Technology and Livelihood Education 6 Second Quarter - Module 1

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Technology and Livelihood Education 6 9.

Second Quarter — Module 1
1O. _________________________

Name:______________________________ B.
Grade & Section: 6-Jupiter
1. _________________________
What I Know 2. _________________________
1. _________________________
3. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________ 4. _________________________

4. _________________________ 5. _________________________
5. _________________________
What I Have Learned
6. _________________________ 1. Who can be an ideal entrepreneur?
7. _________________________ ____________________________________

8. _________________________ ____________________________________

9. _________________________ ____________________________________

1O. _________________________ ____________________

What’s In 2. If you will become an entrepreneur what

1. _________________________ product/s will you produce?Why?

2. _________________________ ____________________________________
3. _________________________ ____________________
3.What products or services are in demand in
4. _________________________
your community?
5. _________________________
What’s More ____________________
Independent Activity
1. _________________________ 4.Why do you think they are in demand?
2. _________________________ ____________________________________
3. _________________________ ____________________________________
4. _________________________
5.What will be the benefits of being
5. _________________________ entrpreneur to your family and community?
6. _________________________
7. _________________________ ____________________________________

8. _________________________ ____________________
1. _________________________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________

4. _________________________ 3. _________________________

5. ________________________ 4. _________________________

5. _________________________
1. Compute for the expenses
Total Cost of material 559.00
Labor Cost + 50.00 1. _________________________

Subtotal _______________ 2. _________________________

Compute for the mark-up price
3. _________________________
Subtotal ______________
4. _________________________
Mark – up ( 20%) x 0.20
Mark –up price _______________ 5. _________________________
Add the total expense to the mark-up price
6. _________________________
Subtotal ________________
7. _________________________
Mark-up price ________________
Selling Price ________________ 8. _________________________

9. _________________________

10. _________________________
2. Compute for the expenses
Total Cost of material 373.00
Labor Cost + 40.00
Subtotal _______________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

Compute for the mark-up price

Subtotal ______________
Paalala: Kung ano lang po ang nasa
Mark – up ( 20%) x 0.20 SAGUTANG PAPEL, yun lang po ang
Mark –up price _______________
Add the total expense to the mark-up price
Subtotal ________________
Mark-up price ________________
Selling Price ________________

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