Audit Quality and Environment, Social, and Governance Risks
Audit Quality and Environment, Social, and Governance Risks
Audit Quality and Environment, Social, and Governance Risks
This study examines the association between a firm’s environment, social and governance (ESG) risks
and audit quality. We measure audit quality using two proxies: audit fees and discretionary accruals. ESG
risk is measured using Representative Risk Index from the RepRisk AG database. Using a sample of
public U.S. firms from the period between 2007 and 2016, we find that there is positive association
between audit fess and ESG risk implying that firms pay higher audit fees when their ESG risk increase in
order obtain higher quality audit services. We also find that there is a negative relationship between ESG
risk measures and discretionary accruals suggesting firms assessed having high ESG risks do not
manage their earnings as much. Overall, our results indicate that auditors take ESG risks of a firm into
account when performing financial statements audit.
Key words: Environment, Social, and Governance Risks, Audit Quality, Firm Performance.
In recent years, companies have focused their efforts on improving environmental, social and governance
performance in order to increase financial performance. These firms tend to disclose more of their ESG
performance to meet the demand of investors and regulatory requirements (Brockett & Rezaee, 2012;
Dhaliwal et al., 2014; Rezaee, 2017; Robb & Zarzeski, 2001). Since firms are becoming increasingly
aware of the impact of ESG risks on their operations, as well as on their public image and reputation, they
are increasingly integrating these risks into the assessment of their business risk to help improve their
operating effectiveness and profitability. We investigate the impact of firms’ ESG risks on audit quality.
Audit quality refers to providing quality external audit service requires a rigorous audit, with an appropriate
degree of professional skepticism, conducted in compliance with the applicable standards (KPMG 2016).
We argue that firms’ ESG risks should become an additional risk consideration in auditors’ decisions
when they assess clients’ risks. Prior studies also suggest that consideration of clients’ social issues by
auditors in their audit help managers improve strategic planning (Reamer, 2000, 2001; Waddock &
Frasure-Smith, 2000). The 2007 financial crisis shocked the public and raised serious doubts on auditors’
ability to assess client exposure to systematic risk (Doogar et al., 2015). The American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
require that public company auditors consider auditees’ business environment and macroeconomic and
societal factors in planning their audit (PCAOB 2011). Additionally, the media is an important contributor
of information to the market. It can shape a company’s public image and influence public opinion (Rogers
et al., 2016). Media coverage of a firm’s ESG practices can increase the salience of these issues in the
public agenda (Carroll & McCombs, 2003; McCombs & Shaw, 1972).
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We use the Representative Risk Index (RRI) data to obtain the indices for corporate reputational risk
related to ESG risk issues. Due to the RepRisk’s primary focus on the internet and social media and
stakeholders’ information, ESG risks measured by RepRisk reflect a highly transparent and connected
world, which serves to increase stakeholders’ expectations about ESG issues. Therefore, taking an
external perspective on company operations, ESG risks provides valuable third-party stakeholders’
information which can provide insights into corporate operations and can act as an early warning system.
We posit that auditors consider both traditional risk and firms’ ESG risks to properly choose their audit
quality and thus provide appropriate assurance on the quality of a client’s financial statements.
We find that auditors charge higher audit fees of clients when the clients face higher ESG risks. Using
discretionary accruals as a second proxy for audit quality, we find that discretionary accruals are
negatively associated with a firm’s ESG risks, indicating that audit quality improves when firms have
higher ESG risks. High discretionary accruals suggest increased management of earnings and the
negative association between discretionary accruals and ESG risk indicate that firms with higher ESG
risks do not manage their earnings as much.
Our study makes the following contributions. First, using Reprisk’s reputational indices to proxy for ESG
risks, we find that firms’ ESG risks significantly impact auditor behavior and that auditors consider their
clients’ ESG risks in their billing of audit fees. Furthermore, taking into consideration of clients’ ESG risks
can help auditors improve their audit quality. Second, we contribute to the auditing literature by showing
that ESG risks quantified by RepRisk database provide useful information about a firm’s future financial
performance and firm valuation.
Our study proceeds as follows: In Section 2, we discuss related literature and hypotheses development.
In Section 3, we present the research methodology and empirical models. In Section 4, we describe
empirical results. In Section 5, we provide conclusive remarks.
Investors, regulators, and regulated companies have begun to pay more attention to business
sustainability and to disclosure of non-financial ESG sustainability performance information (Cheng et al.,
2015; Cohen et al., 2012a; Cohen et al., 2012b; Green & Li, 2011; Huggins et al., 2011; Pflugrath et al.,
2011; Rezaee, 2016). Public companies have focused on improving ESG performance to initiatives that
can promote sales growth and high-quality financial performance (Brockett & Rezaee, 2012; Rezaee,
2016; Robb & Zarzeski, 2001). The 2016 report of the Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute
(IRRC) indicates that investors and portfolio managers incorporate ESG risks information into their
investment decisions (IRRC, 2016).
