The Free Press Journal - 26.01.2021
The Free Press Journal - 26.01.2021
The Free Press Journal - 26.01.2021
Reg. No. Mcs/048/2018-20; RNI No. 1541/1957 I M.p.c.s office Mumbai-400001
280c. 160c.
Sunrise: 07:14 am
Sunset: 06:28 pm
Vol. 64 No. 230 | TUESDAY | JANUARY 26, 2021 | 15 Pages | EDITIONS: Mumbai*, Pune, Indore, Bhopal, E-Paper
EDIT Loving Nature is the
and everything in God.
march to Parliament
buffs and niche audience,
the Free Press Journal is
introducing ‘Cinema Journal,’
adding to the glam
quotient of the AGENCIES Control said the Chinese troops
newspaper. See page 18 New Delhi attempted to transgress into the Mahavir Chakra
Indian side of the frontier in
for Galwan hero
Amid their tense standoff in east- Naku La but were stopped by the
HOLIDAY NOTICE ern Ladakh, Indian and Chinese Indian military personnel. alwan clash martyr Colonel
troops were involved in a clash in They said both sides brought Santosh Babu, who sacrificed
THE FREE PRESS JOURNAL the high-altitude Naku La region in additional troops to Naku his life during the hand-to-
offices will be closed on in North Sikkim on January 20, La following the brawl and the hand combat with Chinese troops in
an incident described by the situation was under control May last year, will be decorated
Tuesday, January 26th, Indian Army on Monday as a "mi- thus far. with Mahavir Chakra - the second-
on account of Republic nor face-off". It is also learnt that Defence highest war-time award in India. Col
Day and there will be no In a statement, the Indian Minister Rajnath Singh and the Santosh Babu was the Commanding
edition on January 27. Army said the face-off was re- top military brass were apprised Officer of the 16 Bihar infantry
solved by local commanders as about the incident. battalion of the Indian Army. He
per established protocols. Naku La, located at an altitude was tasked to ensure that the
The incident at Naku La became of 16,000 feet, was the same site Chinese troops moved back beyond
VACCINE public on Monday hours after sen-
ior commanders of both the
where Indian and Chinese
troops had engaged in a fierce
Point 14 in the Galwan Valley and
personally verify these details. On
UPDATE armies concluded a nearly 16-hour-
long meeting in an attempt to de-
clash in May last year days after
a violent face-off between the
the fateful night of June 15, when
Indian and Chinese troops had a
DELHI CLOSE TO fuse tension in eastern Ladakh.
It is learnt that troops from
two sides in Pangong lake area in
eastern Ladakh.
violent face-off, Colonel Santosh
Babu was leading the Indian troops
HERD IMMUNITY both sides sustained minor in- The incident in the Pangong from the front. Despite suffering
Delhi is moving towards herd juries in the physical brawl in lake area triggered the nearly grievous injuries from stones that
immunity, with 50 to 60 per cent Naku La. nine-month-long military stand- were pelted by Chinese troops, he
of people in one district having People familiar with the devel- off in eastern Ladakh. refused to leave and instead
developed antibodies to the opments along the Line of Actual CONTD. ON P14 thwarted the enemy in its designs.
Coronavirus, the latest round of
sero-survey has found, sources
told NDTV. Herd immunity is what Decision on resumption of local trains for all soon
the authorities are trying to
the chain of transmission. Delhi s thousands of farmers on al and official Republic Day Pa- SANJAY JOG ices. In the second phase, women
has a population of more than two tractors converged on the rade is over on the Rajpath. Mumbai passengers were allowed to travel
crore, spread across 11 districts.
For the current survey -- conducted
periphery of the national
capital, one of the unions threat-
Its officers said the threatened
march on foot by the farmers is farmers: Pawar Maharashtra Chief Minister Ud-
by train. Only in the third phase,
were suburban services opened
by the Delhi government in ened to march to Parliament on just not acceptable. They said dhav Thackeray on Monday said a to the general public. During non-
association with the National February one -- the day of presen- there will be chaos if the farmers decision on the resumption of sub- peak hours, the rest of the public
Centre for Disease Control -- tation of the Union Budget. take off in all directions to reach urban local train services for all in is permitted to travel.
scientists had collected the The decision at the eleventh Parliament House and they may Mumbai would be taken very These options were discussed at
samples of over 25,000 people hour to ‘mob’ the Parliament be constrained to even impose a soon. A number of options were the meeting Thackeray held with
from various districts across the House has added a new dimen- curfew. (There are invariably pro- discussed, including allowing only the general managers of the Cen-
city. In one district, the number of sion to a stir which was until now hibitory orders in the area.)On essential service providers to trav- tral and Western Railways, the
the infected people was around 60 confined to the outskirts. Tuesday, the farmers, who are el during peak hours from 7am to BrihanMumbai Municipal Com-
per cent. In the rest of the city’s 10 "On February 1, we will march camping along three border 9.30am and 4.30pm to 7pm, while Chennai pattern and how it was missioner, the Mumbai Police
districts, the average is above 50 on foot towards Parliament in points at Singhu, Tikri and allowing the public to commute working. Commissioner and the Director
per cent --- close to the magic Delhi from all directions," said Ghazipur, and plan to fan out strictly during non-rush hours. The Southern Railway has des- of the State Disaster Manage-
figure required. Darshan Pal of the Krantikari from five different locations. The government will also sug- ignated 7am to 9.30am and 4.30pm ment Cell. Thackeray however,
Kisan Union, one of the nearly 40 According to sources, they are gest that private offices tweak to 7pm as peak hours every day. insisted that local train services
TATA IN TALKS groups that are protesting on Del-
hi’t borders for the last two
adamant and won’t go back until
the government rolls back the
their timings or curtail working
hours, to avoid crowding in
During peak hours, the trains are
only used by essential service
could be resumed by exploring
these options, while taking due
WITH MODERNA months.In hindsight, the Delhi three laws. SANJAY JOG trains. Thackeray also asked the providers, as permitted in the care to avoid crowding.
The Tata Group's healthcare Police is feeling cheated for hav- CONTD. ON P14 Mumbai railway officials to review the first phase of resumption of serv- CONTD. ON P14
venture is understood to be having
Former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is among the seven digni-
research on an experimental oral FPJ ONLINE was a rendition of actor sary celebrations, by none taries who will be presented the highest Padma Vibhushan award,
antiviral expected by the end of Prosenjit Chatterjee who es- other than the President's of- while former Union Minister Ramvilas Paswan, former Congress
March. In early trials, both
vaccines generated immune
responses that were inferior to
T he unveiling of a por-
trait of Netaji Subhas
Chandra Bose by President
sayed the role of Bose in a
Bengali movie called ‘Gum-
naami’ -- the Ayodhya-based
ficial handle which also
tweeted pictures of the un-
veiling of the portrait.
Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi of Assam, former Gujarat CM Keshub-
hai Patel and Shia leader Kalbe Sadiq from Lucknow are the four
who have been awarded the Padma Bhushan posthumous; besides,
those seen in people who had Kovind in the Rashtrapati sadhu who many believed But what began with a few six others have been chosen, including Prime Minister Modi's prin-
recovered from COVID-19 as well Bhavan on Monday became was Netaji living under an innocuous tweets soon snow- cipal secretary Nripendra Misra, head of the committee for con-
as those reported for other COVID- a subject of mindless mirth. assumed name after his pur- balled into a major contro- struction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, and former Lok Sabha
19 vaccines, the company said. The controversy erupted ported death. versy. Sample the now delet- Speaker Sumitra Mahajan from Indore.A host of Bollywood person-
Merck was late in joining the race when several Twitter users The ghost of Gumnaami ed post of TMC MP Mahua alities would earlier corner the Padma awards, but they are missing
to develop a vaccine to protect claimed that the portrait was again resurrected on Moitra: She hit out at the from the list announced on Monday night. CONTD. ON P14
against the coronavirus. was not of Netaji. Rather, it Bose’s 125th birth anniver- CONTD. ON P14
Bullet train: Consortium of L&T, Japanese firm bag projects
MUMBAI: A consortium of construction major Larsen and
Toubro and Japanese IHI Infrastructure Systems on Monday
bagged the Rs 1,390-crore contract for procurement and
fabrication of 28 steel bridges for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High
Speed Rail Corridor, the National High Speed Rail Corporation
Limited said.
These bridges will be built over railway lines, rivers, highways,
roads and other structures, it said in a statement.
City’s temp continues to drop, State mum on reopening City logs 348 new COVID cases,
air quality deteriorates further of colleges and varsities doubling rate rises to 486 days
DIPTI SINGH ing in Mumbai and the sur- RONALD RODRIGUES Degree colleges said they SWAPNIL MISHRA ment task force on COVID-19,
Mumbai rounding regions, and in ad- Mumbai cannot go ahead with their Mumbai said that while the pandemic
dition, continental pollution plan of reopening offline lec- is clearly on the decline in
Mumbai woke up to a chilly and dusty oceanic air is pol- Despite repeated appeals, tures in a phased manner Mumbai continues to report Mumbai, some parts of the
Monday morning as temper- luting the air. This condition there has been no direction due to lack of direction from less than 500 COVID-19 cases state are still witnessing an
ature dropped to 16.4 degree is leading to poor AQI in on offline reopening of de- the state government. for the fourth day in a row increase in numbers.
Celsius. The air quality, how- Mumbai. With movement of gree colleges and universi- Zenab Ansari, a professor with the city reporting just “In Mumbai, too, the daily
ever, has started worsening high pressure system to the ties from the state higher and said, "We were planning to 348 new coronavirus cases number of cases should have
once again. After a brief pe- west, calm condition will be technical education depart- resume offline lectures and seven deaths on Monday. dropped more than the 400-
riod of improvement last relaxed slightly which is go- ment. Degree colleges affili- from Monday at least for With this, the city’s total pos- 500 at present. However,
week, on Monday morning, ing to improve the AQI to ated to the University of first, second and third-year itive cases rose to 3,06,393 and Mumbai is a crowded city
the air quality again deterio- poor for Mumbai in the next Mumbai (MU) were planning Bachelor of Science (BSc) death toll to 11,307 so far. and a number of people who
rated by registering an Air ing an AQI of 374, followed by 2 days," the bulletin issued by to reopen offline lectures practical courses. But de- The doubling rate of the “Of the 30 deaths reported stayed home for the first nine
Quality Index (AQI) of 310. Andheri with 340, Malad - SAFAR stated. from Monday but the state spite repeated appeals and cases in Mumbai has in- today, 12 occurred in the last months of the pandemic are
According to a short fore- 335, Mazgaon - 309 Chembur The Santacruz observatory government has not issued requests for information, creased to 486 days, while the 48 hours and 1 in the last venturing out and getting in-
cast bulletin by System of and Colaba with 300 were in of the IMD recorded a mini- any guidelines. the state higher education weekly growth rate remains week. Remaining 17 deaths fected,” he said.
Air Quality Weather Fore- very poor category. Mean- mum temperature of 16.6 de- Uday Samant, state higher department has not provid- constant at 0.21 per cent. are from the period before “I agree the situation is not
casting and Research (SA- while Bandra Kurla (BKC) gree Celsius and a maximum and technical education min- ed any direction." The state continues to re- last week. Out of the 17 improving, but the position
FAR), the air quality of and Borivali witnessed poor temperature of 31.3 degree ister, had earlier said that the The government-aided pro- port less than 3,000 cases for deaths, six occurred in Nag- we are in is better than be-
Mumbai is in the very poor Air quality with AQI of 280 celsius. Colaba recorded a Maharashtra government fessors and non-teaching the fifth day in a row, with pur, four in Nashik, three fore. It is going to take some
category on Monday. and 252 respectively. minimum temperature of 18. will take a decision regard- staff of the degree colleges 1,842 new cases and 30 each in Ratnagiri, Thane and more time before we have full
While the overall AQI of "The air quality of Mumbai 5 degree Celsius, which was ing reopening of colleges on and universities have ques- COVID-19 deaths were re- one of Madhya Pradesh,” control of the situation. The
the city on Monday morning is in the poor to very poor cat- at par with the normal tem- January 20, 2021. However, it tioned whether they will be ported in the past 24 hours, said Dr Pradip Awate, state vaccination drive, as it reach-
was 310. Navi Mumbai egory. Due to continuation of perature, while maximum has been almost a week but provided the COVID-19 vacci- pushing its tally of positive surveillance officer. es the common people, will
recorded the worst air quali- high pressure in western In- temperature recorded in Co- no final call has been taken nation for free from the Ma- cases to 20,10,948 and the pan- Dr Rahul Pandit, who is a start showing positive ef-
ty among the lot by register- dia, calm winds are prevail- laba was 29.6 degree celsius. yet. harashtra state government. demic deaths stands at 50,815. member of the state govern- fects,” he added.
