrically
leum refining such as high-temperature cracking of within the radiant section and in heat exchange relation
hydrocarbon gases, thermal polymerization of light 10 ship with the radially inward flow of products of com
hydrocarbons or hydrogenation of oils. bustion from the burners. In a further embodiment the
Heaters used in industry for steam generation and tube bundles form an all radiant section spaced in
petroleum refining are known as fired heaters, process wardly from the burners in the cylindrical wall. In
heaters, furnaces or process furnaces. The general ser another embodiment, a convection section is positioned
vice categories of the process industry requirements for 5 in the path of flue gases flowing upwardly from the
refinery heaters include distillation column reboilers, radiant section. Exhaust means is provided for directing
fractionating column feed preheaters, reactor feed pre the flow of combustion products from the chamber.
heaters, supplying heat to a heat transfer medium, and The foregoing and additional objects and features of
fired reactors in which a chemical reaction occurs the invention will appear from the following specifica
within a tube coil. 20 tion in which the several embodiments have been de
Conventional fired heater designs include both radi scribed in conjunction with the accompanying draw
ant and convection sections. The radiant section in ings.
cludes a combustion chamber in which the flame from FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a fired heater con
burners heats the tube coils by radiation. The convec structed in accordance with one embodiment of the
tion section, which typically is separate from the radiant 25 invention.
section, includes convection coils which recover the FIG. 2 is a vertical view, partially in axial section, of
residual heat of the flue gas. In certain fired heater the heater of FIG. 1.
designs known as the "all radiant' type, there is no FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view taken along the line
separate convection section. 3-3 of FIG. 2.
Heaters are principally classified by the orientation of 30 FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view taken along the line
the heating coil in the radiant section, which can be 4-4 of FIG. 2.
either a horizontal setting or a vertical setting. The FIG. 5 is a vertical sectional view of a fired heater
horizontal setting for the tubes is typically used in rect constructed in accordance with another embodiment of
angular cross-section designs, known as box or cabin the invention.
type heaters. Vertical setting for the tubes is typically 35 FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view to an enlarged scale
used in cylindrical crosssection heaters. Where heaters taken along the line 6-6 of FIG. 5.
employ both radiant and convection sections, it is con FIG. 7 is a vertical view, partially in axial section, of
ventional to mount the convection coil above the radi a fired heater in accordance with another embodiment
ant coil and in the path of the flue gas exhausting from of the invention.
the combustion chamber. Such a design, however, In the drawings, FIGS. 1-4 illustrate one embodi
makes it more difficult and time consuming to repair or ment of the invention providing a fired heater 10 having
replace the tube runs of the radiant coil. a cylindrical combustion chamber 12 with concentric
The heat source in the combustion chamber of con tube coil sections. The fired heater includes a roof 14,
ventional heaters typically comprises open flame burn floor 16, and cylindrical side wall 18 which combin: to
ers mounted in the floor of the chamber with the tube 45 define the combustion chamber. In the illustrated em
rows arranged about the chamber sidewalls. This re bodiment, the cylindrical side wall is of hexagonal
quires a relatively large size vessel for the combustion cross-section, although other configurations such as
chamber because a large volume of heated gas is re rectangular or circular cross-section can be employed.
quired to radiate to the tubes in the radiant section. In The cylindrical side wall is comprised of slab walls 20
addition, these designs require mounting of the coils at 50 which are supported at their corners by upstanding
a distance from the burners to avoid direct impingement structural beams 22. The beams are mounted above the
of the flame on the metal of the tubes. Certain other ground by suitable foundation such as the piers 24. Two
burner designs employ radiant burners on opposite sides tiers of access walkways 26 and 28 are mounted about
of a box-type chamber with radiant tubes in between, the side wall, and a platform 30 is mounted above the
but no provision is made for a convection section, and 55 roof of the chamber for purposes of maintenance, repair
because of the straight wall configuration the units are and tube replacement. A flue 32 leads upwardly
relatively large and expensive to build. through the platform from the combustion chamber.
