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Human Behavior in Organization Course Learning Outcomes

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At the end of the module, the students are expected to:

INTRODUCTION: 1. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and skills in

the professional/creative work, innovation, and lifelong
Each individual shows certain behavior whether he is inside learning in the perspective field of study (1.1);
or outside of organizations. The achievement of every person and 2. Practice professional, social and ethical responsibility (2.2);
organization’s aims and objectives depend on behavior specifically 3. Perform individual or team tasks independently in their
human behavior. respective field (1.3)
4. Use the proper decision-making tools to critically,
If the organization is forecasted to survive, its behavior analytically, and creatively solve problems and drive results
must correspond to dignity, honesty and base on what is (6.2.3).
acceptable. In this present modern age, organizational behavior
remains the same since Industrial Revolution. It is appropriate for
business students to know the trend in organizational behavior as CONTENTS OF THE MODULE:
well as the importance of learning management principles.
The module is composed of two (2) lessons:

This module is designed to provide you, dear students, Lesson 1 : Human Behavior and the Dynamic
with a broad comprehension on organizational behavior and how it Work Environment
affects the world of business today. As your facilitator, I have Lesson 2 : Organizational Culture
provided topics and readings applicable in facing these challenges
of modernization and globalization. As a result, you are expected
to be prepared in facing these problems and be equipped with the DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO USE THE MODULE
techniques and strategies in facing relationships with people within PROPERLY:
the organization at the same time accomplishing organizational
objectives. In order to benefit profoundly from this module, please be
guided by all the key points presented below:
For questions and clarification, please do not hesitate to
contact me through this email ad: belcortz@yahoo.com or text me 1. This module contains two (2) lessons. Each lesson is
thru 09202210312. You can also leave a message in our FB page. explained substantively. Read the explanations thoroughly
so that you could understand the lesson fully.
2. On the first page of the lesson, you will find the specific
learning outcomes (SLOs) of each lesson. SLOs are
knowledge and skills you are expected to acquire at the LESSON 1
end of the lesson. Read them heartily.
3. You must answer the Learning Activities/Exercises (LAEs). WORK ENVIRONMENT
The LAEs are designed to help you acquire the SLOs.

4. Feel free to chat, call, text or send an email message to me Specific Learning Outcomes:
if you have questions, reactions, or reflections about the
contents or activities in the module. At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

5. The Practice Task/Assessment and the Assignment shall be 1. Trace the development of organizational behavior;
checked by me. 2. Give the difference between the meaning of vision from
mission statement;
So students, are you now ready? Let us start 3. Discuss how efficiency differ from effectiveness ; and
with Lesson 1. 4. Define organizational environment and how it affects
human behavior.

Motivation/Prompting Questions:

A person’s behavior highly presents the behaviour

he or she will portray in specific situations. What attitude or
behaviour that you have that you consider acceptable? What
attitude or behaviour that you have that you think is not


Ever since the existence of mankind, man strives to be useful

in any of his endeavors for survival either for himself or for a
group. In his ventures for achieving his aspirations, he always
encounters the threat of failure and the risk in his association with
others, which mean, himself and others.
My dear students, be attentive to the following discussion. There are four organizational processes that identify
Take note of this icon because it presents the topics to be rational and productive organizational competence:
discussed. Exercises await you after.
a. Leadership. Leadership shows the path towards
achieving the company’s goals with the help of persons
who possess character considered necessary in
managing an organization.

b. Communication. Communication is an important

factor in every organization because it connects the
organization’s vision to its employees and to the
Overview of the Meaning of Human Behavior or environment where it serves.
Organizational Behavior
c. Decision Making. Decision making shows the
methods and techniques on how to achieve the
Medina defines human behavior as pertaining to the organization’s aspiration through good decision making.
actions of a person that can be seen or heard such as showing
smiling or whistling. With all these feelings within him, he d. Organizational Change and Development. In
portrays the same behavior when is alone, with other people or order to grow and make the organization adapt to
when he is within an organization. This is referred to as modification, the company implements the concepts of
organizational behavior (OB). (Medina, 2013). change, how it is performed, and how it enhances
organizational efficiency.
Organizational behavior (OB) is the implementation of
learning and theories about how people as individuals and as
groups behave within an organization (Newstrom and Davies, Efficiency and Effectiveness Defined and
2007). It provides ways in which individuals can act more Differentiated
appropriately and in conformity with organization standard.

