NPS Transaction Statement For Tier I Account: Current Scheme Preference
NPS Transaction Statement For Tier I Account: Current Scheme Preference
NPS Transaction Statement For Tier I Account: Current Scheme Preference
Investment Summary
Value of your Total Contribution in Total Withdrawal as
Holdings(Investments your account as on on Total Notional
) No of Contributions January 04, 2021 (in January 04, 2021 (in Gain/Loss as on Return on Investment
as on January 04, ₹) ₹) January 04, 2021 (in ₹) (XIRR)
2021 (in ₹)
(A) (B) (C) D=(A-B)+C
Note: Scheme wise Contribution in your account (in Rs.) displays the net contribution after considering all the Transactions (Withdrawal/Billing/Rebalancing of units and scheme
change). Hence Reference � F � may vary in comparison to the amount displayed under Table � B� .
Note: Due to the transactions like Billing, Rebalancing and Scheme Change, there would be variations in Scheme Wise Contribution in � Investment Details � Scheme Wise
Summary� (Reference F) and Closing Balance of � Contribution/Redemption details� tables.
Transaction Details
Date Particulars Amount (₹) Amount (₹)
Units Units
NAV (₹) NAV (₹)
01-Apr-2020 Opening balance 0.0000 0.0000
15,000.00 35,000.00
09-Nov-2020 By Contribution 464.0471 1,144.9732
32.3243 30.5684
04-Jan-2021 Closing Balance at NSDL CRA 15,000.00 464.0471 35,000.00 1,144.9732
1.The 'Investment Details' section gives an overall status of the total contribution processed under the account and the returns accrued
2.'Notional Gain / Loss' indicates the overall gain or loss after factoring for the withdrawals processed in the account.
3.'Unrealized Gain / Loss' indicates the gain / loss in the account for the current units balance in the account.
4.Returns based on Inflows' gives the annualized effective compounded return rate in PRAN account and is calculated using the formula of XIRR. The
calculation is done considering all the contribution / redemptions processed in PRAN account since inception and the latest valuation of the
investments. The transactions are sorted based on the NAV date.
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