Extant research has also examined the association between CSR/ESG performance/disclosures and
financial performance, earnings management, cost of capital and firm value (e.g. Anderson & Frankle,
1980; CFA Institute, 2015; Clarkson, 1995; P. M. Clarkson et al., 2011; Dhaliwal et al., 2014; Dhaliwal et
al., 2011; El Ghoul et al., 2011; Mackey et al., 2007; Mastsumura et al., 2013). Prior studies suggest that
nonfinancial disclosures, such as ESG disclosures, are informative to investors (Clarkson et al., 2013;
Dhaliwal et al., 2014; Dhaliwal et al., 2011, 2012; Griffin & Sun, 2013) as their information can signal
future financial performance to investors (Lys et al., 2015), signal management trustworthiness, and
communicate private information on firm’s future prospects (Christensen, 2016). ESG can be associated
with a firm’s financial performance through intangible assets and stakeholder engagement (Barnett and
Salomon, 2006; Mishra, 2017), and an insurance-like protection (Schnietz and Epstein, 2005; Godfrey et
al., 2009). Prior empirical literature also indicates that positive CSR activities will advance a firm’s
reputation (Turban and Greening, 1997; Albinger and Freeman, 2000; Greening and Turban, 2000),
which is particularly important because those firms are repetitive players in the financial market. However,
since such disclosure is voluntary and is subject to limited regulatory guidance and oversight (Chen et al.,
2016) in the U.S., voluntary ESG disclosures driven by managers’ self-interests can be disclosed
strategically (Hobson & Kachelmeier, 2005; Holder-Webb et al., 2009; Ingram & Frazier, 1980; Muslu et
al., 2019; Simnett et al., 2009).
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A higher the business risks auditors’ face, the more audit work they will be performing in order to mitigate
future litigation risks, which increases the amount of audit fees (Brumfield et al., 1983). Markelevich &
Rosner (2013) indicate that two competing arguments dominate in audit pricing literature. The first
argument suggests that higher audit fee is associated with higher audit quality (Basioudis et al., 2008;
Kinney et al., 2004; Srinidhi & Gul, 2006). The second argument shows that higher audit risk encourages
auditors to charge higher audit fees in order to expend greater audit effort (Ashbaugh et al., 2003;
Markelevich & Rosner, 2013).
Previous studies have also explored audit fee models by incorporating different risk measures (Donohoe
& Robert Knechel, 2014; Fields et al., 2004; Kanagaretnam et al., 2010; Lennox & Li, 2014; Markelevich
& Rosner, 2013). While these studies give insights into how auditors price clients’ business risks, they do
not advance our understanding of actual risk factors incorporated in auditors’ assessment of their client-
level business risk. Therefore, auditors should be encouraged to consider a wider perspective of risk
indicators into their audit, including ESG risks.
A high ESG risk raises auditors’ concerns about management integrity and ethics as well as managerial
opportunism, which subsequently result in increased risk of financial misstatements and other fraudulent
reporting decisions. (Kim et al., 2012) find that firms performing poorly in their social responsibilities are
likely to engage in earnings management through accrual-based and real earnings manipulations and are
more likely to be subject to SEC investigations. Koh & Tong (2013) document that auditors’ charge higher
audit fees from clients, who engage in controversial activities related to consumers, employees,
community and the environment. Considering the above discussion, we propose the following alternate
H1: Auditors charge higher audit fees when their clients have higher ESG risks.
The risk management argument based on the stakeholder theory predict that higher firm’s ESG risk
indicates more current and future negative social performance, thereby increasing a firm’s risk. High ESG
risk reflect stakeholders’ negative perceptions about the firms’ social performance, which could damage
public image, increase regulatory pressure and scrutiny (Luo & Bhattacharya, 2009). In addition, high
ESG risks signal negative social performance, which may increase financial and operating risks (McGuire
et al., 1988). According to the audit risk theory (Markelevich & Rosner, 2013), auditors bear significant
economic costs from the potential for audit failure and the increased ESG risk leads to higher audit risk or
litigation risk and potential loss of reputation. The increased risk incentivizes auditors to perform a high-
quality audit that dominates over the potential benefits of retaining clients when independence is
decreased (Ashbaugh et al., 2003).
The agency theory predicts that a firm’s low ESG risk may result from management entrenchment.
Martínez-Ferrero et al. (2016) show that CSR activities can be strategically used to mask earnings
management practices, consistent with the theoretical arguments that managers use CSR practices for
self-promotion and rent extraction (Barnea and Rubin, 2010) rather than a voluntary activity that promote
sustainable economic growth (Handelman and Arnold, 1999). A firm’s low perceived ESG risk may raise
auditors’ concern about management entrenchment strategies and earnings management practices
thereby encouraging auditors to perform a higher quality audit. In line with the managerial opportunism
argument, we posit a negative relationship between ESG risk and audit quality and develop the following
alternate hypothesis to test the association between discretionary accruals and ESG risks.
H2: ESG risk measures are negatively associated with discretionary accruals.
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Serving the implicit claims of stakeholders enhances the company’s reputation in a way that positively
influences its financial performance over the long term (Freeman, 1984; Makni et al., 2009). On the
contrary, dissatisfying stakeholders may have an adverse effect on financial performance (Preston and
O’Bannon, 1997) and may cause stakeholder sanction against a firm for the firm’s irresponsible actions.
