Maktubat Khwaja Baqi Billah
Maktubat Khwaja Baqi Billah
Maktubat Khwaja Baqi Billah
Translated by
Hafeez Anwar
Published by
© Hafeez Anwar
i. Author’s introduction………………………………………………………….o6
1.Maktubat Hazrat Khwaja Baqi Billah……….……………………..….36
Author’s introduction
Yours sincerely,
Ralph Hannah
Records Management Team
Anwar Hafeez
Author’s Introduction
Owaise of Qarni
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On him, which were explained by the prophet. Then Owaise of
Qarni . . . Translated from Urdu to English by Mohammed A.
Hafeez, B.Com. Hyderabad, India. , reference book . . .
Farid Al-din Attar is considered one of the preeminent
mystical poets of the Persian literary tradition. The duration of
his life is uncertain, though he can be placed in the 12th and
13th centuries C.E. born in Nishapur in what is today Iran.
David Rosenbaum
An Ad for my book
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An Ad for my other book
Muslim Saints and Mystics’
Episodes from the Tadhkirat
Al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar
(Supplementary version)
My three poems
The author upon his return from his service of the foreign
country visited Qazipet after a gap of many years the grave of
his grandfather and grandmother at Qazipet recently in the
month of May 2014.
When he visited the grave of his grandfather, which is under a
big Neem tree and its shed is spread over large areas of the
graveyard and my grandmother’s grave is situated beside the
grave of my grandfather. Both graves are well maintained so
are available in the good condition.
As the both graves are under the big old Neem tree so there is
too much shade as well as so much cold and peaceful
atmosphere and comfort is available there. So an atmosphere
of peace and comfort is available there too much due to the
coolness of the branches of Neem tree which is prevailing in
the grave yard. For this reason an atmosphere of coolness
and peace condition is there and due to this reason there will
be thinking arise in the mind of the author that both of them
living in the peaceful condition.
However the author wept too much there because his
miss any chance to visit the holy shrine of Hazrat Syed Shah
Afzal Biabani R. A. And Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani R.A.
At Kazipet Jagir on regular basis.
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid)
In the last I request the readers of this article to pray for our
grandmother and grandfather for which the author will be
obliged to them for their kind help and cooperation in this
matter. I am also obliged to the unknown visitors of the graves
of the my grand father and grand mother at the graveyard of
Kazipet Dargah for their kind visits and placing of the flowers
on the graves and for which I could not forget this favour and
attention so I will pray for them in this matter to extend my
heartfelt thanks in this matter.
Hafeez Anwar
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Al-din Attar
Dear ALL
Good day
Anwar Hafeez
So that in the globe this book can show the right way
To write about this great Sufi saint and great spiritual master is
not only it is difficult and but it is a very hard task as Khwaja
Baqi Billah was not only a great pious personality of his time in
the area of the Delhi but he was also a great and famous
spiritual master so, in brief, he was Qutub (highest cadre in
spiritual pivot at axis) of his time in the Delhi region.
For a long time, he was engaged in religious discourses,
sermons, and spiritual training of the people and he did also
many great endeavours for the preaching and propagation
work of Islam in Delhi religion and around this region and there
was no such personality during his time.
The brief biography of Hazrat Khwaja Baqi Billah, the
anniversary is on 25 Jamadi us Sani, His name was Razi-Uddin
‘Abul Mowayyad ‘Abdul Baqi bin ‘Abdus Salam of Badakhshan.
Popularly known as Khwaja Baqi Billah of Kabul, he had
migrated to Delhi and was a profound sage presenting the
picture of the Quranic verse: “We have not created the jinn and
man save for Our worship”.
Excelling in devotion, piety and holy endeavour,he was the
very crucible of devotion to God emitting the brilliance of love
divine. Born about 971-72 Hegira at Kabul-, he took Maulana
Muhammad Sadiq Halwa’i as his teacher and accompanied him
in his tour to Transoxania. There he set his heart on betaking
the path of spirit and terminated his education to call upon the
mystic Shaikhs of the area. First of all, he enlisted himself as a
disciple of Shaikh Khwaja Ubaid, a spiritual successor to
this reason, there may be excused the writer of this book in this
matter for his mistake, understanding, and condition of a
mistake by thinking as resulting from it. May Allah forgive this
poor person and all Muslims persons.