Students can apply for RTE admission from Feb 9, lottery in Mar
MUMBAI: Parents of students, who aim to seek RTE
admission, can start online applications from February 9 to
26, 2021, announced BMC’s education department on
Monday. The lottery for RTE admissions will be conducted
mostly on March 5 and 6, 2021. The BMC education
department conducted the first online meeting of RTE
admission for academic year 2021-22. Mahesh Palkar, BMC
education officer, said, "School registration and updation
will be done from January 21 to 30. Verification and
inspection will be held till February 8." - Ronald Rodrigues
Sealed offers are invited from the
Reputed Developers for carrying
out reconstruction/re-development
of the existing residential Society
building known as "SHYAM NIWAS
CHS LTD." on plot No. 774 of
T.P.S.-III Bandra Scheme on 3rd
Road, Khar (W), Mumbai-400 052.
Blank offer forms and other details
can be obtained from the PROJECT
office, M/s H K D Consulting
Engineers, L-21, M. R. Society,
Relief Road, Santacruz (W),
Mumbai-400 054: Tel. 9820556212,
from 27th January 2021 upto 5th
February 2021 between 11.00 a.m.
and 6.00 p.m. on any working day
on payment of Rs. 20,000/-
(Rupees Twenty Thousand only)
(non-refundable). Plot Area
admeasures 798.50 sq.mts.
approximately 8,595 sft. and the
existing Built-up Area consumed by
the existing occupants is 878.35
sq.mts. approximately 9,455 sft.
Interested Developers are
requested to give their best offer.
Banned tobacco products seized from bus
THANE: The Navi Mumbai police have seized
banned gutka and tobacco products worth Rs 1.58
lakh being smuggled into Maharashtra in a luxury
bus coming from neighbouring Madhya Pradesh, an
official said on Monday. Acting on a tip-off, the police
intercepted the bus in Turbhe area of Navi Mumbai
on Saturday, he said. During a search of the vehicle,
the police found five bags containing pouches of a
branded paan masala and other banned tobacco
products worth Rs 1.58 lakh, the official said.
Last chance for first come, first serve admission MahaRERA directs ace
Students who have not yet secured FYJC seats can apply from Jan 27 to Jan 28
builder to pay interest
Nirmal Lifestyle also ordered to pay addl `20,000 as cost of complaints
In a last chance for students � Till now, 1,96,136 students have secured admissions to FYJC
who have not yet secured a against 3,20,390 seats in over 844 junior colleges in the SWEETY ADIMULAM
seat for First Year Junior Mumbai region Mumbai
College (FYJC) admission, � FCFS round began on January 13 and five major phases of
they can apply for the ongo- FCFS for FYJC online admission was completed on Monday In a major relief to the
ing First Come, First Serve � Students can apply by clicking on the “participate in FCFS” homebuyers, the Maharash-
(FCFS) round. All students tab for allotment in the student’s login section on the portal tra Real Estate Regulatory
who have passed in Class 10 Authority (MahaRERA) has
and have not yet secured a directed a builder to pay in-
seat can apply from 10 am terest on amount received
on January 27, 2021 to 8 pm for admissions under FCFS dents and all those passed cured admission in the tion on the portal from them over the delayed
on January 28. basis. in Standard 10 can apply three general merit possession of flats. In addi-
Five major phases of The state school educa- from 10 am on January 29 to rounds, two special rounds n. The FCFS round began tion, it has ordered to pay
FCFS round of FYJC online tion department said, "All 5 pm on January 30." and five phases of FCFS on January 13. Till now, additional Rs 20,000 each to
admission was completed the students who have Sandeep Sangve, deputy round." 1,96,136 students have se- complainants as cost of
on Monday. Students who passed in Standard 10 can director of education, Students can apply by cured admissions to FYJC complaints.
have cleared Class 10 irre- apply from 10 am on Janu- Mumbai region, said, "This clicking on the “participate against 3,20,390 seats in The matter is about seven
spective of the board and ary 27 to 8 pm on January is the last chance for those in FCFS” tab for allotment over 844 junior colleges in hombuyers who purchased interest. The advocate said tion 1991 which came on
marks secured can apply 28. In addition, ATKT stu- students who have not se- in the student’s login sec- the Mumbai region. flats in Zircon Building at the project is ready and they January 6, 2012.
Mulund, a project by Nir- have applied for occupancy The homebuyers argued
mal Lifestyle Ltd. The certificate in June 2019. It that when agreements were
Teen abducted from Arif Bhujwala arrested NMMC to help societies Vintage beauties
in waste management to rally in Thane
Malad for `10 lakh Links with foreign-based drug peddler under scanner PRATIK SALUNKE / Mumbai
Navi Mumbai
showed inability to manage
THANE: Around 40 vintage and
classic cars will be put on show
ransom, rescued
running his activities from waste as they are not getting the following a rally of these old
abroad,” said an NCB officer. right agency, the civic body pro- cars in Thane on Tuesday. "The
The Narcotics Control Bu- The agency suspects that The Navi Mumbai Municipal vided some names to them. How- old models of cars from 19th
reau (NCB) has arrested Arif Bhujwala was working at the Corporation (NMMC) has ex- ever, NMMC cleared that segre- century will includes
Bhujwala who was on the behest of Rajput who has tended support to housing so- gation of waste and managing it Lamborghini, Ford, Bentley,
PRIYANKA NAVALKAR men got off the auto with the run after the agency busted emerged as one of the top cieties and commercial estab- at source will have to be followed Ferrari and so on.
Mumbai teen's phone while the other his alleged drug lab in South drug dealers. lishments in getting agencies by everyone. Earlier, the civic The rally has been arranged
accompanied the boy. The first Mumbai last week.Bhu- Rajput has been previously for managing body warned from different routes in Thane
The Malad Police have rescued a man, identified as Shekhar jwala’s name had cropped up arrested in a drug case. Agen- their wastes. that it would on January 26 at around 11:00
13-year-old boy who was Vishwakarma, 35, called up the after the arrest of Parvez cies such as the Directorate of The civic disconnect am. Taking advantage of the
kidnapped by two men, who had teen's father and said that his son Khan alias Chinku Pathan, Revenue Intelligence (DRI) body provid- the water crowd gathering to have a
demanded a ransom of Rs 10 has been kidnapped and if he relative of mafia don Karim and special cell of Delhi po- ed some connection of glimpse of these vintage cars,
lakh. The accused duo was wants to see his kid alive, he will Lala in a drug case. Sameer lice are looking out for him. names of the those build- an awareness programme about
arrested and booked under have to shell out Rs 10 lakh. The Wankhede, zonal director, He is suspected to have been agencies that are managing ings and houses that fail to seg- the road safety and traffic rules
relevant sections of the IPC. panicked father approached NCB who led the operation running a drug network waste at the government as regate waste at source. will also be undertaken by the
According to police, the teenager, Malad Police, who immediately confirmed the detention of illegal trade across Mumbai across many countries. well as private premises. Eyeing on number one Thane traffic department," said a
a resident of Adarsh Nagar in began the combing Bhujwala. and surrounding areas. The NCB is likely to ques- As per the 'Urban Solid rank in the upcoming clean- traffic official from Thane.
Malad (W) who is operations and A clandestine drug labora- NCB sleuths picked up tion Bhujwala over his alleged Waste (Management and Han- liness annual survey, the "About 40 vintage cars will
engaged in lots of sent out teams tory operated by Bhujwala in Bhujwala and the process of links with the underworld dling) Rules 2016' of the Union civic body is pushing waste be part of the rally, along with
sports activities in parks and Noor Manzil Building was his arrest was underway till and his visits to Dubai where Ministry of Environment, management at ground level. 30 super cars and motorbikes,"
and owned a gardens. busted in which the agency Monday night. NCB sources the agency suspects he met Forests and Water Resources, As part of it, the civic body added official. The rally
mobile Meanwhile, the seized huge amounts of cash stated that Bhujwala along Rajput. He will be produced New Delhi, buildings that gen- has made it mandatory for all starting from Shastri Nagar,
phone, other, an and drugs. NCB stated that with his accomplice was de- before a competent court on erate more than 50 kgs waste housing societies and com- Upavan, Hiranandani,
belongs to a identified as Pathan and Bhujwala are said tained from Raigad near Monday. The total number of daily have to process it within mercial establishments to seg- Majiwada junction and will
wealthy family. On Sunday Divyanshu to be kingpins in drug traf- Mumbai. “Bhujwala was in arrests in the case which is re- the premises. regate dry and wet waste at culminate at Cadbury junction
evening, when the teen Vishwakarma, ficking networks operated by touch with Kailash Rajput, a garded as a major success has After some societies ap- source before handing over to in Thane.
had gone to play at a 21, had taken the underworld and ran their drug dealer who has been reached six now. proached the civic body and civic cleanliness employees. –Priyanka Dhomse
sports ground, he was the boy to a
to chemicals business, recalibrated re- largest software exporter
tail operations, and is doubling down on MUMBAI: Billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Tata Consultancy Services
its promise to offer 5G telecom services Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has seen (TCS) on Monday surpassed
for the next leg of growth. pre-tax profit recover to pre-pandemic Reliance Industries Ltd to
PRASHANT TRIPATHY This plus focus on green energy and levels on the back of continued growth become the country's most
bn -- Size of sustainable materials of the future, in- in consumer businesses, Moody's valued firm by market capi-
he COVID-19 pandemic insurance sector in 2020 tegrated 5G solutions, reorganisation of Investors Service said on Monday. talisation.
has made people, busi- retail for new commerce and ramp-up of The oil-to-retail-to-telecom behemoth In another milestone, TCS
nesses and govern-
ments around the world as-
sess their priorities and
�7.31 L cr
Gross premium collected by
domestic gas production all point to the
next leg of growth, analysts said in their
commentary on third-quarter earnings
execution still needs to evolve; O2C and
digital won't have enough tailwinds."
on Friday reported a 0.7 per cent Ebitda
(earnings before interest, tax and
depreciation and amortisation) growth
also emerged as the most
valued IT company in the
world as its market valua-
In March last year also,
think about how to revitalize life insurers in FY20 of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL). "RIL is morphing into a pure con- for the quarter ended December 31, tion went past that of Ac- TCS had reclaimed the sta-
keeping the citizen’s inter- Goldman Sachs said the sequential im- sumer company with a reporting struc- 2020, compared with the corresponding centure. tus of the country's most
ests in mind. If anything, the KEY EXPECTATIONS provement in EBIDTA showcased a shift ture which now includes a single O2C quarter in the previous year. During the close of trade, valued firm by market valu-
pandemic has highlighted towards FCF generation, pivot towards segment, vs the traditional refining and "A strong performance in digital the market valuation of ation.
the need to build the re- Relook taxation on term a suite of digital launches sustaining se- petchem segments, as it endeavours to services and retail segments underpinned TCS was at Rs 12,34,609.62 So far this month, TCS
silience of people and to insurance, pension, and quential growth both for Jio and Retail, move further downstream towards con- the improvement in consolidated crore while that of Reliance shares have gained nearly
place their concerns at the annuity products and focus on further chemical integra- sumer products," it said. earnings, a credit positive," Moody's said Industries Ltd (RIL) stood 13 per cent on the BSE.
centre stage of policy discus- tion as O2C carve out is underway. Bank of America and BofA Securities commenting on the earnings. at Rs 12,29,661.32 crore on Multinational tech firm
sions. Budget 2021 is going to Complete deduction for Telecom tariff hikes, new product (BofAML) said RIL is looking to incu- Continued growth in earnings the BSE. Accenture's market capital-
be of critical importance and the principal under the launches (eg non-grocery e-commerce) bate new energy/materials platforms. combined with the company's strong TCS dipped 0.40 per cent isation was at USD 168.44
if it takes into account the and a potential energy business stake "Focus from O2C carve-out is to maxi- balance sheet with zero net debt on a to close at Rs 3,290.20 after billion as of Friday close on
right considerations, can be
annuity plans sale can reverse the pullback in Reliance mize profitability from downstream reported basis will keep Reliance's credit gaining 1.26 per cent to its the NYSE. As of Monday,
a great boost in the right di- shares since mid-September, it said. chemicals, reduce transportation fuels metrics strong for its Baa2 rating over one-year high of Rs 3,345.25 TCS valuation in dollar
rection. Increase the FDI limit HSBC Securities said the introduction footprint in a phased manner." the next 12-18 months, it said. during the day. terms was at USD 169.26 bil-
Life insurance has become of a single O2C segment, stronger fash- Management expects a strong rebound Its digital services segment reported a Shares of RIL declined lion. SAP's market valua-
even more relevant than be- vestments in sectors such as ion-driven retail and low effective tax in demand for fuels/ downstream prod- 48.4 per cent Ebitda growth driven by an 5.36 per cent to close at Rs tion was at USD 155.50 bil-
fore. In this context, there infrastructure and housing. were key surprises from results. "We like ucts and net subscriber additions in Jio increase in subscriber additions, higher 1,939.70 on the BSE after its lion and that of IBM was at
are some policies relevant to For it to yield positive out- the business direction but believe retail to bounce-back. average revenue per user. earnings failed to cheer in- USD 105.69 billion.
insurance under the existing comes, it is important to en-
EV makers want
tax regime that deserve to be sure that there are no further
relooked at in the upcoming
restrictions concerning
availing of an input tax cred- IIFCL may get Rs 5K cr in Budget Gadkari for
Insurance penetration in
India is abysmal currently.
