Post-Graduate (M. A.) HISTORY: Courses of Study

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Prepared on the Guidelines of the U.G.C.

Courses of Study

Post-Graduate (M. A.) HISTORY

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

To be implemented from

Academic Session 2018-2019

Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University

Morabadi, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834009


1. Introduction 03-04

2. Syllabus of M.A. History (At a Glance) 05

3. First Semester 06-12

4. Second Semester 13-20

5. Third Semester 21-31

6. Fourth Semester 32-42


These Regulations shall be called the Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University
regulations for Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Continuous Assessment Grading
Pattern (CAGP) for Post-Graduate (PG) Degree Programmes. These Regulations shall be
applicable to all candidates admitted to full-time post- graduate run under Dr. Shyama Prasad
Mukherjee University, Ranchi from the calendar year 2018.

The M.A. Courses of study will be of two years duration and divided into four
semesters each of six months duration. There will be four papers in each semester. This
course of study under CBCS system is being introduced from calendar year 2018 with a view
to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subjects taught at Post-Graduate level.

During two years duration students will be taught fifteen papers and one Project or
dissertation paper.


Course Structure for M.A.

Semester Courses
FC (Compulsory) - (FC - 1)
Core Course - 1 (CC - 1)
Core Course - 2 (CC - 2)
Core Course - 3 (CC - 3)
Elective (SE) (EC-1)
CC - 4
CC - 5
CC - 6
CC - 7
CC - 8
CC - 9
EC-2 (GE/DC)
CC - 10
CC - 11
EC - 3 (GE/DC)
Dissertation / Project

There are three groups of special papers, each of two papers. One will be taught in
third semester and one in the fourth. The students are required to opt one specialized group of
his/her choice. The specialized groups are:

Group A : Ancient Indian History

Group B : Medieval Indian History
Group C : Modern Indian History

Each paper shall carry 70 marks out of 100 full marks.

In each paper out of ten questions, students will have to answer five within three
hours. Questions will be asked from each unit in order to test the critical and analytical merits
of the students. Rest of the 30 marks in each paper shall be divided as follows :

Inte rnal Assessment Marks Notes

1st Term Examination 20
 Best of one Term
2nd Term Examination 20
Examination shall be
Homework Assignment 5 counted

Overall performance of  The term examination

Student including regularity in shall be one hour
the classroom lectures / 5 duration in each
seminars and other activities of theory paper in each
the department / college semester.

The pass marks of each paper shall be 28 in the End Semester University Exam
(ESUE) and 17 for the Sessional Internal Assessment (SIA).

The duration of first and third semester will be from July to November and that of
second and fourth from December to May in each session of two years. Each semester shall
comprise of a total 450 instruction hours.

The University examination for 1 st and 3rd semesters will be held in the month of
December and that of 2nd and 4th semesters in the month of June every current academic year.

Place: Ranchi Dr. Anil Kumar

Date: March, 2018 Head
University Dept of History


E Course
Course Name Internal
S No. End
Written Overall
T Semester Assignment Performance
E Examination

FC - 1 Concept of Historiography 70 20 5 5 100

Ancient Societies : Egypt,
CC - 1 Mesopotamia, China, Greece 70 20 5 5 100
I and Rome
CC - 2 Medieval European Societies 70 20 5 5 100

CC - 3 Modern World 70 20 5 5 100

EC - 1 Skill in History Writing 70 20 5 5 100

CC - 4 History of Jharkhand 70 20 5 5 100

CC - 5 History of Women Study 70 20 5 5 100
History of Ecology &
CC - 6 70 20 5 5 100
Environment in India
CC -7 Medieval Islamic Society 70 20 5 5 100
Socio-Religious Movements in
CC - 8 70 20 5 5 100
CC - 9 History of Gandhian Philosophy 70 20 5 5 100
III Administrative History of
EC - 2 (A) 70 20 5 5 100
Ancient India
Administrative History of
EC - 2 (B) 70 20 5 5 100
Medieval India
Administrative History of
EC - 2 (C) 70 20 5 5 100
Modern India
CC - 10 State in India 70 20 5 5 100
Indian National Movement
CC - 11 70 20 5 5 100
Socio-Economic History of
EC - 3 (A) 70 20 5 5 100
Ancient India
IV Socio-Economic History of
EC - 3 (B) 70 20 5 5 100
Medieval India
Socio-Economic History of
EC - 3 (C) 70 20 5 5 100
Modern India
Project Viva-voce
D - 16 Dissertation Paper / Project 100
Work 80 20



Subject Code- Hist. FC -1

Class- 75,Time: 3 hrs. Full marks: 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit –I
1. Concept of History
2. Meaning and scope of History
3. History and its relation with other discipline : Archaeology, Geography,
Political Science, Economics. Anthropology, Sociology and Ecology.

Unit – II
1. Causation
2. Generalization
3. Historicism

Unit – III
1. Objectivity in History
2. Subjectivity in History

Unit – IV
1. Greco-Roman
2. Chinese
3. Arabic

Unit- V Indian Historiography :

1.Ancient : a) Itihas Purana Tradition
b) Budhist Historiography
c) Jain Historiography
d) Banbhatta
e) Kalhan
2. Medieval : Tradition of Indo-Persian writing in Indian History
3. Modern : a) Imperialist Writings in Indian history
b) Nationalist Writings in Indian history

Books Recommended:

1. E Sreedharan, Itihas Lekh Ek Pathya Pustak, Orient Blackswan

2. E Sreedharan, Textbook of Historiography, Orient Blackswan
3. R.K. Majumdar and A.N. Shrivastava – Historiography.
4. K. Rajayya – Historiography – History in Theory and Method. Madhurai Publishing House.
Madurai 625001.
5. R.Lohia – Wheel of History. Novalird Prakashan. Hyderabad, Hindi Ed. Also “Itihas Chakra”.
6. Action- Study of History.
7. Gooch, G.P. History and Hisorians in the Ninteenth Century.
8. Buckhardt Jacob – Reflections on History.
9. R.G. Collinghood – The ldea of History.
10. E.H. Carr – What is History, Also Hindi tr. “ltihas Kya Hai, Macmillan.
11. J.W. Thompson – History of Historical writing 2 Vols.
12. H.E. Barnbera – A History of History Writing.
13. Arnold. J. Toynbee – A study of History.
14. H.C. Bockett – The Critical Method on Historical Research and Writing.
15. Govind Chand Pandey – Itishas Swarup Evan Sidhanta (Hindi), Rajasthan Granth Academy,
16. Jharkhandy Choubey –Itihas Darshan (Hindi), Varanasi.
17. P.C. Panchal and Prof. H.S. Baghela – Itihas ke Siddhanta Evan Padhatiyan (Theories and
Methods of History), Research Publications, Jaipur.
18. Toynbee, A. – Study of History, Hindi Tr. “ Itihas Ka Adhyanan”.
19. Shortwell, J.R. The History of History.
20. Dr. Parmandn Singh – Itihas Darshan” ( Hindi )
21. Budh Prakash – Itihas Darshan” (Hindi)
22. H.G. Wells – “Itihas Ke Rooprekha” (Hindi) K.L. Khurana and R.K. Bansal Itihas
Lekhan, Dharnauen tatha Padhatiyan .

Subject code: Hist. CC - 1
Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Greece and Rome

Class- 75, Time: 3 hrs. Full marks: 70 Credit-5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit – I, Egypt:
1. Old kingdom - Society, Art and Architectore
2. Middle Kingdom - Society, Economic, Religious condition
Achievement of 12th dynasty
3. New Kingdom – Amenhotep III
Achievements of Akhenaten.
4. Contribution of Egypt.