An organization is considered a social system composed of Being effective means performing the anticipated
individuals working together to attain common goals and outcome or the achievement of purpose. Being efficient is
objectives. OB, then, searches knowledge of behavior within the increasing output with low input and with the least wastage of
organization by methodically studying the behavior of the person time and effort. Being effective is performing the appropriate
within a group or as part of an organization. (Greenberg and things and being efficient is performing things in the appropriate
Baron, 2008). manner.
Being efficient means performing things quickly which Organizational Environment
results to lesser wastage of time and effort. Being effective
means the capability of an individual to concentrate in realizing his In answer to the demands of the society, the
goals. Being effective means the individual gives importance in organization must be adaptive to changes in society. Figure 1
realizing his goals by drawing the best results with the least waste presents the environmental factors that any organization should
of time and exertion of power. Being efficient is related to a be aware of and consider in order for it to successfully function
game of numbers: counting out accomplished outputs with the and serve both the people within the organization and those
least or minimum cost of effort and time. outside the organization. These factors are: customers, legal and
political constraints, economic, social and technological factors as
Being effective means identifying the priorities, what presented below.
should be done first, the ways on how it should be done before
the actual performance. Efficiency comes in to determine if tasks
are done with the least waste of time and effort.
Customers Legal and Political
Organization’s Mission/Vision Statements

An organization is created for a purpose based on its

aspiration and hopes to be achieved in the future. This is shown ORGANIZATION
in its mission statement. A mission statement reflects the purpose
of why the company is created and how it functions for its
A vision statement presents the company’s “dream” or Technological
envision of what it wants to become in a period of time.

A company’s goals include its identified actions for a given

period of time, how to perform its functions and attains its desired Figure 1. The Organizational Environment Continuum
Source: Zarate, Cynthia A. Organizational Behavior aand Management in the
result for a period of time. A company also determines its Philippine Organizations. Philippines: Rex Book Store: 2013
corporate philosophy and values which it portrays within the
organization and to the community where it serves. Company A productive organization works around a connection,
philosophy simply pictures what the organization believes in. where the organization is the center. Customers are considered
the life blood of the organization and the main source of income.
The organization should always aspire for quality products and
services for the customer’s satisfaction. The organization should
also consider some political and legal restrictions. It is wise for
the organization to follow the implementing rules and guidelines
for its operations. Likewise, social environment is composed of  Originality – being true and creative
the community where the organization is serving therefore, the Being original is being unique. The first pair of blue
organization should perform its functions strictly following jeans started in 1873 which at present still spreads
standards acceptable by society. Technology is another important throughout the present market set-up. Through innovative
factor in the organization’s operations and existence. The products and practices, businesses do something in a
organization should be adaptive to modern technology and be completely new way to suite the present demand of the
abreast with the changes as it ventures in the modern age. This market. Revisions may be done but maintaining the
can be realized through pleasant relationships with its association authenticity of the brand.
with distributors that provide the appropriate resources including
modern machineries and equipment that the organization needs  Integrity – doing things we consider right
for its operation. Integrity means performing with honesty and giving the
right things and services for the employees, company, and
society as a whole. Ethical conduct and social
Exemplary Values that Spell Success responsibility determine the organization’s way of giving
the right service and doing business with honesty and
It is known that an organization can gain profits based integrity.
on the principles adapted and what the organization believe that is
good can bring a great advantage to the organization.  Courage – being brave and standing up for what
we believe
Levi Strauss, a well-known brand of jeans which started its Courage makes us feel more confident with a
operation in the 1800s believed in the following values which feeling of greatness and full of hope. Courage helps us to
brought competitive advantage to the company and made the be truthful and bravely face the changes in the
brand a famous one. Below are the set of values that brought organization’s set-up, its norms and standards. Courage
success: also entails being firm with our convictions and act
according to what is right and acceptable as part of our
 Empathy – putting ourselves in other people’s beliefs.
Empathy starts with being conscious to the
happenings around us as part of the environment. It is an
ability to listen and understand people’s needs and wants.
By putting ourselves on the part of our customers,
employees, and other stakeholders, we can offer the
appropriate services and catering to their needs.
Learning Activities/Exercises ________________________________________________

Exercise 1 2. Cite the difference between efficiency and effectiveness.

