Sinayawan Central School: Objectives Means of Verifications Description of Mov Presented Annotations

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1. Applies knowledge of Lesson Plans/modified DLLs The MOV presented was a lesson In this lesson, the teacher integrated knowledge within
content within and across developed highlighting integration that showed integration of and across subject areas such as:
curriculum teaching areas of content knowledge within and knowledge of content ESP, Aralin o ESP- The teacher asked the learners of what they
across subject areas. Panlipunan, English, Arts, Heath can do to help their people during the COVID-19
Science pandemic.
o Aralin Panlipunan- The teacher emphasized the
importance of the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act
(RA11469) to the country in today's pandemic
o English – The learners read and analysed the
problem solving given by the teacher and
presented it on the board.
o Health – The teacher cited the possible ways to
prevent the spread of COVID-19.
o Science – The teacher briefly discussed the
functions and importance of trees in helping to
reduce climate change, flooding, erosion, and
2. Plan and deliver teaching Lesson plans/modified DLLs The MOV presented showed o The teacher will create a cooperative group learning
strategies that are developed using strategies that are strategies that are responsive to through forming small groups of students within the
responsive to the special responsive to the special education the special education needs of class grouped according to their level.
education needs of learners needs of learners in difficult learners in difficult o Teacher will be able to set high but alternative
in difficult circumstances, circumstances, including circumstances, including expectations and assessments which are suitable for
including geographic geographic isolation; chronic geographic isolation; chronic the students.
isolation; chronic illness; illness; displacement due to armed illness; displacement due to o Teacher must be able to modify activities and include
displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or armed conflict, urban resettlement all students in the lesson.
conflict, urban resettlement disasters; child abuse and child or disasters; child abuse and child o Teacher will modify how many items the students to
or disasters; child abuse and labour practices. labour practices. learn to finish.
child labour practices. o Students will be given more time for learning,
completing a task, or taking a test.
o Teacher will give minimal or intensive assistance and
support for students with special needs.
o The teacher will apply direct and differentiated
instruction to accommodate students.
3. Selects, develops, Lesson plan/modified DLLs with Multimedia and pictures used in The teacher will present the lesson in power point to
organizes, and uses appropriate instructional materials COT appropriate for the lesson engage the student in the learning process. Also, the
appropriate teaching and appended. teacher will use the Play Kahoot, an online quiz-based
learning resources, games, to test the mastery of the past lesson.
including ICT, to address
learning goals

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 1

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