Based on this explanation, firms who are exposed to negative ESG issues reported by stakeholders and
communicated by the media may have reputation deteriorating concern and can later face negative
financial performance prospect. Negative CSR performance resulting from engaging in socially
controversial activities informs investors of potential changes in firms’ earnings potential or risk owing to
CSR-related stakeholder mismanagement. Koelher and Hespenheide (2013) identify ESG issues which
can directly affect a company’s financial performance by impacting its operations and sales. These risks
can also adversely affect earnings growth and persistence (Cormier and Magnan, 2014), which is a
common objective of stakeholder sanctions. Stakeholders’ sanction due to firms’ negative ESG practices
may tend to hurt firms’ earnings in order to attain leverage over the target firm (Kolbel et al., 2017). When
presenting a firm’s ESG issues to the public, stakeholders impose pressures on firms to expect relevant,
appropriate and effective firm responses. In the absence of enough firm response, stakeholders can
boycott, file lawsuits, and protest to significantly influence firm ESG behavior (Baron and Diermeier, 2007;
Doh and Guay, 2006; Easley and Lenox, 2006; Cordeiro and Tewari, 2015). Therefore, we predict the
following hypothesis:
H3: Clients that have higher ESG risks have higher financial performance next year.
3.1 The ESG Measure
RepRisk AG Corporation is a well-known business intelligence provider specializing in environmental,
social and governance (ESG) risk analytics and metrics and it operates a database that collects the risk
exposure of approximately 11,000 firms from all sectors and geographies, industries and countries related
to twenty-eight environmental, social and governance topics and issues. RepRisk makes daily
assessments of the risks, criticism and allegations related to issues such as environmental pollution,
human rights, labor relations and corruption that negatively affect firms’ reputation, profitability, or credit
worthiness within firms. ESG risks assessed by RepRisk are widely used by financial institutions,
corporations, and regulatory organizations.
RepRisk innovates the RepRisk Index (RRI) to facilitate an assessment of the ESG risks. The RepRisk
Index is a proprietary algorithm that quantitatively measures a company’s exposure to ESG risks. The
RRI is an indicator of corporate reputational risk related to ESG risk issues. A company’s RRI score
ranges from the lowest of zero to the highest of 100. The higher the RRI score, the higher level of
criticism received and borne by a firm and thus higher the ESG risks. Firms with the index between 76
and 100 have very high-risk exposure, firms with the index between 51 and 75 have high risk exposure,
the index between 26 and 50 indicates median risk exposure, and the index below 25 are low risk
exposure firms. We use three RRI indices for our study: Current RRI, Peak RRI and RRI trend. A current
RRI indicates the media and stakeholder exposure of a company at the current time, and a Peak RRI
shows an overall risk indicator for the highest level of assessment over the past two years received by a
company. RRI trend captures the change in the RRI within the past 30 days (RepRisk, 2015). Empirical
Models such as audit fees model, discretionary accruals model and future performance model will be
explained in Appendix II.
See the link:
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273,021 firm-year observations. After merging the data from both RepRisk and Compustat databases, we
have 17,616 firm-year observations including missing values. However, there are unmatched firm-year
observations where firms’ names from RepRisk database are not equivalently matched with the firms’
names corresponding to GVKEY identifiers in Compustat database. We manually clean the merged data,
remove unmatched observations and obtain 12,381 firm-year observations. Finally, we winsorize all
continuous variables at 1 percent and 99 percent. Table 1 shows that after deleting the missing values for
firms’ financial data and auditor-related information, we are left with 4,121 firm-year observations for the
audit fee model and 2,694 observations for the discretionary accruals model.
Sample Selection
AF Model DA Model
All Compustat observations from 2007 to 2016 273,021 273,021
Matched Compustat and RepRisk observations 17,616 17,616
Matched Compustat, Reprisk and Audit Analytics observations 9,157 9,157
Total observations used in the main multivariate analyses 4,121 2,694
TABLE 1: This table presents the sample selection procedure where AF = audit fees and
DA = discretionary accruals.
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Table 2, Panel A shows the descriptive statistics of the variables used in the audit fee model based on
Equation (1). The mean and median values for current RRI are 8.4033 and 3.25, respectively. Average
peak RRI has a mean value of 16.13 and median value of 18. The mean and median value for Trend RRI
is 8.29 and 2.83, respectively. The mean and median for the log of total assets are 8.12 and 8.11,
respectively. Firms have on the average 53.33 percent leverage ratio (LEV) and 5.11 percent return on
assets (ROA), respectively. Market-to-book ratio (MBt) is 3.03 on average, operating cash flow is 10.57
percent on average, and have 3.94 percent total accruals, on average. On average 14.63 percent of
sample firms report losses (LOSS) and 11.51 percent of firms have foreign operations, on average. The
mean and median value for Zscore (ZSCORE) are 4.29 and 3.50, respectively. Firms have at least a
single business segment and around 88.61 percent of sample firms on average hire one of the big four
audit firms for assurance services. The log of audit fee has the average value of 13.17. Approximately
0.25 percent of firms have received a going concern opinion. The mean value for the likelihood of material
weakness in firms’ internal controls is 2.79 percent. On average 8.3 percent of firms have restated their
financial statements.
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243 0.0394 0.0276 0.0397 0.0128 0.0535 0.0005 0.4267
243 0.1463 0.0000 0.3535 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
LOSSi,t 3
243 0.1151 0.0000 0.3192 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
243 4.2873 3.4990 3.1837 2.3959 5.3123 -2.7394 17.6224
243 0.8871 1.0986 0.7078 0.0000 1.3863 0.0000 2.3026
243 0.8861 1.0000 0.3177 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000
BIG4i,t 3
243 13.173 13.268 1.8014 12.142 14.466 7.4955 17.6657
LNNAFi,t 3 8 4 7 7
243 0.0025 0.0000 0.0496 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
MATERIAL_WEAKNES 243 0.0279 0.0000 0.1649 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
Si,t 3
243 0.0830 0.0000 0.2760 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
TABLE 2 PANEL A: This table presents the descriptive statistics for the variables used in the three regression
models. All the variables are defined in Appendix I.