What comes first: Efficiency or effectiveness? Justify your
TRUE OR FALSE: Read the following statements. If the answer by giving situations or examples.
statement presents a correct idea, write TRUE. If not, write ________________________________________________
FALSE. Then you have to underline the word or phrase that ________________________________________________
makes the statement not correct and write the correct answer on ________________________________________________
the space provided. ________________________________________________
__________ 1. A friendly competition can further strengthen ________________________________________________
organizational goals because of challenging tasks given to ________________________________________________
employees. ________________________________________________
__________ 2. Power and politics also have tremendous effects
on the organization. 3. How can corporate values play a significant part to
__________ 3. Efficiency is the only way of being effective. business success?
__________ 4. We will be in trouble if we place efficiency first ________________________________________________
before effectiveness. ________________________________________________
__________ 5. The organization’s mission and vision ________________________________________________
statements emphasize the need to formulate goals and objectives ________________________________________________
and set the direction where the company is going. ________________________________________________
Exercise 2 4. Analyze the organizational environment continuum. Be
able to relate how each factor connects with each other.
Direction: Answer the following questions briefly. Each has a ________________________________________________
weight of 5 points. ________________________________________________
1. Discuss the organizational processes. How do they affect ________________________________________________
organizational behavior? ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ GOOD JOB!!!
Your answers shall be graded using the following rubric:
Teacher Intervention
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Dear students, you are given one (1) month to accomplish Presentation, Organization Paper has Disorganized Does not
this module. If you have questions or clarification regarding the Organization of thoughts introduction, and leads the meet the
topics presented in this module, please do not hesitate to contact of thoughts are clearly body and reader to criterion,
and ideas evident with conclusion confusion disorganized
me through my email ad : belcortz@yahoo.com or you can text proper but with some and the
me thru this no. : 09202210312. Feel free also to message me sequencing of organization aspects reader is lead
thru our GC account. introduction, of ideas not missing or not to confusion
body and properly presented and cannot
conclusion presented follow the
paper at all
If you have questions, ask your Relevance to The topic is The student The student The topic is
teacher for assistance. the topic explained well explains the does not not answered
in clear topic but may clearly at all.
Practice Task/Assessment language and take present his
interesting to rereading to answer to the
read understand to the topic
Paragraph Presentation Ideas are Presentation Fails to meet
Application of Knowledge: organization of ideas are connected of ideas are this criterion
and writing connected and important disorganized
style and paper is points make which does
If efficiency is one criterion for generate effectiveness, why
easy to read sense not relate to
are there people who would still equate efficiency with the main idea
effectiveness? Can a person become effective but not efficient or
can a person become efficient but not effective? Justify your

______________________________________________________ You made it!!!
______________________________________________________ Congratulations!!!
Feedback to Assessment give their employees a chance to prove themselves. There is also
enough motivation to make employees stay there for good.
Answers to Exercise 1: Rewards, promotions, and pay increase are competitive in the
industry where it belongs.
2. TRUE Just recently, Patrick had to transfer to another company
3. FALSE – the only way – since Grant shut down majority of its operating groups. Patrick’s
one of the many ways department was one of them. Patrick had a heavy heart in leaving
4. TRUE Grant but he had accepted the fact that he knew Grant
5. TRUE management had also made a difficult decision.

Because of his credentials and good track record, Patrick

Answers to Exercise 2: had an easy way of being accepted at Fleece. He at once saw the
difference between Fleece and Grant with barely two months at
Varied answers Fleece. It has too much bureaucracy, and empowerment is not a
byword. Supervisors frequently check the work of their
subordinates; it seems that employees are not trusted on what
they can do. Managers also see to it that everyone observes the
Assignment protocol of getting the approval of the company president before
things get done or before materials are bought.

