Design AND Fabrication OF Mobile AIR Compressor: GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186

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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019

ISSN 2320-9186

GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186


S. Ganesana
S.Senthil kumar1
B. Lokeshc


Air compressors are used as versatile tool throughout the industries for a variety of purposes. They are used
for various applications in manufacturing plants such as driving pneumatic tools, air operated controlling
equipment‟s, conveying of fly ash etc.. . Air compressors are one of the major sources of energy consumption in
industries. In the present scenario, the importance of energy conservation is increasing day by day. For a
manufacturing plant, improving energy efficiency or replacement of less energy efficient equipment with energy
efficient ones can earn significant savings. In the manufacturing plant, it was found that compressors which are
running were installed in the earlier stages. Due to aging, the efficiency of compressor decreased and it resulted in
huge expense. As a solution, the performance assessment of the compressors were done. Compressor with an energy
efficiency less than 35% is replaced with energy efficient Compressor. Modification in the compressor air system
was done to improve efficiency. The latest trend in the automotive industry is to develop light weight vehicles.
Every automotive industry is looking to reduce the weight of the vehicle as it helps in the better handling of the
vehicle and increases the efficiency of the vehicle. Today, the heavy vehicles are known for producing a large
amount of harmful gases like CO2, SO2 etc. which act as the major source for global warming. So research is going
on to find a light weight vehicle which does not pollute the environment. One of the alternatives is the use of
compressed air to generate power to run an automobile. Due to the unique and environmental friendly properties of
air, it is considered as one of the future fuels which will run the vehicles. So in this paper an effort is made to study
the extent of research done and the potential advantages and disadvantages of the compressed air technology.

Keywords: - Light Weight Vehicles, Compressed Air, Global Warming, Alternative Sources of Energy.
INTRODUCTION In 1650, German scientist Otto von Guericke
devised an air pump consisting of a single piston
The first instance of an air compressor used
and cylinder. With it he was able to experiment
for something other than fire management shows
with compressed air and vacuums. George
up in 1762, a “blowing cylinder” powered by a
Medhurst of England designed the first
water wheel. It produced a whopping 14 psi. A
motorized air compressor in 1799 and used it in
water-cooled version of this appears in 1872. In
mining.A compressor is a mechanical device that
1857, workers began drilling a tunnel through the
increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its
Swiss Alps by hand.
volume. An areducing its volume. An air
compressor is a specific type of gas

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

compressor.Compressors are similar to pumps: and centrifugal compressors. The best choice
both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can depends on the size of your facility and how you
transport the fluid through a pipe. An air use compressed air.
compressor is a mechanical device that increases
Compressors can be classified according to
the pressure of air by reducing volume.Air is
the pressure delivered
compressible, the compressor reduces the
volume of air and induces pressure in the airAn
 Low-pressure air compressors (LPACs)
air compressor converts electrical energy into
 which have a discharge pressure of 150
kinetic energy in the form of the air
psi or less
 Medium-pressure compressors
An air compressor is a device that converts
 which have a discharge pressure of 151
power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline
psi to 1,000 psi
engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in
 High-pressure air compressors (HPACs)
pressurized air (i.e., compressed air). By one of
 which have a discharge pressure above
several methods, an air compressor forces more
1,000 psi
and more air into a storage tank, increasing the
pressure. When tank pressure reaches its
They can also be classified according to the
engineered upper limit the air compressor shuts
design and principle of operation
off. The compressed air, then, is held in the tank
until called into use. The energy contained in the  Single-Stage Reciprocating Compressor
compressed air can be used for a variety of  Two-Stage Reciprocating Compressor
applications, utilizing the kinetic energy of the  Compound Compressor
air as it is released and the tank depressurizes.  Rotary-screw compressor
When tank pressure reaches its lower limit, the  Rotary Vane Compressor
air compressor turns on again and re-pressurizes  Scroll Compressor
the tank. An air compressor must be  Turbo compressor
differentiated from a pump because it works for  Centrifugal compressor
any gas/air, while pumps work on a liquid.
Displacement type
There are basically 5 types of air conditioner
compressor that are commonly used in the There are numerous methods of air

HVAC industry compression, divided into either positive-

displacement or roto-dynamic types.
1. Reciprocating a) Positive displacement:
2. Scroll
3. Screw Positive-displacement compressors work by

4. Rotary forcing air in a chamber whose volume is

5. Centrifugal decreased to compress the air. Once the

maximum pressure is reached, a port or
There are many choices to consider when valve opens and air is discharged into the
looking to buy a new compressor for your outlet system from the compression
industrial plant. The most common choices are
reciprocating compressors, screw compressors,

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

chamber.[4] Common types of positive capacities for both single-stage and two-
displacement compressors are stage compressors is generally provided in
horsepower (HP), Standard Cubic feet per
Minute (SCFM)* and Pounds per Square
Inch (PSI). *To a lesser extent, some
air compressors use this principle by
compressors are rated in Actual Cubic Feet
pumping air into an air chamber through
per Minute (ACFM). Still others are rated in
the use of the constant motion of
Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM). Using CFM
pistons. They use one-way valves to
to rate a compressor is incorrect because it
guide air into and out of a chamber
represents a flow rate that is independent of
whose base consists of a moving piston.
a pressure reference. i.e. 20 CFM at 60 PSI.
When the piston is on its down stroke, it
a) Rotary screw compressors
draws air into the chamber.

Use positive-displacement compression

2) Technical Illustration of a two-stage air
by matching two helical screws that,
when turned, guide air into a chamber,
Its up stroke, the charge of air is forced out
whose volume is decreased as the
and into a storage tank. Piston compressors
screws turn.
generally fall into two basic categories,
single-stage and two-stage. Single stage
b) Vane compressors
compressors usually fall into the fractional
through 5 horsepower range. Two-stage Use a slotted rotor with varied blade
compressors normally fall placement to guide air into a chamber
and compress the volume. This type of
compressor delivers a fixed volume of
air at high pressures.

