Nutrient Effects On Production of Cellulolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus Niger
Nutrient Effects On Production of Cellulolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus Niger
Nutrient Effects On Production of Cellulolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus Niger
The production of cellulase (filter paper activity, endoglucanase and β-glucosidase) by Aspergillus
niger on three media in liquid shake culture was compared. The culture filtrate of this organism
exhibited relatively highest activity of all three enzymes and extracellular protein content at 7-day
interval during the course of its growth on Czapek-Dox medium supplemented with 1.0% (w/v) cellulose.
Urea as a nitrogen source and pH 5.0 were found to be optimal for growth and cellulase production by
A.niger. Among various soluble organic carbon sources and lignocelluloses tested in this study,
carboxymethylcellulose and sawdust at 1% supported maximum production of all three enzymes by
Cellulose is the most abundant polymer in the biosphere to overcome this hindrance is to make continuous search
10 for organisms with secretion of cellulase enzymes in
with its estimated synthesis rate of 10 tonnes per year
(Schlesinger, 1991; Singh and Hayashi, 1995; Lynd et al., copious amounts and to optimize enzyme production with
2002). Cellulose-rich plant biomass is one of the them. In this paper, effects of nutrient on cellulase
foreseeable and sustainable source of fuel, animal feed production by Aspergillus niger, a local isolate, in
and feed stock for chemical synthesis (Bhat, 2000). The submerged fermentation in a laboratory study are
utilization of cellulosic biomass continues to be a subject presented.
of worldwide interest in view of fast depletion of our oil
reserves and food shortages (Kuhad et al., 1997; Gong et
al., 1999). The conversion of cellulosic mass to MATERIALS AND METHODS
fermentable sugars through biocatalyst cellulase derived
Culture conditions and enzyme production
from cellulolytic organisms has been suggested as a
feasible process and offers potential to reduce use of A. niger isolated from soil contaminated with effluents of cotton
fossil fuels and reduce environmental pollution (Dale, ginning industry (Reddy et al., 1998) was used in this study. Sterile
1999; Lynd et al., 1999). Complete enzymatic hydrolysis 50 ml of three different media (minimal, basal and Czapek-Dox)
of enzymes requires synergistic action of 3 types of each amended with 1% cellulose as carbon source was distributed
enzymes, namely cellobiohydrolase, endoglucanase or in sterile 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Meanwhile, the spore
suspension was prepared in sterile distilled water from 6-day old
carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) and β-glucosidases
cultures of A. niger grown on Potato-Dextrose Agar (PDA) slants.
(Bhat, 2000). However, the high cost of production of The flasks were inoculated with a density of 2 x 106 spores and
these enzymes has hindered the industrial application of incubated at 28°C on a rotary shaker (180 rpm). Flasks were
cellulose bioconversion. One of the different approaches withdrawn at 7-day intervals over a period of 3 weeks and filtered
through Whatman No.1 filter paper to separate mycelial mat and
culture filtrate. Biomass of the culture was dried at 70°C in an oven
until constant weight and then measured. Fungal growth was
expressed in terms dry weight of mycelial mat (mg/flask). The
*Corresponding author. E-mail: content of soluble protein in the culture filtrate was estimated
Phone: 91 (08554) 255759, 255760 (O). according to method of Lowry et al. (1951) with bovine serum
albumin as a standard. Total activity of cellulase complex and/or
Present Address: 1 National P.G. College, Nandyal, individual component enzyme activities in the culture filtrate were
Andhra Pradesh, India. determined as per procedures described below. In view of
maximum growth and cellulase activity on the Czapek-Dox medium
Narasimha et al. 473
Table 1. Growth, total cellulolytic activity (Filter paper activity*) and protein secretion by A. niger on different media.
at 7th day interval, subsequent experiments were carried out on this dry weight of mycelial mat on all 3 media increased
medium to find out the influence of dose response of cellulose during the course of incubation in this study. Of 3 media
supplementation (with a range of 0.5 to 2.0%), supplementation of
carbon sources, nitrogen and ligninocellulose on growth, secretion
tested in the study, Czapek-Dox medium supported the
of extracellular protein and cellulase production by A. niger at only maximum growth of A. niger. A. niger grown on 3 media
7th day interval. exhibited highest cellulolytic activity at 7th day interval
followed by decline activity at lateral intervals. Maximum
cellulolytic activity of about 1.7 FPU per milliliter of culture
Enzyme assay filtrate on Czapek-Dox medium at 7-day interval was
Filter paper activity (FPA) for total cellulase activity in the cultural
recorded. The extracellular protein content in the culture
filtrate was determined according to the method of Mandels et al. filtrate of 3 media followed the same pattern of growth
(1976). Aliquots of appropriately diluted culture filtrate as enzyme with maximal values in the respect of Czapek-Dox
source was added to Whatman No.1 filter paper strip (1 X 6 cm; 50 medium. Thus, it is clearly evident from the results of the
mg) immersed in one millilitre of 0.05 M sodium citrate buffer of pH present study that Czapek-Dox medium appeared to be
5.0. After incubation at 50°C for 1 h, the reducing sugar released superior for growth and cellulase production by A. niger.
was estimated by dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method (Miller, 1959).
