The Free Press Journal - 26.01.2021

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Sunset: 06:28 pm

Vol. 64 No. 230 | TUESDAY | JANUARY 26, 2021 | 15 Pages | EDITIONS: Mumbai*, Pune, Indore, Bhopal, E-Paper
EDIT Loving Nature is the


“I FEEL I HAVE A BALANCE WHEN characteristic of a true devotee.
The great souls who realized

and everything in God.


India, China faced off

Farmers threaten to in Naku La last week
Union Budget Day call, even as Capital gears up for tractor rally today

Reaching out to movie

march to Parliament
buffs and niche audience,
the Free Press Journal is
introducing ‘Cinema Journal,’
adding to the glam
quotient of the AGENCIES Control said the Chinese troops
newspaper. See page 18 New Delhi attempted to transgress into the Mahavir Chakra
Indian side of the frontier in
for Galwan hero
Amid their tense standoff in east- Naku La but were stopped by the
HOLIDAY NOTICE ern Ladakh, Indian and Chinese Indian military personnel. alwan clash martyr Colonel
troops were involved in a clash in They said both sides brought Santosh Babu, who sacrificed
THE FREE PRESS JOURNAL the high-altitude Naku La region in additional troops to Naku his life during the hand-to-
offices will be closed on in North Sikkim on January 20, La following the brawl and the hand combat with Chinese troops in
an incident described by the situation was under control May last year, will be decorated
Tuesday, January 26th, Indian Army on Monday as a "mi- thus far. with Mahavir Chakra - the second-
on account of Republic nor face-off". It is also learnt that Defence highest war-time award in India. Col
Day and there will be no In a statement, the Indian Minister Rajnath Singh and the Santosh Babu was the Commanding
edition on January 27. Army said the face-off was re- top military brass were apprised Officer of the 16 Bihar infantry
solved by local commanders as about the incident. battalion of the Indian Army. He
per established protocols. Naku La, located at an altitude was tasked to ensure that the
The incident at Naku La became of 16,000 feet, was the same site Chinese troops moved back beyond
VACCINE public on Monday hours after sen-
ior commanders of both the
where Indian and Chinese
troops had engaged in a fierce
Point 14 in the Galwan Valley and
personally verify these details. On
UPDATE armies concluded a nearly 16-hour-
long meeting in an attempt to de-
clash in May last year days after
a violent face-off between the
the fateful night of June 15, when
Indian and Chinese troops had a
DELHI CLOSE TO fuse tension in eastern Ladakh.
It is learnt that troops from
two sides in Pangong lake area in
eastern Ladakh.
violent face-off, Colonel Santosh
Babu was leading the Indian troops
HERD IMMUNITY both sides sustained minor in- The incident in the Pangong from the front. Despite suffering
Delhi is moving towards herd juries in the physical brawl in lake area triggered the nearly grievous injuries from stones that
immunity, with 50 to 60 per cent Naku La. nine-month-long military stand- were pelted by Chinese troops, he
of people in one district having People familiar with the devel- off in eastern Ladakh. refused to leave and instead
developed antibodies to the opments along the Line of Actual CONTD. ON P14 thwarted the enemy in its designs.
Coronavirus, the latest round of
sero-survey has found, sources
told NDTV. Herd immunity is what Decision on resumption of local trains for all soon 
the authorities are trying to

Crowding of trains big worry

achieve with the vaccination
programme, in which a critical
mass of immune people can stop
New Delhi
ing allowed the tractor parade on
the outskirts of the national cap- Guv has time for
Kangana but not
the spread of the virus by breaking ital, two hours after the tradition-

the chain of transmission. Delhi s thousands of farmers on al and official Republic Day Pa- SANJAY JOG ices. In the second phase, women
has a population of more than two tractors converged on the rade is over on the Rajpath. Mumbai passengers were allowed to travel
crore, spread across 11 districts.
For the current survey -- conducted
periphery of the national
capital, one of the unions threat-
Its officers said the threatened
march on foot by the farmers is farmers: Pawar Maharashtra Chief Minister Ud-
by train. Only in the third phase,
were suburban services opened
by the Delhi government in ened to march to Parliament on just not acceptable. They said dhav Thackeray on Monday said a to the general public. During non-
association with the National February one -- the day of presen- there will be chaos if the farmers decision on the resumption of sub- peak hours, the rest of the public
Centre for Disease Control -- tation of the Union Budget. take off in all directions to reach urban local train services for all in is permitted to travel.
scientists had collected the The decision at the eleventh Parliament House and they may Mumbai would be taken very These options were discussed at
samples of over 25,000 people hour to ‘mob’ the Parliament be constrained to even impose a soon. A number of options were the meeting Thackeray held with
from various districts across the House has added a new dimen- curfew. (There are invariably pro- discussed, including allowing only the general managers of the Cen-
city. In one district, the number of sion to a stir which was until now hibitory orders in the area.)On essential service providers to trav- tral and Western Railways, the
the infected people was around 60 confined to the outskirts. Tuesday, the farmers, who are el during peak hours from 7am to BrihanMumbai Municipal Com-
per cent. In the rest of the city’s 10 "On February 1, we will march camping along three border 9.30am and 4.30pm to 7pm, while Chennai pattern and how it was missioner, the Mumbai Police
districts, the average is above 50 on foot towards Parliament in points at Singhu, Tikri and allowing the public to commute working. Commissioner and the Director
per cent --- close to the magic Delhi from all directions," said Ghazipur, and plan to fan out strictly during non-rush hours. The Southern Railway has des- of the State Disaster Manage-
figure required. Darshan Pal of the Krantikari from five different locations. The government will also sug- ignated 7am to 9.30am and 4.30pm ment Cell. Thackeray however,
Kisan Union, one of the nearly 40 According to sources, they are gest that private offices tweak to 7pm as peak hours every day. insisted that local train services
TATA IN TALKS groups that are protesting on Del-
hi’t borders for the last two
adamant and won’t go back until
the government rolls back the
their timings or curtail working
hours, to avoid crowding in
During peak hours, the trains are
only used by essential service
could be resumed by exploring
these options, while taking due
WITH MODERNA months.In hindsight, the Delhi three laws. SANJAY JOG trains. Thackeray also asked the providers, as permitted in the care to avoid crowding.
The Tata Group's healthcare Police is feeling cheated for hav- CONTD. ON P14 Mumbai railway officials to review the first phase of resumption of serv- CONTD. ON P14
venture is understood to be having

BMC going Yogi way,

discussions with Moderna Inc for Former Union Minister and TAILPIECE / No parking slots in your bldg?
launch of its COVID-19 vaccine in NCP chief Sharad Pawar lashed
Green tax proposed
NOCs for street parking
India, the Economic Times out at the BJP-led Government
reported on Monday. As a part of at the Centre for being insensi-
on polluting vehicles
mulls ‘muni’ bonds
this collaboration, Tata Medical & tive towards the agitating farm-
Diagnostics could team up with ers at the Delhi border, demand- FROM OUR BUREAU / New Delhi
India's Council of Scientific and ing a repeal of the farm laws and SOMENDRA SHARMA sues of such motorists, we have
Industrial Research to carry out legal cover for minimum sup- Mumbai decided that if a motorist resides Union Road Transport and
clinical trials of Moderna's vaccine DIPTI SINGH / Mumbai plants and for the Mithi river reju- port price. "Is Punjab Pakistan?" in an old building without dedi- Highways Minister Nitin Gad-
candidate in India, the report said. venation project, among others. Pawar asked farmers affiliated In a major relief to motorists cated parking space and there is kari on Monday gave his nod to a
Moderna, however, did not The cash-strapped Brihanmum- Once a decision is finalised in the with the All India Kisan Sabha who reside in old buildings and no public parking lot near their "green tax" on old vehicles pol-
respond to Reuters request for a bai Municipal Corporation is civic body, a proposal will be sub- and other organisations, whose do not have individual parking residence, we will give them tem- luting the environment, on the
comment. Unlike Pfizer's vaccine, now considering issuing 'munic- mitted to the state government, members had travelled 180 km spots, traffic police have agreed porary street parking permis- principle that polluter pays. It
which must be kept at minus 70 ipal bonds' to raise funds from Mayor Kishori Pednekar said. on foot and in vehicles, all the to provide no objection certifi- sion, near their building," Yadav will be formally notified after
degrees Celsius or below, the share market for its ongoing The BMC’s income has taken a way from Nashik to Mumbai's cates (NOCs) to allow vehicle said. consultations with the states, his
Moderna's can be stored at normal infrastructure projects. The civic hit because of Covid-19 related Azad Maidan. owners to park their vehicles in "Vehicle owners can submit ap- ministry said.
fridge temperature, making it more administration is currently expenditure, and also because Pawar hailed the farmers' ges- the street near their residence. plications to us, after which we Private vehicles like cars and
suited for poorer countries such as working out details of the plan earnings under several heads, ture of coming all the way to Whenever such a request is re- will make merit-wise and need- two-wheelers will have to pay a
India where cold chains are with various committee heads such as property and water taxes, Mumbai to show solidarity with ceived by traffic police from a ve- based assessments and after a higher green tax @50% of the
limited. Data released in and public representatives. development charge etc; have their ilk gathered at the national hicle owner, the former will in- surveym, we can give them an road tax for vehicles registered
November from Moderna's late- Already the country's richest dipped because of the viral out- capital and gearing up for a mas- spect the place and based on fea- NOC to park on the streets. How- in highly polluted cities like Del-
stage study showed it was 94.1% municipal corporation has suf- break. In February 2020, former sive tractor rally. However, he sibility, will grant the NOC. ever, societies which have been hi and Mumbai. The private ve-
effective with no serious safety fered more than 41 per cent loss Municipal Commissioner Pra- strongly condemned the Centre’s "Nowadays, all newly con- given NOCs will have to appoint hicle owners will have to pay it
concerns, the wire agency Reuters in revenue in the first six months veen Pardeshi had presented a view of the agitators. structed housing societies have a warden to ensure no other vehi- at the time of registration cer-
adds. The vaccine was approved of the financial year 2020-21. Try- budget of Rs 33,441 crore for 2020- "We have been seeing, for the dedicated parking spots. Howev- cles are using those parking tificate renewal after 15 years.
for use in the United States in ing to bail itself out of this finan- 21, of which Rs 14,647 crore was past 60 days, without bothering er, there are several old housing places. Also, the factors which we The minister also approved the
December and in Europe earlier cial crisis, in September 2020, the for development projects. Howev- about the cold, sun, or rain, societies without parking space will take into consideration be- policy of de-registration and
this month. But even if the civic body decided to dip into its er, as the pandemic hit the city, the farmers from UP, Haryana, and and the owners would park their fore giving NOCs would be the scrapping of vehicles owned by
vaccines are approved abroad, reserves (in fixed deposits) to BMC suffered a huge revenue loss Punjab have been protesting. vehicles either outside their number of vehicles that can be Government department and
foreign companies must withdraw Rs 5,000 crore. and had estimated that this would They (Centre) say these are Pun- building or elsewhere," said Joint parked, the spots. Not more than PSUs, which are above 15 years
conduct phase-3 trials with But now, it is considering alter- go up to Rs 12,000 crore -14,000 jab farmers. Is Punjab Pakistan? Commissioner of Police, Traffic, one line in the street will be given in age, but it will come into force
volunteers in India. natives to raise funds for some in- crore by the end of financial year. These are our own," said Pawar. Yashasvi Yadav. for NOC street parking." only from April 1, 2022.
fra projects, like sewage treatment CONTD. ON P14 CONTD. ON P14 "Taking note of the parking is- CONTD. ON P14 CONTD. ON P14
VACCINE PROJECT Abe, Paswan, Gogoi get P-awards
Drugmaker Merck and Co on
Monday said it will end
development of its two Covid-19
vaccines, and will focus pandemic
Gumnam hai koi: Netaji portrait mystery, now OUR BUREAU / New Delhi

Former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is among the seven digni-
research on an experimental oral FPJ ONLINE was a rendition of actor sary celebrations, by none taries who will be presented the highest Padma Vibhushan award,
antiviral expected by the end of Prosenjit Chatterjee who es- other than the President's of- while former Union Minister Ramvilas Paswan, former Congress
March. In early trials, both
vaccines generated immune
responses that were inferior to
T he unveiling of a por-
trait of Netaji Subhas
Chandra Bose by President
sayed the role of Bose in a
Bengali movie called ‘Gum-
naami’ -- the Ayodhya-based
ficial handle which also
tweeted pictures of the un-
veiling of the portrait.
Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi of Assam, former Gujarat CM Keshub-
hai Patel and Shia leader Kalbe Sadiq from Lucknow are the four
who have been awarded the Padma Bhushan posthumous; besides,
those seen in people who had Kovind in the Rashtrapati sadhu who many believed But what began with a few six others have been chosen, including Prime Minister Modi's prin-
recovered from COVID-19 as well Bhavan on Monday became was Netaji living under an innocuous tweets soon snow- cipal secretary Nripendra Misra, head of the committee for con-
as those reported for other COVID- a subject of mindless mirth. assumed name after his pur- balled into a major contro- struction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, and former Lok Sabha
19 vaccines, the company said. The controversy erupted ported death. versy. Sample the now delet- Speaker Sumitra Mahajan from Indore.A host of Bollywood person-
Merck was late in joining the race when several Twitter users The ghost of Gumnaami ed post of TMC MP Mahua alities would earlier corner the Padma awards, but they are missing
to develop a vaccine to protect claimed that the portrait was again resurrected on Moitra: She hit out at the from the list announced on Monday night. CONTD. ON P14
against the coronavirus. was not of Netaji. Rather, it Bose’s 125th birth anniver- CONTD. ON P14
Bullet train: Consortium of L&T, Japanese firm bag projects
MUMBAI: A consortium of construction major Larsen and
Toubro and Japanese IHI Infrastructure Systems on Monday
bagged the Rs 1,390-crore contract for procurement and
fabrication of 28 steel bridges for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High
Speed Rail Corridor, the National High Speed Rail Corporation
Limited said.
These bridges will be built over railway lines, rivers, highways,
roads and other structures, it said in a statement.



Farmers brave the cold weather as many sleep under the open skies after makeshift tents reach capacity
Mumbai MVA lashed out at BJP for creating a misunderstanding about Maratha quota

Even the dip in city tempera-

tures has failed to dampen
the spirits of the farmers
MVA will fulfil Maratha
who have walked all the way
to Mumbai from different ru-
ral districts of Maharashtra
seats sans jeopardizing
to protest against the con-
tentious farm bills. The
farmers arrived on Sunday
Pic by BL Soni
OBC quota, says Chavan
afternoon and spent the
night at the open Azad Maid-
an ground. The makeshift Some parties doing 'drama' over SANJAY JOG

farmers' protest: Ex-CM Fadnavis

tent failed to accommodate
all of them. As a result, many After aggressive posture by OBC
had to spend the night under leaders, the Maharashtra Public
the open sky. AGENCIES Work Minister Ashok Chavan,
Vishnu Chavan, 51, has Nagpur who heads the cabinet sub-
come to the Azad Maidan all The farmers came with bags full of ration along with quilts and blankets — Pic by BL Soni committee on Maratha
the way from Parbhani dis- Senior BJP leader Deven- reservation, on Monday clarified
trict. Chavan stated that dur- dra Fadnavis on Monday that the state government is clear from the beginning. It is
ing the night the weather be-
came very cold and it became
Tractor march planned in Aurangabad today alleged that some politi-
cal parties were doing
committed to provide
reservation to the Maratha
the same today. There are no
differences in the ruling partners
difficult for them to stay on AURANGABAD: An organisation "drama" and spreading community without touching the of Maha Vikas Aghadi,” said
the ground. representing farm labourers will hold a wrong information over OBC quota. Chavan.
“Two senior citizens who tractor morcha here in Maharashtra on the issue on farmers' bly, claimed that it was “The state government’s stand is Chavan last week had said that
came with us fell ill this January 26 in support of the farmers protest against the Cen- the previous Congress- clear that the Maratha all party members of the
morning and we had to send agitating at Delhi borders for the repeal of tre's three new farm laws. NCP government which community should get the parliament should meet Prime
them back,” Chavan told to the three agri laws, a functionary said on His remarks came in the allowed contract farming reservation without jeopardizing Minister Narendra Modi to seek
the Free Press Journal. Monday. wake of a rally organised and direct purchase of the OBC quota,” said Chavan. the central government’s
The farmers came with The march will start from Delhi Gate and by farmers in Mumbai farm products. He lashed out at BJP in cooperation in arguing the state
bags full of ration along with culminate at Bhadkal Gate near the statue which has been supported "Some political parties particular for creating a government’s case and take
quilts and blankets for sus- of Babasaheb Ambedkar in Aurangabad city by the NCP and Congress are now purposely doing misunderstanding about the similar cases together for
taining them. Although the on Tuesday afternoon, Lal Bawta Shetmajur in Maharashtra. drama and misleading quota in the Maratha hearing.
call for the sit-in is for three Union president Ram Baheti told PTI. Talking to reporters here, farmers by spreading community. He added it was not Chavan’s clarification is
days, many of them have He said at least six tractors will join the Fadnavis, who is the wrong information," the right especially when the state important as OBC leaders
said that they are ready to ex- march apart from the people from various leader of opposition in former state chief minis- government was making efforts cutting across party lines at the
tend their stay if the need villages in Aurangabad district, he added. the Maharashtra Assem- ter alleged. to restore the reservation to the morcha held in Jalna,
arises. Maratha community which is Marathwada on Sunday had
“Our brothers are protest- locked in the court battle. warned that they will not
ing at the Delhi-Haryana bor- dia Kisan Sabha (AIKS), oth- Alongside the men, a signif- bar came along with 500 oth- gether and we are not afraid its. “We will see for how long “If the opposition is creating tolerate any attempt to touch
der for more than two er independent outfits also icant number of women er women from her village. of anything, we will be here they will ignore us, we farm- misconceptions for no reason, their 27% quota to provide
months, we are ready to go to joined the cause. Deepak were also seen at the Maidan. “Women and men are treat- as long as it takes for us to ers are ready for all the hard- then it is wrong,’’ he opined. reservation to the Maratha
any extent to show them our Sathe, a sugarcane farmer The women stated that from ed equally in our community, stay,” said Kamala Ram, an- ships in life,” said Harshad “The role of the government is community.
support,” said Narayan from Baramati stated that each household it was com- we are part of every decision- other farmer. Pawar, an AIKS leader.
Pawar, an onion farmer from unless the farmers come to- pulsory for a single member making process which is why Even the fact that Mumbai Meanwhile, as the day pro-
Nashik. gether, the central govern- to participate in the rally. we are here,” Patil told the Police prevented them from gressed, Mumbaikars from SIDDHIVINAYAK TEMPLE REOPENED
While a majority of the ment will not roll back the Sushma Ashok Patil, a Free Press Journal. reaching Raj Bhavan, it various walks of life also
farmers are from the All In- contentious bills. maize farmer from Nandur- “All the villagers are to- failed to dampen their spir- came and joined the cause.

Rallies in Mumbai only for 'publicity': Athawale No police permission

for march to Raj Bhavan
AGENCIES all the peasants. MUMBAI: Police have made
Mumbai Thousands of farmers from tight security arrangements
across Maharashtra have at the venue of a farmers'
Union minister Ramdas Athawale reached Mumbai to participate rally here and protesters are
on Monday said there was no need in a rally in the state capital on not allowed to march from
of a farmers' march in Mumbai in Monday against the Centre's south Mumbai to the Raj
support of peasants protesting near three new farm laws and to Bhavan, a senior police
Delhi against the Centre's three support farmers bodies agitating official said on Monday.
new farm laws, and claimed it is near Delhi over the issue. Thousands of farmers from
being done only for "publicity". Athawale noted that the across Maharashtra have
The central government is on the Maharashtra government, Supreme Court recently stayed come to participate in a rally
farmers' side and ready to give accused Athawale of insulting the implementation of the three at the Azad Maidan in south
justice to the peasants, he asserted. farmers by calling the protest in new farm laws, and the Centre Mumbai on Monday against The Siddhivinayak temple has been reopened for devotees
However, the NCP, an ally of the Mumbai as a "publicity stunt", has also proposed to suspend the Centre's three new farm after application of ‘sindur lepan' on Lord Ganesha. It is a
Uddhav Thackeray-led and asked him to apologise to the legislations for two years. laws. ritual done every year before Maghi Ganeshotsav.
— Pic by BL Soni

FAMILY MATTERS 1,162 birds, including 1,108 BUDGET PREPARATIONS

Pankaja breaks silence on

poultry birds dead in Maha NCP state chief attacks Centre
kin Dhananjay ‘rape row’ for delays in clearing GST dues
Mumbai AT A GLANCE Maha has a revenue shortfall of almost Rs 49K cr during April-December 2020
BJP leader Pankaja
Munde, who is the Maha- In all 1,162 birds including as � Mortality reported in 30 other birds like herons, spar-
rashtra Minister Dhananjay high as 1,108 poultry birds rows, parrots and 24 crow SANJAY JOG cent. In October, the state’s GST
Munde’s cousin, on Monday died in Maharashtra due to Mumbai revenue collection was Rs 15,799
broke her silence on the re- avian influenza. Mortality has
� So far 50,975 poultry birds, 8 ducks, 38,760 eggs and crore against Rs 15,109 cr in
cent controversy over a rape been reported in 30 other
54,851 kg poultry feed have been destroyed from infect- NCP state chief and Minister of October 2019 (5 per cent), in
complaint filed by a singer birds like herons, sparrows,
ed zones Water Resources Jayant Patil has September 2020, it was Rs 13,546
and later her decision to parrots and 24 crows. The � Government has urged people to give intimation on attacked the BJP-led Centre for crore as against Rs 13,579 crore in
withdraw it against the lat- in Parli constituency in the samples have been sent to Na- Toll free no 18002330418 delays in clearing GST dues worth September 2019, in August, Rs
ter. She said it was a closed assembly elections held in tional Institute of High Secu- Rs 27,000 crore. He hinted that 11,602 crore as against Rs 13,407
chapter. However, the BJP 2019. "But anything like that rity Animal Diseases in further delays will put tremendous crore (minus 13 percent), in July, Rs
leader noted that she will can hurt a family and the Bhopal and Diseases Investi- gion and culling of poultry avian influenza under the pressure on the finalisation of the 12,508 crore as against Rs 15,102
not support her cousin if the children in a family,’’ she gation Section, Pune for test- birds, destruction of eggs, Prevention and Control of state budget to be presented for crore (minus 17 percent) and in
rape allegations against viewed. ing. A total of 18411 deaths of dropping, manure, feed in the Infectious and Contagious the year 2021-22 in the budget June, Rs 14,987 crore as against Rs
minister Dhananjay Munde She also called upon the various birds have been radius of one km from the in- Diseases in Animals Act, session of the state legislature slowdown has adversely impacted 15,143 crore (minus 1 percent).
comes to be true. media to be sensitive and en- recorded till date since the fected poultry farms. 2009. beginning on March 1. The the state economy. The However, a finance department
‘’I cannot support this sure that the overcall case is outbreak of bird flu on Janu- Surveillance work is contin- The poultry farm owners payment of arrears towards GST government’s borrowings during officer told Free Press Journal, "This
morally, legally and in prin- not affected. ary 8. ued at the places where re- and the general public have compensation is despite repeated the same period were reported at is not enough as the revenue
ciple. The issue is sensitive Pankaja’s statement comes According to the depart- sults have been reported in been communicated to im- reminders by the state Rs 73,500 crore against Rs 18,000 collection through stamps and
to her as I have also worked days after BJP has been di- ment of animal husbandry so other species of birds exclud- mediately inform the nearby government. crore during the corresponding registration, excise and motor
as the minister of woman vided on this issue. Former far 50,975 poultry birds, 8 ing poultry. The poultry farm- veterinary dispensary about Patil’s statement is important as period last year. vehicle tax are still falling short of
and child welfare. As a rela- chief minister Devendra ducks, 38,760 eggs and 54,851 ers have been urged to follow the mortality in the crows, the state government has a However, the silver lining is the target fixed for 2020-21. If the
tive (of Dhananjay), I look at Fadnavis had said let the po- kg poultry feed have been de- strict biosecurity measures. parrots, herons or in migra- revenue shortfall of almost Rs Maharashtra continues to top the Centre clears the GST
all those things sensitively,’’ lice and court decision stroyed from infected zones. The state government has tory birds in any village or 49,000 crore during April- list for GST collection, raking in Rs compensation earliest, it will ease
said Pankaja who was de- come; the party will take a The department has issued conferred powers to district any unusual mortality of December 2020 because of the 17,699 crore in December 2020 as the financial crunch.’’ He added
feated by Dhananjay Munde stand in this case. the notification in the Yawat- collectors for the prevention, poultry birds in commercial coronavirus pandemic and the against Rs 15,001 crore in 2019, that the government may soon
mal district in Vidarbha re- control and eradication of farms and backyard poultry. lockdown. The economic an increase of a record 17.98 per send a reminder to the Centre.

Navy officer's daughter gets PM’s Bal BJP neglected

Puraskar award for mountaineering feats Marathwada, MMRDA gears up with Metro 5 civil work
AGENCIES/ Mumbai Karthikeyan, is currently on a says Chavan SWEETY ADIMULAM and Bhiwandi which will
mission named 'Saras', and aims Mumbai connect Thane – Bhiwandi.
The daughter of a Navy officer to complete the 'Explorer's Grand AURANGABAD: The earlier BJP Besides, it will provide
has been awarded the Pradhan Slam'. government in Maharashtra The Mumbai Metropolitan interconnectivity among the
Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar, the It entails climbing the highest neglected Marathwada but the Region Development Authority ongoing Metro Line 4 (Wadala
highest national civilian award peaks on seven continents and present Maha Vikas Aghadi has geared up the Metro Line to Kasarvadavli) and the
for citizens below the age of 18, skiing to the North and South dispensation was providing 5(Thane – Bhiwandi - Kalyan) proposed Metro Line 12 (Kalyan
for commendable feats in Poles, and Kaamya, at 14 years development funds to districts in civil construction work. to Taloja), and with the existing
mountaineering. of age, hopes to become the the region, state Public Words According to the officials, so far Central Railway. This
The Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal youngest in the world to achieve Department minister and senior 1,233 piles, 218 pile caps, 22 corridor set completion
Puraskar, formerly called the the feat, a Navy spokesperson Congress leader Ashok Chavan nos. open foundations, 141 deadline is December 2024.
National Child Award for Exceptional said. said on Monday. "The earlier BJP piers at the site and 45 precast Meanwhile, the MMRDA is also
Achievement, was instituted in 1996 to given "She has so far scaled the highest peaks in Africa, government neglected pier caps, 15 U-Girders at set to receive its first Made in
recognition to children exhibiting outstanding Europe, Australia and South America. She has also Marathwada and Nanded," he casting yard work have been of pier No. 38 which is located Kapurbawadi to Bhiwandi, India metro rake from
abilities in the fields of innovation, education, set world records for being the youngest girl to said. Chavan said he had told completed of this metro line. near Balkum of Thane. 24.90 started on September 2019. Bengaluru for Metro Line 2A
social service, arts and culture, and sports. summit Mount Aconcagua, the highest peak in Nitin Gadkari that contractors The contractor M/s Afcons km elevated corridor with 15 The part of alignment is runs and 7. The trial runs of both
In a release, the Navy said Kaamya Karthikeyan, a South America, and the youngest to ski from the had failed in 18 of the 21 Infrastructure limited, recently stations has been planned and through Kapurbawadi, Balkum these lines will begin by March
Class VIII student of Mumbai's Navy Children summit of Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Centre-backed packages for launched the first pier cap of out of this 12.70 kms elevated Naka, Kasheli, Kalher, Purna, and commercial operations by
School and daughter of Commander S Europe," he said. Marathwada. around 60 metric tons on top viaduct with 6 stations from Anjur Phata, Dhamankar Naka, May.
Nearly 77% HCWs in city inoculated on Monday
MUMBAI: Nearly 77 per cent of the targeted 6,500
healthcare workers were administered COVID-19
vaccine shots at the 65 vaccination centres. According
to the BMC data, 5,005 of the 6,500 targeted
healthcare workers were inoculated, increasing the
progressive count to 18,202 in the last six sessions. The
highest number of 870 healthcare workers were given
vaccines at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Hospital followed
by 787 at KEM Hospital band 679 at Rajawadi Hospital,
among other medical facilities. - Staff Reporter


Traffic curbs in ED raids 10 places of
celebrations in
Shivaji Park
Omkar Group in city
PRATIK SALUNKE permissions. Omkar group
Mumbai Traffic Police sends proposal of procuring 45 hi-end drones to the state govt Mumbai stated that “a routine en-
quiry was carried out by the
STAFF REPORTER The Enforcement Direc- ED in a matter related to writ
SOMENDRA SHARMA DRONE EFFECT The officer refused to give Mumbai torate (ED) on Monday con- petitions” filed by Surana De-
Mumbai details about the cost of ducted searches on ten prem- velopers and Pradeep
� The intelligent drones each drone but said the In the light of the Republic ises of Omkar Group, a lead- Kadam. The group in a state-
will have clear zoom
The Mumbai Traffic Police in function, spotlights
drones which the traffic de- Day Celebrations at Shivaji ing builder in Mumbai, in ment issued on Monday said,
has sent a proposal to the and public address partment wants in their kit- Park in Dadar on Tuesday, connection with Slum Reha- “The management of Omkar
state home department to systems. ty would be costly with sev- the Mumbai Traffic Police bilitation Authority (SRA) Group would like to emphat-
procure 45 hi-end drones for eral functions. imposed a few restrictions to schemes and bank loans. ically state that such baseless
traffic monitoring. The po- � Apart from "We want drones which ensure smooth vehicular The searches were carried allegations is an attempt to
lice sources said that these monitoring traffic, would have one hour flight movement. Traffic police at office and residential create confusion and create
cops will use these
drones would have clear drones to book traffic time, pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) said over eight roads have premises linked to the group. hurdles in the implementa-
zoom in function, spotlights offenders and keep cameras, spotlights and been marked as no parking The group is being probed for tion of slum rehabilitation
and public address systems. tabs on secluded public address systems. The zones for Tuesday from 6am alleged misusing various schemes by approaching var-
Apart from monitoring traf- places as well. live feeds of these cameras till noon. The residents can permissions given under ious authorities.”
fic, the police will use these will be monitored from the park their vehicles in Kohi- SRA schemes and for alleged All matters related to the
drones to book traffic of- traffic police headquarters noor PPL. diversion of Rs 450 crore tak- scheme, for clubbing/de-
fenders and keep tabs on se- in Worli," said the officer. The south and north bound en by way of loan from Yes clubbing purpose, are held as
cluded places as well. "We will be starting drone drones and not take them on etc. "The drones would be "We do have CCTV cam- Keluskar Road from the junc- Bank. The group led by Bab- per legal norms laid out by
Speaking to FPJ, Joint policing. The drones which rental basis," said a traffic able to capture number eras installed at several tion of NC Kelkar Road and ulal Verma and Kamal the state government. The
Commissioner of Police, we are wanting to get would police officer. plates of the vehicles and places across the city, but Gadkari Junction shall be Kishore Gupta denied the al- matter raised by the petition-
Traffic, Yashasvi Yadav con- have spotlights, hi-end cam- The officer explained that then we would be able to is- drones will give us reach to closed for vehicular traffic. legations post the searches er in regard to Rs 450-crore
firmed that a proposal has era and public address sys- essentially these drones will sue challans to the offend- those places which aren't Keluskar Road shall be one conducted on Monday. loan from Yes Bank is availed
been recently sent to the tems. Once the government monitor traffic violations ers. Drones would also give covered by the CCTVs. way for east vehicular traffic The group was dragged to under banking norms as
home department to pro- commission drones for us, such as triple seat riding, us live feed on breakdown of These drones will be used and north shall be one way the court for allegedly ob- project loan against sale col-
cure 45 hi-end drones for the we will issue tenders for the helmetless riding, motorists any vehicle resulting in traf- across the city once we get for vehicles proceeding to- taining loans from various laterals and utilised for stat-
traffic department. same. We intend to buy talking on mobile phones fic jams," the officer said. them," the officer said. wards west. banks without the requisite ed purpose only.