Unit – II, Mesopotamia:

1. Sumerian civilization – Early dynastic period.
2. Babylonians
3. Hammurabi – Code of Law and Administration of Hammurabi.
4. The Kassites – the rise of kassites & Achievements of kassites.
5. Assyrians – Fall of Assyrian Empire.
6. Contribution of Sumerians.

Unit- IV, China:

1. Shang dynasty- Society, Economy & Religion
2. Chou dynasty- State Structure, Society & Economy
3. Confucious.
4. Contribution of Chinese civilization to the World

Unit- V, Greece & Rome:

1. Homeric Age - Achievements of Homer.
2. Spartan Constitution – main features.
3. Pericles and his Achievements.
4. Roman Civilization – Society, Economy and its decline.

Books Recommended:

1. Thucdides – Peloponnesian Yudha ka Itihas (Hindi)

2. Breasted – History of Egypt
3. Hall – History of the Ancient Near East
4. King- History of Babylonia
5. Turner – Great Cultural Traditions.

6. Delaporte – Mesopotamia
7. Herr lee Glessner Creel, The Birth of China- A Survey of the Formulative Period of
Chinese Civilization, Jonathan Cape, London, 1936.
8. J. B. Bury, (a) History of Greece to the Death of Alexander, (b) The Hellenistic Age,
9. Gorge Grote, History of Greece (12 Vols) 1845- 1856.
10. R.W. Livingston, the Legacy of Greece, Oxford, 1922.
11. C. Mackenzei, Pericles, London 1937.
12. E. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, (7 Vols,) ed. J.B. Bury, Macmillan.
13. S.M. Pathak , Vishwa Ki Pracheen Sabhyataonka Itihas, Bihar Hindi Granth Academy,
Patna 1986, (In Hindi).
14. Nemisharan Mittal, Pracheen Sbhyatayen, Search Publication, N. Delhi 1997 ( In Hindi)
15. Sri Ram Goyal, Vishwa Ki Pracheen Sabhyatayen, (In Hindi)
16. Dhanpati Pandey, (a) Pracheen Mishr, Motilal Banarasi Das, N. Delhi, (b) Pracheen
Mesopotamia, Motilal Banarasi Das, N. Delhi, (c) Pracheen Chin, Motilal Banarasi Das
Motilal, N. Delhi ( In Hindi)
17. Uday Prakash Arora, Pracheen Yunan, Anamika, 2010.

Subject Code- Hist. CC - 2

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit-I Transition from Ancient Society to Medieval Society in Europe :

1. Social Condition
2. Agrarian Structure
3. Trade and Commerce
4. Science and Technology

Unit- II Charlemagna :
1. Coronation
2. Administration
3. Religious and Ecclesiastical policy

Unit- III Investiture Struggle :

1. Investiture Contest- Causes
2. Results of the Investiture Contest
3. Crusades- Causes and Impact

Unit- IV Transition from Medievel to Modern Age in Europe :

1. Feudalism - Origin, Nature, Main features, Causes of its Decline & Chivalary.
2. Renaissance – Causes, Salient features, Effeats.
3. Reformation

Unit-V Urbanization and discoveries ;

1. Medieval Universities – Rise and Development.
2. Medieval Towns - Rise and Development.
3. Geographical Discoveries

Books Recommended:

1. Thompson and Johnson – An Introduction to Medieval Europe.

2. Prentive ornton – The shorter Cambridge Medieval History Vol. 1, 11.
3. Myers – The Middle Ages.
4. K.C. Chaudhary – The Middle ages
5. B. Virottam – Madhya kalin Europe ka Itihas
6. Dhanpati Pandey – Madhya kalin Europe ka Itihas
7. Arnold – The Caliphate
8. Ameer Ali – A Short history of the Saracens
9. P.k. Hitti – History of the Arabs.
10. Cambridge History of Islam
11. K.P Sahu – Islam ka Udvab aur vikas
12. B.B. Sinha – Madhya kalin Islam.

Subject Code: Hist. CC - 3

Class-75, Time-3 hrs. Full Marks- 70 Credit-5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit- I
1. Anglo- German Naval Rivalry
2. Anglo- Japanese Alliance (1902)
3. Anglo- French Entente (1904)

Unit- II
1. Russo- Japanese War (1904-1905)
2. Anglo- Russian Pact (1907)

Unit- III
1. Morocco Crisis
2. Bosnian Wars
3. Balkan Wars- Causes and Effects
4. Causes and Effects of the 1st World War

Unit- IV
1. Paris Peace Conference
2. The Russian Revolution 1917
3. League of Nations – its failure
4. Modernization of Japan

Unit- V
1. World Depression 1929-1933 and the New Deal
2. Ideologies of Nazism and Fascism : Germany & italy
3. Causes and Effects of 2nd World War

Books Recommended:

1. Arjun Dev, Samkaleen Vishwa ka Itihas, Orient Blackswan, 2010

2. Arjun Dev, History of The World, Orient blackswan, 2009
3. David S Mason, A Concise History of Modern Europe, Orient Blackswan,
4. Vandana Joshi, Social Movements and Cultural Currents, Orient Blackswan
5. Gooch – History of Europe (1917)
6. S.B. Fay – Origin of the world war.
7. Langsam – World since 1914
8. Morris and lrwin (Ed) – An Encyclopaedia of Modern world.
9. Lipson – Europe in the 19th and 20th Century
10. D.N. Verma – Adhunik Vishva
11. Harn shaw – Main Currents of European History
12. P.T. Moon – Imperialism and world politics.

13. A.J.P. Taylor – Struggle for Mastery in Europe.
14. Verndsky – A History of Rassia.
15. L.B. Verma – Adhunik Europe.
16. Swain – Beginning of the 20th Century.
17. Brandenburg – From Bismark to the world war.
18. Bense Lee – Europe Since 1914
19. N. Mansergh – The coming of the 1 st world war
20. Carr. E.H. – The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917- 23, 3 vols. (Macmillan, 1905-1953).
21. Fisher, H.A.L, A History of Europe (London, 1969).
22. Langer, W.L. European Alliances and Alignments (Greenwood, 1977).
23. Bipin Bihari Sinha, Arab Ka Itihas (In Hindi)
24. R. A. Nicholson, Literary History of the Arabs


Subject Code – Hist. EC - 1

Class- 75,Time: 3 hrs. Full marks: 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit- I
1. Meaning and types of Research, Requisites of a Research Scholar.
2. Meaning and types of data
3. Hypothesis

1. Primary Sources
2. Secondary Sources
3. Oral Sources

Unit- III Analytical ope rations :

1. Internal and External Criticism.
2. Problem of Authenticity and Credibility.

Unit- IV
1. Making Article and Dissertation
2. Synopsis
3. Thesis Writing

Unit- V
1. Foot notes
2. References and Bibliography
3. Summary of thesis

Books Recommended
1. E Sreedharan, Itihas Lekh Ek Pathya Pustak, Orient Blackswan
2. E Sreedharan, Textbook of Historiography, Orient Blackswan
3. Satish. K. Bajpai- Research Methodology in History
4. Gilbert J. Garraghan- A guide to Historical Method
5. Tej Ram Sharma, Research Methodology in History, Concept Publishing

6. B. Sheik Ali, History: Its Theory and Method, Macmillan, Madras, 1990
7. K.L.Khurana and R.K. Bansal Itihas Lekhan, Dharnauen tatha Padhatiyan.
8. Louis Gottschalk, Understanding History, University of Chicago, 1961.
9. John C. B. Webster, Studying History, Macmillan, Delhi.
10. Homer C, Hockett, The Critical Method in Historical Research & Writing.
11. R.K. Majumdar and A.N. Shrivastava – Historiography.
12. .K. Rajayya – Historiography – History in Theory and Method. Madurai Publishing
House. Madurai.
13. R.Lohia – Wheel of History. Novalird Prakashan. Hyderabad, Hindi Ed.Also “Itihas
14. Acton- Study of History.
15. Gooch, G.P. History and Hisorians in the Nineteenth Century.
16. Buckhardt Jacob – Reflections on History.
17. R.G. Collinghood – The ldea of History.