Dynamic displacement

Dynamic displacement air compressors

include centrifugal compressors and
axial compressors. In these types, a
rotating component imparts its kinetic
energy to the air which is eventually
Fig 1 converted into pressure energy. These
3) Technical Illustration of a portable single- use centrifugal force generated by a
stage air compressor spinning impeller to accelerate and then
Compressor compress into the 5 through 30 decelerate captured air, which
horsepower range. Two-stage compressors pressurizes it.
provide greater efficiency than their single-
stage counterparts. For this reason, these
compressors are the most common units
within the small business community. The

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

Cooling crankcase, piston rod, crank, crankshaft, oil,

fins etc. The fresh air is drawn inside the
Due to adiabatic heating, air compressors require
L.P. cylinder through inlet suction filter.This
some method of disposing of waste heat.
air is compressed by piston As the piston
Generally this is some form of air- or water-
moves towards the end of cylinder, the air
cooling, although some (particularly rotary type)
compression took place. The delivery valve
compressors may be cooled by oil (that is then in
opens and this compressed air from L.P.
turn air- or water-cooled). The atmospheric
cylinder is directed to enter inside the high
changes are also considered during cooling of
pressure cylinder.In high pressure cylinder
compressors. The type of cooling is determined
this pressurised air is further compressed to
by considering the factors such as inlet
higher pressure. The high pressure air from
temperature, ambient temperature, power of the
H.P. cylinder is then delivered to receiver
compressor and area of application. There is no
through discharge valves.In this compressor,
single type of compressor that could be used for
a pressure of air delivered is upto 13 bar.
any application.
Rotary vane compressor
It is positive displacement type compressor.It
A system which uses compressed air is called provides higher efficiency and flow rates over a
pneumatics.It deals with the study of behavior& wide range of pressure.Rotary vane compressor
application of compressed airA basic pneumatic consist of rotor with a number of vanes inserted in
system consist of a source of compressed air, the radial slots cut in rotor.
control valves, pipelines & pipe fittings and
pneumatic accessories like filter, regulator and
The free air delivery of the compressor can be
calculated by receiver filling method. The volume of
Single stage Reciprocating Air compressor
the receiver is noted if mentioned on the name plate.
The type of the entire compression is carried
If the receiver volume is not known it should be
out in a single cylinder. When piston starts
physically measured by pouring water from a
moving downwards, the pressure inside the
calibrated measuring can. Dished contours cannot
cylinder falls below atmospheric pressure
give correct volume when calculated analytically.
that opens suction valve. The pressure of the
The compressor is kept running on load and no load
air in the cylinder rises during compression
for some time so that the temperature of the
and at the end of compression, delivery
compressor increases. The compressor is then
valve opens and discharges the compressed
stopped. The sizes
air into the receiver tank. Single stage air
compressor develop pressure upto 7 bar. For
of pipes up to isolations valves is measured and
higher pressures multistage compressors are
volume of pipe is calculated. The volume is added to
the receiver volume and called „effective receiver
Double stage Reciprocating Air compressor
volume‟. The valves which isolate the compressor
receiver from the delivery lines are closed. Pressure
It consist of two cylinders – low pressure
gauge reading is noted. It should read zero because all
cylinder and high pressure cylinderPiston,

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

the air in the receiver is drained. The compressor is found to be 7.2 to 7.4 A Receiver filling time to reach
started and kept on full load. This should be kept in 7 kg/cm2 from atmospheric pressure was found to be
full load mode, if controlled by an external control 206.5 sec Theisolation valves are very close to the
panel. Time taken by the compressor, in seconds to receiver and the additional volume because of the
reach a cut-off pressure is recorded. FAD = (effective pipes are negligible.
volume of receiver inliters)*60*(p2-p1) (Time to
Output of the compressor =
reach set pressure in sec)*p0
(250*60*7)/206.5=508.47* 10-3 m3/min Volumetric
2.3 CALCULATION OF VOLUMETRIC efficiency = (508.47/736)*100=69.08% Power
EFFICIENCY Consumption: Full load power = 5.5 kW Intake
current = 7.3 A Full load current = 11A Power
The volumetric efficiency of the compressor is
consumption = √3*V*I*Cosø Power consumption =
calculated by the ratio of actual free air delivery of
√3*415*7.3*0.98 = 5.1Kw Table -1: Analysis Results
the compressor to specified free air delivery of the
Compressor No: Actual FAD (m3/min) Volumetric
compressor. Volumetric efficiency = (Actual Output
efficiency % Power consumption (kw)
of Compressor/Specified Output of compressor).
CONSUMPTION The majority of compressors working in the plant
have less efficiency. Due to cost problem, all
Power consumption is calculated by: Power
compressors cannot be replaced. The compressor
consumption =√3*V*I*Cosø V = Voltage (V) I =
having an efficiency of 30.7 is to be replaced by
Current (A) Cosø = 0.98 3. PERFORMANCE
energy efficient one .For the other compressors
preventive maintenance practices can be followed in
manufacturing plant, twelve compressors were taken
order to improve energy efficiency. Leakage and
under study. The performance parameters such as free
wastage were checked and found to be absolutely
air delivery, volumetric efficiency and power
minimum. Rigorous monitoring were done by the
consumption were calculated

Suction filters of the compressor in raw mill &
packing plant should be changed as per the details
Location: Raw mill Purpose: Raw mill grease spray
mentioned later. The design separates and holds quiet
and free jacking K.G khosla make, three cylinder
some dust before the filter element. In case of
(two LP and one HP) two stage, air cooled, belt
compressors all the suction filters should be like the
driven, oil lubricated, and electrically driven mounted
ones fitted on the compressor used for raw mill
compressor with start-stop regulation having the
grease spray. The only difference between these
following name plate details: Internal number: 30077
filters and the old ones is provision of two plastic
Model: 2 BC 26 Rpm: 750 FAD: 736*10-3 m3/min
cases outside which create centrifugal action and
Actual rpm was found to be 716 Safety valve, drain
which remove lot of dust before air reaches the filter
cock and pressure gauge were found to be ok. The
element. Routine periodic maintenance of valves,
compressor was found to be cutting off at 7 kg/cm2
cooling. system, lubricating system, unloading system
Discharge temperature was found to be 490c
etc. Should be done Preventive maintenance should
Maximum current drawn at the time of unloading was
be done condition based rather than the calendar

