Reply 2

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I'll just reply in numbers since I can't get posts to go over a certain "limit.

1.) Of course God isn't denied - I never said that. I said that the Seru were no
t gifts of "God." Tieg is the God of the world of Legaia and the Seru-Kai. Also,
it is explained that the Seru were not presented to the humans in the first pla
ce because Tieg didn't want it that way.
2.) You're right, the God didn't want to do it for the humans. Tell me a game th
at has the God of the game say "here you go, ok game over."
3.) Yes, the tree was getting weak and dying from the Mist - but you have to rem
ember that the tree's were documented to look much different than they had origi
nally looked. The Mist never touched the one in Rim Elm until near the end, yet
it looks the same as the other trees. Why document that the tree's are changing
in appearance after so many years if they can't age?
4.) lol
5.) Sorry if you didn't understand what I said. I'm saying that the Mist Generat
ors core is a Ra-Seru. Ra-Seru didn't make them - they were just used as a part
of the devices. A Ra-Seru can only be destroyed by another Ra-Seru (or Sim-Seru
in some cases). Destroying the Ra-Seru within the core of the Mist Generator aut
omatically kills the generator itself. Now do you understand the logic or is it
still too much?
6.) I think you missed the part where I mentioned a bad Ra-Seru is a Rogue...I n
ever said Ra-Seru can't be evil. The term "Ra-Seru" is used for the good ones th
roughout the game while "Rogue" is used for the bad ones.
7.) Because it takes time to create such Seru's. Remember how many "brides" it t
ook in Ratayu to create a single Juggernaut? It takes many lives, which takes ti
8.) And it was a smart-ass comment.
9.) Remember, it's not Earth. Although common physics such as gravity may work t
he same - the planet can have its own rules. You should check out some of the pl
anets they've been looking at recently (real life science, not Legaia, in case y
ou're confused). Some of them are extraordinary and have been thought as "imposs
ible" before. I don't see what's wrong with saying Legaia is a planet with diffe
rent rules.
Anyway, Seru are possessed primarily by the Mist. If the Mist is pushed away fro
m the town, the Seru are no longer possessed. Also, since it's pushed at a dista
nce, the hunters can go out and hunt before it's too late. I mean, I don't know
why you say "And don't give me that 'Well, the Mist isn't in there, so the Seru
will be fine crap." because it's obviously true, lol. I just think you don't wan
t that answer because it is...

10.) Your opinion, but my opinion is that it takes more strategy to put in a com
bination of attacks compared to a big button that simply says "attack."
11.) K, just another opinion, but I and many others found that the music fit to
the game perfectly.
12.) I don't have to say anything except for what I did. I played this game when
I was like 10 and still beat it without difficulties against the boss. I mean,
what else is there to say? I didn't have to grind levels, either...
13.) Understood - just claiming a strategy that is used in many RPG's.
14.) But you do not get weapons from the arena itself. The biggest reward you ge
t is a War God Icon, which is an accessory.
I don't recall calling you gay and nor could my search through the document find
anything. If you're referring to the problems your blog gave me, then realize i
t was towards the blog functionality itself, not you.
If you feel I was making you an enemy, then reconsider. I was just getting at yo
ur "plot holes" that still do not make sense as plot holes to me. But as I can s
ee from your other reviews, such as for CAD, you're a man of negative reviews ra
ther than positive ones.
Glad to see you still watch your blog. I'd like to hear your replies to these, e
ven if you think they're attacks. Debating is a nasty world, and if you can't ha
ndle it, that's ok - let me know and I'll keep it down.

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