Table 2, Panel B provides descriptive statistics regarding the variables in the discretionary accruals model
Equation (5). The descriptive statistics in Table 2, Panels A and B are generally similar.
25th 75th
Variable N Mean Median Std Dev Pctl Pctl Minimum Maximum
DAi, t 2694 0.0433 0.0300 0.0461 0.0137 0.0551 0.0006 0.2624
AVG_CURRENT_RRIi,t 2694 7.9954 1.9583 10.8171 -1.0000 16.2500 -1.0000 53.6667
AVG_PEAK_RRIi,t 2694 15.5418 15.3333 16.4455 -1.0000 29.2500 -1.0000 62.4167
AVG_RRI_TRENDi,t 2694 7.8868 1.6667 10.7971 -1.0000 16.0833 -1.0000 54.2500
LNTAi,t 2694 7.9554 7.9872 1.7065 6.7615 9.0552 3.0712 12.5873
LEVi,t 2694 0.5274 0.5229 0.2293 0.3733 0.6630 0.0927 1.3474
ROAi,t 2694 0.0461 0.0582 0.1048 0.0231 0.0945 -0.7398 0.2429
MBi,t 2694 2.9669 2.3270 3.5597 1.4634 3.5232 -10.3946 26.2014
FOROPSi,t 2694 0.1099 0.0000 0.3128 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
OPCFOi,t 2694 0.1017 0.1002 0.0809 0.0638 0.1449 -0.4644 0.3201
LOSSi,t 2694 0.1670 0.0000 0.3731 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
ABS_ACCRUALi,t 2694 0.0416 0.0288 0.0431 0.0133 0.0566 0.0005 0.4159
OPCYCLEi,t 2694 4.8020 4.8390 0.6459 4.4998 5.1739 2.5582 8.5326
ZSCOREi,t 2694 4.2766 3.4661 3.3848 2.3167 5.2850 -2.8274 18.5549
LOGSEGi,t 2694 0.8840 1.0986 0.7029 0.0000 1.3863 0.0000 2.0794
CAP_INTENSITYi,t 2694 0.5198 0.4105 0.3607 0.2476 0.72037 0.01449 1.9290
INT_INTENSITYi,t 2694 0.0619 0.0225 0.0935 0.0033 0.0872 0.0000 0.6145
BIG4i,t 2694 0.8471 1.0000 0.3600 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000
TABLE 2 PANEL B: This table reports the number of observations (N), the mean, median, standard deviation, and
quartile (25% and 75%) distributions of the variables.In both panels, an RRI variable (i.e. Current RRI, Peak RRI or
RRI Trend) between 0 and 25 indicates low risk exposure of a firm; An RRI between 26 and 50 indicates medium risk
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exposure of a firm; An RRI between 51 and 75 indicates high risk exposure of a firm; An RRI between 76 and 100
indicates very high risk exposure of a firm.
DAi, t B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
DAi, t 1.00
AVG_CURRENT_RRIi,t 0.04 1.00
AVG_PEAK_RRIi,t 0.04 0.88 1.00
AVG_RRI_TRENDi,t 0.03 0.65 0.55 1.00
LNTAi,t 0.05 0.49 0.43 0.44 1.00
LEVi,t -0.05 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.32 1.00
ROAi,t 0.36 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.07 -0.12 1.00
MBi,t 0.00 0.01 0.01 -0.02 0.01 0.00 0.02 1.00
FOROPSi,t 0.01 0.24 0.21 0.15 0.28 0.06 0.00 0.01 1.00
OPCFOi,t -0.14 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.16 -0.05 0.82 0.02 0.02 1.00
LOSSi,t -0.28 -0.11 -0.11 -0.07 -0.28 0.05 -0.03 -0.02 -0.03 -0.15 1.00
ABS_ACCRUALi,t -0.16 -0.01 -0.01 0.00 -0.06 0.04 -0.95 -0.01 0.00 -0.83 0.02 1.00
OPCYCLEi,t 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.23 0.12 -0.05 -0.04 -0.01 0.03 -0.20 0.03 -0.03 1.00
ZSCOREi,t 0.02 -0.07 -0.07 -0.07 -0.19 -0.49 0.40 0.04 -0.08 0.36 -0.26 -0.12 0.10 1.00
LOGSEGi,t 0.08 0.14 0.15 0.05 0.31 0.11 0.02 -0.01 0.11 0.06 -0.12 -0.05 0.09 -0.06 1.00
CAP_INTENSITYi,t 0.12 0.00 0.00 -0.06 -0.09 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.11 -0.01 -0.40 -0.20 -0.06 1.00
INT_INTENSITYi,t -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01 -0.03 0.09 -0.21 0.00 -0.01 -0.22 0.06 0.03 0.07 0.00 -0.03 -0.02 1.00
BIG4i,t 0.06 0.18 0.17 0.08 0.40 0.14 0.13 0.01 0.08 0.08 -0.18 -0.09 0.01 -0.04 0.09 -0.03 -0.04 1.00
TABLE 3: Presenting correlations for the variables used in the discretionary accruals model. Variables are defined as
in Appendix I.
|Correlations| > .01 are significant p < .05.