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

based. In suction filters of the compressors lot of Air Powered Engine

gaps are found between the filter frames and inlet
Prof. B.S.Patel et al. tried to develop a
filters of compressors. As a result unfiltered air is
compressed air engine by modifying an 4-stroke,
likely to enter in to the compressors. It is
single cylinder SI engine by replacing the spark plug
recommended to clean the filters more frequently and
with a pulsed pressure valve, and using compressed
observe the pressure drop across the suction filter.
air as the working fluid. The working of the engine is
2.5 REPLACEMENT OF COMPRESSOR explainedtheoretically and the cost analysis is made
which shows that the compressed air engine is cheap
The compressor having an efficiency of
when compared to the conventional SI engine.
30.7% is to be replaced. Selection of new compressor
is very important here. At present screw compressors 2.6 STUDY OF COMPRESSED AIR STORAGE
are more efficient than any other compressors SYSTEM
available. The annual energy savings that the plant
Clean Potential Energy for 21st Century Dr. Bharat
can acquire
Raj Singh and Dr. Onkar Singh conducted an
OLD COMPRESSOR experiment in which they used a vaned type novel air
turbine as a prime mover for a motor bike. In this
Discharge pressure = 9 kg/cm 2 Motor Kw =
experiment they tried to gain an output of 6.50 to 7.20
5.5 kW/7hp FAD =736*10 -3 m 3 /min Cut-off
HP for the starting torque requirements of 500 to 750
pressure: 6 kg/cm 2 Cut-in pressure: 5 kg/cm 2
rpm at 4 to 6 bars air pressure to running speeds of
Annual Energy cost = (Full load power (kW) *annual
2000 to 3000 rpm using 2 to 3 bars air pressure. The
running hours* electricity cost/kWh) / motor
test was conducted in HBTI Kanpur and below
efficiency Full load power = 5.5 kW Motor efficiency
diagrams shows the test rig setup and its layout: It
= 65.4 % Electricity cost is 5.25 Rs /kWh Annual
consists of an air compressor which was used to
energy cost = (5.5*7920*5.25) / .654 = 3,49,678 Rs
produce and store 300 psi (21 bar approx.) air and use
NEW COMPRESSOR: Discharge pressure = 7 kg/cm
it to impact the compressed air on the vanes of the
novel air turbine. The test was conducted at different
inlet pressures and the efficiencies of the turbine was
Motor Kw = 4 kW/5.5 hp FAD = 670*10 -3
found to vary from 72 to 97 %. The turbine had d/D
m 3 /min Annual Energy cost = (Full load power
ratio of 0.7 and the results obtained were are follows:
(kW) *annual running hours* electricity cost/kWh) /
motor efficiency Full load power = 4 kW Motor
rotation 500 rpm for injection pressure 20 psi to 100
efficiency = 85 % Electricity cost is 5.25 Rs /kWh
Annual energy cost = (4*7920*5.25) / .85 = 1, 95,670
speed of rotation 1000 rpm for injection pressure 20
Rs Cost savings = 1,54,008 Rs The cut-off pressure
of old compressor is at 6Kg/cm2 but the discharge
13.5%, at the speed of rotation 1500 rpm for injection
pressure is 9kg/cm2.So that much power can be
saved. The new compressor should have discharge
variation of 15.4%, at the speed of rotation 2000 rpm
pressure near to the cut-off of compressor. Also the
for injection pressure 2
newly replaced system have better motor efficiency
76.5% with variation of 17%, at the speed of rotation
than the old one.

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

56.2% to 72.9% with variation of 16.7%, at the speed N-m was the result obtained during test. Moreover it
of rotation 3000 rpm for injection pressure 20 psi to was also found that the capacity to deliver air is about
100 psi. A graphgiven below was drawn for 1.02 kg/minute of the compressor, when the
comparing Actual power with respect to theoretical isothermal efficiency of the compressor is 45 %. If an
power and the Speed of rotation in rpm: After intercooler is specially designed it has capacity of
conducting this research they have concluded that 2.049 kilojoules/kg of heat rejection. Vijaykumar F
overall performance of air turbine for working Pipalia, Dipesh D. Shukla and Niraj C. Mehta,
pressure ranging from 2.7-6 bar is found varying “Investigation on Reciprocating Air Compressors - A
from 72%-97%. This technology canbe used in the Review”, International Journal of Recent Scientific
future automotive industry. Research Vol. 6, Issue, 12, pp. 7735-7739, December,
2015. Heating is an undesirable effect of the
Kanwar J.S Gill, Surinder Pal Singh,
compression process at least as far as compressors are
Gurpreet Singh &Malinder Singh, “Designing and
concerned and heat transfer is nature's way of driving
Fabrication of Intercooler and Control of Three Phase
systems towards stability. This has not only provided
Digitalized Reciprocating Air Compressor Test Rig
food for thought for researchers trying to understand
with Automatic Control Drive Unit”, International
its influence and quantify its effects, but also
challenged designers to mitigate its impact and
develop safe and efficient designs. Also this
investigation is concerned with improving the
efficiency of Two Stage Reciprocating Air
Compressor by providing water cooling source,
radiator coolant and ethylene glycol. The experiments
with air, water and different inter coolants are
Conference of Advance Research and Innovation performed on a Two Stage Double Cylinder
(ICARI-2015). The Air Compressor Test Rig is Reciprocating Compressor System.
designed to study the characteristics of a Two Stage SuprasannaRaoRavur, Subbareddy. E. V,
Reciprocating Air Compressor and the compressed “Experimental Investigation to Increase the
airflow through flow arrangement. This unit is self- Efficiency of the Air Compressor by Changing the
contained and fully instrumented with mild steel Coolants in Inter Cooler”, International Journal for
frame-mounted on raised foundation, with Research in Applied Science & Engineering
intercooler, air stabilizing tank and air receivers. The Technology Volume 3 Issue IX, September 2015.
compressor is driven by an AC Motor. To provide
The compressed air usage is increasing
adequate cooling to the system,the function of the
quicklynow-a-days. But the efficiency of compressor
intercooler is supplied with pressure and temperature
is low due to many reasons like location, elevation,
measuring instruments at the inlet and outlet. With
length of pipe lines, intercooler performance, even
the introduction of intercooler the volumetric
atmospheric conditions also effects the efficiency of
efficiency has been increased to 100 %.In order to
the compressor, which increases the power
measure the air flow rate air stabilizing tank should
consumption of the compressor. The inter cooling is
stabilize the flow of air which is mandatory in this
the best method to reduce the coolant. In this study
work. Actual volume of free air delivered by this
we are extending the investigating by changing the
compressor is 0.020 m3/sec with a work done of 77
temperature of water and mixing of different types of