First, he was going into the service of Khwaja Obeidallah and
repented for his sins. But in the innermost still, there was
thinking of return and also there was the intention of leaving.
And in appearance, there was the request of starvation. Khwaja
Abdallah, who was the caliph of Hazrat Moulana Lutafallah.And
Moulana Luftafallah who was the caliph of Moulana Khajigi
Damidi. When he did not find firmness in him, then for the
second time he went into the service of Iftikhar Shaikh and who
was from Samarqand and who belongs to the family of Khwaja
Ahmed Yasir and he repenting before him. Even though that
holy person was not agreed on in this matter and he used to tell
him you are still young. As there was the firm intention of
Khwaja Eshan.So inevitably he was reciting Fateha and he was
praying for firmness for him from the side of Allah. As per
wisdom of the heart of those holy persons his such intention
was broken also. There were fallen many kinds of bad things.
Then, without his ceremony and option, he went into the
for this reason. So the holy persons of this mystic way’s earth
(Here there is a verse from the Quran and its meaning and
interpretation are that “In which there is everything which is
desired by the soul) of favour in which who will sow seed in it.
It was known that due to favour of the hand of the holy person
that seed will be irrigated and will become green by the water
of the river. There is the verse of the Quran here and its
meaning and interpretation is that “It was not seen it in the
eyes as well as not heard by the ears”.
And the circle of invisible has become wide and there will be
ahead of the way which will become clear and clean. And there
will be available some peace in this matter. Until such that
the favour of such holy persons who pull him towards patron of
realities and giver of religious instruction and skill and his name
There is Salam upon such persons who follow the way of the
On the Saturday on the first Safar month in the year 1009
Hegira this Fakir person who was present in the service of the
Hazrat Eishan. In those days there was the love of one young
person in my heart. There was coming of thinking of that young
person always and which used to disturb me. By the language
of the innermost, I have sought help from this personality of
dignity (Hazrat Eshan). So that there will be no more worry in
this matter. After some time one person came to the meeting
place. And he was saying Salam and respect in the service of
Hazrat Eishan. And he was paid much attention and kindness to
that person. And he has given him the order to sit there. After
part one some time Hazrat Eishan said that “There are three
faults of marriage. The first fault is to the soul. Because in the
away from them by this time. So, for this reason, they will have
a presence and knowledge.This action of Hazrat Eishan
depends upon the issue of Islamic jurisprudence that doctor of
an expert who will give the order to the patient to eat unlawful
things. As there is no cure for the patient other than this
prescription of the unlawful thing.Then, with some of the
Imams (Imam, Arabic imām (“leader,” “model”), in a general
sense, one who leads Muslim worshippers in prayer. In a global
sense, the imam is used to refer to the head of the Muslim
community (Ummah). Eating of the unlawful thing is
lawful.Khwaja Ganj Baksh who is the leader of the mystic way.
Who said infidel persons who say the above thing is
permissible. So instead of it, Khwaja Ganj Baksh will not prefer
to establish an axis of mysticism on this matter.And this is not
the dignity of pious Khwaja Sahib said that “In every person
who have the ability and capability of mysticism, whether he
will give him order, no but those who want to enter in the
mystic way, but in his capability there will be no way of
acceptance of presence and knowledge before so for this
reason, in the beginning, he will engage him in this work for
some days. Then, with his attention and usage, he used to take
the person to a higher aim.”During this period this Fakir has
asked him that, “ If the person on the mystic way and presence
if he will be involved in this difficulty than what cure it should
be applied in this matter.?” Then Hazrat Eishan told that “If he
has his spiritual master then he should tell him before this.So
that he can help him and save from that problem with his
usage.Or has shown him the option of the travel.”And he can
leave the city.When he will have presence and knowledge of
For some days are silent and have a failure
But after that sit with wine glass and friend
After Hazrat Eishan said that “There was a sincere friend of
Khwaja Ahrar and his name was Mulla Lutf Allah. And he has
the nature of much humour. So, for this reason, Hazrat Eishan
many times used to joke with him. One day he was asked to
him that “Mulla Lutf Allah, if you want to marry, then tell him in
this matter which type of woman you want to have in
marriage.” He said to Hazrat Eishan “Green and sweet.” Then
Hazrat Eishan told him that “In the short period of time there
will be over sweetness from him. And there will be remained
Sabzi (vegetable). As per the suitability of this matter, Hazrat
Eishan told that “Among the holy person nobody paid attention
towards the perfection of the face. Maulana Jami, who was the
leader of this group of caravan and who left this in the last
period of time and which are found in his condition and in his
poetry. Among them one of the couplet’s translation and
interpretation as follows.”
