Reliability-Centred Maintenance in Maritime Operations
Reliability-Centred Maintenance in Maritime Operations
Reliability-Centred Maintenance in Maritime Operations
This paper has identified specific problems likely to be encountered in endeavour of implementing reliability-centred maintenance
(RCM) on ships. These stem out of the cultural differences between the aviation and maritime industries. In the maritime industry,
RCM is often considered resource demanding. It is however possible to make the project manageable by starting with a critical
system. Considerable savings in time and effort can also be achieved by using a reverse logic where the failure modes are identified
by analysing the maintenance tasks. A subjective qualitative approach has been proposed to overcome the limitations of the
definitive logic used by the decision trees and the demand for failure data imposed by quantitative methods. A fuel oil purification
system has been used as a test case to demonstrate its use. There is appreciation amongst both classification societies and equipment
suppliers of the principles of RCM in the maritime industry. This makes the application of the RCM concept feasible. Finally it is
the seafarer, who will have to be on the forefront of this endeavour and total productive maintenance can be used to create the right
work environment to achieve this. It is concluded that rather than looking at RCM as a methodology and trying to use it as such, it
makes more sense to consider it as a philosophy and use its guiding principles to help the seafarer plan his maintenance strategy.
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326 A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335
databank, which shares information with every one. There is therefore a need for a streamlined approach,
Commercial sensitivity has often been the reason for which the onboard crew can use to identify and analyse
this. Ships operate in different and continuously their maintenance problems.
changing environments making it difficult to use failure
data from one ship on another.
(2) Basic equipment condition cannot be taken for 2. Reliability-centred maintenance
granted: Certain equipment conditions like tightness,
lubrication and cleanliness, which can be taken for Maintenance management has undergone consider-
granted in other industries, are constantly a source for able change in the past 15 years [3]. Maintenance is now
concern in the maritime industry. aimed at, based on the operating context, preserving the
(3) Shipboard personnel are rarely trained in main- functions of assets rather than their condition. There is
tenance management or risk assessment techniques, more awareness of the failure characteristics of compo-
especially those that require a statistical approach. nents. This coupled with frequent lack of accurate
Shipboard personnel have to be ‘‘jacks of all trades’’ failure rate data has caused a shift towards condition-
which also means that they are not likely to have any based (predictive) maintenance from schedule-based
specialised background, particularly mathematical. (preventive) maintenance. These changes are best
(4) Shipboard personnel are already overburdened: reflected in the RCM philosophy.
Shipboard personnel are operators as well as main-
tainers. A complex and long methodology is not likely 2.1. History of RCM
to find favour with them.
(5) Ships operate in isolation from repair and spares RCM has its origins in the findings of the Main-
facilities: The failure mode analysis should give special tenance Steering Groups (MSG), that were formed in
attention to consequences resulting from the above. the aviation industry to develop a maintenance pro-
(6) Lack of ‘‘adequate’’ redundancy: Traditionally gramme for the Boeing 747 and Lockheed L1011 [4].
RCM assigns equipment with redundancy ‘‘run-to- Having considered the size, passengers’ carrying capa-
failure’’. While this makes sense in other industries city and technological advances of these aircraft, it was
with its multiple redundancies, it may not be desirable initially recommended that a maintenance programme
in shipping where critical systems usually have only was so extensive that it would have made the aircraft a
single redundancies failure of which could be cata- commercial failure. This led representatives of various
strophic. airlines, aircraft manufacturers and the US government
(7) Rigid prescriptive requirements of various regula- to form these committees with the intention of reviewing
tory bodies: Ships come under the purview of different the prevailing practices and analysing their impact on
regulatory bodies including Port State, Flag State, the life cycle of the components. United Airlines were
Classification Society, etc. All these have to be one of the biggest contributors to this study.
accommodated in the maintenance plan. The MSG suggested a system-based approach derived
(8) Recommendations from equipment suppliers have from the curves that used a logic tree for decision
to be followed in the guarantee period: Non-compliance making. In 1975 the US Department of Defence directed
with the recommendations during this period could the MSG concept to be labelled ‘‘reliability-centred
remove the supplier from any obligations in case of a maintenance’’ and to be applied to all major military
claim. systems [5]. RCM has gained considerable recognition in
(9) Equipment suppliers do not give a FMEA: Some the armed navies. Besides the Nowlan and Heap report
industries and organisations require their suppliers to [6], which was a product of the US Navy, the UK
submit a FMEA of the equipment. This greatly helps Ministry of Defence has published Defence Standard 02-
implementing RCM. However, this is not the case in 45 (NES 45) [7] that is based on RCM-II [8]. The US
ship operations. Naval Aviation also uses RCM [9]. However, the
(10) RCM analysis results are unique to each approaches seem too resource demanding and may not
operating context: The same pump working on a ship be suitable for an unorganised industry like maritime
or in a system may have different functions, operating without modification.