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

the coolants in water at different proportions. The essential to establish the recommended clearances
selection of the coolants depends upon their mentionedfor the various parts of the compressor.
properties like miscibility, self-ignition temperature, Compressor parts selection between repair and
boiling point and exploding range. For this replacement is done on the basis of Dimensional
investigation ethylene glycol and glycerol as coolants Measurement whichleads to easy maintenance in
and a two stage reciprocating air compressor fitted economical point of view.
with shell and tube type heat exchanger is selected.
Pawan Kumar Gupta1, S.P.Asthana2, Neha
This investigation shows the good arguments between
Gupta, “A Study Based on Design of Air
the water, glycerol and ethylene glycol
CompressorIntercooler”, International Journal of
.KuldeepTyagi,&Er. Sanjeev Kumar, “Improved Air
Research inAeronautical and Mechanical
Compression System”, International Journal of
Engineering, Vol.1 Issue.7, November 2013, Pages:
Scientific Engineering and Applied Science, Volume
186-203 ISSN (ONLINE): 2321-3051. This paper
1, Issue 5, August 2015. Intercooling of Air
presents a study on which the main objective
Compressors is necessary for increasing its
isintercooling of air compressor which is necessary
efficiency. A shell and tube type of heat exchanger is
for an efficient process. Basically increase in pressure
particularly suitable as an intercooler between two
is a result of reduction of a specified volume which is
compression stages of a compressor. A characteristic
also known as compression. This paper mainly
of heat exchanger design is the procedure of
discuss about reciprocating compressor which is
specifying a design, heat transfer area, pressure drops
widely used for air compression. Compression is
and checking whether the assumed design satisfies all
done in more than one stage and between each stage
requirements or not. The purpose of this research
intercooler is provided to improve the efficiency of
paper is to provide an easy and efficient way to
the system. 7. Vishal P. Patil, Shridhar S. Jadhav,
design an intercooler for air compressor. This paper
Nilesh D. Dhas, “Performance and Analysis of Single
describes modeling of heat exchanger which is based
Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor Test Rig”,
on the minimization of heat transfer area and a flow
SSRG International Journal of Mechanical
chart is provided showing the designing procedure
Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2015, ISSN:
involvedWadbudhe R. C., AkshayDiware, Praful
2348 – 8360. An experimental test rig has been built
kale, “A Research Paper on Improving Performance
to test reciprocating compressors of different size and
and Development of Two Stage Reciprocating Air
capacity. The compressors were tested with the help
Compressor”, International Journal of Research In
of air as a working fluid .The paper provide us with
Science & Engineering, Volume: 3 Issue: 2 March-
much needed information regarding the efficiency of
April 2017. The two Stage Reciprocating Air
the compressors operating under the same conditions
Compressors is the mostly used type of compressor
with the same system parameters. This paper also
found in many industrial applications such as crucial
highlights reports on investigation carried out on the
machine in gas transmission pipelines, petrochemical
effect of pressure ratio on indicated power, isothermal
plants, refineries, etc. Since there is requirement
efficiency of both compressors.
ofhigh pressure ratio, reciprocating air compressor is
commonly used in locomotives. After certain period
The result shows that the indicated power is
of time, unexpected failures of internal components
increasing as the discharge pressure increases, but the
due to miscellaneous reasons occur, which inversely
isothermal efficiency of both the compressors
affects the performance of operating system. It is
decreasing with increase in pressure ratio. Both

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

compressor types exhibit the same general acceleration, multi event Key- Phaser signal and
characteristics with respect to system parameters. cylinder pressure. These systems have alarm and
When the experiment was carried out for constant interlocking feature to protect machines in the event
angular speed of compressor, no change in volumetric of occurrence of abnormal conditions. The
efficiencies observed. In addition, a comparative reciprocating compressor monitoring products
study was carried out for two compressors andtheir available in the market are expensive. Moreover the
differences were analysed. To verify the model‟s practices of continuous monitoring of reciprocating
goodness with the aim of predicting the compressor machines have not gained the same level of
performance, the study seems to be useful acceptance as compared to centrifugal compressors It
is observed that in general continuous monitoring
The fig shows Air CompressorType VT4 is a Two
systems are installed in reciprocating compressors
Cylinder, Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor.
having capacity >350kW and especially in those used
TheHigh Pressure Cylinder is getting heated up and
in hydrocarbonprocessing. Reciprocating air
can be viewed with the naked eye that the High
compressor systems ranging from 30 to 350 kW
Pressure Cylinder is becoming red in colour when it
installed in various industries are far too many and
is made to run for longer period of time.
the performance monitoring needs to be done
periodically and using off-line methods which are
reliable quick and cost effective.
Monitoring and tracking system performance itself
does not improve energy efficiency (Radgen and
Blaustein, 2000). Nevertheless it is often the first step
in improving energy efficiency for two basic reasons.
The parameters to be monitored to asses the
Measuring air use and energy consumption is
performance of the reciprocating compressors is
essential in determining whether actions proposed in
grouped in to two categories. A parameter which
improving energy efficiency is cost effective.
indicates the overall performance of the compressor
Tracking of system performance is a valuable tool to
is called vital parameter. The categories of parameters
detect performance degradation, or change in the
that are used to identify the reasons for degradation of
nature or quantity of air use.
performance are called diagnostic parameters. In
practice vital parameter should be measured
periodically and its value is compared with bench
mark values. If the value of the vital parameter
deviates from the bench mark value then the
Productsavailable commercially for diagnostic parameters needs to be measured to
monitoring of reciprocating compressors provide identify problem in the compressor.
functions for machine protection, condition 2.8.1 SPECIFIC POWER CONSUMPTION
monitoring and performance monitoring. For Specific Power Consumption is the vital
condition monitoring of the compressor the parameter for assessing the overall performance of
mechanical condition of the compressor is assessed reciprocating aircompressors. Specific power
by measuring parameters such as frame vibration, consumption is defined as power consumed by the
piston rod drop, suction and discharge valve compressor to deliver one cubicmeter of free air per
temperature, main bearing temperature cross head minute at rated pressure, which is expressed in units