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This table presents the regression analysis of firms’ likelihood of audit fees for firms on the firms’ ESG risk
proxied by Current RRI, Peak RRI or RRI Trend. Current RRI denotes the current level of media and
stakeholder exposure of a company related to ESG issues. Peak RRI denotes the highest level of
reputational risk exposure related to ESG issues over the last two years. RRI Trend denotes the
difference in the RRI between current date and the date 30 days ago. All variables are defined in
Appendix I. Standard errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and within firm clustering. Standard errors
are in parentheses. Significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels are indicated by *, **, and ***,
Like prior literature on audit fees, most of the variables in our model are significant. Specifically, audit fees
are higher when clients have bigger firm size (LNTA), have higher leverage (LEV), more business
segments (LOGSEG), more losses (LOSS), audited by one of the big four audit firms (BIG4), and more
material weaknesses in internal controls (MATERIAL_WEAKNESS). Consistent with prior literature, there
is also a negative and significant relationship between audit fees and the probability of financial distress of
a firm (ZSCORE). This indicates that auditors charge lower audit fees when their client is not financially
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distressed. Audit fees are negatively associated with operating cash flows (OPCFO) and total accruals
(ABS_ACCRUAL) held by firms indicating that higher OPCFO and accruals reduces audit fees.
Column 2 in Table 4 shows the results of the effect of Peak RRI on audit fees. Peak RRI represents the
highest level of a firm’s reputational risk exposure related to the ESG issues over the previous two years.
As an alternative measure of ESG risks, Peak RRI is also positively associated with audit fees as its
coefficient is 0.0011 and is significant at 10 percent level. This provides marginal support that firms with
higher level of reputational risk exposure related to ESG issues charge higher audit fees. Moreover, in
Column 3, we find that consistent with H1, there is a significant positive association between audit fees
and RRI_Trend suggesting that increase in ESG risks over time increases audit fees. The economic
effect of the regression coefficient of 0.0026 of Current RRI, indicates that a one standard deviation
increase in Current RRI (10.9616) is associated with an average increase in audit fees by 2.84 percent
(0.0026*100*10.9616) or an average increase in dollar amount of audit fees by $140,418 (0.0284*
$4,944,303). Similarly, the economic effect of 0.0011coefficient of Peak RRI is related to an average
increase of $90,619 in audit fee for a one standard deviation increase in Peak RRI
(0.0011*16.495*$4,994,303). Lastly, for the economic effect of 0.0027 of RRI Trend, a one standard
deviation increase in RRI Trend (10.9300) is associated with an average increase in audit fees by 2.95
percent or $145,857 (0.0295*4,944,303). Overall results in Table 3 indicate that firms experiencing high
ESG risk have higher audit quality as depicted in the increase in audit fees.
Our untabulated results of the change regression of the audit fee model show robust evidence that
auditors charge more audit fees when clients have higher ESG risks as indicated by the positive
significant coefficient on each of the ESG risks proxies. Overall, auditors charge higher fees when clients
face higher ESG risks.
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In Table 5, Column 1, we do not capture the effect of ESG risk on discretionary accrual (a proxy for audit
quality) because the coefficient on Current RRI is zero. The coefficient on Current RRI in Columns 2 and
3 is negative and significant, suggesting that firms who face higher ESG risks reduce their discretionary
accruals. These results indicate that audit quality improves when firms have higher ESG risks or firms do
not use discretionary accruals to manage earnings when the media and the stakeholder perceives these
firms to have ESG risks. In terms of control variables, we find a positive and significant relationship
between leverage and DA in each of the columns in Table 8. Auditors tend to lower their audit work when
firms have higher leverage. Clients with higher performance (ROA) and clients with higher capital asset
intensity (Cap_intensity) have higher discretionary accruals and thus lower audit quality. Clients with
longer operating cycle (Opcycle) and stronger financial position (Zscore) have higher discretionary
accruals suggesting lower audit quality. Using the coefficient of -0.0004 of Current RRI, a one standard
deviation in Current RRI (10.8171) is associated with an average decrease in discretionary accruals by
0.433 percent.
Table 6 shows the results on the association between discretionary accruals (DA) and ESG risks, proxied
by Peak RRI. Peak RRI measures the highest level of reputational risk exposure related to ESG issues
over the previous two years. Column 1 uses discretionary accruals based on the modified Jones model.
Column 2 uses discretionary accruals using (Kothari et al., 2005) and Column 3 uses discretionary
accruals developed based on Ball and Shivakumar (2006).
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In Column 1 of Table 6, the coefficient on Peak RRI is -0.0002 and highly significant. This result indicates
that there is a negative and significant association between a firm’s ESG risks in the form of Peak RRI
and discretionary accruals indicating that firms having higher ESG risks have lower level of discretionary
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accruals and thus higher audit quality. Similar results can be seen in Columns 2 and 3. The marginal
effect of the coefficient of -0.0003 for Peak RRI, a one standard deviation increase in Peak RRI (16.4455)
is associated with an average decrease in discretionary accruals by 0.49 percent. Firm with more
leverage (LEV), more operating cash flows (OPCFO), and stronger financial conditions (ZSCORE) have
higher level of discretionary accruals and thus lower audit quality. Firms with lower ROA, lower level of
capital intensity, and more segments are associated with higher level of discretionary accruals, indicating
that audit quality is lower.