There has not remained the fear of the love of idols
The sign of their love was totally removed from the heart
Then by that time, Hazrat Eishan’s sermon was over. May
Allah keep Hazrat Eishan safe and secure. When this copyist
was standing and left from the meeting place, then by that time
there was no connection of the relation and which left over
from my heart and it was there no name and sign in the heart.
And it was already removed. So there are praise and admiration
of Allah in this matter.
ٌَوهَّللا ُ ِمن َو َرائِ ِهم ُّم ِحيط
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
(Verse Buruj)
On Thursday of the sixth Safar month in the year 1009
Hegira, I was present in service of Hazrat Eishan. There was a
discussion about the research of the personal love and love of
attributes. He said “ The love of the attribute is that somebody
who will keep some person as his friend because he is learned
or brave person. In this case, his love will be for the sake of the
attribute of knowledge or bravery. And if this attribute will be
removed, then his love will not be there with that person for
this reason. The personal love is that somebody who will love
somebody without caring for the attribute. It means if there will
be the existence of any attribute, then the love will be more or
if there will be no existence of any attribute then the love will
be no more there. Then he said that “In among persons of the
omnipresence of God as a mystical experience, then that
person will have personal love when that person does not have
a personal need. So for some persons of this direction (side)
which will keep the love and in that there will have the taste
and flavour from the look of the beloved. So it is not against of
Then Hazrat Eishan told that “In it, Allah was explained
method of the meditation. That when personal love will reach
by the degree of fana’ [annihilation in God] and with entrusting
thing then-lover by a finding of the magnificence of the
personality's fondness he will become successful. Here the
meaning of ویت is fond of gain and which will appear in the
personal love after fana’ [annihilation in God]. It means the
above method of mediation is the love of personal fondness
and its appearance.So it will reach to the final aim of the
If anybody there will be the fault of any one of the above
things, then for this reason that person is out of the method.
We pray Allah for his protection and not to disgrace us after
As per the order of Hazrat Eishan, those stories which will be
heard in the meetings were not added in the script. Even in
which there will be much benefited that were not added in this
most possible way. But such stories were added in this book
which was connected by the sayings of the Hazrat Eishan.
Now this Fakir by the help of Allah and with the assistance of
the souls of the spiritual masters as well as the support of the
innermost of Hazrat Eishan this Fakir which started this work.
May Allah help me to avoid mistakes and errors in this matter.
”So they asked her. “When I learned that the Shaikh was
coming that night to my apartment,” she said, “I would prepare
delicious dishes and adorn myself. When he arrived and saw
what I had done, he would send for me and look at me for a
while. Then he would contemplate the food for a while. Then
one night he took my hand and drew it into his sleeve and
rubbed it over his belly. I felt fifteen knots from his breast to his
navel. ‘Girl, ask me what these knots are,’ he said. ‘What are
they?’ I asked. ‘All these,’ he replied, ‘are the violent flames of
fortitude which I fastened knot by knot, to withstand your
offering of such beauty and such delicious fare.’ He then left
me. That was the only time I was bold with him, so extreme
was his self-discipline.”
Hazrat Eishan then told that “In every period Allah used to
keep leaders in such condition. And in which there is a better
condition of the disciples. At that time marriage of the disciple,
which will not good for them.”At that time one Majzub (one
lost in divine meditation) person who was in the audience and
who said “Those holy persons who were given order (there was
his indication about those holy persons about them there was
mentioned in the book Nafhat.) and who have done
an assessment of the conditions of the learned persons that
such and such holy person was like this and other learned
person like that. Whether he was seeing the details of the
learned person in the tablet or they were written or whether
they have written as per their thinking and estimation.”
