Medical Laboratory Notes
Medical Laboratory Notes
Medical Laboratory Notes
Phlebotomists must set high standards for themselves and they must be deeply
committed to quality health care delivery.The phlebotomist must notice and relay any
important information gathered during interaction with patients. Because the phlebotomy
technician works directly with the patient, he or she must also act as the "eyes and ears" of
the doctors, nurses and laboratory professionals. They must also be accurate, work well
under pressure and communicate effectively. Phlebotomy technicians must like challenge
and responsibility. Phlebotomy technicians:
2. 31. But, above all, they are deeply committed to their profession, and are truly fascinated by
all that science has to offer. For someone who chooses a career in the medical laboratory,
the exploration never ends.They set high standards for themselves and expect quality in
the work they do. They communicate well, both in writing and speaking. They are
accurate, reliable, work well under pressure and are able to finish a task once started. They
like challenge and responsibility. They are problem-solvers. Contd… NOTE: All medical
laboratory scientists have certain common characteristics.
3. 32. These are laboratory head and other staff having their own duties and responsibilities.In
a single medical laboratory at least there are two interlocking components of organizations.
The emphasis is on arrangements that enable peoples working together and accomplishing
common objectives in an efficient, planned and economic manner. Laboratory organization:
Organization: - is a system, an orderly structure, putting things together into a working order,
and making arrangements for undertakings that involve co-operations.
4. 33. Promoting health care by integrated health educationTo support primary health care in
investigating, controlling and preventing major diseases in the country. Structure of
medical/Clinical laboratory services: A laboratory service network consists of: 1. Community
based primary health care laboratory: Duties:
5. 34. Notify the district hospital at an early stage of any laboratory results of public health
importance and send specimens for confirmatory tests.Collect and refer specimens for
testing to the district laboratory. Assist health care worker in deciding the severity of a
patient’s conditions. Investigate by referral or testing on site, important diseases and health
problems affecting the local community. Such investigations usually include bacterial
diseases, parasitic diseases and other causes of illness. Contd… Main activities are to:
6. 35. Send an informative monthly report to the district hospital laboratory.Keep an inventory
of stocks and order supplies. Keep records, which can be used by health authorities in
health planning and for epidemiological purposes. Promote health cares and assists in
community health education Screen pregnant women for anemia, proteinuria, malaria, and
refer serum for antibody testing. Contd…
7. 36. Perform a range of tests relevant to the medical, surgical, and public health activities of
the district hospital.In addition to the works stated above, these laboratories have an
important role in supervising the work of the peripheral community based laboratories,
testing referred specimens, and performing a range of tests compatible with the work of
district hospital Main activities are to: 2.District hospital laboratory: Duties:
8. 37. Support the work of the community-based laboratories by testing referred specimens,
providing reagents, controls, standards, specimen containers, and other essential laboratory
supplies. And also visit each primary health care laboratory in their catchments area to
inspect and discuss the investigations being performed and, comment on their quality
assurance system, record keeping, safety procedures, as well as the status of equipment
9. 38. Prepare and send periodical reports to the regional laboratory.Participate in the external
quality assurance programme organized by the regional laboratory. Notify the regional
laboratory of any result of public health importance and to send specimens for confirmatory
tests. Refer specimens to the regional laboratory for test (s) that cannot be performed in
district laboratory. Contd…
10. 39. Prepare reagents, controls, standard solutions and others as found necessary;Operate
a regional blood transfusion center; In addition to the duties done at the two above lower
levels, the regional laboratory assists and supervises the district laboratories. It analyses
referred specimens and performs a range of specialized and other tests as required by the
work of the regional hospital. Main activities are to: 3.Regional hospital laboratory: Duties:
11. 40. Prepare periodical reports and send to the central and public health laboratory.Send
specimens that require special investigation to the central and public health laboratory;
Supervise and support the work of district laboratories; Investigate epidemics and perform
tests of public health importance in the region; Contd…
12. 41. Perform a range of special tests not normally undertaken in the regional laboratories
such as viral, histopathological, cytological, immunological, forensic and genetic
investigations.Formulate a professional code of conduct to medical laboratory personnel.
The central and public health laboratory is responsible for planning, advising and overall
coordinating of medical laboratory services in the region. Main activities are to: 4.Central
and public health laboratory: Duties:
13. 42. Communicate and collaborate with International Organizations in promoting laboratory
standards.Purchase supplies and equipments for the national laboratory service and
organize an efficient system of requisition, distribution, and maintenance of equipment.
