Iqac Aspire2020 25 112020
Iqac Aspire2020 25 112020
Iqac Aspire2020 25 112020
Revised Guidelines
Savitribai Phule Pune University
(Formerly University of Pune)
Savitribai Phule Pune University started a research grant scheme in the year 2006, initially
with the name ‘BCUD Research Project Scheme’, with initial budgetary provision of Rs.5
Crore. The scheme was aimed at providing initial seed funding to budding researcher
teachers, so as to develop their confidence to apply for larger funding to various funding
agencies outside. Subsequent to an overview of the functioning and performance of the
scheme over last 12 years, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor constituted an Advisory Committee
under the Chairmanship of Prof. S. Ananthakrishnan to frame the guidelines, monitoring
processes and scrutinize the proposals. The Advisory Committee recommended a need to
restructure the scheme with following purpose:
a) To develop a systematic mechanism for tracking the performance of the scheme, both
at individual proposal level and at gross level.
b) To make the process of approval of the proposal transparent and strictly on merit
involving national level subject experts for scrutiny and assessment of the
p r op os al s .
c) To develop a mechanism to monitor progress of the proposals periodically against
stated goals.
Based on the recommendations of the Committee, following revised guidelines are hereby
being issued for the restructured scheme.
With a purpose of broadening the footprint of the novel initiative as well as to provide for
intrinsic accountability and outcome-orientation, the scheme is hereby being revised and
restructured as per the guidelines here. The scheme has been renamed as ‘Assistance by SPPU
for Project-based Innovative Research’ with its acronym ASPIRE.
The scheme aims at promotion of research culture in the affiliated institutions and recognized
institutes in closer collaboration with the university campus. It also intends to provide
guidance, mentorship and financial assistance to young teachers so as to nurture them as
researchers in the near future. The scheme shall identify talented researchers with proven
track record and support them to realize their innovative and original research ideas into
impactful research outcome.
Through this scheme, the university shall strive to develop a research ecosystem for university
departments, affiliated colleges and recognized institutes where every competent and willing
researcher shall be given opportunity for furtherance of his/her research interests. The
scheme will enable close interaction with industry and society to develop useful technologies
and intellectual properties.
Funding for individual proposal shall not exceed Rs. 3 Lakhs for subjects in Science/
Engineering/Pharmacy and Rs. 2 Lakhs for all other disciplines, based on the realistic
requirements of the proposal. Duration of the project shall be maximum two years.
All eligible teachers (Regular Full Time Approved/Appointed) may submit their applications
ONLINE in the prescribed proforma available on the University website. Before submitting
the proposal to the University, the HoD/Principal/Director of concerned University
Department/Affiliated College/Recognized Institute should assess the proposal with a
certificate that the proposed research work conforms to the guidelines. The downloaded three
(3) copies of the same duly forwarded by the HoD/Principal/Director of concerned University
Department/Affiliated College/Recognized Institute should be brought at the time of
a. Online applications for the scheme shall be invited in the prescribed proforma along with
necessary documents.
b. Every proposal shall include a two-page synopsis of the proposal in English language
clearly stating objectives, methods and deliverables of the project.
c. Every proposal shall be scanned for plagiarism wherever possible and proposals not
complying with the UGC guidelines in this regard shall be rejected.
d. The University shall decide on the number of proposals to be selected in the year
e. A suitable screening process through multistage selection and / or evaluation will be
evolved by the University depending on the number of proposals received.
a. It shall be mandatory for every Principal Investigator (PI) to submit a six-monthly progress
report to the university in the prescribed format.
b. At the end of first year, the PI shall make a presentation before the expert committee,
whose decision regarding continuation of financial assistance shall be final.
c. Along with third six-monthly progress report, it shall be mandatory for the PI to submit at
least preliminary draft of a paper that will be later prepared for publication at the end of
the project in a UGC-referred journal.
d. At the completion of the project i.e. after two years, every candidate shall submit a project
completion report to the university in the prescribed format within one month from the
date of completion of two years. Along with the completion report, the PI shall submit a
full draft of the paper that is planned to be published.
e. The University shall recommend appropriate action in case the research work is not found
satisfactory and/or any unethical practices are noticed.