City’s temp continues to drop, State mum on reopening City logs 348 new COVID cases,
air quality deteriorates further of colleges and varsities doubling rate rises to 486 days
DIPTI SINGH ing in Mumbai and the sur- RONALD RODRIGUES Degree colleges said they SWAPNIL MISHRA ment task force on COVID-19,
Mumbai rounding regions, and in ad- Mumbai cannot go ahead with their Mumbai said that while the pandemic
dition, continental pollution plan of reopening offline lec- is clearly on the decline in
Mumbai woke up to a chilly and dusty oceanic air is pol- Despite repeated appeals, tures in a phased manner Mumbai continues to report Mumbai, some parts of the
Monday morning as temper- luting the air. This condition there has been no direction due to lack of direction from less than 500 COVID-19 cases state are still witnessing an
ature dropped to 16.4 degree is leading to poor AQI in on offline reopening of de- the state government. for the fourth day in a row increase in numbers.
Celsius. The air quality, how- Mumbai. With movement of gree colleges and universi- Zenab Ansari, a professor with the city reporting just “In Mumbai, too, the daily
ever, has started worsening high pressure system to the ties from the state higher and said, "We were planning to 348 new coronavirus cases number of cases should have
once again. After a brief pe- west, calm condition will be technical education depart- resume offline lectures and seven deaths on Monday. dropped more than the 400-
riod of improvement last relaxed slightly which is go- ment. Degree colleges affili- from Monday at least for With this, the city’s total pos- 500 at present. However,
week, on Monday morning, ing to improve the AQI to ated to the University of first, second and third-year itive cases rose to 3,06,393 and Mumbai is a crowded city
the air quality again deterio- poor for Mumbai in the next Mumbai (MU) were planning Bachelor of Science (BSc) death toll to 11,307 so far. and a number of people who
rated by registering an Air ing an AQI of 374, followed by 2 days," the bulletin issued by to reopen offline lectures practical courses. But de- The doubling rate of the “Of the 30 deaths reported stayed home for the first nine
Quality Index (AQI) of 310. Andheri with 340, Malad - SAFAR stated. from Monday but the state spite repeated appeals and cases in Mumbai has in- today, 12 occurred in the last months of the pandemic are
According to a short fore- 335, Mazgaon - 309 Chembur The Santacruz observatory government has not issued requests for information, creased to 486 days, while the 48 hours and 1 in the last venturing out and getting in-
cast bulletin by System of and Colaba with 300 were in of the IMD recorded a mini- any guidelines. the state higher education weekly growth rate remains week. Remaining 17 deaths fected,” he said.
Air Quality Weather Fore- very poor category. Mean- mum temperature of 16.6 de- Uday Samant, state higher department has not provid- constant at 0.21 per cent. are from the period before “I agree the situation is not
casting and Research (SA- while Bandra Kurla (BKC) gree Celsius and a maximum and technical education min- ed any direction." The state continues to re- last week. Out of the 17 improving, but the position
FAR), the air quality of and Borivali witnessed poor temperature of 31.3 degree ister, had earlier said that the The government-aided pro- port less than 3,000 cases for deaths, six occurred in Nag- we are in is better than be-
Mumbai is in the very poor Air quality with AQI of 280 celsius. Colaba recorded a Maharashtra government fessors and non-teaching the fifth day in a row, with pur, four in Nashik, three fore. It is going to take some
category on Monday. and 252 respectively. minimum temperature of 18. will take a decision regard- staff of the degree colleges 1,842 new cases and 30 each in Ratnagiri, Thane and more time before we have full
While the overall AQI of "The air quality of Mumbai 5 degree Celsius, which was ing reopening of colleges on and universities have ques- COVID-19 deaths were re- one of Madhya Pradesh,” control of the situation. The
the city on Monday morning is in the poor to very poor cat- at par with the normal tem- January 20, 2021. However, it tioned whether they will be ported in the past 24 hours, said Dr Pradip Awate, state vaccination drive, as it reach-
was 310. Navi Mumbai egory. Due to continuation of perature, while maximum has been almost a week but provided the COVID-19 vacci- pushing its tally of positive surveillance officer. es the common people, will
recorded the worst air quali- high pressure in western In- temperature recorded in Co- no final call has been taken nation for free from the Ma- cases to 20,10,948 and the pan- Dr Rahul Pandit, who is a start showing positive ef-
ty among the lot by register- dia, calm winds are prevail- laba was 29.6 degree celsius. yet. harashtra state government. demic deaths stands at 50,815. member of the state govern- fects,” he added.
Students can apply for RTE admission from Feb 9, lottery in Mar
MUMBAI: Parents of students, who aim to seek RTE
admission, can start online applications from February 9 to
26, 2021, announced BMC’s education department on
Monday. The lottery for RTE admissions will be conducted
mostly on March 5 and 6, 2021. The BMC education
department conducted the first online meeting of RTE
admission for academic year 2021-22. Mahesh Palkar, BMC
education officer, said, "School registration and updation
will be done from January 21 to 30. Verification and
inspection will be held till February 8." - Ronald Rodrigues


Kangana, sister must be prosecuted for sedition, HC told
Private hospitals likely NARSI BENWAL
serious charges of sedition
and promoting communal
disharmony through their
In his affidavit,
Munnawar said the
stated that the sisters have
made "deliberate" attempts
to invoke disaffection against

to get BMC vax shot nod

Actress Kangana Ranaut and
her sister Rangoli Chandel
The FIR was registered in
series of tweets posted the state government.
It further pointed out to
have attempted to create accordance with the orders by the duo had the various tweets, by which the
communal disharmony and of a magistrate, which was potential of promoting sisters criticised the Maha-
also tried to incite disaffec- seized with a private com- rashtra government over al-
tion against the Maharash- plaint filed by one enmity between two most everything and every
Civic body seeks list of HCWs for second and third phases tra government, the Bombay
High Court was informed on
Munnawar Sayed, a resident
of Bandra.
religious groups. They
made "deliberate" bids
The complainant accord-
Monday. The HC has, howev- Aggrieved with the FIR and ingly urged the judges to not
SWAPNIL MISHRA er, adjourned the hearing of also the ongoing probe, the tial of promoting enmity be- to invoke disaffection quash the FIRs since the
Mumbai the matter. duo moved the Bench headed tween two religious groups. probe was at a very initial
A Bench of Justices Samb- by Justice Shinde seeking to He highlighted the sisters'
against state govt stage and quashing the same
Days after the Association haji Shinde and Manish quash the FIRs. tweets on Tablighi Jamaats, would amount to obstruction
of Hospital requested the Pitale was hearing a plea In his affidavit, Munnawar for which Rangoli's Twitter that the material on record of Justice administration.
civic body to start vaccina- filed by both Kangana and stated that the series of handle was suspended in was sufficient to prosecute The judges have posted the
tion centres at their hospi- Rangoli seeking to quash the tweets posted by Kangana March. Kangana and her sister un- matter for further hearing
tals to cut downtime con- FIR they were facing under and Rangoli had the poten- The affidavit further stated der charges of sedition. It till next week.
sumed by healthcare work-
ers to reach the centres, the
Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation is now likely to
consider their request of
inoculating beneficiaries or they requested setting up ics which can also prove
HCWs in the second and vaccine centres at their hos- beneficial for the public in
third phase of vaccination pitals to cut down the time the following vaccination
drive at the private hospi- taken by the HCWs to reach phases,” said Kakani.
tals. The civic body has civic-run vaccine centres. Dr Gautam Bhansali, con-
sought a list of HCWs for “We are collecting data of sultant physician at the
the second and third phase. HCWs from private hospi- Bombay Hospital said the
Last week, the Associa- tals. Following which, the low turnout of HCWs at the
tion of Hospitals, a trust of decision will be taken about centres were due to the dis-
private hospitals submitted the proposal submitted by tance of vaccine centres
a letter to BMC seeking per- the private hospitals,” he and hospitals. They all de-
mission to allow them to said. Kakani also said most mand for the decentralisa-
vaccinate their HCWs in likely, the corporation will tion of vaccination centres.
their hospitals under the allow the private hospitals “At present in Mumbai,
supervision of civic offi- to vaccinate frontline and there are only ten vaccina-
cials. The BMC asked the senior citizens in the sec- tion centres which are slow-
hospitals to submit the list ond and third phase of the ing down the mass immu-
of their HCWs who have immunization programme. nization programme. Each
registered on the Co-Win “Though we are yet to major hospital has over
application for references. make a final decision... We 2,000 HCWs. If the BMC
Suresh Kakani, Addition- are still contemplating it as permits us to inoculate
al Municipal Commission- it will help to bring the vac- them in our hospital prem-
er, last week said they had a cine centres closure to the ises then it will help to save
meeting with private hospi- beneficiaries. But we also the time of their travel with
tal association in which have dispensaries and clin- the better turnout,” he said.

Charkop pub Yes Bank Scam: HC denies

raided, 63 bail to Rana Kapoor
patrons and 15 STAFF REPORTER to complete.

employees held Mumbai

In a setback for Yes Bank

The Enforcement Direc-
torate (ED) through its spe-
cial counsel Hiten Vene-
STAFF REPORTER founder Rana Kapoor, the gaonkar argued that if re-
Mumbai Bombay leased on bail, Kapoor might
High Court sell off all his properties,
The Charkop Police raided a on Monday which would frustrate the en-
pub and arrested 63 cus- rejected his tire probe. However, senior
tomers as well as 15 staff for application counsels Mahesh Jethmalani
violating social distancing seeking bail and Haresh Salve had argued
norms. in the multi- that the central agency's ap-
The police also found large crore money prehension was "unfound-
quantities of hookah tobacco laundering ed."
flavours in the hotel during case. Kapoor is one of the Venegaonkar had told the
the raid. prime accused in the Yes bench that the anti-money
Since it was a bailable of- Bank scam apart from the laundering agency has
fence, they were let out on promoters of DHFL group - traced the scam to the tune of
bail. Police said that acting Dheeraj and Kapil Wad- Rs 5050 crores.
on the basis of specific infor- hawan. Notably, the ED has claimed
mation, a raid was conducted A bench of Justice Prakash that Kapoor had approved
at Cafe Ville Villa in Kandi- Naik pronounced the verdict hefty loans to DHFL group
vali (W). Police said that rejecting Kapoor's bail plea. promoters and in return, re-
along with violating the so- However, the detailed order ceived kickbacks to the tune
cial distancing norms to en- is yet to be made available. of Rs 5,050 crore.
sure that the spread of coro- Before Justice Naik, the However, Kapoor disputed
navirus is stopped, the hotel managing director of Yes the amount and said that the
was also found to be giving Bank argued that he cannot agency has already attached
tobacco-laced hookah. Police be made to continue in the his properties, which are
booked them under relevant jail on the sole ground that way beyond the amount of
sections of COTPA Act. the probe in the scam was yet Rs 5,050 crore.

Insta influencer rides bike

on Chunabhatti flyover, held
PRIYANKA NAVALKAR Acting on this video, traffic
Mumbai police began tracing the
source and identity of a
Three days after a video of a woman, as well the location
social media influencer rid- of the video, which was
ing a motorcycle without a identified as Chunabhatti
helmet on the BKC-Chunab- stretch of the connector.
hatti connector, where two- Accordingly, after Deputy
wheelers are banned, went Commissioner of Police
viral on social media, police (Traffic) Nandkumar
arrested the woman and Thakur flagged off the inci-
booked her under relevant dent, a case was registered
sections of the IPC and Mo- against her at Chunabhatti
tor Vehicles Act. The police police station.
said the 21-year-old woman, Deepak Pagare, senior in-
Sanjana Prasad, an Ahmed- spector of Chunabhatti po-
abad resident, had uploaded lice station said the woman
the video on her Instagram was visiting a friend in
page and had performed the Mumbai. Probe revealed
stunt in a bid to shoot to so- that she was a social media
cial media fame. She was re- celebrity, who did so for the
leased on bail. thrill and increasing follow-
On Friday, the video of the ers on Instagram. The bike
Instagram influencer had she was seen riding be-
gone viral on social media. longed to her friend.

Sealed offers are invited from the
Reputed Developers for carrying
out reconstruction/re-development
of the existing residential Society
building known as "SHYAM NIWAS
CHS LTD." on plot No. 774 of
T.P.S.-III Bandra Scheme on 3rd
Road, Khar (W), Mumbai-400 052.
Blank offer forms and other details
can be obtained from the PROJECT
office, M/s H K D Consulting
Engineers, L-21, M. R. Society,
Relief Road, Santacruz (W),
Mumbai-400 054: Tel. 9820556212,
from 27th January 2021 upto 5th
February 2021 between 11.00 a.m.
and 6.00 p.m. on any working day
on payment of Rs. 20,000/-
(Rupees Twenty Thousand only)
(non-refundable). Plot Area
admeasures 798.50 sq.mts.
approximately 8,595 sft. and the
existing Built-up Area consumed by
the existing occupants is 878.35
sq.mts. approximately 9,455 sft.
Interested Developers are
requested to give their best offer.
Banned tobacco products seized from bus
THANE: The Navi Mumbai police have seized
banned gutka and tobacco products worth Rs 1.58
lakh being smuggled into Maharashtra in a luxury
bus coming from neighbouring Madhya Pradesh, an
official said on Monday. Acting on a tip-off, the police
intercepted the bus in Turbhe area of Navi Mumbai
on Saturday, he said. During a search of the vehicle,
the police found five bags containing pouches of a
branded paan masala and other banned tobacco
products worth Rs 1.58 lakh, the official said.


Last chance for first come, first serve admission MahaRERA directs ace
Students who have not yet secured FYJC seats can apply from Jan 27 to Jan 28
builder to pay interest
Nirmal Lifestyle also ordered to pay addl `20,000 as cost of complaints
In a last chance for students � Till now, 1,96,136 students have secured admissions to FYJC
who have not yet secured a against 3,20,390 seats in over 844 junior colleges in the SWEETY ADIMULAM
seat for First Year Junior Mumbai region Mumbai
College (FYJC) admission, � FCFS round began on January 13 and five major phases of
they can apply for the ongo- FCFS for FYJC online admission was completed on Monday In a major relief to the
ing First Come, First Serve � Students can apply by clicking on the “participate in FCFS” homebuyers, the Maharash-
(FCFS) round. All students tab for allotment in the student’s login section on the portal tra Real Estate Regulatory
who have passed in Class 10 Authority (MahaRERA) has
and have not yet secured a directed a builder to pay in-
seat can apply from 10 am terest on amount received
on January 27, 2021 to 8 pm for admissions under FCFS dents and all those passed cured admission in the tion on the portal from them over the delayed
on January 28. basis. in Standard 10 can apply three general merit possession of flats. In addi-
Five major phases of The state school educa- from 10 am on January 29 to rounds, two special rounds n. The FCFS round began tion, it has ordered to pay
FCFS round of FYJC online tion department said, "All 5 pm on January 30." and five phases of FCFS on January 13. Till now, additional Rs 20,000 each to
admission was completed the students who have Sandeep Sangve, deputy round." 1,96,136 students have se- complainants as cost of
on Monday. Students who passed in Standard 10 can director of education, Students can apply by cured admissions to FYJC complaints.
have cleared Class 10 irre- apply from 10 am on Janu- Mumbai region, said, "This clicking on the “participate against 3,20,390 seats in The matter is about seven
spective of the board and ary 27 to 8 pm on January is the last chance for those in FCFS” tab for allotment over 844 junior colleges in hombuyers who purchased interest. The advocate said tion 1991 which came on
marks secured can apply 28. In addition, ATKT stu- students who have not se- in the student’s login sec- the Mumbai region. flats in Zircon Building at the project is ready and they January 6, 2012.
Mulund, a project by Nir- have applied for occupancy The homebuyers argued
mal Lifestyle Ltd. The certificate in June 2019. It that when agreements were

Police raid shop selling No bail for Chhabria in

homebuyers filed com- further argued, "Memoran- signed, it was covered by
plaint in MahaRERA seek- dum of Understanding filed MOFA. And as per section
ing interest on the amount in July 2018 whereby com- 8(b) of MOFA, even for the

gas regulators illegally cheating, forgery case

they paid as a compensa- plainants agreed to receive genuine reasons, the exten-
tion for the delay in posses- monthly rent of Rs 30,000 sion cannot be given to any
sion of the project under from December 1, 2017 and realty project of six months.
Section 18 of RERA Act. the respondent (builder) The homebuyers booked
STAFF REPORTER nounced its verdict denying The complainants were agreed to hand over posses- flats in 2011 and DCR
SURESH GOLANI sonnel have been accommo- purchased from a shop locat- Mumbai bail to Chhabria. represented by Godfrey Pi- sion of the flats on/before amendments came in 2012
Mira Bhayandar dated by the MBVV officials. ed in Nirmal Bazaar and the "The judge menta. June 2018. Therefore, they and now its 2021 and still no
As per his daily chore, the shopkeeper had sourced it A sessions passed a de- However, the builder's (re- cannot contend for rate of possession of property was
Less than 12 hours after a cook identified as-Anand Ja- from an agency named Nir- court on Mon- tailed order spondent) advocate Vaishali interest." It also asserted given. The builder failed to
cook deployed to prepare food gannath Ugwekar (51) tried nal Enterprise. day dismissed but that is not Mohite contended that the that the project delayed be- handover property in grace
for the State Reserve Police to light the LPG-fuelled burn- The police immediately the bail appli- yet uploaded complainants are not enti- cause of amendments in De- period and so they are fit for
Force (SRPF) troops deployed er at around 9:30 am on Sun- swooped down on the agency cation filed by on the web- tled for the claimed rate of velopment Control Regula- interest on paid amount.
in Vasai was seriously in- day, however the regulator and found 40 similar yellow renowned car site," Kumar

55 traffic violators booked in 5-hr operation

jured in a freak fire of the cylinder all of a regulators. The agency own- designer Dilip said.
mishap, sleuths of sudden caught fire. er failed to provide any docu- Chhabria, ar- In his sub-
the Mira Bhayan- Ugwekar who suf- ments like quality certificate rested in mul- missions,
dar-Vasai Virar fered serious burn or authenticating his author- tiple FIRs per- Chhabria told
(MBVV) police injuries on ity to sell regulators in the taining to al- the court that STAFF REPORTER / Mumbai
commissionerate both his open market. The police leged forgery this was a civil
raided a shop which hands and seized the regulators and and cheating case and thus As a part of the Road Safety Month observed between
was found to be selling legs was booked the shopkeeper iden- cases. the bail must January 17 and February 17, the Mumbai Traffic Po-
regulators of cooking rushed to a near- tified as-Mahendrasingh Ra- A detailed be granted to lice conducted random checks across the city in a
gas cylinders of question- by hospital where jput under section 338 of the and reasoned him. However, crackdown on errant bikers and caught at least 55 mo-
able quality and sans any cer- his condition is now IPC for causing grievous in- order of the Kumar argued torists in a span of five hours between 10 pm and 3 am
tification or authorization for said to be stable. It is suspect- juries by doing an act so court is yet to that the mate- on Sunday.
selling such products. ed that the mishaps occurred rashly or negligently as to en- be made available. rial on record establishes a Most errant bikers were caught in Bandra with 28 vi-
According to the police, the as the regulator was of infe- danger human life, or the According to advocate criminal case. He urged the olations, followed by Worli with 12, Mahim eight, San-
incident was reported from rior quality. personal safety of others and Subir Kumar, who repre- court to reject the plea on tacruz three, Vile Parle two and one each at Chembur,
the Bhuigaon area of Dongri Investigations revealed that relevant sections of the Gas sents actor-comedian Kapil the ground that the probe Vakola.
in Vasai where the SRPF per- the regulator was recently Cylinder Rules-1981. Sharma, the court pro- was yet to complete.

Teen abducted from Arif Bhujwala arrested NMMC to help societies Vintage beauties
in waste management to rally in Thane
Malad for `10 lakh Links with foreign-based drug peddler under scanner PRATIK SALUNKE / Mumbai
Navi Mumbai
showed inability to manage
THANE: Around 40 vintage and
classic cars will be put on show

ransom, rescued
running his activities from waste as they are not getting the following a rally of these old
abroad,” said an NCB officer. right agency, the civic body pro- cars in Thane on Tuesday. "The
The Narcotics Control Bu- The agency suspects that The Navi Mumbai Municipal vided some names to them. How- old models of cars from 19th
reau (NCB) has arrested Arif Bhujwala was working at the Corporation (NMMC) has ex- ever, NMMC cleared that segre- century will includes
Bhujwala who was on the behest of Rajput who has tended support to housing so- gation of waste and managing it Lamborghini, Ford, Bentley,
PRIYANKA NAVALKAR men got off the auto with the run after the agency busted emerged as one of the top cieties and commercial estab- at source will have to be followed Ferrari and so on.
Mumbai teen's phone while the other his alleged drug lab in South drug dealers. lishments in getting agencies by everyone. Earlier, the civic The rally has been arranged
accompanied the boy. The first Mumbai last week.Bhu- Rajput has been previously for managing body warned from different routes in Thane
The Malad Police have rescued a man, identified as Shekhar jwala’s name had cropped up arrested in a drug case. Agen- their wastes. that it would on January 26 at around 11:00
13-year-old boy who was Vishwakarma, 35, called up the after the arrest of Parvez cies such as the Directorate of The civic disconnect am. Taking advantage of the
kidnapped by two men, who had teen's father and said that his son Khan alias Chinku Pathan, Revenue Intelligence (DRI) body provid- the water crowd gathering to have a
demanded a ransom of Rs 10 has been kidnapped and if he relative of mafia don Karim and special cell of Delhi po- ed some connection of glimpse of these vintage cars,
lakh. The accused duo was wants to see his kid alive, he will Lala in a drug case. Sameer lice are looking out for him. names of the those build- an awareness programme about
arrested and booked under have to shell out Rs 10 lakh. The Wankhede, zonal director, He is suspected to have been agencies that are managing ings and houses that fail to seg- the road safety and traffic rules
relevant sections of the IPC. panicked father approached NCB who led the operation running a drug network waste at the government as regate waste at source. will also be undertaken by the
According to police, the teenager, Malad Police, who immediately confirmed the detention of illegal trade across Mumbai across many countries. well as private premises. Eyeing on number one Thane traffic department," said a
a resident of Adarsh Nagar in began the combing Bhujwala. and surrounding areas. The NCB is likely to ques- As per the 'Urban Solid rank in the upcoming clean- traffic official from Thane.
Malad (W) who is operations and A clandestine drug labora- NCB sleuths picked up tion Bhujwala over his alleged Waste (Management and Han- liness annual survey, the "About 40 vintage cars will
engaged in lots of sent out teams tory operated by Bhujwala in Bhujwala and the process of links with the underworld dling) Rules 2016' of the Union civic body is pushing waste be part of the rally, along with
sports activities in parks and Noor Manzil Building was his arrest was underway till and his visits to Dubai where Ministry of Environment, management at ground level. 30 super cars and motorbikes,"
and owned a gardens. busted in which the agency Monday night. NCB sources the agency suspects he met Forests and Water Resources, As part of it, the civic body added official. The rally
mobile Meanwhile, the seized huge amounts of cash stated that Bhujwala along Rajput. He will be produced New Delhi, buildings that gen- has made it mandatory for all starting from Shastri Nagar,
phone, other, an and drugs. NCB stated that with his accomplice was de- before a competent court on erate more than 50 kgs waste housing societies and com- Upavan, Hiranandani,
belongs to a identified as Pathan and Bhujwala are said tained from Raigad near Monday. The total number of daily have to process it within mercial establishments to seg- Majiwada junction and will
wealthy family. On Sunday Divyanshu to be kingpins in drug traf- Mumbai. “Bhujwala was in arrests in the case which is re- the premises. regate dry and wet waste at culminate at Cadbury junction
evening, when the teen Vishwakarma, ficking networks operated by touch with Kailash Rajput, a garded as a major success has After some societies ap- source before handing over to in Thane.
had gone to play at a 21, had taken the underworld and ran their drug dealer who has been reached six now. proached the civic body and civic cleanliness employees. –Priyanka Dhomse
sports ground, he was the boy to a

