Highlights High Five - June 2021
Highlights High Five - June 2021
Highlights High Five - June 2021
Nora, age 4,
Pennsylvania (recipe
from January 2021)
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JUNE 2021
Let’s Play!
Find this
hidden ruler!
Pages 10–11
help support children’s optimism. In “Playing Catch” (pages 6–9), Tex and Highlights for Children, Inc.,
1800 Watermark Drive,
his best friend Niko demonstrate optimism when they turn a mishap into a P.O. Box 269, Columbus, OH 43216-0269.
Copyright © 2021, Highlights for Children, Inc.
new game. They’re not deterred when things don’t go as planned—they see All rights reserved.
Highlights High Five is published monthly.
opportunity and find joy in something new. Cover price: $5.99
ISSN 1943-1465 (print) • ISSN 2330-6955 (online)
We’re fortunate to celebrate Highlights’ milestone birthday, and we’re Printed by LSC Communications, Danville, KY
even more optimistic for the future. Thanks for joining us!! Designed for use in all the classrooms of
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Reading Activities
4 Verse Thank You, Daddy! 30 Craft Super Spaceship
Thank You,
For a better egg-caregiver
I could never ever beg.
While Mom was gone, you kept me warm
when I was in my egg.
The emp
is the on
penguin ly
species i
which th n
e father
s the egg
The Adventures of Spot
By Lissa Rovetch Art by Deborah Melmon
Red is a crab scuttling by.
Orange is a fluttering
monarch butterfly.
Yellow is a fish swimming in the sea.
White is a bunny
tail fluffy as snow.
By Rikki B. Romerez Art by Dean MacAdam
Wherever he stands,
there’s a pile of sand—
I think Sam brought home half the beach!
At the Pett
By Catherine Edmunds ⋆ Art by Ana Zurita
with Grandpa
When I go fishing with Grandpa, we put my life jacket
on tight before we leave the dock.
We slowly motor out of the boat slip to the wide-open bay.
We pass seagulls perched on floating buoys, and I wave
as we go by.
When we hit the open water, Grandpa cranks up the
speed. Then we really start to fly!
We drop our lines into the water until they hit the
bottom. We wait for the fish to bite.
When we see the bobber bounce, Grandpa shouts,
“You got a bite!”
Robot’s Birthday
Eating an By Jessica Kautz Art by Jaclyn Sinquett Pronunciation by Linda Elman, Ph.D.
up er
S ceship
1 Decorate. 2 Cut.
Decorate a cardboard Cut two right triangles for
tube. We used paper and the wings. Cut a partial
a marker. You might use circle.
stickers or paint.
You Need:
⋆ Cardboard tube
⋆ Colored paper
⋆ Marker
⋆ Tape
⋆ Scissors
⋆ Tissue paper
3 Tape. 4 Snip.
Fold one side of the triangle. Layer tissue paper. Pinch
Tape it to the bottom of the it near the top and tape it.
tube. Wrap the partial circle into Snip the ends, then crumple.
a cone and tape to the top. Tape inside the tube.
You Need
Vegetables � Pizza crust � Pizza sauce � Mozzarella cheese
Before You Begin Adult: Preheat oven to 450°F. Chop vegetables.
1 Prep. 2 Spread.
Set out your favorite Spread the sauce on the
colorful veggies. pizza crust.
3 Sprinkle. 4 Add.
Sprinkle cheese evenly Add the vegetables to make
over the sauce. your own rainbow.
Adult: Bake for 8–10 minutes.
Lava Jump
vo lca no is
The p th ree
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rumbling! a row!
times in
Feathered Friends
Parrot Toucan