The University will provide financial support for the items like Equipment, Books, Hiring
Services, Contingency, Chemicals and Consumables, Travel and fieldwork. The applicant
shall submit budget head wise expenditure plan.
Non-Recurring Grants
Equipment /Books.
Recurring Grants
i) This is meant for specialized technical work, such as sample analysis, for which the
University Department /Affiliated College/Recognized Institute either has no
infrastructure or such services are available on payment basis.
ii) However, if such services are availed for the purpose of collection of data,
preparation of questionnaire/ schedule or report writing except for routine
administrative work. Such person may be paid remuneration @ maximum Rs.200/-
per day. The expenses shall be sanctioned to appropriate limit only on the production of
record regarding daily work done by the hired person datewise.
(b) Contingency
i) The admissible contingency grant may be utilized on spares for apparatus, photo-stat
copies and microfilms, typing, stationary, postage, computation and printing needed for
the project.
ii) Expenses to the maximum limit of Rs.3,000/- shall be permitted for purchase of Pen
Drive (Max. 2) Toner refilling and printing and binding, photocoping etc.
iii) Expenditure towards the audit fee can also be claimed under contingency head.
Assistance may be provided for any other special requirement in connection with the
project which is not covered under any other ‘Budget Head’ of the scheme with the prior
approval of the University at the time of sanctioning the project. (Justification should be
submitted separately).
To meet expenditure on chemicals, glassware and other consumable items required for
the project.
i) The amount allocated under the head travel/field work is to be utilized for data
collection and collection of other information within the scope of the ongoing project.
ii) Travel allowance shall be admissible only for travel made by road/rail public
transport. No DA shall be admissible.
iv) Travel expenses for visits/discussion to/with the expert, to purchase books,
equipment or to visit Research Institutions, Libraries, Museum, attending conferences,
seminars, workshops and training courses etc. shall not be permissible under the
project grant.
(f) Re-Appropriation
The Principal Investigator may request to the University for re-appropriation of the
recurring grant allocated under each head along with the justifications only at the end of
first year.
4. As per the Indian Stamp Act, revenue stamp shall be affixed for all the receipts
above Rs.5000/-.
5. While carrying out purchases from the sanctioned grant, exemption of Goods and
Services Tax available for research purpose shall be obtained.
6. Every purchase shall be recorded in appropriate stock register i.e. Dead Stock
Register or Consumable Stock Register.
7. Stock entry number shall be recorded on each and every bill along with seal and
signature of the Principal/Director/HoD of the affiliated college/recognized
institute/University Department.
8. While purchasing Books, discount for academic purpose shall be obtained.
9. Books should be recorded in the accession register and entry number shall be
recorded on the bill with signature of the Librarian/In-charge of the Library and
the Principal/Director/HoD of the affiliated college /recognized institute/
University Department.
10. Purchase of any equipment required for research shall not be purchased by
combining grants sanctioned to more than one teacher without prior written
permission of the University.
11. Audited statement of accounts and Utilization Certificate shall be produced in the
Audit Camp organized by the Finance and Accounts Department of the University
through Academic and Research Co-ordinator of the college/recognized institute
12. Admissible budget for various budget heads shall be as below:
13. Purchase of Computer, Laptop or spare parts i.e., Mother Board, DVD Writer, Hard
disk, RAM, Anti-virus etc., Mobile Hand Set, DVD Player, Micro-Oven, Home
theatre, Mixer, Camera, Handycam, Printer, Scanner, Refrigerator, Book Rack,
Furniture and such other appliances / material shall not be permitted.
14. Expenditure on membership/subscription of any services as well as expenses for
filing patents/publication charges shall not be permitted.
15. If field work or data collection is a part of the research project, daily expenses on
daily allowances of the person hired for the purpose shall not be more than Rs. 200/-
per day. The expenses shall be sanctioned only on the production of record
mentioned regarding daily work done by the hired person.