Table 7 reports the results on the effect of a firms’ ESG risks measured by RRI Trend on discretionary
accruals. All coefficients on RRI Trend are negative and significant in the three columns, indicating that
discretionary accruals are negatively associated with firm’s ESG risk. This suggests that firms exposed to
higher ESG risks have lower level of discretionary accruals and thus higher audit quality. The sign of
control variables in Table 7 are like those in Tables 5 and 6. For the marginal effect of -0.0004 coefficient
for RRI Trend, a one standard deviation increase in RRI Trend (10.7971) is associated with an average
decrease in discretionary accruals by 0.43 percent.
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TABLE 7: This table presents the regression analysis of firms’ discretionary accruals on the firms’ ESG risk
proxied by RRI Trend. Discretionary accruals (DAi,t) in Column (1) are based on Equation (2); Discretionary accruals
(DAi,t) in Column (4) are based on Equation (3); Discretionary accruals (DAi,t) in Column (3) are based on Equation
(4). All variables are defined in Appendix I. Standard errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and within firm
clustering. Standard errors are in parentheses. Significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels are indicated by *, **, and
***, respectively.
We report the results of valuation variables in Table 8 using the Ohlson (1995) valuation model. The
dependent variable is price per share in Panel A and log of market capitalization in Panel B, and
operating cash flow valuation in Panel C. We also include in the performance models the two audit-quality
proxies (i.e., audit fess and discretionary accruals).
With respect to market capitalization and operating cash flow models, the discretionary accruals variable,
as expected, is negative and significant suggesting that firms with high discretionary accruals experience
lower valuation and operating cash flow in the current period. We also find that firms pay higher audit fees
with increasing firm valuation and operating cash flow. The going concern variable displays similar sign of
the coefficient in each of the three models as the discretionary accruals’ variable indicating that the
market assessment of the going concern and discretionary variables is related. The other two control
variables, book value and earnings, are positively and significantly related in each of the three models
indicating that increases in book value and earnings increase firm valuation and operating cash flow in the
current period. In terms of economic significant, Table 8, Panel A shows that given the coefficient of -
0.388 of Current RRI, a one standard deviation increase in Current RRI (12.63) is associated with an
average increase in price per share by 490 percent. Similarly, for the coefficient of 0.24 for Peak RRI, a
one standard deviation increase in Peak RRI (17.78) is associated with an average increase in price per
share by 426 percent. The coefficient of 0.39 for RRI Trend, suggests a one standard deviation increase
in RRI Trend (12.62) is associated with an average increase in price per share by 492 percent.
Similarly, in terms of economic significance, Table 8, Panel B shows that the 0.05 coefficient of Current
RRI indicates that a one standard deviation increase in Current RRI (12.63) is associated with an average
increase in market capitalization by 63 percent. Additionally, for the 0.03 coefficient for Peak RRI, a one
standard deviation in Peak RRI (17.78) is associated with an average increase in market capitalization by
53.34 percent. In addition, the coefficient of 0.05 for average RRI Trend, suggests a one standard
deviation increase in RRI Trend (12.62) is associated with an average increase in market capitalization by
63.1 percent.
Finally, economic significance of the RRI coefficients in Table 8, Panel C shows that for the coefficient of
0.05 for Current RRI, a one standard deviation increase in Current RRI (12.63) is associated with an
average increase in operating cash flows by 63 percent. For the coefficient of 0.024 for Peak RRI, a one
standard deviation in Peak RRI (17.78) is associated with an average increase in operating cash flows by
42.67 percent. Finally, the coefficient of 0.04 for RRI Trend, a one standard deviation in RRI Trend (12.62)
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is associated with an average increase in operating cash flows by 50.48 percent. Overall, these results
suggest that prior period negative media coverage of ESG components are positively associated with
current period financial performance after controlling for the audit quality proxies.
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Firms are self-reporting corporate social responsibility and environment sustainability information
voluntary to attract green investors. Third party firms, similar to RepRisk AG are also engaged in
assessing firms’ performance of various sustainable measures. Sustainability Accounting Standards
Boards has also developed industry specific sustainability standards in assessing firm sustainability
performance. We examine whether companies having higher environment, social, and governance (ESG)
risks pay more for higher audit quality work to assure the market that their financial reporting meets
corporate social responsibility. We obtain ESG risk measures from RepRisk AG and use two proxies to
assess audit quality. These proxies are audit fees and discretionary accruals. Our results show that firms
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Meiying Hua & Pervaiz Alam
perceived to have high ESG risks pay higher audit fees and that higher ESG firms report lower
discretionary accruals. The latter results imply that ESG firms report lower earnings management and
higher audit quality. We also find that ESG risks are positively and significantly associated with market
valuation measures as indicated by the positive coefficients on each of the three proxies for ESG risks.
Overall, our findings suggest that auditors should take into consideration ESG risks when designing their
audit and that client companies’ management of ESG risks increases future earnings performance and
firm valuation. Although standard-setting bodies are attempting to mandate sustainability standards to
firms, it would still be important to monitor the reputational effects of ESG risks disclosed by the media in
the markets.