Man booked under POCSO for raping woman for 8 yrs

intercepted by two men, park in Valais Colony.
who introduced
themselves as
The police rescued the
teen roaming with
Divyanshu in a Peeved by internal
fight, 6 BJP leaders
employees, garden, following SACHIN GAAD / Mumbai lodges near Goregaon Malad and alleged-
him for not wearing a mask.
which the latter was
arrested. The Bangur Nagar police has booked a 44-
CASE HISTORY ly became physical with her against her
� Accused has been
Following these claims, the duo Meanwhile, Shekhar had no clue year-old man under the stringent Protec- Few months ago, when she asked him

join Shiv Sena, NCP

took the boy in an autorickshaw and was corresponding with the tion Of Children from Sexual Offences promising to marry victim for marriage the accused refused to mar-
on the pretext of going to the father to drop off the money. (POCSO) act after a 24-year-old woman since 2012 when she was ry her and threatened her with dire con-
office. Police then laid a trap and complaint of rape from last eight years. a teenager sequences. Frustrated of his repeated re-
Police said, the duo took the arrested Shekhar, who was lured As per the victim, the accused on the pre- � Woman alleges accused fusals, the woman recently approached
teenager's phone and contacted to the spot to collect the ransom. text of marriage allegedly raping her made her undergo the Bangur Nagar police station and AMIT SRIVASTAVA solve the internal issues. Ac-
the father, informing him that his The duo confessed during since December 2012 when the woman abortion on four occasions lodged her complaint. Navi Mumbai cording to party sources,
son was found without a mask interrogation that they were debt was 16-year-old, since the alleged incident Following the complaint, an offence un- both leaders want their can-
and he is being taken to the ridden and had drawn inspiration started after the act was implemented in According to the police, the victim and der the Indian Penal Code (Ipc) sections of With the civic election of didates should be given tick-
office for imposing a fine. While from a crime series to do recce June 2012, we have added the sections of the accused (name withheld) are not rela- 313 (causing miscarriage without Navi Mumbai Municipal et for civic election of
the father tried to reason that his and then kidnap the teen. Both POCSO act, said police. The accused has tives but known to each other since last woman's consent), 376(2) (n) (repeated Corporation (NMMC) is NMMC. Many of the former
son is a minor and cannot be accused were arrested on Sunday not been arrested yet. many years and have been in a romantic rape), 417( punishment for cheating) and round the corner, former cor- corporators fear that be-
taken alone, the men refused to and booked under relevant The woman also alleged that, the accused relationship since she was minor. As per 506(criminal intimidation), along with the porators have started defect- tween the fight of the two
budge and hung up the call. sections of the Indian Penal Code made her undergo abortion on four occa- her complaint, the accused promising to relevant sections of POCSO act has been ing to other parties. Within a leaders, they may face the
A few minutes later, one of the for kidnapping. sions, accordingly police added the sections. marry her allegedly took her to hotels and registered last week. fortnight, at least six former brunt and they have started
corporators who had earlier moving to other parties.
defected to Bhartiya Janata Earlier, while leaving the

MBMC sees significant dip in Covid fatalities

Party (BJP) have now left the party, a former corporator
party. from Vashi Divya Vaibhaw
Three of them joined the Gaikwad and her husband
Shiv Sena last week, and the Vaibhaw Gaikwad said that
Mira Bhayandar
As the total death toll reached
795, the case fatality rate (CFR)
out to 1.34 percent of the total
As per MBMC records 1,15,727
Kharghar node sees 98.11% recovery remaining joined the Na-
tionalist Congress Party
they needed a place where
they can raise common peo-
ple's issue.
In a welcome relief for citizens continues to hover above three people were under observation, AMIT SRIVASTAVA with 98.11 percent recovery Ramashish Yadav, a former In September 2019, a total of
and the health department, percent. On the other hand 38 peo- even as a total of 1,58,777 Navi Mumbai rate, maximum under the PMC corporator who had defected 55 corporators from NCP had
Covid-19 fatalities and the num- ple tested positive for the infec- swab samples have been area. However, 95 people died to BJP from the NCP along supported Ganesh Naik who
ber of fresh detections reported tion on Sunday. Although the lat- sent for testing so far, out The Kharghar node under the of COVID infection with 1.33%, with Ganesh Naik has now had defected to the BJP along
by the Mira Bhayandar Munici- est additions have catapulted the of which 1,32,531 tested Panvel Municipal Corporation least under the corporation. joined Shive Sena. Another, with his son Sandip Naik.
pal Corporation (MBMC) has con- total number of cumulative posi- negative and 26,176 positive, (PMC) not only witnessed the According to civic body, the Tajuna Madhvi who had also While most of the NCP cor-
tinued to maintain a significant tive patients to 26,146 the MBMC’s even as 66 reports were highest positive cases of COVID awareness among residents defected to BJP, has now re- porators did not resign from
downward trend for the past cou- health department data also still awaited. Four reports 19 but also the highest recovery helped to control the spread and turned to NCP. In addition, at the party, they reportedly
ple of months. shows that a total of 25,030 pa- turned out to be inconclu- rate. The node has already recovery. “There was a spurt in least four more corporators supported Naik in all civic
While 146 and 152 people lost tients have recovered from their sive. Out of the 38 cases, 98.11% recovery rate which is positive cases at the beginning are believed to be leave the committees’ decision at
their lives due to the deadly infec- viral infec- 23 were unlinked and the highest in the corporation. a many of the residents were party very soon. NMMC.
tion in September and October re- tion and have been 15 were Now, the node has only 40 travelling to Mumbai. However, Among other reasons, in- Even former standing com-
spectively, 38 people succumbed discharged from various active cases of a total of around after our officials educated them ternal fight between two sen- mittee chairman Navin
in November and 25 in December. healthcare facilities in the twin- 7139 positive cases reported. about the precautions to be ior party leaders is believed Gavte, his wife Aparna Gavte
This month 12 people died while city. With this the rate of recovery contact According to PMC official, a taken at home and while to be the main reason. and their close relative
undergoing treatment at various is currently pegged at 95.62 per- cases of those who total of 7139 positive cases commuting, they followed and Around a fortnight ago, sen- Deepa Gavte joined Shiv
private and public health care fa- cent, as the active number of cas- had earlier tested positive reported in the Kharghar node the result is with us,” said a ior BJP leader Aashish She- Sena. They were believed to
cilities in the twin-city till 25, Jan- es has dipped to 351 which works for Covid-19. of which 7004 have recovered senior official. lar had come to the city to re- be very close the Naik.
India IT spending to grow 6.8% this year: Gartner
India's IT spending is projected to grow 6.8 per
cent to USD 88.8 billion in 2021 over the previous
year, research firm Gartner said on Monday. In
2020, India IT spending declined 2.7 per cent as
CIOs prioritised spending on technology and
services that were deemed "mission-critical"
during the initial stages of the pandemic, Gartner
said. Gartner has forecast that worldwide IT
spending will total USD 3.9 trillion in 2021, an
increase of 6.2 per cent from 2020.

Govt shelves BSNL-MTNL merger Kotak Bank Q3 net up

Sharda Cropchem consolidated net
surges manifold in third quarter
16%, GNPAs at 2.26%
on high debt, salary structures
Sharda Cropchem Ltd posted a consolidated net profit of
483.09 mln rupees in the December quarter, significantly
higher than the 58.59 mln rupees profit posted a year ago. AGENCIES/ New Delhi
Revenue in the quarter jumped 29.1% to 4.94 bln rupees.
Sequentially, net profit rose over two-fold and revenue rose Private sector lender Kotak
16.3%. Mahindra Bank on Monday
STAFF REPORTER/ New Delhi reported 16 per cent jump in
Aarti Drugs October-December PAT Centre invites its profit after tax for Q3

up twofold on year at Rs 68 crore

Group of Ministers, chaired by De-
fence Minister Rajnath Singh, is bids to sell NINL FY21 to Rs 1,854 crore from
Rs 1,596 crore in the same pe-
Aarti Drugs Ltd reported an over twofold on-year surge in learnt to have deferred merger of pub- MUMBAI: The government on riod of last fiscal year.
consolidated net profit for the December quarter at 680.4 mln lic sector telecom firms BSNL and Monday invited preliminary bids for In Q3 FY20, the provision compared to Rs 33,258 crore
rupees. Revenue from operations rose 12% to 5.3 bln rupees. MTNL due to financial reasons, ac- strategic sale of Neelachal Ispat Nigam for tax was lower due to some in the same period last year.
Sequentially, the net profit was down 9.6% and revenue fell cording to government sources. Ltd (NINL). favourable tax orders. The Advances as on December
8.3%. The company's other income rose eightfold on-year to The group of ministers (GoM) has The Cabinet in January last year had bank's pre-tax profit for Q3 31, 2020 were at Rs 2.14 lakh
20 mln rupees. Total expenditure, including finance cost, was also approved the sale of 6,000 square given 'in principle' approval for FY21 was Rs 2,484 crore, up crore (Rs 2.04 lakh crore as
at 4.42 bln rupees compared with 4.27 bln rupees a year metres of BSNL land in Noida to Cen- strategic disinvestment of equity 28 per cent from Rs 1,944 on September 30, 2020 and Rs
ago. tral Board of Secondary Education at shareholding of MMTC (49.78 per crore in Q3 FY20. 2.16 lakh crore as on Decem-
the rate of over Rs 1 lakh per square cent), NMDC (10.10 per cent), MECON Net interest income in- ber 31, 2019).
UCO Bank swings back to net profit metre.
The Cabinet had approved Rs 69,000
where MTNL is already operating.
Besides debt, there are issues
(0.68 per cent), BHEL (0.68 per cent),
IPICOL (12.00 per cent) and OMC
creased by 17 per cent to Rs
4,007 crore from Rs 3,430
In accordance with the Res-
olution Framework for
in Q3 on lower NPA provisioning crore revival package for loss-making around salary structure between (20.47 per cent) in NINL to a strategic crore in Q3 last fiscal while Covid-19 announced by the
Public sector UCO Bank on Monday reported a net profit of Rs telecom firms BSNL and MTNL, BSNL and MTNL employees and buyer, identified through a two-stage net interest margin for was Reserve Bank of India on Au-
35.44 crore for the third quarter ended December 2020, on which included approval to merge bringing them on par with each other auction procedure. at 4.51 per cent. gust 6 last year, the bank ap-
account of lower provisioning for bad loans. The Kolkata- both the companies. is a challenge. "EoI invited for strategic The CASA (current ac- proved one-time restructur-
based bank had reported a net loss of Rs 960.17 crore during "GoM had deferred merger of MTNL While the GoM has deferred the disinvestment/privatization of Nilachal count savings account) ratio ing of 0.28 per cent of net ad-
the October-December period of the previous fiscal year. Total and BSNL, mainly due to high debt on merger of telecom PSUs, it has ap- Ispat Nigam, a Joint Venture of MMTC, as on December 31, 2020 vances for certain eligible
income, however, fell marginally to Rs 4,466.97 crore in the MTNL," according to an official proved the allocation of 4G spectrum NMDC, BHEL, MECON and 2 Odisha stood at 58.9 per cent com- borrowers till December-
third quarter of the current fiscal as against Rs 4,514.21 crore source. to BSNL in Delhi and Mumbai in place Government PSUs, OMC and IPICOL pared to 53.7 per cent last end.
reported in the same period of 2019-20, UCO Bank said. As per the audited financial results of MTNL. today," Department of Investment and year. The gross non-performing
for the year ending March 31, 2020, the In the case of asset monetisation of Public Asset Management (DIPAM) Average savings deposits assets were 2.26 per cent and
Polycab India October-December PAT total liabilities of BSNL and MTNL
were Rs 87,618 crore and Rs 30,242
BSNL and MTNL, the GoM will take a
call on asset sale with a value of more
Secretary Tuhin Kanta Pandey tweeted.
The last date for submission of
grew by 29 per cent to Rs 1.07
lakh crore for 9M FY21 com-
net NPAs 0.5 per cent. The
bank has, however, made
rises 13% on year to Rs 244 crore crore, respectively. than Rs 10 crore but less than Rs 100 Expression of Interest (EoI) by pared to Rs 83,049 crore for provision for such advances
Polycab India Ltd's net profit for the December quarter rose The Department of Telecom (DoT) crore. "Dipam mechanism will be used interested bidders is March 29. 9M FY20. Average current including towards interest
12.9% year-on-year to 2.44 bln rupees. Revenue from has given licence to BSNL to operate for the sale of any asset above Rs 100 SBI Capital Markets is the transaction account deposits grew by 13 accrued but not collected for
operations for the quarter rose 9.7% to 27.47 bln rupees. in Mumbai and Delhi telecom circle crore. advisor of the sale. per cent to Rs 37,533 crore the moratorium period.
Sequentially, the net profit rose 15.1% and revenue was
higher by 31.1%. The net profit was in line with analysts'

L&T order-book Sensex drops 531 pts as investors book profits

estimate of 2.44 bln rupees, but revenue beat expectations of
26.66 bln rupees. Other income for the quarter rose to
326.92 mln rupees from 5.77 mln rupees year ago.

Can Fin Homes net profit up 24% at

hits all-time high
AGENCIES per cent to end the session sure today," Binod Modi,
New Delhi at 14,238.90. Head Strategy at Reliance
Rs 132 crore in third quarter Over the last three ses- Securities, said.
Can Fin Homes on Monday reported a nearly 24 per cent rise The benchmark Sensex sions, the BSE Sensex has Vinod Nair, Head of Re-

in Q3, net rises 3%

in its net profit at Rs 131.92 crore in the third quarter ended dived nearly 531 points to lost 1,444.53 points or 2.90 search at Geojit Financial
December 2020. The non-banking financing company close at 48,348 on Monday, per cent and the NSE Nifty Services said Indian mar-
sponsored by Canara Bank had posted a net profit of Rs extending its losses to the has shed 405.80 points or kets witnessed highly
106.61 crore in the same quarter a year ago. Total income third straight session due to 2.77 per cent. volatile trade due to reports
during the October-December period of 2020-21, however, AGENCIES massive selling in energy "Domestic equities were of Indo-China border ten-
fell to Rs 502.76 crore as against Rs 516.79 crore in the same New Delhi and IT stocks. quite volatile today and sion. "Policy decisions of
period of 2019-20, Can Fin Homes said in a regulatory filing. After swinging nearly gave up all early hours' the US Fed meeting which
Company's main business is to provide loans for the purchase Engineering and construc- 1,000 points during the ses- hit the day's high of gains. Investors continued will commence tomorrow
and construction of residential houses. tion giant Larsen & Toubro sion, the BSE benchmark 49,263.15 before succumbing to prefer in taking profits will drive the global market
(L&T) on Monday posted a settled with a loss of 530.95 to selling pressure that took off the table ahead of union in the coming days. We have
Supreme Ind consolidated net profit 3 per cent increase in con-
solidated net profit to Rs
points or 1.09 per cent at
the index to the session's
lowest point at 48,274.92.
budget and F&O expiry.
Barring pharma and select
seen Indian markets being
highly volatile these days
jumps over twofold to Rs 312 crore 2,648.33 crore for the quar- The 30-share index opened The broader NSE Nifty financials, most of key sec- and this trend is expected to
Supreme Industries Ltd posted an over two-fold year-on-year ter ended in December over 375 points higher and plunged 133 points or 0.93 toral indices were in pres- continue this week.”
surge in consolidated net profit for the December quarter at 2020.
3.12 bln rupees. Revenue from operations for the quarter The company had clocked Its consolidated order

Apollo Hospitals raises Rs 1,170 cr via QIP FDI in India

jumped 34.3% to 18.44 bln rupees. Sequentially, the net a net profit after tax and book touched an all-time
profit rose 78.5% and revenue rose 34.1%. The net profit and share in profit/(loss) of high of Rs 3.31 lakh crore
net sales topped analysts' estimate of 1.75 bln rupees and
15.61 bln rupees, respectively.
joint ventures/associates
from continuing opera-
after the company bagged
the largest ever engineer-
rose 13% in
Mahindra Lifespace posts loss of
tions before exceptional
items of Rs 2,560.32 crore
ing, procurement, and con-
struction order in the
New Delhi
"right time" in select mar-
kets and will keep some
2020 on flows
Rs 11 crore in October-December
in the year-ago period, it
said in a regulatory filing.
Two marquee orders for Apollo Hospitals Enterprise
money aside for the pur-
pose, he said.
in digital: UN
Mahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd posted a consolidated net The increase in profit is high speed rail helped the Ltd plans to use part of the Apollo Hospitals board AGENCIES
loss of 111.9 mln rupees for the December quarter, as against largely attributed to higher order wins in the infra- funds it recently raised to has set the QIP issue price New Delhi
a net profit of 18.1 mln rupees a year ago. Loss narrowed profit from IT & ITES seg- structure segment swell to pare debt, ramp up opera- at 2,511 rupees a share, in-
from the 133.3 mln rupees loss posted in Jul-Sep. Revenue ment and sale of commer- 455.74 bln rupees during tions of its digital and diag- cluding a premium of 2,506 Foreign Direct Investment
from operations for the quarter fell 17.3% to 651.6 mln cial property in Realty,. the the December quarter, up nostic divisions operations, rupees per share. into India rose by 13 per
rupees. Sequentially, revenue rose over two-fold. company said in a state- 80% on year. besides considering strate- rupees via QIP (qualified The company has allotted cent in 2020, boosted by
ment. PAT also includes Total consolidated in- gic acquisitions in select institutional placement) so 4.6 mln shares through QIP interest in the digital sector,
CPCL reports net loss of Rs 556.44 cr gain on divestment of Rs
209 crore from discontin-
come was almost flat at Rs
36,661.08 crore in the Octo-
markets, Krishnan
Akhileswaran, group chief
far out of 15 bln rupees fund
raising provision that we
allotment to institutional
investors. In November, the
and while fund flows
"declined most strongly" in
in October-December quarter ued operations for the ber-December quarter, financial officer told In- have," Akhileswaran said. board had approved raising major economies such as
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd (CPCL) on Monday quarter ended December against Rs 36,711.69 crore formist. The company may look at up to 15 bln rupees by way the UK, the US and Russia
reported a Rs 556.44 crore loss in the December quarter due 31, 2020. in the year-ago period. "We have raised 11.70 bln buying out hospitals at the of issue of securities. due to the COVID-19
to lower refinery run and tax expenses. CPCL had reported a pandemic, India and China

Amazon moves HC to block Future sale

Rs 290.58 crore profit in the same period a year back, the "bucked the trend", the UN
company said in a stock exchange filing. Revenue from
operations fell to Rs 11,458.32 crore in the third quarter
of the current fiscal, from Rs 11,965.01 crore a year
An 'investment trends
monitor' issued by the

Home First Finance Company IPO

judge bench purportedly
forms the basis for the e-com-
United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) on Sunday said
AGENCIES merce company to now seek that global foreign direct
subscribed 26.66 times on last day Mumbai NV Investment enforcement of the Singapore investment (FDI) collapsed
The initial public offer of Home First Finance Company India Holdings LLC has moved the arbitration award and this in 2020 by 42 per cent to
was subscribed 26.66 times on the last day of bidding on Mahindra Group firm Delhi High Court seeking en- plea is expected to be heard an estimated USD 859
Monday. The offer of the mortgage financier, which got fully Mahindra Holidays & Resorts forcement of an arbitration on Jan 28. billion from USD 1.5 trillion
subscribed on the first day itself on January 21, received bids India Ltd (MHRIL) on Mon- award to stay sale of Future To be sure, Amazon had also in 2019.
for 41,64,36,944 shares against 1,56,20,948 shares on offer, day reported a consolidated Retail Ltd to a subsidiary of sale. appealed against this same Such a low level was last
according to data available with the National Stock Exchange net loss of Rs 67.34 lakh for Reliance Industries Ltd. However, when the case single judge bench order that seen in the 1990s and is
The category reserved for qualified institutional buyers (QIBs) the third quarter ended De- The original award was giv- reached the court, the judge remains pending before a di- more than 30 per cent
was subscribed 52.53 times, non-institutional investors 39 cember 2020. en by the Singapore Interna- allowed Amazon to approach vision bench of the high below the investment
times and retail investors 6.59 times. The company had posted a tional Arbitration Centre in regulators on the issues, but court. trough that followed the
net profit of Rs 2.03 crore for October last year. did not give any direction to The appeal was on other as- 2008-2009 global financial
Aadhar Housing Finance files the same period of the previ-
ous fiscal, MHRIL said in a
588.26 crore a year ago, it
The fresh plea comes after
the Securities and Exchange
SEBI on how to proceed with
the request.
pects of the order starting
with whether or not Future
The decline in FDI inflows
Rs 7,300 cr IPO papers with Sebi BSE filing. Shares of Mahindra Holi- Board of India reportedly A single-judge bench of the Group’s initial suit could was concentrated in
Blackstone-backed Aadhar Housing Finance has filed Consolidated revenue from days & Resorts India closed at gave a go-ahead to the deal. court had also prima facie have been entertained by the developed countries, where
preliminary papers with markets regulator Sebi to raise Rs operations stood at Rs 489.14 Rs 227.90 per scrip on BSE, 6 Soon after the arbitration held the Singapore award high court. This appeal is fund flows fell by 69 per
7,300 crore through an initial public offering. The initial crore for the quarter under per cent up from its previous award, Amazon had written was not without jurisdiction. scheduled to be heard on Feb- cent to an estimated USD
public offer comprises fresh issuance of shares worth Rs consideration. It was Rs close. to Indian regulators to bar the This finding of the single- ruary 12. 229 billion.
1,500 crore and an offer of sale of up to 5,800 crore by the
Samsung scion Lee won't appeal Hospitality, tourism witness 41%
prison sentence for bribery
Samsung scion Lee Jae-yong and prosecutors have decided
decline in hiring in 2020: Report Wealth of top 100 richest Indians grows
not to appeal a court ruling that convicted him for bribing
South Korea's former president for business favours,
confirming a prison term of two and a half years for the
MUMBAI: The hospitality and
tourism sector witnessed a 41
per cent year-on-year decline in
tourism jobs outstrip supply (job
postings), and the segment
witnessed some form of parity
Rs 13 lakh crore during pandemic: Oxfam
country's most influential corporate leader, according to hiring in 2020 due to the in May 2020. NEW DELHI: India's 100 top billion- fordable medicines to the poor and mar-
lawyers and court officials on Monday. COVID-19 related disruptions, After the lockdown was lifted aires have seen their fortunes increase ginalized." India introduced one of the
according to a report. and despite safety measures in by Rs 12,97,822 crore since March last earliest and most stringent lockdowns
Indian Overseas Bank seeks bids to The year 2020 was different
and difficult in equal measure
place, hiring in the hospitality
and tourism sector slowed
year when the COVID-19 pandemic hit
the country and this amount is enough
in the face of the pandemic and its en-
forcement brought the economy to a
sell four NPAs worth Rs 390 crore impacted both individuals and down by half (51 per cent) in to give 13.8 crore poorest Indians a standstill, triggering unemployment,
Indian Overseas Bank has sought bids from asset industries. While some adapted December 2020 as compared to cheque for Rs 94,045 each. hunger, distress migration and untold
reconstruction companies, banks, non-banking finance more easily to the new normal the same month previous year. The latest India supplement of the Ox- hardship in its wake, the report said.
companies and other financial institutions to sell four non- of working remotely, several The report further stated that fam report 'The Inequality Virus' said it "The rich were able to escape the pan-
performing assets worth 3.9 bln rupees, a notice on the like the contact-sensitive of all the hiring in 2020, metro would take an unskilled worker 10,000 demic's worst impact; and while the
lender's website said. Those interested have to submit their hospitality and tourism sector cities -- New Delhi, Kolkata, years to make what businessman white-collar workers isolated them-
expressions of interest by today and complete due diligence witnessed a sharp decline of 41 Mumbai and Chennai -- Mukesh Ambani made in an hour dur- mists from 79 countries, commissioned selves and worked from home, a major-
by February 4. per cent in business and, accounted for nearly half of the ing the pandemic and three years to by Oxfam, reveals that 87% of respon- ity of the not-so-fortunate Indians lost
therefore, employment, job site job postings on Indeed. make what he made in a second. dents, including Jeffrey Sachs, Jayati their livelihood," it said.
Vietnam offers opportunities for Indeed said in the report.
Job seekers' appetite for
Maximum aspirants for these
jobs, however, emerged from
Calling the coronavirus pandemic the
world's worst public health crisis in a
Ghosh and Gabriel Zucman, expect an
"increase" or a "major increase" in in-
The report noted that billionaires like
Gautam Adani, Shiv Nadar, Cyrus
Indian drugmakers: Fitch tourism jobs also plummeted as Jalandhar, Chandigarh, New hundred years, the report said it trig- come inequality in their country as a Poonawalla, Uday Kotak, Azim Premji,
Vietnam's domestic pharmaceutical industry is currently able job searches on Indeed were Delhi and Lucknow in 2020. gered an economic crisis comparable in result of the pandemic. Sunil Mittal, Radhakrishan Damani,
to meet just 53 per cent of the country's demand, down 31 per cent in 2020 "Though job postings and scale only with the Great Depression of "India has the world's fourth lowest Kumar Manglam Birla and Laxmi Mit-
representing significant opportunities for Indian investors as compared to the previous year. searches have seen a dip from the 1930s. "India's 100 billionaires have health budget in terms of its share of tal working in sectors like coal, oil, tele-
India is among the leading global producers of generic The report is based on data of pandemic-induced restrictions seen their fortunes increase by Rs government expenditure," it said. "If In- com, medicines, pharmaceutical, edu-
medicines, according to Fitch Solutions. It said the enormous job listings and searches on on mobility, while fear of the 12,97,822 crores since March last year dia's top 11 billionaires are taxed at just cation and retail increased their wealth
volatility in global trade environment has pushed businesses Indeed platform during 2020 virus kept consumers away from which is enough to give every one of the 1% on the increase in their wealth dur- exponentially since March 2020 when
into diversifying their supply chains away from China, which and 2019. traditional vacation spots, there 138 million poorest Indians a cheque for ing the pandemic, it will be enough to India announced world's biggest
has increased the importance of India-Vietnam trade route for According to the data, the is hope in a new year and a Rs 94,045 each," the report said. increase the allocation of Jan Aushadi COVID-19 lockdown and economy came
international business. demand (job searches) for new season of travel. The new global survey of 295 econo- Scheme by 140 times, which provides af- to standstill.

6 RIL recalibrating business across TCS emerges biggest

IT company by value
oil to retail chain: Goldman Sachs ahead of Accenture
DO AWAY WITH GST NEW DELHI: Reliance Industries Ltd,
India's biggest firm, has reorganised oil
Reliance Ebitda back to
pre-Covid levels: Moody's NEW DELHI: Country's

to chemicals business, recalibrated re- largest software exporter
tail operations, and is doubling down on MUMBAI: Billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Tata Consultancy Services
its promise to offer 5G telecom services Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has seen (TCS) on Monday surpassed
for the next leg of growth. pre-tax profit recover to pre-pandemic Reliance Industries Ltd to

PRASHANT TRIPATHY This plus focus on green energy and levels on the back of continued growth become the country's most
bn -- Size of sustainable materials of the future, in- in consumer businesses, Moody's valued firm by market capi-

he COVID-19 pandemic insurance sector in 2020 tegrated 5G solutions, reorganisation of Investors Service said on Monday. talisation.
has made people, busi- retail for new commerce and ramp-up of The oil-to-retail-to-telecom behemoth In another milestone, TCS
nesses and govern-
ments around the world as-
sess their priorities and
�7.31 L cr
Gross premium collected by
domestic gas production all point to the
next leg of growth, analysts said in their
commentary on third-quarter earnings
execution still needs to evolve; O2C and
digital won't have enough tailwinds."
on Friday reported a 0.7 per cent Ebitda
(earnings before interest, tax and
depreciation and amortisation) growth
also emerged as the most
valued IT company in the
world as its market valua-
In March last year also,
think about how to revitalize life insurers in FY20 of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL). "RIL is morphing into a pure con- for the quarter ended December 31, tion went past that of Ac- TCS had reclaimed the sta-
keeping the citizen’s inter- Goldman Sachs said the sequential im- sumer company with a reporting struc- 2020, compared with the corresponding centure. tus of the country's most
ests in mind. If anything, the KEY EXPECTATIONS provement in EBIDTA showcased a shift ture which now includes a single O2C quarter in the previous year. During the close of trade, valued firm by market valu-
pandemic has highlighted towards FCF generation, pivot towards segment, vs the traditional refining and "A strong performance in digital the market valuation of ation.
the need to build the re- Relook taxation on term a suite of digital launches sustaining se- petchem segments, as it endeavours to services and retail segments underpinned TCS was at Rs 12,34,609.62 So far this month, TCS
silience of people and to insurance, pension, and quential growth both for Jio and Retail, move further downstream towards con- the improvement in consolidated crore while that of Reliance shares have gained nearly
place their concerns at the annuity products and focus on further chemical integra- sumer products," it said. earnings, a credit positive," Moody's said Industries Ltd (RIL) stood 13 per cent on the BSE.
centre stage of policy discus- tion as O2C carve out is underway. Bank of America and BofA Securities commenting on the earnings. at Rs 12,29,661.32 crore on Multinational tech firm
sions. Budget 2021 is going to Complete deduction for Telecom tariff hikes, new product (BofAML) said RIL is looking to incu- Continued growth in earnings the BSE. Accenture's market capital-
be of critical importance and the principal under the launches (eg non-grocery e-commerce) bate new energy/materials platforms. combined with the company's strong TCS dipped 0.40 per cent isation was at USD 168.44
if it takes into account the and a potential energy business stake "Focus from O2C carve-out is to maxi- balance sheet with zero net debt on a to close at Rs 3,290.20 after billion as of Friday close on
right considerations, can be
annuity plans sale can reverse the pullback in Reliance mize profitability from downstream reported basis will keep Reliance's credit gaining 1.26 per cent to its the NYSE. As of Monday,
a great boost in the right di- shares since mid-September, it said. chemicals, reduce transportation fuels metrics strong for its Baa2 rating over one-year high of Rs 3,345.25 TCS valuation in dollar
rection. Increase the FDI limit HSBC Securities said the introduction footprint in a phased manner." the next 12-18 months, it said. during the day. terms was at USD 169.26 bil-
Life insurance has become of a single O2C segment, stronger fash- Management expects a strong rebound Its digital services segment reported a Shares of RIL declined lion. SAP's market valua-
even more relevant than be- vestments in sectors such as ion-driven retail and low effective tax in demand for fuels/ downstream prod- 48.4 per cent Ebitda growth driven by an 5.36 per cent to close at Rs tion was at USD 155.50 bil-
fore. In this context, there infrastructure and housing. were key surprises from results. "We like ucts and net subscriber additions in Jio increase in subscriber additions, higher 1,939.70 on the BSE after its lion and that of IBM was at
are some policies relevant to For it to yield positive out- the business direction but believe retail to bounce-back. average revenue per user. earnings failed to cheer in- USD 105.69 billion.
insurance under the existing comes, it is important to en-

EV makers want
tax regime that deserve to be sure that there are no further
relooked at in the upcoming
restrictions concerning
availing of an input tax cred- IIFCL may get Rs 5K cr in Budget Gadkari for
Insurance penetration in
India is abysmal currently.
Over the years, life insur- NEW DELHI: The govern- government's target.