16. If researcher is transferred to other college/institute or opted for new employment,
within the jurisdiction of the University she/he shall communicate the change
immediately to the University along with NOC from both colleges/institutes.
17. In case the Principal Investigator leaves the project due to unforeseen circumstances,
the Co-Investigator could be considered as the Principal Investigator subject to
approval of the Principal Investigator, HoD/Principal/Director of the University
Department/College/Institute concerned.
18. The project stands terminated in the absence of the P.I./Co-Investigator for a
continuous period of six months without intimation to the University. In such a case
the College/Institute shall be required to refund the entire amount to the University
19. Prior approval of the University shall be obtained for carrying out consultancy based
on the project.
20. Distribution of the Consultancy charges so received shall be done as per the
University rules.
21. University shall not take any liability (Financial/Life) of persons engaged for hiring
22. If researcher files patent application on the basis of research done through project
sanctioned and funded by the University, it should be mandatorily disclosed.
23. On the non-production of financial reports as required by the University, grants
sanctioned to the project along with interest @ 10% p.a. shall be recovered from the
college/Institute. University shall have right to recover such dues from any amount due
to College/Institute under any other scheme of the University.
24. Researcher shall not use outcome of the research project for any commercial purpose
without written prior permission of the University.
25. The final decision will be taken by the University authorities on the basis of
recommendations made by the Committee and the availability of funds under the
i. The amount released shall be spent according to the approved heads/items within
the approved allocation mentioned in sanction letter.
ii. After one year from the date of implementation of the project the University will
organize Mid-term evaluation interface meeting wherein PI will present the
progress of the project before the subject experts.
On the basis of recommendations of the experts, progress report, expenditure
statement and utilization certificate, the University will release the 35% of the total
sanctioned amount (70% of Balance amount) recurring and non-recurring grant as
the Second installment.
iii. If the Non-Recurring grant is not utilized before Mid-term Evaluation meeting,
prior permission may be obtained from the University.
iv. Remaining 15% of the total sanctioned amount (30% of Balance amount) will be
released on receipt of following completion documents as final reimbursement.
v. The final report of the project should be uploaded on IQAC portal of University
website and a Certificate of the same duly signed and stamped by the
HoD/Principal/Director of concerned University Department/Affiliated
College/Recognized Institute.
vi. It is mandatory to post the FINAL REPORT and Executive summary of the report,
Research documents, monograph, academic papers provided under Research
Project on the website of the University. A Certificate of the same duly signed and
stamped by the HoD/Principal/Director of concerned University
Department/Affiliated College/Recognized Institute.
vii. A consolidated audited item–wise detailed statement of expenditure incurred during
the complete project period duly signed and sealed by Chartered Accountant,
HoD/Principal/Director of concerned University Department/Affiliated College/
Recognized Institute well as the Principal Investigator in the prescribed proforma.
viii. A consolidated audited detailed statement of travel and fieldwork during the
complete project period duly signed and sealed by Chartered Accountant, HoD /
Principal /Director of concerned University Department /Affiliated College /
Recognized Institute as well as the Principal Investigator in the prescribed
ix. The unutilized grant if any should be refunded immediately through RTGS / Online
Transfer directly in favour of the Finance and Accounts Officer, Savitribai Phule
Pune University, Pune-411007.
x. The Principal Investigators/HoD/Principal/Director of concerned University
Department/ Affiliated College/Recognized Institute is expected to settle the
accounts immediately on completion of the project. In case the balance grant, if
any, is not claimed within six months from the date of completion of the project,
the same will lapse and no representation will be entertained on this behalf.
a) After finalization of the selection procedure of the Research projects the names of
the selected PI will be posted on the University website. The PI should check their
names and send their acceptance certificate duly forwarded by the
HoD/Principal/Director of concerned University Department/Affiliated
College/Recognized Institute immediately, to enable the University to send the
approval/sanction letters.
b) Any Principal Investigator, who wants to go on any assignment outside the country
not exceeding three months, in the absence of Principal Investigator Co-Investigator
may act as Principal Investigator.
d) If a Principal Investigator fails to complete the project, he/she has to refund the entire
amount disbursed with interest @ 10% per annum.
f) Teacher will be eligible to avail the benefit of same scheme again after 5 years, from
completion of the prior project.