conditions, redundancies or even failure detection
probabilities elsewhere. Hence the analysis has to be 2.2. RCM Principles
carried out individually for each ship and system.
(11) Ships crew keeps changing: There is a need to lay RCM has been formally defined by John Moubray [8]
down explicit guidelines on the way analysis is to be as ‘‘a process used to determine what must be done to
carried out to prevent inconsistent outcomes of the ensure that any physical asset continues to do whatever
analysis of the same system carried out by different its users want it to do in its present operating context’’.
teams. Richard B. Jones in his definition of RCM [4] has added
A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335 327
‘‘yRCM employs a system perspective in its analyses of It is common to see statements in maintenance papers
system functions, failures of the functions, and preven- where people have suggested that RCM is condition-
tion of these failures’’. These statements together define based maintenance. However, that is not so. RCM
the RCM process better. What RCM is maintaining is considers all forms of maintenance and even the need
the system function. It may well be required to redesign for maintenance. It is however true that given a choice
or modify a physical asset to maintain its system RCM prefers condition-based, i.e. predictive mainte-
function in the case of a change in its operating context. nance to preventive or scheduled maintenance.
In case there is no effect on the system function it could Condition-based maintenance can be carried out
well be worth considering no proactive maintenance or everywhere. Before a condition-based maintenance task
as is known assigning the physical asset to run-to- can be determined, some criteria need to be fulfilled [8].
failure, as the goal should be maintaining the system Scheduled tasks are technically feasible if:
function as opposed to a component.
The RCM methodology is completely described in the
* it is possible to define a clear potential failure
following four features [5]: condition;
* the P–F interval is reasonably consistent (see Fig. 1
1. preserve functions; where P–F is the time duration from the point where
2. identify failure modes that can defeat the functions; deterioration of condition can be detected to the
3. prioritise function need (via the failure modes); point where the equipment functionally fails) [8];
4. select only applicable and effective tasks. * it is practical to monitor an item at intervals less than
the P–F interval.
This means that RCM prioritises maintenance needs
and focuses resources on those tasks that promote The P–F interval is long enough to be of some use (i.e.
system reliability. long enough for action to be taken to reduce or
The Society of Automotive Engineers Inc. has thus eliminate the consequences of the functional failure).
recommended the following as evaluation criteria for Marintek (Norwegian Marine Technology Research
identifying process as RCM [10]: Institute A/S) have conducted RCM analysis on several
shipboard machinery [12]. It is found that RCM analysis
a. What are the functions and associated desired is in general resource demanding and does require a lot
standards of performance of the asset in its present of effort to fulfil. Since the cost of performing these
operating context (functions)? analyses is a major concern in the shipping industry, one
b. In what ways can it fail to fulfil its functions of their approaches is to analyse the ten most cost-
(functional failures)? exhaustive components or safety significant items. They
c. What causes each functional failure (failure modes)? have also experienced the lack of failure data. According
d. What happens when each failure occurs (failure to Thorstensen, for the use within criticality analysis,
effects)? these types of data do not have to be very accurate
e. In what way does each failure matter (failure because the different criticality classes are very coarse
consequences)? with respect to the event frequency [12].
f. What should be done to predict or prevent each PMO2000 [13] has tried to address the problem of
failure (proactive tasks and tasks interval)? high resource demand especially in the analysis of failure
g. What should be done if a suitable proactive task modes. In this approach the failure modes are identified
cannot be found (default actions)? by analysing the maintenance tasks. For example if the
maintenance task was to ‘‘perform vibration analysis on
There are other approaches, which thus cannot be
called RCM. They are however based on the same
principles and have delivered reliable positive results.