Over the years, life insur- NEW DELHI: The govern- government's target.
Closing comments:
agriculture farmer has some parcel of land.” So, er' compensation awards, relevance. These four categories would include- base The proposed changes are unlikely to have any
the agriculture farmers are better placed than the bank expects over 97 layer, middle layer, the upper layer, and top layer. capital adequacy above the proposed significant impact on top NBFCs. They are already
those landless farmers, yet benefits usually are per cent of its employees to CET 1 threshold of 9%. Hence, they are maintaining strong capital adequacy above the
given to agriculture farmers, Sodhi added. “Animal get the special one-time NBFC categorization: proposed CET 1 threshold of 9%. Hence, they are well-
husbandry is contributing 27 per cent to cash bonus. The base layer would include NBFCs with an asset size well-capitalised. These NBFCs remain capitalized.
agriculture husbandry.” In an memo sent to the of up to Rs 1,000 crore. The largest number of NBFCs comfortable with higher standard asset These NBFCs remain comfortable with higher standard
In addition, he said, employees worldwide, will fall in this category. They will have the least asset provisioning.
with passing day the Bank of America chief ex- stringent regulations. A total of 9209 out of 9,234 non- provisioning. However, we could see GNPAs based on lax
contribution of ecutive Brian Moynihan deposit taking NBFCs fall into this category. These underwriting and provisioning policies that are currently
agriculture to GDP is said in appreciation for the NBFCs will have the least stringent regulation. Upper layer: Bank like regulation: in practice.
decreasing and animal outstanding efforts, the The middle layer would include all 'systemically The RBI has proposed banks like regulations for about Further, the implementation of banking like regulations
husbandry is increasing. board have decided to important' and deposit-taking NBFCs. The NBFCs in this 25-30 NBFCs. For this basket, will enhance data availability. It will add to the
“But when it comes to recognise employees with category will see the least disruption in terms of Core Tier-1 Equity is proposed to be set at 9% transparency from a longer-term regulatory perspective.
allocation of funds, 'delivering together' com- regulatory changes. Standard asset provisioning norms would be It will enable the real-time monitoring of asset quality at
animal husbandry gets pensation awards. All eligi- Upper Layer will be made up of the top 25 to 30 streamlined with that of banks. At present NBFCs a customer level across NBFCs.
step motherly ble employees with USD 1 NBFCs. The RBI has proposed to tighten the regulations maintain standard asset provisioning of 0.4%.
treatment.” lakh or less in annual total for this category. The top layer will be kept empty for They would have to maintain a higher asset Teji Mandi (TM Investment Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) is a
compensation will be paid a now. If any upper layer NBFC is posing an extreme risk provisioning ratio for high-risk categories like real estate SEBI registered investment advisor. No information in
Scan to watch the video. cash bonus of USD 750 or deteriorating, they can be shifted to this layer. and infrastructure. this article should not be construed as investment
each. Large exposure framework, as applicable to banks, can advice. Please visit to know more.
government consists in taking as much
money as possible from one class of
citizens to give to the other.
Border standoff:
China will play rogue Comment itations and public meetings to launch sus- under the shadow of raging protests against and-a-half years. While the court has asked
eports of a recent clash at Naku La on the Sikkim bor- tained protest movements. The right to laws passed by the Centre. Last year, it was protesting farmers to ‘maintain peace’ on Re-
der, between Indian and Chinese troops, amidst the protest is one of the core principles on which the agitation against the CAA. This time, public Day and join the proceedings of the
continuing months-old standoff in eastern Ladakh re- A L I CHOUGULE a democracy, as also the republic, survives farmers, mostly from Punjab and Haryana, court-mandated panel to ‘peacefully resolve
flect the seemingly intractable problem of resolving the con- and thrives. Since 2015, India’s record on var- have been camping at Delhi’s borders for the dispute’, farmers have refused to appear
trary positions of the two countries on territorial claims. ious democracy indices has declined drasti- months, demanding the repeal of the three before the committee because they believe that
Neither side is willing to yield, causing fears of a sudden ndia declared itself a sovereign, demo- cally. There is no measure to judge a coun- farm laws and a legal guarantee for the min- all the committee’s members are ‘biased’ and
flashpoint. According to reports, the Naku La incident took cratic and republic state with the adop- try’s credentials as a republic, but a state of a imum support price (MSP) for crops that are are in favour of the laws. They also do not see
place last week when the Indian soldiers challenged the tion of the Constitution on January 26, republic can be assessed through the indices declared by the Government every year. the committee as a solution to the deadlock.
PLA soldiers trying to intrude into our territory. Both sides 1950. The Constitution gave citizens the pow- of democracy that include civil society par- Seen through the prism of fundamental The success of the farmers’ agitation in get-
are reported to have summoned reinforcements but a firing er to choose their own Government and ticipation and civil liberties. Both have de- right and popular will, the farmers’ protest is ting widespread sympathy and moral sup-
clash was avoided following the intervention of local com- paved the way for democracy. A democratic clined significantly in India since 2015. a fitting display of a kind of ‘movement cul- port from non-farming sections of people
manders. The matter had since been resolved, with the in- republic is a form of government that func- Being a republic is not just the absence of ture’ against the government’s non-consulta- across the country has not only pushed the
truding PLA soldiers returning to their side of the border. tions on principles adopted from a republic monarchy; it is much more. In a republic, the tive approach. It is an unrelenting display of Modi government on the backfoot, but also
Yet, the physical clash without the use of firearms under- and a democracy. All modern republics have power is held by the people and their elected determination and solidarity, aimed at claim- forced the Government into holding talks.
lines the tension prevailing all along the border with China. been founded on the idea that sovereignty representatives and therefore, a consultative ing the fundamental right that the Constitu- The proposal to suspend the farm laws for an
The Sikkim incident came a few days ahead of the ninth rests with the people. Since citizens do not 18-month period is a major climbdown for
round of talks at the Corps Commanders-level on Sunday. govern the state themselves but through rep- the government from its earlier tough stand
Lt General PGK Menon, the Corps Commander of the Leh- resentatives, republics may be distinguished to end the deadlock. This means, to a large
based HQ 14 Corps and South Xinjiang district chief, Major from direct democracies, though all modern, extent, the protest has succeeded in making
General Liu Lin, led the negotiations held on the Chinese representative democracies are, by and The proposal to suspend the farm laws for an 18-month period is a major the government listen to the farmers’ de-
side of the Chushul-Moldo border. The talks yielded no tan- large, republics. The right to protest peace- mands. This is in sharp contrast to the mas-
gible result. The Indian commander insisted on a `complete fully is enshrined in the Constitution under
climbdown for the Government from its earlier tough stand to end the deadlock. sive protests against the CAA last year,
disengagement and de-escalation’ at the border where the Article 19. Public protests are a hallmark of …This is in sharp contrast to the massive protests against the CAA last year, against which the Government did not hesi-
two sides are amassed in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation a free, democratic society in which the voice against which the Government did not hesitate to use police force and security tate to use police force and security agencies
since early last year. In a violent, hand-to-hand clash last of the people should be heard by those in responded with violence, arrests, interroga-
June in the Galwan Valley, 20 soldiers, including a Lt power and decisions be reached after proper
agencies responded with violence, arrests, interrogations and conspiracy charges. tions and conspiracy charges.
Colonel, were killed. Though the Chinese did not disclose discussion and consultation. The government, to a large extent, succeed-
the number of their casualties, credible reports said they Democracy is measured through several in- approach to decision-making should take tion gives to citizens. What we are witness to ed in discrediting the anti-CAA agitation be-
lost 40-odd PLA men, including the unit commander. Since dicators, like electoral process and plural- precedence over the ramming down of laws on the borders of Delhi, the capital of Re- cause it did not evoke widespread sympathy
then, a tense peace has prevailed at the border, with the two ism, the functioning of the Government, po- on the strength of a legislative majority. In a public of India, is a protest that is led by a and trust from the non-Muslim population,
sides amassing further troops, fortifying defences and mov- litical participation, political culture and civ- Constitutional democracy, the government committee of farmers’ unions. Sustaining a who saw the anti-CAA protest as only a prob-
ing heavy equipment, including tanks, Howitzers and much il liberties. India was at the 51st position in must uphold the Constitution and still repre- protest of thousands of farmers in the bitter lem of the Muslim minority, though the
else closer to the border. Though there have been nine the 2019 Democracy Index’s global ranking sent the will of its people. Therefore, two winter of Delhi over the last two months in protests were about protecting democracy
rounds of commander-level talks, these are unlikely to re- and was included in the ‘flawed democracy’ questions arise. Did the passage of the three the face of a discrediting campaign by the and the Constitution. This is because the anti-
solve the stalemate. The border clash has now acquired larg- category, in spite of its sturdy electoral prac- contentious agriculture laws represent the Government has not been easy. But they have CAA protests were perceived by the govern-
er nationalistic political overtones, with neither country tices. The Democracy Index provides a snap- popular will of people? Are the Central laws held their morale high, determined in their ment and people as an issue of citizenship for
ready to pull back. Having undertaken the intrusion as part shot of the current state of democracy world- in keeping with the basic structure of the resolve to accept nothing less than their two the Muslims, while the farmer agitation,
of its usual salami-slicing strategy, China was surprised to wide for 165 independent states and two ter- Constitution, given that agriculture is a state basic demands. though led by Sikh farmers, has expanded to
meet tough resistance. However, even as the confrontation ritories. Democracy, it is said, is not just an subject? Another question that begs an an- They have celebrated New Year, Lohri and include a range of activists and social groups,
at the border continued, India took China by surprise, se- election, it is our daily life. Flawed democra- swer is: didn’t the Citizenship Amendment Makar Sankranti together in the midst of whose core opposition to the farm laws is
curing strategic heights on the border from where the Chi- cies are nations where elections are fair and Act CAA) also violate the Constitution, given their protest; Republic Day on January 26 will premised on the pro-market and pro-corpo-
nese garrison and border positions became extremely vul- free and basic civil liberties are honoured that it discriminates against a section of peo- be the high point of the protest that has gone rate heft of the legislations. The anti-CAA
nerable. Following the strategic rebuff, the Chinese leader- but may have issues, such as media freedom ple on the basis of their religion? through 11 rounds of talks with the govern- protests, after the Delhi riots and the pan-
ship transferred out its otherwise celebrated regional mili- infringement and the suppression of politi- The answers to the above questions are still ment, but to no avail. The deadlock is far from demic-induced lockdown, were forced to wind
tary commander. How long the two militaries will remain at cal opposition and critics. awaited, given that the Supreme Court is yet over despite the Supreme Court’s order to put up. But the farmers are refusing to budge and
the border, poised for a violent confrontation, is hard to tell. The right to peacefully assemble allows po- to decide on the Constitutional validity of on hold the implementation of the three farm the government does not have the option to
However, with the summer approaching, the pressure on litical parties and citizenship bodies or the CAA and Farm laws. It is for this reason laws. Farmers have also rejected the proposal turn a deaf ear or stick to its hard stand.