He said that ” Whatever they say as per revelation from the
side of Allah. Or complete wisdom which will be given by Allah
Then he said that “One person who was asked with Hazrat Ali
Ibn Taleb “Whether he belongs to the Ahle Bait ( there is a
consensus amongst Sunni and Shi'a Muslims that the "Ahl al-
Kisa"Hadith refers specifically to Ali, Fatimah, Hasan,
and Husayn. Mention of the Ahl Al-Bayt, Muhammad's
household, is present in a verse of the Qur'an.) of the prophet
of Allah. With the prophet, there was no such person who was
so close as such of the Hazrat Ali Ibn Taleb. You tell that
whatever which is said by the prophet of Allah to you and
which he did not tell you others.” “Then Hazrat Ali Ibn Taleb
replied to him that “There is no such thing in this matter.
Whatever the prophet used to say other persons which will be
said to me, but Allah was given to me such wisdom and
understanding and which is not available to other persons.”
Then that Majzub said that “ The jurist who will commit a
mistake and but he will get the reward and it means that who
are having the enmity of the holy persons and which is a kind
which is against the leaders of the Islamic law. The mistake
among all of them is in only is in the meaning of their sayings.
But in the original issues, all are agreed on in this matter. There
is only a mistake in meaning. It means convinced persons are
not eloquent. There is a mistake in his passages and for this
matter, it will not make an argument for its meaning, or
another reason is that condition of one which will not match
with the other person’s condition. One who has understood the
extra condition of the other with his condition. And he was
making a mistake in this matter. Shaikh Alauddin Samnani who
has made mistakes about Shaikh Mohiuddin Arabi. And which is
the second kind in this matter. In the book Nafqat it is
mentioned that that holy person who are devotees of the
above pious persons who have done research in this matter.
There is objection only of these holy persons in the meaning
only. In the original issue, there is no difference at all. But the
scholar person did not know the objection from the second
kind. But he did not excuse his misunderstanding. It is written In
the book Nafqat. It is also written that Shaikh Alauddin wrote
on the margin of a book of Fatuhat about Shaikh that “ Oh
research scholar, oh person of truth. And where he was done
mistake there and also it was accused of infidelity charge on the
Shaikh. From this matter, it is confirmed that the mistake was
the caller there and who will ask there always something. At
last, one day, he will find something from there. As per this
conversation, he was quoted the following Hadith (sayings) of
the prophet as follows.
“ The one who knocks, the door of the generous person and if
he will insist, then he will not enter there. If he will not have the
comfort then he will get uneasy. The person of uneasiness is
such a person who is the caller and standing at the door of the
generous person. And he is going here and there for some
important work. Then he will lodge a complaint that he will not
be given and why he will not be given. In such a condition, he
will not get any condition.” Fakir has questioned whether
except comfort and regret is there any condition.?”. Then
Hazrat Eishan said that “The condition of the student which will
be in the two conditions. Whether there will be a comfort or
regret. If any student who could not have one thing about the
above then, in that case, he is not a student.” Then he said that
“The loaf of suspension is like smoke and which is to be seen
and so which will be seen and which will be obstructed in
between. And which covers the face of the aim by the look. The
person who knows about the presence of Allah then he will
understand in this matter. And he will become uneasy.” Some
pious person who prohibit their disciples from two journeys.
1. There was one lover and whose name was Ram Yara Amin
and his beloved’s name which called Aurdis or waisa.
Once Hazrat Eishan asked with one sincere person that which
intention did come into his presence.?. That person told him
that “With the intention to become Muslim.”He told him that “
Yes, this should be his intention.” Then he told that to accept
orders of perpetual of Allah. And as per such order, there
should be required obedience in this matter. Until there will be
One day Hazrat Eishan who was studying the book Muqamat
Shaikh Hussain Khawarzami and he praised him very much and
Shaikh Khalil Allah who was the caliph of the Shiekh. When
status was left of his hand. With this related topic he said the
status of love which will depend on the two kinds. First which is
there with the persons and secondly which is the love of the
soul and it is from desires. This love of the status with the
people is instead of the infidelity.The second position is with
Allah and which is instead of the soul and from desires. Which
is said by holy persons that the rude think which is out from the
head of the true persons is status. And from it refer to the
second thing. This status is away from them. So for some of his
On Monday 13th Zeqad in the year 1009 Hegira, there was
available felicity of kissing the earth. Then there was a
discussion about numerous of the Peer was started and Hazrat
Eishan said there are 3 kinds of Peers.