FAME II rejigged cheaper

Until the market evolves and ance companies have not ment is likely to infuse Rs The government has in-
finds a certain level of finan- only increased the reach and 5,000 crore into India Infra- fused capital in the company
cial awareness among the
larger population, it is ex-
penetration of their retiral
schemes but also con-
structure Finance Company
Ltd in the upcoming Budget
in the past and it is expected
that the infusion will be more
options to
tremely important to retain
the income tax incentive on
tributed significantly to pop-
ularizing the Government’s
New Delhi
to boost investment in the in-
frastructure sector and accel-
than Rs 5,000 crore for the
next financial year as there is
cement, steel
life insurance products. The National Pension Scheme erate revival of the COVID-19 a huge requirement for infra-
option of taxation at lower among the masses. Doing Ahead of the upcoming hit economy, according to structure funding, the NEW DELHI: Amid rising
slab rates is provided under- away with the GST on pen- Union Budget, Society of sources. sources said. steel prices in the country,
Section 115BAC of the In- sion/annuity products by Manufacturers of Electric As per the Budget docu- Subsequently, the govern- The sources, however, said Union Minister Nitin
come Tax Act,1961. However, life insurance companies Vehicles (SMEV) has asked ment, the government had ment approved increasing the exact quantum will be de- Gadkari on Monday
for that, the assessee needs to and offering income tax ben- Finance Minister Nirmala earmarked Rs 10,000 crore as the authorised capital of IIF- cided based on various con- highlighted the need to
let go of certain exemptions, efits compared to those with Sitharaman to either rejig capital support to IIFCL for CL from Rs 6,000 crore to Rs siderations, including setting explore alternatives to steel
which include deduction un- the government’s NPS the FAME II scheme or 2020-21. In the previous finan- 25,000 crore to create requi- up of Development Finance as well as cement, for
der section 80C of the In- scheme will help in driving reintroduce FAME I, saying while also seeking reduc- cial year, the company re- site headroom for borrowing Institution. IIFCL was set up bringing down their prices.
come Tax Act,1961. This is the adoption of such prod- the programme meant to tion of GST on EVs sold ceived capital infusion of Rs thus enabling the company to in 2006 for providing long- The Minister for Road
not the best situation be- ucts, at a much wider scale. promote EVs in its second without battery. 5,300 crore through recapital- finance big-ticket infrastruc- term finance to viable infra- Transport and Highways
cause life insurance isone of To ensure that policyhold- avatar has been able to "For a nascent and disrup- isation bonds. ture projects in line with the structure projects. and Micro, Small and
the items that offer tax bene- ers do not suffer due to any achieve less than 10 per tive industry like EV that is Medium Enterprises

'Govt’s primary spend may hit decades’ low’

fits under section 80C of the mismatch, the provisions of cent of its target. heavily dependent on gov- (MSMEs) said he has asked
Income Tax Act,1961. Section 10(10D) of the In- The Rs 10,000-crore ernment policies, there some people from Indian
It would therefore be come Tax Act,1961should be FAME-II scheme which is needs to be an effective ap- Institutes of Technology to
worthwhile to allow a deduc- amended to align the premi- to be implemented over a proach that would drive the carry out research on
tion for life insurance premi- um-to-sum-assured ratio period of three years, came market of EVs in the coun- NEW DELHI: With con- GDP in FY22 from expected present the Union Budget alternatives to cement and
um available while opting for with the IRDA product into effect from April 1, try... The industry is still strained revenue position level of over 7 per cent in 2021-22 on February 1 in this steel.
taxation under the provi- guidelines. The amendments 2019. It is the expanded ver- lagging behind the desired running well into next finan- FY21, but this would assume contained environment. As "Steel prices have
sions of Section 115BAC of should also exempt the en- sion of FAME India I target," SMEV Director cial year and country's fiscal a 19 per cent growth in total always, expectations are run- increased by 65 per cent in
the Income Tax Act,1961. tire sum received under ‘crit- (Faster Adoption and Man- General Sohinder Gill position under strain, the receipts in FY22 and an in- ning high. However, the gov- the last six months,"
Even if the deductions pre- ical illness’ plans, given the ufacturing of (Hybrid) and wrote in a letter to Sithara- government would have no crease of just 5.6 per cent in ernment's fiscal response in Gadkari said adding that
scribed under section 80C of current scenario where Electric Vehicles (FAME) man. option but to limit its expen- total spending by the Central 2020 indicates certain inflex- the steel and cement rates
the Income Tax Act,1961 are there is heightened insecuri- which was launched on He further said, "our diture to come back on path government. ibility and the lack of re- will reduce once cheaper
not to be considered under tywith regards to health and April 1, 2015, with a total analysis shows that efforts of fiscal consolidation and This indicates that primary sources to stimulate the alternatives are available.
the scheme, the budget medicare. Paying tax on such outlay of Rs 895 crore. must be made to generate reduce its heavily enlarged spending (excluding interest economy, the report said. Addressing an event to
should consider granting de- illnesses will reduce the In a letter to the finance demand and we believe that deficit. payments) would grow just Although there was no launch products prepared
duction for a separate contri- funds available to the policy- minister, the industry body this can be easily done by According to a report on 4.6 per cent in FY22 (v/s 6 per massive fiscal stimulus in under the Deen Dayal
bution to keep a life insur- holder for treatment. of electric vehicle (EV) the government's interven- the state of economy by cent growth in FY21), mark- CY20-various estimates put Upadhayay Vigyan Gram
ance plan going. And lastly, the complete de- makers also called for a no- tion relating to streamlin- Motilal Oswal Institutional ing the second lowest growth it between 1.5 per cent and 2.5 Sankul Pariyojana, the
Social security measures duction should be allowed tional 'green cess' on pollut- ing, ironing out policy de- Services, the government in four decades, the broker- per cent of GDP, of which 0.7 minister also cited the
are essential to protect peo- for the principal component ing vehicles and use it to ac- tails and adequate an- would be able to narrow fis- age said in its report. per cent of GDP was on ac- example of soyabean
ple in financially challeng- under the annuity plans of celerate electric mobility, nouncements in Budget.” cal deficit to 5.5 per cent of The finance minister will count of food subsidies. cakes.
ing situations such as a pan- life insurance companies,

RInfra assures HC of not creating CAIT accuses Amazon, Flipkart,

demic. Announcing meas- and only the interest amount
ures that balance individual should be taxed. An addi-
interests will determine the tional deduction of Rs. 50,000

third-party rights over assets Zomato, Swiggy of flouting rules

extent to which one can go should be granted to senior
about securing themselves citizens at par with what
and their families amidst they avail on their interest
these times of uncertainty. from bank deposits.
Furthermore, term plans We also look forward to an AGENCIES "This rule was introduced
are recognized as the most increase in the FDI limit AGENCIES will not create any third par- New Delhi in June 2017 and provided a
cost-effective options to en- from the current 49% to 74%, New Delhi ty rights over its assets worth transition period of 6
sure the financial security of in the near term. over Rs 900 crore till Wednes- Traders' body CAIT has months, thereby its imple-
dependents especially in the Increasing the FDI limit Reliance Infrastructure Ltd day. written to Commerce and mentation from January 1,
case of a breadwinner’s de- can help strengthen the over- Monday assured the Delhi Earlier on January 19, the Industry Minister Piyush 2018, but even after a lapse
mise. A tax rate reduction in all infrastructure, boost tech- High Court that it would not high court had asked R Goyal accusing Amazon, of three years, the above
term insurance plans has nology and innovation and create any third party rights eliance Infra to maintain sta- Flipkart, Zomato, Swiggy, rules are not being com-
the potential to encourage bring in best practices to the over assets worth over Rs 900 tus quo regarding its share- and various other e-com- plied by e-commerce com-
people to buy more insur- industry. crore till January 27, in rela- holding in two Delhi power merce entities for allegedly panies prominently by
ance cover. Increased sub- tion to a plea by Shanghai of power plants. distribution companies, flouting rules, and demand- Amazon, Flipkart, etc.,"
scription for term plans will, The writer is MD & CEO of electric Group which has in- The SEG invoked arbitra- BSES Yamuna Ltd and BSES ed immediate action vides that e-commerce enti- Khandelwal said.
in turn, give impetus to in- Max Life Insurance voked arbitration proceed- tion against Reliance Infra Rajdhani Ltd. against them. ties have to display details He alleged that similar ob-
ings against it. on account of its failure to The arbitration was in- Confederation of All India of the manufacturer, 'coun- ligations were imposed on
The Anil Ambani's Reliance pay for the purchased equip- volved as per Singapore Inter- Traders (CAIT) Secretary try of origin' and com- e-commerce food business
Infra had entered into an ment. national Arbitration Centre General Praveen Khandelw- mon/generic name of the operators vide guidelines
‘Treat dairy farmers on agreement with Shanghai
Electric Group (SEG) for en-
Justice Rekha Palli record-
ed the assurance given by Re-
(SIAC) rules to claim around
Rs 995 crore for the alleged de-
al said that Rule 10 of Legal
Metrology (Packaged Com-
product, MRP, and dimen-
sions of the commodity,
issued by the Food Safety
and Standards Authority on
par with other farmers’ gineering and manufacturing liance Infra's counsel that it fault by the Reliance Infra. modities) Rules, 2011, pro- among others. February 2, 2017.

BofA gives big

Covid bonus
Will RBI’s proposed NBFC framework be effective?
TEJI MANDI be extended for these NBFCs as well.
to 1.7 lakh staff The liquidity crisis before the pandemic made one thing
Tighter governance for mid-level NBFCs:
No changes are proposed in the capital-to-risk-assets
clear. The NBFCs can no longer enjoy the regulatory ratio (CRAR) of 15% with a minimum Tier-I ratio of 10%.
AGENCIES leeways. They have to tighten their approach towards Merger of lending and investment into a single
New Delhi lending and other operational parameters. And learn to exposure limit. It is prescribed at 25% for a single
sustain themselves during the volatile periods. borrower and 40% for the group of borrowers.
Bank of America is re- The RBI’s recent discussion paper is a step in that Tighter corporate governance norms.
MUMBAI: Milk and animal husbandry has been warding its over 1.7 lakh direction. The central bank in this paper has proposed Apart from this, certain common regulatory restrictions
treated differently from crops even though it staff worldwide, including tighter regulations for the NBFCs. It argues in favour of are proposed for mid and upper layer NBFCs. For
comes under agriculture and allied activities, over 24,000 in India, with a bringing a scale-based structure. And, argues in favour instance, these NBFCs cannot provide loans to
stated R S Sodhi, Managing Director, GCMMF. cash award of USD 750 each of stricter governing norms for the NBFCs. companies for the buy-back of shares/securities. Also,
Thus, he urged the government at least in this to those earning under USD IPO financing by NBFCs will be subject to a ceiling of Rs
union budget 2021-2022 to recognise dairy 1 lakh in annual compensa- What is a scale-based structure? 1 crore per individual. Also, to finance the land
farmers as equals. tion for the appreciation of Under the suggested framework, the largest 25-30 acquisition, the NBFCs would need to internally fix the
The proposed changes are unlikely
“In the case of dairy and animal husbandry
farmers, there are 100 million farmers and 80 per
cent are landless and marginal. Atleast, an
their work through the pan-
Called 'delivering togeth-
NBFCs would be subjected to bank-like regulations.
The RBI has recommended splitting of NBFCs into four
categories depending on their size and systemic
� to have any significant impact on
top NBFCs. They are maintaining strong
commercial real estate exposure ceiling

Closing comments:
agriculture farmer has some parcel of land.” So, er' compensation awards, relevance. These four categories would include- base The proposed changes are unlikely to have any
the agriculture farmers are better placed than the bank expects over 97 layer, middle layer, the upper layer, and top layer. capital adequacy above the proposed significant impact on top NBFCs. They are already
those landless farmers, yet benefits usually are per cent of its employees to CET 1 threshold of 9%. Hence, they are maintaining strong capital adequacy above the
given to agriculture farmers, Sodhi added. “Animal get the special one-time NBFC categorization: proposed CET 1 threshold of 9%. Hence, they are well-
husbandry is contributing 27 per cent to cash bonus. The base layer would include NBFCs with an asset size well-capitalised. These NBFCs remain capitalized.
agriculture husbandry.” In an memo sent to the of up to Rs 1,000 crore. The largest number of NBFCs comfortable with higher standard asset These NBFCs remain comfortable with higher standard
In addition, he said, employees worldwide, will fall in this category. They will have the least asset provisioning.
with passing day the Bank of America chief ex- stringent regulations. A total of 9209 out of 9,234 non- provisioning. However, we could see GNPAs based on lax
contribution of ecutive Brian Moynihan deposit taking NBFCs fall into this category. These underwriting and provisioning policies that are currently
agriculture to GDP is said in appreciation for the NBFCs will have the least stringent regulation. Upper layer: Bank like regulation: in practice.
decreasing and animal outstanding efforts, the The middle layer would include all 'systemically The RBI has proposed banks like regulations for about Further, the implementation of banking like regulations
husbandry is increasing. board have decided to important' and deposit-taking NBFCs. The NBFCs in this 25-30 NBFCs. For this basket, will enhance data availability. It will add to the
“But when it comes to recognise employees with category will see the least disruption in terms of Core Tier-1 Equity is proposed to be set at 9% transparency from a longer-term regulatory perspective.
allocation of funds, 'delivering together' com- regulatory changes. Standard asset provisioning norms would be It will enable the real-time monitoring of asset quality at
animal husbandry gets pensation awards. All eligi- Upper Layer will be made up of the top 25 to 30 streamlined with that of banks. At present NBFCs a customer level across NBFCs.
step motherly ble employees with USD 1 NBFCs. The RBI has proposed to tighten the regulations maintain standard asset provisioning of 0.4%.
treatment.” lakh or less in annual total for this category. The top layer will be kept empty for They would have to maintain a higher asset Teji Mandi (TM Investment Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) is a
compensation will be paid a now. If any upper layer NBFC is posing an extreme risk provisioning ratio for high-risk categories like real estate SEBI registered investment advisor. No information in
Scan to watch the video. cash bonus of USD 750 or deteriorating, they can be shifted to this layer. and infrastructure. this article should not be construed as investment
each. Large exposure framework, as applicable to banks, can advice. Please visit to know more.
government consists in taking as much
money as possible from one class of
citizens to give to the other.

Another Republic Day dawns

SINCE 1928

in the shadow of protests


Border standoff:
China will play rogue Comment itations and public meetings to launch sus- under the shadow of raging protests against and-a-half years. While the court has asked

eports of a recent clash at Naku La on the Sikkim bor- tained protest movements. The right to laws passed by the Centre. Last year, it was protesting farmers to ‘maintain peace’ on Re-
der, between Indian and Chinese troops, amidst the protest is one of the core principles on which the agitation against the CAA. This time, public Day and join the proceedings of the
continuing months-old standoff in eastern Ladakh re- A L I CHOUGULE a democracy, as also the republic, survives farmers, mostly from Punjab and Haryana, court-mandated panel to ‘peacefully resolve
flect the seemingly intractable problem of resolving the con- and thrives. Since 2015, India’s record on var- have been camping at Delhi’s borders for the dispute’, farmers have refused to appear
trary positions of the two countries on territorial claims. ious democracy indices has declined drasti- months, demanding the repeal of the three before the committee because they believe that

Neither side is willing to yield, causing fears of a sudden ndia declared itself a sovereign, demo- cally. There is no measure to judge a coun- farm laws and a legal guarantee for the min- all the committee’s members are ‘biased’ and
flashpoint. According to reports, the Naku La incident took cratic and republic state with the adop- try’s credentials as a republic, but a state of a imum support price (MSP) for crops that are are in favour of the laws. They also do not see
place last week when the Indian soldiers challenged the tion of the Constitution on January 26, republic can be assessed through the indices declared by the Government every year. the committee as a solution to the deadlock.
PLA soldiers trying to intrude into our territory. Both sides 1950. The Constitution gave citizens the pow- of democracy that include civil society par- Seen through the prism of fundamental The success of the farmers’ agitation in get-
are reported to have summoned reinforcements but a firing er to choose their own Government and ticipation and civil liberties. Both have de- right and popular will, the farmers’ protest is ting widespread sympathy and moral sup-
clash was avoided following the intervention of local com- paved the way for democracy. A democratic clined significantly in India since 2015. a fitting display of a kind of ‘movement cul- port from non-farming sections of people
manders. The matter had since been resolved, with the in- republic is a form of government that func- Being a republic is not just the absence of ture’ against the government’s non-consulta- across the country has not only pushed the
truding PLA soldiers returning to their side of the border. tions on principles adopted from a republic monarchy; it is much more. In a republic, the tive approach. It is an unrelenting display of Modi government on the backfoot, but also
Yet, the physical clash without the use of firearms under- and a democracy. All modern republics have power is held by the people and their elected determination and solidarity, aimed at claim- forced the Government into holding talks.
lines the tension prevailing all along the border with China. been founded on the idea that sovereignty representatives and therefore, a consultative ing the fundamental right that the Constitu- The proposal to suspend the farm laws for an
The Sikkim incident came a few days ahead of the ninth rests with the people. Since citizens do not 18-month period is a major climbdown for
round of talks at the Corps Commanders-level on Sunday. govern the state themselves but through rep- the government from its earlier tough stand
Lt General PGK Menon, the Corps Commander of the Leh- resentatives, republics may be distinguished to end the deadlock. This means, to a large
based HQ 14 Corps and South Xinjiang district chief, Major from direct democracies, though all modern, extent, the protest has succeeded in making
General Liu Lin, led the negotiations held on the Chinese representative democracies are, by and The proposal to suspend the farm laws for an 18-month period is a major the government listen to the farmers’ de-
side of the Chushul-Moldo border. The talks yielded no tan- large, republics. The right to protest peace- mands. This is in sharp contrast to the mas-
gible result. The Indian commander insisted on a `complete fully is enshrined in the Constitution under
climbdown for the Government from its earlier tough stand to end the deadlock. sive protests against the CAA last year,
disengagement and de-escalation’ at the border where the Article 19. Public protests are a hallmark of …This is in sharp contrast to the massive protests against the CAA last year, against which the Government did not hesi-
two sides are amassed in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation a free, democratic society in which the voice against which the Government did not hesitate to use police force and security tate to use police force and security agencies
since early last year. In a violent, hand-to-hand clash last of the people should be heard by those in responded with violence, arrests, interroga-
June in the Galwan Valley, 20 soldiers, including a Lt power and decisions be reached after proper
agencies responded with violence, arrests, interrogations and conspiracy charges. tions and conspiracy charges.
Colonel, were killed. Though the Chinese did not disclose discussion and consultation. The government, to a large extent, succeed-
the number of their casualties, credible reports said they Democracy is measured through several in- approach to decision-making should take tion gives to citizens. What we are witness to ed in discrediting the anti-CAA agitation be-
lost 40-odd PLA men, including the unit commander. Since dicators, like electoral process and plural- precedence over the ramming down of laws on the borders of Delhi, the capital of Re- cause it did not evoke widespread sympathy
then, a tense peace has prevailed at the border, with the two ism, the functioning of the Government, po- on the strength of a legislative majority. In a public of India, is a protest that is led by a and trust from the non-Muslim population,
sides amassing further troops, fortifying defences and mov- litical participation, political culture and civ- Constitutional democracy, the government committee of farmers’ unions. Sustaining a who saw the anti-CAA protest as only a prob-
ing heavy equipment, including tanks, Howitzers and much il liberties. India was at the 51st position in must uphold the Constitution and still repre- protest of thousands of farmers in the bitter lem of the Muslim minority, though the
else closer to the border. Though there have been nine the 2019 Democracy Index’s global ranking sent the will of its people. Therefore, two winter of Delhi over the last two months in protests were about protecting democracy
rounds of commander-level talks, these are unlikely to re- and was included in the ‘flawed democracy’ questions arise. Did the passage of the three the face of a discrediting campaign by the and the Constitution. This is because the anti-
solve the stalemate. The border clash has now acquired larg- category, in spite of its sturdy electoral prac- contentious agriculture laws represent the Government has not been easy. But they have CAA protests were perceived by the govern-
er nationalistic political overtones, with neither country tices. The Democracy Index provides a snap- popular will of people? Are the Central laws held their morale high, determined in their ment and people as an issue of citizenship for
ready to pull back. Having undertaken the intrusion as part shot of the current state of democracy world- in keeping with the basic structure of the resolve to accept nothing less than their two the Muslims, while the farmer agitation,
of its usual salami-slicing strategy, China was surprised to wide for 165 independent states and two ter- Constitution, given that agriculture is a state basic demands. though led by Sikh farmers, has expanded to
meet tough resistance. However, even as the confrontation ritories. Democracy, it is said, is not just an subject? Another question that begs an an- They have celebrated New Year, Lohri and include a range of activists and social groups,
at the border continued, India took China by surprise, se- election, it is our daily life. Flawed democra- swer is: didn’t the Citizenship Amendment Makar Sankranti together in the midst of whose core opposition to the farm laws is
curing strategic heights on the border from where the Chi- cies are nations where elections are fair and Act CAA) also violate the Constitution, given their protest; Republic Day on January 26 will premised on the pro-market and pro-corpo-
nese garrison and border positions became extremely vul- free and basic civil liberties are honoured that it discriminates against a section of peo- be the high point of the protest that has gone rate heft of the legislations. The anti-CAA
nerable. Following the strategic rebuff, the Chinese leader- but may have issues, such as media freedom ple on the basis of their religion? through 11 rounds of talks with the govern- protests, after the Delhi riots and the pan-
ship transferred out its otherwise celebrated regional mili- infringement and the suppression of politi- The answers to the above questions are still ment, but to no avail. The deadlock is far from demic-induced lockdown, were forced to wind
tary commander. How long the two militaries will remain at cal opposition and critics. awaited, given that the Supreme Court is yet over despite the Supreme Court’s order to put up. But the farmers are refusing to budge and
the border, poised for a violent confrontation, is hard to tell. The right to peacefully assemble allows po- to decide on the Constitutional validity of on hold the implementation of the three farm the government does not have the option to
However, with the summer approaching, the pressure on litical parties and citizenship bodies or the CAA and Farm laws. It is for this reason laws. Farmers have also rejected the proposal turn a deaf ear or stick to its hard stand.
the troops will ease somewhat. The Chinese, over the years, unions to question and object to acts of the that for two years in a row, Republic Day cel- put forth by the government to suspend the
have fortified border infrastructure, building roads and he- Government by peaceful demonstrations, ag- ebrations in the national capital will be held farm laws for a mutually agreed period of one- The writer is an independent senior journalist.
lipads right up to the border, while India is engaged in catch-
up. However, what has riled the Chinese leadership is the In-
dian resolve to stand up to any challenge to its status as a
ONE FLEW OVER THE NEST #NetajiPainting@RashtrapatiBhavan LETTERS
sovereign and independent regional power, unwilling to
bend before any self-styled hegemon. At the heart of the
Chinese politico-strategic goals is to stop India emerging an "We do not comment on tweets. The painting was made in Rashtrapati Bhawan and you think that it is a painting of an actor.
independent power, a bulwark of democracy and rule-based
order, as a direct challenge to the Chinese militaristic au-
What kind of question is it? Something is being run on Twitter, but it may be politically motivated. What can we say on it?," a
senior Rashtrapati Bhawan official told IANS
thoritarian model, seeking to suppress and bully neigh- Must be an actor from a state where there are elections
bours to its global-power ambitions. In sum, it is a clash of J Kennedy@njkenny Ref.: ‘Killjoy UP adds to
opposite systems of ordering human society. It is why there the cost of tipplers’
should be a better appreciation of the increasing willing- The real hero of today is Prosenjit Chatterjee's make-up artist in Gumnaami. (January 25). The UP
ness of western democracies to cooperate and bolster India Sayantan Ghosh@sayantansunnyg government's move to
in this part of the world for securing maritime and territo- increase the price of
rial freedom as per the international conventions and While everyone was worried about him appropriating TAGORE.... The real game has been to appropriate BOSE.... via the GUMNAAMI BABA alcohol and enforce the
treaties. Following last year’s standoff at the Ladakh border, cosplay! licence system for liquor
the US strategic community has prevailed in persuading the Shaky Lines@ShakyLines meant for home
Trump administration to step up cooperation and coordi- consumption, is uncalled
nation with India in security and strategic matters, includ- respected Journalists will you now applaud Mr.Somnath Kundu the Makeup Artist of #Gumnaami for his sheer brilliance and Talent to make for. Can the concerned
ing sharing of valuable strategic intelligence. China has of- Prosenjit chatterjee the Most convincing version of Netaji, he deserve the recognition authorities concentrate
ten expressed concern at the joint exercises undertaken by Sangita@sangi1909 on other important
the US and Indian militaries in addition to those from issues like the rape of
Japan, Australia to safeguard bona-fide maritime and terri- women that continues to
torial rights of sovereign, independent nations. Meanwhile, occur in that state and
it is a reflection of the Chinese cussedness that it has
stooped so low as to question India’s humanitarian effort to
Didi could have countered chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ with a ‘Netaji Zindabad’ slogan elsewhere? What about
the prices of petrol

Ram is certainly no outsider to Bengal

provide Covid-19 vaccines to the neighbouring nations. and diesel which are
Such peevishness reflects a deep-seated antipathy against likely to score a century
an India which is economically and militarily strong and in- any time soon?
dependent and presents itself as a beacon of democracy, as Incidentally, both alcohol
opposed to an autocratic China which suppresses its people, and fuel are out of the
denying them basic human rights. Eventually, the border GST purview.
dispute is indicative of a broader civilisational clash, the
resolution of which will shape emerging global power equa-
tions. Instead of injecting petty politics in the border dis-
Opinion even banning (at some places), Ramnavami cel-
ebrations to appease “that 30 per cent vote
Environment and Science, in one of the chap-
ters, there is reference to one of the colours of
the rainbow as ‘Aasmani’, the Urdu word for sky
Melville X D'Souza
Paying to read
pute, Indians ought to close ranks and prepare themselves ROBIN ROY Ever since, ‘Jai Shri Ram’ became a cry of de- blue that is widely used in Muslim-majority people’s pulse
for a long and arduous struggle at all possible fronts, eco- fiance as many started believing that the state Bangladesh, instead of ‘Akaashi’ that is used in Ref: ‘Lesson from Bengal:
nomic, military et al. was bowing to appease “that 30 per cent vote West Bengal. Social media at once went berserk Poll outsourcing can be
bank”, especially on the instructions from the over the alleged appeasement stand. costly’ (January 25).