A. Enrichment Activity: His co-employees seem to act indifferently to Patrick. In

one instance, he asked two employees for a coffee break but they
declined, saying that they will not take their break until lunchtime.
CASE STUDY 1 Patrick went alone at the canteen. In a few minutes, the two
The Transfer employees came in and joined another group of employees. It
seemed to him, that they made a few glances, pointing at him
Source: Zarate, Cynthia A. Organizational Behavior aand Management in the while sipping their coffee.
Philippine Organizations. Philippines: Rex Book Store: 2013

When the day was over, he stayed for awhile and

pondered, that maybe he should have not applied in the first
Patrick has recently transferred to Fleece Company after
place. He should have made a little research on the company’s
spending 12 years at Grant Company. His previous company was
culture before taking the job.
an excellent organization to work for, at least in his own analysis
and perception. Grant has a culture of open communication and
autonomy. There is considerable independence and managers
Case Questions: data
Grammar The paper Few or no Errors in Presents
and presents corrections sentence many errors
1. Is it normal for Patrick to feel that way about Fleece? mechanics proper but construction in the
2. Compare and contrast the culture of Grant and Fleece. sentence construction are negligible. mechanics,
structure, of sentences poorly
3. Describe an ideal place to work. Is there really such a punctuation could be written.
place? and spelling, improved.
4. What adjustments should be made by Patrick at Fleece? minimal
5. Would you recommend Patrick to leave Fleece instead? corrections.
Why or why not? Combination Various Various Concepts are Concepts are
of all the concepts are concepts are not presented poorly
6. Is it right to compare a previous company with a current elements to incorporated incorporated as a whole. presented.
company you are working for? Why or why not? present a to form a to form
wholesome strong support to a
picture of support to a good paper
Below is the rubric used to grade your answer in ideas good paper, presentation.
performing this case analysis: presented parts are
connected as
a whole.
Case Study Grading Rubric

Content Substantiall Exceed Meets Does not

y Exceeds Expectation Expectation Meet
Expectation s s Expectation B. Reflection or Insight
(90% - (80%- (70%-79% s
100%) 89%) (60%-
69%) Personal Reflection
Presentation Completely Substantially Addresses Does not
of ideas and addresses the addresses the some of the answer the
flow of concepts, concepts, issues with relevant 1. What are some of the learnings that I have gained about
arguments theories and theories and gaps in issues in the the lesson presented that are applicable lead me to
material material information. case study. understand more about myself?
issues needed issues with
with logical some logical ________________________________________________
presentation order of ________________________________________________
of ideas ideas.
Interpretatio Presents Presents Case study Does not
n and critical critical lacks present ________________________________________________
application thinking thinking students’ own students’ own ________________________________________________
about the about the interpretation critical
topics with topics . The and critical thinking and ________________________________________________
appropriate presentation thinking. interpretation ________________________________________________
interpretation could be . ________________________________________________
of data better
analysis of
2. What are some of the most interesting traits that I ________________________________________________
discovered about myself that I possess applicable to the ________________________________________________
lessons being presented?
________________________________________________ Congratulations! You did
________________________________________________ a good job! Rest and relax
________________________________________________ a while then move on to
________________________________________________ Lesson 2. Good luck!!
Lesson 2
Organizational Culture My dear students, be attentive to the following
discussion. Take note of this icon because it presents the
topics to be discussed in this section. Exercises
Specific Objectives: await you after.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Present and discuss in detail the stages of socialization;