P - F interval
One such approach is risk-centred maintenance or Risk-
CM [4]. NASA has in its RCM guide [11] said that one
of the primary principles of RCM is that RCM uses
logic tree to screen maintenance tasks, that is, it uses
Deterioration condition can P
broad categories of consequences of failure to prioritise
failure modes. However Risk-CM uses a combination of Component
probability and consequence, that is, risk to prioritise
failure modes. This gives a finer failure mode ranking. It F
should be stressed that while it is considerably easy to
get this data for shore industry since the data is portable
it is much more difficult for ships as the operating Time
environment varies greatly. Fig. 1. P–F interval [8].
328 A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335
the gearbox’’, then the failure modes analysed would be 1. establishing basic conditions by cleaning, lubricating
to ‘‘gear wears or cracks, gear bearing fails due to wear, and tightening;
gear box mounting bolts come loose due to vibration 2. exposing abnormalities and restoring deterioration;
and gearbox coupling fails due to wear’’. These failure 3. clarifying operating conditions and complying with
modes are then passed through the RCM logic tree. conditions of use;
Jim August [14] has developed a Logic Tree with what 4. abolishing environments causing accelerated dete-
he calls ‘‘an inversion flow process’’. The aim is to rioration (elimination or control of major contam-
streamline the RCM analysis process. ination sources);
Another maintenance management approach is Total 5. establishing daily checking and lubricating standards;
Productive Maintenance or TPM. TPM was developed 6. introducing extensive visual control.
by Seiichi Nakajima of the Japan Institute of Plant
Maintenance (JIPM) [15]. Though TPM was developed
in the fabrication and assembly industries its principles These recommendations are very relevant in shipping
are also applicable elsewhere. TPM was originally as well. In fact as is seen latter on, TPM can be a good
defined to include the following five strategies that were facilitator for implementing RCM.
redefined in [16]: To a considerable extent formal safety assessment
(FSA) of ships [17] has a very similar approach
1. Maximise overall equipment effectiveness (build a compared to RCM. The difference could be that FSA
corporate constitution that will maximise the effec- looks at all kinds of hazards while RCM is primarily
tiveness of production systems); concerned with those that relate to functional failures.
Total effectiveness indicates TPM’s pursuit of Even then FSA is a methodology that has been
economic efficiency or profitability. successfully approved for rule-making purposes by the
2. Establish a comprehensive preventive maintenance IMO and hence gives an insight on how RCM should be
system covering the life of the equipment. (Using a applied in ship operations.
shop-floor approach, build an organisation that
prevents every type of loss (by ensuring zero
accidents, zero defects and zero failures) for the life 3. Application of the RCM philosophy in ship operations
of the production system.)
Total maintenance system includes maintenance 3.1. Reduction of RCM demand
prevention (MP) and maintenance improvement (MI)
as well as preventive maintenance. Applying RCM to the full engine at one go might be
3. Involve all departments that plan, use and maintain too radical and may consume too many resources. A
equipment. more prudent approach would be to use the Pareto’s 80–
(Involve all departments in implementing TPM.) 20 principle. Firstly we can analyse all the failures that
4. Involve all employees from top management to front- have occurred over a fixed period during which the
line workers. operating conditions were somewhat constant (say 2
(Involve everyone—from top management to shop- years) and see their frequencies and consequences. Then
floor workers.) we remove the top 20%, which contribute to 80% of the
5. Promote preventive maintenance through motivation risk [18,4]. Then we analyse these 20% and identify 20%
management. of the systems that are responsible for 80% of these
(Conduct zero-loss activity through overlapping failures. The idea behind this is to locate the most
small group activities.) troublesome failures and concentrate our resources on
Total participation of all employees includes them. The consequence (c) is in terms of US$ and is the
autonomous maintenance by operators through small sum of: cost of labour+cost of parts+lost income and
group activities. contractual penalties+compensations and other pay-
ments relating to safety and environment. ‘‘F ’’ is the
frequency or the number of times the failure has
What TPM seems to achieve is to cultivate a sense of occurred in the period of 2 years. ‘‘R’’ is the risk, which
ownership in the operator, which is important for is the product of frequency and consequence. ‘‘%R’’ is
success of any maintenance programme. An interesting the percentage of the total risk caused by that failure.