There are two studies which are related to our work. Burke et al. (2019) investigate auditor response to
negative media coverage of ESG practices. They examine the association of the components of ESG on
audit fees and find that negative media coverage of ESG issues increases the likelihood of auditor fess
and auditor resignation. There are some major differences between Burke et al. (2019) study and our
work. We examine not only the association of negative media coverage of ESG with audit fees but also
with audit quality and future firm performance. Instead of examining the components of ESG, we focus on
ESG index over current and prior two-year period. Similar to Burke et al. (2019), our results show that
negative media coverage of ESG is positively associated with audit fees. Additionally, we find that
negative media coverage of ESG decreases discretionary accruals suggesting increase in audit quality.
Our future performance analysis shows that firms respond to negative media coverage by improving their
performance in the following period.
The other study related to our work is by Asante-Appiah (2020), which finds that auditors manage
engagement risk, resulting from tainted ESG, by increasing audit effort. Increased audit effort reduces
financial misstatements thereby increasing audit quality for up to three years. The increased audit effort
increases audit report lags and has no effect on audit fees. On the other hand, our evidence shows that
audit fees increase when negative media coverage of ESG occurs or when ESG risk increases.
Consistent with Asante-Appiah (2020), we also find that audit quality increases with the issuance of
negative media coverage on ESG related issues indicating that audit firms increase audit efforts to
adverse media coverage of ESG items. Our proxy for audit quality is discretionary accruals (DA). We
found that DA decreases following the issuance of negative media report on ESG components.
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Appendix I
Variable Definition
Current RRI The current level of media and stakeholder exposure of a company related
to ESG issues
Peak RRI The highest level of reputational risk exposure related to ESG issues over
the last 2 years.
RRI Trend Difference in the RepRisk Index (RRI) between current date and the date 30
days ago.
ABS_ACCRUAL i,t Absolute value of total accruals
BIG4i,t One if firm is audited by a Big 4 audit firm and zero otherwise
BMi,t Ratio of book value to closing market value at fiscal year ends
Book Value of Equityi,t Book value per share times shares outstanding at the end of fiscal year for
firm i during fiscal year t
Book Value Per Sharei,t
Book value per share at the end of fiscal year for firm i during fiscal year t
CAP_INTENSITYi,t Net property, plant and equipment divided by total assets
Current RRIi,t the media and stakeholder exposure of a company at the current time
DAi,t Discretionary accruals based on modified Jones Model (1991), Kothari et al.
(2005) or Ball and Shivakumar (2006)
Earnings (in millions) i,t Earnings per share before extraordinary items times shares outstanding for
firm i during fiscal year t
Earnings per sharei,t
Earnings per share at the end of fiscal year for firm i during fiscal year t
FOROPSi,t One if foreign income or loss is not equal to zero and zero otherwise
GCONCERNi,t One if an auditor issues a going concern opinion and zero otherwise
INT_INTENSITYi,t R&D plus advertising divided by sales
LEV i,t Ratio of long-term liability to total assets
LEVRECi,t Ratio of accounting receivables to total assets
Leveragei,t Total assets minus common equity divided by common equity for firm I
during fiscal year t
LNAFi,t Log of Audit fees
LNNAFi,t Log of non-audit fees for firm i for year t
LNTAi,t Log of total assets
LOGSEGi,t Log of the number of business segments
LOSSi,t One if net income is negative and zero otherwise
Market_Capitalizationi,t Log of shares outstanding times stock price at the end of fiscal year
MATERIAL_WEAKNESSi,t Number of weaknesses in a firm's internal controls
MBi,t Ratio of closing market value to book value at fiscal year ends
OPCFOi,t Cash flows from operations scaled by total assets
OPCYCLEi,t Log of the operating cycle calculated as the sum of 360/ costs of goods sold
turnover and 360/sales turnover
Operating Cash Flowi, t Log of cash flows from operations scaled by total assets
Peak RRIi,t an overall risk indicator for the highest level of criticism over the past two
years received by a company
Price per sharei,t Price at the end of fiscal year for firm i during fiscal year t
RESTATEMENTi,t One if a firm has restated its financial statement and zero otherwise
ROAi,t Ratio of earnings before extraordinary items to total assets
RRI Trendi,t the change in the RRI within the past 30 days
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Appendix II
Empirical Models
There is no direct measure of audit quality. Prior studies have used various proxies to measure audit
quality. We select two measures of audit quality commonly used in the audit literature— audit fees and
discretionary accruals.
In this model, we use the natural logarithm of audit fees (LNAF) as the dependent variable. ESG_Risk is
either Current RRI or Peak RRI or RRI Trend explained in the previous section. The ω1 coefficient is
expected to be positive if higher ESG risk leads to increase in audit fees. We run the regressions on each
ESG risk measure separately. Following prior literature on audit quality, we include control variables that
are related to both firm characteristics and other audit–related characteristics (Reichelt & Wang, 2010;
Schroeder & Shepardson, 2016). LNTA, the proxy for firm size, is the natural logarithm of total assets and
prior studies show that large firms are more likely to pay higher audit fees; LEV is the ratio of long-term
liabilities to total assets. LEVREC is the ratio of accounting receivable to total assets. ROA is calculated
as net income divided by average total assets, MB is the market to book ratio, calculated as market
capitalization divided by book value, and OPCFO is cash flow from operations divided by average total
assets. ABS_ACCRUAL is the absolute value of total accruals divided by average total assets, SEGSUM
is the number of business segments used to control for complexity of firms, LOSS is “1” if income before
extraordinary items is negative, and “0” otherwise, and ZSCORE is the Altman financial distress score
(1983). BIG is an indicator variable that equals “1” if the client has a Big 4 auditor, and “0” otherwise, and
MATERIAL_WEAKNESS is an indicator variable equals 1 if the auditor issued a material weakness
opinion on internal controls. RESTATEMENT is also an indicator variable that equals 1 if there is a
presence of restatements in a client’s financial statements and 0 otherwise. We include firm and industry
fixed effects in our fixed effect model to focus on within-firm variations. INDUSTRY FE is the industry
fixed effects. YEAR FE is the year fixed effects. Our primary variable of interest is ESG Risk, we predict
that it will be positive and significant, indicating that increase in ESG risks will increase audit fees.