2. Internalize the essence of organizational culture; Organizational Culture Overview
3. Analyze the meaning of workplace spirituality; and
4. Explain the dimensions of corporate social responsibility. Organizational culture has been discovered and
created by a given group of experts as it ventures to encounter
problems in both external adjustment and internal incorporation
Motivation/Prompting Questions: being applied and considered good enough to be introduced to the
members especially the new ones as conforming to the correct
It is believed that individual is unique and that no way to behave specifically on how we perceive, think, and feel in
two individuals born are the same. Each possesses attitudes in connection to solving these problems.
which these cannot be changed overnight if the person wants to
change but it is attainable in due time. If conflict arises in your There are three layers of culture: (1) layer 1 includes
family, within your of friends, or in your class, how are you going observable artifacts and creations which are often hard to
to deal with it? understand; (2) layer 2 are the things considered important to
people; and (3) layer 3 are the basic presumptions that guide
people on how to behave.
environment and internalizing the present organization’s
Socialization and Culture culture by identifying his functions and role in the
organization thereby knowing his assigned tasks and
Socialization is one of the processes of welcoming new responsibilities. To be effective, the company should
recruits or new members to the organization. It is a never-ending conduct orientation activities and training programs,
process throughout the career life of the person as it is the means presents tasks that would arouse competitive interest, and
of transmitting the values, behavior, practices and customary performance evaluation practices that give the employee
patterns of thought, action or behavior in the workplace from old the chance to grow and motivate employees to become
employees to the younger ones. productive.

3. Role Management. Incorporated with relationships and

performing assigned responsibilities are problems and
conflicts that may emerge as the organization continues to
operate. In this instance, the new employee tries to
concern himself in dealing with problems between his work
and home or between himself and co-employees or with
Stages of Socialization his superior. To be effective, the organization should have
a good communication system to address problems and
1. Anticipatory Socialization. In this stage, the new provide counseling sessions when needed. Among other
employee should obtain as much information as possible important things to be considered by the organization is
about th job and the company before joining the how to deal with stress effectively. When an employee is
organization. This will give him a picture of what to expect satisfied with his work, this will lead to job satisfaction and
once he joins the company. To be effective, the lessen conflict, absenteeism, and employee turnover.
recruitment process should present a well-defined
recruitment policy and procedure that would give enough The socialization process in the organization must be
information about the company and what is being expected effectively managed. Otherwise, this will lead to problems in
from the job. During the hiring process, the individual terms of its effectiveness and employees will have a complicated
should be made aware on his possible professional way of adjusting and performing their roles in the organization.
advancement in the organization. Failure of the socialization process would also entail wastage of
organization’s resources specifically in the recruitment, hiring, and
2. Accommodation. In this stage, the individual is now employee turnover. The results would mean poor performance
part of the organization and performs his duties and and poor coordination in achieving its goals and objectives.
responsibilities that are in harmony with the organization’s
culture. The newly hired employee makes relationships
with coworkers and superiors and begins to adapt the new
 Young and small organizations. It is easy to
manage young and small organizations since the
set up is not complicated and the introduction of
the new set of values can be easily communicated.

 Weak culture. Changing weak culture in the

Can Organizational Culture Be Changed? organization is not complicated as it is not
established solidly and put into practice among the
An organizational culture is composed of varied employees.
characteristics that are present over the years. It is deeply
implanted with high regard values, customs, traditions, and norms Ivancevich and Matteson identified five interposing
that strengthened and uphold as true, just and reasonable in strategies to introduce cultural change in the organization:
realizing the organization’s mission/vision statements, corporate (Zarate, C. 2013):
philosophy, and other organization’s administrative practices
including its structures, organizational setup, plans and programs, a. Behavioral change of the people.
and other important functions of the organization pertaining to the b. Benefits of the change are properly explained.
welfare of its employees. c. Motivation to change can be done through communication
in form of memos and other ways to induce action.
Cultural change may happen when the following situations d. A good socialization process may be employed to motivate
arise: new members.
e. To get rid of existing members of the organization who
 A crisis or state of emergency. This happens differ markedly from the group’s norm and depart from the
when the problems arise and affect the present established organizational culture.
state of affairs of the organization. Examples: a
hard to bear financial loss; organization’s The culture of an organization can provide desirable
performance is far beyond industry standing; a loss advantage which likewise be nurtured and become a competitive
of a prominent and prestigious customer or a edge. This can be explained in the following identified elements:
sudden advance and change in technology.
The first element: The evolution of a corporate culture
 Turnover in leadership. This happens when the that gives emphasis to the organization’s history and heritage. The
organization has a new competent management organization gives importance to its beginning, its history and past
replacing the incapable one. In this process, the experiences as contributory factors in attaining the present and
organization can adapt the new set of values that assist in developing the sense of appreciation of the
are introduced by the new management that bring organization’s history.
solution of the present problem of the organization.
The second element: The spirit of oneness and unity the government for its operation and act in
among employees. This is the reflection of the organization’s consonance with the law.
corporate values. These values sum up the organization’s  Ethical. It is the role and responsibility of the
principles. organization to give services considered just and
appropriate based on what is right and fair for all.
Last, the organization should produce an empowered  Voluntary and philanthropic. It is the role and
mindset, where employees are given the chance to participate in responsibility of the organization to maintain
decision making and are free to work on their own. This kind of organization’s goodwill and promote human welfare
environment is appropriate to open communication and employees through community services and performing charitable
are willing to share their talents and skills openly contributing to works and projects.
the achievement of its corporate goals.