It is, accordingly, a principal object of the invention Damper 34 is mounted in the flue for controlling the
to provide a new and improved fired heater which exhaust flow by means of damper control chain 36.
obviates the disadvantages and limitations of conven 60 A vertical setting of a tube bundle 38 is suspended
tional heater designs. from the roof within the combustion chamber. In the
Another object is to provide a fired heater which illustrated embodiment, a compact hexagonal tube bun
combines radiant and convection coil sections into a die is formed with two separate coil passes. One of the
single vessel of relatively compact size with resulting coil passes 40 forms the top half (as viewed in FIG. 4) of
cost Savings. 65 the tube bundle 38 while the other coil pass 42 forms the
Another object is to provide a fired heater of the type bottom half of the bundle. Each coil pass includes a
described employing radiant ceramic fiber burners re plurality of tube rows, each row having a cylindrical
Sulting in improved thermal efficiency, reduced emis shape generally commensurate with the shape of the
3 4.
side wall, for example, the tube rows are hexagonal in slab walls are comprised of high temperature insulation
plan view for the illustrated embodiment. The first coil 72, preferably ceramic fiber blankets of a thickness on
pass 40 is comprised of a plurality of vertical equal the order of six inches, with the burner units mounted
length tube runs serially connected through 180 el through openings formed in the insulation. Mounting of
bows. The process inlet 44 for this bundle is at the top the burner units in the combustion chamber side wall
of tube run 46 at the end of the inner row while the eliminates a part of the wall insulation thereby reducing
outlet 48 is at the top of tube run 50 at the end of the the weight of the wall as compared to conventional
outer row. The second coil pass 42 is similarly com fired heaters. Peek doors 74 and 76 are mounted in
prised of a plurality of equal length tube runs serially openings formed through the insulation above the burn
interconnected through 180 elbows, with the process 10 ers in the upper and lower tiers. The roof and floor are
inlet 52 at the top of the end tube of the inner row and also comprised of high temperature insulation material,
the outlet 54 at the top of the end tube of the outer row. preferably ceramic fiber blankets for the roof and ce
The radiant section 56 of the tube bundle is formed by ramic block insulation for the floor.
the outermost two rows of the coil passes, and the con Optimum results are achieved in the invention by
vection section 58 is formed by the innermost two rows 5 utilizing burner units which are comprised of a porous
so that the convection section is positioned concentri layer of ceramic fibers adapted to flamelessly combust
cally within the radiant section. While the illustrated premixed gaseous fuel and air which diffuses through
embodiment employs a two-coil pass inlet/outlet piping the layers. Preferably the composition and method of
arrangement, other tube bundle designs could be em formulation of the porous layers is in accordance with
ployed such as one, three or six pass inlet/outlet ar 20
U.S. Pat. No. 3,383,159 issued to Smith and now as
rangements. signed to Alzeta Corporation. Preferably the porous
In the radiant section, the two rows are formed by layer is vacuum-formed from a special slurry composi
bare steel tubes which are laterally spaced apart to tion of ceramic fibers, binding agent and filler with the
permit radial inward flow of gaseous products of com capability of being molded into various configurations,
bustion from the burners. The tubes of the two rows are 25
including the plate configuration for use in the present
staggered about the vertical axis to maximize their radi invention. Such a plate configuration would include a
ant view factors. The two innermost rows of the coil
bundle which form the convection section are com perforate metal support, not shown, upon which the
prised of laterally spaced apart steel tubes which prefer ceramic fiber layer is molded following the procedures
ably are fitted with metal fins 60 to increase their heat 30 described in the Smith patent.