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We also use two alternative measures of discretionary accruals developed by and Ball & Shivakumar
(2006) and Kothari et al. (2005). These measures of discretionary accruals are the errors terms derived
terms from equations (3) and (4).
Where, Accruals denotes total accruals (income before extraordinary items minus cash flow from
operations). A, ΔS, and PPE represent total assets, changes in net revenue, and gross property, plant,
and equipment, respectively; CFO represents cash flow from operations; DCFO is a dummy variable that
equals 1 if CFO is negative, and 0 otherwise; and ɛ, σ, μ are error terms in equations (2), (3), and (4),
respectively. We expect that firms with higher ESG risk will have lower discretionary accruals because
increase in audit work will constrain the client firms to keep their discretionary accruals low.
Regression model in equation (5) is used to explore the association between discretionary accruals and
ESG risks in the form of current RRI, peak RRI, and RRI Trend:
We use fixed effect model to estimate the impact of ESG risks on discretionary accruals. We expect that
firms with higher risks are not likely to manage earnings and, therefore, ω1 coefficient will be negatively
associated with discretionary accruals. DA is the discretionary accruals; Discretionary accruals (DAi,t) is
based on the modified Jones (1991) model developed by Dechow et al. (1995) stated in Equation (1). All
variables are defined in Appendix I. ESG_Risk is either Current RRI, Peak RRI, or RRI Trend. Following
prior literature on audit quality, we include control variables that are related to both firm characteristics
and other audit-related characteristics (e.g., Reichelt and Wang, 2010; Schroeder and Shepardson, 2016).
LNTA, the proxy for firm size, is the natural logarithm of total assets while large firms are more likely to
have higher accruals or lower audit quality. LEV is total liabilities divided by total assets; ROA is (net
income)/average total assets; MB is the market to book ratio which is calculated as market capitalization
divided by book value; FOROPS is the absolute value of foreign exchange income/loss; OPCFO is (cash
flow from operations)/average total assets; LOSS is “1” if income before extraordinary items is negative,
and “0” otherwise; ABS_ACCRUAL is the absolute value of total accruals/average total assets;
OPCYCLE is the natural logarithm of the operating cycle (calculated as the sum of 360/cost of goods sold
turnover and 360/sales turnover) and this measure is used to control for the time needed to realize
accruals in cash flows (Dhaliwal et al., 2011). ZSCORE is the Altman financial distress score (1983);
LOGSEG is the natural logarithm of the number of business segments is used to control for complexity of
firms; CAP_INTENSITY is the capital asset intensity calculated as net property, plant and equipment
divided by total assets. INT_INTENSITY is the intangible asset intensity measured as R&D plus
advertising divided by sales. These two measures are used to control for asset structure of a firm and the
probability of accrual adjustments because of differences in measurement of assets (Schroeder and
Shepardson, 2016). BIG4 is defined as an indicator variable that equals “1” if the client is audited by one
of the Big 4 audit firms and “0” otherwise. We include firm and industry fixed effects in our fixed effects
model to focus on within-firm variations. YEAR FE is year fixed effects and INDUSTRY FE is industry
fixed effects.
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ESG risks proxies (current, trend, and peak). We use Ohlson (1990) valuation framework in developing
our performance models containing our key variable -- ESG risk, and discretionary accruals, audit fees,
and control variables. We obtain control variables from Jain et al. (2016); these variables are going
concern, book value of equity, and earnings. The dependent variable is price per share, market
capitalization (market price share * number of commons shares outstanding), and operating cash flow in
models 6, 7, and 8. The three performance models are given below.
We expect that the current period performance of firms (price per share, market valuation, or operating
cash flow) would largely dependent upon previous period reputational risk exposure of the firms in our
sample. We argue that higher the reputational risk exposure in the previous period, the more responsive
will the market be to the current period performance. Therefore, we expect a positive association between
ESG risk and valuation/performance measures. With respect to other variables, we expect positive
association between these variables and firm valuation measures (stock price per share, market
capitalization, and operating cash flow). The discretionary accruals (Robin & Wu, 2015) and audit fee
variables are likely to increase with increasing firm valuation suggesting expanding or high growth firms.
The higher book value and earnings also suggest higher contemporaneous valuation measure. Firms with
going concern opinion at the year-end may have a negative or insignificant association with stock price
per share (Blay & Geiger, 2001; Dodd et al., 1984; Jones, 1996; Menon & Williams, 2010).
Conflict of interest/Competing interest: The authors have no conflict of interest to declare that are relevant
to the content of this article.
Availability of data and material: The data that support the findings of this study are available from
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which
were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however
available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of WRDS.
Code availability: The SAS code was created by the authors and is available upon request.
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