are its advantages disadvantages and application(MAY-
Frequency range
The figure shows a Yagi-Uda antenna. It is seen that there are many
directors placed to increase the directivity of the antenna. The feeder is
the folded dipole. The reflector is the lengthy element, which is at the
end of the structure.
The figure depicts a clear form of the Yagi-Uda antenna. The center rod
like structure on which the elements are mounted is called as boom. The
element to which a thick black head is connected is the driven
For this antenna to be designed, the following design specifications
should be followed.
They are −
If the specifications given above are followed, one can design an Yagi-
Uda antenna.
Radiation Pattern
The directional pattern of the Yagi-Uda antenna is highly directive as
shown in the figure given below.
The minor lobes are suppressed and the directivity of the major lobe is
increased by the addition of directors to the antenna.
The following are the advantages of Yagi-Uda antennas −
The following are the disadvantages of Yagi-Uda antennas −
• Prone to noise.
The following are the applications of Yagi-Uda antennas −
Frequency range
The frequency range, in which the log-periodic antennas operate is
around 30 MHz to 3GHz which belong to the VHF and UHFbands.
With the change in operation frequency, the active region shifts among
the elements and hence all the elements will not be active only on a
single frequency. This is its special characteristic.
Radiation Pattern
The Radiation pattern of log-periodic antenna can be of uni-directional or
bi-directional, depending upon the log periodic structures.
The figure given above shows the radiational pattern for a bi-directional
log-periodic antenna.
The following are the advantages of Log-periodic antennas −
The following are the disadvantages of Log-periodic antennas −
• External mount.
The following are the applications of Log-periodic antennas −
The distance from the ith element to the far field point of interest is
Ri=r−a^rrifor phase variation and Ri=r for amplitude variation.
As can be seen from (2), the total radiation field is given by the
product of the radiation field of the reference element and the term
Ans :-To improve the radiation efficiency and directivity of the beam,
the wave guide should be provided with an extended aperture to make
the abrupt discontinuity of the wave into a gradual transformation. So
Frequency Range
The operational frequency range of a horn antenna is around 300MHz to
30GHz. This antenna works in UHF and SHFfrequency ranges.
The above image shows the model of a horn antenna. The flaring of the
horn is clearly shown. There are several horn configurations out of which,
three configurations are most commonly used.
Sectoral horn
This type of horn antenna, flares out in only one direction. Flaring in the
direction of Electric vector produces the sectorial E-plane horn.
Similarly, flaring in the direction of Magnetic vector, produces
the sectorial H-plane horn.
Conical horn
When the walls of a circular wave guide are flared, it is known as
a conical horn. This is a logical termination of a circular wave guide.
The above figures show the types of horn configurations, which were
discussed earlier.
Flaring helps to match the antenna impedance with the free space
impedance for better radiation. It avoids standing wave ratio and
provides greater directivity and narrower beam width. The flared wave
guide can be technically termed as Electromagnetic Horn Radiator.
Horn antennas, may also be combined with parabolic reflector antennas
to form special type of horn antennas. These are −
• Cass-horn antenna
Radiation Pattern
The radiation pattern of a horn antenna is a Spherical Wave front. The
following figure shows the radiation pattern of horn antenna. The wave
radiates from the aperture, minimizing the diffraction of waves. The
flaring keeps the beam focussed. The radiated beam has high directivity.
• Greater directivity
The following are the disadvantages of Horn antenna −
• Flare angle and length of the flare should not be very small
The following are the applications of Horn antenna −
Frequency Range
The frequency range used for the application of Parabolic reflector
antennas is above 1MHz. These antennas are widely used for radio and
wireless applications.
Principle of Operation
The standard definition of a parabola is - Locus of a point, which moves
in such a way that its distance from the fixed point (called focus) plus its
distance from a straight line (called directrix) is constant.
The reflected wave forms a colllimated wave front, out of the parabolic
shape. The ratio of focal length to aperture size (ie., f/D) known as “f
over D ratio” is an important parameter of parabolic reflector. Its value
varies from 0.25 to 0.50.
parabola when used for the purpose of reflection of waves, exhibits some
properties of the parabola, which are helpful for building an antenna,
using the waves reflected.
Properties of Parabola
• All the waves originating from focus, reflects back to the parabolic axis.
Hence, all the waves reaching the aperture are in phase.
• As the waves are in phase, the beam of radiation along the parabolic axis will
be strong and concentrated.