Subject Code- Hist. CC - 4

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit-I Jharkhand in Pre-historic Age

Palaeolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic – Sites and Tools

Unit – II Primitive Tribes of Jharkhand – Asur, Munda, Oraon & Santhal

a) Settlement in Jharkhand
b) Social, Religion, Economic & Cultural life.

Unit – III
1. Tribal Administration – Parha system
2. Turk – Afghan in Jharkhand
3. Mughals in Jharkhand

Unit – IV
1. Nagvanshi Dynasty
2. Chero Raj
3. Singh Dynasty

Unit – V
1. The Kol Rebellion of 1831-1832- Causes and impact
2. The Santhal Hul of 1855- Causes and impact
3. The Birsa Movement
4. Safa Hore Movement
5. Tana Bhagat Movement

Unit – VI 1857 in Jharkhand

Unit - VII
1. Impact of Industrialization on Tribal Community
2. Tribal Festival, Musical tools of the Tribes
3. Tourism in Jharkhand.

Unit - VIII
1. Jharkhand Movement 1925-1963
2. Jharkhand Movement 1964-2000
3. Formation of Jharkhand State.

Books Recommended:

Asoka Kumar Sen : From Village Elders to British Judge, Orient Blackswan, 2012
Sanjukta Dasgupta : Adivasis and the Raj Socio Economic Transition of the Hos 1820 - 1932,
Orient Blackswan, 2011

Biswamoy Pati : Adivasi in Colonial India, Orient Blackswan, 2011
Rajiv Balprishan : Jharkhand Matters – Essay on Ethnicity, Religionism and Development
K.K.Dutta : History of Freedom Movement in Bihar, Vol.III
J.C. Jha : The Tribal Revolt of Chotanagpur
Kumar S.Singh : The Dust Storm and Hanging Mist
: Birsa Munda and His Movements
S. Mishra. : History of Freedom Movement in Chotanagpur,1885-1947, KPJRI,
Severin Oscar : The Tana Bhagat Movements in Chotanagpur
Diwakar Minj : Munda awam Oraon ka Dharmik Itihas, Orient Publications, Delhi.1996.
L.N.Rana : Jharkhand : Aspects of Freedom struggle and Constitution Making,
k.K.Publications, Allahabad, 2010.
Anil Kumar : Jharkhand Mein Munda ka Arthik Etihas, Janaki Prakashan, Patna,
29 march 2002
Sudha Sinha : The Nagvanshis of Chotanagpur, Classical Publishing Company, 2001.
S. Mahto : Hundred years of the Christion Missions in Chotanagpur since 1845,
Bharatiya vidya shodh Sansthan, patna- 1, 1971.
A.K.Chattoraj : Nationalism and social change in chotanagpur, K.K.Publications,
Allahabad, 2012
Abha Xalxo : Britishkalin Jharkhand ke kuch Aitihasik addhyan, Xavier Publication,
Ranchi, 2015.
Abha Xalxo : History of Education in Jharkhand (1845 to 1947), S.K.Publishing
company, Ranchi, 2010.
S.C. Roy : The Mundas and their country, Kuntaline Press, Kolkata, 1912.
S.C. Roy : The Oraons of Chotanagpur, Brahmo Mission Press, Kolkata, 1915.
B. Virottam : The Nagbanshis and the Cheros.
B. Virottam : Jharkhand : Itihas Evam Sanskrit, Patna 2001.
B.P. Kesri : Chotanagpur ka Itihas, Kuchha Sutra Kuchha Sandarv.
Mahabir Verma : Koel ke Kinare Kinare
J.C.Jha : The Bhumiji insurrection.
J.C. Jha : The Kol Insurrection.
P.Ponette (Ed) : The Munuda World, Catholic Prees, 1978.
K. Singh : Birsa Bhagwan aur unka Andolan.
C.P. Singh : The Hos of Singbhum.
A. K. Verma : Rev. Adm. in Chotanagpur.
S.P. Sinha : Birsa Bhagwan and his Times.
E.T. Dalton : Descriptive ethnology of Bengal.
A.K. Verma : Rev. Adm. In Chotanagpur.
L.P. Vidyarth : Bihar ke Adibasis.
Z.Ahmad : Bihar ke Adibasis.
N. Prasad : Land and people of Tribal Bihar, T.R.I. Ranchi 1961.
P.C. Oraon : Oraon, Ranchi, 1993
M. Sahu : Kolhan under British Rule
T.N.N. Singhdeo : Singhbhum Saraikela and Kharsawan through the Ages.
Rajeshwari Prasad : Asur, Ranchi.
Ram Kumar Tiwari : Jharkhand ki Rooprekha, 2013

Subject Code: Hist. CC - 5

Class- 75, Time: 3 hrs. Full marks 70, Credit-5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit – I Approaches :
1. Liberal Approach
2. Marxist Approach
3. Radical Approach

Unit – II
1. Principles of Feminism
2. Feminism and Gender discrimination

Unit- III
1. Women in Anti Colonial Movements
2. Women Movements in Socialist Countries Russia, China and Cuba

Unit – IV Position of Women in Ancient India

1. Legal
2. Educational
3. Society
4. Polity

Unit – V Position of Wome n in Medieval India

1. Legal
2. Educational
3. Society
4. Polity

Unit- VI Position of Women in Modern India

1. Role of Women in the National Movement
2. Social policy of British Govt. And emancipation of Women during colonial period
3. Constitutional status of Women in Independent India
4. Position of Women in tribal Society

Books Recommended:

1. A.S. Altekar, The Position of Women in Hindu Civilisation, 2nd Edition, Motilal
Banrasi Das, Delhi 1978
2. Kamala Gupta, Women in Hindu Social System, Inter India Publication , N. Delhi,
3. Jana M. Everett, Women and Social Changes in India, Heritage Publishers, N.Delhi,

4. Neera Desai and Usha Thakur, Women in Indian Society, National Book Trust India,
5. Zeenat Kausar, Women in Mughal India, Janki Prakashan, Patna, 1999
6. Shiv Prasad and Dalpat Rai Pandit, Bharat ke Stri Ratna, Part-2, Sasta Sahitya
Mandal, Anjmer (In Hindi)
7. Ramji Lal Sharma, Bharatiya Vidushi, Indian Press, Prayag, 1976 (In Hindi)
8. Amarnath, Nari ka Mukti Sangharsh, Remaghaw Publication Pvt. Ltd. 2007 (In
9. Pratima Jain And Sangeeta Sharma : Bharatiya Isti, Rawat Publication, JAipur and
New Delhi, 1998 (In Hindi)
10. Renuka Nath, Notable Mughal and Hindu Women in 16 th to 17th Centruries A.D.,
Inter India Publication, N. Delhi, 1967
11. Agnew, Vijay, Elite Women in Indian Politics. Delhi, Vikas, 1979.
12. Altekar, A.S. The Position of Women in Hindu Civilisation, 2 nd ed. Motilal
Banarsidass, Delhi, 1978.
13. Basu, A. and Ray, B. Women’s Struggle: A History of the All India women’s
Conference 1927-1990, Delhi, Manohar, 1990.
14. Borthwick, M. The Changing Role of women in Bengal, 1849-1905, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 1984.
15. Chakravarti Uma and Kumkum Roy: “Breaking out of Invisibility; Rewriting the
History of women in Ancient India.” In Klenberg,
16. S. Jay Retriegving women’s History changing Perceptions of the Role of women in
Politics and Society. UNESCO, Berg, 1988.
17. Dehejia, Vidya, Representing the Body: Gender Issues in Indian Art. Kali for women,
Delhi, 1997.
18. Desai Neera, women in Modern India. Vora, Mumbai, 1957.
19. Everett, Jana M. Women and Social change in India. Heritage publishers, Delhi, 1981.
20. Forbes, Gerakdine, Women in Modern India, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1996.
21. Jayawardena, Kumari, Feminism and Nationalism in Third world. London, Zed
Books, 1986.
22. Kousar. Zeenat – women in Mughal India.
23. Krishnamuty, J. ed.; Women in Colonial India: Essays on Survival, Work and the
State. OUP, Delhi, 1989.
24. Leslie, 1. Julia, ed. Roles and Rituals for Hindu women, Fairleigh Dickinsin
University Press, Rutherford, N.J. 1991.
25. Liddle, J, and Rama Joshi, Daughters of Independence: Gender, Caste and Class in
India, Zed Books, London, 1986.
26. Mani, Lata Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial Indian, University
of California Prass, Berkeley, 1998.

