Unit 2 - Week-1 Introduction To Total Quality Management: Assignment - 01
Unit 2 - Week-1 Introduction To Total Quality Management: Assignment - 01
Unit 2 - Week-1 Introduction To Total Quality Management: Assignment - 01
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Unit 2 -
Week-1 Introduction to Total Quality Management
Assignment - 01
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Assignment - 00
1) Which of the following regarding Quality is FALSE? 1 point
Introduction to One of the most important decision factors in selection of products/services from competing
Total Quality
Understanding and improving quality leads to business success, growth and
Quality and Its
Quality can be defined as possession or non-possession of one or more desirable
Quality and
Variability characteristics for a product/service.
History of ISO 9000 says that a degree to which a set of inherent characteristics that fulfils a need or
Quality Control expectation that is stated, generally implied or is obligatory.
Quiz : 2) Which of the following statement is TRUE regarding the Dimensions of Quality? 1 point
Assignment -
01 The product need not to do or perform any of the jobs as expected or even the intended one.
Assignment - Durability provides us the knowledge about the ability to withstand wear, pressure, or
01 (Solution) damage.
WEEK 1 - Aesthetics is concerned about the products’ ability to get repaired without losing its appeal.
Total Quality Perceived Quality refers to the ability of the company to make regular profits.
Management - I
No, the answer is incorrect.
Week Score: 0
2-Introduction to
Accepted Answers:
Total Quality
Management - II Durability provides us the knowledge about the ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage.
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None of These
Week 8 - Basic
of ISO 9000, No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
EWMA charts
Accepted Answers:
Slides and Quality of Design and Quality of Conformance
5) Which of the following statement (s) is / are correct? 1 point
I. Quality is inversely proportional to variability (unwanted variation in specifications) i.e. if variability
VIDEOS of a product decreases, the quality of the product increases
II. Variability doesn’t matter to consumers. Customers are only concerned about PRICE.
Only I
Only II
I and II
None of These
6) ________________ is a set of operational, managerial and engineering activities that the 1 point
quality characteristics of a product are at a nominal or required levels and the variability around the
desired levels is minimum.
Quality Characteristics
Critical-To-Quality Characteristics
Quality Engineering
Quality Improvement
7) A Specification is 1 point
The largest allowable value for a quality characteristic is called the Upper Specification Limit
A product is called Non-conforming which do not meet one or more of its specifications.
The Largest allowable value for the quality characteristic is called the Lower Specification
Limit (LSL).
9) Let the length and thickness of blades, produced at a certain manufacturing company, be 1 point
two quality characteristics. For length: Target length:40 cm, USL: 42 cm, LSL:38 cm. A blade having
length between 38cm and 42cm is acceptable. For thickness: Target value: 10mm, USL: 12 mm, LSL:
8mm. A blade having thickness between 8mm and 12 mm is acceptable. Which of the following
statement(s) is / are CORRECT?
I. If a blade has length 42cm and thickness 6 mm then it is said to be non-conforming/defective and
has 1 defect (for the thickness).
II. If a blade has length 43cm and thickness 9 mm then it is said to be non-conforming/defective and
has 1 defect (for the length).
III. If a blade has length 44cm and thickness 6 mm then it is said to be non-conforming/defective and
has 2 defects (for the thickness).
IV. If a blade has length 42cm and thickness 8mm then it is said to be conforming and has no defect.
I and II
II and III
I, III and IV
Only I
I and III
I, II and III
Quality Assurance is the set of activities that ensures the quality levels of products and
services are properly maintained and that supplier and customer quality issues are properly
Since variability is inherent in all processes and is a major source of defects in products, no
statistical technique can be used to minimize variability.
Quality control and improvement is the set of activities used to ensure that the products and
services meet requirements and are improved on a continuous basis.
Documentation of quality system are the policies, procedures, work instructions and
specifications, and records.
12)Which of the following is NOT one of the 14-point frame work for quality and productivity 1 point
improvement as suggest by Edwards Deming?
Do not award business to suppliers on the basis of price alone, but also consider quality
Total quality management (TQM) is a strategy for implementing and managing quality
improvement activities on an organization wide basis.
TQM’s major focus is on customer and integrating quality goals with business goals.