t is not the first time that the West Bengal supremo in Nabanna. It may be recalled that after Pakistan was Mamata Banerjee, the
FPJ ARCHIVES JANUARY 7, 1963 Chief Minister lost her cool at being greeted In 2017, the Calcutta High Court criticised the formed, under the orders of that government, a firebrand Congress
with chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’. On May 5, TMC government for not allowing immersion of committee headed by Md Sahidullah gave sev- leader from Bengal, left
2019, she had expressed her anger at a group of idols after Durga Puja, on the same day as the eral suggestions to change ‘Hindu-influenced’ the party in January
people who had shouted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ while Muslim festival of Muharram. words in the Bengali of East Pakistan (current- 1998, vehemently fought
her convoy was passing through West Midna- The BJP termed the incident as an attempt at ly Bangladesh) with Islamised words. with the Communists
pore district’s Chandrakona area. appeasement. The BJP and Trinamool Congress To get back to the Ram imbroglio, the latest singlehandedly and
A video clip circulated on social media showed have locked horns on the issue of allowing version doing the rounds is that Ram is an “out- dethroned them in 2011.
Didi stepping out of her vehicle to confront ‘armed’ rallies to mark Ramnavami. In 2018, ma- sider” and doesn’t belong to Bengal. Nothing The grand old party
them. “Palachhis keno? Ay ay. Haridas sob. jor communal clashes broke out in Raniganj over could be further from the truth. Before the Gau- hadn’t been able to
Galagali sikheche. (Come here, why are you Ramnavami celebrations. The TMC government rio Vaishnavism of Sri Chaitanya (1486–1533) it accomplish this feat over
running away? Who do you think you are, using also reportedly tried to impose other restrictions, was the Ramayat form of Vaishnavism that pre- a quarter century! For
slang,” the TMC supremo is heard saying in the like not allowing participants in (Ramnavami) vailed in Bengal. The family of the biographer over a decade in state
video by ANI. processions to carry ‘weapons’ (tridents). of Sri Chaitanya, Jayanand, worshipped Ram politics, she kept all
Last Saturday, she again expressed her displeas- On the flip side, seeing the BJP gaining as their ‘kul devta’ (family deity). national parties,
ure at the same chant at the Victoria Memorial ground through these Ramnavami celebrations, In 1112 CE (common era), Shovanath Chandra including the BJP, at bay.
event in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra the TMC also organised similar rallies, with in Sribati set up a Raghunath Jeur temple (they But sadly now, the down-
Modi, saying, “I think the government’s pro- ministers and senior partymen participating! built three terracotta temples). They were a to-earth leader, who
gramme should have dignity. This is not a political But by then, the die had been cast and “they” family of Gujarati traders, and their puja still must depend on poll
programme. It doesn’t suit you to insult someone started believing that the TMC supremo’s nar- continues. Two more names crop up from West strategists like Prashant
after inviting them. As a protest, I won’t speak rative had been cast, too: Mamata apparently India - Ramanand Tewari and Madhav Rao - Kishor.
anything,” she was quoted as saying. tries to prevent Hindu religious celebrations in who settled in Bengal and started Ramchandra Govardhan R Jilla
On the face of it, as most analysts on several order to appease “that 30 per cent vote bank”. puja. Innumerable Bengali names come up too,
TV channels in Kolkata said, the chant was not According to Didi, the BJP was using Ram- including the families of Sri Ramakrishnadev, TMC must have ear
relevant, given the content and intent of the navami to bolster its hold on West Bengal, hence Mahakavi Chandidas, among others. So to the ground, too
programme. her reported ‘abomination’ of Jai Shri Ram slo- terming Ram as an outsider in West Bengal is This is not the first time
However, it is also being said that Mamata gans. While it might be true that the saffron par- not only a gross historical distortion, it’s a bla- we are witnessing
could have ignored the slogans and as an astute ty is using Ram for political gains, Mamata’s re- tant lie with clear political motives. politicians deserting one
politician, she could have countered the sloga- action to counter this perception didn’t go down So, what actually happened in Bengal? Ra- ship to join another.
neers with a ‘Netaji Zindabad’ slogan. By vent- quite well. What made matters worse and messy mayat Vaishnavism got mixed with Gaurio Before each election,
ing her ire, all she did was to create a buzz is that it is an attempt to say that Ram is alien to Vaishnavism, and the latter took control. Lord such political turncoats
among the gossipmongers. Bengal and all his devotees are ‘outsiders’. Krishna took precedence over Ram, because of are routinely seen. But
To see how the issue actually “erupted”, one More appeasement? The traditional name for the immense popularity of Sri Chaitanya and yes, it is indeed
needs to go back a few years. In Bengal, since rainbow in Bengali is ‘Ramdhenu’, which also Gopal was preferred over Sitanath, but the lat- worrying that
2016, the ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogan has crossed reli- means Ram's bow. In an attempt to ‘secularise’ ter never entirely disappeared. Visit Gohogram Prashant Kishor is
Friendship with all is our aim gious boundaries and is now a political one.
This was the year the BJP and its associates or-
the word, the West Bengal Council for Higher
Education had replaced the word with
village in east Bardhaman, to understand how
Ram is still a living tradition in West Bengal. On
proving dear to the TMC.
While Kishor does have
ALLAHABAD, JAN. 6 (PTI) -- Prime Minister Nehru declared here ganised Ramnavami celebrations in Bengal. ‘Rongdhenu’ or bow of colours. Ramnavami, the entire village is coloured with some good election
today that India wanted to have friendly relations with all the Didi was quick to order the state administration While Bangladesh had long replaced the word gulal. This village has the Bhattacharya family successes on his resume,
countries of the world including China and Pakistan. to obstruct the celebrations, especially the pro- ‘Ramdhenu’ with ‘Rongdhenu’, the toeing of the who are Rama-sevayats, and they have a black he also has losses too. So,
"But it does not mean that any country can humiliate us or force cessions, which are an integral part of Ram- line by West Bengal had created a huge ruckus stone murti of Rama with a statue of Sita in the TMC would do well
us to accept anything at the cost of national prestige and honour," navami rituals. in academia and on social media circles, with ashtadhatu. Ram and Sita are worshipped to not rely blindly on his
he said. Acting at the behest of the CM, the adminis- some calling it ‘language terror’ and others say- thrice a day, and Ramnavami is a huge festival. advice, as any leader
Shri Nehru was addressing a public meeting on the K. P. College tration denied permission to the religious cele- ing it was in line with the alleged appeasement Bengal is the confluence of all faiths and reli- connected to the
Ground. About 40,000 people heard him with rapt attention. brations at several places. Strict restrictions policies of Mamata. gions. It is time, Ram is given his rightful due, at grassroots would feel
Referring to the Sion-Indian border dispute, he said that India were also clamped on these rallies, by reducing Also, language honchos were of the opinion least in the correct perspective. hurt if they are
was always prepared for an honourable settlement but would not the scale and duration of the events. This the new word has no mention in the Bengali dic- sidelined by the party.
bow down or tolerate any humiliation. sparked allegations that Didi was restricting, or tionary or grammar. In the Class VII book on The writer is Senior Associate Editor, Free Press, Indore. Bal Govind

Letters to the editor should be sent to: The Free Press Journal, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215 Nariman Point, Mumbai. 400021; Fax: 22874688, e-mail:; Type letter, leave space, write your views and name. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
Panic grips Basti jail as 120 test corona positive
LUCKNOW: Panic gripped the UP’s Basti Jail again when
120 inmates, including 3 officials, tested positive for
Covid belying tall claims of the Yogi government it has
nearly contained community spread of the virus. All
inmates have been quarantined in a jail barrack, which
has been converted into an L-1 Covid Hospital at the
panic-stricken Basti District Jail. A team of doctors has
been deployed from the Basti District Hospital with PPE
kits, emergency medicines and oxygen cylinders to
monitor the condition of inmates. —FPJ Correspondent


Hundreds of women to drive tractors, make presence felt

India, China agree to push
for early disengagement
Govt’s offer best: Tomar
NEW DELHI: In a show of strength,
hundreds of women are expected to NEW DELHI: India and Chi- ing at an early date to jointly
drive tractors at 'Kisan Gantantra Pa- na have agreed to push for an advance de-escalation.
rade' on Republic Day, as a large number
of farmers opposing the new farm laws
... hope unions will reconsider it early disengagement of
troops and resolved to contin-
The Corps Commander-lev-
el talks began at 10.30am on
will enter the national capital under a NEW DELHI: Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh ue "effective efforts" to sta- Sunday and ended at 2.30 am
high security cover. Social activist Zeba Tomar on Monday termed the government's proposal to sus- bilise and control the situa- on Monday, sources said.
Khan said women will be participating pend new farm laws for 1-1.5 years as the "best offer" and tion in eastern Ladakh in the "They also agreed to follow
in the tractor rally shoulder to shoulder hoped the protesting farmers' unions will soon reconsider it ninth round of military talks the important consensus of
with their fellow male farmers. and convey their decision. "The government has given the on the border row, a joint their state leaders, maintain
Khan, who is one of the women par- best offer to farmers' unions. I am hopeful that they will con- press statement said on Mon- the good momentum of dia-
ticipating in the rally, claimed over 500 vey their decision to us after discussing it among themselves. day. The statement issued in logue and negotiation, and
women will be in attendance on Tues- Once they communicate, we will take it forward," Tomar told Delhi by the defence ministry hold the 10th round of the
day. "Women's contribution was invalu- PTI. Meanwhile, the SC-appointed committee on farm laws is said the two sides agreed the Corps Commander level
able during India's freedom struggle. scheduled to hold its second round of consultations with meet was "positive, practical meeting at an early date to
On Tuesday also, we will be there to farmers and agricultural organisations on January 27. and constructive, which fur- jointly advance de-escala-
make our contribution to this move- ther enhanced mutual trust tion," the statement said.
ment," she said. The activist, who hails and understanding." Sources said both sides held
from a family of farmers in Jharkhand, Mamata govt to table resolution against Today, the Constitution, Republic-Democracy and "The two sides agreed to extensive deliberations on
said the rally was a crucial moment in farm laws in WB Assembly on Jan 28 Independence are in danger. Got the news that continue their effective ef- modalities for disengageme-
the stir, which was "no less than a free- directions have been issued to fuel pumps not to forts in ensuring the re- nt of troops from all the fric-
dom struggle". Farmers with their family on tractors are on their way to join the protesting farmers in straint of the frontline tion points in eastern Ladakh
"The three farm laws are similar to the give diesel to tractors in order to stop the farmers from troops, stabilise and control at the talks. "Detailed discus-
Delhion the Republic Day tractor rally in Jaipur on Monday. —ANI
taking out a tractor rally on Republic Day. The BJP is
pre-Independence shackles of slavery. the situation along the LAC sions were held on modalities
Through this agitation, we are making continue for 10-12 hours. mothers and sisters are like 'Jhansi ki hatching a conspiracy of the lowest kind against the in the Western Sector of the for the disengagement
our presence noticed, and exercising "50%women in Punjab and Haryana Rani'," Ram Singh Rangreta, state sec- farmers. If the farmers give a reply to 'Diesel-bandi' China-India border, and process," said a source aware
our right to enter Delhi," she said. Sev- know how to drive tractors. Our wives, retary of Sangharsh Morcha, Ambed- jointly maintain peace and of the negotiations. They
eral rural women in Haryana's Jind dis- kar, said.
(non-supply of diesel) with BJP's 'naakaabandi' tranquility," it said after the said India insisted it was up
trict have reportedly been receiving In the upcoming session of Gurmeet Singh, a protesting farmer (cornering the BJP), then what will happen? 16-hour meeting at the Moldo to China to carry forward the
training for the past month to drive trac- Parliament, the govt must from Patiala, said women's participa- — AKHILESH YADAV, SP chief border point on the Chinese process of disengagement
tors to be able to participate in the trac- introduce a bill and turn it tion was key to the success of the agita- The BSP again requests the Centre to withdraw the side of the Line of Actual and de-escalation at friction
tor rally. A spokesperson of Jai Kisan into an Act to repeal the three farm tion. "These are not just any women. three farm laws, so that on January 26 no new Control in eastern Ladakh. points in the region where
Andolan (Swaraj Abhiyaan) said the These are daughters of farmers, and The statement said they the two militaries have been
farmers tractor rally is expected to start
laws. Democracy was murdered in RS. their participation will be proof of what tradition gets started. agreed to hold the 10th round engaged in an eyeball-to-eye-
at around 11.30am on Tuesday and set to — DEREK O’BRIEN, TMC RS MP the farmers are capable of." — MAYAWATI, BSP chief of Corps Commander meet- ball face-off for 9 months.

Prez Kovind’s fulsome praise of Cases down; lowest


farmers but no word on their stir deaths in 8 months

A n Indian Army helicopter crashed in Kathua district’s Lakhanpur
near J&K-Punjab border on Monday evening, India Today
reported. As per available information, 2 pilots were onboard the
OUR BUREAU / New Delhi
Check vax rumours;
chopper. Both pilots were rushed to a hospital. While 1 is said to be
critical, another succumbed. The helicopter involved is HAL Dhruv OUR BUREAU / New Delhi of the bravery, patriotism
President’s medals
and the reason behind the crash is believed to be a technical snag. and the spirit of sacrifice India’s active caseload of the
take penal action:
The chopper, which was coming from Pathankot, was forced to make President Ram Nath Kovind among the soldiers, but like to police, jail staff Covid-19 patients dropped to
a crash-landing in an Army area in the Lakhanpur belt of the district, on Monday showered a ful- PM Modi just did not refer to 1.84 lakh, which is 1.73% of MHA to states
SSP Kathua Shailendra Mishra told news agency PTI. The 2 pilots some praise on the farmers the Chinese forces' intrusion OUR BUREAU / New Delhi the total 13.21 lakh infections
were injured in the incident, he said, adding they were rushed to a
military base hospital. "Tragic news coming in. We have one pilot
fatal casualty," a defence spokesperson said.
for their contribution to the
people’s food security, but
without a word on their
in Ladakh region these sol-
diers are still fighting.
He congratulated the Modi
Rajasthan’s jail warder
Sukhdas Swamy was awarded
detected so far, with a bulk of
the active cases (64.71%) only
in two states — Kerala ac-
F aced with the problem of
circulation of rumours
about the efficacy of Covid-19
protest at Delhi's borders for government for the steps tak- the posthumous correctional counting for 37.7% of the ac- vaccines, the Centre has
COVID +VE, I-T MAN CONVICTED IN over 2 months. en to fight back the Covid service medal for gallantry on tive cases and Maharashtra asked the states to check the
BRIBERY CASE HANGS SELF IN HOSP In a 20-minute address to
the nation, first in Hindi and
pandemic, but maintaining
silence on how much the peo-
the eve of the Republic Day
while a dozen got the
25%.The fatality was also
down to 131 in the last 24
spread of such misinformation
and advised them to take

A n income tax officer convicted in a bribery case committed suicide

in a government hospital in Jaipur on Monday. The officer had
tested positive for Covid-19 and was admitted in the hospital for
then in English, on the eve of
the 72nd Republic Day, the
President said: "Every Indi- what he claimed as "misap-
ple suffered due to the sud-
den lockdown clamped that
has left the country's econo-
President’s correctional service
medal for distinguished
service for the prison staff,
hours, which is the lowest in
8 months, recorded last on
May 17. Total fatalities in the
penal action against those
found to be involved in
dissemination of wrong and
treatment. The officer, Vinay Kumar Mangla, was admitted in a ward an salutes our farmers, who prehensions." He said: "The my hit badly till todate. including jail superintendents country are 1,53,470. Maha- ill-informed news.
on the sixth floor of the Rajasthan University of Health Sciences have made our vast and pop- path to reform at the initial "Given our country's popu- Gopal Prasad Tamrakar and rashtra recorded 45 deaths in In a communique to chief
(RUHS) hospital where he hung himself with the help of a bed sheet. ulous country self-reliant in stages may cause misappre- lation density, diversity of Ramesh Arya and deputy 24 hours, Kerala 20, and Del- secretaries of all states and
The guard on duty at the floor found Mangla hanging in the ward food grains and dairy prod- hensions. However, it is be- cultural traditions, natural superintendent Mahavir Singh hi, Chhattisgarh, UP and UTs, union home secretary
and informed the hospital authorities who informed the Pratap Nagar ucts. Despite adversities of yond doubt the government and geographical challenges, Rawat of Madhya Pradesh. West Bengal 8 each. Ajay Bhalla strongly
police station. Mangla, 45, was nabbed by the CBI 4 years back, nature, numerous other chal- remains singularly devote to taking precautionary meas- Also, 39 jail staff bagged the The recovery rate has gone emphasised the National
accepting a bribe of Rs1 lakh in Jhalawar town, about 350 km south lenges and the Covid-19 pan- farmers' welfare." He ignored ures against Covid-19 was far correctional service medal for up to 96.83% as 13,298 recov- Regulatory Authority in the
of Jaipur. On January 22, a CBI special court had convicted Mangla in demic, our farmers sus- opposition parties' complaint more difficult for us. Yet, we meritorious service and they eries in 24 hours pushed up country has found the 2
the case and sentenced him to 5 years imprisonment. Before being tained the agricultural pro- the laws that pinch the farm- have managed to check the include Dilip Kumar Bhan, the gross to 103.30 lakh. India vaccines — Covishield, by SII
taken to jail, the officer had been admitted in RUHS for a Covid-19 duction." ers were brought without spread of the virus to a large section officer and warder has so far conducted a total of and Covaxin by Bharat
test on Sunday and was found to be positive. —FPJ Correspondent He said a grateful nation is consultations with them and extend," he said on behalf of Iqbal Ahmed from J&K, warder 19.23 crore tests, 5.70 lakh of Biotech Ltd — were safe and
fully committed to the wel- pushed through Parliament the government. Rampal Singh and head them in 24 hours. immunogenic.
AT -4°C, ABU COLDEST IN RAJ; -13°C IN KEYLONG fare of our farmers, ignoring without a proper debate. The President highlighted warders Ajay Bahadur Singh Pichai commits $150mn for

M ercury dipped in parts of Rajasthan where Mount Abu, the sole

hill station in the desert state, recorded a low of -4°C. In the
plains, Churu and Bhilwara were recorded as the coldest places with
the farmers' loud cry and the
opposition parties petition-
ing him the farm laws
The President said "just as
our hardworking farmers en-
sure food security for the
how PM Modi "converted a
crisis into an opportunity"
by giving a call for "Atma-
and Iqbal Ahmed, hawaldars
Uttam Gwade, Santosh
Manchekar and Baban
equitable access to vaccines
Alphabet and Google CEO
Sundar Pichai on Monday
triumph of scientific
achievement, and quickly.
The tech giant announcing
3.4°C. Meanwhile, Keylong, Kalpa and Manali in Himachal continued brought by the Modi govern- country, the brave soldiers of Nirbhar Bharat" or a "self-re- Namdev Khandare from pledged more than $150 mil- an additional $100 million in
to shiver at sub-zero temperatures on Monday, the IMD said. ment are not for the farmers' the armed forces ensure se- liant India" and affirmed it is Maharashtra, and Rajasthan's lion to promote vaccine ed- ad grants for the CDC Foun-
Keylong, the administrative centre of the tribal district of Lahaul and welfare but their ruin. curity of our national bound- in line with the aspiration to superintendent Govind Singh, ucation and ensure equi- dation, the World Health Or-
Spiti, continued to be the coldest place in the state at -13.1°C. Kalpa Kovid rather described the aries amid severest condi- shape a New India by 2022 deputy jailor Ajeet Singh, and table distribution so every- ganization (WHO) and non-
and Manali recorded a low of -3.3°C and -1°C respectively. farmers' agitation because of tions." Every citizen is proud when the country turns 75. warder Chhotu Singh. one can benefit from this profits around the globe.

Andhra couple
kills daughters 32 win Pradhan Mantri Bal Puraskar Attempt to murder
case against
Govt, PCI get
SC notice to
to resurrect them
MADANAPALLE: A highly super-
for outstanding accomplishments Rajasthan MLA
regulate media
OUR BUREAU / New Delhi
stitious teacher couple killed their NEW DELHI: Jyoti Kumari, scribed in words." started his own non-profit
2 daughters, believing they could who cycled from Gurgaon to “During the Covid-19 lock- (Girls, Say YES) to promote A case of attempt to murder The Supreme Court on Mon-
be resurrected at Madanapalle in Dharbhanga in Bihar with down, she traversed 1,200 km women's empowerment. was lodged against a Ra- day issued notice to the gov-
Andhra’s Chittoor district. her father amid the Covid-19 from Sikandarpur, Haryana The youngest awardee this jasthan MLA and 6 others by ernment and the Press Coun-
V Purushotam Naidu, lecturer in lockdown, and Rakesh Krish- to Darbhanga, Bihar to reach year is Kumari Prasiddhi Bhiwadi police on Monday cil of India (PCI) on a PIL

New-Gen Akash missile

a govt women’s degree college na K, the inventor of a multi- home," the citation issued for Singh, a 7-year-old social vol- for an alleged attack on the filed to set up an independent
and his wife V Padmaja, a maths purpose seed-sowing ma- her by the Women and Child unteer from Chengalpattu son of a BJP leader. regulatory media tribunal or
teacher in Masterminds IIT Talent chine, were among the 32 Development Ministry said. district of Tamil Nadu. She Baljeet Yadav, 42, an inde- a judicial body to hear the
School committed the murders on
Sunday evening. “It appears they
were following some superstitious
children conferred the Prad-
han Mantri Bal Puraskar for
their outstanding
Mohammad Shadab, 17,
won the award for his excel-
lence in scholas-
has been awarded for her
work in social sector.
"She is the founder of
pendent MLA from Behror,
denied any role in the attack.
He said Mohit was injured in
test-fired successfully complaints on hate speeches,
fake and paid news and com-
munal propaganda.
beliefs like after death they will accomplishments. tics. The son of a Prasiddhi Forest and has an accident but his father is BALASORE (Odisha): India on Monday successfully test-fired A Bench headed by CJI SA
be resurrected and life can be put Her resilience had motor mechanic, been in the India Book of giving it a political colour the new-generation Akash missile from an integrated test Bobde, and also comprising
into them,” Chittoor SP S Senthil drawn praise from Shadab from Ali- Records for being the and trying to gain sympathy. range off the Odisha coast, an official statement said. Justices AS Bopanna and V
Kumar told IANS. former US Presi- garh, UP, is an In- youngest fruit forest creator Mohit Yadav, son for former The surface-to-air missile was launched from Chandipur Ramasubramanian admitted
Kumar said Naidu and Padmaja dent Trump’s dian Youth Am- in the country. At a young minister Jaswant Yadav was ITR in the afternoon. The Akash-NG (new-generation) missile the writ petition by 2 Pune-
are currently in a deranged daughter and then bassador to the age, Prasiddhi created 8 fruit allegedly attacked by some will be used by the Indian Air Force to intercept high-ma- based activist — film-maker
mental state and it appears they senior WH adviser Ivanka, US. "He won a scholarship of forests in govt schools and persons near Behror in Al- noeuvring low radar cross-section aerial threats, it said. Nilesh Navalakha and civil
were living in occult practices, who had termed it a "beauti- $28,000 from the US Dept of public places and planted war, 100 km from Jaipur, on “The missile intercepted the target with textbook precision. engineer Nitin Memane and
which he said is the motivation ful feat of endurance and State for his brilliant mind 9,000 trees to feed birds and Sunday. Mohit received in- The launch met all the test objectives by performing high ma- agreed to hear it at the next
them to kill their daughters. Of love". and efforts to improve the squirrels and give fresh juries in his back, hands and noeuvres during the trajectory. The performance of the com- hearing on March 12.
the murdered 2, elder daughter "She might seem like any world and topped his Ameri- fruits to everyone," said the legs and was taken to hospi- mand and control system, on-board avionics and aerodynam- The plea said such a high-
Alekhya (27) completed a forest other girl of her age, but the can high school," his citation citation. tal. His father Jaswant Yadav ic configuration of the missile was successfully validated dur- powered tribunal can review
studies diploma in Bhopal while courage and strength that said. Shadab has served over Kumari Venish Keisham, alleged the attack was car- ing the trial," the statement said. entire legal framework relat-
the younger one Sai Divya (22) she displayed by covering 200 community service 15, from Imphal West district ried out at the behest of Bal- During the test launch, the entire flight path of the missile ed to media business regula-
studied BBA. Divya was also a 1,200 km on a bicycle, that too hours and given more than 50 of Manipur, won the award jeet Yadav. He threatened to was monitored and the flight data was captured by various tions and suggest guidelines
student of AR Rahman Music with her ailing father on the presentations to promote In- for her excellence in the field commit suicide if the perpe- range instruments. The multi-function radar was tested for to inflict consequences on
School in Chennai. rear seat, cannot be de- dian culture and values. He of art and culture. trators were not punished. its capability of integration with the system, sources said. the media organisations and
journalists for acting in a
FOUNDATION-LAYING OF MASJID IN AYODHYA fashion contrary to the con-


stitutional goals and morali-
ty. Notices were also issued to

Sunni Board ordered

respondents— News Broad-
casting Standards Authority,
SRAWAN SHUKLA nipur mosque’ till we decide by madrasa students. News Broadcasters Associa-
Lucknow to rename it.” He, however, It will be followed by a tree tion, News Broadcasting Fed-
SRAWAN SHUKLA / Lucknow 1, 2020 due to Covid pandemic claimed the IICF was actively plantation drive by the Foun- eration and the PTI.
on September 30 last. The bench On the eve of foundation lay- considering to name a part of dation members. Trees from
In a significant development on has appointed the principal secre- ing ceremony of Ayodhya the mosque project to Ah- the Amazon jungle and Aus-
the eve of foundation laying tary minority as the administrator mosque, the Indo-Islamic madulah Shah, a great revo- tralia, famous for its oxygen LAW COMMISSION HEADLESS:
ceremony of Dhannipur mosque of the Sunni Board. However, it Cultural Foundation (IICF) lutionary and freedom fight- producing capacity, will be SC ISSUES NOTICE: The SC issu-
in Ayodhya, the Allahabad HC has did not cancel decisions by Sunni clarified it has no plans to er from Ayodhya. planted along with fruit- ed a notice to the law ministry on
set aside order of the Yogi govt to Board during the extension. dedicate the shrine to 1857 “Many of us like the sug- bearing saplings. “The entire appointment of the chairman of
extend the tenure of the UP Sunni Jafryab Jilani, the exceutive mutiny martyr Ahmadullah gestion of naming a part of complex will be environ- the Law Commission on the post
Central Waqf Board, the owner of member of AIMPLB, the highest Shah. The IICF has been the project (Indo-Islamic Cul- ment-friendly,” said Hussain. lying vacant since retirement of
the allotted land. decision-making body of Muslims tasked with constructing Ay- tural Research Centre) to Ah- will be named after Ah- named after any Mughal The secretary said of the 5 Justice (retd) BS Chauhan in
A 2-member bench of the in India, alleged Sunni Board odhya mosque by the Sunni madullah Shah, who was not madullah Shah, the secre- emperor or ruler, including acres land, the mosque will August 2018. It acted on a PIL by
Allahabad HC comprising Justice tenure was extended by the state Central Waqf Board after the only a great freedom fighter tary reiterated “as of now Babar. The foundation- be built on 1,400 square me- BJP leader advocate Ashwini
Govind Mathur and Justice SS govt to begin the construction of Supreme Court mandated 5 of India’s first war of inde- the mosque will be known as stone of the Dhannipur tres. "In the remaining land, Kumar Upadhyay, pointing out
Shamsheri ordered to dissolve the the mosque hurriedly. “The mos- acres to Board for construc- pendence in 1857 but a har- Dhannipur mosque and with moque will be laid on Tues- a 200-bed super specialty hos- vacancy of many other members
Sunni Board and ordered fresh que is built against Shariat and tion of mosque in Ayodhya binger of communal harmo- no other name till we find day on the Republic Day in a pital, a publishing house, of the panel. The plea sought
election before February 28. Waqf Act under pressure from the Talking to the FPJ, the IICF ny,” he claimed. any other suitable name.” simple function attended by community kitchen, a li- appointment of the chairman and
The Yogi government had BJP govt,” he told FPJ. IICF has secretary Athar Hussain Reacting to reports appear- He reiterated the Founda- all 9 IICF members after brary and Indo-Islamic Cul- members in a month and declare
extended the tenure of the Sunni neither invited AIMPLB office- said, “Ayodhya mosque will ing in a section of the media tion has decided in princi- hoisting the tricolor and tural Research Centre will be it as a statutory body to save it
Board, which had expired on April bearers nor litigants. continue to be called ‘Dhan- that the Ayodhya mosque ple the mosque will not be singing of national anthem developed,” he added. from becoming non-functional.
Amarinder lays foundation stone of Jallianwala Bagh Memorial park
CHANDIGARH/AMRITSAR: Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder
Singh on Monday laid the foundation stone of the
Jallianwala Bagh Centenary Memorial park at Amritsar,
dedicated to unsung heroes of the massacre. He paid an
emotional tribute to the unsung heroes of the Jallianwala
Bagh massacre and to their families by reciting a poem. The
chief minister virtually laid the foundation of the memorial
park. To be built at a cost of Rs 3.52 crore, the memorial will
have soil brought by the kin of martyrs or