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

kW/(m3/min.). In imperial units it isexpressed as

kW/100cfm. FAD of the compressor and electrical 2.8.3 AIR FLOW CAPACITY LOSSES
power consumption are measured for Air flow capacity losses are components that reduce
calculatingspecific power consumption. the FAD of compressors. Capacity loss occurs due to
reexpansionof high pressure air left in the clearance
2.8.2 POWER LOSSES volume at the end of discharge process. The
Power losses are the indicators of how the assessment is madeby measuring the volumetric
power is lost in various parts of the compressor efficiency of the compressor, which is the ratio of
system. It can pinpointthe cause for degradation of actual volume of air delivered andswept volume of
compressor‟s overallperformance.1422 Page the compressor. The capacity losses also occur due to
3International Compressor Engineering Conference at leakages in the compressor and in the flangesand
Purdue, July 14-17, 2008 piping systems. FAD of the compressor and leakage
rate measurements required for estimation of Electrical losses airflowcapacity losses.
It is the difference between the electrical
power supplied to the electric motor and
mechanicalpower supplied to the compressor crank
shaft. The electrical losses indicate the energy
conversion efficiency of thedrive motor and energy
transmission efficiency of the belts and couplings. In the manufacturing plant, compressors are working
at corrosive and high temperature conditions. The Mechanical Losses intake air may contain dust which in turn decrease the
It is the difference between the mechanical efficiency of the compressor. Low maintenance and
power input to the compressor and indicatedpower of continuous service are extremely important in this
compression. The mechanical losses account for the area. So upgrading the design of the compressor unit
frictional losses in the compressor system and can increase the reliability, safety and overall
powerrequired to drive accessories like lubrication efficiency of the screw compressor .The effect of
pump and journal bearing oil pump. intake air on compressor performance should not be
underestimated. Intake air that is contaminated or hot
can decrease compressor performance and result in Thermodynamic losses excess energy and maintenance costs. If moisture,
It is the difference between actual indicated dust, or other contaminants are present in the intake
power and ideal or theoretical powerrequired for air, such contaminants can build up on the internal
compression. The thermodynamic losses indicate the components of the compressor, such as valves,
losses due to valve resistances offered to the flowand impellers, rotors, and vanes. Such build-up can cause
loss due to the deviation of compression and premature wear and reduce compressor capacity.
expansion processes from ideal process.To calculate When inlet air is cooler, it is also denser. As a result,
the power loss parametersElectrical power mass flow and pressure capability increase with
consumption, Mechanical power consumption, In- decreasing intake air temperatures. Conversely, as the
cylinderpressure and Instantaneous swept volume temperature of intake air increases, the air density
measurements are required. decreases and mass flow and pressure capability

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

decrease. The resulting reduction in capacity is often cleaned while the compressor is running Placement of
addressed by operating additional compressors, thus pre-filters on compressors
increasing energy consumption. To prevent adverse
When an intake air filter is located at the compressor,
effects from intake air quality, it is important to
the ambient temperature should be kept to a
ensure that the location of the entry to the inlet pipe is
minimum, to prevent reduction in mass flow. This
as free as possible from ambient contaminants, such
can be accomplished by locating the inlet pipe outside
as rain, dirt, and discharge from a cooling tower. If
the room or building. When the intake air filter is
the air is drawn from a remote location, the inlet pipe
located outside the building, and particularly on a
size should be increased in accordance with the
roof, ambient considerations are important, but may
manufacturer‟s recommendation to prevent pressure
be less important than accessibility for maintenance
drop and reduction of mass flow. All intake air should
in inclement or winter conditions. A compressor
be adequately filtered. A pressure gauge indicating
intake air filter should be installed in, or have air
pressure drop in inches of water is essential to
brought to it from a clean, cool location. The
maintain optimum compressor performance
compressor manufacturer normally supplies, or
3.2 PLACEMENT OF PREFILTER recommends, a specific grade of intake filter designed
to protect the compressor. The better the filtration at
Compressors are sometimes installed in environments
the compressor inlet, the lower the maintenance at the
where there is a great deal of airborne dirt and dust,
compressor. However, the pressure drop across the
depending on the products manufactured by our
intake air filter should be kept to a minimum (by size
customers. So the compressors are designed to
and by maintenance) to prevent and a reduction in
eliminate dirt by installing filters on compressor air
compressor capacity. A pressure differential gauge is
intakes. In good environments, these filters can
one of the best tools to monitor the condition of the
operate without maintenance, until auxiliary
inlet filter. If the pre-filter is installed on the
equipment inspections are performed. However, in
compressor it removes the dust from the intake
dusty environments, the filter quickly becomes can be cleaned while the compressor is
clogged, and it is necessary to stop the compressor in
running. Additional auxiliary equipment‟s such as
order to clean the filter.
pressure gauge are not needed to measure the inlet
pressure drop. Continuous and smooth air flow is
provided. The air flow will be maximum at the output
of the compressor.


Volumetric Efficiency =ηvol= (Va/Vs)*100
Actual work done W= WL.P + WH.P
WH.P=n/n-1{P2V2[(P3/P1)n-1/n-1]} joules/cycle
Indicated power (I.P)= actual work done in
Shows the pre-filter mounted on the is Isothermal work(Wiso)= P1V1{loge[P3/P1]}
more efficient than intake air filters because it can be joules/cycle
Iso-thermal power = isothermal work in joule *N/60

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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

Iso-thermal efficiency(ηiso-thermal)= (isothermal acoustic filter cannot be moved from one compressor
power/indicated power)*100 to other during air flow measurement.
3.5 MEASUREMENTS Therefore conventional differential pressure
For performance monitoring of compressors FAD of producing flowmeters are not suitable for insitu FAD
air compressor, Electrical power consumption, measurement.Laminar flow meters are used
Mechanical Power consumption, Indicated Power measuring pulsating flows. In viscous (laminar) pipe
consumption, and leakage rate are to be measured. flow the pressure drop varies asfirst power of the
There are number oftechniques available for velocity; hence the time average of the pressure drop
measurement these parameters. However, only the is equal to the pressure drop correspondingto the
techniques that are suitable for offlineinsitu mean flow rate. This characteristic makes it quite
measurements are presented in following sections suitable for measuring pulsating flows. Laminar flow
3.5.1 FAD MEASUREMENT metersare expensive and bulky.The compressed air
Air flow in reciprocating compressor is flow meter shown in Figure 2, is a device wherein
pulsating in nature. The FAD of a reciprocating array of various size critical flow nozzles areused.
compressor is the timeaverage of the pulsating flow. The specifications of the compressed air flow meter is
In conventional differential pressure measuring given in Table 2. The flow through a sonic nozzle
devices like orifice meters andventurimeters, the isconstant for a particular upstream pressure as long
pressure drop across the flow element �p is as the pressure ratio across the nozzle is maintained
proportional to the square of the flow rate. If below thecritical pressure ratio of air. During the
thesedevices where subjected to pulsating flow conduct of the test the compressor system is isolated
measurement, the time average of pressure drop �p from the industrialdistribution network by closing
indicated will behigher than the true value. Therefore outlet valve of the receiver. Then compressed air flow
in pulsating flow measurements the average flow rate meter is installed in the airreceiver. Compressor
indicated by thesedevices will be higher than the under test is started; nozzles in the compressed air
actual flow. Additionally if the response time of the flow meter are opened in a particularcombination till
manometer used to measure thepressure drop �p is rated pressure is maintained in the receiver. At this
more than the pulsation period of the flow, square condition the flow rate of the compressor is1422 Page
root error arises. In laboratoriesthese devicesare being 4International Compressor Engineering Conference at
used to measure the FAD of reciprocating Purdue, July 14-17, 2008equal to the flow through the
compressors by damping the pulsations of the air compressed air flow meter. By comparing the
flow usingacoustic filters. Plint and Martyr (1995) compressed air flow meter readings withlaminar
give a formula to calculate the volume of single flowmeter it is found that the error is with in 2% of
chamber acoustic filter. It isfound that the volume of FSR. Compressed air flow meter is suitable
the single chamber pulsation filter required for a formeasurement of FAD of a reciprocating
double acting reciprocating compressorwith swept compressor.
volume of 3.15 liters is 460 liters, which is 145 times
the compressor swept volume. Because of its Table 0 Specifications of compressed Air flowmeter
largesize, acoustic filters are not suitable for Make M/s Compessed Air Management Impact RM
industries. In a compressor installation where in Inc., Canada
number of compressors areto be tested, a bulky Model LP150
Range 800cfm