Workplace Spirituality

Credo and Corporate Social Responsibility Workplace spirituality does not only believing in the
goodness of our creator, the religious practices or theology, but
The credo of the organization presents the culture of an recognizing the importance of spiritual life to people. This inner
organization. It incorporates the values, attitudes, practices, and life is strengthened and nourished by meaningful work not only in
ethics of the organization. the organization but most especially in the community and society
at large.
An organization should possess corporate social
responsibility which connotes that organization does not merely At present, the study of feelings has greatly flourished our
into gaining profits but has to consider and put emphasis on its comprehension about organizational behavior. With workplace
goals for the betterment of the society. In doing so, the spirituality, OB experts can have a wide range of knowledge in
organization should act in accordance to acceptable standards and understanding employee behavior and attitude in this age of
play a significant part improving and alleviating the way of life of modernization.
its employees as well as the society.
Cultural Characteristics of Spiritual
There are four aspects of corporate responsibility and Organizations
these are the following:
Workplace spirituality covers deliberations on what we
 Economic. It is the role and responsibility of the believe is right, what we believe is acceptable, what opts us to
company to provide income for its owners. move forward, and the kind of leadership we want to have.
 Legal. It is the role and responsibility of the Spiritual organizations are believed to be more warmhearted and
organization to comply with all the requirements set by encourages people to be productive and guide them attain their
goals in life. These organizations are fair and just in its
relationship with employees giving importance to the provisions of  Toleration empowerment. Spiritual
good benefits and welfare to its employees. The following organizations encourage open relationship with the
characteristics are explained below: organization. Top management provides counseling
to employees when the need arises.
 Strong sense of purpose. Spiritual organizations
provide clear picture of what the company wants to
become in the future or its vision; the reasons and
purpose of its existence or its mission, which
revolve around a meaningful purpose. They are not
focusing after the gains or profits but give
importance to the welfare of its employees. They
form strong values for employees to follow.

 Focus on individual development. Spiritual

organizations acknowledge the capabilities of
people. They give chance to employees to learn
and grow. They create a culture that offers
security and a comfortable working environment for
Learning Activities/Exercises

Exercise 1:
 Trust and openness. Spiritual organizations bring
about honesty and openness. A culture with a Identify the concepts describe below. Write your answers on the
trusting environment is created where top blank provided before each number. Each has a weight of 2
management is not afraid to accept their faults and points.
make mistakes. They deal with everyone fairly and
equally. _________________ 1. It is the socialization stage when the
individual is now accepted on the job and tries to fit in the
 Employee empowerment. Spiritual organization’s culture.
organizations promote self-actualization or influence _________________ 2. It includes the activities that the
employees to believe in their selves allow individual undergoes prior to entering an organization.
employees in work-related decision-making and _________________ 3. It is the duty of an organization to
give their trust and confidence in delivering good exercise corporate citizenship by going beyond profits and working
results. toward long-term goals for the society at large.
_________________ 4. It summarizes the values, attitudes, _________________________________________________________
practices, and ethics of the organization. _________________________________________________________
_________________ 5. It is the process by which an _________________________________________________________
organization brings new employees to the organization. ___________________________________________________________



Exercise No. 2 is next.