First is the Peer of the spiritual chain. Secondly, the peer who
shows about remembrance of Allah. Thirdly Peer of the
company and in his company, there are many benefits and
advantages. It should be clear that Peer of Khirqa (The khirqa is
the initiatory cloak of the Sufi chain of spirituality) is that who
has worn Khirqa of faith and who have acquired from any
person of the Khirqa of benediction and permission. In terms of
these persons, it is called Peer of Khirqa and the condition of
Peer who shows remembrance of the Allah and his condition is
which is manifested.
its order and give advice and sermons to the people. So that
they can look at the manners of the Islamic law and as well as
its limits. And to follow Islamic orders, to study Fiqa (Islamic
jurisprudence) and Hadith (sayings of the prophet of Allah) and
also teach these two pieces of knowledge to others and to act
according to the above two pieces of knowledge. And there is
not required of them that to realize them. And to realize is not
a condition of kindness. Regarding the kindness of the above
matter is enough which is mentioned above.” Then after some
time, there was a discussion about the excellence and dignity of
the learned person upon each other. He said” Rank which is an
attribute. It means one person’s intimate knowledge of God,
which will be more than another person’s intimate knowledge.
That one person’s supernatural habit will be more important
than another person’s supernatural habit. But in the
personality, all are the same and equal. There is one matter
that one Peer (spiritual master who will have a large number of
disciples with him and other Peer who will have fewer numbers
of disciples with him. Nobody does have the cause of
excellence with them. The excellence which is a matter of
reliability and so which is near with Allah and what much
intimate knowledge of Allah which he has acquired by him.”
And he also said that “The aim of this way is the training of
absorption of the faith and for which there were sent prophets
and messengers into this world from the side of Allah.” He also
said that “With the personality of Allah the limit of the nearness
and attachment is there to such extent that he should get
perpetual knowledge and comfort in this matter. And with its
help, he can reach the place of destruction. When he will get
He also said that “For the people of the calamity they could
not see calamity in this matter, nor they think it's as bad by
them because they know that it is acting from the side of
Allah.” He also said that “Hazrat Daud Denavi said that
“Stomach is the place of food. If in it will be put lawful, then
there will be an increase in slavery. If there will find doubtful
food, then there will be kept away the way of reality. If there
will be unlawful food, then there will be an increase of
disobedience and sins in this matter.
He also said that “Shaikh Abu Saeed Abul Khair who was going
in some way and at that time somebody came from behind
him and who has slapped him. When Shaikh was turned and
looked at the backside and seen the person so that person was
told him that “Oh Sufi what you are seeing?. And you know this
is from the side of Allah.” The Shaikh told him that “I know that
it is from the side of Allah, but I see that misfortune and
revealing place of bad luck and hardship.”
The seventh meeting
On the Saturday 23rd Zeqad in the year 1009 Hegira, there
was acquired felicity of the kissing the earth. There was started
discussion about taking the caring of the about of loaf. There
should be not be done sufficiency of the lawful food but also it
is required wood, utensils, and water which should be acquired
by lawful sources. The cooking person should have a presence
with Allah. And at the time of eating there should have
I did not tell them they will be dissolute. Those who will come
to me for benefit. And there is no other aim in this matter. Then
he said that “The faith in which we have holy persons of the
chain of Naqshbandi and Suherwardia and other people do not
have such faith. Especially the faith of the general persons of
India which is near to the polytheism. We know people of this
chain as people of contemplation and these people in their
faith think them effective on a perpetual basis. Then there was
started the discussion about the holy Hadith (saying of the
prophet) which is as follows.
Allah says “ He is near to the slave according to his thinking.”
Then he said that “ We should have good faith with Allah.” And
with his soul, we have bad faith and to have to keep in the fear
condition with it.” There is a difference by holy saints that there
should be overcome the condition of hope or fear. Some
persons have said that in the old age to have good hope and in
the youth period there should be required fear in this matter.
But as per research, it was proved that there is required always
hope in this matter. In the Hadith of Tamata it is mentioned
that “If the person who will remember me in his soul then he
will too remember him in my soul. And if he will remember in
the group then I will remember in the better group it means in
the group of the angels.” He said that “If the group is good and
decent which is possible in the condition that then Allah will
remember the man in the group of the prophets. Not for that,
the group of the prophets is better than a group of the
messengers and group of the angles is better than a human
being. But it is good that the status of the prophet's existence is
spiritual and inmates of heaven.
realization of the soul with the body. Then full revelation is not
possible. Whether how it will be disconnected. Then there will
be the relation of life which will be there. Even though he will
not be there on real honesty. But there will be watery relations
in this matter. Then for some time, there was a discussion
about Towhid (unity of God) Wajudi (existentialist) and its
difference in between Shaikh Alaudowla Samnani with Shaikh
Mohiuddin Arabi.