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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

. measurements and plugged when not needed. If the

Figure 1 Compressed air flow meter pressure transducer ports1422 Page 5International
3.5.2 ELECTRICAL POWER Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July
MEASUREMENTS 14-17, 2008are not readily provided in the
Electrical power consumption of a motor can compressor indicated port assembly can be used or
be measured insitu using portable power meters. ports can bedrilled at suitable locations. A
However whenmotors are driven by variable speed piezoresistive transducer is suitable for measurement
drives, the wave forms of voltage / current are of in-cylinder pressure.Piezoresistive transducers are
distorted. In these installationspower measuring preferable to piezoelectric transducers as they
instruments which are capable of measuring power measure the absolute pressure directlyand therefore
harmonics are to be used. pegging is not necessary. Moreover the temperature
3.5.3 MECHANICAL POWER MEASUREMENT involved in compressors is within the operatingrange
Mechanical power is computed from torque of standard piezoresistive transducers.
and speed measurements. Measuring torque of International Compressor Engineering
reciprocatingcompressors installed in industries for Conference at Purdue, July 14-17, 2008 Crank angle
offline monitoring is very difficult. Standard torque encoders are used presently for measurement of
transducer models thatare readily available require instantaneous swept volume of reciprocating
substantial modifications to fix them on already machines. The crank angle encoders are delicate
installed compressors. devices that require special care in installation.
An innovativeinstallation design, shown in Construction of some of the compressors does not
Figure 2, developed by the authors facilitates the provide access to fix crank angle encoders, some
mounting of torque transducer in theexisting times necessitates significant modifications also.
machines with little modifications. The design These problems render crank angle encoders
significantly reduces the complexities involved in unsuitable for offline monitoring of industrial
mountingand removing the torque transducer in the compressors. Moreover the output signals from the
industrial compressors. The torque transducer used crank angle devices are to be post processed to
for the research workis inductively powered and convert crank angle to instantaneous volume by
transmit data using telemetry. computing kinematic relation of the slider crank
3.5.4 INDICATED POWER MEASUREMENT mechanism used in the reciprocating compressor.
Indicated power of a compressor is To facilitate insitu measurement of
computed from the p-V diagram of the compressor. instantaneous swept volume of reciprocating
In-cylinder pressure andinstantaneous swept volume compressors a new device is developed
measurements are required for drawing p-V diagram. (pannirselvam et al., 2004). This device shown in
Dynamic pressure transducersare used for measuring Figure 4 consists of a template cam and a non contact
in-cylinder pressure. Medium and small capacity laser displacement sensor. The template cam has
reciprocating compressors do not haveports to mount profile cut according to relationship between crank
pressure transducers. It is recommended that angle and swept volume. The cam is permanently
compressor manufacturers provide ports for fitted on the compressor crank shaft suitably and
installingpressure transducers in the compressors at rotates in unison with the compressor shaft. The non
suitable locations. These pressure transducer ports contact laser displacement sensor measures the
can be used formounting pressure transducers during profile of the cam dynamically and provides voltage

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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

output proportional to the cam profile and therefore to temperature variations generated by the dynamics of
instantaneous swept volume. the valves and their interactionwith the cylinder and
In industrial compressors, inexpensive piping. Optical sensing techniques using laser
template cam is permanently fitted on the induced fluorescence have an advantage of being a
compressor. When the measurement of instantaneous noncontact type, while providing a faster response
swept volume is needed, the laser displacement also. On the experimental side, as reported in the
sensor is targeted on the cam. Therefore complicated previous section, Brok et al. (1980), and Gerlach and
installation is done away with. The device directly Berry (1989) as well asJacobs (1976) have done some
provides voltage analogous to the swept volume heat transfer measurements in order to estimate the
therefore post processing electronics is not necessary. effect of suction gas heating on volumetric efficiency.
An oscilloscope operated in X-Y mode gives p-V Measurement of temperature and heat flux insidethe
plot. In installations having multiple compressors, a cylinder of a reciprocating compressor is not an easy
single laser displacement sensor is enough to acquire task. It is perhaps this reason, as well as the lack of
the p-V diagram of all the compressors offline. instrumentation, which constrained earlier model
Actual and theoretical indicated power are calculated developers (with the exceptionof Brok et al.) to
from p-V diagram by numerical integration. validate their simulations by using only the PV cards
to compare with experimental pressure - time traces.
3.5.5 MEASUREMENT OF LEAKAGE RATE Heat transfer has only an indirect effect on the P-V
Leakages from a compressor system are a card andhence such validations would not be a good
cause for capacity loss. For quantifying leakage rate test for the heat transfer models. This necessitates
from a compressed air system two methods are found measurement of in-cylinder temperature – time traces
suitable. They are pump down test method and ON- for developing such models. Severalinvestigators
OFF time method. During leakage tests, compressor including the author (see Shiva Prasad, 1992a, b), etc.
is isolated from distribution system suitably. Pump have attempted to make such measurements in order
down test method quantifies the leakage by to further understand and model the in-cylinder
measuring time required for pressure to drop from a regenerative heat transfer process. Although these
high level to lower level. ON-OFF time method is measurements were able toVijaykumar .FPipalia,
suitable for reciprocating compressors fitted with Dipesh D. Shukla, and Niraj C. Mehta., Investigation
constant speed control. After isolating the compressor On Reciprocating Air Compressors - A
and receiver from the distribution, compressor is Reviewresolve the time scales enough to identify the
started and the period during which the compressor phase differences between near wall temperature
runs at loaded condition (ON time) and unloaded gradients and heat transfer rates, the spatial resolution
condition (OFF time) is noted. Since the compressor was not enough to resolve the lengthscales. Hence
is isolated from the distribution, Itruns in loaded more work needs to be done in order to help develop
condition only to meet the leakages in the system. as well as validate in-cylinder heat transfer models.
The leakage rate is given as the ratio of ON time and Also, as stated in the previous section, temperature
total time. The leakage is expressed in percentage of and heattransfer measurements are required in the
rated capacity of compressor. cylinder passages as well as valve chambers and
Progress in Experimentation passages for developing heat transfer correlations.
Any detailed modeling of the heat transfer Experimental Setup Description
process would require a detailed knowledge of the