Annexure - I
Annexure – II
Savitribai Phule Pune University
(Formerly University of Pune)
Project No.:
1. The research project is not being supported by any other funding agency.
2. The terms and conditions related to the grant are acceptable to the Principal Investigator and
University Department/Affiliated College/Recognized Institute.
3. At present, I have no research project approved by University or any other funding agency
and the accounts for the previous project, if any, have been settled. The details of the earlier
research project are as under:
Project No.
Project Title:
(i) Applicants date of birth:
(ii) Age:
Annexure - III
Savitribai Phule Pune University
(Formerly University of Pune)
4. Project Title:_______________________________________________________________
5. Effective date of starting the project
6. a. Period of Expenditure: From ______________ To __________________
b. Details of Expenditure
1. If as a result of audit objection some irregularity is noticed at later date, action may be
taken to refund, adjust or regularize the objected amounts.
2. It is certified that the grant of Rs.__________(Rupees___________________________only)
received from the University under the scheme of Assistance by SPPU for Project-based
Innovative Research (ASPIRE) entitled _____________________________________________
vide University letter No. __________________dated has been fully utilized for
the purpose for which it was sanctioned and in accordance with the terms and conditions laid
down by the University.
Name of the Place Duration of the Visit Mode of Journey Expenditure Incurred
visited (Rs.)
From To
Certified that the above expenditure is in accordance with the University norms for Assistance
by SPPU for Project-based Innovative Research (ASPIRE).
Annexure - V
Utilization certificate
Chartered Accountant
Annexure – VI
Annual/Final Report of the work done on the Assistance by SPPU for Project-based
Innovative Research (ASPIRE).
2. Project No.
7. Grant approved and expenditure incurred during the period of the report:
ii. Work done so far and results achieved and publications, if any, resulting from the work
(Give details of the papers and names of the journals in which it has been published or
accepted for publication)
iii. Has the progress been according to original plan of work and towards achieving
the objective if not, state reasons
iv. Please indicate the difficulties, if any, experienced in implementing the project _______
v. If project has not been completed, please indicate the approximate time by which it is
likely to be completed. A summary of the work done for the period (Annual basis) may
please be sent to the University on a separate sheet.
vi. On completion of research project, the PI/Co-Investigator should submit final report (in
the format provided) to the University within three months.
vii. Any other information which would help in evaluation of work done on the project. At
the completion of the project, the first report should indicate the output, such as
(a) Manpower trained (b) Ph. D. awarded (c) Publications (d) Patents (e) Technology
Transfer (f) other impact, if any.
Annexure –VII
Savitribai Phule Pune University
(Formerly University of Pune)
14. Summary of the findings (in 500 words) (attach separate sheet)
16. Whether any Ph.D. enrolled / produced out of the project: _________
17. No. of publications/patents/technology transfer out of the project (attach separate sheet)
Annexure – VIII
Annexure – IX
Savitribai Phule Pune University
(Formerly University of Pune)
It is certified that the final report of Support for Assistance by SPPU for Project-based
Innovative Research (ASPIRE) titled ____________________________________________
by Dr./Prof.____________________ of Dept. of __________________________________
has been assessed by the committee consisting the following members for final submission
of the report to the University under the scheme of Support for Assistance by SPPU for
Project-based Innovative Research (ASPIRE).
Name of Expert:
Name of Expert:
Name of Expert:
It is certified that the final report has been uploaded on Support for Assistance by SPPU for
Project-based Innovative Research (ASPIRE) portal on __________________________.
It is also certified that final report, Executive summary of the report, Research documents,
monograph academic papers provided under Research Project have been posted on the
website of the University.