Teacher Intervention

Exercise 2:
Dear students, you are given one (1) month to accomplish
Present your thought/ideas concerning the following this module. If you have questions or clarification regarding the
questions/situations. Justify your answers by providing examples. topics presented in this module, please do not hesitate to contact
me through my email ad : belcortz@yahoo.com or you can text
1. Express your own adjustments or strategies as a me thru this no. : 09202210312. Feel free also to message me
newcomer in a particular group. thru my FB account.

If you have questions, ask
___________________________________________________________ your teacher for assistance.
Practice Task/Assessment
2. Can a leader create his own corporate culture? Why or
why not?
Application of Knowledge:
Research on the best 10 companies or organizations you Phil manages Bright Lighting, a company that produces all
wish to be apart or opt to work for. How do they differ in terms kinds of lights. Phil has many clients, many of them are mall
of their corporate social responsibility and credo? owners and new companies with large, spacious buildings that
require lighting fixtures in their offices. Well, to say the least, this
You may provide extra sheets of paper for your answer. particular business has its ups and downs. As a contractor for
lighting fixtures, there are also low times when no new malls or
buildings need new lights.

Phil has employed a couple of employees who became

Feedback Assessment loyal to the company not only because of Phil’s leadership but also
because of the culture that emanates from the company. The
employees are happy and the spirit of camaraderie and support to
Exercise 1: each other has made them stay. The salaries and benefits are not
the highest in the industry but Phil has made them stay. The
salaries and benefits are not the highest in the industry but Phil
1. Accommodation ensures them that Bright Lighting is a good place to work.
2. Anticipatory socialization Indeed, everyone at Bright Lighting feels a sense of contentment
3. Corporate social responsibility working at the company.
4. Credo
5. Socialization One day, Phil got a call from a building administrator who
would like Bright Lighting to provide lighting fixtures for the 20-
storey building in Makati. The transaction will be on credit and
Exercise 2: Bright will deliver all the lights in the few days. Phil believed that
this is the biggest contract Bright had in years! In due time, all
Varied answers the fixtures were delivers and the building will have a soft opening
the following week.

Assignment: A few days before the inaugural, the building was caught
in a fire which started in a nearby building. The Makati police
estimated the damages to be worth 20-million. In addition, the
owners of the building figured in several cases of fraud and
A. Enrichment Activity: smuggling. The lighting fixtures installed were no longer usable.

CASE STUDY 2 Phil broke the sad news to the employees. This particular
Working at Bright Lighting deal would have given them their salaries for the week and the
next two weeks for that matter. Bright’s next project is due after ideas and flow of addresses addresses some of the answer the
arguments the concepts, the issues with relevant
three weeks. theories and concepts, gaps in issues in the
material theories and information. case study.
Saddened by the news, Phil, with a heavy heart, gathered issues material
needed with issues with
the employees and asked them to think things over and he would logical some logical
understand if next week, they will no longer report to work and presentation order of
of ideas ideas.
find another job. Phil will just send them their last pay check. He Interpretation and Presents Presents Case study Does not
knows that it is relatively easy for them to find another job application critical critical lacks present
elsewhere. Phil perfectly understands that it will be hard for them thinking thinking students’ students’ own
about the about the own critical
to continue working and withstand the next three weeks without topics with topics . The interpretation thinking and
their salary. The employees felt the same way with this turn of appropriate presentation and critical interpretation.
events. Leaving the company would be their last resort. interpretation could be thinking.
of data better
The following week, Phil was surprised to see all his with
employees at work. They decided to stay! Phil almost teary eyed, analysis of
greeted them with open arms. “good to see you all at work”. data