Subject Code – Hist. CC - 6

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit- I Studying Ecology & Environment : An Introduction

1. Sources of Study
2. Indian Landscape
3. Nature-Human interface

Unit- II Environment, Early Societies and Agricultural

1. Resource Use and Human Societies
2. Hunting-Gathering Societies
3. Nomadic Pastoralism Societies
4. Origins of Agriculture
5. River Valley Civilization
6. Agricultural Diffusion and Regional Specificities in North India & Peniosula India

Unit- III Appropriation of Envirpnme nt & Indian Philosophy

1. Energy Resources
2. Water Resources
3. Forest Resources
4. Metal & Mineral Resource
5. Man-Nature Relationship
6. Conservation Through Ages
7. Transitions

Unit- IV Colonialism, Environme nt and Modern Conce rns

1. Understanding of Environment
2. Environmental Agenda
3. Resource Management : Forests
4. Resource Management : Water
5. Development and Environmental Concerns
6. Biodiversity
7. Environmental Resources and Patents
8. Environment Conservation – Chipko Aandolan

Books Recommended:

1. Dr. Aaradhana Salpekar, Dr. Kadambari Sharma, “Encyclopedia of Ecology and

Environment” New Delhi, 2007, Bhartiya Khadi gramodyog Vikas Adhikaran.
2. Jasleen Kewlans, Deforestation & Socio-economic Environment, Concept Pub., new
Delhi, 2012

3. Mahua Sarkar, Environment and History, kalpaz Publications, Delhi, 2008
4. Venkateshwaran Reddy, “Environment Development and the Gender Gap”, sage
5. Shastri, Madhu and Rajesh, Environmental Priorities in India
6. Bansil, P. C., Water Management in India, Concept Publication, 2004
7. Agarwal, A. And Sivramakrishnan, K, eds., Social Nature : Resources
Representations and Rule in India, Delhi, 2000
8. Bhattacharya, D. K., Ecology and Social Formation in Ancient History, K.P. Bagchi
& Company, Calcutta, 1990
9. Birdget and Raymond Allchin, The Birth of Indian Civilization, India and Pakistan
before 500 B.C. , 1968
10. Aloka Parashar sen, “Of Tribes, Hunters and Barbarians : Forest Dwellers in the
Mauryan period”, Studies in History, 14, n.s. 1998
11. Dilip K. Chakrabarti, India : An Archeological History, OUP, New Delhi, 1999
12. M.K.Dhavalikar, Indian Protohistory, New Delhi,1997
13. Madhav Gadgil & Ramchandra Guha, This Fissured Land, An Ecological History of
India, Delhi, 1992
14. Ramchandra Guha, Environmentalism, A Global History, New Delhi, 2000
15. Wernes Wolfgang (ed), Aspects of Ecological Problems and Environmental
Awareness in South Asia, New Delhi, 1993
16. Vidya Niwas Mishra (ed), Creativity and Environment, Sahitya Akademi, New delhi,
17. David Mosse, The Rule of Water : Statecraft, Ecology and Collective Action in South
Indoa, New delhi, 2003


Subject Code – Hist. CC - 7


Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit- I Pre-Islamic Arabia (The Jahiliya Period)

1. Social, Political and Economical Condition .
2. The Life and teaching of prophet mohammad

Unit- II The expansion of Islam under the Orthodox Caliphate

1. Abu Bakr
2. Umar

Unit- III
1. Umayyad - Social, Cultural condition
2. Abbasids - Social, Cultural condition
3. Abbasid dynasty – harun-al-Rashid

Unit- IV
1. Condition of Women
2. Condition of Slave
3. Condition of Economy

Unit- V Education and Literature :

1. Art & Architecture
2. Scientific development

Books Recommended:

1. Jamal Malik, Islam in South Asis, Orient Blackswan, 2012

2. S. Ameer Ali, A Short History of the Saracens
3. S. Ameer Ali, The Spirit of Islam
4. W. Munir, The Life of Muhammad
5. Arnold, The Caliphate
6. S. Khuda Bux, Islamic Civilization
7. S. Khuda Bix , Contribution to the History of Islamic Civilization, Calcutta
8. P.K. Hitti, History of the Arabs

9. K.Ali, A Study of Islamic History, Indrah- 1 Adabiat – 1 Delli, Delhi (Reprint)
10. P.Levy, The Social Structure of Islam
11. Mez, The Renaissance of Islam
12. Von Kramer, Contribution to Islamic Civilization
13. N. Aghnides, Muhammedan Theories of Finance
14. Le Strange, Land of the Easter Caliphate
15. Lamblon, Landlord and Peasants of Persia
16. Hamilton Gibbs, An Introduction to Arabic Literature, Oxford 1963
17. The Encyclopedia of Islam (Relevant Articels)
18. K. P. Sahu, Islam Udbhav Aur Vikas, (In Hindi)

Subject Code: Hist. CC - 8

Class- 75, Time: 3 hrs. Full marks 70, Credit-5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit – I Social life of India from earliest days to Gupta period

1. Harappan Society
2. Vedic Society
3. Mauryan Society
4. Gupta society

Unit – II Religious move ments from earliest days to Gupta period

1. Shaivism
2. Jainism
3. Buddhism
4. Bhaghavatism (Vaisnavism)

Unit- III Medieval India and Indian Socio-Religious life in Sultanate Period.
1. Social Structure of Sultanate period
2. Bhakti Movement
3. Sufism
4. Nath Cult

Unit – IV Medieval India and Indian Socio-Religious life in M ughal India

1. Social Structure of Mughal Period
2. Bhakti Movement
3. Din- i-Ilahi
4. Sikhism

Unit- V Socio-Religious Movements in Modern India

1. Brahmo samaj
2. Arya Samaj
3. Theosophical Society
4. Muslim Reform Movement

Books Recommended:

1. Parimala v Rao, Foundations of Tilaks Nationalism, Orient Blackswan, 2010

2. Shobna Nijhawan, Nationalism in the Vernacular, Orient Balckswan, 2010
3. A. R. Desai, Social background of Indian Nationalism (English & Hindi)
4. Chopra, Das and Puri : A Social cultura and economic history of India, Vol. II. (Hindi