One unit of filter paper (FPU) activity was defined as the amount of Similar observations with another fungus, Humicola
enzyme releasing 1 µmole of reducing sugar from filter paper per ml fuscoatra was made by Rajendran et al. (1994). The
per min. Endoglucanase activity (carboxymethylcellulase; CMCase) cellulolytic activity of A. niger used in the present study is
was measured as described previously (Ghosh, 1987) using a comparable to that of the most well studied fungus,
reaction mixture containing 1 ml of 1% carboxymethyl cellulose Trichoderma reesei whose wild type or mutant cells in
(CMC) in 0.05 M citrate acetate buffer (pH 5.0) and aliquots of
suitably diluted filtrate. The reaction mixture was incubated at 50°C
free status produced cellulase within a range of 1-2
for 1 h and the reducing sugar produced was determined by DNS FPU/ml on various media (Tamada et al., 1989;
method. One unit (IU) of endoglucanase activity was defined as the Domingues et al., 2000). The production of cellulase by
amount of enzyme releasing 1 µmole of reducing sugar per min. β- wild type cells of Bacillus pumilus (Kotchoni and
glucosidase activity was assayed by the method of Herr (1979). β- Shonukan, 2002) and Cellulomonas biazotea (Rajoka et
glucosidase activity was measured in 1ml of 5 mM p–nitrophenyl-β- al., 1998) and Trichoderma aureoviride (Zaldivar et al.,
D-glucopyranoside (PNPG) in 0.05 M citrate buffer (pH 5.0) and
aliquots of appropriately diluted culture filtrate and incubated at
2001) in liquid did not exceed 1.5 U/ml.
50°C for 30 min. The reaction was terminated by addition of 4 ml of Dose response of cellulose supplementation within a
0.1 M NaOH-glycine buffer solution and the released p-nitrophenol range of 0.5-2.0% on cellulase production of A. niger was
was read at 410 nm. The activity was expressed in terms of examined. Yields of fungal biomass, protein content and
liberation of p-nitrophenol from p–nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopyranoside cellulase production derived from the growth of A. niger
(PNPG). One unit of the enzyme activity was defined as the amount
on Czapek-Dox medium with different cellulose
of enzyme producing 1 µmole of p-nitrophenol per min.
concentrations at 7th day interval were presented in the
Table 2. The growth increased with increase in the
concentration of cellulose up to 1% (W/V). Further
increase in cellulose concentration beyond 1% level did
not result in proportionate increase in yields of fungal
A. niger was cultured on three liquid media (minimal,
biomass and protein content. Production of individual
basal and Czapek-Dox) amended with 1.0% cellulose at
components of cellulase by A. niger in response to
28°C under shaking conditions. During cultivation, growth
cellulose dose followed the same trend as noticed for
and total cellulolytic activity (filter paper activity) and
growth. The results clearly showed that supplementation
protein contents in the culture filtrate were monitored at
of cellulose at 1.0% was optimal for cellulase production.
7-day interval over a period of 3 weeks and are
Similarly, maximum endoglucanase activity (690 ηkat/ml)
presented in the Table 1. Growth of A.niger in terms of
474 Afr. J. Biotechnol.
(mg/flask) FPU/ml
(U/ml) (U/ml)
Glucose 1312 590 0.154 0.38 0.46
Cellulose 557 920 1.632 0.542 1.02
Carboxymethyl 735 900 1.640 0.521 1.12
Cellobiose 765 910 1.021 0.48 0.66
Values represented in the table are averages of results of two separately conducted experiments.
Filter paperase (FPase) is expressed in terms of filter paper units. One unit is the amount of enzyme in the culture filtrate
releasing 1 µmole of reducing sugar from filter paper per min.
Carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) is expressed in terms of units. One unit is the amount of enzyme releasing 1 µmole of
reducing sugar from carboxymethyl cellulose per min.
