8340 2320 Temporary Anti Corrosion Coating
8340 2320 Temporary Anti Corrosion Coating
8340 2320 Temporary Anti Corrosion Coating
Mix Ratio (by volume)
• 8340/2320 (Base) 1 parts
• 0429/9000 (Thinner) 0.2 part
8340/2320 is qualified to:
• ASNA 5059
• ASNB 70690
Product Compatibility
8340/2320 is compatible with the following:
Note: PPG Aerospace recommends you check the most recent specification QPLs for
updated information.
Ensure surface to be painted is clean, dry and intact using a high performance solvent
cleaner. DeSoto® CN20 or Desoclean™ 45 solvent cleaners are recommended.
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8340/2320 Temporary Anti-Corrosion Coating
Induction Time:
Not required
Viscosity: ( 23°C/73°F)
• AFNOR4 25 - 30 seconds
• BSB3 47 - 58 seconds
• BSB4 26 - 30 seconds
• FORD4 22 - 24 seconds
• ISO4 45 - 58 seconds
• ZAHN2 29 - 35 seconds
Note: Viscosities quoted are typical ranges obtained when using specified mix ratio.
Pot Life:
Not Applicable
Application Guidelines
Recommended Application Conditions:
Temperature 18 - 25°C (64 - 75°F)
Relative Humidity 30 - 60%
Apply 1 cross coat to achieve the recommended dry film thickness.
NOTE: Never use any solvent borne or alkaline removers over the temporary coating
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8340/2320 Temporary Anti-Corrosion Coating
Equipment Cleaning:
Clean with water using a sponge or jet
Physical Properties
Light grey (BF4)
Drying Times
5°C (41°F) 23°C (73°F)
55 % Relative Humidity
Dry to Touch 1 hour 40 minutes
Dry to Handle 3 hours 1 hour
Note: Drying times listed above are dependent upon film thickness applied, air flow
conditions and application technique.
Flash Off:
Not Applicable
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8340/2320 Temporary Anti-Corrosion Coating
VOC Mixed ready for use 600 g/Lt
8340/2320 Base 430 g/Lt
0429/9000 Thinner 820 g/Lt
Flash Point:
8340/2320 Base >20°C (68°F)
0429/9000 Thinner >21°C (70°F)
Shelf Life:
8340/2320 Base 24 months in original unopened container
0429/9000 Thinner 24 months in original unopened container
Note: Shelf life may vary due to OEM specification requirements. Refer to container
label for specific shelf life information.
Note: The application and performance property values above are typical for the
material, but not intended for use in specifications or for acceptance inspection criteria
because of variations in testing methods, conditions and configurations.
Storage Recommendations
Inspect the condition of the container to ensure compliance. The material should be
stored at temperatures between 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F) to ensure shelf life.
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8340/2320 Temporary Anti-Corrosion Coating
Health Precautions
This product is safe to use and apply when recommended precautions are followed. Before
using this product, read and understand the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), which provides
information on health, physical and environmental hazards, handling precautions and first aid
recommendations. An SDS is available on request. Avoid overexposure. Obtain medical care
in case of extreme overexposure.
For industrial use only. Keep away from children.
Additional information can be found at: www.ppgaerospace.com
For sales and ordering information call the local PPG office at the
numbers listed below:
1 (818) 362-6711 or 1-800-AEROMIX
Desoclean and DeSoto are trademarks of PRC-DeSoto International, Inc. PPG Aerospace
Sealants and Coatings
All recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on tests we believe to be
Darlington Road
reliable and correct, but accuracy and completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be
construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. User shall rely on his own information and tests to Shildon, Co Durham UK
determine suitability of the product for the intended use and assumes all risks and liability resulting from his use DL4 2QP
of the product. Seller’s and manufacturer’s sole responsibility shall be to replace that portion of the product of www.ppgaerospace.com
this manufacturer which proves to be defective. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable to the buyer or
Issue Date: 08/14
any third person for any injury, loss, or damage directly or indirectly resulting from use of, or inability to use, the
product. Recommendations or statements other than those contained in a written agreement signed by an Lit: 4301
officer of the manufacturer shall not be binding upon the manufacturer or seller.
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