the troops will ease somewhat. The Chinese, over the years, unions to question and object to acts of the that for two years in a row, Republic Day cel- put forth by the government to suspend the
have fortified border infrastructure, building roads and he- Government by peaceful demonstrations, ag- ebrations in the national capital will be held farm laws for a mutually agreed period of one- The writer is an independent senior journalist.
lipads right up to the border, while India is engaged in catch-
up. However, what has riled the Chinese leadership is the In-
dian resolve to stand up to any challenge to its status as a
ONE FLEW OVER THE NEST #NetajiPainting@RashtrapatiBhavan LETTERS
sovereign and independent regional power, unwilling to
bend before any self-styled hegemon. At the heart of the
Chinese politico-strategic goals is to stop India emerging an "We do not comment on tweets. The painting was made in Rashtrapati Bhawan and you think that it is a painting of an actor.
independent power, a bulwark of democracy and rule-based
order, as a direct challenge to the Chinese militaristic au-
What kind of question is it? Something is being run on Twitter, but it may be politically motivated. What can we say on it?," a
senior Rashtrapati Bhawan official told IANS
thoritarian model, seeking to suppress and bully neigh- Must be an actor from a state where there are elections
bours to its global-power ambitions. In sum, it is a clash of J Kennedy@njkenny Ref.: ‘Killjoy UP adds to
opposite systems of ordering human society. It is why there the cost of tipplers’
should be a better appreciation of the increasing willing- The real hero of today is Prosenjit Chatterjee's make-up artist in Gumnaami. (January 25). The UP
ness of western democracies to cooperate and bolster India Sayantan Ghosh@sayantansunnyg government's move to
in this part of the world for securing maritime and territo- increase the price of
rial freedom as per the international conventions and While everyone was worried about him appropriating TAGORE.... The real game has been to appropriate BOSE.... via the GUMNAAMI BABA alcohol and enforce the
treaties. Following last year’s standoff at the Ladakh border, cosplay! licence system for liquor
the US strategic community has prevailed in persuading the Shaky Lines@ShakyLines meant for home
Trump administration to step up cooperation and coordi- consumption, is uncalled
nation with India in security and strategic matters, includ- respected Journalists will you now applaud Mr.Somnath Kundu the Makeup Artist of #Gumnaami for his sheer brilliance and Talent to make for. Can the concerned
ing sharing of valuable strategic intelligence. China has of- Prosenjit chatterjee the Most convincing version of Netaji, he deserve the recognition authorities concentrate
ten expressed concern at the joint exercises undertaken by Sangita@sangi1909 on other important
the US and Indian militaries in addition to those from issues like the rape of
Japan, Australia to safeguard bona-fide maritime and terri- women that continues to
torial rights of sovereign, independent nations. Meanwhile, occur in that state and
it is a reflection of the Chinese cussedness that it has
stooped so low as to question India’s humanitarian effort to
Didi could have countered chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ with a ‘Netaji Zindabad’ slogan elsewhere? What about
the prices of petrol
t is not the first time that the West Bengal supremo in Nabanna. It may be recalled that after Pakistan was Mamata Banerjee, the
FPJ ARCHIVES JANUARY 7, 1963 Chief Minister lost her cool at being greeted In 2017, the Calcutta High Court criticised the formed, under the orders of that government, a firebrand Congress
with chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’. On May 5, TMC government for not allowing immersion of committee headed by Md Sahidullah gave sev- leader from Bengal, left
2019, she had expressed her anger at a group of idols after Durga Puja, on the same day as the eral suggestions to change ‘Hindu-influenced’ the party in January
people who had shouted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ while Muslim festival of Muharram. words in the Bengali of East Pakistan (current- 1998, vehemently fought
her convoy was passing through West Midna- The BJP termed the incident as an attempt at ly Bangladesh) with Islamised words. with the Communists
pore district’s Chandrakona area. appeasement. The BJP and Trinamool Congress To get back to the Ram imbroglio, the latest singlehandedly and
A video clip circulated on social media showed have locked horns on the issue of allowing version doing the rounds is that Ram is an “out- dethroned them in 2011.
Didi stepping out of her vehicle to confront ‘armed’ rallies to mark Ramnavami. In 2018, ma- sider” and doesn’t belong to Bengal. Nothing The grand old party
them. “Palachhis keno? Ay ay. Haridas sob. jor communal clashes broke out in Raniganj over could be further from the truth. Before the Gau- hadn’t been able to
Galagali sikheche. (Come here, why are you Ramnavami celebrations. The TMC government rio Vaishnavism of Sri Chaitanya (1486–1533) it accomplish this feat over
running away? Who do you think you are, using also reportedly tried to impose other restrictions, was the Ramayat form of Vaishnavism that pre- a quarter century! For
slang,” the TMC supremo is heard saying in the like not allowing participants in (Ramnavami) vailed in Bengal. The family of the biographer over a decade in state
video by ANI. processions to carry ‘weapons’ (tridents). of Sri Chaitanya, Jayanand, worshipped Ram politics, she kept all
Last Saturday, she again expressed her displeas- On the flip side, seeing the BJP gaining as their ‘kul devta’ (family deity). national parties,
ure at the same chant at the Victoria Memorial ground through these Ramnavami celebrations, In 1112 CE (common era), Shovanath Chandra including the BJP, at bay.
event in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra the TMC also organised similar rallies, with in Sribati set up a Raghunath Jeur temple (they But sadly now, the down-
Modi, saying, “I think the government’s pro- ministers and senior partymen participating! built three terracotta temples). They were a to-earth leader, who
gramme should have dignity. This is not a political But by then, the die had been cast and “they” family of Gujarati traders, and their puja still must depend on poll
programme. It doesn’t suit you to insult someone started believing that the TMC supremo’s nar- continues. Two more names crop up from West strategists like Prashant
after inviting them. As a protest, I won’t speak rative had been cast, too: Mamata apparently India - Ramanand Tewari and Madhav Rao - Kishor.
anything,” she was quoted as saying. tries to prevent Hindu religious celebrations in who settled in Bengal and started Ramchandra Govardhan R Jilla
On the face of it, as most analysts on several order to appease “that 30 per cent vote bank”. puja. Innumerable Bengali names come up too,
TV channels in Kolkata said, the chant was not According to Didi, the BJP was using Ram- including the families of Sri Ramakrishnadev, TMC must have ear
relevant, given the content and intent of the navami to bolster its hold on West Bengal, hence Mahakavi Chandidas, among others. So to the ground, too
programme. her reported ‘abomination’ of Jai Shri Ram slo- terming Ram as an outsider in West Bengal is This is not the first time
However, it is also being said that Mamata gans. While it might be true that the saffron par- not only a gross historical distortion, it’s a bla- we are witnessing
could have ignored the slogans and as an astute ty is using Ram for political gains, Mamata’s re- tant lie with clear political motives. politicians deserting one
politician, she could have countered the sloga- action to counter this perception didn’t go down So, what actually happened in Bengal? Ra- ship to join another.
neers with a ‘Netaji Zindabad’ slogan. By vent- quite well. What made matters worse and messy mayat Vaishnavism got mixed with Gaurio Before each election,
ing her ire, all she did was to create a buzz is that it is an attempt to say that Ram is alien to Vaishnavism, and the latter took control. Lord such political turncoats
among the gossipmongers. Bengal and all his devotees are ‘outsiders’. Krishna took precedence over Ram, because of are routinely seen. But
To see how the issue actually “erupted”, one More appeasement? The traditional name for the immense popularity of Sri Chaitanya and yes, it is indeed
needs to go back a few years. In Bengal, since rainbow in Bengali is ‘Ramdhenu’, which also Gopal was preferred over Sitanath, but the lat- worrying that
2016, the ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogan has crossed reli- means Ram's bow. In an attempt to ‘secularise’ ter never entirely disappeared. Visit Gohogram Prashant Kishor is
Friendship with all is our aim gious boundaries and is now a political one.
This was the year the BJP and its associates or-
the word, the West Bengal Council for Higher
Education had replaced the word with
village in east Bardhaman, to understand how
Ram is still a living tradition in West Bengal. On
proving dear to the TMC.
While Kishor does have
ALLAHABAD, JAN. 6 (PTI) -- Prime Minister Nehru declared here ganised Ramnavami celebrations in Bengal. ‘Rongdhenu’ or bow of colours. Ramnavami, the entire village is coloured with some good election
today that India wanted to have friendly relations with all the Didi was quick to order the state administration While Bangladesh had long replaced the word gulal. This village has the Bhattacharya family successes on his resume,
countries of the world including China and Pakistan. to obstruct the celebrations, especially the pro- ‘Ramdhenu’ with ‘Rongdhenu’, the toeing of the who are Rama-sevayats, and they have a black he also has losses too. So,
"But it does not mean that any country can humiliate us or force cessions, which are an integral part of Ram- line by West Bengal had created a huge ruckus stone murti of Rama with a statue of Sita in the TMC would do well
us to accept anything at the cost of national prestige and honour," navami rituals. in academia and on social media circles, with ashtadhatu. Ram and Sita are worshipped to not rely blindly on his
he said. Acting at the behest of the CM, the adminis- some calling it ‘language terror’ and others say- thrice a day, and Ramnavami is a huge festival. advice, as any leader
Shri Nehru was addressing a public meeting on the K. P. College tration denied permission to the religious cele- ing it was in line with the alleged appeasement Bengal is the confluence of all faiths and reli- connected to the
Ground. About 40,000 people heard him with rapt attention. brations at several places. Strict restrictions policies of Mamata. gions. It is time, Ram is given his rightful due, at grassroots would feel
Referring to the Sion-Indian border dispute, he said that India were also clamped on these rallies, by reducing Also, language honchos were of the opinion least in the correct perspective. hurt if they are
was always prepared for an honourable settlement but would not the scale and duration of the events. This the new word has no mention in the Bengali dic- sidelined by the party.
bow down or tolerate any humiliation. sparked allegations that Didi was restricting, or tionary or grammar. In the Class VII book on The writer is Senior Associate Editor, Free Press, Indore. Bal Govind
Letters to the editor should be sent to: The Free Press Journal, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215 Nariman Point, Mumbai. 400021; Fax: 22874688, e-mail:; Type letter, leave space, write your views and name. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
Panic grips Basti jail as 120 test corona positive
LUCKNOW: Panic gripped the UP’s Basti Jail again when
120 inmates, including 3 officials, tested positive for
Covid belying tall claims of the Yogi government it has
nearly contained community spread of the virus. All
inmates have been quarantined in a jail barrack, which
has been converted into an L-1 Covid Hospital at the
panic-stricken Basti District Jail. A team of doctors has
been deployed from the Basti District Hospital with PPE
kits, emergency medicines and oxygen cylinders to
monitor the condition of inmates. —FPJ Correspondent
Andhra couple
kills daughters 32 win Pradhan Mantri Bal Puraskar Attempt to murder
case against
Govt, PCI get
SC notice to
to resurrect them
MADANAPALLE: A highly super-
for outstanding accomplishments Rajasthan MLA
regulate media
OUR BUREAU / New Delhi
stitious teacher couple killed their NEW DELHI: Jyoti Kumari, scribed in words." started his own non-profit
2 daughters, believing they could who cycled from Gurgaon to “During the Covid-19 lock- (Girls, Say YES) to promote A case of attempt to murder The Supreme Court on Mon-
be resurrected at Madanapalle in Dharbhanga in Bihar with down, she traversed 1,200 km women's empowerment. was lodged against a Ra- day issued notice to the gov-
Andhra’s Chittoor district. her father amid the Covid-19 from Sikandarpur, Haryana The youngest awardee this jasthan MLA and 6 others by ernment and the Press Coun-
V Purushotam Naidu, lecturer in lockdown, and Rakesh Krish- to Darbhanga, Bihar to reach year is Kumari Prasiddhi Bhiwadi police on Monday cil of India (PCI) on a PIL
Anti-conversion: SC
and Gujarat jointly stage In a move to keep his cabinet Senior minister Mad- harm in operating local train services for all, they would have to put in
demonstrations at many places members happy, Karnataka huswamy, who was stripped place crowd management arrangements at railway stations, though the
QUICK LOOK on Delhi borders on Republic Chief Minister BS Yediyu- off his prime portfolios of number of cases had reduced and vaccines had arrived. A final decision
no to cases' transfer
Day. rappa Monday carried out Law, Parliamentary Affairs would be taken after considering the number of cases across
SC DISMISSES AP'S APPEAL Thousands of farmers from another shuffling, making it and Minor Irrigation on Jan- Maharashtra. “There has not yet been any finalisation on resumption of
AGAINST HC ORDER: In a Chhattisgarh have already the second change in two uary 13 has now been given train services for the public. Discussions are underway. Only after
setback to YS Jagan Mohan reached the Delhi borders. weeks since he expanded his the Tourism Department, completely reviewing the situation with the state government and the
Reddy government, the Farmer leader Sudesh Tikam cabinet on January 13. It was Ecology and Environment observance of coronavirus protocols, will local train services be
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday declined to Supreme Court on Monday along with one hundred farmers only on Friday that the CM portfolios. resumed,” he said.