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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

Two stage single acting reciprocating air gas heating in this case depends on various factors
compressor with shell and pipe type intercooler used. like speed of the compressor, which determines the
Electricity Supply: Single Phase, 220 VAC, 50 Hz, 5- residence timeof the gas entering the unloaded end in
15 amp sockets with earth connection. Water Supply: the suction passage; ratio of the swept volume to the
Continuous @ 2 LPM at 1 bar. Floor Area Required: cylinder suction passage volume, which determines
1.5 m x 0.75 m. the amount of gas pushed from theunloaded end
Setup specification which enters the loaded end during the subsequent
Bore diameter, d = 0.0935 m stroke; number and location of the suction ports with
Length of stroke, L = 0.078 m reference to the inlet nozzle, which determines the
Diameter of orifice, do = 0.011 m flowpattern into the loaded end, etc. In addition to
Diameter of pipe, dP = 0.022 m unloading an end, suction gas heating could also be
Density of water, ρm = 1000 kg/m3 caused by leakage past piston rings and valves, which
Density of air, ρa = 1.21 kg/m3 is of serious concern in highpressure ratio
Co-efficient of discharge of orifice, Cd = 0.64 compressors, and : frictional heating near the rider
Energy meter constant, E.M.C= 3200 pulses / kWhr bands and packing rings, which are of main concern
Atmospheric pressure, Pa = 1.03327 x 1005 N/m2 in nonlubricated, high speed compressors. Although
Radius of swinging Field Dynamometer, R = 0.16 m there is no disagreement about the harmful effects of
RPM of motor, Nm = 1440 Rpm such high discharge gas temperatures, there is still
Compressor Development Issues someskepticism in the compressor community about
One can easily visualize what the direct the extent of its impact on performance. Such
impact of heat transfer would be on material skeptics would perhaps be satisfied by just getting rid
temperatures. Large material temperatures could be of this heat by providing efficientcooling or
attributed to large discharge temperatures. This is developing materials which could withstand such
indeed the case in vacuum pumps and other high high temperatures. This has spurred lot of research in
pressure ratio reciprocating compressors operating at material technology to develop materials particularly
pressure ratios of 30 - 40, resulting in isentropic for valves, riderbands, piston and packing rings, etc.
temperatures as high as 1200°F at the end of the Research is also being done to develop new coatings
compression stroke. Even in low pressure ratio for piston rods, cylinder liners, etc., to reduce the
compressors, suction gas heating, if not keptunder wear and withstand the high temperatures. Ideally,
control would lead to higher inlet temperatures which from the suction gas heating point of view, one would
gets amplified to large discharge temperatures. like to have materials/coatings for suction passages
Suction gas heating occurs in many ways. Unloading and valves which would behave as perfect insulators.
one of the ends willresult in pushing the gas back and Cylinder liners and other internal cylinder boundaries
forth through the unloaded end many times which should act like diodes and transport heat only
will tend to heat up the gas. This hot gas will mix outwards during parts of the cycle when the gas
with the fresh charge and eventually enter the inside becomes much hotter than the cylinder walls.
loadedend at a temperature much higher than the inlet In fact, development in material technology and smart
temperature in the suction piping. Since the suction materials which can actively adjust to the
gas entering the loaded end has become hotter, the environment is occurring at such afast pace, the
discharge temperature will be muchhigher than for a author can easily envision development of materials
cylinder with both ends loaded. The extent of suction with sandwiched spaces between them, which can be

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

filled with a highly conducting or insulating fluid attributable to suction gas heating and its impact on
using activecontrol, depending on the temperature volumetric efficiency and power economy. However,
gradient between the gas and the cylinder wall, which users of such methods should also be aware of their
can function like diodes. The high temperature limitations, since reliable and accurate methods with
environment in compressors has also generated universal applicability to all types of compressors are
theneed and interest for developing lubricants for unlikely to be developed. Hence theseanalytical
withstanding such high temperatures inside the methods could only be used as tools for reducing
cylinders of lubricated compressors. If external thecycle time for development and one will have to
cooling is to be provided, particularlyin non rely on testing for proving the design.
lubricated cylinders, the mechanical aspect of design , High Speed Response, Long Life, Built-In Surge
also becomes complex in many cases because of the Suppression And Indicator Lights. Manifold Options,
complexity of the cooling passages_ Further, in Including Built-In One-Touch Fittings, Prewired
multistage compressors, inter cooling becomes a Electric Connections And Serial Interface Simplify
necessity in many cases and in all compression Installation, Maintenance And Control.
systems, after cooling has to be done to meet the
user's requirements. Even from the reliability point of
view, high temperaturescause serious concern. For
Heat transfer changes its direction during the cycle of
example, impact strength of a valve plate or the
crankshaft depending on the gas temperature inside
sealing effectiveness of a piston or packing ring
the cylinder. When the gas temperature is lower than
depends on the temperature. Cylinder lubricants may
the wall temperature, heat flux is positive, which
not just lose their viscosity, but also may break up
means that the heat is transferred from the wall into
leading to deposition on valve plates and passages
the gas. When the compressed gas reaches the same
causing inefficient operation or even failure. Any
temperature as the wall, heat flux is zero and after
such deposition of a lubricant, or refrigerant in
that it changes direction, meaning the heat is
refrigeration compressors, or water /liquid droplets I
transferred from the gas into the wall. This change of
slugs in compressors operating at relatively low
direction occurs not just during the compression, but
temperatures, would pose a further challenge to
also during expansion process (Figure 3). The
development of reliable wall heat transfer
negative effect of heat transfer inside the cylinder is
correlations. In addition, the lubricant may also
the superheating of the sucked gas, resulting in
vaporize and contaminate the discharge gas thus
decrease of compressor efficiency.
affecting the downstream process, unless the oil
vapors are removed by using expensive filters. It is The simulation procedure started with the
also not uncommon for cylinders and pistons to loose expansion process moving the piston from top dead
their concentricity because of poor lubrication, center towards bottom dead center. When the
leading to operational failure and even irreparable pressure force acting on suction valve overcomes the
damage to the components as a result of ceasing of spring force, suction process begins. Usually the
the parts. Finally from a designer and developers suction process is ended when the piston is in its
point of view, no amount of progress in analytical bottom dead center followed by the compression and
modeling or experimentation would help, unless discharge. Movement of the discharge valve is again
quick and easy methods are developed for accurately controlled by pressure and spring force. A special
predicting the discharge temperature, losses care must be taken when the valves are opening and