5. Fukazawa, Hiroshi : The Medieval Deccan : Peasants, Social Systems and States-
Sixteenth to Eighteenth centuries, edn. 17(Delhi, OUP, 1991).
6. Habib, Mohammad, Politics and Society in Early Medieval Period, Vols. I & II
(Delhi, PPH, 1974).
7. Karashima, M. Towards a New Formation : South Indian Society Under Vijayanagar
(Delhi, OUP, 1984)
8. K.P. Sahu. (i) Some aspects of North Indian social Life (1000-1526 A.D). (ii)
Madhyakalin Uttar Bharatiya Samajik Jivan ke kuchh paksha (Hindi)
9. Rashid, A. : Society and culture in Medieval India.
10. Saletore, B.A. : Social and political life in Vijaynagar empire.
11. Srivastava, A.L. : Madhyakalin Bhartiya sanskrity.
12. Yadava, B.N.S. : Society and Culture of Northern India in the Twelfth Century (
Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1973).
13. Yusuf Hussain : Madhyakalin Bhartiya Sanskriti ki EK Jhalak.
14. P.N. Chopra : Society and Culture in Mughal age.
15. Zeenat Kousar : Women in Mughal India.
16. Chaudhuri, K.M. Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History
from the Rise of Islam to 1750 (Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1985)
17. Dasgupta, Ashin, Indian Merchants and the Decline of Surat, c, 1700- 1750 ( Delhi,
Manohar, 1994).
18. Habib, Ifran (ed.) Agrarian system of Mughal India, 1526- 1707 (Mumbai, Asis, 1).
19. Hasan, S Nurul, Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India (Delhi, PPH, 1973)
20. K.M. Ashraf : Life and conditions of the people of Hindustan.
21. Moosvi, shireen. Economy of the Mughal Empire: A statistical study (Aligarh,
22. Moreland, W.H. : Agrarian system of Moslem India : A Historical Essay with
Appendices. Edn. 2 (Delhi, Oriental Books Reprint Corp. 1968).
23. Moreland, W.H. From Akbar to Aurangzab : A study in Indian Economic History (
Delhi, Low Price Publication, 1990).
24. Naqvi H.K. Urbanisation and Urban Centres Under the Great Mughals, 1556-1707
(simla, HAS, 1971).
25. Ojhan, P.N. (i) North Indian Social Life during the Mughal Period. (ii) Aspects of
Medieval Indian society and Culture, (iii) Mughal Kalin Bharat ka Samajik Jivan (iv)
Madhyakalin Bharatiya samaj evem sanskriti ki Ruprekha .
26. Raychaudhuri, Tapan, and Irfan Habib (eds.) Cambridge Economic History of India,
Vol. 1.X. 1200-c 1750 (Delhi, S. Chand,1984).
27. Kalindi Kumari, Status of Hindus in Mughal India, Bharat Book Center, 17 Ashok
Marg, Lucknow, 2006

Subject Code- Hist. CC - 9

Classes-75, Time- 3 hours Full Marks- 70, Credit-5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit- I
1. Gandhi’s Life
2. Gandhis in South Africa

Unit- II
2. Satyagrah
3. Gramswaraj

Unit- III
1. Gandhi on Religion and Politics
2. Gandhi on Education
3. Gandhi on Women

Unit- IV
1. Gandhi on Tribes
2. Gandhi on Untouchability
3. Gandhi on Trusteeship

Unit- V
1. Gandhi on State
2. Gandhi on Economy
3. Gandhi- An Estimate

Books Recommended:

1.Manoj Sinha: Gandhi Aadhyan, Orient Blackswan, 2010

2.David Hardiman, Gandhi in His Times and Ours, Orient Blackswan, 2004
3.Narayan Desai, My Life is My Message, Orient Blackswan, 2009
4.Suresh Sharma, M K Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj, Orient Blackswan, 2010
5.Debjani Ganguly, Rethinking Gandhi and Non-violent Relationality, Orient Blackswan, 2009
6.Sabine - History of Political theory.
7. Cocker - Recent political thought.
8. G.N. Dhawan - Political Philosophy of Gandhi.
9.V.P.Verma- The Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi and Sarvodaya.
10. P.D. Sharma - Adhunik Rajnitik Bicharoan ka Itihas.
11. P.D. Pathak - Rajnitik Darshan.
12. Stephen - The English Utilitarians.
13. Dunning - History of Political theories.

Subject Code: Hist. EC – 2 (A)

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions

Unit- I Sources and State in Ancient India :

1. Sources
2. Divine Theory of Origin of State
3. Social Contract Theory of the State
4. The Saptangh theory
5. Mandal theory
6. Aims and Functions of State

Unit- II Vedic Policy

1. Vidath
2. Sabha and Samiti
3. Vedic Administration

Unit- III Administration under Republic and Kingship :

1. Lichchivi Administration
2. Mauryan Administration
3. Mauryan Town Administration
3. Gupta Administration

Unit- IV Post Guptan Administration and Inte r State Institution :

1. Harsha Administration
2. Chola Administration
3. Sadgunya
4. Char-Vyavastha

Unit- V Institutional Growth :

1. Mantri Parishad
2. Judicial System
3. Village Administration
4. Guild System

Essential Readings

R S Sharma : Prarambhik Bharat Ka Parichay, Orient Blackswan, 2004

K. P. Jaiswal : Hindu Polity
A.S.Altekar : State and Government in Ancient India.
U.N. Ghoshal : A History of Hindu Political theories.

Anil Kumar : Prachin Bharat, Vedeshi paryatako ke britaant par aadharit
(324 B.C. - 713 A.D) k.k. Publication, Allahabad, 2013.
R.S. Sharma : Aspects of Political idea and institutions in Ancient India.
Beni Prasad : State and Government in Ancient India.
B.N. Puri : History of Indian Administration
R.K. Mukherjee : Local self Government in Ancient India.
R. Shamasastry : KautilyaArthashastra.
K.V. R. Aiyangar: Some aspects of Ancient Indian polity.
R.K. Choudhary : PrachinBhartiyaShasanPaddhati.
R.C. Majumdar : Corporate life in Ancient India.
P. Saran : Prachin Bharat kiRajnitik.
V.R.R.Dikshitar : The Mauryan polity.
B.K. Sarkar : The Political institutions and theories of the Hindus.
P.B. Kane : History of Dharmsastra.
R. S. Sharma : Prachin Bhartiya Rajnitik Vichar evam Sansthayen, Rajkamal Prakashan,
New Delhi
Parmatma Sharan: Prachin Bharat mein Rajnitik Vichar evam Sansthayen, Minakchi
Prakashan, Merath.

Subject Code: Hist. EC – 2 (B)

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions

Unit- I Turko-Afghan Period :

1. Central Administration – Khalifa, Sultan, Council of Ministers
2. Military Administration – Revenue Administration
3. Judicial System
4. Provincial Administration & Local Administration

Unit- II Administrative system in the Deccon :

1. Vijay nagar Empire – Central Administration, King, Council of Ministers
2. Provincial Administration
3. Local Administration
4. Bahmani Administration – Central and Provincial

Unit- III
1. Administration of Shershah – Central Administration , Revenue Administration
and Provincial Administration
2. Mughal Administration
3. Military Administration and Judicial
4. Revenue Administration

Unit- IV
1. Provincial Administration
2. Jagirdari System
3. Mansabdari System
4. Local Administration

Unit- V Maratha Administration :

1. Central Administration
2. Revenue Administration
3. Military Administration

Essential Readings

Satish Chandra, Madhyakaleen Bharat: Rajniti Samaj aur Samskriti,Orient Blackswan, 2007
Satish Chandra: History of Medieval India, Orient Blackswan, 2007
Neeraj Srivastav, Madhyakaleen Bharat: Prashasan Samaj evam Sanskriti,Orient Blackswan,
Meenakshi Khanna, Madhyakaleen Bharat ka Sanskritik Itihas, Orient Blackswan, 2012
Meenakshi Khanna, Cultural History of Medieval India, Social Science Press, 2007
R S Sharma, Early Medieval Indian Society, Orient Blackswan, 2014