Grammar and The paper Few or no Errors in Presents

mechanics presents corrections sentence many errors
Case Question: proper but construction in the
1. What is the prevailing culture at Bright Lighting? sentence construction are mechanics,
structure, of sentences negligible. poorly
2. Describe Phil and his employees. punctuation could be written.
3. How can a company like Bright Lighting develop a sense of and spelling, improved.
loyalty among its employees even during hard times? provides
Your answer shall be graded according to the rubric Combination of all Various Various Concepts are Concepts
the elements to concepts are concepts are not are poorly
presented. Please be guided accordingly. present a incorporated incorporated presented as presented.
wholesome picture to form a to form a whole.
of ideas presented strong support to a
support to a good paper
good paper, presentation.
parts are
connected as
a whole.
Case Study Grading Rubric
Content Substantially Exceed Meets Does not
Exceeds Expectations Expectations Meet
Expectation (80%-89%) (70%-79% Expectations
(90% - (60%-69%) B. Reflection/Insights
Presentation of Completely Substantially Addresses Does not
Personal Reflection
Zarate, Cynthia A. Organizational Behavior aand
Direction: Watch this video by following the link given below. Management in the Philippine Organizations. Philippines:
Then, write a reaction paper indicating your observations, Rex Book Store: 2013
reactions and opinions on the importance and role of
organizational culture. https://books.google.com.ph/books/about/Organizational_Behavior_an

Grading your answers shall be based on the following


Criteria 5 4 3 2
Organization of Organization of Paper has Disorganized Does not meet
thoughts and thoughts are introduction, and leads the the criterion,
ideas clearly evident body and reader to disorganized
with proper conclusion but confusion and the reader
introduction, organization of cannot follow
body and ideas not the paper at all
conclusion properly
Relevance to The topic is The student The student The topic is
the topic explained in explains the does not not answered
clear language topic but may clearly present at all.
and interesting take rereading his answer to
to read to understand the to the topic Congratulations! You did a good job!
Paragraph Presentation of Ideas are Presentation of Fails to meet Rest and relax aCOURSE
while and wait for the next
organization ideas are connected and ideas are this criterion module.
and writing connected and important disorganized
style paper is easy points make which does not Discipline Good luck! Program
Business BSOA
to read sense relate to the Education
main idea
Course Code BA 301 Course Title
Human Behavior
in Organization
Credit Units 3 Duration 54 hours
References/Reading materials Prog Placement 1st Semester Prerequisite None

This course introduces the students to the factors affecting the behavior of an
Medina, Roberto G. Human Behavior in Organization. individuals and groups in an organization focusing on the specific factors that tend to
Philippines: Rex Book Store, 2013. explain behavior of an individuals, groups and organizations. Various theories and
models of organizational behavior work group behavior, motivation in life and work,
and human relations among others are discussed and related to organizational
practices and phenomena.
 Assignment  Case Studies 20 %
At the end of the course, the learners are expected to:  Outputs 20 %
Mid Term/Final 30 %
1. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and skills in the
TOTAL 100%
professional/creative work, innovation, and lifelong learning in the
perspective field of study (1.1)
2. Plan and implement business-related activities (6.2.7);
Medina, Roberto G. Human Behavior in Organization. Philippines:
3. Applying the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional Rex Book Store, 2013.
areas of business in various business situations (6.2.2); and
4. Use the proper decision-making tools to critically, analytically, and Zarate, Cynthia A. Organizational Behavior aand Management in
creatively solve problems and drive results (6.2.3).
the Philippine Organizations. Philippines: Rex Book Store: 2013
Time Frame Topic
(Week & Hour)
1 (1st-3rd) NORSU Preliminaries
3 Lesson 1 – Human Behavior and the Dynamic
4 Work Environment
5 Lesson 2 – Organizational Culture
6 Module 2 – Communication and Motivation
7 Lesson 3 – Communication Systems
8 Lesson 4 – Motivation and Rewards
Mid Term
11 Module 3- Leadership & Individual & Group
12 Behavior
13 Lesson 5 – Leadership and Empowerment
14 Lesson 6 – Individual and Group Behavior
15 Module 4 – Change and Stress Management
16 Lesson 7 – Change Management
17 Lesson 8 – Stress Management
Accomplished Module Exercises 10 %
 Answers to Exercises Assessment 20 %
 Case Studies Assignment

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