absorption capabilities. For each burner unit a rectangular section of the fiber
An optional convective shield 62 is provided between layer with its support is mounted by suitable edge seal
the radiant and convection sections where it is desired ing means on the back side of reactant plenums 78, 78"
to provide uniform gas flow over the convection tubes and 78" (FIG. 1). Inlet ports 80 in the plenums are
and to protect the tube fins from direct radiant heat. In 35 connected through manifold piping and control valves
the illustrated embodiment convection shield 62 com (not shown) for directing premixed gaseous fuel and air
prises a perforate metal cylinder of a hexagonal cross into the burner units. Following ignition, operation of
sectional shape commensurate with the shape of the side the ceramic burner units is characterized in that com
walls and tube bundle. The shield is mounted concentri bustion takes place flamelessly and uniformly at about
cally between the rows of the tubes which form the two 40 1800 F. on the inner surfaces of the fiber layer which
sections and serves to create a pressure drop in the gas face the tube coils of the radiant section. The incandes
flow to provide optimum vertical flow distribution into cent, hot surface of the fiber layer transfers most of the
the convection section. In addition, the shield serves as burner's heat input directly by thermal radiation to the
a radiant reflector to heat the back sides of the outer opposing heat sink which is comprised substantially of
two rows of tubes. Alternatively, the desired vertical 45 the radiant section tubes. The low conductivity of the
flow distribution could be achieved by utilizing tightly fibers, as well as the conductive cooling from the in
finned tubes in the convection section in place of use of coming flow of reactants, allows the burners to operate
a shield. Horizontal baffles, not shown, could be safely without flashback at surface velocities below the
mounted across the tube rows to maintain the desired mixture flame speed. These burner units are further
radial gas flow, but such horizontal baffles are not re 50 characterized in operating at very low excess air levels
quired where the draft is sufficient and the spacing and with low pressure drop. The units turn on and off
between the tubes and between the tubes and burners instantly, they are noiseless in operation and are not
are properly selected to provide uniform radial flow susceptible to thermal shock. Due to the low combus
with naturally-inspirated burner operation. tion temperature of the fiber layer burners, the resulting
Means is provided for exhausting products of com 55 NOx emissions are less than 15 ppm and also with low
bustion from the chamber and may include a perforate emissions of CO and hydrocarbons. The fiber burners
vertical tube or sleeve 64 coaxially mounted within the further operate at a heat release rate per unit area of
convection section. The upper end of sleeve 64 is con burner surface on the order of 100,000 Btu/hr-ft2. Be
nected through an outlet port 66 in the roof, and the cause the heat input is based on surface area, the burners
outlet port in turn is connected through an adaptor ring 60 are scalable for different heater applications, and the
68 with flue 32. individual burner units can be sized with heat release
The radiant burner means in the side wall comprises rates of from 15,000 Btu/hr up to 10 x 106 Btu/hr.
a plurality of radiant burner units, preferably of flat Other forms of radiant burner designs could also be
plate burner configuration. In the illustrated embodi employed in the invention. One such optional burner
ment, three vertical tiers of burner units 70, 70' and 70' 65 design is the flame impingement radiant burner type in
are provided. Each tier includes two adjacent burner which the combustion flame incandescently heats a
units in each slab wall 20 with a resulting twelve units in non-porous ceramic layer which radiates heat to the
each tier and thirty-six units for the entire heater. The process tubes.
Another embodiment of the invention illustrated in central port 134 is mounted across the upper end of the
FIGS. 5 and 6 comprises a fired heater 82 of the "all heater separating the radiant and convection sections. A
radiant' design which is characterized in not employing flue 136 extends upwardly from an exhaust port 138 in
a separate convection section. Heater 82 comprises a the roof and a damper, not shown, can be mounted in
cylindrical wall 84, shown as circular in cross section, the flue to control exhaust flow.
roof 86 and floor 88 which in combination define com Within convection section 122 a horizontal setting
bustion chamber 90. A flue 92 extends upwardly from tube coil bundle 140 is suspended by a suitable support
an exhaust port 94 in the roof and a damper 95 is means not shown. Within radiant section 124 a vertical
mounted in the flue to control exhaust flow. setting tube coil bundle 142 is suspended by support
A vertical setting tube coil bundle 96 is suspended O means, not shown. Preferably radiant section tube bun
within the chamber by suitable means, not shown, from dle 142 is comprised of coil passes having a plurality of
the roof or floor. In the illustrated embodiment, the tube vertical tube runs serially interconnected in the manner
bundle is comprised of two coil passes 98 and 100, al explained for the embodiment of FIGS. 5 and 6. Inlet
though a greater or lesser number of coil passes could and outlet connections, not shown, are provided at
be provided. The coil passes are semi-circular in plan 5 opposite ends of the coil passes for directing the process
view although other geometric arrangements may be flow through the tubes of the convection and radiant
preferable. Each of the passes is comprised of a plurality sections.