One unit of β-glucosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme liberating 1µmole of p-nitrophenol per min.
was recovered on the medium with cellulose at 10 g/L cellulase) when grown in shake culture at pH 5.4 and
(Haapela et al., 1995). Cultivation of Trichoderma 28°C with 0.5% cellulose powder (Puntambekar, 1995).
harzianum on microcrystalline cellulose at 10 g/L yielded Cellulase production was higher upon growth of
3000 U/L of CMcase and 400 U/L of filter paper activity Trichoderma harzianum (Mes-Hartree et al., 1988) and A.
(Rousses and Raimbault, 1982). niger (Hanif et al., 2004) on cellulosic substrates. This
Influence of supplementation of different carbon observation is well in agreement with the result of the
sources to Czapek-Dox medium on cellulase production present study. Low level of cellulolytic enzymes in the
by A. niger was examined. Among carbon sources tested presence of glucose in this study could be attributed to
in this study, carboxymethyl cellulose served the best repression of synthesis of cellulolytic enzymes involved in
source followed by cellulose for cellulase production (filter the utilization of cellulose by easily metabolisable carbon,
paper activity) and secretion of extracellular protein by A. glucose that was demonstrated in many organisms
niger (Table 3). Activities of even other individual (Ruijter and Visser, 1997; Suto and Tomita, 2001).
components of cellulase, such as carboxymethyl However, insensitization of this repression by mutations
cellulase (CMCase) and β-glucosidase were also highest resulted in higher production of cellulase even in the
in culture filtrate of A. niger grown in the presence of presence of glucose (Kotchoni and Shonukan, 2002).
carboxymethyl cellulose. Inclusion of glucose in the Cellulose production by A.niger grown on different
medium supported the maximal growth of A. niger but nitrogen sources at concentration of 0.03% nitrogen-N
resulted in minimal production of cellulase and secretion was compared (Table 4). The effectiveness of nitrogen
of extracellular proteins. Similarly, induction of cellulase source in supporting cellulase production along with
production by Humicola fuscoatra in presence of growth, secretion of extracellular protein by A. niger
cellulosic substrates has been reported by Rajendran et decreased in the following order: Urea>peptone>NaNO3>
al. (1994). Volvariella diplasia produced cellulolytic yeast extract. Activities of CMCase and β-glucosidase in
enzymes (550 U of CM-cellulase and 69 U of filter paper culture filtrate of A. niger grown on urea were also very
Narasimha et al. 475
high to the tune of 1.7 and 1.12 units/ml, respectively. dust could be related to its high growth of fungus and
Similarly, increase of urea concentration from 2 to 6 g/L secretion of extracellular protein. The rate of
and reduction of yeast extract from 6 to 4 g/L in the bioconversion of cellulosic substrates, stream pretreated
medium improved endocellulase production of bacterium, spruce and solka-floc cellulose by cellulolytic enzymes
Clostridium thermocopriae (Jin and Toda, 1989). derived from the growth of Trichoderma reesei Rut C-30
Casamino acids, irrespective of carbon sources used, in fermentor was higher than that achieved with
highly stimulated extracellular production of β- commercially available celluloclast and logen cellulase
glucosidase by Termitimyces clypeatus (Khowala and (Szengyel et al., 2000). Similarly, Humicola grisea yielded
Sengupta, 1992). In contrast, the growth of Trichoderma maximum production of endoglucanase (CMCase) and
reesei on production medium without nitrogen source filter paper activity upon its growth on lignocellulose of
increased cellulase production (Turker and Mavituna, banana stalk (Soundar and Chandra, 1987). But, the
1987). culture filtrate of this fungus contained low activity of β-
The use of purified cellulosics as substrates is glucosidase. The inclusion of sludge from straw product
uneconomical for large scale production of cellulase. factory in the medium at 3% (w/v) level supported the
Therefore cheaply available agricultural lignocellulose production of cellulases by Trichoderma pseudokoningi
wastes were tested to find out whether they could support (Maheswari et al., 1990). According to studies of
the production of cellulase by A. niger at 1% (w/v) level. Gonzalez et al. (1986), higher enzymatic activities (FPA
Comparison of yields of cellulase (FP activity), obtained and β-glucosidase) were obtained with growth of
by growth of A. niger on untreated lignocelluloses, Trichoderma reesei GM 9414 on wheat straw rather than
indicated most effectiveness of saw dust (Table 5). High on solka-floc as carbon source. A lignocellulolytic fungus,
activities of other enzyme components (CMCase and β- Gliocladium sp. TUBF-498, produced 77 filter paper units
glucosidase) in culture filtrate of A. niger grown on saw of cellulase activity and 246 U of β-glucosidase activity
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