Farmers threaten to March to Parliament
They have already rejected outright the government's latest offer last


week to suspend the implementation of the three laws for one-and-a-
half years. Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar reiterated this was
the best offer they could have made and the farmers should consider it,
as repeal of laws was just not acceptable to the government.The unions
claim around two lakh tractors are expected to participate in the parade,
SHANKAR RAJ which is intended to exhibit that the agitation is not just restricted to
Bengaluru Haryana or Punjab.
N CHITHRA / Chennai Huge security arrangements have been made for the tractor rally, which
Jayashree Ramaiah, Kanna- will begin at 10 am after the R-Day parade at Rajpath concludes. The
da actor of the Bigg Boss Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who farmers’ procession will move along the Ring Road. 
fame, allegedly committed campaigned in Tamil Nadu for the third
suicide after battling a long consecutive day on Monday, questioned Guv has time for Kangana but..
bout of depression. She was why Prime Minister Narendra Modi He accused the Centre for not inquiring about the conditions of the
found dead at an old age home had not ordered an inquiry into prior in- farmers, who were weathering inclement conditions, steadfastly
in Bengaluru on Monday. formation made available to a journalist demanding the repeal of the new farm laws.
Born in Kerala but settled on the Balakot airstrikes. Pawar also led a scathing attack against Maharashtra Governor BS
in Bengaluru, 41-year-old to battle depression. I am fi- “Only the Prime Minister, Home Min- Koshyari saying that the latter had time to meet actor Kangana Ranaut
Jayashree had long spells of nancially strong but I am de- ister, Defence Minister, National Securi- but not farmers from the state who had wanted to submit a
depression. In July last year, pressed.” ty Adviser and the Forward Defence memorandum. The NCP chief took a dig at the governor, saying, "You
she had written in a Face- She deleted that post too General knew of the mission. Even the are all going to the governor. But Maharashtra has not seen such a
book post, “I quit. Goodbye to and put a fresh post saying, pilots, tasked with the operation, did not governor before. He has time to meet Kangana Ranaut but not farmers.
this world and depression.” “Thanks a lot Sudeep sir for know it until the launch of the mission. He should have been here to speak to you but he is not." Farm leaders
However, she deleted her post your care and you saved me But the journalist knew the information Ashok Dhawale and Ajit Nawale claimed that the governor had left
later and said, “I’m all right along with your team mem- three days before the strike," he told me- Mumbai despite making an appointment to meet the delegation. They
and safe! Love you all.” bers and my loving friends diapersons in Karur district. said the farmers would present their memorandum to the President of
Following the Facebook and fans. Love you all! Sorry The Congress leader was ostensibly India. However, the Raj Bhavan issued a release late in the evening
post, actor Kiccha Sudeep for making you guys panic. I referring to the recent WhatsApp chat saying that the governor was not slated to meet the delegation on
had reached out to her. How- am back to form.” leaks between Republic TV's Arnab Monday as he was going to be in Goa, to address the first session of
ever, she responded in an FB According to Jayashree’s Goswami and BARC’s Partho Dasgupta. the state legislature. ‘‘It was communicated to Samyukta Shetkari
live post saying, “I am not do- close friend Shilpa, the actor “My question is simple. Why is that
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi interacts with a young supporter at Dharapuram during his Morcha leader Dhananjay Shinde and convener Prakash Reddi through
ing all of these things for had isolated herself from her there is no inquiry to find out who election campaign for the forthcoming Tamil Nadu Assembly poll in Karur on Monday. —PTI letters about the governor's unavailability in Mumbai. Shinde, through
publicity’s sake. I am not ex- family and friends over the leaked the information. If it is not the dian Air Force, the nation at risk. I want involved in leaking the secret informa- WhatsApp, had confirmed the receipt of the governor’s letter,’’ said the
pecting financial help from last few months and had PM, why has he not ordered an inquiry to find out who it is? The PM should tion,” he alleged. Raj Bhavan release. Earlier, Pawar said, "This government is trying to
Sudeep sir. I am only expect- stopped responding to their into the treason that has taken place. have found out who that is. The only rea- It has compromised the Official Se- destroy farmers. And you have shown by your strength that you can
ing my death as I am unable calls and messages. One of these five people has put the In- son he has not done it, is because he is crets Act, he added. topple such a government." Maharashtra Congress chief Balasaheb
Thorat said Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray had appointed a
committee to find a solution. "We will try to pass a law in the state that


is for farmers, not against them," he said.
India, China faced off in Naku La last week

IN FRONT OF PM: BENGAL CM unites against BJP

When asked about the incident in Naku La, Chinese Foreign Ministry
Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said: "On the specific incident you mentioned,
I don't have any information to offer."
Zhao told a media briefing in Beijing that the Chinese border troops are
ARITRA SINGHA front to safeguard the status committed to upholding peace and tranquillity along the border with

It should be renamed as Bharat Jalao Party: Mamata Kolkata

The artistes’ forum on Sun-

of the actors, Debolina
claimed that had she done
any wrong then capital pun-
India. In view of the tense border row with China in eastern Ladakh, the
Army has significantly ramped up deployment of troops in all sensitive
areas along the nearly 3,500-km-long LAC including in the Sikkim and
to insult and demean people.
Some level headed BJP
Nobody should be day staged an agitation de-
manding a non political plat-
ishment would have been
the ultimate thing and not
Arunachal sectors. India has all along been maintaining that the onus is
on China to carry forward the process of disengagement and de-
cadres did it purposely. BJP ashamed at chanting form to safeguard the state rape. escalation at the friction points in the mountainous region.
Chief Minister Mamata
Banerjee at a public meeting
should be renamed as Bharat
Jalao Party,” further added
Jai Shri Ram: Raut and nation from the alleged
atrocities of the BJP.
Demanding that everyone
should make themselves BMC mulls 'muni bonds' to raise cash...
in Hooghly said that she will the West Bengal Chief Minis- MUMBAI: Shiv Sena MP The poll analysts however safe from the atrocities of In an attempt to prevent any further financial crisis, the civic body, at its
beat the BJP politically after ter. Sanjay Raut on Monday, believe that unity of the the BJP, Debolina men- general body meeting in August 2020, had approved a Rs 2,500 crore
being allegedly 'insulted' at Targeting the potential de- referring to the incident in Artistes can bring a major tioned that that on one side budgetary cut from its capital expenditure for the financial year 2020-
Victoria Memorial due to 'Jai fectors from the TMC Mama- which West Bengal Chief blow for the BJP in the as- BJP claims to be with the 21. Major cuts were approved in funds allocated to various
Shri Ram' chants. ta said that those intending Minister Mamata Banerjee sembly elections scheduled Hindus on the other side infrastructure projects in Mumbai such as the coastal road, the Gargai
“Birth Anniversary cele- to leave the party should do did not deliver her speech in a couple of months. they don’t respect women. dam, road works and financial aid to the cash-strapped BEST
bration of Netaji had noth- that immediately. "in protest" on Netaji Bose's Controversy rose between “Abusive comments were undertaking. Apart from this, the civic body had also asked all its
ing to do with political slo- public rally at Hooghly’s Pur- Slamming the TMC Supre- birthday in Kolkata after 'Jai the artistes and the BJP over made about my mother on departments to slash their revenue expenditure by at least 20 per cent.
gans. Had they raised slo- surah. mo, the saffron camp urged Shree Ram' slogans were a recent chat show, where social media by the BJP "We managed Covid-related expenses by using contingency funds and
gans in praise of Netaji I Taking a pot shot at the Mamata to first review the raised, said that nobody most of the artistes spoke in youth wing leader. The BJP had to defer some projects. But we continue to face a huge financial
would have saluted them. BJP, the TMC supremo actual reason for the defec- should feel ashamed of the favour of eating beef. is destroying the democrat- gap, which we do not want to continue with in the next financial year.
They don’t know me, they are claimed that ‘demeaning tions. slogans. "Secularism of the Bengali actor Debolina ic fabric of the country. Hence, we are considering issuing municipal bonds," said a senior BMC
purposely teasing me and ‘someone is the culture of Incidentally, expelled nation is not threatened by Dutta was also trolled in so- They worship Durga but official. A municipal bond, commonly known as a 'muni bond', is a bond
taunting in front of Prime the BJP. leader Baishali Dalmiya, met the chanting of Jai Shri Ram cial media by BJP youth don’t respect women. It is issued by a local government or territory, or one of their agencies. It is
Minister Narendra Modi. I “Will you insult anyone by governor Jagdeep Dhankhar slogans. Nobody should feel wing leader Tarunjyoti Ti- very easy to curse a woman generally used to finance public projects such as roads, schools, airports
am a political person and I inviting that person at your to report him against the al- ashamed by the chanting of wari who had even given by physically and verbally and seaports, and infrastructure-related repairs. The Securities and
will beat them politically,” home? This is not the culture leged ‘violent’ law and order the slogans," said Raut. rape threats to the actor. insulting her,” said the Ben- Exchange Board of India (SEBI) circulated detailed guidelines in 2015 for
mentioned Mamata from a of Bengal. It is BJP's culture situation in West Bengal. Urging for a non-political gali actor. urban local bodies to raise funds by issuing municipal bonds. In 2019,
the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation had raised Rs 200 crore by
selling ‘muni bonds’ for funding urban infrastructure development. With
Sasikala's release
confirmed on Jan From ‘scam-tainted’ Cong suspends Puducherry a maturity of five years, the bonds offered an interest rate of 8.7 per
cent. A few other municipalities, including Pune, have also raised funds
by issuing municipal bonds.
27: Dhinakaran
CHENNAI: VK Sasikala, the
to ‘extortionist’ minister after ‘quit’ notice
The idea of raising a municipal bond was first suggested by former BMC
Commissioner Sitaram Kunte in 2014. However, since the civic body
was not facing a crisis like this then, the suggestion was not considered
jailed former aide of late Tamil War of words between Suvendu, Abhishek further. "Our credentials are good, so we are expecting to get an interest
Nadu Chief Minister J N CHITHRA / Chennai It was suspected that the de- dulging in anti-party activities. rate of 6-6.5 per cent if we float the bonds now. The bond period will
Jayalalithaa, will be formally ARITRA SINGHA / Kolkata tainted person since child- cisions to resign was orches- Namassivayam was disillu- be 10-15 years," the official added.
released on January 27, her hood. He claimed he has done Hours after veteran trated by the BJP just as in sioned ever since his claim for
nephew and Amma Makkal War of words continued be- an MBA from a university that Puducherry Congress leader Karnataka and Madhya Chief Ministership was over- Crowding of trains big worry
Munnetra Kazhagam leader TTV tween the new BJP leader Su- doesn’t exist. Lotus had al- and Public Works Depart- Pradesh. However there was looked by the Congress high "The CM discussed various options on how to resume local train services
Dhinakaran confirmed on vendu Adhikari and Chief ready bloomed in my family ment Minister A Namassi- no confirmation of the same command four years ago. for all in such a way that there would be no crowding, as the
Monday. However since she is Minister Mamata Banerjee’s and by February 16 I will make vayam announced his deci- as it remained unclear where It was being rumoured the coronavirus pandemic is not over yet," informed the Chief Minister's
undergoing treatment for nephew Abhishek Banerjee. lotus bloom at Abhishek’s res- sion to quit from the Cabinet Namassivayam and Theep- BJP, which had managed to Office. Mumbai locals were shut down to the public ever since the
COVID-19 at a Bengaluru A day after TMC MP Ab- idence,” added Suvendu. and legislatorship, he was painthan were headed. get three of its members nom- nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020.
hospital, her return to Tamil hishek Banerjee called BJP Addressing Abhishek’s suspended from the party on On Sunday night, Namassi- inated to the Assembly Services were resumed on June 15, only for essential services staff, as
Nadu will be decided based on leader Suvendu Adhikari 's- claim that Suvendu was seen Monday. Along with Namas- vayam had announced his in- through Lieutenant Gover- identified by the Government of Maharashtra. Currently, differently-abled
her discharge on medical cam-tainted', Adhikari on in the sting video taking sivayam, another Congress tention to quit. However the nor Kiran Bedi had got in people, cancer patients, women, and lawyers are allowed to travel by
advice, he tweeted. Monday slammed back at bribes, Suven said just be- MLA E Theeppainthan re- Congress on Monday expelled touch with a few ruling Con- train, along with essential workers. Railway officials informed that about
Sasikala along with her sister- Abhishek saying that all the cause the rest of the leaders signed from their Assembly him from the primary mem- gress MLAs attempting to 12 lakh commuters are travelling daily.
in-law Illavarasi and estranged claims of Abhishek are ma- in the video didn’t defect so membership. bership of the party for in- wean them away. ‘‘Railway officials hinted that if the public is permitted to travel in one
nephew VN Sudhagaran was nipulated. they are not scam tainted. go, there will be crowding. So they decided to come up with some more
jailed at the Parappanna Challenging the nephew of “There are several other options. There will be another meeting on Wednesday or any other day,
C’garh, Guj farmers
Agrahara prison in Bengaluru in
February 2017 after the
Supreme Court upheld their
the CM, Suvendu said by Feb-
ruary 16 he will make ‘lotus
bloom’ within the family of
leaders in the sting video.
Just because Mukul Roy and
I defected to the saffron camp to join tractor rally Another reshuffle in K’taka as per the CM’s availability,’’ said a senior bureaucrat who was present
at today’s meeting. “Currently, we are operating more than 90 per cent
of local train services and do not have any problems. We are waiting for
conviction in a corruption case Abhishek Banerjee. so we are bad,” mentioned RAIPUR: To register protest SHAKAR RAJ ister at this stage may nega- the state government directive on allowing the general public. A
by a Special Court. –N Chithra “Abhishek has been a scam the newly defected leader. against three controversial farm Bengaluru tively impact the ongoing decision is expected soon, once the pandemic situation is reviewed,” a
laws, farmers of Chhattisgarh vaccination drive. railway official said. Another railway official said while there was no

Anti-conversion: SC
and Gujarat jointly stage In a move to keep his cabinet Senior minister Mad- harm in operating local train services for all, they would have to put in
demonstrations at many places members happy, Karnataka huswamy, who was stripped place crowd management arrangements at railway stations, though the
QUICK LOOK on Delhi borders on Republic Chief Minister BS Yediyu- off his prime portfolios of number of cases had reduced and vaccines had arrived. A final decision

no to cases' transfer
Day. rappa Monday carried out Law, Parliamentary Affairs would be taken after considering the number of cases across
SC DISMISSES AP'S APPEAL Thousands of farmers from another shuffling, making it and Minor Irrigation on Jan- Maharashtra. “There has not yet been any finalisation on resumption of
AGAINST HC ORDER: In a Chhattisgarh have already the second change in two uary 13 has now been given train services for the public. Discussions are underway. Only after
setback to YS Jagan Mohan reached the Delhi borders. weeks since he expanded his the Tourism Department, completely reviewing the situation with the state government and the
Reddy government, the Farmer leader Sudesh Tikam cabinet on January 13. It was Ecology and Environment observance of coronavirus protocols, will local train services be
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday declined to Supreme Court on Monday along with one hundred farmers only on Friday that the CM portfolios. resumed,” he said.
entertain a plea by the UP government to transfer all petitions dismissed its appeal against the of Rajnandgaon district have had reallocated some portfo- Anand Singh who was pre-
against the anti-conversion ordinance pending in the Allahabad High Court order upholding already reached the Delhi border lios owing to dissidence. viously holding portfolios of NOCs for street parking
HC to itself. A bench headed by CJI SA Bobde said it would like State Election Commission on Monday to join the tractor In the latest shuffling, he Ecology and Environment "Cuffe Parade and Colaba are two places which will benefit from this
to take advantage of a decision by the HC, where the matter is decision to hold gram Panchayat rally. changed portfolios of three Departments, got Infrastruc- initiative, which will be implemented throughout the city. These NOCs
slated for hearing in February. Senior Advocate PS Narasimha, elections in the state saying, While Speaking to Free Press ministers. Health Minister ture Development and Haj however, will be temporary in nature and traffic police can withdraw
representing the UP govt, said identical petitions challenging the "We cannot be part of this ego Journal Sudesh Tikam said, Dr K Sudhakar got the Med- and Waqf Departments. this street parking permission when required. Also, If any vehicle is
ordinance were pending in the HC. The apex court said it was battle". The State government “Thousands of farmers from ical Education Department On January 13, Yediyurap- found misusing the permission, we will revoke permission immediately,"
aware of the HC cases when it issued notice in the matter earlier. has sought postponement of Chhattisgarh have already back after it was allocated to pa had inducted seven new Yadav said.
"If the High Court is going to decide the cases, why should we Panchayat polls due to the reached Singhu, Tikri and JC Madhuswamy on Janu- ministers — Umesh Katti,
interfere?" the bench remarked. The counsel for the respondents ongoing COVID-19 vaccination Gajipur borders and a good ary 23. Sudhakar had pub- Aravind Lumbavali, MTB Green tax proposed on...
submitted that the High Court had listed the matter for hearing drive. The top court observed number of peasants are still licly expressed his ire and ap- Nagaraj, CP Yogeshwar, R Since the commercial vehicles, though constituting 5% of the total
on February 2. that elections have been held in coming to join the protest on prehension that the handling Shankar, S Angara and Mu- vehicles, contribute about 65-70% of the total vehicular pollution, those
far more difficult conditions and Republic Day”. of the Medical Education De- rugesh Nirani after a 17- older than eight years will be charged @10% to 25% of the road tax at
successfully". –Avdhesh Mallick partment by a different min- month-wait. the time of renewal of the fitness certificate. Even public transport
COMMUTE DEATH OF BEANT’S vehicles, such as city buses, will be charged lower green tax. Exempted
are vehicles used for farming, such as tractors, harvesters and tillers, as
KILLER IN 2 WEEKS: SC Gumnam hai koi: Netaji...

KERALA HC GRANTS BAIL TO somewhat by the actor's rather convincing also vehicles with hybrid fuel, electric vehicles and alternate fuels like
NEW DELHI: The SC on Monday gave SUSPENDED IAS OFFICER government alleging that that after donating Rs. 5 portrayal of the iconic Bengali freedom fighter. CNG, LPG or ethanol. The rates drawn up in the draft notification vary
2 weeks to the Centre to decide on SIVASANKAR: The Kerala HC on lakh to the Ayodhya Ram temple, President Kovind Interestingly, most Bengalis seemed convinced for different fuels like petrol and diesel as also type of vehicles. Revenue
the commutation of the death Monday granted conditional bail had "honoured Netaji by unveiling a portrait of that the portrait was not of Netaji. The West collected from the Green Tax is to be kept in a separate account and
sentence on Balwant Singh Rajoana to suspended IAS officer M Prosenjit, the actor who played him in the biopic". Bengal Congress party even took to Twitter with used for tackling pollution, and for enabling the States to set up state-of-
for assassination of then Punjab CM Sivasankar arrested by the ED on As is often the case, the controversy soon went off a sage remark about how "education matters". the-art facilities for emission monitoring.
Beant Singh of Congress in 1995 and October 28 in a money the tangent with 'Bhagat Singh,'Mangal Pandey’ BJP sources junked the theory, asserting that the
fixed further hearing on February 12. Solicitor General Tushar laundering case registered in and 'Sardar Patel' getting drawn into the rigmarole. photo was provided by Netaji's family to famous Japan PM, Paswan, Gogoi...
Mehta, appearing for the Centre, sought three weeks' time, connection with gold smuggling And it all harked back to one painting! Moitra the Padma Shri award winning artist Paresh Those awarded the Padma Vibhushan include music legend SP
saying the government was examining the mercy petition filed in the state. In a relief to the soon had company: In another deleted post, this Maity, who painted the portrait. Balasubramaniam and Delhi-based 96-year-old Islamic scholar Maulana
on his behalf. Stating that three weeks were unreasonable, Chief former principal secretary to time journalist Barkha Dutt spoke about her Chandra Kumar Bose, Netaji's grand-nephew and Wahiduddin Khan.As many as 102 have got the Padma Shri and they
Justice of India Sharad Bobde said: "We give you a last chance. Kerala CM, the Addl Chief outrage over the “utterly embarrassing” situation. a member of the BJP, also posted what he said include former Goa Governor and writer Mridula Sinha (posthumous),
Matter adjourned for two weeks." Judicial (Economic Offences) Calling it a portrait of Prosenjit, she added rather was the photo given for the portrait. writer Vinayak Vishnu Khedekar of Goa, Namdeo Kamble of
–-Our Bureau Court, Ernakulam, also granted confusingly that she had to "look twice to make BJP's social media chief Amit Malviya, in-charge Maharashtra, for literature and education, Ghulam Rasool Khan and
him default bail (accused entitled sure it had actually happened". Some were of Bengal, posted a sharp rejoinder: "If the neo- writer Chamanlal Sapru of Jammu and Kashmir, Lakha Khan of
Lawyers desirous of sharing important judgements, with a word to seek bail in case charge sheet ambivalent: they said that if this was not Bengal experts are done making a fool of Rajasthan in the category of art, as also Rajasthan's Arjun Singh
count of up to 200, can send them to is not filed in a specified period) Prosenjit Chatterjee, it was also certainly not themselves, outraging over the portrait of Netaji Shekhawat in literature and  Shyam Sundar Paliwal in social work,
Newspieces that meet all the requisite criteria, as per the in a case registered by Customs Netaji. And going by the number of un-deleted Subhash Chandra Bose, unveiled by the President Gujarati author Dr Chandrakant Mehta, business women Jaswantiben
editor’s discretion, will be published in The Free Press Journal. in connection with the smuggling posts, it would seem that many of the detractors of India, let me remind them that all their Jamnadas Popat, Girish Prabhune and Ms Sindhutai Sapkal of
of gold. of the portrait were not too sure of themselves. misplaced activism won't be able to save Maharashtra for social work and Kapil Tiwari of Madhya Pradesh in the
The confusion may have been amplified Mamata Banerjee..." literature and education category.
Heatwave raises bushfire danger in Australia
CANBERRA: The scorching heatwave sweeping Australia's
southeastern states continued on Monday, and the hot, dry
and windy conditions raised the bushfire danger across the
The temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius in Riverina
area of the state of New South Wales (NSW), where a high
fire danger was forecasted by the state's Bureau of
Meteorology, reports Xinhua news agency.


Claims corona emerged from US military lab
"It's purpose is to shift the has concluded that the vaccine an email. As a result, China is
Chinese state media have blame from mishandling by did not play a "contributory trying to raise doubts about the
played up questions about Pfiz- (the) Chinese government in role" in the Norway deaths. Pfizer vaccine to save face and
er's COVID-19 vaccine and the pandemic's early days to The state media coverage fol- promote its vaccines, he said.
whether it could be lethal to the conspiracy by the U.S.," said lowed a report by researchers Senior Chinese government
very old. A government Fang Shimin, a now-U.S.-based in Brazil who found the effec- officials have not been shy in
spokesperson suggests the coro- writer known for exposing tiveness of a Chinese vaccine voicing concerns about the
navirus could have emerged faked degrees and other fraud lower than previously an- mRNA vaccines developed by
from a U.S. military lab. in Chinese science. nounced. Researchers initially Western drug companies. They
State media and officials are "The tactic is quite successful said Sinovac's vaccine is 78 per use a newer technology than
sowing doubts about Western because of widespread anti- cent effective, but the scientists the more traditional approach
vaccines and the origin of the American sentiment in China." revised that to 50.4 per cent af- of the Chinese vaccines cur-
coronavirus in an apparent bid Yuan Zeng, an expert on Chi- ter including mildly sympto- rently in use.
to deflect the attacks. Both is- nese media at the University of matic cases. In December, the director of
sues are in the spotlight be- Leeds in Great Britain, said the After the Brazil news, re- the Chinese Centers for Dis-
cause of the ongoing rollout of government's stories spread so searchers at the Australian ease Control, Gao Fu, said he
vaccines globally and the re- widely that even well-educated Strategic Policy Institute, a can't rule out negative side ef-
cent arrival of a WHO team in Chinese friends have asked her government-supported think fects from the mRNA vaccines.
Wuhan, China, to investigate whether they might be true. tank, reported seeing an in- Noting this is the first time
the origins of the virus. In the latest volley, state media crease in Chinese media disin- they are being given to healthy
While fringe theories may called for an investigation into formation about vaccines. people, he said, "there are safe-
raise eyebrows overseas, the ef- the deaths of 23 elderly people Dozens of online articles on ty concerns." The arrival of
forts also target a more recep- in Norway after they received popular health and science the WHO mission has brought
tive domestic audience. The so- the Pfizer vaccine. An anchor at blogs and elsewhere have ex- back persistent criticism that
cial media hashtag "Ameri- CGTN, the English-language plored questions about the ef- China allowed the virus to
can's Ft. Detrick," started by station of state broadcaster fectiveness of the Pfizer vac- spread globally by reacting too
the Communist Youth League, CCTV, and the Global Times cine at length, drawing on an slowly in the beginning, even
was viewed at least 1.4 billion newspaper accused Western op-ed published this month in reprimanding doctors who
times last week after a Foreign media of ignoring the news. the British Medical Journal tried to warn the public. The
Ministry spokesperson called Health experts say deaths un- that raised questions about its visiting researchers will begin
for a WHO investigation of the related to the vaccine are possi- clinical trial data. field work this week after be-
biological weapons lab in ble during mass vaccination "It's very embarrassing" for ing released from a 14-day
Maryland. campaigns, and a WHO panel the government, Fang said in quarantine.

Mexican President has corona

Now, transgender no more CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN
Mexico City
taking over for him in his
daily news conferences, at
day, despite that the country
has registered nearly 150,000

banned from US military

which he usually speaks for COVID-19 deaths and more
Mexican President Andrés two hours without breaks than 1.7 million infections.
Manuel López Obrador has each weekday. Last week, the country regis-
said that he has tested posi- López Obrador, 67, has tered its highest levels of in-
tive for COVID-19 and that rarely fections and deaths to date.

President Biden is set to dump a ban ordered by

the symptoms are mild. Early in the pandemic, asked
Mexico's president, who how he was protecting Mexi-
has been criticised for his co, López Obrador removed
Donald Trump in a tweet during his first year in office handling of his country's
pandemic and for not set-
two religious amulets from
his wallet and proudly
ting an example of pre- showed them off.
vention in public, said "The protective shield
on his official Twitter is the Get thee behind
AGENCIES “If you're fit and you're qualified to serve and you can maintain the thority in his first days as account that he is under me, Satan,'" López
Washington president to dismantle medical treatment. Obrador said, reading
standards, you should be allowed to serve,” according to Biden's Trump's legacy. "I regret to inform you off the inscription on
President Joe Biden is set to newly confirmed defense secretary, retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin His early actions include that I am infected with the amulet, "Stop, enemy,
issue an executive order to orders to overturn a Trump COVID-19," he tweeted. for the Heart of Jesus is
reverse a Pentagon policy nounce the move as early as last week. inauguration, Biden's tran- administration ban on trav- "The symptoms are mild with me.
that largely bars transgen- Monday, according to the "I support the president's sition team circulated a elers from several predomi- but I am already under med-
der individuals from joining person briefed on the deci- plan or plan to overturn the memo from Ron Klain, now nantly Muslim countries, ical treatment. As always, I
the military, dumping a ban sion who spoke on the con- ban," Austin said. the White House chief of stop construction of the am optimistic. We will all
ordered by President Don- dition of anonymity to dis- "If you're fit and you're staff, that sketched out wall at the U.S.-Mexico bor- move forward." José Luis been
ald Trump in a tweet during cuss the order. qualified to serve and you Biden's plan to use his first der, and launch an initiative Alomía Zegarra, Mexico's seen wearing a mask and
his first year in office, a per- The move to reverse the can maintain the standards, full week as president "to ad- to advance racial equity. director of epidemiology, continued to keep up a busy
son briefed on the decision policy has the support of you should be allowed to vance equity and support Biden is also scheduled to said López Obrador had a travel schedule taking com-
tells The Associated Press. Biden's newly confirmed de- serve." The decision comes communities of color and hold a ceremonial swearing- "light" case of COVID-19 mercial flights.
Biden has been widely ex- fense secretary, retired as Biden plans to turn his at- other underserved commu- in ceremony on Monday at and was "isolating at home." He has also resisted lock-
pected to overturn the Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, tention to equity issues that nities." The move to over- the White House for Austin, Mexico's president wrote ing down the economy, not-
Trump policy in his early who spoke of the need to he believes continue to turn the transgender ban is who became the nation's that while he recovered In- ing the devastating effect it
days in office. overturn it during his Sen- shadow nearly all aspects of also the latest example of first Black defense secre- terior Secretary Olga would have on so many
The White House could an- ate confirmation hearing American life. Ahead of his Biden using executive au- tary. Sánchez Cordero would be Mexicans who live day to

Biden & Macron’s Anti-Bolsonaro

first tête-à-tête
flood Brazil House under repair:
LALIT K JHA / Washington need for close coordination,
Rio de Janeiro Kamala will be Joe’s guest
including through multilat- Thousands of Brazilians LALIT K JHA / Washington Sanders said.
Joe Biden sought to mend eral organisations, in tack- took the streets for a second The Washington Post reported
and bolster US' strained ties ling common challenges day Sunday to call for the US Vice President Kamala Harris is Sunday that crews are working on
with France in his first such as climate change, impeachment of President temporarily staying at the historic new liners for the chimneys, among
phone call as American Pres- COVID-19 and the global eco- Jair Bolsonaro, who is un- Blair House here as her official resi- other changes in the 33-room official
ident to his French counter- nomic recovery," it said in a der fire for his govern- dence is undergoing repairs, her residence of the vice president,
part Emmanuel Macron, as statement. ment's handling of COVID- spokesperson said. which was built in 1893.
the two leaders pledged to Biden and Macron also 19, which has raged Across the White House on Penn- Blair House, built as a private
work together on shared for- agreed to work together on through the country and sylvania Avenue, Blair House is the house in 1824, is the guest house of
eign policy priorities, includ- shared foreign policy priori- claimed more than 216,000 official guest house of the US Presi- the US President since 1942, where
ing China, and fight the ties, including China, the lives. dent. The official residence of the visiting foreign dignitaries normal-
COVID-19 pandemic and cli- Middle East, Russia, and Horn-honking cars parad- vice president is located within the ly stay. "It's such a cozy and beautiful
mate change. West Africa's Sahel region. ed through the streets of Naval Observatory Complex and is place. There is so much history here,
Biden called Macron on This was Biden's fourth Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo about seven kilometres northwest of and it tells the great story of our
Sunday and expressed his de- phone call with a foreign and a dozen or more other the White House. country. So many presidents have
sire to strengthen bilateral leader after being sworn in cities as other protesters The vice president's chief passed through that black and white
ties. He also stressed his com- as the US President. marched on foot, some call- spokesperson, Symone Sanders, told marble threshold. Yes, it has a lot of
mitment to bolstering the Biden's first two phone ing, "Get out Bolsonaro!" reporters here on Saturday that Har- square footage, but it feels like a
transatlantic relationship, calls have been with the lead- Sunday's protests were ris moved in on Thursday. home," Capricia Marshall, a former
including through NATO ers of its two neighbours - called by conservative "They (Harris and husband Doug chief of protocol and current board
and the United States' part- Prime Minister Justin groups that had once Emhoff) are living there while re- member of the Blair House Restora-
nership with the European Trudeau of Canada and backed the president, while pairs are done at the vice president's tion Fund, was quoted as saying by
Union, the White House said. President Andres Manuel those on Saturday had residence at the Naval Observatory," The Washington Post.
"The leaders agreed on the Lopez Obrador of Mexico. come from the left.