entertain a plea by the UP government to transfer all petitions dismissed its appeal against the of Rajnandgaon district have had reallocated some portfo- Anand Singh who was pre-
against the anti-conversion ordinance pending in the Allahabad High Court order upholding already reached the Delhi border lios owing to dissidence. viously holding portfolios of NOCs for street parking
HC to itself. A bench headed by CJI SA Bobde said it would like State Election Commission on Monday to join the tractor In the latest shuffling, he Ecology and Environment "Cuffe Parade and Colaba are two places which will benefit from this
to take advantage of a decision by the HC, where the matter is decision to hold gram Panchayat rally. changed portfolios of three Departments, got Infrastruc- initiative, which will be implemented throughout the city. These NOCs
slated for hearing in February. Senior Advocate PS Narasimha, elections in the state saying, While Speaking to Free Press ministers. Health Minister ture Development and Haj however, will be temporary in nature and traffic police can withdraw
representing the UP govt, said identical petitions challenging the "We cannot be part of this ego Journal Sudesh Tikam said, Dr K Sudhakar got the Med- and Waqf Departments. this street parking permission when required. Also, If any vehicle is
ordinance were pending in the HC. The apex court said it was battle". The State government “Thousands of farmers from ical Education Department On January 13, Yediyurap- found misusing the permission, we will revoke permission immediately,"
aware of the HC cases when it issued notice in the matter earlier. has sought postponement of Chhattisgarh have already back after it was allocated to pa had inducted seven new Yadav said.
"If the High Court is going to decide the cases, why should we Panchayat polls due to the reached Singhu, Tikri and JC Madhuswamy on Janu- ministers — Umesh Katti,
interfere?" the bench remarked. The counsel for the respondents ongoing COVID-19 vaccination Gajipur borders and a good ary 23. Sudhakar had pub- Aravind Lumbavali, MTB Green tax proposed on...
submitted that the High Court had listed the matter for hearing drive. The top court observed number of peasants are still licly expressed his ire and ap- Nagaraj, CP Yogeshwar, R Since the commercial vehicles, though constituting 5% of the total
on February 2. that elections have been held in coming to join the protest on prehension that the handling Shankar, S Angara and Mu- vehicles, contribute about 65-70% of the total vehicular pollution, those
far more difficult conditions and Republic Day”. of the Medical Education De- rugesh Nirani after a 17- older than eight years will be charged @10% to 25% of the road tax at
successfully". –Avdhesh Mallick partment by a different min- month-wait. the time of renewal of the fitness certificate. Even public transport
COMMUTE DEATH OF BEANT’S vehicles, such as city buses, will be charged lower green tax. Exempted
are vehicles used for farming, such as tractors, harvesters and tillers, as
KILLER IN 2 WEEKS: SC Gumnam hai koi: Netaji...
KERALA HC GRANTS BAIL TO somewhat by the actor's rather convincing also vehicles with hybrid fuel, electric vehicles and alternate fuels like
NEW DELHI: The SC on Monday gave SUSPENDED IAS OFFICER government alleging that that after donating Rs. 5 portrayal of the iconic Bengali freedom fighter. CNG, LPG or ethanol. The rates drawn up in the draft notification vary
2 weeks to the Centre to decide on SIVASANKAR: The Kerala HC on lakh to the Ayodhya Ram temple, President Kovind Interestingly, most Bengalis seemed convinced for different fuels like petrol and diesel as also type of vehicles. Revenue
the commutation of the death Monday granted conditional bail had "honoured Netaji by unveiling a portrait of that the portrait was not of Netaji. The West collected from the Green Tax is to be kept in a separate account and
sentence on Balwant Singh Rajoana to suspended IAS officer M Prosenjit, the actor who played him in the biopic". Bengal Congress party even took to Twitter with used for tackling pollution, and for enabling the States to set up state-of-
for assassination of then Punjab CM Sivasankar arrested by the ED on As is often the case, the controversy soon went off a sage remark about how "education matters". the-art facilities for emission monitoring.
Beant Singh of Congress in 1995 and October 28 in a money the tangent with 'Bhagat Singh,'Mangal Pandey’ BJP sources junked the theory, asserting that the
fixed further hearing on February 12. Solicitor General Tushar laundering case registered in and 'Sardar Patel' getting drawn into the rigmarole. photo was provided by Netaji's family to famous Japan PM, Paswan, Gogoi...
Mehta, appearing for the Centre, sought three weeks' time, connection with gold smuggling And it all harked back to one painting! Moitra the Padma Shri award winning artist Paresh Those awarded the Padma Vibhushan include music legend SP
saying the government was examining the mercy petition filed in the state. In a relief to the soon had company: In another deleted post, this Maity, who painted the portrait. Balasubramaniam and Delhi-based 96-year-old Islamic scholar Maulana
on his behalf. Stating that three weeks were unreasonable, Chief former principal secretary to time journalist Barkha Dutt spoke about her Chandra Kumar Bose, Netaji's grand-nephew and Wahiduddin Khan.As many as 102 have got the Padma Shri and they
Justice of India Sharad Bobde said: "We give you a last chance. Kerala CM, the Addl Chief outrage over the “utterly embarrassing” situation. a member of the BJP, also posted what he said include former Goa Governor and writer Mridula Sinha (posthumous),
Matter adjourned for two weeks." Judicial (Economic Offences) Calling it a portrait of Prosenjit, she added rather was the photo given for the portrait. writer Vinayak Vishnu Khedekar of Goa, Namdeo Kamble of
–-Our Bureau Court, Ernakulam, also granted confusingly that she had to "look twice to make BJP's social media chief Amit Malviya, in-charge Maharashtra, for literature and education, Ghulam Rasool Khan and
him default bail (accused entitled sure it had actually happened". Some were of Bengal, posted a sharp rejoinder: "If the neo- writer Chamanlal Sapru of Jammu and Kashmir, Lakha Khan of
Lawyers desirous of sharing important judgements, with a word to seek bail in case charge sheet ambivalent: they said that if this was not Bengal experts are done making a fool of Rajasthan in the category of art, as also Rajasthan's Arjun Singh
count of up to 200, can send them to is not filed in a specified period) Prosenjit Chatterjee, it was also certainly not themselves, outraging over the portrait of Netaji Shekhawat in literature and Shyam Sundar Paliwal in social work,
Newspieces that meet all the requisite criteria, as per the in a case registered by Customs Netaji. And going by the number of un-deleted Subhash Chandra Bose, unveiled by the President Gujarati author Dr Chandrakant Mehta, business women Jaswantiben
editor’s discretion, will be published in The Free Press Journal. in connection with the smuggling posts, it would seem that many of the detractors of India, let me remind them that all their Jamnadas Popat, Girish Prabhune and Ms Sindhutai Sapkal of
of gold. of the portrait were not too sure of themselves. misplaced activism won't be able to save Maharashtra for social work and Kapil Tiwari of Madhya Pradesh in the
The confusion may have been amplified Mamata Banerjee..." literature and education category.
Heatwave raises bushfire danger in Australia
CANBERRA: The scorching heatwave sweeping Australia's
southeastern states continued on Monday, and the hot, dry
and windy conditions raised the bushfire danger across the
The temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius in Riverina
area of the state of New South Wales (NSW), where a high
fire danger was forecasted by the state's Bureau of
Meteorology, reports Xinhua news agency.
first tête-à-tête
flood Brazil House under repair:
LALIT K JHA / Washington need for close coordination,
Rio de Janeiro Kamala will be Joe’s guest
including through multilat- Thousands of Brazilians LALIT K JHA / Washington Sanders said.
Joe Biden sought to mend eral organisations, in tack- took the streets for a second The Washington Post reported
and bolster US' strained ties ling common challenges day Sunday to call for the US Vice President Kamala Harris is Sunday that crews are working on
with France in his first such as climate change, impeachment of President temporarily staying at the historic new liners for the chimneys, among
phone call as American Pres- COVID-19 and the global eco- Jair Bolsonaro, who is un- Blair House here as her official resi- other changes in the 33-room official
ident to his French counter- nomic recovery," it said in a der fire for his govern- dence is undergoing repairs, her residence of the vice president,
part Emmanuel Macron, as statement. ment's handling of COVID- spokesperson said. which was built in 1893.
the two leaders pledged to Biden and Macron also 19, which has raged Across the White House on Penn- Blair House, built as a private
work together on shared for- agreed to work together on through the country and sylvania Avenue, Blair House is the house in 1824, is the guest house of
eign policy priorities, includ- shared foreign policy priori- claimed more than 216,000 official guest house of the US Presi- the US President since 1942, where
ing China, and fight the ties, including China, the lives. dent. The official residence of the visiting foreign dignitaries normal-
COVID-19 pandemic and cli- Middle East, Russia, and Horn-honking cars parad- vice president is located within the ly stay. "It's such a cozy and beautiful
mate change. West Africa's Sahel region. ed through the streets of Naval Observatory Complex and is place. There is so much history here,
Biden called Macron on This was Biden's fourth Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo about seven kilometres northwest of and it tells the great story of our
Sunday and expressed his de- phone call with a foreign and a dozen or more other the White House. country. So many presidents have
sire to strengthen bilateral leader after being sworn in cities as other protesters The vice president's chief passed through that black and white
ties. He also stressed his com- as the US President. marched on foot, some call- spokesperson, Symone Sanders, told marble threshold. Yes, it has a lot of
mitment to bolstering the Biden's first two phone ing, "Get out Bolsonaro!" reporters here on Saturday that Har- square footage, but it feels like a
transatlantic relationship, calls have been with the lead- Sunday's protests were ris moved in on Thursday. home," Capricia Marshall, a former
including through NATO ers of its two neighbours - called by conservative "They (Harris and husband Doug chief of protocol and current board
and the United States' part- Prime Minister Justin groups that had once Emhoff) are living there while re- member of the Blair House Restora-
nership with the European Trudeau of Canada and backed the president, while pairs are done at the vice president's tion Fund, was quoted as saying by
Union, the White House said. President Andres Manuel those on Saturday had residence at the Naval Observatory," The Washington Post.
