Implementing Sustainability at Tata Steel PDF
Implementing Sustainability at Tata Steel PDF
Implementing Sustainability at Tata Steel PDF
People World
Providing equal Conducting business ever
opportunities so mindful of accountability;
as to attract the best talent; positively influencing business
empowering individuals through social commitment
and enriching their
quality of life
Partners Nation
Value creating partnership Improving the quality of life of
with customers and supplier the communities that we serve
popularly referred to as the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle). Tata improved operations that earned TMH a reputation for
Main Hospital and the Jamshedpur Utilities and Services excellence. It was not always this way, according to Dr. R.
Company Ltd (JUSCO), key contributors to the well-being Banerjee, general manager of medical services.1 There was
of the employees and community, were among those units a time when increasing litigation and discontent among
that worked closely with the TQM department to improve patients, combined with rising costs, created the pressure
quality and increase customer satisfaction. to outsource or reduce services. As part of overall corporate
initiatives, the TQM approach was adopted by the hospital
TATA MAIN HOSPITAL (TMH): in 1999. To monitor the effectiveness of the changes, the firm
TQM AND DASHBOARDS used the dashboard consisting of a set of key performance
indicators developed with the support of the TQM department
TMH, founded in a cottage in the city of Jamshedpur in 1908 (see Figure 2). Dr. Banerjee appeared satisfied with the
to treat employees, had grown into a modern 900-bed hospital effectiveness of the dashboard:
with trauma and emergency care and continued expansion into
other areas. The modernization drive had expanded access to 1
ote that most names have been disguised to provide anonymity to
healthcare through new technology, medical research, and the individuals.
Entitled – Prescription
Non-Entitled – % of Online Test Order
% Entitled – No. of Test Order
# of Appointments
% Appointments to Visits
Expense/Revenue Ratio
% HMS Usage for OPD Prescription
Table 1
Hospital Key Performance Measures
Indicator Definition
SLG: Service Level Guarantee The maximum time that service departments expect to take to redress a complaint
Also called expected compliance time
SLE: Service Level Expectation The average time a customer can tolerate to get his complaint redressed
ATAT: Actual Turnaround Time Time taken by JUSCO service departments to resolve a particular customer complaint
CG: Capability Gap Inability of JUSCO services to promise a service level that matches customer expectation
Capability Gap = SLG – SLE
SG: Service Gap GAP between ATAT and SLG, also called compliance beyond time
Service Gap = ATAT – SLG
QG: Quality Gap Sum total of capability gap and service gap
Quality Gap = ATAT – SLE
Source: Adapted from JUSCO 2006 Field Note
Table 3
Monitoring Complaints for Water Management Services for Monitoring the Complaint Resolution System
Service Level Service Level Turn-around
Job Type Guarantee (SLG) Expectation (SLE) Time (ATAT)
Overflow from overhead tank 3 days 1 days 3 days
Drinking water scarcity 3 days 1 days 6 days
Inlet pipe leakage coming from outside house 3 days 1 days 4 days
Pipe leakage/burst outside the house 3 days 1 days 5 days
Sewage wastewater/backside drain 15 days 5 days 21 days
Cleaning of overhead tank 3 days 3 days 4 days
Storm water/ front side drain repair 15 days 5 days 16 days
Source: Adapted from JUSCO 2006 Field Note
Figure 3
Customer Engagement at JUSCO
100% 8%
Repeat Complaints from Customers
% of Compliance with Customers
90% 7%
60% 5%
50% 4%
40% 3%
0% 0%
Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05
Cartoon by Khalil Bendib (Used with permission)
Figure 5
Displacement Compensation Table
Asset Value (Rs.)
2,000 1921.8
Post- displacement
1,000 Post-displacement
657 Annual Income (Rs.)
500 353
288 264
58 49 61 47
Ganga Lalput Soren Jamuna
Figure 6
Greenhouse Gases and the Steel Industry
A. Subsector
GHGs From industry
Petrochemicals 23%
Tons of CO2 per Ton of Steel
96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08
Source: Tata Steel Publication “Ecocitizen”
To reduce its carbon footprint, Corus adopted a variety CONCLUSION: THE PATHWAY AHEAD
of measures along the value chain, including developing
integrated supply chain networks to reduce carbon emissions Tata Steel faced significant challenges as it endeavored to
and fuel costs. The current targets for emissions, the 1.7- retain its legacy of social responsibility. Increased and often
ton level, required a wholly new approach to steel making, conflicting stakeholder expectations, NGO involvement, and
however, necessitating collaborations with other industries the global extension of the Tata brand, with accompanying
and research institutions. The Tata Steel merger would risks, were some factors that would influence the future of
enable the firm to diversify production facilities. Andre sustainability. As a learning organization, management saw
Bernard noted that although stringent regulations were these experiences as further opportunities to learn and grow.
not yet in place in India, the firm had nevertheless used The managing director, Mr. Muthuraman, summed up the
multiple methods to reduce GHG emissions, benefiting from policy of inclusive growth with a view to the future:
research in its global operations. Over a period of 12 years,
Inclusive growth has been our founding philosophy, the raison d’être
the firm had reduced the emissions from Jamshedpur Steel
of our existence… As we grow and globalize in the new century of
Works by 36% (see chart in Figure 7) through modernization
our history, we once again, much like we did in our initial years,
and technology upgrades. With the transfer of emissions
have the opportunity to work with nations, diverse communities and
technology, the firm now had new capabilities to meet
groups. Business practices established by us through good times and
potentially new emissions standards.
difficult ones reaffirm our faith that even as inclusive growth may
change in form and character to evolve with time, it will always
drive sustainability, and through it, profits.