Meena Bhargava, Exploring Medieval India 1600 to 1800 Centuries Vol. I, Orient
Blackswan, 2010
Meena Bhargava, Exploring Medieval India 1600 to 1800 Centuries Vol. II, Orient
Blackswan, 2010
Jadunath Sarkar: The Fall of The Mughal Empire, vol. I – IV, Orient Blackswan, 2007
R.P.Tripathi : Some Aspects of Muslim Administration
G.S.Sardesai : Rise of the Maratha Power
I.H.Qureshi : The Administration of Delhi Sultanate, Lahore, 1944
M.B.Ahamad : The Administration of Justice in Medieval india, Aligarh, 1941
U.N.Dey : Administrative System of Delhi Sultanate
Irfan Habib (ed) : Madhyakalin Bharat, Bhag 1-4 ( in Hindi)
J.L.Mehta : Madhyakalin Bharat ka Brihat Itihas, Bhag 1-3 (In Hindi)
Mohamad Habib & Khalil Ahmad Nizami, Delhi Sultanate, Bhag 1-4 (in Hindi)

Subject Code: Hist. EC – 2 (C)

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions

Unit- I
1. Administrative Policy of East India Company
2. Early Administration of East India Company – Dual Govt. of Clive
3. Administrative Reforms of Warren Hastings
3. Administrative Reforms of Cornwallis

Unit- II Growth of Administrative structure under the East India Company :

1. Policy
2. Judicial Administration
3. Revenue Administration

Unit- III Changes during the Crown period :

1. Declaration of the British Crown and its impact on Indian Administration -
Act of 1858
2. Administrative changes by Lord Ripon, Lytton
3. Administration of princely States – Paramountcy

Unit- IV Constitutional Growth and Administrative changes :

1. Regulating Act of 1772
2. Charter Acts of 1831, 1833 and 1853
3. Indian Council Act of 1861, 1892, 1909
4. Indian Council Act 1919
5. Indian Council Act 1935
6. Indian Independence Act 1947

Unit- IV Indian Independence Act 1947

Essential Readings

1. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay: Palasy Se Vibhajan Tak aur Uske Baad, Orient Blackswan,
2. Laxmi Subramanian, Bharat Ka Itihas 1707 se 1857 tak, Orient Blackswan, 2013
3. Bipan Chandra, Aadhunik Bharat Ka Itihas, Orient Blackswan, 2009
4. Laxmi Subramanian, History of India 1707 to 1857, Orient Blackswan, 2010
5. Bipan Chandra, History of Modern India, Orient Blackswan, 2009
6. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay: Plassy to Partition and After, Orient Blackswan, 2014
7. R.C.Majumdar, British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance
8. Bipin Bihari Sinha, Adhunik Bharat ka Itihas, Anupam prakashan, Patna,1993(In Hindi)

9. B.B.Mishra, The central Administration of the East india Company, 1773-1834,
Manchester University Press, 1959
10. R.L.Shukla, Adhunik Bharat ka Itihas, Delhi University, 1990 (In Hindi)
11. BIpan Chandra, Modern India, New Delhi, 1977
12. P.Lawson, The East India Company : A History, Longman, London, 1993
13. P.Spear, The Oxford History of Modern India, 1740-1947, Calerandon Press oxford


Subject Code: Hist. CC - 10


Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need to be answered. Questions
to a tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit - I Transition from tribe to State :

1. Chiefdoms of the Vedic times
2. Emergence of Territorial States in the Age of Buddha

Unit - II
1. The Kautilyan concept of State
2. Nature and Function of Mauryan State
3. Administrative Organization and Nature of Gupta Polity
4. The Feudal State
5. The Rajput State

Unit - III
1. The Administrative Organisation of Cholas State
2. Nature and Features of Vijaynagara State
3. Nature and Features of Bahmani State

Unit - IV
1. Nature and functions of the State under the Sultanate of Delhi – Islamic theory of
the State
2. Central Administration of the Turko-Afghan State
3. Revenue Administration in the Turko-Afghan State

Unit – V The Mughal State :

1. Nature
2. Central Administration
3. Jagirdari System
4. Mansabdari System

Unit - VI
1. British Paramountcy and Princely State in India
2. Nature of Colonial State under the Company’s rule
3. Nature of Colonial State under the Crown rule
4. Continuity and change of State in Independent India
5. State during the Emergency

Books Recommended:

1. V P Menon, Integration of Indian States, Orient Blackswan, 2014

2. Nayanjot Lahri, Ashoka in Ancient India, Permanent Black, 2015
3. Mukherjee B.N. Rise and Fall of the Kushana Empire (Kolkata, Firma KLM, 1988).
4. Possehl, G.L. (ed) Ancient Cities of the Indus (Delhi, Vikas,1979).
5. Ray, Himanshu Prabha . The winds of change (Delhi, OUP,1994).
6. Thapar, Romila (ed). Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas (Delhi, OUP, 1997).
7. Thapar, Romila (ed). From Lineage to state:Social Formations in the Mid-First
Millenium BC in the Ganga valley (Delhi, DUP, 1984).
8. Veluthat, Kesavan, The Political Structure of Early Medieval South India (Delhi,
Orient Longman, 1984)
9. Majumdar, R.C., et al. (eds.) History and Culture of the India People, Vols 1,11 and
111 ( Mumbai, 1974).
10. Sharma R.S. Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India.( Delhi
Motilal Banarsidass, 1991).
11. Basham, A.L. The wonder that was India (Mumbai, Rupa. 1971).
12. I.H. Qureshi : Administration of the Delhi sultanate.
13. Wahid Hussain : Administration of Justice in Muslim India.
14. Ibn Hassan : Central Structure of the Mughal Empire.
15. S.R. Sharma : Mughal Governments and administration.
16. R.P. Tripathi : Some aspects of Mughal administration.
17. P. Saran : The Provincial governments of the Mughals.
18. Abdul Aziz : The Mansabdari system and the Mughal army .
19. Alam, Muzaffar and Subramanyam, Sanjay (ed) The Mughal State (Delhi, OUP,
Oxford India Paperback, 2000)
20. Richards, J.F. (Ed) Power Administration and Finance in Mughal India (Britain,
Varionum, 1993).
21. Brown, Judith, Gandhi’s Rise to Power, Indian Politics 1915-22 (Cambridge
University Press, 1972).
22. Dutt. R.P. India Today ( Kilkata, Manisha Granthalaya, 1979).
23. Panigrahi, D.N. (ed) Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India (Delhi, Vikas,

Subject Code: Hist. CC - 11

Classes-75, Time: 3hrs. Full Marks: 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need to be answered. Questions
to a tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions.

Unit - I
1. Formation of Indian National Congress, Rise of Indian Nationalism
2. Moderates and Extremists; Methods and Techniques of Politics.
3. Partiton of Bengal: Swadeshi and Boycott movements.
4. Home Rule Movements: Mrs. Annie Besant and BalGangadharTilak.

Unit - II
1. Champaran, Kheda and Ahmedabad Movements
2. Tribal and Peasant Movements

Unit – III Indian Revolutionary move ment in India and abroad :

1. Rowlatt, Khilafat and Non- Cooperation Movement.
2. The Swarajists, Simon Commission and Nehru Report.
3. Demand for Poorna Swaraj and Civil Disobedience Movement.
4. Cripps Mission and Quit India Movement.

Unit - IV
1. Growth and Spread of Communal Politics- Demand for Pakstan.
2. Subhash Bose and Indian National Army, I.N.A. Trials.
3. Partition of India and Indian Indepence Act (1947).