"The leaders agreed on the Lopez Obrador of Mexico. come from the left.
with the size of majority of young phone because they cannot through the food we
the notch at the girls in India have no afford it. 81 per cent of fami- eat, this number
top of the or limited access to ei- lies say they cannot afford KARISHMA CHAWLA varies from the food
screen to shrink ther mobile phones or com- one, while 79 per cent do not selections. For e.g.,
and their ultrawide angle lens puters, and this gap has have a computer at home. Fi- fruits and vegetables in the raw form have
upgraded from 5P to 6P, reports widened alarmingly during nancial constraints further the highest percentage of water, carbohy-
DigiTimes. the Covid-19 crisis, shows a alienate young girls from drates like cooked whole grains and
The new design will integrate new survey. The survey by technology. 84 per cent of lentils have a fair amount and foods high
Rx, Tx and flood illuminator New Delhi-based NGO Cen- girls do not have the money in fat have a very low water content like
into the same camera module, tre for Catalyzing Change to spend on internet access.” nuts and seeds. It is imperative to be well
similar to that of a LiDAR (C3) – conducted across 29 Even when families and hydrated throughout the day considering
scanner in the back camera districts in 10 states covering the widest, while Telangana the Covid-19 pandemic has adolescents can afford smart- the negative effects of dehydration and
module, to enable smaller 4,100 respondents – found reported the lowest differ- exacerbated the inequalities phones, computers or other positive effects of drinking water.
notch sizes. In addition, The Pro that there is a crisis of access ence between the percentage girls in India face, and “we digital devices, it is always � Fluid intake for men 3.7 litres ary complications. Therefore, good hy-
family of the next-generation to digital devices for adoles- of boys and girls having digi- need to work to keep them in the male family members’ us- � fluid intake for women 2.7 litres dration is crucial for persons with med-
iPhones reportedly will feature cent girls in India. tal access (12 per cent).” Ac- school”. The survey reveals age of such devices that is And this increases with physically ac- ical conditions such as diabetes, heart
a newly designed CMOS Image “Boys have easier access. In cording to C3 Executive Di- that financial affordability is prioritized, found the survey. tivity and weather conditions disease, high Bp, high uric acid and
Sensor (CIS), while the other Haryana, the gender gap is rector Dr Aparajita Gogoi, a major cause for lack of ac- –IANS Benefits of drinking water: arthritis.
models will adopt the CIS used 1. Hydration has a major effect on energy � Helps in faster recovery of muscles post
by the iPhone 12 Pro devices. levels. Good hydration is a key factor to exercise.
The CIS will be supplied mainly
SpaceX ridesharing help improve blood circulation and en- � Supports optimal brain function due to
by Sony.
OnePlus Buds Z
Women influenced coevolution mission launches
ergy levels and maintain good health.
2. Helps to strengthen our immune sys-
tem defenses and build better resist-
oxygen and glucose supply to the brain.
Tips to incorporate fluid intake on daily
limited edition
launched in India
of dogs, humans: Study record 143 satellites
ance to stress and infections.
3. Water is required for good digestion
and prevention of constipation aiding
1. Start the day with unsweetened lime
water/ apple cider vinegar in luke
warm water
NEW DELHI: OnePlus on AGENCIES / Washington women. They were more likely to be San Francisco gut health and thus reducing the 2. Breakfast: Can add diluted vegetable
Monday launched a limited included in family life, treated as chances of acne. juice
edition of its Buds Z in n a cross-cultural analysis, subjects of affection and generally, uch like ridesharing via Uber on 4. Having anti-aging and anti-catabolic ef- 3. Mid-morning: Coconut water/ unsweet-
collaboration found several factors may have people had greater regard for Earth, Elon Musk-run SpaceX fect, water helps preserve tissues and ened lime water
with Los played a role in building the mu- them.” While dogs are the oldest, has successfully launched its new reduce muscle loss and prevents sag- 4. 15 mins prior lunch: Sip on fennel
Angeles-based tually beneficial relationship be- most widespread domesticated ani- cost-cutting rideshare mission with 143 ging of skin and wrinkles. water
artist and tween humans and dogs, including mal, very few anthropologic studies small satellites – a new record for a single 5. Helps in getting rid of water retention 5. Lunch can add buttermilk
designer temperature, hunting and have directly focused on the human rocket – into space. and helps one look leaner. 6. Post lunch: Cinnamon water
Steven surprisingly - gender. relationship with canines. Yet when Called the Transporter-1 mission, the 6. Drinking sufficient water helps in 7. Unsweetened lime water in the evening
Harrington, for Rs 3,699 in The findings of the novel study by the WSU researchers searched the two-stage Falcon 9 rocket lifted off on Sun- weight loss! 8. Pre-dinner: Fennel water/ apple cider
India. According to the Washington State University re- extensive collection of ethnograph- day from the Cape Canaveral Space Force � Helps maintain higher LBM (lean body vinegar in luke warm water
company, the new OnePlus searchers was pub- ic documents in the Station in Florida. “Falcon 9 launches 143 mass) by supporting the structure of 9. Dinner: Add buttermilk
Buds Z Steven Harrington lished in the Journal Human Relations spacecraft to orbit – the most ever de- the body’s lean tissues, muscles. 10. Post dinner: Cinnamon water/
Edition features the artist's of Ethnobiology. It Area Files database, ployed on a single mission – completing � Improves blood circulation and deliv- chamomile tea
signature stylized graffiti along drops a hint that a they found thou- SpaceX’s first dedicated SmallSat ery of oxygen and nutrients to the � Sip on plain water, water infused with
with artistic caricatures and man’s best friend sands of mentions of Rideshare Programme mission,” SpaceX muscles and all body cells. mint or fruit pcs throughout the day.
designs. The limited-edition (dog) might actually dogs. said in a tweet. According to SpaceX, the � Ensures better energy levels, increase � Consume protein shakes, electoral or
earphones have a two-tone belong to a woman. Ultimately, they lo- rideshare programme offers cheap access in exercise performance and aids fat sports drink as per requirement.
purple and mint colour combo “We found that dogs’ cated data from to space for small satellite companies, loss. Not included in hydration: Tea, coffee,
with a matching charging case. relationships with more than 844 ethno- starting at $1 million for a 200-kg satellite. � Helps maintain body temperature dur- caffeine drink, energy drink, carbonated
On a full charge, these women might have graphers writing on Much like a “rideshare Uber”, a compa- ing exercise to help muscle contraction drinks, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages,
limited-edition earphones had a greater impact 144 traditional, sub- ny’s small satellite can hitch a ride to and physical activity. soft drinks, sweetened drinks like sherbet
provide an impressive 20 hours on the dog-human sistence-level soci- space with this new mision. � Helps with stronger immunity, better and milk.
of playback time, while a quick bond than relationships with men,” eties from all over the globe. Look- The SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket sent a mix compliance to exercise and nutrition Thirst is a late indicator of thirst. Hence
10-minute top-up provides said Jaime Chambers, a WSU an- ing at these cultures can provide in- of shoebox-sized CubeSats and much plan leading to faster and better fat loss it is imperative to drink every 1-1.5 hours
three hours of vibrant audio. It thropology Ph.D. student and first sight into how the dog-human rela- heavier micro-satellites to a 326-mile-high results. and until you feel thirsty. And interesting-
comes with three sizes of author. tionship developed, Chambers said. polar orbit. The 143 satellites include 48 Other benefits: ly a dehydrated body cannot burn fat, gain
silicone ear tips to ensure a “Humans were more likely to re- “Our modern society is like a blip in Earth imaging satellites, 17 tiny commu- � Helps maintain good health parameters muscle or reach its highest potential or
snug, stable and comfortable gard dogs as a type of person if the the timeline of human history,” she nications satellites, and 30 small satellites and helps in disease prevention/ man- performance!
fit. –IANS dogs had a special relationship with said. –ANI for the US and Europe by Germany-based agement and protection from second- (The writer is a Nutritionist and Lifestyle Educator)
Exolaunch. –IANS
1 Be (5)
6 Rock group Pink ____
9 Not modern (7)
10 Concerning (5)
11 Dangers (5)
12 People of Iraq (5)
13 What bartenders check
15 Unit of current (3)
17 Aquatic bird (4)
18 Off-course (6)
19 Adolescent (5)
20 Titania's husband (6)
BLONDIE / Dean Young & Mile Gersher 22 Mislay and not be able
to find (4)
24 Long-established (3) 3 Type of footwear (6) 15 Vacuum tube gas (5)
25 Abilities (7) 4 Trinitrotoluene (3) 16 Funeral fires (5)
26 Needing to scratch (5) 5 Rows (5) 18 Cornered with no
27 African tongue (5) 6 Polish (7) escape (2,3)
28 Capital of Tibet (5) 7 Hawaiian garlands ? (4) 19 Google's video-sharing
29 Vulcanite (7) 8 Columbia tributary (6) platform (7)
30 Herb (5) 12 Extension (3-2) 21 Whiten (6)
31 Apparel (5) 13 Eskimo's dwelling (5) 22 Libertine (6)
14 Provided the 23 State of equilibrium (6)
Down statements as a 25 Express gratitude (5)
2 Place of contentment crossword compiler ? 26 Bit of news (4)
(6) (5) 28 Limited in short? (3)
Lecher, 23 Stasis, 25
2 Xanadu, 3 Sandal, 4
Every year, on January 30, India observes Martyrs’ Day as it is the death Clued, 15 Argon, 16 Lhasa, 29 Ebonite, 30 Risks, 12 Arabs, 13 ID
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The world reveres Gandhi as an everlasting here was a queen of a faraway realm, who vently, “O Lord, this child is no longer mine. She is Add-on, 13 Igloo, 14 Itchy, 27 Bantu, 28 Antique, 10 Anent, 11
symbol of courageous non-violence. was known for her piety and devotion. Her Thine. I surrender her to Thee absolutely. Do with 7 Leis, 8 Yakima, 12 Old, 25 Talents, 26 1 Exist, 6 Floyd, 9
baby princess fell ill, and the best doctors in her as Thou will.” TNT, 5 Tiers, 6 Furbish, Oberon, 22 Lose, 24
MEMORIALS around the world stand testimony the kingdom were asked to attend on the child. Tears flowed from her eyes even as she uttered
to the impact that Gandhiji’s life and beliefs
have had on so many people.
However, despite the best medical help, the child the words– for what mother could say of her child,
steadily grew worse. “This child is not mine, but Thine!” People can let EASY_PAGE_1_4.TIF
FPJ - SUDOKU - 104 Level: Hard
Last Days
Gandhiji spent his last days in Birla House, a
Day and night, the queen prayed fervently to go of many things– but not their own flesh and
mansion built by Ghanshyamdas Birla, a God, even as she cared for her ailing child, and at- blood!
prominent businessman. On January 30, 1948, tended to her every cry and whisper. “Lord, help With great effort, the queen persisted with her
Gandhiji was on his way to address a prayer my child,” she prayed. “May Your healing touch be prayer of surrender. Even as the child lay uncon-
meeting in the garden when he was shot to upon her, and make her better!” scious, she repeated, “This child is not mine, but
death. But the child did not get better. In fact, as days Thine. I surrender her unto Thee. Do with her as
The Indian government acquired the house passed, her condition deteriorated until, finally, Thou will.”
from the Birla family in 1971 and converted it to
a memorial. Renamed as Gandhi Smriti, the
the doctors gave up all hope and told the queen Gradually, the child grew better. The doctors
memorial was opened to the public on August Gandhi Smriti that they could not do anything more for the child. gasped at the miracle unfolding before their eyes
15, 1973. A holy man, who was visiting the palace at that as the child whom they had given up for lost, re-
At the entrance, a statue of Gandhiji flanked first digital multimedia museums, it uses time, suggested to the queen that she should try vived and returned in course of time to good
on either side by a girl and a boy holding a dove technology creatively to impart Gandhiji’s vision. the most efficacious of all prayers– the prayer of health.The prayer of surrender is perhaps the
greets you. It bears his inspiring words: ‘My life Other Memorials surrender. most difficult form of prayer. It puts our faith to
is my message.’ The place where he was � A 2.7m tall bronze statue of Gandhiji stands “What is the prayer of surrender?” asked the the ultimate test– that of surrendering our hopes
assassinated is marked by a Martyr’s Column. at the centre of the Pacifist Memorial, at
A line of footsteps leads to it, recreating the Peace Abbey in Sherborn, Massachusetts.
queen. “You surrender your child to God ab- and fears, even our very will to live, to the Will of
leader’s last walk. The six brick walls that radiate out from the solutely,” explained the holy man. “It becomes His God. How many of us can say to Him in absolute
A museum displays various memorabilia like statue has quotations of sixty peacemakers. responsibility to do with the child as He wills. You surrender– “Not my will, but Thy Will, be done!” WHAT TO DO: Fill in the grid so
photographs, sculptures, paintings, personal � More recently, in March 2015, a statue of do not have to ask anything on her behalf any- (Dada J.P. Vaswani is humanitarian, philosopher, that every row, every column
belongings, etc. Visitors can see the room where Gandhiji was unveiled in Parliament Square, more.” educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah and every 3x3 box contains the
he lived. In 2005, the Eternal Gandhi Multimedia London, to mark 100 years since he returned The queen sank on her knees and prayed fer- of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader.) digits 1 to 9. Every puzzle has
Museum was inaugurated. One of the world’s to India from South Africa. only one correct solution.