Evaluate new technologies and standardize techniques. Carry out appropriate research of
importance in order to mitigate public health problems. Contd…
14. 43. Participate in the prompt laboratory investigation of epidemics and outbreaks of serious
illness among communities.Prepare training manuals for the different laboratory training
programmes. Organize refreshment training and seminars/ workshops for district and
primary health care laboratory personnel. Support the work of the regional hospital
laboratories. Organize laboratory-teaching seminars and prepare training manuals for the
different laboratory-training programmes. Contd…
15. 44. The name was changed to National Public Health Laboratory in 1991 with the mandate
for organizational and administration responsibilities for the health laboratory services (public
health and clinical diagnostic) in both public and private sectors throughout the country. It is
directly linked with different levels of 277 government laboratories in the country. It was
established in 1968 as Central Health Laboratory. National Public health Laboratory
(NPHL) is the government national reference laboratory under the Department of health
services (DoHS) and Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP). 1.Nepal Public Health
Laboratory (NPHL) Introduction:
16. 45. Currently, NPHL has facility of biosafety level (BSL) II lab with real time PCR (RT-PCR)
which is in use for testing viral load Networking, Licensing, monitoring, supervision,
capacity, strengthening and conducting research activities and NEQAS of the laboratories
are the major functions of NPHL. Contd… & To develop National Public Health Laboratory
as centre of excellence in diagnosis.Avain Influenza including Swine flu. Vision:
17. 46. To address the diagnostic needs due to emerging and re-emerging diseases.To
develop NPHL a national reference laboratory for diagnostic and public health services.
Extend laboratory services in all hospital and health case institution upto PHC level. To
provide quality laboratory services (diagnostic and public health related) to the people of
Nepal through central, Regional, Sub-regional, Zonal, District and PHC based laboratories.
Goal: Contd… Mission:
18. 47. To assist the laboratory in introducing specialized tests by NPHL.To practice Good
Laboratory practice (GLP) by all the laboratories in the country. To procure quality
equipment and reagents according to the need. To strengthen overall capacity of health
laboratory services through NEQAS and supervision and monitoring. To introduce new
technology for specified test not available at other laboratories To upgrade and introduce
new facilities at NPHL. Contd… Objectives:
19. 48. We achieve our mandate by regulating the health professions in Nepal in aspects
pertaining to registration, education and training, professional conduct and ethical behavior,
ensuring continuing professional development, and fostering compliance with healthcare
standards.We are committed to serving and protecting the public and providing guidance to
registered healthcare practitioners. Nepal Health Professional Council is an autonomous
body established in terms of the Act No. 30 of the year 2053 (1997 A.D). 2.Nepal Health
Professional Council (NHPC) Introduction:
20. 49. A Health Professional Council is hereby established for the operation of health services
in a systematic manner and registration of the names of health professional according to the
qualifications.Contd… Mission:
21. 50. To determine the qualifications of health professionals and to provide for the registration
of the names of health professionals having required qualifications.To determine the
curricula, terms of admission and policies on examination system of educational institutions
imparting teaching and learning on health profession and evaluate and review the related
matters. To make necessary policies for smoothly operating the health profession related
activities. Contd… Functions, duties and powers of Council:
22. 51. The presence of fifty percent members of the total number of members of the Council
shall be deemed to constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Council.The meeting of the
Council shall be presided over by the chairperson; and in the absence of the chairperson, it
shall be presided over by the person selected by the members present at the meeting from
amongst themselves. The Council shall normally hold its meeting three times a year; and
the chairperson may, if he/she considers necessary, call meetings more times. The Council
shall meet as prescribed by the chairperson. Contd… Meeting and Decision of Council:
23. 52. Other procedures relating to the meeting of the Council shall be as determined by the
Council itself.The allowances and other facilities receivable by the members for attending
the meeting shall be as prescribed. The decisions of the Council shall be authenticated by
the registrar. A majority opinion shall prevail at the meeting of the Council. In the event of a
tie, the person presiding over the meeting may exercise the casting vote. Contd…
24. 53. The provisions functions, duties and powers, and other procedures relating to the
meeting of, the committee to be formed pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as specified by
the Council. The Council may, for the implementation of its decisions, form various thematic
committees, as prescribed. The Council may, as per necessity, delegate its powers to the
chairperson, any member or any committee of members, as prescribed. Committees:
Contd… Delegation of powers:
25. 54. On 12 April 1991 (29 Chaitra 2047 BS), the committee was developed into the Nepal
Health Research Council, a statutory and autonomous body as promulgated by the Nepal
Health Research Council Act No. 129 of the year 1991 of NG. With the consent of the
Council of Ministers pursuant of Article 129 of the constitution of the government of Nepal,
1990 enacted the NHRC.It started as Nepal Health Research Committee under the Ministry
of Health, chaired by the Secretary of Health in 1982 AD (BS 2039). The Nepal Health
Research Council (NHRC) was developed as an example of commitment of Nepal
Government (NG) Nepal to promote scientific study and quality research in health in Nepal.
3.Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) About NHRC:
26. 55. To acquire information about studies, researchers and works on variTo conduct
programs relating to consultancy service and information in order to make the study and
activities relating to health more useful, and To do or cause to do study and research on
problems in the field of health being encountered or likely to be encountered in future.