Unit - V
1. Indian Councils Act of 1892 and the Government of India Act- 1909: Salient
2. Government of India Act, 1919: Main Provisions and working of Dyarchy.
3. Government of India Act, 1935: Provincial Autonomy and Main Provisions.
4. Shimla Conference and the Cabinet Mission Plan.

Books Recommended:

1. Bipan Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, Orient Blackswan,

2. Sumit Sarkar, The Swdeshi Movement in Bengal 1903 – 1908, Permanent Black,
3. Laxmi Subramanian, Bharat Ka Itihas 1707 se 1857 tak, Orient Blackswan, 2013
4. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay: Palasy Se Vibhajan Tak aur Uske Baad, Orient Blackswan,
5. Bipan Chandra, Aadhunik Bharat Ka Itihas, Orient Blackswan, 2009
6. Laxmi Subramanian, History of India 1707 to 1857, Orient Blackswan, 2010
7. Bipan Chandra, History of Modern India, Orient Blackswan, 2009

8. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay: Plassy to Partition and After, Orient Blackswan, 2014
9. SumitSarkar, Adhunik Bharat, RajkamalPrakashan, New Delhi, 1992.
10. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Adhunik Bharat KaArthikItihas, Rajkamal Publications,
11. Bipan Chandra, Bharat Mein ArthikRashtrawadKaUdbhavAurVikas
12. Sulekh Chandra Gupta, Agrarian Relations and Early British Rule in India
13. Puri, Chopra and Das, Bharat kaSamajik, SanskritikAurArthikItihas, Macmillan
14. Ashok Mitra, India’s Population,
15. Satya M. Roy, Bharat Mein Rashtravad, Delhi University, 1991. (In Hindi)
16. DinanathVerma, Bharat Mein UpniveshvadAurRashtravad, 1976. (In Hindi)
17. Rajni Palme Dutt, AajKa Bharat, Calcutta, 1979. (In Hindi)
18. Girish Mishra, Adhunik Bharat KaArthikItihas, GranthShilpi, New Delhi, 1997.
19. R. L. Shukla, Adhunik Bharat kaItihas, Delhi University, 1990. (In Hindi)
20. P. Lawson: The East India Company: A History, Longman, London, 1933.
21. Bipan Chandra, Modern India, New Delhi, 1977.
22. H. H. Dodwell(Ed.), Cambridge Shorter History of India, Vols. V, VI, 1958.
23. J. R. Maclane, The Political Awakening in India, Englewood Cliffs, London,
24. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Adhunik Bharat KaArthikItihas, Rajkamal Publications,
3.Bipan Chandra, Bharat Mein ArthikRashtrawadKaUdbhavAurVikas
25. .Bipan Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, New Delhi, 1987.
26. Sulekh Chandra Gupta, Agrarian Relations and Early British Rule in India
27. Puri, Chopra and Das, Bharat kaSamajik, SanskritikAurArthikItihas, Macmillan
28. Satya M. Roy, Bharat Mein Rashtravad, Delhi University, 1991. (In Hindi)
29. DinanathVerma, Bharat Mein UpniveshvadAurRashtravad, 1976. (In Hindi)
30. Rajni Palme Dutt, AajKa Bharat, Calcutta, 1979. (In Hindi)
31. Girish Mishra, Adhunik Bharat KaArthikItihas, GranthShilpi, New Delhi, 1997.
32. R. L. Shukla, Adhunik Bharat kaItihas, Delhi University, 1990. (In Hindi)
33. P. Lawson: The East India Company: A History, Longman, London, 1933.
34. Bipan Chandra, Modern India, New Delhi, 1977.
35. H. H. Dodwell(Ed.), Cambridge Shorter History of India, Vols. V& VI, 1958.
36. J. R. Maclane, The Political Awakening in India, Englewood Cliffs, London, 1970.
37. B. N. Pandey(Ed.), A Centenary History of the Indian National Congress, AICC,
Vikas Publication House, New Delhi, 1985.
38. J. R. Brown, Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress, Princeton, 1977.

Subject Code: Hist. EC – 3 (A)

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions

Unit – I Ancient Indian Society :

1. Varna and Caste System
2. Position of Shudras
3. Slave System
4. Position of Women

Unit - II Social Institutions :

1. Ashram vyavastha
2. Purushartha
3. Sanskar
4. Marriage
5. Educational centres – Taxshila and Nalanda

Unit – III Indian Economy upto Gupta period :

1. Vedic Economy
2. Second Urban Economy perior to Mauryas
3. Mauryan and Shunga Economy
4. Kushan and gupta Economy

Unit – IV Economy System :

1. Principles of Taxation
2. Income and Expenditure
3. Ownership of Land
4. Banking System

Unit – V Trade and Comme rde :

1. Internal Trade
2. Foreign Trade
3. Trade Routes
4. Exchange and Coin

Books Recommended:

1. N.C. Banerjee - Economic life and customs in India.

2. S.C. Sarkar - Some Aspects of the earliest social history of India.
3. Anil Kumar - Prachin Bharat, Vedeshi paryatako ke britaant par aadharit
(324 B.C. - 713 A.D) k.k. Publication, Allahabad, 2013.
4. Altekar- - Position of Women in ancient India.

5. J.Mishra - Prachin Bharat kaSamajikItihas.
6. P.N. Prabhu - Hindu Social organistion.
7. A.N. Bose - Social life and Rural economy.
8. U.N. Ghosal - Hindu revenue system.
9. R. S. Sharma -Material Culture and Social Formation in Ancient India,
Macmillon,Delhi 1983 (Also in Hindi)
10. Romila Thapar- Ancient Indian Social History, Orient Longman, Hydrabad, 1978.
11. Shivrup Sahay-Prachin Bharatka Samajik evam Aarthik Itihas, Delhi.
12. Kailash chandra Jain – Prachin Bhartiya Samajik evam Aarthik Sanathayen, Madhya
Pradesh, Delhi Granth Academy, Bhopal.
13. JaishankarMishra - Prachin Bharat KaItihas, Patna.
14. Fick - Social organization of N.E. India at the time of Buddha.
15. Churya - Caste and Race in India.
16. U.N. Ghosal - Hindu revenue system.
17. N.C. Banerjee - Economic life and customs in India.
18. S. K. Das - Economic History of Ancient India.
19. S. G. A. Hussain - Economic History of Ancient India.
20. M.A. Buck - Economic Life of Ancient India.
21. H. P. Chhkra - Trade and Commerce in Ancient India.
22. BalramSrivastava - Trade and Commerce in Ancient India.
23. P. N. Baerjee - A Study of Ancient Economy.
24. PremNath - A study in the economic condition of Ancient India.
25. J.N. Samaddar - Economic History of Ancient India.
26. Vijaya Thakur - Urbanisation in Ancient India.
27. R.N. Saletore- Early Indian economic History.
28. B.P. Majumdar- Socio. Economic History of Northern India.
29. D.N. Jha- Revenue system in post Mauryan and gupta times.
30. P.C Jain - Labour in Ancient India
31. H.P. Chakravarti- Trade and Commerce in Ancient India.
32. Fick - Social organization of N.E. India at the time of Buddha.
33. Churya - Caste and Race in India.
34. BhartiyavidyaBhawan - The Imperial age, the classical age.
35. U.N. Ghosal - Hindu revenue system.
36. Radhakrishna Choudhury, Ashok Kumar – Prachin Bharat ka Aarthik Itihas,
JankiPrakashan, Patna.
37. Om Prakash - Prachin Bharat ka Samajik aur Aarthik Itihas, (2 Parts) New Age
International, New Delhi.
38. Kailash Chandra Jain -Prachin Bhartiya Samajik Evam Aarthik Itihas, Madhya
Pradesh Granth academy,

