Published PDF Paper: European Journal of Engineering Research and Science December 2018
Published PDF Paper: European Journal of Engineering Research and Science December 2018
Published PDF Paper: European Journal of Engineering Research and Science December 2018
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1 author:
K. Pandey
University of Lucknow
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DOI: 67
EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2018
mass fractions, the particle volume fraction may become temperature, pressure , specific heat at constant pressure and
sufficiently large, so that it may be included into flow at constant volume p , u p , Tp , C , are particle
analysis without introducing significant error. Since the concentration, velocity, temperature, specific heat and
particles may be considered as incompressible in particle volume fraction and A is duct area.. A comma
comparison with the gas, the particle volume fraction enters followed by an index implies partial differentiation with
into the basic flow equations as an additional variable. The respect to that index.
interesting properties of such two phase flows is that even Equation of state in present case can be written as,
equilibrium flows cannot be treated as perfect gas flows.
There are many engineering problems in which dilute phase
m RmT
of gas particles is a good approximation of actual p ,
conditions. In such cases due to the existence of solid 1
particles in the gas, properties of mixture differ significantly
from those of gas alone. Such types of studies have where, m (1 )(1 ) is density of mixture and
numerous applications in underground explosion [20], [21]. Rm (1 ) R is effective gas constant for mixture , ,
In present paper Re-reflection effect on shock waves in being mass flow ratio and mass flow rate respectively.
two phase flows through a tube of variable cross section is Using above equation of state, (1) to (4) can be re-written
considered when particle volume fraction appeared as an in the following form,
additional variable. Firstly, Re-reflection effects on shock
wave in a tube of variable cross section is obtained and u (1 )
secondly, one dimensional area relation for a non-uniform, (1 ) ,t u (1 ) , x u, x A, x 0 , (5)
steady flow ahead of a shock is obtained and concluded that A
all the results are valid for the case when direction of the
shock motion and the gas flow ahead of the shock is same.
u,t uu, x p, 0 , (6)
(1 )(1 ) x
We consider one dimensional formulation for flow in a p,t up, x ae 2 { ,t u , x } 0 , (7)
tube of a given cross-sectional area A, where
A(x)=A0=constant, in x < 0, and the shock is initially
moving in this section with a constant Mach number. We ,t u , x u, x A, x 0 , (8)
consider that the shock is to be produced by a piston moving A
with appropriate constant speed far back in the uniform
section. The piston is still providing the thrust to keep the
where a 2 p m and (1 ) with C are
shock moving, but there are no changes due to this and the e
m (1 ) m
(1 ) Cp
changes are entirely due to the cross-sectional area. Though
equilibrium sound speed and ratio of specific heats for
the flow is not strictly one dimensional but if the cross
section does not vary too rapidly, the equations obtained by
averaging across the tube will provide a good approximation
of one dimensional flow. Thus equations governing the
motion are given by Rudinger [8],
Conservation of mass, momentum and energy for two
A( p ),t ( uA), x ( p u p A), x 0 , (1) phase flows when equilibrium is established eventually and
particle volume fraction is taken as an additional variable
are given by Rudinger [22],
(u,t uu, x ) p (u p ,t uu p , x ) p, x 0 , (2)
(1 ) uA (1 0 ) 0 u0 A m , (9)
u2 up
A CvT p CTp p u p A 0 p u0 A m ,
2 2 (10)
u2 (3)
mu mu p Ap m(1 )u0 Ap0 ,
uA C pT (11)
0 ,
u 2
u2 u 2p p
u A p CT p C p T CTp
p , x
p p p
2 2 p (12)
u02 p
A ,t ( A u), x 0 , (4) (1+ ) (C p C )T0 0 ,
2 p
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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2018
u u p ue and p2 p3 2 m
At equilibrium, we can write
M 2 M 02 , (25)
T Tp Te thus (9) to (12) reduces to following set of p1 m 1
where subscript e is dropped out for convenience.
(1 e ) e ue A (1 0 ) 0u0 A m , (13)
e ue A 0u0 A m , (14) If a shock wave moves along a channel (or tube) with a
small area change, the shock itself and the flow behind it are
m(1 )ue Ape m(1 )u0 Ap0 , (15) perturbed. Chisnell [1] and Whitham [2] have considered
such a type of problem separately using different methods.
But in their methods re-reflected disturbances generated by
ue 2 p
(1 ) (C p C )Te e non-uniformity behind the shock is not considered. Milton
2 e (16) [5] has modified the method of Whitham [2] by taking into
u0 p account the interaction term. He has described the flow
(1 ) (C p C )T0 0 . pattern of the motion of a shock wave through a slowly
2 0
varying cross sectional area of tube as follows:
Shock conditions in present case are given by following
set of equations
ue ( m 1) M e 2 2 2 0 ( M e 2 1)
, (17)
u0 ( m 1) M e 2
e uo
, (18)
0 ue
Fig. 1. Milton’s Description
e (1 0 ) u0
, (19)
0 (1 e ) ue The incident shock is disturbed by the flow behind it and
a reflected shock, contact surface and Mach stem are formed
pe u (u ue )(1 )(1 o ) (Fig 1). In (Fig. 1) line 32 follows characteristic C+, but due
1 0 0 to the interaction of the reflected shock and the contact
p0 a0 2 (20) surface values along it differ from those given by Whitham
2 ( M 2 1) [2].