Allah said, “Oh prophet you cannot give guidance to anybody
as per your wish yes, Allah can give guidance to anybody.”
imprisoning of sensual desire and for him from two he will get
spiritual food. And with these people who said listening to a
song as Sama by them.
On Monday on 17th Zil Hajj in the year 1009 Hegira this
Fakir was present in the higher meeting place. Hazrat Eishan
addressed to this Fakir person that “When I will see you then I
come to know in my heart that you come here to hear the
conversation. There is no big work to hear the conversation. Try
hard and make progress. So that from your such conversation
may be done by you. We have not lived in any company nor
heard such a conversation. Then the conversation started
about “Al-Salaf al-Salih (the righteous predecessors)” and their
way. Then he said using “Al-Salaf al-Salih (the righteous
So Ibn Fariz who has written that there was Peer Baqal and
when the time of his death came, then he made his final advice
Then about the song the discussion was started and Hazrat
Eishan and who said that “Islamic jurists declared it as
unbecoming (bad) and some learned (Mashaiq) persons who
said that it is permissible but they did not think the beginners
as deserved. Those who are convinced by listening to the song
and with them there is wisdom in it is that at the time of
listening to the song the temperament will become silent and it
will be established at is the place. So, for this reason, the soul
will more in the perception of the singer because their beloved
will be singers. And they think singing as jewelry. Otherwise,
the soul is not involved in the song.”
On Friday 14th Rabil Awwal in the year 1010 Hegira was the
available blessing of kissing of the Hazrat Eishan. There was
started discussion about the excellence of the companions of
the holy prophet of Allah. The four companions who as per
were in serials were Qutub of absolute. Regrading Hazrat Ali Ibn
Talib there are large number of his superiority which were
available and the reason of it is that during the rule of Bani
Ummiya dynasty there was increased a large number of people
Kharji (Khārijite, Arabic Khawārij, the earliest Islāmic sect,
which traces its beginning to a religio-political controversy over
the Caliphate.) sect.So for this reason holy persons of an al-
Salaf al-Salih (the righteous predecessors)” who at that time
thought it is necessary to much write about the excellence of
the Ahl al-Bayt (the Ahl al-Bayt are central to Islam and
interpreters of the Quran and Sunnah. Shias believe they
are successors of Muhammad and consist of Muhammad, his
daughter Fatimah, his son-in-law Ali, and
their children, Hasan and Husayn) so for this reason, many of
excellence about them were written and added in the books.
Then after that, there was a discussion about mysticism and
miracles was started. Hazrat Eishan said that “During the period
this way. Allah in this helplessness and less courage period may
Allah give pain and fondness in this matter. So that in the works
of the two worlds so that which should be handed over to the
possession of the rule so that I can free from all arrests,
imprisonment, independence and be get sacrificed. (Amin). I
hope that brother to get desire of this Fakir person he will
prostrate in the court of Allah and pray in this matter. Because
prayer by invisible brother for his invisible brother, which will
be accepted by Allah very soon. There will be praying and
Salam. The group of these persons who have such taste and
who are knower of the realities who are manifesting upon
ignorant persons that from those phrases there is how
such thristiness, and fondness and to hidden himself and there
will be no finding of the vanity and its meaning will be
willingness. As per line of a verse which is as follows.
The friend knows that he is not unrelated
The 16th meeting
On Saturday in the first of Safar month in the year 1002
Hegira. This Fakir person was blessed with his presence in the
meeting of Hazrat Eishan. He was asked, “Where you have gone
and how did you live and what you brought.”?Even though
there was a reply to this question on the tongue that went the
limit of misled and lived in indifference and separation and was
brought regret and repentance. Due to the horror and, fear of
Hazrat Eishan, there did not come any reasonable reply of the
tongue except silence. Or understand it is sufficient that the
place as per his schedule. But there was no such presence that
was available. And due to this reason Hazrat Eishan’s reality of
verses as well as the source of phrases which did not become a
chance to hear in this matter. Due to invisible indication,
Hazrat Eishan began living in loneliness and in the separation
of the condition. And he also began not paying attention to the
command of preaching and he has become the cause of not
asking the condition of the disciples in this matter. This
narration and which is correct and which is added here from a
reliable source that Hazrat Eishan for his connection he was
seen at the event. And its last there was this passage and which
is written as follows.
