NewSyllabus 850202062973100
NewSyllabus 850202062973100
NewSyllabus 850202062973100
Course Code : MKTG 735 PSDA UNITS
Credit Units : Three 2 0 0 2 2 3
Level : PG
Course Objectives:
The course helps to identify the principal challenges and opportunities in serving key marketing factors that lead to business’ success or failure.
The course will integrate concepts of consumers across the different industry and poverty alleviation to stimulate the leadership skills. The
course would also integrate competitive imagination with innovation to help the student understand the BOP landscape and creation of
successful BOP ventures. The course design explores the commercial viability of such markets and its impact on the social development of the
populations involved, together with profitability of the enterprise. In the process of learning, the course will seek to understand the viable models
used by commercial and social enterprises to address the needs of those at the base of the socioeconomic pyramid and the key factors of success
in these markets.
The student opting for this course should have successfully completed the course in Marketing Management and should understand the concepts
of Business Environment. Students having an exposure to rural market conditions and challenges would be at an advantage.
Module Weightage
Module I Introduction and scope of Mass Marketing 10%
Introduction of mass marketing
Concept dimension and scope of Mass marketing
Exploring the mass marketing approaches
Compatibility of social and business objectives Conflicting or compatible interests of private and
public sector
Contextual framework of Mass marketing
Role of consultants in Mass marketing
Sustainable marketing and consumers behaviors
Module II Challenges and opportunities in Mass Marketing 20%
Relationship marketing and its challenges
Relationship Marketing Importance
Transactional marketing
Ethical and social aspects of marketing
Portal five forces model and challenges for marketing concepts
Personal selling and sales promotion
Course Learning Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to recognize and discuss the geographic, demographic,
economic, cultural and behavioral characteristics of bottom-of-pyramid (BoP) segment of world population. Identify and analyze the prospects
and challenges associated with serving bottom-of-pyramid (BoP) markets and develop leadership skills together with creative mindset to explore
such opportunities. Employ critical tools and frameworks that enhance success throughout the venture development process. In addition, the
student will be able to apply core principles of mutual value creation in bottom-of-pyramid (BOP) market. Construct and set up bottom-of-
pyramid (BOP) business ventures with inclusive partnership of the poor.
This course will be taught using the Four Quadrant Approach ie. The course will have e-Tutorial, e-Content, Assessment and Discussions. Also a
mix of theory and the case method will be used. In addition to assigning the case studies, the course instructor will spend considerable time helping
you understand the concepts. The course will encompass Discussion forum for clarifying doubts/ questions.
List of PSDA:
1. Identify one sector of your key interest area like FMCG, Health Care, Telecom, Banking etc., and explore the strategies like Segmentation,
advertisement and distribution etc. adopted by the companies (of the selected sector) to tap the Bottom of the Pyramid market.
2. To write a Case Study / Research Paper on any product belonging to the category of Bottom of Pyramid
Text Reading:
Boyd, H.W.; Orville, C.W.; Larreche, Jean-Claude. (1998) Marketing Management: A Strategic Approach with a Global orientation. Irwin:
New York
Buzzel, R.D.; Quelch, R.A.; Barlett, C.A. (1995). Global Marketing Management. Cases and Readings. 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley: Reading,
Nabi M.K., Pandey Amit Kumar, Bansal Sanjeev (2018). Marketing Management. Ocean Publication New Delhi.
Additional Reading:
Czinkota, M., Ronkainen, I. (1994). International Marketing Strategy: Environmental Assessment and Entry Strategies. The Dreyden Press:
Czinkota, M., Ronkainen, I. (1993). International Marketing. 3RD ed. The Dryden Press: New York.
Dahringer, L., Muhlbacher, H. (1991). International Marketing: A Global Perspective. Addison-Wesley: Reading, Massachusetts