4324 / © 2020 Amrita Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Spiritual organisations keen to be featured in this space contact :
BTS have K month, and have planned some more surprises for their
teeming fan base, widely known as BTS ARMY. After releasing
‘surprise gifts’
their album BE (Deluxe Edition) in November, the band will
unveil BE (Essential Edition) on February 19, reports
for fans!
The latest project will encapsulate BTS’ appreciation towards their fans
who have stood by them through every milestone.
mit Sadh has come a long way since being the televi- of me. I put myself completely out there to learn and be based on the life
sion heartthrob. He had first truly charmed the audi- better, which got me where I am today. It helped me get of Telugu
ences with his turn as Parshuram Bardez in the hit recognised in the eyes of my fans and people I worked freedom fighters,
Star One show, Guns & Roses (2004). His first major with. My experience taught me to be curious and learn Alluri
break in the movies was with Kai Po Che!, where he and appreciate little things in life. I am grateful for this Seetharama Raju
along with Rajkkumar Rao and Sushant Singh Rajput industry for recognising my work and giving me the roles and Komaram Bheem. Alia Bhatt will play a character called
played the three leads. However, post that, although the that challenge me and motivate me to work more. Sita in the film. The ensemble cast also includes Ajay Devgn.
actor has given impressive performances in movies Luck favours the strong and the courageous. I always Unconfirmed reports suggest the film is being produced at an
like Sultan, Gold, Yaara and Shakuntala Devi, it is say this because I experienced it. Luck is a function of in- estimated budget of Rs 450 crore.
the web shows that seem to be finally getting tent. For me, it is the way I function, my approach to my
him the spotlight he always deserved.
His turn as Kabir Sawant, the alcoholic cop
craft, my hard work, and I ensure it betters with time.
Would you call yourself a Method actor? How far would
Tisca to direct a murder mystery
isca Chopra is gearing up to start
battling his inner demons, in Breathe: Into you go to bring a character to life?
the Shadows (Amazon Prime) and his por- There is madness to a method and a method to the mad- shooting her debut directorial
trayal of Major Videep Singh in Avrodh: ness! To get into the character’s skin, the artist must re- feature film, a murder mystery,
The Siege Within (Sony Liv) both got alise that the journey will be long and will take a lot of later this year. The actress,
much critical acclaim. And now, Amit patience. You need to get every aspect of the character who has earlier ventured into
has followed it up with Jeet Ki Zid. He right, be it mannerism, dialect, body movement, looks, scripting, direction and production of
plays the protagonist in the behaviours etc. shorts films, is charged up to take
recently-released Zee5 series. I feel I have a balance when entering a role, living it and on storytelling in the feature
The story is based on the true sto- getting out of it. Life is a teacher; we are surrounded by format.
ry of Major Deependra Singh Sen- people, family, pets, friends, great artists, and well-wishers “It is a nice, tight murder
gar, who was drafted to Kargil War as anchors. We always go back to them, find inspiration in mystery told in a very
as part of Special Task Force of them. Currently, I am concentrating on bettering my unusual style The script for
the Indian Army. Directed by storytelling and acting skills... I still have a long way to go. my directorial feature has
Vishal Mangalorkar and also How was 2020 for you? been ready for almost a
starring Amrita Puri and 2020 will be memorable as my fans showered their im- year now and we were
Sushant Singh, the web series mense love on me. They connected with me, my craft, ready to shoot in
traces how this courageous offi- which is very important for me. Call it whatever you like, January last year. I hope
cer becomes wheelchair-bound timing, luck, but the releases in 2020 result from what I to shoot it this year in winter
but instead of giving up, he over- did in the past few years. I consider it as a blessing which because the story is such that
comes every physical and emo- pushed everything to fall in its place. I am fortunate that I it needs to be shot in
tional roadblock and gets back to could entertain and engage with people during lockdown winter,” the actor said.
normal life through sheer grit days. God has been kind, and I am grateful for making it
and determination. possible. Having said that, I cannot turn a blind eye to so
Excerpts from an interview much despair and struggles around. What’s brewing between Mrunal Thakur
with the actor:
Your character of Major Deep-
The pandemic has impacted many at different levels.
I’ve seen very challenging and far worse times in life. In a
and Guru Randhawa?
endra Singh Sengar in Jeet Ki way, it helped me to cope mentally, emotionally, physically, When a musical
Zid has created quite a buzz. and financially. I was in the Himalayas. Those days, it was piece warms the
What were your reference points? all about being present physically at a place, reflecting on cockles of her
Zid is an ode to Kargil war hero’s life and learning the beauty of slowing down. heart, there’s no
real-life story, Major Deependra Any life lessons? looking back for
Singh Sengar, who fought against Nature is indispensable, survival instinct will equip us Mrunal Thakur. The
all odds in various walks of life, much better in uncertain times, and never give up; we actress recently
be it war or personal life. Play- need to march forward – these are important life lessons shot for a song
ing him on screen has been a for me in 2020. with Guru
humbling and challenging expe- What is your 2021 resolution? Randhawa titled
rience. I had to push myself and More than resolution, 2021 for me is finding the solution Abhi Na Chhodo
reinvent my craft, even if it meant that I to the problems. It is about time we start identifying sus- Mujhe.
had to go on a creative quest. I had to do jus- tainable solutions for every person around us. We need an Shot in Kashmir’s
tice to the character, which is a huge responsibility; approach that will help us deal with daily situations bet- Gulmarg region,
so physical transformation was very important. ter and educate people on how to equip themselves to the music video is a
Even though the story is for a cinematic experi- cope and deal with life in uncertain times. heartwarming love
ence, staying true to the character is essential. It is What are the top things on your to-do list this year? story set against
an honour for me to represent such a notable per- I am looking forward to travelling and exploring more. I the backdrop of the
sonality from our great Indian Army. Major Deep’s want to learn a new language. Professionally, I am gear- picturesque
story has a great life lesson, and that is ‘never giving ing up to refine my craft because I firmly believe that the locations. The
up’. This spirit should inspire us all. artist needs to always experiment with his instrument. I actress, despite in
Did you ever feel short-changed in this industry? want to do more engaging and immersive roles, especially between multiple
How did you keep the faith in yourself to move on? comedy roles because I want people to see the quirky side commitments, took
All of that is in the past. My destiny changed with the of me. I am not this intense. a week off to shoot
right kind of people coming into my life, who added value In terms of fitness, I want to be the fittest version of for the number.
in my life. I realised you can always take inspiration from myself.
wraps up in style
he 51st edition of the International ctor Anant Vidhaat has
Central Rly to install digilockers at cloak
rooms of CSMT, LTT and Dadar stations
Adani Electricity employees donates
blood to support Mumbaikars NBFCs will grow by 15 percent
next year, says YS Chakravarti
Central Railway Mumbai Division will Apart from the fight against
be installing digilockers at cloak Covid-19, Mumbai is facing
rooms of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj severe shortage of blood to
Terminus, Lokmanya Tilak Terminus address the need of
and Dadar stations soon. These digital thalassemia, sickle cell and
lockers will provide improved haemophilia patients. Taking
cloakroom amenity through safe into consideration the severe NBFCs have seen the industry go through a turmoil during the past few years
lockers, digital payment facility, use of
RFID tags and online receipt
shortage of blood in Mumbai,
Adani Electricity Mumbai and right now it is the COVID-19 impact. But these NBFCs have been able
generation. Passenger who wishes to Limited (AEML) appealed to its withstand the test of time, says YS Chakravarti, MD & CEO, Shriram City
utilize this facility will first select the employees to come forward
available locker. After depositing and donate blood as the city Union Finance. In an interview, he tells Jescilia Karayamparambil and
necessary cash or other mode
available in the digilocker it will open
needs it. A blood donation
camp in this regard was organized between January 5, to January R N Bhaskar, that NBFCs will survive and thrive. Edited excerpts:
for keeping the luggage inside. After 16, 2021 in collaboration with State Blood Transfusion Council and
keeping the luggage inside the locker Adani Foundation across AEML offices including its 500 MW thermal payment.
it will give a receipt. When retrieving power plant at Dahanu. Speaking on the Blood Donation drive, • Tell us about your company. In the case of the two-wheeler busi-
the luggage, the scanner will scan the AEML spokesperson said,” In these tough times, AEML is aware that Shriram City is a 30-year-old compa- ness, Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the single
receipt which has a QR/Bar code for the city of Mumbai is running short of blood and we are happy that ny which primarily started off as a largest contributing state for the last
opening the digilocker. This facility is being provided as a part of close to 600 employees came forward along with their family to company financing transport vehi- five years. Their efficiency is either
non-fare revenue model and tender has been awarded. donate the blood. AEML has always stood by the city of Mumbai in cles. In 2000, we decided that we will on par or better compared to other
trying times whether it was working relentlessly in the lockdown to move into retail finance and leave the states.
Coal India arms NCL, CCL and WCL bag the Nisarga cyclone and during the power outage in October 2020.” financing of transportation vehicles
to Shriram Transport Finance. We
The collection is all about reaching
out to the customer and getting the
Coal Minister’s Award Ministry of Labour & Employment Republic moved into retail, then two-wheeler money. It is about having a presence
Union Minister of Coal & and then micro-small funding. on the ground.
Mines Pralhad Joshi on Day tableau to depict recent labour reforms Today, 58 per cent of our portfolio During the UP election, there were
Thursday presented comprises funding micro and small talks of non-payment to MFIs (micro
“Coal Minister’s Award” enterprises; and 20 per cent to two- finance institutions) in some areas.
to three coal companies wheelers. But our collection effeciencies did
of Coal India Ltd. - not dip at that point of time as well. It
Northern Coalfields Ltd • Has business reached pre-COVID-19 is a matter of your network and how
(NCL), Central Coalfields level? you connect with your customers.
Ltd (CCL) and Western For the December quarter, Shriram
Coalfields Ltd (WCL) in a City has reached pre-COVID-19 lev- • What were the facilities that Shriram
function held in New els. Of course, the December quarter manufacturing efficiency. Employee City started during lockdown?
Delhi. The award has is also the festive season. So, one of shortage is still there. The migrant We have 25,000 employees and de-
been instituted to our major products is two-wheeler labourers are not back yet. The man- cided to engage them by asking
promote best and funding. ufacturers are still waiting for skilled them to connect to our customers.
sustainable practices for The Ministry of Labour and Employment has prepared a parade In the third quarter, usually most manpower. There are pockets where This call was to know how these
coal mining in the Tableau for this year's Republic Day Parade. The tableau shall depict two-wheelers are sold. Shriram City things are coming back to normal or customers are doing and then
country. Joshi also launched ‘Project Passion’ – the Enterprise historical labour reforms brought in by the government during did close to Rs 2,700 crore of business slightly better. share with them a link to make
Resource Planning (ERP) of Coal India Ltd (CIL) which will help recent past. The theme of the tableau is ����� �� ������, ������ in the two-wheelers category in this Some of the industries, especially payments digitally if they wish
improve business performance and growth of the company with �� ���� which translates to ‘respect for hard work and equal quarter. hospitality, are still suffering. The too. It was made clear that these
enhanced data integrity. CIL arm NCL was conferred upon the award rights for all’. The tableau art portrays the transformation that will Other than festive season, the pent up biggest setback for the hospitality calls were to connect with cus-
for outstanding performance in coal production & productivity, while come into the life of organised and unorganised workers after the demand and also more people avoid- segment is that the business trav- tomers and not asking them to pay
its other arms CCL and WCL made it for adopting best safety implementation of the recent labour codes. The design thought is a ing public transport are some factors ellers are not travelling. Around 30-40 up.
practices and sustainable mining respectively. celebration of all-round well-being and security of the workers. for rise in demand for two-wheelers. per cent occupancy in hospitality Despite the lifting of lockdown,
In the month of November, we fund- was due to business travellers. It will around 30 per cent of our pay-
NTPC’s Dhanwanthari Hospital Staff Airtel Xstream Fiber launches Gigabit ed close to Rs 1,000 crore for two-
at least take six months for the confi-
dence in travel to come back.
ments are made through digital
receives Covid Vaccination Wi-Fi Experience The litmus test is in the fourth quar- Even during the lockdown, 85 per
As per the Government guidelines on Covid vaccination for frontline Airtel, India’s premier communications services provider, has kicked ter —so far January looks good com- • Have you been able to reach your cent of collection for two-wheelers
warriors, the off the New Year with some pared to last January. The sales have pre-COVID-19 level efficiency? were taking place.
hospital staff of exciting news for customers with not slackened off. It is comparable to We have been able to reach our pre-
NTPC- the launch of hyper-fast Wi-Fi pre-COVID levels. COVID-19 levels of efficiency very • When do you see NBFCs grow?