1 m e ,
( m 1) Calculation of Correction term
In Fig. 1 line 31 is not a characteristic but connects and
where subscript e denotes the quantities when equilibrium is
arbitrary point 3 in the region just prior to the formation of
the reflected shock to point 1. Thus according to Milton [5],
For present case moving shock relations are given by
the correction term on the shock front can be written as:
following equations
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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2018
d d d d
ds 3
d 2 3 ,
ds ds
0 .
dp 3 d log A 3
At point 2, it is assumed that variation in the s direction
can be approximated by variations in the shock front
1 ua
2 2
( )dp and = ( )d (log A) . (30) direction, hence Rankine-Hugoniot conditions on the shock
s a 3
s ua front can be used to evaluate (33) or (34) and (35).
Thus under strong shock conditions we have,
At either end of 2 or 3, the line represents a true
characteristic and hence characteristic identity holds, thus 1 ( m 1) 21 1 dM
d 2 d 3 are equal to zero. In the undisturbed case ( p2 p3 ) (36)
and 2 2 m 1 a1 M 2 ds
ds ds
d 0 or 0 ,holds for whole line23, which imply that and
and also vanish. But in the disturbed case, and 2a1
are not equal to zero, hence correction term or interaction ( m 1)
term is generated and can be given as, (37)
{2 m ( m 1 21 )}1/2 m ( m 1 21 )
[{2 m ( m 1 21 )}1/2 2]2
( d )12 ( ) ds (31)
A2 dM
log ,
or, A3 ds
d 1 4 p1 m MdM
( ) dp2 , (40)
dp s a (34) m 1
1 a 1
( 2) ( 2 )
a s a s 1 a1 M
2 a2 , (41)
d ua
( )
d log A s u a (35) ( m 1) M 2 2 2 0 ( M 2 1)
a u
= .
u2 ( ) a2 ( ) 2 m M 2 ( m 1)
s s .
(u a) 2
Substituting values from (21)-(24) and Relations (39)–(41),
in (32) it reduces into following equation,
The quantities given by (34) and (35) can be evaluated in
the region upstream of the reflected shock and at the main
shock front. As at point 3,
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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2018
dA M
dM , p1 ( m 1) 2 ( m 1)
( M 1) g ( M ) M
1 1
A , (48)
1 m {( m 1) 21 } 1/2
=. (1 1 ) u1 u1 a1 ( 1) 2
2 m 2 1 1 m 1 , (49)
aT a1 aT 2
M0 2
1 1 A
(1 2 ) log 0
M (1 ) 2 A dA (12 1) d1 (50)
A ( m 1)1 1
and 1
g (M )
1 1
2 (1 1 ) 1 2
where pT and aT are stagnation parameters , 1 is the
(1 1 ) M flow Mach number in the region ahead of the shock.
2(1 1 ) 1 2 With help of (45) and (48) we have,
1 21 p2
m (51)
and (42) represents the variation of area of tube when
m 1 2 m 1
pT T (1 ) M2 m ,
interaction term is included.
m 1 m 1
( m 1) 2
In this section for originally steady two phase flows, one T (1 ) 1 1 .
dimensional area relation for a non-uniform, steady flow
ahead of a shock is considered when moving shock is Differentiating above equation we have,
propagating through a varying cross sectional area of tube or
channel. The compatible relation along the positive dp2
characteristics behind moving shock is given by,
2 m ( 1)
m pT M2 m
2 a22 u2 dA ( m 1) ( m 1)
dp2 2 a2 du2 0 (43)
2 m 1
u2 a2 A
m 1
T (1 ) 1 d1
or, 4 m m
pT T (1 ) m 1 MdM .
( m 1)
dp2 du dA
2 2 2 0 . (44)
m p2 u2 2 1 A Thus from (51) and (52),we have,
where, subscript 2 represents the state behind the moving dp2 4MdM d
1 1 . (53)
shock , is the flow Mach number behind the moving m p2 [2 m M ( m 1)] T (1 )
p2 p1 2 m 2( M 2 1)
( M 2 1) , (45) u2 aT T (1 ) 1/2 1 . (54)
p1 m 1 ( m 1) M
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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2018
2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
u2 M
( m 1) M 2 1
1 1 T (1 )
(56) 0.1
2 ( m 1) M d
S ( m 1) 2 1 0, 0, g (M ) 7.43
1 T (1 ) 1
2 2 1 0, 0, g (M ) 6.43
1 2 dM
S ( m 1) M 0.3
0, 0, g (M ) 5.43
2( M 2 1) A
S S ( M ,1 ) 1 .
( m 1) M Fig 1. A graph between the Mach number M and Area A for different
values of g(M)
where, 2.85
when the direction of the shock motion is same as that of the 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
gas flow ahead of the shock, G>0.
Above relation shows that for supersonic flow ahead of 1
0, 0
the shock in case of varying cross-sectional area of tube,
dA > 0, d 1 > 0, dM > 0 and dA < 0, d 1 < 0, dM < 0.
0, 0.25
For subsonic flow dA > 0, d 1 < 0, dM < 0 and dA <0 , d 1 2
0, 0.65
> 0, dM > 0.
Above conclusion is valid only under the condition that 0, 0.85
the shock wave and the flow ahead of it have same
2.85, 0
2.85, 0.25
2.85, 0.65 A
5 2.85, 0.85
Fig 3. A graph between the Mach number M and Area A for different
values of particle volume fraction ε and δ for fix g(M)=5.43
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Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2018
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Author is grateful to UGC for providing financial (1960).
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DOI: 73