Contd… Objectives: ous problems relating to health in the world and inform it to HMG from
time to time.
27. 56. To undertake studies on prevention, diagnosis, treatment of disease and ailments.To
undertake research on health system, including, biomedical, behavioral and other related
health sciences. To formulate National health research policy and give a definite direction
for the promotion, aspects of health in Nepal. To do or cause to do study and research in
the various fields relating to health within the republic of Nepal subject to the health policy of
Nepal government. Contd… Functions, Duties and Right of the Council:
28. 57. To publish and publicize the know how experiences and the results of research relating
national and international levels.To co-ordinate, guide and evaluate research works related
to health and make appropriate recommendation. To give consent for study and research in
subjects related to health, to determine authenticity and recommended to Nepal government.
To specify the priority sectors of study and research relating to health. Contd…
29. 58. To strength the research capability through training.To keep records of research
relating to health. To provide travel grant to those researchers who is going to present a
paper in international conference/ congress/seminar. To provide outstanding as well as
young research award to the most deserving researchers of the country. To give consent to
carry out some part of the research in a foreign country if there is no facility to carry out such
research within the kingdom of Nepal. Contd…
30. 59. Our leadership in education, advocacy and collaboration helps lab professionals adapt to
change and do what they do best: provide vital insight and guidance so patients get the care
they need. AACC’s Vision: Better health and healthcare through laboratory medicine.
AACC’s Mission: AACC provides global leadership in advancing the practice and profession
of clinical laboratory science and medicineAACC is a global scientific and medical
professional organization dedicated to clinical laboratory science and its application
to healthcare. 4.American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Introduction:
31. 60. In the context of current trends, the new plan stays true to the association’s vision and
mission, maintaining a focus on constant priorities even while extending the plan's strategies
to ensure AACC meets the needs of the full breadth of professionals in today’s laboratory
medicine environment.The 2016-2018 plan builds upon the previous plan and the
successes realized as a result of unwavering commitment to executing that plan. The result
of an intense process, the 2013-2015 plan included five goal areas and 19 strategies to
guide the association’s activities as it worked to advance its mission. AACC has made
tremendous progress in implementing its previous Strategic Plan, set in place in 2013.
Contd… AACC Strategic Plan 2016-2018
32. 61. Goal Area 2: ScienceGoal Area 1: Member Community Provide a meaningful and rich
member experience in which laboratory medicine professionals can network, collaborate,
and connect to the larger laboratory medicine community Contd… AACC’s strategic plan
set goals for innovation, growth, and influence in five areas: & Goal Area 3:
ContentInnovation Advance new knowledge in laboratory medicine and its application to
healthcare to improve patient outcomes & Education Provide contemporary and cutting-
edge information to enhance knowledge in the field of laboratory medicine for the
advancement of patient care and improved health outcomes
33. 62. Goal Area 4: AdvocacyContd… & Goal Area 5: ResourcesInfluence Enhance
awareness of the value of laboratory medicine and of the unique knowledge of clinical
laboratory experts, and advocate for policies that affect the field and improve the
professional lives of AACC members & Capacity Strengthen and expand the association’s
financial resources to ensure continued vitality and growth and ensure its infrastructure and
governance align with its goals.
34. 63. A year later, in Stockholm, it was resolved to change the name to the InternatThis was
accomplished on July 24, 1952, at the Second International Congress of Biochemistry in
Paris, by the formation of the International Association of Clinical Biochemists. In 1952,
Professor E J King of the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London suggested that the
then emerging national societies of clinical chemistry should organize into an international
body under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
5.International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) and Laboratory Medicine History of
the IFCC: ional Federation of Clinical Chemistry, and this was formally adopted at the next
meeting which took place in 1955 in Brussels.
35. 64. providing a series of congresses, conferences and focussed meetings in order for
laboratory medicine specialists to meet and present original findings and best
practice. supporting its members through scientific and educational endeavour, and global
standard setting in collaboration with other international organizations, As such it has a
range of roles that includes: The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and
Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) is a worldwide, non-political organization for clinical chemistry
and laboratory medicine. Contd… Introduction:
36. 65. Through leadership and innovation in science and education we will strive to enhance
the scientific level and the quality of diagnosis and therapy for patients throughout the
world.Our mission is to be the leading organization in the field of Clinical Chemistry and
Laboratory Medicine worldwide. The initial objectives of the Federation were to "advance
knowledge and promote the interests of biochemistry in its clinical (medical) aspects".
Mission: Contd… Objectives:
37. 66. We will hold outstanding congresses and conferences to bring the efforts of IFCC to the
global community.We will focus always on scientific standards, publications, education and
communications. We will aim to communicate effectively with our members, other
healthcare providers and the public to ensure knowledge of our excellent scientific and
educational achievements. We will build on the professionalism of our members to provide
quality services to patients. Contd…