Subject Code: Hist. EC – 3 (B)

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions

Unit – I Economic Issues :

1. Land System, Ownership of Land, Agrarian Class
2. Agrarain Relation, Technique and Production
3. Iqta System
4. Village Economy

Unit - II Trade and Comme rce :

1. Inland and Maritime
2. Inland and Maritime trade under Vijayanagar Empire
3. Inland and Maritime trade under Bahmani kingdom
4. Inland and Foreign trade under great mughals

Unit – III Growth of Cities and towns :

1. Growth of Cities and towns under the Sultanate period
2. Growth of Cities and towns under the Great mughals
3. Karkhana and Industries under the Sultanate Period, Vijayanagar Empire
4. Karkhanas and industries under the Great Mughals
5. Coins and Guild System in Medieval period

Unit – IV Social Structure :

1. Nobility - Ulema
2. Village - Community
3. Sufism

Unit – V Social Mobility :

1. Hindu Society
2. Muslim Society
3. Slavery

Books Recommended:

1. Beach, Milo, Mughal and Rajput Paintings: The New Cambridge History of India
series (Delhi, Manohar, 1991)
2. Chopra, Das and Puri : A Social cultura and economic history of India, Vol. II. (Hindi
3. Fukazawa, Hiroshi : The Medieval Deccan : Peasants, Social Systems and States-
Sixteenth to Eighteenth centuries, edn. 17(Delhi, OUP, 1991).
4. Habib, Mohammad, Politics and Society in Early Medieval Period, Vols. I & II
(Delhi, PPH, 1974).

5. Karashima, M. Towards a New Formation : South Indian Society Under Vijayanagar
(Delhi, OUP, 1984)
6. K.P. Sahu. (i) Some aspects of North Indian social Life (1000-1526 A.D). (ii)
Madhyakalin Uttar Bharatiya Samajik Jivan ke kuchh paksha (Hindi)
7. Rashid, A. : Society and culture in Medieval India.
8. Saletore, B.A. : Social and political life in Vijaynagar empire.
9. Srivastava, A.L. : Madhyakalin Bhartiya sanskrity.
10. Yadava, B.N.S. : Society and Culture of Northern India in the Twelfth Century (
Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1973).
11. Yusuf Hussain : Madhyakalin Bhartiya Sanskriti ki EK Jhalak.
12. P.N. Chopra : Society and Culture in Mughal age.
13. Zeenat Kousar : Women in Mughal India.
14. Chaudhuri, K.M. Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History
from the Rise of Islam to 1750 (Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1985)
15. Dasgupta, Ashin, Indian Merchants and the Decline of Surat, c, 1700- 1750 ( Delhi,
Manohar, 1994).
16. Dilbagh Singh, The state, Landlords and the peasants : Rajasthan in the 18 th Century
(Delhi 963 Manohar, 1990 )
17. Gupta, S.P. : Agrarian System of Eastern Rajasthan,c. 1650- 1750 (Delhi, Manohar,
18. Habib, Ifran (ed.) Agrarian system of Mughal India, 1526- 1707 (Mumbai, Asis, 1).
19. Hasan, S Nurul, Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India (Delhi, PPH, 1973)
20. Koch, Ebba, Mughal Architecture : An Outline of its History and Development (1528-
1858) (Mucich, Prestel,1999).
21. K.M. Ashraf : Life and conditions of the people of Hindustan.
22. Moosvi, shireen. Economy of the Mughal Empire: A statistical study (Aligarh,
23. Moreland, W.H. : Agrarian system of Moslem India : A Historical Essay with
Appendices. Edn. 2 (Delhi, Oriental Books Reprint Corp. 1968).
24. Moreland, W.H. From Akbar to Aurangzab : A study in Indian Economic History (
Delhi, Low Price Publication, 1990).
25. Naqvi H.K. Urbanisation and Urban Centres Under the Great Mughals, 1556-1707
(simla, HAS, 1971).
26. Ojhan, P.N. (i) North Indian Social Life during the Mughal Period. (ii) Aspects of
Medieval Indian society and Culture, (iii) Mughal Kalin Bharat ka Samajik Jivan (iv)
Madhyakalin Bharatiya samaj evem sanskriti ki Ruprekha .
27. Raychaudhuri, Tapan, and Irfan Habib (eds.) Cambridge Economic History of India,
Vol. 1.X. 1200-c 1750 (Delhi, S. Chand,1984).
28. Richards, J.F.(ed.) : Power Administration and Finance in Mughal India ( Britain,
Varuinum, 1993.)
29. Kalindi Kumari, Status of Hindus in Mughal India, Bharat Book Center, 17 Ashok
Marg, Lucknow, 2006

Subject Code: Hist. EC – 3 (C)

Class- 75, Time- 3hours Full Marks- 70, Credit- 5

Ten (10) questions are to be set, in which five (5) questions need be answered. Questions to a
tune of 20% may be repeated from the last year questions

Unit - I
1. Social Condition of Indian Society in 18 th century
2. Spread of Modern Education
3. Press and Public Opinion

Unit - II
1. Status of Women
2. Caste Movements and Emerging Classes
3. Depressed Class
4. Trade Union Movements

Unit – III Rural Economy :

1. Land Revenue Systems -
Permanent Settlement, Ryotwari, Mahalwari System
2. Commercialization of Agriculture
3. Rural Indebtedness
4. Emergence of Rural Classes –
Land Lords, Landless peasants, bonded labour

Unit - IV
1. Deindustrialization
2. Railways
3. Drain Theory

Unit - V
1. Growth of Capital and Rise of Indian Capitalist Class
2. Growth of Modern Industries – Iron & Textile

Books Recommended:

1. G. Kaushal, Economic History of India, 1757-1966, Kalyani Publications, New Delhi.

2. Dharma Kumar (ed.), The Cambridge Economic History of India, Vol. 2, Cambridge
University Press, 1982.
3. S. Islam, The Permanent Settlement in Bengal: A Study of its Operation, 1819-1890,
Bengal Academy, Dacca, 1979.
4. Burton Stein, The Making of Agrarian Policy in British India, 1770-1900, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
5. Romesh Chandra Dutt, Economic History of India, Vols. I & II, New Delhi, 1963.
6. Romesh Chandra Dutt, Economic History of India in the Victorian Age, London,
7. V. B. Singh (ed.), Economic History of India, 1757- 1956, Lucknow, 1975.

8. RanjitGuha, Agrarian Relations and Early British Rule in India, New Delhi, 1983.
9. Radha Kamal Mukherjee, Land Problems in India.
10. R. B. Choudhary, The British Agrarian Policy in Eastern India,janakiPublications,
11. SumitSarkar, Adhunik Bharat, RajkamalPrakashan, New Delhi, 1992.
12. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Adhunik Bharat KaArthikItihas, Rajkamal Publications,
13. Bipan Chandra, Bharat Mein ArthikRashtrawadKaUdbhavAurVikas,Anamika
Publications, New Delhi, 2004. (In Hindi)
14. Bipan Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, New Delhi, 1987.

Subject Code: Hist. D – 16

Full Marks- 100, Credit- 5

1. The Topic of the Dissertation shall be allotted to the students by the Head
of the Department within a week of the commencement of the Fourth Semester.

2. Teachers of the department shall be allotted duty to supervise the Dissertation

work of the students.

3. The dissertation shall be submitted at the end of the Semester. The date of
submission shallbe notified by the Head of the Department.

4. The project would also be of 100 marks. The written component of the project shall
be of 80 maks and 20 marks will be for the viva- voce examination jointly conducted by an
external examiner, appointed by the University and the internal supervisor/guide.


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