Implications: The Government Should Launch Existing Energy Programmes, Relax Small and

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Title: Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic large scale restriction on environment and UAE

Problem: The pandemic of COVID-19 shook the global economy, leaving much of the world's
population “impoverished”. This epidemic contributed to locks and massive precautionary
measures in many countries to control the pandemic. The pandemic shock positions the globe at
quarantine and has suspended economic activities that had an effect on resources and economic
efficiency. In addition, certain economic and social policy uncertainty were caused by the
pandemic. This is the brunt phenomenon in all regimes around the world.
Purpose: This research would assess the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on poverty
reduction and global GDP, taking into consideration the heterogeneous impacts of individual
countries in a panel study. The goal is to decode the economic and social influence on the world
Methodology: “” statistics is gathered, including total COVID-19
incidents, total deaths, strictness index, human growth index and per capita gross domestic
Results: the findings of study show that the stringency of many individuals and the disease shrinkage
have inverse impact on alleviation of poverty and growth of economy. However, both poverty
alleviation and economic development are optimistic for the deaths reported up to now. This
kind of improvement indicate the spirit of population control because it hinders the growth of
economy and alleviation of poverty.

Implications: The government should launch existing energy programmes, relax small and
medium-sized businesses with strict SOPs to secure employment and avoid potential loss of
GDP. The report further advises that policymakers invest in developing health and education and
develop their economies to generate more workers.

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