Taxsynth Page 25
Taxsynth Page 25
Taxsynth Page 25
In 2018, Malakas M. Henyo, the CEO of the Philippines Nuclear Fusion Corporation, earned
compensation income of P4,000,500. This amount is inclusive of his 13th month pay and other benefits
of P250,000, but net of the mandatory contributed to SSS and Philhealth.
Aside from his employment, he also owns a cafeteria. In 2018, the cafeteria had gross sales of
P1,500,000, cost of sales of P500,000 and operating expenses of P300,000. It also had non-operating
income of P700,000.
What would be Malakas’s total income tax due if he did not avail of the 8% income tax rate on gross
sales plus non-operating income arising from his business?
A. P1,650,920
B. P1,202,340
C. P696,969
er as
D. P1,549,360
eH w
Question 26
rs e
Namahinga Nah died leaving an estate worth P10,000,000. The estate is under administration. In 2020,
ou urc
the properties in the estate earned a gross income of P1,200,000 and the estate incurred expenses of
P600,000. Felipe, the only heir, received P200,000 from the income of the estate.
Assuming that Felipe also earned net income of P500,000 from his trading business. What amount
aC s
A. P530,000
B. P200,000
ed d
C. P500,000
ar stu
D. P700,000
Question 27
Selected cumulative balances were taken from the record of ABC Co., a domestic corporation, in its fifth
year of operations in 2018, which had an income tax refundable of P10,000 for the preceding year for
which there is a tax credit:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
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Capital gain on sale directly
to buyer of shares of
50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000
domestic corporation, net of
Interest income on
Philippine Peso bank 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
deposits, net of tax
er as
Income tax withheld 15,000 35,000 65,000 115,000
eH w
rs e
ou urc
The total final tax- year 2018
A. P19,000
aC s
B. P22,647
vi y re
C. P5,000
D. P20,000
ed d
ar stu
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