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

closing in numerical simulation. Keeping the mesh in presented in section 3.1. The results of complex
the gap between the valve and the seat is analysis can be used in 0d model, which uses integral
fundamental for CFD simulation and therefore it is correlations to predict heat flux. However, it is
not possible to close/open valves continuously, but distributed just according to the current heat transfer
when the gap is less than 0.01 mm, suction or area. As the heat transfer area is the same for all the
discharge process is terminated. models, distribution of heat flux is consequently
almost the same as well. The values used in
Numerical simulation of heat transfer
requires high quality mesh, especially close to the Good agreement was found for the piston surface,
walls, where the heat transfer coefficient is where the same trend can be observed – minor share
calculated. The value of y+ should be kept around 1, on total heat flux during suction and compression and
however, when the fluid flow is not static, it is higher during discharge and expansion process. The
difficult to keep the high mesh quality and not to heat flux through the cylinder wall is overestimated.
enormously increase the computational requirements. The surface of cylinder wall does not play such an
In this simulation the value of y+ was checked on important role as it is predicted by 0d model,
each surface during the whole simulation and the especially during the suction process. CFD predicts
average value was mostly below ten. Also the lower heat flux through the cylinder wall than 0d
convergence of the momentum equations, continuity simulation and vice versa for cylinder head. During
equation and energy equation did not overcome the discharge process the heat flux from cylinder wall is
10-4 criteria. higher again at the expense of the piston. All of this
could be the consequence of high velocities of gas
The analysis of Müllner and Bielmeier
around the cylinder head and piston, which increase
(2008) shows that most of the heat flows between the
the heat flux on these surfaces.
gas and piston (around 50 %), e.g. it is 35 % for
cylinder head and less than 5 % goes into the cylinder The comparison of results from the 0d model and the
wall. The rest of the heat is transferred in out-walls, CFD analysis shows that one integral correlation for
which are walls around the valve. Similar results all surfaces inside the cylinder is not sufficient to
were obtained in this paper despite the fact that properly describe distribution of heat flux. The same
boundary conditions and settings were not described idea of using different correlation for each process of
in Müllner and Bielmeier (2008). The results in Table compressor was already applied by Disconzi et al.
4 show the area integrated heat fluxes during one (2012), therefore it seems reasonable to use different
cycle of crankshaft. correlation for each surface inside the cylinder as
well. Usually there are three main surfaces, as it is
displayed in the

CFD analysis provides with more detailed

Models mentioned in section 2.1 show
flow field inside the cylinder including the velocity
important differences, as it was mentioned in
and temperature distribution, which helps to divide
Tuhovcak et al. (2015) and finding correct one is a
the heat flow more accurately among the surfaces. On
difficult task. However, some correlations show
the other hand, the computational cost is enormous,
better agreement with numerical simulations than
which is not convenient during the development
others for particular surface. Therefore, the
process. Due to the complicated use of CFD, the
combination of well-known correlations could help to
objects of interest are simplified tools, such as the one

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

achieve higher accuracy in heat flux predictions for prediction in CFD. More investigation is necessary,
simplified models used for compressors. especially in CFD, to perform simulation with higher
accuracy. It must be pointed out, that all of the
The comparison is divided according to heat
presented models were developed either for
transfer areas – head, piston and wall and shows area
combustion engines (Woschni, Annand) or for
integrated heat fluxes. Integral correlations offer only
refrigeration compressor (Disconzi, Adair). The
one calculation of heat transfer coefficient for all
compressor used in this paper was working with air,
surfaces, therefore the curve produced by each
which could have influenced the results. Another
correlation is the same for head, piston and wall. On
important thing is the CFD simulation, particularly
the other hand, the results from numerical analysis
the simulation of heat transfer, which is very
show area integrated heat fluxes at each surface
demanding on mesh quality close to heat transfer
calculated from local heat transfer coefficient.
Discontinuities occurring at curves from CFD are the
consequence of remeshing and interpolation results 5.CONCLUSION
from previous time step on new mesh.Even with
Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor is
more iteration within one time step they did not
gone through different intercooling processes, it can
disappear. Most of the models underestimate the heat
be concluded that more the surface area of
fluxes, especially during the suction phase and at
intercooling more will be depression in temperature
cylinder head. The same problem occurs for the
of air which will directly result in improving the
piston surface, only the model of Annand predicted
efficiency of the Air Compressor. From all the results
results in reasonable agreement with CFD simulation.
of intercooling processes, it can be concluded that the
For the surface of cylinder wall, only the model of
radiator intercooling with increase in size of
Disconzi shows a sufficient accuracy. The model of
intercooler results in better volumetric efficiency as
Adair predicts much lower heat flux for all surfaces,
compared to other type of intercooling. In operation
especially during the suction and discharge phase.
of Two Stages Reciprocating Air Compressor it is
Comparison of heat flow for particular possible that when costs of different parameters are
empirical correlations and numerical simulation As it considered, the method adopted by us can be used for
was mentioned before a combination of known improvement in its overall efficiency. Energy cost of
models could help to increase the accuracy of heat a compressor is approximately 75% of its life cycle
flux prediction in simplified tools. Each process and costs. Performance monitoring is a valuable tool to
surface would have its own correlation, based on the detect performance degradation of compressor during
comparison with CFD numerical simulation. The operation. It helps to keep the energy cost in check.
combination of models based on presented results can Even though in large reciprocating compressors
be found in Table 7. On the left side there is a ratio of online performance monitoring systems have been
heat flux predicted by correlations and CFD. On the installed, in medium and small capacity industrial
right side there are models which showed best compressors installation of on line systems is not
agreement with CFD simulation. In most of the cases economical. In medium and small capacity
the models of Annand and Disconzi appear, however compressors, performance should be monitored
there is also contribution of Adair and Woschni. The periodically using off-line monitoring methods.
results show a big difference between integral Various parameters that are indicators of the
correlations and numerical model for heat transfer performance of air compressors are defined. It is not

GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2019
ISSN 2320-9186

necessary to monitor all these parameters at regular International Conference of Advance Research
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