M2: Formative Assessment: Critical Essay

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Write a critical essay discussing any of the following questions:

1. Why is corruption in the Philippines persistent? 

2. How does corruption undermine the policies and programs that are aimed to reduce
poverty in the Philippines?
3. Can dissent and criticisms of any kind create a significant change in alleviating
4. What responsibilities should a student like you take in order to fight corruption?

Refer to the Essay format file as reference for the standard format of the essay.  

 Filename: FA2_Lastname_Section
 Font Style- Times New Roman or Calibri
 Font Size- 12
 Spacing: 1.5
 Margin: Normal
 Paragraph alignment: Justified
 Reference and citation format: APA
 Provide a page number.
 Deadline: March 6, 2020 (11:59 PM)

What is the difference between an expository essay and an argumentative essay?

 An expository essay’s goal is to explain a topic/problem to the audience while an

argumentative essay’s is to convince an audience in accepting a perspective about a specific


 How to write an APA in-text citation:

o https://uscmed.sc.libguides.com/c.php?g=477787&p=3266941#:~:text=APA
%20in-text%20citation%20style,numbers%2C%20use%20a%20paragraph%20number (
Links to an external site.)
o https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_
style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html (Links to an external site.)
o https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/apaquickguide/intext (Links to an external site.)

 How to create APA reference lists:


o https://irsc.libguides.com/apa/formatreference#:~:text=Put%20the%20word
%20"References"%20at,indent%2C%20type%20your%20references%20normally (Links
to an external site.).
o https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_
style_guide/reference_list_basic_rules.html (Links to an external site.)
o https://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA6th/referencelist (Links to an external site.)
o https://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/apa-sample-reference-list

Refer to the Essay Rubric for reference to what kind of essay structure is required. 

Essay (Expository & Argumentative)

(U4CA: Unity, Coherence, Concreteness, Clarity & Conciseness)

Full Marks (3) Good (2) Fair (1) Needs Improvement


(UNITY) Well-developed Introductory Introduction states Thesis and/or problem

Introduction: introductory paragraph contains the thesis but is vague or
Background/history paragraph contains some does not adequately unclear. Background
Thesis Statement detailed background explain the details are a
background, a clear information and background of the seemingly random
explanation or states the problem. The collection of
definition of the problem, but does problem is stated, information, unclear,
problem, and a thesis not explain using but lacks detail. or not related
statement. details. States the to the topic.
thesis of the paper.

Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion does not

(UNITY) summarizes the main summarizes main summarizes main adequately
Conclusion topics without topics. topics, summarize the main
repeating previous Some suggestions but is repetitive. No points. No
sentences; writer’s for change are suggestions for suggestions for change
opinions and evident. change and/or or
suggestions for opinions are opinions are included.
change are logical included.
and well thought out.

(COHERENCE) Logical, compelling Overall, the paper is Progression of Arrangement of essay

Body: progression of logically ideas in the essay is unclear
Logical sequence and ideas in essay; clear developed. is awkward, yet and illogical. The

transition of structure which Progression of ideas moves the reader writing lacks a
supporting ideas. enhances in the through the text clear sense of
and showcases the essay makes sense without too much direction. Ideas,
central idea or and moves the confusion. The details or events seem
theme and moves the reader easily writer sometimes strung
reader through through the text. lunges ahead too together in a loose or
the text. Strong transitions quickly or spends random
exist throughout too much time on fashion; there is no
Organization flows so and add to the details that do not identifiable
smoothly the reader essay’s coherence matter. internal structure and
hardly thinks about it. readers
Effective, mature, Transitions appear have trouble following
graceful transitions sporadically, but the writer’s
exist throughout the not equally line of thought.
essay. throughout the
essay. Few, forced
transitions in the essay
or no
transitions are present.

(CONCRETENESS Three or more main Three or more main Three or more main Less than three main
& ACCURACY) points are well points are present points, but all points,
developed with but may lack detail lack development. with poor development
Body: supporting details. and development in of
Main points with one or two. ideas.
supporting ideas.

(CONCRETENESS Source material is Source material is Source material is Lacks sources and/or
AND ACCURACY) smoothly used. used, but sources are
integrated into the integration may be not accurately
Body: text. All sources are awkward. documented.
References and accurately cited,
citation All sources but a few are not in All sources are Format is incorrect for
are accurately cited in the desired format. accurately all sources.
the Some sources lack documented, but
desired format both in credibility. many are not in
the text and on the desired format
the reference lists. or lack credibility.

(CLARITY AND All ideas are written Most ideas written Ideas written are Ideas are written
CONCISENESS) with ease and with ease and clear but repetitive. obscurely and are
precision. precision. repetitive.
Sentence Essay contained a
Construction Essay did not contain Essay contained few awkward Essay contained many

sentences that sentences with sentences that awkward sentences

distracted the reader. minor error that distracted the that made the essay
barely distracted the reader. incomprehensible to
reader. the reader.

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