Usually a wave guide horn antenna is used as a feed radiator for the
paraboloid reflector antenna. Along with this technique, we have another
type of feed given to the paraboloid reflector antenna, called as
Cassegrain feed.
Cassegrain Feed
Casse grain is another type of feed given to the reflector antenna. In this
type, the feed is located at the vertex of the paraboloid, unlike in the
parabolic reflector. A convex shaped reflector, which acts as a
hyperboloid is placed opposite to the feed of the antenna. It is also
known as secondary hyperboloid reflector or sub-reflector. It is
placed such that its one of the foci coincides with the focus of the
paraboloid. Thus, the wave gets reflected twice.
When the same antenna is used for reception, the electromagnetic waves
strike the reflector, gets reflected on to the concave hyperboloid and
from there, it reaches to the feed. A wave guide horn antenna presents
there to receive this signal and sends to the receiver circuitry for
The following are the advantages of Parabolic reflector antenna −
The following is the disadvantage of a Parabolic reflector antenna −
• Some of the power that gets reflected from the parabolic reflector is
obstructed. This becomes a problem with small dimension paraboloid.
Let us look at the other type of feed called as Gregorian feed for the
parabolic reflectors.
Gregorian Feed
This is another type of feed used. A pair of certain configurations are
there, where the feed beamwidth is progressively increased while
antenna dimensions are held fixed. Such a type of feed is known as
Gregorian feed. Here, the convex shaped hyperboloid of casssegrain is
replaced with a concave shaped paraboloid reflector, which is of course,
smaller in size
These are all just to mention because they are not popular and are not
widely used. They have got their limitations.
The figure clearly depicts the working pattern of all the types of
reflectors. There are other types of paraboloid Reflectors such as −
• Cut- paraboloid
• Pill-box paraboloid
However, all of them are seldom used because of the limitations and
disavantages they have in their working conditions.
Frequency Range
The patch antennas are popular for low profile applications at frequencies
above 100MHz.
The length of the metal patch is λ/2. When the antenna is excited, the
waves generated within the di-electric undergo reflections and the
energyis radiated from the edges of the metal patch,which is very low.
Radiation Pattern
The radiation pattern of microstrip or patch antenna is broad. It has low
radiation power and narrow frequency bandwidth.
The following are the advantages of Micro strip antenna −
• Lighteweight
• Low cost
• Ease of installation
The following are the disadvantages of Micro strip antenna −
• Inefficient radiation
The frequency range for sky wave propagation is from 3 MHz to 32 MHz
Ionospheric Propagation
The ionosphere exists between about 90 and 1000 km above the earth’s
surface. Radiation from the sun ionizes atoms and molecules here,
liberating electrons from molecules and creating a space of free electron
and ions. Subjected to an external electric field from a radio signal, these
free and ions will experience a force and be pushed into motion. However,
since the mass of the ions is much larger than the mass of the electrons,
ionic motions are relatively small and will be ignored here. Free electron
densities on the order of 1010 to 1012 electrons per cubic metre are
produced by ionization from the sun’s rays. Layers of high densities of
electrons are given special names called the D, E, and F layers Electron
density as a function of altitude, and various ionospheric layers Radio
waves below 40 MHz are significantly affected by the ionosphere,
primarily because radio waves in this frequency range are effectively
reflected by the ionosphere. The E and F layers are the most important
for this process. For frequencies beyond 40 MHz, the wave tend to
penetrate through the atmosphere versus being reflected.
a) Critical frequency:
It is that highest frequency radio wave, which sent normally towards layer
of ionosphere gets reflected back & returns to the earth.
It is that highest frequency of radio waves which when sent at some angle
towards ionosphere, gets reflected and returns to the surface of the earth.
Where , D → skip distancei → Angle between normal and direction
of incident wave.D → skip distancei → Angle between normal and
direction of incident wave.
c) Optimum working frequency (OWF):
Ground wave propagation is used for transmitting low frequency signals. In this
propagation the signal wave is parallel to ground. While this transmission there is
The induced wave in the ground attenuate electromagnetic wave at a short range,
hence ground wave propagation is only used for short range communication.
The attenuation of surface waves increases very rapidly with increase in frequency,
hence ground wave propagation is used for low frequency and large wavelength
i.e. AM waves.
As the ground wave propagation support large wavelength, the wave can bend
round the corners/obstructions more efficiently.
As ground wave propagation works with low frequency range and short distance,
so it is not suitable for radio signal transmission hence, the use of ground wave
propagation is very limited.