Ramagundam experience. Airtel Xstream Fiber Two-wheelers should be able to sus- quickly. Shriram City has reached The industry has weathered the
received customers can now enjoy 1 Gbps tain and can grow 7-8 per cent during pre-COVID-19 levels for collection COVID impact very well. Our raw
vaccination on data speeds over Wi-Fi and no the next financial year. efficiency in the month of Decem- material is money. So, it will deter-
January 21, longer have to be constrained by ber. That tells me cash flow is hap- mine if we will grow or stagnate. It
2021. Sunil a dedicated LAN cable. The • Where do MSMEs stand at this point in pening and businesses have picked struggled in the last few years but it
Kumar, CGM Airtel Xstream Fiber Rs 3999 time? up. came out that (before COVID-19). To-
(Ramagundam & plan now comes with a MSMEs are a major portion of my NPAs have improved and we have day, the available raw material – that
Telangana) complimentary 1 Gbps Wi-Fi business. That is close to Rs 17,000-Rs not slipped this quarter compared is money – is focused on some play-
inaugurated the router to go with unlimited data 18,000 crore of AUM. Our average to the last quarter. ers. These are usually large – like the
vaccination programme and lauded the frontline warriors for their quota and massive bundled content. The highly advanced 4x4 Wi-Fi ticket size is Rs 20-30 lakh. So, that is banks. These few players will not be
fight against Covid-19. Registered hospital staff including router will enable seamless 1 Gbps Wi-Fi coverage across Homes micro and small that we fund; and • Has there been any state wise lag in able to service. So, NBFCs will grow
permanent doctors and nurses, adhoc doctors and nurses, hospital and Small Offices. This will unlock a great experience for online not medium. We fund largely traders repayment? as they start serving their customers.
drivers, hospital housekeeping staff, first aid staff and staff from gaming and animation and for work or study from home with large and service providers. Gujarat and Rajasthan are perform- Nothing wrong for an NBFC to grow
Covid isolated wards took the vaccination. CMO Dr Emani Rama number of concurrently connected devices. Small Offices will be able We do not have much exposure to ing well. Traditionally, for SME and conservatively. The industry should
Murthy; GM (Maintenance) Soumender Das; Dr Krupabai, Dy DMHO; to deploy multiple high-speed connections for applications such as manufacturing companies. Manufac- loan-against-property business, Ra- grow by 15-18 per cent next year. The
Head of HR Vijaya Lakshmi M; Office bearers of Unions and stock trading and online collaboration that requires reliable high turers with us are still struggling to jasthan and Gujarat are the best risks grow when you try to grow too
Associations and Hospital staff were present on the occasion. speed connectivity with zero downtime. get back to pre-COVID-19 level of states in the country in terms of re- fast.
’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games.
26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve
failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
— Michael Jordan, American basketball player
Lampard SACKED
Comes off bench to find the net in the 78th minute as Manchester United stun Liverpool 3-2
FPJ NEWS SERVICE the area as United set up a ford ahead after just six
Old Trafford tie with David Moyes’ West minutes.
Ham United. But they came out firing
For the followers of Liver- Mohamed Salah had in the second half, with
pool, it was the weak side opened the scoring for Liv- Cengiz Ünder and Youri
which paved way for Man- erpool after a superb Tielemans turning the tie
chester United’s victory, but through ball from Roberto on its head within six min-
at the end of the day, it was a Firmino while Mason utes of the second half, ASSOCIATED PRESS / London
clash which was more im- Greenwood levelled up after while James Maddison con-
portant, as ManU cruised a perfect cross-field pass tinued his fine form to seal Frank Lampard was fired by Chelsea on Monday halfway through his
into the fifth round of the from fellow England inter- the win. second season in charge of the London club after being unable to replicate
FA Cup with a 3-2, at the Old national Marcus Rashford. This was Maddison's his success as the club's record scorer in his first Premier League
Trafford here on Sunday. Greenwood returned the fourth goal in four games
managerial job. Chelsea has lost five of its last eight Premier League
Bruno Fernandes was the favour as Rashford put Unit- for Leicester but surpris-
man of the day as he tricked ed ahead for the first time, ingly his first in an Emi- games and dropped to ninth place, despite Lampard benefiting from nearly
off a superb free-kick pro- going 2-1 up just three min- rates FA Cup match, help- $300 million spent on new players for this season. Chelsea said the
pelling for the Ole Gunnar utes after the break. ing his side set up a fifth- performances had not shown "any clear path to sustained improvement" -
Solskjær side the victory But Liverpool wasn’t done round tie with fellow Pre- making a change of managers necessary. "This was a very difficult decision
over the Premier League there and Salah’s second, mier League side Brighton for the club, not least because I have an excellent personal relationship with
champions Liverpool. again via a Firmino assist, ing beyond the fourth round eight-time champions with Leicester City and & Hove Albion. Frank and I have the utmost respect for him," owner Roman Abramovich
Coming in from the bench, pulled this thrilling tie back for the seventh season in Chelsea into the Emirates Burnley both prevailing on There was still time for said. Chelsea brought back its midfield great as coach in 2019 despite him
Fernandes was only on the to parity ahead of an excit- succession to set up a tie FA Cup fifth round with a 3- Sunday afternoon. Kevin Long to make it 3-0, having only a single season's experience in management in the second
pitch for the last 25 minutes ing finale. with the Premier League 1 win over Luton Town. The Foxes had to do things with Sean Dyche's side to division with Derby. He achieved Champions League qualification in his first
but made his mark in style That was until Fernandes Hammers. Two more Premier the hard way with Mads face either Bournemouth
at Old Trafford, firing home struck 12 minutes from Elsewhere, Tammy Abra- League teams booked their Bech Sørensen putting or Crawley Town for a place
season by securing a fourth-place finish in the Premier League. Lampard is
a set piece from the edge of time, with United progress- ham’s hat-trick steered places in the fifth round Championship side Brent- in the quarter-finals. a Chelsea great after scoring 211 goals from central midfield from 2001-14.
R-Day address
P resident Ram Nath Kovind on
Monday paid tributes to farmers
saying every Indian is grateful to them
72nd Republic Day. "A grateful nation
is fully committed to the welfare of
our farmers. Just as our hardworking
for ensuring food security in our vast farmers ensure food security for the
and populous country, and gave the as- country, the brave soldiers of the
surance that the government is devot- armed forces ensure security of our
ed to farmers' welfare. "Every Indian national boundaries amid severest
salutes our farmers, who have made conditions," Kovind said. The com-
our vast and populous country self-re- ments by the President come against
liant in food-grains and dairy prod- the backdrop of the ongoing agitation
ucts. Despite adversities of nature, nu- by farmers against three new farm
merous other challenges and the laws. The President said the path to
COVID-19 pandemic, our farmers sus- reforms in the initial stages may cause
tained the agricultural production," misapprehensions, but the govern-
he said in his address on the eve of the ment is devoted to farmers' welfare.
Last chance for FYJC admissions Padma Vibhushan for Abe Rafale's
R-Day debut
I t is the last chance for students who have not yet se-
cured a seat in First Year Junior College (FYJC).
They can apply for the First Come, First Serve (FCFS)
F ormer Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and music
legend SP Balasubrahmanyam have been honoured
with the Padma Vibhushan, the I ndia will show its
military might on
round. All stu- second highest civilian award in Tuesday with Rafale
dents who have India. Former chief minister of fighter jets taking part
passed in Class Assam Tarun Gogoi and former in the Republic Day fly-
10 and have not Union minister Ram Vilas past for the the first
yet secured a Paswan have also been awarded time and the armed
seat can apply the Padma Bhushan, the third
from 10 am on highest civilian award posthu-
January 27, mously. Former Lok Sabha speak-
2021 to 8 pm on er Sumitra Mahajan has also been
January 28. Five major phases of FCFS round of FYJC conferred the Padma Bhushan.
online admission was completed on Monday. Students The Padma awards were announced this evening by the gov-
who have cleared Class 10 from any board can apply. ernment honouring 119 prominent personalities from vari- forces showcasing T-90
tanks, the Samvijay
electronic warfare sys-
��������������������������������������� tem, Sukhoi-30 MKI
fighter jets, among oth-
the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, is
sporting a new charm with the installation of specially
designed cast iron railing, grills and designer lamp
posts. The first phase of works costing Rs. 38 crore will
Serpent had succeeded be completed in a month.
in surprising an Eagle
and had wrapped him-
self around the Eagle's neck. Far
into the sky he soared trying to
shake off his enemy. But the Ser-
pent's hold only tightened, and
slowly the Eagle sank back to
earth, gasping for breath. A Coun-
tryman chanced to see the un-
equal combat. In pity for the noble
Eagle he rushed up and soon had
loosened the coiling Serpent and
32 get Rashtriya Bal Puraskar
freed the Eagle. The Serpent was
furious. He had no chance to bite the watch-
ful Countryman. Instead he struck at the
he filled his horn at a spring, and was about
to drink. There was a sudden rush of great
O n the eve of 72nd Republic Day, the Central government on
Monday announced to confer Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya
Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) to 32 children from across the country
drinking horn, hanging at the Country- wings. Sweeping down, the Eagle seized the with exceptional abilities and outstanding achievements. The
man's belt, and into it let the poison of his poisoned horn from out his saviour's Central government has been conferring the Bal Shakti
fangs. The Countryman now went on to- hands, and flew away with it to hide it Puraskar under PMRBP to the children with exceptional abil-
ward home. Becoming thirsty on the way, where it could never be found. ities and outstanding achievement in the fields of innovation,
scholastic achievements, sports, arts and culture, social serv-
ice and bravery. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday in-
No to tractor rally in Bengaluru teracted with PMRBP awardees via video conferencing.
er Remo DSouza, who
A 'Green tax' will clean up the environ- revealed that he is dancing his
soon be imposed ment by phasing out un- way to recovery. DSouza took to
Instagram to share a video that
on vehicles older than fit and polluting vehi- shows him dancing as part of
eight years in a bid to cles. Union Minister for
Road Trans-
port Nitin
I ndia on Monday successful-
ly test-fired the new-gener-
ation Akash missile from an
will be used by the Indian Air
Force to intercept high-ma-
noeuvring low radar cross-
his ongoing treatment. "Dance
is the joy of movement and the
heart of life. Thank you my
amazing team of doctors," he
Gadkari has integrated test range off the section aerial threats, it said. wrote with the video.
approved the Odisha coast. The surface-to- "The missile intercepted the
proposal to air missile was launched target with textbook preci-
levy the tax from Chandipur ITR in the af- sion. The launch met all the Scrapping of
and it will ternoon, it said. The Akash- test objectives," an official
now go to the NG (new-generation) missile statement said. govt vehicles
states for con- he policy to scrap more
sultation. than 15-year-old vehicles
TAAPSEE HITCH-HIKES owned by government
departments and PSUs is likely
Sharing a happy picture from Rann of to be notified soon and will be
Singh launched
the trailer of the
upcoming film
Fauji Calling on
Monday, at his res-
idence in the capi-
tal. The event took
place on Republic
Day eve and was
attended by the
cast of the lead
film, Sharman Joshi and Bidita this film will be a source of in-
Bagh, and director Aaryaan spiration for youngsters and in-
Saxena. "I would like to con- voke feelings of patriotism,"
gratulate everyone who has Singh said, while addressing
been part of this film. I believe the press at the event.
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