of vertical tube runs 101 serially interconnected by 180 Heater side wall 126, roof 128 and floor 130 include
elbows. The process inlet flow is connected to the coil layers of suitable heat insulation material of the type
passes through the upper ends of tubes 102 and 104, 20 described for the embodiment of FIGS. 5 and 6. Open
respectively, and the outlet flow is connected to the ings are formed in the insulation of the side wall for
upper ends of tubes 106 and 108, respectively. In each of mounting radiant burner means comprising a plurality
the passes the tubes form a pattern in plan view so that of flat plate burner units 144, 144 and 144" of the type
alternate tube runs are spaced-apart in an outer row of described above for the embodiment of FIGS. 1-4.
each coil pass and alternate tube runs are spaced-apart 25 Three tiers of the burner units are provided, each tier
in an inner row. The tubes in the two rows are stag including twelve units. Control valves and manifold
gered to maximize their radiant view factors for receiv piping (not shown) of the type described for the em
ing radiation from the radiant burner means 110 bodiment of FIGS. 1-4 is provided to direct premixed
mounted on side wall 84. gaseous fuel and air to the reactant plenums of the units
Radiant burner means 110 comprises a plurality of the 30 under pressure from a venturi-type inspirator.
flat or convex plate burner units 114, 114 114" of the In the use and operation of fired heater 120, the heat
type described above for the embodiment of FIGS. 1-4. input from the burner units transfers primarily by ther
Premixed gaseous fuel and air are directed to the reac mal radiation to the tube coils of radiant section 124.
tant plenums of the units by manifold piping 116 and The hot gas from the burners passes upwardly out of the
control valves (not shown). The reactants preferably 35 radiant section through port 134 and into convection
are supplied to the manifold piping under pressure from section 122. The gases flow in heat exchange relation
a venturi-type inspirator, not shown. ship with the horizontal bundle of tubes in the convec
The side wall 84 of the heater includes a layer of tion section, and then are exhausted from the heater
suitable heat insulation material such as a ceramic fiber through flue 136.
blanket through which openings are formed for mount 40 One example of the use and operation of the invention
ing the burner units. The roof 86 of the chamber is also is as follows. A fired heater as described for the embodi
comprised of an insulating material such as the ceramic ment of FIGS. 1-4 is constructed with the combustion
fiber blanket, and the floor 88 is comprised of an insulat chamber of hexagonal cross-section and with each side
ing material such as ceramic block insulation. The wall 20 of 8'-2' width. The vertical setting tube bun
burner units are mounted in three tiers on the heater 45 dles are formed into two coil passes with fifty-four tubes
walls. Each tier includes twelve burner units, although for each pass and with each tube run of 12'-6' straight
the number and arrangement of burner units employed pipe length. The two rows of tubes within the convec
and the burner unit size and rating would depend upon tion section are finned. Thirty-six porous fiber radiant
the particular operating conditions, heat input require flat plate burners are mounted in three tiers in the side
ments, and tube arrangement. 50 walls. The burners are connected by manifolding
With the burner units in operation, combustion takes through a venturi-type inspirator which supplies pre
place flamelessly on the inner surfaces of the fiber layers mixed reactants comprising air and process or natural
with the substantial part of the burner's heat input trans gas. The inspirator is supplied with process or natural
ferring by thermal radiation to the tubes which form the gas at a high pressure on the order or 20 psig. The
radiant section. The products of combustion from the 55 burner surface area of each unit is 2.5' X 1.4 giving a
burner generally flow upwardly around the inner pe heat input of 350,000 Btu/hr. The total heat input for
riphery of the chamber with inward circulation be the fired heater is therefore approximately 12.6x 106
tween the tubes progressing during the upward flow. Btu/hr, and with an estimated thermal efficiency of
Some residual heat is transferred to the tubes with the 80% the absorbed duty is 10x 106 Btu/hr.
spent gases then exhausting from the chamber into a 60 The premixed gaseous fuel and air are supplied
flue 92 which is centered coaxial with the chamber to through the manifold piping into the plenum of each
influence a more radial flow component for the gases. burner unit 70, 70' and 70'. The reactants diffuse
In FIG. 7 another embodiment comprises fired heater through the fiber layer and are ignited on the inner
120 in which a convection section 122 is mounted above surfaces by a supplemental heat source such as a gas
a radiant section 124 for increasing the thermal effi 65 flame or igniter. Cornbustion takes place flamelessly
ciency as compared to a heater design of the “all radi along a shallow depth of the inner surfaces which reach
ant' type. Fired heater 120 comprises a cylindrical wall an incandescent temperature on the order of 1,800 F.