Lawmakers face death threats

Protesters storm Dutch ahead of impeachment trial
streets over COVID curfew AGENCIES / Washington

Federal law enforcement of-

Guard troops remain in
Washington as the Senate
moves forward with plans
AGENCIES lice clashed with hundreds rioting coincided with the ficials are examining a num- for Trump's trial, the official
The Hague of rioters who torched a first weekend of the new ber of threats aimed at mem- said.
car, threw rocks and fire- national coronavirus 9 p.m. bers of Congress as the sec- The shocking insurrection
Politicians and local lead- works at officers, smashed to 4:30 am curfew, but may- ond trial of former Presi- at the Capitol by a pro-
ers on Monday condemned windows and looted a su- ors stressed that the vio- dent Donald Trump nears, Trump mob prompted feder-
rioters who clashed with permarket at the southern lence was not the work of including ominous chatter al officials to rethink securi-
police in about 10 towns city's railway station. citizens concerned about about killing legislators or ty in and around its land-
and cities across the "My city is crying, and so their civil liberties. attacking them outside of marks, resulting in an un-
Netherlands a day earlier, am I," Eindhoven Mayor "These demonstrations the U.S. Capitol, a U.S. offi- precedented lockdown for
on the second night of a John Jorritsma told media are being hijacked by peo- cial told The Associated Biden's inauguration.
coronavirus curfew. Sunday night. In an emo- ple who only want one Press. Though the event went off
"It is unacceptable," tional impromptu press thing and that is to riot," The threats, and concerns without any problems and
Prime Minister Mark Rutte conference, he called the ri- Hubert Bruls, mayor of the that armed protesters could armed protests around the
said. "This has nothing to oters "the scum of the city of Nijmegen and return to sack the Capitol country did not materialize,
do with protesting, this is earth" and added "I am leader of a group of local anew, have prompted the U.S. the threats to lawmakers
criminal violence and that's afraid that if we continue security organisations, told Capitol Police and other fed- ahead of Trump's trial ex-
how we'll treat it." Worst hit down this path, we're on news talk show Op1 on Sun- eral law enforcement to in- emplified the continued po-
was Eindhoven, where po- our way to civil war." The day night. sist thousands of National tential for danger.
Twitter launches new emoji to celebrate Republic Day
NEW DELHI: As Indians across the world gear up to celebrate the 72nd Republic Day, Twitter on Monday announced the launch of a specially
dedicated emoji to mark this momentous occasion. The unique emoji design depicts the Indian Air Force (IAF) fly past in the Indian tri-colours.
The flypast soars the skies as part of the Republic Day celebrations each year. The emoji will be live until 30 January and will be available in
English as well as ten Indian languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Urdu, Kannada, Punjabi. Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, Telugu, Gujarati. –IANS

In India, there’s a deep digital

iPhone 13 may come
with smaller notch, The wonders of staying
divide between genders
better cameras
upcoming iPhone 13 series will
reportedly feature a redesigned
Face ID system that will allow luid intake is
for a smaller notch at the top of While the boys have easy access to mobile phones, computers and the internet, achieved
the screen. According to the young girls, on the other hand, have limited or zero access to such devices through the
sources, the next-generation food we eat and the
iPhones’ Face ID system will beverages we drink.
see some AGENCIES/ New Delhi cess. “Seventy-one per cent of On average, we get
design changes the girls do not own a mobile about 1 litre water

with the size of majority of young phone because they cannot through the food we
the notch at the girls in India have no afford it. 81 per cent of fami- eat, this number
top of the or limited access to ei- lies say they cannot afford KARISHMA CHAWLA varies from the food
screen to shrink ther mobile phones or com- one, while 79 per cent do not selections. For e.g.,
and their ultrawide angle lens puters, and this gap has have a computer at home. Fi- fruits and vegetables in the raw form have
upgraded from 5P to 6P, reports widened alarmingly during nancial constraints further the highest percentage of water, carbohy-
DigiTimes. the Covid-19 crisis, shows a alienate young girls from drates like cooked whole grains and
The new design will integrate new survey. The survey by technology. 84 per cent of lentils have a fair amount and foods high
Rx, Tx and flood illuminator New Delhi-based NGO Cen- girls do not have the money in fat have a very low water content like
into the same camera module, tre for Catalyzing Change to spend on internet access.” nuts and seeds. It is imperative to be well
similar to that of a LiDAR (C3) – conducted across 29 Even when families and hydrated throughout the day considering
scanner in the back camera districts in 10 states covering the widest, while Telangana the Covid-19 pandemic has adolescents can afford smart- the negative effects of dehydration and
module, to enable smaller 4,100 respondents – found reported the lowest differ- exacerbated the inequalities phones, computers or other positive effects of drinking water.
notch sizes. In addition, The Pro that there is a crisis of access ence between the percentage girls in India face, and “we digital devices, it is always � Fluid intake for men 3.7 litres ary complications. Therefore, good hy-
family of the next-generation to digital devices for adoles- of boys and girls having digi- need to work to keep them in the male family members’ us- � fluid intake for women 2.7 litres dration is crucial for persons with med-
iPhones reportedly will feature cent girls in India. tal access (12 per cent).” Ac- school”. The survey reveals age of such devices that is And this increases with physically ac- ical conditions such as diabetes, heart
a newly designed CMOS Image “Boys have easier access. In cording to C3 Executive Di- that financial affordability is prioritized, found the survey. tivity and weather conditions disease, high Bp, high uric acid and
Sensor (CIS), while the other Haryana, the gender gap is rector Dr Aparajita Gogoi, a major cause for lack of ac- –IANS Benefits of drinking water: arthritis.
models will adopt the CIS used 1. Hydration has a major effect on energy � Helps in faster recovery of muscles post
by the iPhone 12 Pro devices. levels. Good hydration is a key factor to exercise.
The CIS will be supplied mainly
SpaceX ridesharing help improve blood circulation and en- � Supports optimal brain function due to
by Sony.

OnePlus Buds Z
Women influenced coevolution mission launches
ergy levels and maintain good health.
2. Helps to strengthen our immune sys-
tem defenses and build better resist-
oxygen and glucose supply to the brain.
Tips to incorporate fluid intake on daily
limited edition
launched in India
of dogs, humans: Study record 143 satellites
ance to stress and infections.
3. Water is required for good digestion
and prevention of constipation aiding
1. Start the day with unsweetened lime
water/ apple cider vinegar in luke
warm water
NEW DELHI: OnePlus on AGENCIES / Washington women. They were more likely to be San Francisco gut health and thus reducing the 2. Breakfast: Can add diluted vegetable
Monday launched a limited included in family life, treated as chances of acne. juice

edition of its Buds Z in n a cross-cultural analysis, subjects of affection and generally, uch like ridesharing via Uber on 4. Having anti-aging and anti-catabolic ef- 3. Mid-morning: Coconut water/ unsweet-
collaboration found several factors may have people had greater regard for Earth, Elon Musk-run SpaceX fect, water helps preserve tissues and ened lime water
with Los played a role in building the mu- them.” While dogs are the oldest, has successfully launched its new reduce muscle loss and prevents sag- 4. 15 mins prior lunch: Sip on fennel
Angeles-based tually beneficial relationship be- most widespread domesticated ani- cost-cutting rideshare mission with 143 ging of skin and wrinkles. water
artist and tween humans and dogs, including mal, very few anthropologic studies small satellites – a new record for a single 5. Helps in getting rid of water retention 5. Lunch can add buttermilk
designer temperature, hunting and have directly focused on the human rocket – into space. and helps one look leaner. 6. Post lunch: Cinnamon water
Steven surprisingly - gender. relationship with canines. Yet when Called the Transporter-1 mission, the 6. Drinking sufficient water helps in 7. Unsweetened lime water in the evening
Harrington, for Rs 3,699 in The findings of the novel study by the WSU researchers searched the two-stage Falcon 9 rocket lifted off on Sun- weight loss! 8. Pre-dinner: Fennel water/ apple cider
India. According to the Washington State University re- extensive collection of ethnograph- day from the Cape Canaveral Space Force � Helps maintain higher LBM (lean body vinegar in luke warm water
company, the new OnePlus searchers was pub- ic documents in the Station in Florida. “Falcon 9 launches 143 mass) by supporting the structure of 9. Dinner: Add buttermilk
Buds Z Steven Harrington lished in the Journal Human Relations spacecraft to orbit – the most ever de- the body’s lean tissues, muscles. 10. Post dinner: Cinnamon water/
Edition features the artist's of Ethnobiology. It Area Files database, ployed on a single mission – completing � Improves blood circulation and deliv- chamomile tea
signature stylized graffiti along drops a hint that a they found thou- SpaceX’s first dedicated SmallSat ery of oxygen and nutrients to the � Sip on plain water, water infused with
with artistic caricatures and man’s best friend sands of mentions of Rideshare Programme mission,” SpaceX muscles and all body cells. mint or fruit pcs throughout the day.
designs. The limited-edition (dog) might actually dogs. said in a tweet. According to SpaceX, the � Ensures better energy levels, increase � Consume protein shakes, electoral or
earphones have a two-tone belong to a woman. Ultimately, they lo- rideshare programme offers cheap access in exercise performance and aids fat sports drink as per requirement.
purple and mint colour combo “We found that dogs’ cated data from to space for small satellite companies, loss. Not included in hydration: Tea, coffee,
with a matching charging case. relationships with more than 844 ethno- starting at $1 million for a 200-kg satellite. � Helps maintain body temperature dur- caffeine drink, energy drink, carbonated
On a full charge, these women might have graphers writing on Much like a “rideshare Uber”, a compa- ing exercise to help muscle contraction drinks, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages,
limited-edition earphones had a greater impact 144 traditional, sub- ny’s small satellite can hitch a ride to and physical activity. soft drinks, sweetened drinks like sherbet
provide an impressive 20 hours on the dog-human sistence-level soci- space with this new mision. � Helps with stronger immunity, better and milk.
of playback time, while a quick bond than relationships with men,” eties from all over the globe. Look- The SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket sent a mix compliance to exercise and nutrition Thirst is a late indicator of thirst. Hence
10-minute top-up provides said Jaime Chambers, a WSU an- ing at these cultures can provide in- of shoebox-sized CubeSats and much plan leading to faster and better fat loss it is imperative to drink every 1-1.5 hours
three hours of vibrant audio. It thropology Ph.D. student and first sight into how the dog-human rela- heavier micro-satellites to a 326-mile-high results. and until you feel thirsty. And interesting-
comes with three sizes of author. tionship developed, Chambers said. polar orbit. The 143 satellites include 48 Other benefits: ly a dehydrated body cannot burn fat, gain
silicone ear tips to ensure a “Humans were more likely to re- “Our modern society is like a blip in Earth imaging satellites, 17 tiny commu- � Helps maintain good health parameters muscle or reach its highest potential or
snug, stable and comfortable gard dogs as a type of person if the the timeline of human history,” she nications satellites, and 30 small satellites and helps in disease prevention/ man- performance!
fit. –IANS dogs had a special relationship with said. –ANI for the US and Europe by Germany-based agement and protection from second- (The writer is a Nutritionist and Lifestyle Educator)
Exolaunch. –IANS

1 Be (5)
6 Rock group Pink ____
9 Not modern (7)
10 Concerning (5)
11 Dangers (5)
12 People of Iraq (5)
13 What bartenders check
15 Unit of current (3)
17 Aquatic bird (4)
18 Off-course (6)
19 Adolescent (5)
20 Titania's husband (6)
BLONDIE / Dean Young & Mile Gersher 22 Mislay and not be able
to find (4)
24 Long-established (3) 3 Type of footwear (6) 15 Vacuum tube gas (5)
25 Abilities (7) 4 Trinitrotoluene (3) 16 Funeral fires (5)
26 Needing to scratch (5) 5 Rows (5) 18 Cornered with no
27 African tongue (5) 6 Polish (7) escape (2,3)
28 Capital of Tibet (5) 7 Hawaiian garlands ? (4) 19 Google's video-sharing
29 Vulcanite (7) 8 Columbia tributary (6) platform (7)
30 Herb (5) 12 Extension (3-2) 21 Whiten (6)
31 Apparel (5) 13 Eskimo's dwelling (5) 22 Libertine (6)
14 Provided the 23 State of equilibrium (6)
Down statements as a 25 Express gratitude (5)
2 Place of contentment crossword compiler ? 26 Bit of news (4)
(6) (5) 28 Limited in short? (3)
Lecher, 23 Stasis, 25
2 Xanadu, 3 Sandal, 4

Remembering the Mahatma

The Prayer of Surrender
YouTube, 21 Bleach, 22 18 Astray, 19 Youth, 20
– Dada J. P. Vaswani Pyres, 18 At bay, 19 Thyme, 31 Dress. Cards, 15 Amp, 17 Gull,

Every year, on January 30, India observes Martyrs’ Day as it is the death Clued, 15 Argon, 16 Lhasa, 29 Ebonite, 30 Risks, 12 Arabs, 13 ID
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The world reveres Gandhi as an everlasting here was a queen of a faraway realm, who vently, “O Lord, this child is no longer mine. She is Add-on, 13 Igloo, 14 Itchy, 27 Bantu, 28 Antique, 10 Anent, 11
symbol of courageous non-violence. was known for her piety and devotion. Her Thine. I surrender her to Thee absolutely. Do with 7 Leis, 8 Yakima, 12 Old, 25 Talents, 26 1 Exist, 6 Floyd, 9
baby princess fell ill, and the best doctors in her as Thou will.” TNT, 5 Tiers, 6 Furbish, Oberon, 22 Lose, 24
MEMORIALS around the world stand testimony the kingdom were asked to attend on the child. Tears flowed from her eyes even as she uttered
to the impact that Gandhiji’s life and beliefs
have had on so many people.
However, despite the best medical help, the child the words– for what mother could say of her child,
steadily grew worse. “This child is not mine, but Thine!” People can let EASY_PAGE_1_4.TIF
FPJ - SUDOKU - 104 Level: Hard
Last Days
Gandhiji spent his last days in Birla House, a
Day and night, the queen prayed fervently to go of many things– but not their own flesh and
mansion built by Ghanshyamdas Birla, a God, even as she cared for her ailing child, and at- blood!
prominent businessman. On January 30, 1948, tended to her every cry and whisper. “Lord, help With great effort, the queen persisted with her
Gandhiji was on his way to address a prayer my child,” she prayed. “May Your healing touch be prayer of surrender. Even as the child lay uncon-
meeting in the garden when he was shot to upon her, and make her better!” scious, she repeated, “This child is not mine, but
death. But the child did not get better. In fact, as days Thine. I surrender her unto Thee. Do with her as
The Indian government acquired the house passed, her condition deteriorated until, finally, Thou will.”
from the Birla family in 1971 and converted it to
a memorial. Renamed as Gandhi Smriti, the
the doctors gave up all hope and told the queen Gradually, the child grew better. The doctors
memorial was opened to the public on August Gandhi Smriti that they could not do anything more for the child. gasped at the miracle unfolding before their eyes
15, 1973. A holy man, who was visiting the palace at that as the child whom they had given up for lost, re-
At the entrance, a statue of Gandhiji flanked first digital multimedia museums, it uses time, suggested to the queen that she should try vived and returned in course of time to good
on either side by a girl and a boy holding a dove technology creatively to impart Gandhiji’s vision. the most efficacious of all prayers– the prayer of health.The prayer of surrender is perhaps the
greets you. It bears his inspiring words: ‘My life Other Memorials surrender. most difficult form of prayer. It puts our faith to
is my message.’ The place where he was � A 2.7m tall bronze statue of Gandhiji stands “What is the prayer of surrender?” asked the the ultimate test– that of surrendering our hopes
assassinated is marked by a Martyr’s Column. at the centre of the Pacifist Memorial, at
A line of footsteps leads to it, recreating the Peace Abbey in Sherborn, Massachusetts.
queen. “You surrender your child to God ab- and fears, even our very will to live, to the Will of
leader’s last walk. The six brick walls that radiate out from the solutely,” explained the holy man. “It becomes His God. How many of us can say to Him in absolute
A museum displays various memorabilia like statue has quotations of sixty peacemakers. responsibility to do with the child as He wills. You surrender– “Not my will, but Thy Will, be done!” WHAT TO DO: Fill in the grid so
photographs, sculptures, paintings, personal � More recently, in March 2015, a statue of do not have to ask anything on her behalf any- (Dada J.P. Vaswani is humanitarian, philosopher, that every row, every column
belongings, etc. Visitors can see the room where Gandhiji was unveiled in Parliament Square, more.” educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah and every 3x3 box contains the
he lived. In 2005, the Eternal Gandhi Multimedia London, to mark 100 years since he returned The queen sank on her knees and prayed fer- of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader.) digits 1 to 9. Every puzzle has
Museum was inaugurated. One of the world’s to India from South Africa. only one correct solution.
4324 / © 2020 Amrita Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Spiritual organisations keen to be featured in this space contact :

YOUR DAY By Nilikash P. Pradhan

ARIES: Business meetings, discussions will GEMINI: Minor health problems are likely LEO: Some exciting things are likely to happen LIBRA: Your earnings will increase to a SAGITTARIUS: Matters related to money, AQUARIUS: There will be a lot of pressure, as
keep you on your toes. At evening, your to annoy you. Stay away from bad around you. Those in the field of sports and considerable extent. Your relationship with love life will bring happiness and security. you feel your actions and decisions are being
focus will shift from professional to company. Be a good listener, people may politics will regain their lost fame and people people with loved ones will improve. Domestic Workplace problems are likely to get closely monitored. Your work may get criticised
personal matters. give you good advice in disguise. will be surprised by their performance. life will be happy, blissful and peaceful. solved today. by people who claim to be 'well-wishers'.
TAURUS: Your imagination will make your CANCER: Your bond with your mother will VIRGO: Your professional ambitions soar, thanks SCORPIO: If you are travelling with an elderly CAPRICORN: Your health will improve and PISCES: Those in the field of politics and busi-
romantic life more colourful and exciting. Pay improve and strengthen. Budding actors to the positive planetary position. Business meet- person today, then stay extra cautious today. you will feel more peaceful. Mentally, you will ness will clear up previous misunderstandings
proper attention to your domestic affairs. may get a platform to showcase their ings will set the stage of new ventures. Spouse Legal matters associated with your home or feel happy and content. You will reconstruct and would build new relations. The future
Insecurities & complexes may slowly diminish. talent. You will be at your creative best. will give you much-needed support. emotional life may take time to sort out. yourself into a more mature person. seems to be bright. Just keep doing your best.
-pop super band BTS will unveil BE (Essential Edition) next

BTS have K month, and have planned some more surprises for their
teeming fan base, widely known as BTS ARMY. After releasing

‘surprise gifts’
their album BE (Deluxe Edition) in November, the band will
unveil BE (Essential Edition) on February 19, reports

for fans!
The latest project will encapsulate BTS’ appreciation towards their fans
who have stood by them through every milestone.

“I feel I have a balance when entering

Bollywood Bytes
SS Rajamouli’s multistarrer ‘RRR’

a role, living it and getting out of it”

in cinemas on October 13
Rajamouli’s much-hyped upcoming multistarrer RRR is

S set for a theatrical release on October 13, the cast and

crew announced on Monday.
The Baahubali maker shared a poster of the film
featuring lead
stars Ram
Amit Sadh, whose turn as Major Deependra Singh Sengar in the Charan and Jr.
NTR on
recently-released Zee5 show Jeet Ki Zid, is being applauded by the critics as well Instagram
as the audience, talks about his method and reveals how he is reinventing himself announcing the
date. The period
ANANYA GHOSH people around you, but you must take action. I honed my drama narrates a
skills and put serious efforts in creating a better version fictitious tale

mit Sadh has come a long way since being the televi- of me. I put myself completely out there to learn and be based on the life
sion heartthrob. He had first truly charmed the audi- better, which got me where I am today. It helped me get of Telugu
ences with his turn as Parshuram Bardez in the hit recognised in the eyes of my fans and people I worked freedom fighters,
Star One show, Guns & Roses (2004). His first major with. My experience taught me to be curious and learn Alluri
break in the movies was with Kai Po Che!, where he and appreciate little things in life. I am grateful for this Seetharama Raju
along with Rajkkumar Rao and Sushant Singh Rajput industry for recognising my work and giving me the roles and Komaram Bheem. Alia Bhatt will play a character called
played the three leads. However, post that, although the that challenge me and motivate me to work more. Sita in the film. The ensemble cast also includes Ajay Devgn.
actor has given impressive performances in movies Luck favours the strong and the courageous. I always Unconfirmed reports suggest the film is being produced at an
like Sultan, Gold, Yaara and Shakuntala Devi, it is say this because I experienced it. Luck is a function of in- estimated budget of Rs 450 crore.
the web shows that seem to be finally getting tent. For me, it is the way I function, my approach to my
him the spotlight he always deserved.
His turn as Kabir Sawant, the alcoholic cop
craft, my hard work, and I ensure it betters with time.
Would you call yourself a Method actor? How far would
Tisca to direct a murder mystery
isca Chopra is gearing up to start

battling his inner demons, in Breathe: Into you go to bring a character to life?
the Shadows (Amazon Prime) and his por- There is madness to a method and a method to the mad- shooting her debut directorial
trayal of Major Videep Singh in Avrodh: ness! To get into the character’s skin, the artist must re- feature film, a murder mystery,
The Siege Within (Sony Liv) both got alise that the journey will be long and will take a lot of later this year. The actress,
much critical acclaim. And now, Amit patience. You need to get every aspect of the character who has earlier ventured into
has followed it up with Jeet Ki Zid. He right, be it mannerism, dialect, body movement, looks, scripting, direction and production of
plays the protagonist in the behaviours etc. shorts films, is charged up to take
recently-released Zee5 series. I feel I have a balance when entering a role, living it and on storytelling in the feature
The story is based on the true sto- getting out of it. Life is a teacher; we are surrounded by format.
ry of Major Deependra Singh Sen- people, family, pets, friends, great artists, and well-wishers “It is a nice, tight murder
gar, who was drafted to Kargil War as anchors. We always go back to them, find inspiration in mystery told in a very
as part of Special Task Force of them. Currently, I am concentrating on bettering my unusual style The script for
the Indian Army. Directed by storytelling and acting skills... I still have a long way to go. my directorial feature has
Vishal Mangalorkar and also How was 2020 for you? been ready for almost a
starring Amrita Puri and 2020 will be memorable as my fans showered their im- year now and we were
Sushant Singh, the web series mense love on me. They connected with me, my craft, ready to shoot in
traces how this courageous offi- which is very important for me. Call it whatever you like, January last year. I hope
cer becomes wheelchair-bound timing, luck, but the releases in 2020 result from what I to shoot it this year in winter
but instead of giving up, he over- did in the past few years. I consider it as a blessing which because the story is such that
comes every physical and emo- pushed everything to fall in its place. I am fortunate that I it needs to be shot in
tional roadblock and gets back to could entertain and engage with people during lockdown winter,” the actor said.
normal life through sheer grit days. God has been kind, and I am grateful for making it
and determination. possible. Having said that, I cannot turn a blind eye to so
Excerpts from an interview much despair and struggles around. What’s brewing between Mrunal Thakur
with the actor:
Your character of Major Deep-
The pandemic has impacted many at different levels.
I’ve seen very challenging and far worse times in life. In a
and Guru Randhawa?
endra Singh Sengar in Jeet Ki way, it helped me to cope mentally, emotionally, physically, When a musical
Zid has created quite a buzz. and financially. I was in the Himalayas. Those days, it was piece warms the
What were your reference points? all about being present physically at a place, reflecting on cockles of her
Zid is an ode to Kargil war hero’s life and learning the beauty of slowing down. heart, there’s no
real-life story, Major Deependra Any life lessons? looking back for
Singh Sengar, who fought against Nature is indispensable, survival instinct will equip us Mrunal Thakur. The
all odds in various walks of life, much better in uncertain times, and never give up; we actress recently
be it war or personal life. Play- need to march forward – these are important life lessons shot for a song
ing him on screen has been a for me in 2020. with Guru
humbling and challenging expe- What is your 2021 resolution? Randhawa titled
rience. I had to push myself and More than resolution, 2021 for me is finding the solution Abhi Na Chhodo
reinvent my craft, even if it meant that I to the problems. It is about time we start identifying sus- Mujhe.
had to go on a creative quest. I had to do jus- tainable solutions for every person around us. We need an Shot in Kashmir’s
tice to the character, which is a huge responsibility; approach that will help us deal with daily situations bet- Gulmarg region,
so physical transformation was very important. ter and educate people on how to equip themselves to the music video is a
Even though the story is for a cinematic experi- cope and deal with life in uncertain times. heartwarming love
ence, staying true to the character is essential. It is What are the top things on your to-do list this year? story set against
an honour for me to represent such a notable per- I am looking forward to travelling and exploring more. I the backdrop of the
sonality from our great Indian Army. Major Deep’s want to learn a new language. Professionally, I am gear- picturesque
story has a great life lesson, and that is ‘never giving ing up to refine my craft because I firmly believe that the locations. The
up’. This spirit should inspire us all. artist needs to always experiment with his instrument. I actress, despite in
Did you ever feel short-changed in this industry? want to do more engaging and immersive roles, especially between multiple
How did you keep the faith in yourself to move on? comedy roles because I want people to see the quirky side commitments, took
All of that is in the past. My destiny changed with the of me. I am not this intense. a week off to shoot
right kind of people coming into my life, who added value In terms of fitness, I want to be the fittest version of for the number.
in my life. I realised you can always take inspiration from myself.