point of comparison would be the ways in which the two Table 1 shows how the top five (20%) failures
approaches RCM and TPM deal with the problem of contributed to about 80% of the experienced risk. Next
variation in failure intervals. RCM advocates the use of we will divide the super-system (main engine) into
condition-based maintenance wherever possible and different systems. They can be starting, mechanical
feasible to get around this while TPM tries to stabilise transmission, lubricating oil, fuel oil, cooling water,
failure intervals by [16]: power cylinders, air supply and exhaust. It can be noted
A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335 329
Table 1
A ‘‘risk’’ table of a marine engine
that the fuel system has been the dominant cause in four frequency of pump impeller failure as opposed to that of
(80%) of them. the impeller worn, jammed or adrift. Moreover, some
functional failures have many failure modes, e.g. failure
3.2. A proposed quantitative approach modes of ‘‘purifier overflowing’’. This makes collecting
and maintaining useful statistical data almost impossi-
While accurate statistical failure data is no doubt ble.
better, it is hard to come by in the maritime industry. Then there is what [8] is called the ultimate contra-
Therefore, to be able to use failure data the variables diction (the Resnikoff Conundrum [19]): ‘‘that success-
would either have to be kept constant or the variations ful preventive maintenance entails preventing the
would have to be accounted for. This is very difficult in collection of the historical data which we think we need
the maritime environment and so the failure data cannot in order to decide what preventive maintenance we
be considered portable. ought to be doing’’. Thus there is very little failure data
Another problem is that while RCM analysis is available of catastrophic failures since the present
carried out at the failure mode level, in most cases the maintenance practices should have prevented them.
failure data is maintained at the component level [5], i.e. No ship owner, administration or organisation will
330 A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335
permit occurrences of such failures so as to get the failure modes is that one can use the Pareto’s principle
failure data! Hence failure data includes the effects of of 80–20 to select the most important failure modes.
current and past maintenance practices. For example Also, the impact of the present and proposed main-
when condition-based maintenance is in use, the point of tenance practices can be measured by the difference in
potential failure (P) would probably be recorded, as it this index.
would be then that a replacement or restoration task The other advantage is that, in this method unlike
would be carried out and this would be before the point with a logic tree, a failure mode with redundancy is not
of functional failure (F ). So the interval recorded would automatically ignored. This is a problem in the maritime
be shorter than MTBF. On the other hand, where context where the operator and the regulating authority
scheduled maintenance is carried out the failure would would not be comfortable with putting the equipment
often be pre-empted and thus the interval would with redundancy on run-to-failure. This is probably
probably be longer than what would have been if there because as stated earlier, on ships, critical systems have
were no preventive maintenance carried out. Similarly only single redundancies, failure of which could be
occurrence of one failure mode causes corrective action catastrophic. An RCM index is proposed for the
that may, in turn, prevent the occurrences of other application of RCM to the maritime operations as
failure modes [9]. shown in Table 2.
Even if such data were to be collected it would In the first column we have ratings from one
have to be a composite databank as a single ship (extremely low) to five (extremely high).
owner or company is not likely to have enough In the second column we have five categories for
sample size for the data to be reliable. On the other frequencies. The highest rating (5) being given to failures
hand, commercial sensitivity seems to prevent both is expected to occur at the rate of more than once a year.
owners and organisations (such as Classification While the minimum (1) is given to a failure expected to
societies, Flag states and Insurance companies) occur not more than once every 30 years. This makes
from sharing such information. However, attempts sense, as the life of a ship in general does not exceed 30
at setting up such a database have been initiated. years.
One such effort is by the Ship Operations Cooperative In the third column is consequence. The maximum
Program (SOCP) [20]. rating has been given to safety, while the second highest
One possible way of getting around this problem of is given to pollution. This is so because while both are
lack of data is the use of empirical age exploration sensitive issues, even legally safety is considered the
technique [5]. During the overhaul if the equipment highest priority with even pollution being permitted
condition is found to be good, we could extend the when safety of personnel is at stake, e.g. exceptions
interval by 10%. This extension of interval could given in MARPOL. The other three ratings have been
continue till one such inspection reveals signs of wear given on the bases of effect on system function, the ease
out or aging. The task interval could then be reduced by of maintenance and the cost of damage.