“Now you live in the loneliness with the separate
condition.”And such was shown in the other events. To appoint
disciples on every place and on every attitude. Hazrat Eishan
was advises with kindness and advice that there is the order of
Allah and his willingness to leave humbled so, then the friends
should think that they are not eligible for the training. And so
they should have any other place to get their aim.There are left
two or three friends who were not involved in this trouble.
When the expectant’s hearts were worried very much about
this matter. Then Hazrat Eishan said with kindness
and favour that “ I will not give the command so that they must
go.” By saying this there is my aim that I want to free from my
responsibility. Because some friends who were engaged in
teaching and instructional education and some were acquired
knowledge, some were left their jobs and business dealings and
who were undergoing and endeavours and difficulties of
indigence.” In those days when I left usage and was paid
Hazrat Eishan was for 40 years, then he has left this mortal
Sarai and went toward the country of another world.
There are found in the world the joy of the spring and autumn
Also, there will be found happiness and intense of the sorrow
Some special persons who think that the event of
explanation is such a dream who said before, some days of his
death in which in those days there was given to us permission
of all chains and every Muslim where is living he should be
there. It is said in the Holy Quran that “Whatever which is there
in the sky and in the earth, which all of them used to prostrate
before Allah with willingness or without willingness.” And as
per this verse, there will be an available benefit to that person
whether he will know or did not know.
On the 15th Jamad Al-Thani in the year, 1002 Hegira also in
his old diseases Hazrat Eishan who was seen in a healthy
condition and he has also fever with him. And this was his last
disease in his lifetime.During the condition of illness from this
disease, Hazrat Eishan used to say that in the dream condition
he was met with Hazrat Khwaja Ahrar. Khwaja Sahib was paid
much kindness and favour toward me and he was given the
order to wear the dress. Upon saying this event Hazrat Eishan
was smiling in this matter. Then he said that “If he will, then he
will act upon it. Otherwise, the shroud is his dress.
One day before upon becoming a patient of this disease, he
said to one of his wives that “When his age will become 40
years then there will be happening a great event upon him. For
explaining this by joking, he went near, and he was shown his
palm and he said that this line which is there in his hand’s palm
and which is a sign of that event. All persons of the house
who was weeping. Hazrat Eishan was seen at him with such a
look which will be seen at the time of the farewell. He was seen
at his side and he was paid much attention and kindness
toward him. But on the face of Hazrat Eishan which as per his
habit, there was found a smile and surprise and it means was
that there was a surprise that you think among the group
of darwesh persons. But in this matter, you are weeping like
children. Then, with much kindness and affection, he took his
hand in his hands and he held for much time. And he touched
his hand on his mouth and head. In this last phase of illness
except for Khwaja Hussamuddin there was nobody among his
friends in his service of status. Even though Miya Shaikh Allah
Dawud who was near him. But by seeing weakness and illness
of Hazrat Eishan he was affected by weakness. So, for this
reason, he was unable to come to the service of Hazrat
Eishan.In short, he used to be present-day and night in the
service of Hazrat Eishan especially during the days of illness and
he used to be present at the meeting place. Except for him no
other friend who did not appoint for his service. As the place
was very tight. So for this reason friends who visit Hazrat
Eishan one by one and after visiting him leave from there. This
Fakir upon indication of those holy persons came outside. Oh,
Allah for the sake of those looks and due to cleanliness of
those timings and to this Fakir person who is endeavor in the
unsuccessful jungle and who is having the raw habit and have
his salvation, save him from bad ending. And due to favour and
kindness, forgive sins and mistakes and which done in the
company of the python who was brought up in the house and
making of the fraud of the wisdom in the gang in the company
Satan and soul and which are being done these sins and not
made to stop of the realization on the way of Allah.
In short, from the Saturday day when there was the time of
day left and he was engaged in reciting the names of the
personalty of Allah in loud sound. And in such condition, he has
left this mortal world after 2 or 3 parts of the day and he was
gone and settled down in the heavenly abode.
The End.