126, roof 128 and floor 130. A bulkhead 132 having a Thermal energy radiates to the tubes of the radiant
7 8
section. The gaseous products of combustion from the turndown ratio of conventional heaters. As required, a
burners flow inwardly between the radiant tubes and wider turndown range can be obtained by controlling
through the openings in the optional convection shield flow to the individual burners by up to 50%, thereby
62 into heat exchange relationship with the two inner permitting an overall 6:1 turndown range. During oper
rows of tubes which form the convection section. The 5 ation, the radiant burners operate flamelessly with es
exhaust gases are at a temperature on the order of 1,200 sentially no noise so that the severe combustion noise
F. as they flow past the convection section. The gases associated with conventional fired heaters is obviated,
then enter the central exhaust sleeve 64 and flow up thereby decreasing the occupational hazard to plant
wardly to exit the combustion chamber into flue 32 at a personnel.
temperature on the order of 550 F. The desired process 10 While the foregoing embodiments are at present con
fluid such as Dowtherm feedstock is directed into the sidered to be preferred, it is understood that numerous
inlets of the two coil passes at a temperature on the variations and modifications may be made therein by
order of 400' F. The feedstock circulates in counterflow those skilled in the art and it is intended to cover in the
with the exhaust gases to discharge from the outlets of appended claims all such variations and modifications as
the coil passes at a temperature on the order of 550 F. 15. fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention.
The fired heater constructed and operated in accor What is claimed is:
dance with the invention provides a number of im 1. A fired heater comprising a vertical setting of a
provements and advantages. In comparison to conven roof, a floor and a cylindrical sidewall which define a
tional fired heaters of equivalent heat input ratings, the chamber, radiant burner means mounted in the sidewall
heater of the present invention is more compact because 20 for flamelessly combusting pre-mixed fuel and air with
the radiant and convection sections are combined in the the burner means oriented to direct radiant heat in
combustion chamber, radiant heat transfer is not depen wardly of the chamber, at least one coil of tubes for
dent on a large volume of hot gases, and the tubes can containing fluid which is to be heated, the coils being
be mounted closer to the burners. The heater thereby is mounted with tube runs which extend vertically within
relatively smaller in size, of less weight and less expen 25 the chamber with portions of the tube forming a radiant
sive to construct. The provision in the invention of section spaced inwardly from the burner means for
combining the radiant and convection sections into the absorbing radiant heat therefrom, said tube runs in the
combustion chamber facilitates tube removal from the radiant section being circumferentially spaced apart to
top of the chamber with resulting economy for tube define channels for radial inward flow across the tubes
maintenance, repair and replacement. The configura 30 of products of combustion from the burner means, and
tion and placement of the tube bundles provides for exhaust means for directing the products of combustion
uniform process fluid flow through tube runs of equal in an exhaust stream from the chamber.
length and in turn achieves uniform high temperature 2. A fired heater as in claim 1 in which the radiant
about the periphery of the tubes and along the length of section is in a cylindrical configuration, the side walls of
the runs. 35 the chamber define a vertically axised cylinder with the
In the invention, the wall-mounted radiant burners radiant burner means circumferentially disposed about
are more accessible for installation, removal and main the side walls and substantially encircling the radiant
tenance as compared to the floor-mounted burners of section.
conventional heaters. 3. A fired heater as in claim 2 in which the radiant
Operation of the fired heater employing the radiant 40 burner means comprises a plurality of radiat burner
burners of the invention enhances thermal efficiency. units mounted in the side walls in at least one tier of
Heat transfer efficiency in the radiant section is en circumferentially spaced apart burner units.