10% and fixed for subsequent overhauls. Such methods The fourth column is for probability of consequence.
have been seen to be applied informally on board with This shows the effect of current mitigating measures like
good and reliable results. Since the whole exercise is barriers, redundancy, safety devices, etc. There are two
carried out on the same equipment and in the same facts to note here, one being that there is a specific
operating conditions there is no problem of ‘‘portabil- mention of these ‘‘risk control’’ devices being tested
ity’’ of data. However it is important that records of regularly, which would assure use of them functioning
inspections and subsequextend the interval by 10%. when required to. The other being that there are only
This extension of interval could continue till one such two ratings in this category one being minimum, i.e. 1
inspection reveals signs of wear out or aging. The task and the other being maximum, i.e. 5. This is because
interval could then be reduced by 10% and fixed for though we are not like in the case of a logic tree
subsequent overhauls. Such methods have been seen to automatically considering a component with redun-
be applied informally on board with good and reliable dancy as a candidate for no scheduled maintenance or
results. Since the whole exercise is carried out on the run-to-failure, we do want to have a considerable
same equipment and in the same operating conditions difference in rating so that a component with it is not
there is no problem of ‘‘portability’’ of data. However it considered for maintenance unless there is a compelling
is important that records of inspections and subsequent reason to.
classification are risk-based, i.e. probability The fifth and the final column is for detection
consequence: When dealing with consequences, RCM rating. RCM gives special consideration to failure that
looks at it along with whether the failure mode can be cannot be detected, as there is a possibility of it leading
detected and whether its occurrence alone can lead to to multiple failures, e.g. an undetected overheated
functional failure (redundancies and mitigation). One bearing in a flammable atmosphere can lead to fire or
advantage of using such a system for prioritisation of explosion.
A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335 331
Table 2
RCM Index
1 (Extremely 30o Small effect on sys. fn./Short Even if the failure occurs the The failure is obvious
low) repair time/Small repair or chances of consequences taking
replacement cost/Small system or place are extremely remote.
collateral damage/Duty engineer (Adequate barriers/safety
can rectify/Spares not required devices/redundancies all of which
are regularly checked for failure)
2 (Low) 15o30 Moderate effect on sys. fn./ There is continuous automatic
Medium repair time/Medium monitoring with regular
repair or replacement cost/ calibration and preventive
Medium system or collateral inspection of the monitoring
damage/ER team required/ equipment
Spares available on board
3 (Medium) 5o15 Major effect on sys. fn./Long There is manual/statistical
repair time/High repair or monitoring of the component/
replacement cost/Major system function
or collateral damage/Shore
assistance required/Spares not
available onboard
4 (High) 1o5 Environment related The component/function is not
consciously monitored
5 (Extremely o1 Safety related If the failure occurs the The failure is not detectable
high) consequences could take place.
[Inadequate barrier/safety device/
Table 3 shows a typical shipboard fuel oil system reviewed. DNV for example has already started apply-
(Fig. 2). The RCM analysis of a purifier is demonstrated ing RCM in the maritime industry [21]. They have been
in Table 3. doing two types of jobs related to RCM for ship
It should be noted that: industry, i.e. development of ship design and follow-up
requirements based on RCM assessment of ship
1. This analysis again is for demonstration only. machinery and design-specific RCM to determine
2. Both functional failures have multiple failure modes optimal maintenance plans for ship machinery systems.
and causes of them, all of which have not been They have used special software and help from experts
analysed in this example. from various engineering disciplines. Even LRS has
3. When there is an ambiguity between the choice of two done considerable work in related disciplines (Pomeroy,
ratings the higher one should be chosen. For example n.d.).
potential effects of impurities in fuel oil include both Having accepted that RCM moves away from blind
minor and major equipment damage as well as compliance with manufacturer’s recommendation, there
damage to environment. Since threat to environment is a need for a system of checks to ensure that the
carries maximum rating it is that which should be process is indeed applied properly and that there are no
considered. faults in the analytical logic. This is an area where the
4. The ideal task/tasks should be chosen on the bases of classification society has an important role to play.
reduction in index achieved. There need to be audits both internal, conducted by the
5. The acceptance of the RCM index is dependent on senior technical manager and external conducted by the
many factors such as the classification society, the class surveyor. RCM is meant to be a ‘‘living system’’,
ship owner, the flag state, etc. i.e. there is a system of feedbacks which ensures that any
newly identified failure modes are incorporated into the
3.3. Various regulatory bodies have rigid prescriptive system, as well as the effectiveness of the recommended
requirements maintenance actions is recorded. This also helps in age
exploration. So the audits should confirm that it is
There is however growing awareness among regula- maintained as such (live). These audits could be a part of
tory bodies specially classification societies that the age- ISM audits, which any way review the planned
old approaches to maintenance management need to be maintenance system on board.