hanced because of greater reliance on radiation directly 4. A fired heater as in claim 2 in which the radiant
from the incandescent burner surface and with compar burner means comprises a plurality of flat or convex
atively less reliance on radiation from the exhaust gas. 45 plate radiant burner units with each unit mounted in the
As a result, the temperature entering the convection side wall and in facing relationship with tubes of the
section will be lower as compared to that in a conven radiant section.
tional fired heater, thereby decreasing the required heat 5. A fired heater as in claim 4 in which the burner
exchanger surface. Thermal efficiency is also enhanced units are comprised of a porous layer of ceramic fibers
in that the radiant burners operate on relatively lower 50 and means for passing premixed fuel and air radially
excess air as compared to the burners in conventional inwardly through the porous layer for flameless corn
heaters. bustion on the inner surfaces of the layers.
Air pollution emissions are minimized utilizing radi 6. A fired heater as in claim 1 which includes at least
ant burners of the porous fiber layer construction as another coil of tubes forming a convection section
specified for the invention. Fiber burners of this type 55 mounted concentrically within the radiant section, said
produce NO on the order of only 20 ppm with low CO coils of the convection section comprising tube runs
and hydrocarbon emissions at 10% excess air. This is in circumferentially spaced apart to define channels for
comparison to conventional heaters using burners firing radial inward flow across the convection section tubes
gas and oil and which produce up to 100 and 150 ppm of gaseous products of combustion from the burner
NOx, respectively. In addition, conventional heaters 60 means, and the exhaust means extracts products of com
utilizing such burners force a tradeoff between low bustion from within the convection section.
NOx and low combustible emissions, especially under 7. A fired heater as in claim 6 in which the tube runs
minimum excess air conditions. which form the convection section extend vertically
Operation of the heater of the invention provides a within the chamber.
range of turndown capability. The individual radiant 65 8. A fired heater as in claim 7 which includes perfo
burners can be selectively turned on or off; for example, rate convection shield means between the radiant and
the burners in each tier can be turned on or off to pro convection sections for maintaining a pressure drop in
vide a 3:1 turndown ratio which is comparable to the the flow of gases from the radiant section to the convec
tion section for optimum vertical distribution of the tially spaced-apart relationship about the lower portion
radial flow of gases into the convection section. of the side wall.
9. A fired heater as in claim 7 in which the exhaust 13. A fired heater as in claim 12 in which the burner
means includes a perforate cylindrical sleeve coaxially units comprise flat plate radiant burners.
mounted inside of the convection section with the 14. A fired heater as in claim 13 in which the radiant
upper end of the sleeve connecting through the roof for burners are comprised of a porous layer of ceramic fiber
exhausting the products of combustion from the cham and means for passing premixed fuel and air radially
ber. inwardly through the fiber layer for flameless combus
10. A fired heater as in claim 6 which includes heat tion on the radially inner surfaces of the layers.
absorption fins mounted externally on the tubes of the 10 15. A fired heater for heating fluids comprising a
convection section. vertical setting with a roof, a floor and a cylindrical side
11. A fired heater as in claim 1 in which the burner wall defining a combustion chamber, radiant burner
means is circumferentially positioned about a lower means mounted in the side wall for flamelessly combust
portion of the chamber and further including at least ing premixed fuel and for radiating heat into the cham
one coil of tubes forming the convection section 15 ber, at least one radiant coil section comprising a plural
mounted above the radiant section, said tubes in the coil ity of spaced-apart tubes vertically suspended within
forming the convection section being spaced-apart to the chamber with the radiant coil tubes positioned in
define channels for the flow across the convection sec wardly of the burner means for absorbing the radiating
tion tubes of products of combustion, and means for heat, exhaust means positioned centrally of the chamber
directing the products of combustion from the burners 20 for directing gaseous exhaust products from the burners
along a path upwardly from the radiant section into the in a flow radially inwardly and thence exhausting from
convection section in heat exchange relationship with the chamber, and at least one convection coil section
the convection section coil of tubes and through the comprising a plurality of spaced-apart tubes vertically
channels therebetween. suspended within the chamber inwardly of the radiant
12. A fired heater as in claim 11 in which the burner 25 coil section and in heat exchange relationship with the
means comprises a plurality of radiant burner units with radially inward flow from the burners.
the units mounted in at least one tier in circumferen k x ck k








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