332 A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335
Table 3
RCM Index analysis
Component Purifier
H.P. Purification
H.P. F.O. line
equipment in the operator. The best way to implement to deliver both. It has proven this in the aviation
autonomous maintenance on board would be to remove industry where it has over the years helped to
the concept of separate navigation and engineer officers maintain an excellent safety record while keeping the
and instead go in for dual competency marine officers maintenance costs in control. In an ideal world we
(MAROF). These MAROFs could be kept on fixed would have enough resources to maintain every
rotation. This will encourage continuance of the component and piece of equipment on board. However
maintenance practices. The MAROFs could be given ship owning or management is a commercial venture
the responsibility of preventing equipment deterioration and to make it viable one has to consider all
through correct operations and daily checks, bringing opportunities of trimming unnecessary expenses.
the equipment to its ideal state through restoration and RCM’s system-based approach gives us an opportunity
proper management and establishing proper conditions to do just that, while maintaining if not improving
needed to keep equipment well-maintained [16]. While on the earlier levels of reliability. However RCM is
riding teams of repair fitters and technicians could not a ‘‘silver bullet’’. It needs to be supported by
undertake the major maintenance job like decarb, etc. as various methodologies to make it viable. As we saw,
and when required under the supervision of MAROFs. there are viable solutions to the problems identified.
This will optimise the use of skilled officers on board These solutions were multi-disciplinary and needed the
and improve their job satisfaction as well. support of various entities. Shipping unfortunately is a
Training is another aspect that would have to be very conservative industry. The concept of RCM needs
focused upon. While maintenance is an important to be ‘‘sold’’ both within the organisation as well as
shipboard activity, there is no training imparted outside.
in maintenance management either as a subject or The classification societies need to take the first step
as a part of one in the mandatory courses. Most of by creating a regulatory framework to support such
the countries do not examine the candidates in this endeavours. To a considerable extent this has already
topic in their competency exams either. This is in spite been initiated by the likes of DNV. Those classification
of the fact that IMO in its wisdom has developed a societies, who have not explicitly gone for RCM, have at
model course on these lines (Model Course 2.01: least accepted relevant technologies like condition-based
Maintenance Planning and Execution [23]). The com- maintenance, which is a favoured choice in the RCM
pendium for this course has an extract from ‘‘Main- approach.
tenance Planning and Control’’ [24]. While RCM is not One area where more work needs to be carried out is
mentioned as such, it has a similar theme to the extent in the use of total productive maintenance or TPM in
that the different failure profiles noted in the aviation implementation of RCM. TPM could help bridge the
industry (Fig. 2-1) are also shown in it. This is probably cultural gap between aviation industry (the origin of
another indication of the relevance of RCM in the RCM) and shipping.
maritime context. In India there has been a spurt in the As the author has tried to point out, RCM need not
growth of private maritime training institutes. The be looked at as a methodology, but should instead be
author himself has worked with one for a year. While considered a philosophy. As a philosophy it has few
these institutes are in a position to deliver training of obvious deliverables, i.e.:
this sort, they are commercial ventures and have to
1. It makes more sense to maintain the system function
generate profit to sustain themselves. To do so they can
as opposed to component condition.
only deliver what the industry demands of them. At the
2. Intrusive schedule-based maintenance is often likely
moment training is mostly compliance oriented, i.e.
to do more harm than good.
seafarers generally are a reluctant lot when it comes to
3. It is the duration of the P–F interval and not
continuing education and only come for the courses,
the criticality of the function or the component
which are mandatory under STCW. So if such aware-
that should decide the condition monitoring
ness is to be created it has to be done by either making
maintenance management a topic for competency exams
or a mandatory course. During the lectures that were conducted by the
author, the participants appreciated these points and
they felt benefited by them.
It could thus be summarised that, while RCM as a
5. Conclusion maintenance methodology may be considered by some
to be difficult to implement, as a philosophy its salient
A ship owner or manager is perpetually concerned points can easily be used by the seafarers to make their
with the need to reduce his operating costs. This maintenance plans or decisions. This philosophy should
is coupled with the pressure from various agencies be taught to the seafarers preferably as a part of
to improve his safety record. RCM has the potential maintenance management.
A.J. Mokashi et al. / Marine Policy 26 (2002) 325–335 335