Curtain call: IFFI

IFFI Spotlight How is your favourite star in real
life, Gurpreet Kaur finds out

wraps up in style
he 51st edition of the International ctor Anant Vidhaat has

T Film Festival of India (IFFI) conclud-

ed amid fanfare, felicitations and
cultural performances. The nine-day
A starred in some A-list Bolly-
wood projects like Gunday,
Mardaani, Tiger Zinda Hai,
festival, founded in 1952, saw participa- Sultan, etc. After earning enough Anant Vidhaat
tion from the who’s who of the world of cine- and Climate Change Babul Supriyo, Maha- bouring countries as well,” he said while popularity for his merit and sheer
ma. The first-ever hybrid IFFI, incorporating rashtra and Goa Governor Bhagat Singh addressing the audience. hard work, he bagged his first lead role types. I stay quite alert and prefer com-
physical and virtual screenings and ses- Koshyari, Goa Chief Minister Dr Pramod CM Dr Pramod Sawant welcomed filmmak- in a web show called Pati Patni Aur plete silence and no talking in be-
sions, recognised cinematic works from Sawant and several cinema personalities ers from across the nation and the world to Woh in 2020. The show became a huge tween. So, I can be a spoilsport for
across the globe. Even the NFDC Film Bazaar were present at the closing ceremony. visit Goa to shoot their films. success and garnered him an immense those who love talking, texting and
was held in a hybrid format. The Union Minister lauded the spirit of the Ministry of I & B Secretary Amit Khare not- appreciation. Here’s an excerpt of a cracking jokes while watching a
The last film screened at the festival was festival and noted, “IFFI 51 is a one-of-its- ed, “The festival marks the triumph of quick chat we had with the actor: movie.
Director Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Japanese film kind achievement, given that we organised human spirit over COVID-19.” Three things nobody knows about One useful life skill you have learnt
Wife of A Spy. The director through a video this in a hybrid mode amidst the pandemic.” Guests of Honour – Veteran actor Zeenat you? during the lockdown?
message said, “It’s a huge honour that my Governor Koshyari complimented the or- Aman and Member of Parliament and actor One, I love travelling to new places and Enjoying one’s own company and
film has been selected as the closing film of ganisers for making it possible in the most Ravi Kishen – were felicitated at the closing meeting new people. Two, I am a big having fun alone!
IFFI. The film has reached beyond the sea extraordinary circumstances. “Cinema is ceremony. Producer, director and actor foodie – I can and have especially trav- The most absurd thing you have read
and I believe it tells you eloquently rather uniting not only our country, but our neigh- Biswajit Chatterjee was honoured with the elled to places just to relish delicacies about yourself on the Internet?
than I speaking about it.” ‘Indian Personality of the Year’ and three, I can strike conversations I had a complete public profile without
Among the signature festival sec- award at the closing ceremony of with anyone anywhere anytime, even my knowledge that had jumbled up in-
tions, the Retrospective Section the 51st IFFI. if I don’t know their language. formation about my home town, my
showcased classics of legendary The 84-year-old veteran who has Your favourite birthplace etc., but the cherry on the
filmmaker Satyajit Ray. Four films worked in Hindi and Bengali films Netflixing cake was the claim that I am also a
by Father of Indian cinema thanked the government for the ho- position? Kathakali Performer. But I don’t con-
Dadasaheb Phalke were screened nour and recalled his “deep connec- Watching sider it to be absurd, it’s just love of
to commemorate his 150th birth tion with Bangladesh,” the country films or fans and well-wishers.
anniversary. In the year gone by, focus at 51st IFFI. web series The most over-the-top scene you
the Indian film industry lost many He said, “When Bangladesh was is a serious have shot so far?
jewels. The 51st IFFI paid homage being attacked, genius director business for I have shot a death scene only once
to 18 film personalities including Ritwik Gatak was with me in Mum- me. I am quite (Gunday, 2014). I am not sure about it
Irrfan Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Soumi- bai and we used to get inspired by opposite of the being over-the-top or not but it was
tra Chatterjee, Sushant Singh the speeches of Bangabandhu couching and quite tricky for me.
Rajput and Basu Chatterjee. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Then as snacking One myth about the industry that
The closing ceremony of the 51st per Ritwik da’s suggestion, we might actually be true?
IFFI, held on 24 January 2021 at made the documentary There Overnight stardom! It is a myth but
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Indoor Flows Padma, The Mother River. I still, it is true. It takes long years of
Stadium at Talegaon, was no less Goa CM Pramod Sawant felicitating veteran actor Zeenat Aman at can never forget the love I got from work to reach that role which turns
glittery than the opening ceremony Bangladesh. Bangladesh and India one into an overnight star.
or the festival itself. Union Minister
the closing ceremony of IFFI 51 are one, we are brethren; we are One trait of a character you have
of State for Environment, Forest not separate.” played you could immediately relate
Mohan discovering romance within
himself in the showPati Patni Aur
One thing that films or TV have and
OTT doesn’t and vice versa?
All three have their own unique view-
ing experiences, but now all the con-
tent, whether it is a movie, a television
series or a web series is on OTT
Fundamentally, all three are story-
telling mediums through cinematogra-
phy, so in a way, they are three differ-
ent branches of the same tree.
One secret talent you have (not relat-
ed to acting)?
Cooking is one of my talents other
Veteran Actor, Director and Producer Biswajit Chatterjee receiving than acting.
the Indian Personality of the Year Award Actor and MP Ravi Kishen being felicitated at IFFI 51 If you were a ’90s Bollywood movie,
what would be your title?

Central Rly to install digilockers at cloak
rooms of CSMT, LTT and Dadar stations
Adani Electricity employees donates
blood to support Mumbaikars NBFCs will grow by 15 percent
next year, says YS Chakravarti
Central Railway Mumbai Division will Apart from the fight against
be installing digilockers at cloak Covid-19, Mumbai is facing
rooms of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj severe shortage of blood to
Terminus, Lokmanya Tilak Terminus address the need of
and Dadar stations soon. These digital thalassemia, sickle cell and
lockers will provide improved haemophilia patients. Taking
cloakroom amenity through safe into consideration the severe NBFCs have seen the industry go through a turmoil during the past few years
lockers, digital payment facility, use of
RFID tags and online receipt
shortage of blood in Mumbai,
Adani Electricity Mumbai and right now it is the COVID-19 impact. But these NBFCs have been able
generation. Passenger who wishes to Limited (AEML) appealed to its withstand the test of time, says YS Chakravarti, MD & CEO, Shriram City
utilize this facility will first select the employees to come forward
available locker. After depositing and donate blood as the city Union Finance. In an interview, he tells Jescilia Karayamparambil and
necessary cash or other mode
available in the digilocker it will open
needs it. A blood donation
camp in this regard was organized between January 5, to January R N Bhaskar, that NBFCs will survive and thrive. Edited excerpts:
for keeping the luggage inside. After 16, 2021 in collaboration with State Blood Transfusion Council and
keeping the luggage inside the locker Adani Foundation across AEML offices including its 500 MW thermal payment.
it will give a receipt. When retrieving power plant at Dahanu. Speaking on the Blood Donation drive, • Tell us about your company. In the case of the two-wheeler busi-
the luggage, the scanner will scan the AEML spokesperson said,” In these tough times, AEML is aware that Shriram City is a 30-year-old compa- ness, Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the single
receipt which has a QR/Bar code for the city of Mumbai is running short of blood and we are happy that ny which primarily started off as a largest contributing state for the last
opening the digilocker. This facility is being provided as a part of close to 600 employees came forward along with their family to company financing transport vehi- five years. Their efficiency is either
non-fare revenue model and tender has been awarded. donate the blood. AEML has always stood by the city of Mumbai in cles. In 2000, we decided that we will on par or better compared to other
trying times whether it was working relentlessly in the lockdown to move into retail finance and leave the states.
Coal India arms NCL, CCL and WCL bag the Nisarga cyclone and during the power outage in October 2020.” financing of transportation vehicles
to Shriram Transport Finance. We
The collection is all about reaching
out to the customer and getting the
Coal Minister’s Award Ministry of Labour & Employment Republic moved into retail, then two-wheeler money. It is about having a presence
Union Minister of Coal & and then micro-small funding. on the ground.
Mines Pralhad Joshi on Day tableau to depict recent labour reforms Today, 58 per cent of our portfolio During the UP election, there were
Thursday presented comprises funding micro and small talks of non-payment to MFIs (micro
“Coal Minister’s Award” enterprises; and 20 per cent to two- finance institutions) in some areas.
to three coal companies wheelers. But our collection effeciencies did
of Coal India Ltd. - not dip at that point of time as well. It
Northern Coalfields Ltd • Has business reached pre-COVID-19 is a matter of your network and how
(NCL), Central Coalfields level? you connect with your customers.
Ltd (CCL) and Western For the December quarter, Shriram
Coalfields Ltd (WCL) in a City has reached pre-COVID-19 lev- • What were the facilities that Shriram
function held in New els. Of course, the December quarter manufacturing efficiency. Employee City started during lockdown?
Delhi. The award has is also the festive season. So, one of shortage is still there. The migrant We have 25,000 employees and de-
been instituted to our major products is two-wheeler labourers are not back yet. The man- cided to engage them by asking
promote best and funding. ufacturers are still waiting for skilled them to connect to our customers.
sustainable practices for The Ministry of Labour and Employment has prepared a parade In the third quarter, usually most manpower. There are pockets where This call was to know how these
coal mining in the Tableau for this year's Republic Day Parade. The tableau shall depict two-wheelers are sold. Shriram City things are coming back to normal or customers are doing and then
country. Joshi also launched ‘Project Passion’ – the Enterprise historical labour reforms brought in by the government during did close to Rs 2,700 crore of business slightly better. share with them a link to make
Resource Planning (ERP) of Coal India Ltd (CIL) which will help recent past. The theme of the tableau is ����� �� ������, ������ in the two-wheelers category in this Some of the industries, especially payments digitally if they wish
improve business performance and growth of the company with �� ���� which translates to ‘respect for hard work and equal quarter. hospitality, are still suffering. The too. It was made clear that these
enhanced data integrity. CIL arm NCL was conferred upon the award rights for all’. The tableau art portrays the transformation that will Other than festive season, the pent up biggest setback for the hospitality calls were to connect with cus-
for outstanding performance in coal production & productivity, while come into the life of organised and unorganised workers after the demand and also more people avoid- segment is that the business trav- tomers and not asking them to pay
its other arms CCL and WCL made it for adopting best safety implementation of the recent labour codes. The design thought is a ing public transport are some factors ellers are not travelling. Around 30-40 up.
practices and sustainable mining respectively. celebration of all-round well-being and security of the workers. for rise in demand for two-wheelers. per cent occupancy in hospitality Despite the lifting of lockdown,
In the month of November, we fund- was due to business travellers. It will around 30 per cent of our pay-
NTPC’s Dhanwanthari Hospital Staff Airtel Xstream Fiber launches Gigabit ed close to Rs 1,000 crore for two-
at least take six months for the confi-
dence in travel to come back.
ments are made through digital
receives Covid Vaccination Wi-Fi Experience The litmus test is in the fourth quar- Even during the lockdown, 85 per
As per the Government guidelines on Covid vaccination for frontline Airtel, India’s premier communications services provider, has kicked ter —so far January looks good com- • Have you been able to reach your cent of collection for two-wheelers
warriors, the off the New Year with some pared to last January. The sales have pre-COVID-19 level efficiency? were taking place.
hospital staff of exciting news for customers with not slackened off. It is comparable to We have been able to reach our pre-
NTPC- the launch of hyper-fast Wi-Fi pre-COVID levels. COVID-19 levels of efficiency very • When do you see NBFCs grow?
Ramagundam experience. Airtel Xstream Fiber Two-wheelers should be able to sus- quickly. Shriram City has reached The industry has weathered the
received customers can now enjoy 1 Gbps tain and can grow 7-8 per cent during pre-COVID-19 levels for collection COVID impact very well. Our raw
vaccination on data speeds over Wi-Fi and no the next financial year. efficiency in the month of Decem- material is money. So, it will deter-
January 21, longer have to be constrained by ber. That tells me cash flow is hap- mine if we will grow or stagnate. It
2021. Sunil a dedicated LAN cable. The • Where do MSMEs stand at this point in pening and businesses have picked struggled in the last few years but it
Kumar, CGM Airtel Xstream Fiber Rs 3999 time? up. came out that (before COVID-19). To-
(Ramagundam & plan now comes with a MSMEs are a major portion of my NPAs have improved and we have day, the available raw material – that
Telangana) complimentary 1 Gbps Wi-Fi business. That is close to Rs 17,000-Rs not slipped this quarter compared is money – is focused on some play-
inaugurated the router to go with unlimited data 18,000 crore of AUM. Our average to the last quarter. ers. These are usually large – like the
vaccination programme and lauded the frontline warriors for their quota and massive bundled content. The highly advanced 4x4 Wi-Fi ticket size is Rs 20-30 lakh. So, that is banks. These few players will not be
fight against Covid-19. Registered hospital staff including router will enable seamless 1 Gbps Wi-Fi coverage across Homes micro and small that we fund; and • Has there been any state wise lag in able to service. So, NBFCs will grow
permanent doctors and nurses, adhoc doctors and nurses, hospital and Small Offices. This will unlock a great experience for online not medium. We fund largely traders repayment? as they start serving their customers.
drivers, hospital housekeeping staff, first aid staff and staff from gaming and animation and for work or study from home with large and service providers. Gujarat and Rajasthan are perform- Nothing wrong for an NBFC to grow
Covid isolated wards took the vaccination. CMO Dr Emani Rama number of concurrently connected devices. Small Offices will be able We do not have much exposure to ing well. Traditionally, for SME and conservatively. The industry should
Murthy; GM (Maintenance) Soumender Das; Dr Krupabai, Dy DMHO; to deploy multiple high-speed connections for applications such as manufacturing companies. Manufac- loan-against-property business, Ra- grow by 15-18 per cent next year. The
Head of HR Vijaya Lakshmi M; Office bearers of Unions and stock trading and online collaboration that requires reliable high turers with us are still struggling to jasthan and Gujarat are the best risks grow when you try to grow too
Associations and Hospital staff were present on the occasion. speed connectivity with zero downtime. get back to pre-COVID-19 level of states in the country in terms of re- fast.
’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games.
26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve
failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
— Michael Jordan, American basketball player

Lampard SACKED

Comes off bench to find the net in the 78th minute as Manchester United stun Liverpool 3-2
FPJ NEWS SERVICE the area as United set up a ford ahead after just six
Old Trafford tie with David Moyes’ West minutes.
Ham United. But they came out firing
For the followers of Liver- Mohamed Salah had in the second half, with
pool, it was the weak side opened the scoring for Liv- Cengiz Ünder and Youri
which paved way for Man- erpool after a superb Tielemans turning the tie
chester United’s victory, but through ball from Roberto on its head within six min-
at the end of the day, it was a Firmino while Mason utes of the second half, ASSOCIATED PRESS / London
clash which was more im- Greenwood levelled up after while James Maddison con-
portant, as ManU cruised a perfect cross-field pass tinued his fine form to seal Frank Lampard was fired by Chelsea on Monday halfway through his
into the fifth round of the from fellow England inter- the win. second season in charge of the London club after being unable to replicate
FA Cup with a 3-2, at the Old national Marcus Rashford. This was Maddison's his success as the club's record scorer in his first Premier League
Trafford here on Sunday. Greenwood returned the fourth goal in four games
managerial job. Chelsea has lost five of its last eight Premier League
Bruno Fernandes was the favour as Rashford put Unit- for Leicester but surpris-
man of the day as he tricked ed ahead for the first time, ingly his first in an Emi- games and dropped to ninth place, despite Lampard benefiting from nearly
off a superb free-kick pro- going 2-1 up just three min- rates FA Cup match, help- $300 million spent on new players for this season. Chelsea said the
pelling for the Ole Gunnar utes after the break. ing his side set up a fifth- performances had not shown "any clear path to sustained improvement" -
Solskjær side the victory But Liverpool wasn’t done round tie with fellow Pre- making a change of managers necessary. "This was a very difficult decision
over the Premier League there and Salah’s second, mier League side Brighton for the club, not least because I have an excellent personal relationship with
champions Liverpool. again via a Firmino assist, ing beyond the fourth round eight-time champions with Leicester City and & Hove Albion. Frank and I have the utmost respect for him," owner Roman Abramovich
Coming in from the bench, pulled this thrilling tie back for the seventh season in Chelsea into the Emirates Burnley both prevailing on There was still time for said. Chelsea brought back its midfield great as coach in 2019 despite him
Fernandes was only on the to parity ahead of an excit- succession to set up a tie FA Cup fifth round with a 3- Sunday afternoon. Kevin Long to make it 3-0, having only a single season's experience in management in the second
pitch for the last 25 minutes ing finale. with the Premier League 1 win over Luton Town. The Foxes had to do things with Sean Dyche's side to division with Derby. He achieved Champions League qualification in his first
but made his mark in style That was until Fernandes Hammers. Two more Premier the hard way with Mads face either Bournemouth
at Old Trafford, firing home struck 12 minutes from Elsewhere, Tammy Abra- League teams booked their Bech Sørensen putting or Crawley Town for a place
season by securing a fourth-place finish in the Premier League. Lampard is
a set piece from the edge of time, with United progress- ham’s hat-trick steered places in the fifth round Championship side Brent- in the quarter-finals. a Chelsea great after scoring 211 goals from central midfield from 2001-14.

Plane crash claims England complete series sweep Punjab to take on

4 Brazilian players Karnataka today ASSOCIATED PRESS
innings but they came
through in the second with
Somerset duo Sibley and
AP / Rio de Janeiro Nova. England completed a 2-0 se- Jack Leach taking four PTI / Ahmedabad nals, will be itching to make
The players were travel- ries victory over Sri Lanka wickets apiece. Sri Lankans an impact and get their names
Four soccer players from ling in a private plane be- on Monday by winning the are used to playing on slow It will be the last chance for inscribed on the trophy.
Brazilian club Palmas died in cause they had tested posi- second Test by six wickets bouncy surfaces, but they the domestic players to im- The event marked the re-
a plane crash while travelling tive for COVID-19, club with a day to spare. failed to handle the pres- press before the all-impor- sumption of the much-de-
separately from the team af- spokesperson Izabela Mar- Set a target of 164, the Eng- sure. tant IPL auction when the layed 2020-21 domestic season
ter testing positive for the tins told The AP. lish lost four wickets for 89 Tail-ender Lasith Em- knock-outs of the Syed in the country.
coronavirus, the club said. Martins said that Sunday runs but an unbroken 75- buldeniya, who finished Mushtaq Ali Trophy begin A mighty Punjab team
The club's president also would have been their last run stand for the fifth wick- with 10 wickets, came to Sri here from Tuesday. stands between Karnataka
died in the crash after the day of isolation and that the et by Jos Buttler (46) and Lanka's rescue with the bat While Karnataka will go all and their title defence as the
plane suddenly plunged to rest of the team would trav- Dom Sibley (56) completed by posting a career-best 40 out looking to retain the title, two teams will square-off in
the ground at the end of the el on a commercial flight. the task. off only 42 deliveries. the seven other teams which the first quarter-final, which is
runway while on takeoff in The victims were identi- Sibley only managed six Root finished the series have made it to the quarter-fi- expected to be an even battle.
the northern state of Tocan- fied as president Lucas runs in three innings but he tourists managed to add some sloppy batting with with 426 runs in four in-
tins, the team reported. The Meira and players Lucas returned to form with a only five more runs to their some turn and bounce for nings. He was named man of Quarterfinals
pilot also died. Praxedes, Guilherme Noé, much needed half-century overnight total as they were the spin bowlers. The hosts the match and player of the 1: January 26: At 12 noon: Punjab vs Karnataka
The players were on their Ranule and Marcus Moli- in the final innings. bowled out for 344 to con- lost six wickets quickly in series. 2: January 26: At 7 PM: Tamil Nadu vs Himachal
way to Goiania, in the cen- nari, the club said. The pilot England were still batting cede a first innings lead of the morning session. England will now head to 3: January 27: At 12 noon: Haryana vs Baroda
tral region of the country, to was not identified. There in their first innings when 37 runs. England's spinners had Chennai for a four-Test se-
4: January 27: At 7 PM: Rajasthan vs Bihar.
play a match against Vila were no survivors. the fourth day began. The Sri Lanka then produced gone wicketless in the first ries against India.

SPORTS CAFE Neil Mule corners

Former Intl umpire Reporter honoured
MUMBAI: Former international umpire Piloo Reporter was on Monday
honoured for his service to Indian cricket by the Cricketers Foundation
sub-juniors title Results
here.The 82-year-old, who stood in 14 Tests and 22 ODIs in a career FPJ NEWS SERVICE
spanning 28 years, was handed an amount of Rs 75,000 by the foundation. Mumbai Boys (Sub-junior; Qfs): Kushal
Patel (TSTTA) bt Udit Sachdev
Pune’s upcoming talent Neil (THN) bt 11-
Yashvir betters Neeraj Chopra's record Mule exhibited tremendous 7, 7-11 11-2,
BHOPAL: Haryana's Yashvir Singh stole the thunder from distance resilience and played with 11-8; Neil
runners Sunil Dawar (Madhya Pradesh) and Ankita (Uttarakhand) as the plenty of determination as
Mule (PNA)
trio heralded the return of national-level athletics competition with new he dished out some sterling
performances, to clinch the bt Gaurav
meet records in the 18th Fed Cup Junior Championships on Monday. Panchangam (THN) 13-11, 11-9,
sub-junior boy’s singles
crown in the Dr. Ramesh 11-4; Amish Athavle (NDD) bt
IOC to consider placing Italy on probation Prabhoo Memorial 82nd Ma- Swastik Atnikar (THN) 4-11, 11-8,
ROME: The International Olympic Committee will consider imposing a harashtra State Table Tennis 11-8, 3-11, 11-9; Kushal Chopda
humiliating probation on Italy's team for the Tokyo Games this week Championship organised by (NSK) bt Sanskar Bask (TSTTA)
because of a two-year domestic dispute that it says amounts to The Suburban District Table 11-7, 11-6, 14-12. Semi-finals:
government interference. Tennis Association. Neil Mule (PNA) bt Kushal Patel
In the final, which was
(TSTTA) 2-11, 4-11, 11-13, 11-6,
Centralised venues for AFC, AFC Cup 2021 contested between left-han-
ders, witnessed a tough bat- 11-9, 13-11, 11-5; Amish Athavle
KUALA LUMPUR: The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) CL and tle for supremacy before (NDD) bt Kushal Chopda (NSK)
the expanded AFC Cup will be played in centralised group stages in Neil managed to prevail 3-11, 11-9, 11-8, 11-8, 6-11, 3-11,
2021. The AFC Champions League will be held in the West and East over Amish Athavle of 11-6. Final: Neil Mule (PNA) bt
Regions while the AFC Cup will be staged across the five AFC Zones. Nanded in seven games Amish Athavle (NDD) 8-11, 11-5,
pulling through at 8-11, 11-5, 9-11, 11-4, 10-12, 11-2, 11-9.
9-11, 11-4, 10-12, 11-2, 11-9, at
Crouser breaks world indoor record the Prabodhankar Thacker-
Third-fourth place: Kushal
WASHINGTON: Olympic champion Ryan Crouser added 16 ay Krida Sankul, Vile Parle, Chopda (NSK) beat Kushal Patel
centimetres to the world indoor shot put record at the American Track Mumbai on Monday. (TSTTA) 5-11, 12-10, 11-4, 12-10.
League meeting recently held in Fayetteville, a city in northwest
Arkansas. On Sunday, Crouser threw 22.82 meters to kick off the 2021
World Athletics Indoor Tour series in style.
MSSA cricket webinar
WHAT’S evokes good response
FPJ NEWS SERVICE like to take up".
Mumbai "Never put pressure on our
07.35: Big Bash; Heat vs Scorchers; Sony Six kids to take up the sports ac-
10.30: Pakistan vs South Africa; 1st Test Day 1; Sony Ten2 It was a workshop of a differ- cording to your (parents) likes
10.40: Big Bash; Renegades vs Hurricanes; Sony Six ent kind. Unlike many con- to let the children take their
14.20: Big Bash; Stars vs Sixers; Sony Six ducted it was just the game but call too unless they are too
19.30: ISL; NEU vs ATK Mohun Bagan; Star Sports 2 the other aspects associated young to take the call." said
with the children were all Jaffer.
Wednesday (Jan 27)
there, making it more interest- An all-rounder, Jaffer was a
10.30: Pakistan vs South Africa; 1st Test Day 2; Sony Ten 2 ing for the children who took teacher, parent, guardian and a
19.00: UFC Classics; Sony Ten 2 part in the webinar. senior cricketer who talked
20.00: WWE Blockbusters; Sony Ten 1 Wasim Jaffer an Indian for- about all aspects needed to be a
mer cricketer turned out to be perfect person both in career
a teacher more than a crick- and personal life.


eter as he inspired the children This first-ever ever kind,
with his talks, during the workshop, revolved around
Mumbai Schools Sports Asso- pandemics and the need to
The tightest Test victory ciation (MSSA) webinar, here cope up and be safe. The chil-
of all. A sensational on Monday. dren also cleared all the doubts
finish in Adelaide, in The opening batsman, Jaffer about the game.
which West Indies kept opened the session with an all- Dr. Aijaz Ashai, one of the
alive their 13-year around talk on both academics renowned physiotherapist,
unbeaten run in Test and sports. He stressed the im- talked about the requisites to
series with a one-run portance of both these and em- be injury-free while exhibiting
victory over Australia. It phasised that hard work on all the skills of the game.
was one of the greatest walks of life will be paid back. Over a hundred children
Tests of all time. With An occasional right-arm off took part in the workshop.
the Aussies chasing break bowler, Jaffer requested Others who took part includ-
186, it looked all over at 74 for 7, and then - after a steadfast 54 from the the kids to respect their par- ed MSSA joint secretary Joe
debutant Justin Langer - at 144 for 9, but Tim May (42 not out) almost ents. "Yes, they are our par- Monterio, football secretary
became a national hero in his first Test for four years. As record numbers ents, and I am sure even the Sebastian Fernandis and
watched on TV and the strains of "Waltzing Matilda" enveloped the ground, parents should give some hockey secretary Lawrence
Craig McDermott was given out caught behind off Courtney Walsh by Darrell breathing space for the chil- Bing, besides Esmero
Hair, although to this day doubt remains as to whether McDermott actually dren, and give them to take the Figueiredo, the general secre-
gloved it. All this on Australia Day too. call on what sport they would tary of MSSA.
DGIPR 2020-21/1988
Printed and Published by Girdharlal Lakhotia for the Proprietors, Indian National Press (Bombay) P. Ltd., at Journal Press, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021. Tel: 69028000, Advt. Dept. 69028026. E-mail: • OFFICE: Indore: 3/54, Press Complex, A. B. Road, Indore-452 008, Tel: 2555111-2, Fax: 2558555,
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Remember that not

getting what you want is
❝ sometimes a wonderful
stroke of luck

R-Day address

P resident Ram Nath Kovind on
Monday paid tributes to farmers
saying every Indian is grateful to them
72nd Republic Day. "A grateful nation
is fully committed to the welfare of
our farmers. Just as our hardworking
for ensuring food security in our vast farmers ensure food security for the
and populous country, and gave the as- country, the brave soldiers of the
surance that the government is devot- armed forces ensure security of our
ed to farmers' welfare. "Every Indian national boundaries amid severest
salutes our farmers, who have made conditions," Kovind said. The com-
our vast and populous country self-re- ments by the President come against
liant in food-grains and dairy prod- the backdrop of the ongoing agitation
ucts. Despite adversities of nature, nu- by farmers against three new farm
merous other challenges and the laws. The President said the path to
COVID-19 pandemic, our farmers sus- reforms in the initial stages may cause
tained the agricultural production," misapprehensions, but the govern-
he said in his address on the eve of the ment is devoted to farmers' welfare.

Last chance for FYJC admissions Padma Vibhushan for Abe Rafale's
R-Day debut
I t is the last chance for students who have not yet se-
cured a seat in First Year Junior College (FYJC).
They can apply for the First Come, First Serve (FCFS)
F ormer Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and music
legend SP Balasubrahmanyam have been honoured
with the Padma Vibhushan, the I ndia will show its
military might on
round. All stu- second highest civilian award in Tuesday with Rafale
dents who have India. Former chief minister of fighter jets taking part
passed in Class Assam Tarun Gogoi and former in the Republic Day fly-
10 and have not Union minister Ram Vilas past for the the first
yet secured a Paswan have also been awarded time and the armed
seat can apply the Padma Bhushan, the third
from 10 am on highest civilian award posthu-
January 27, mously. Former Lok Sabha speak-
2021 to 8 pm on er Sumitra Mahajan has also been
January 28. Five major phases of FCFS round of FYJC conferred the Padma Bhushan.
online admission was completed on Monday. Students The Padma awards were announced this evening by the gov-
who have cleared Class 10 from any board can apply. ernment honouring 119 prominent personalities from vari- forces showcasing T-90
tanks, the Samvijay
electronic warfare sys-
��������������������������������������� tem, Sukhoi-30 MKI
fighter jets, among oth-

Man 'assures' crocodile of safety, held ers, said the Defence

ministry on Monday.
Total 32 tableaus -- 17

A 50-year-old man has been detained for "ha-

rassing" a crocodile in Vadodara district
of Gujarat after a video of the incident, which
to do so in his dream. The goddess is popularly depicted as sit-
ting on a crocodile. In the video, Patel, can be seen sitting on
the wall of the lake while a big crocodile was seen basking in
from states and union
territories, six from
the Defence ministry
occurred on the banks of Karjan lake, showing the Sun just a few feet away from him. Patel, who looked dis- and nine from other
him "assuring" the reptile of "safety" from oriented, was seen "assuring" the crocodile Union ministries and
harm went viral. During his questioning, that he will go to any extent to protect it from paramilitary forces
Pankaj Patel told officials that he touched the people. Luckily, the crocodile did not harm Pa- will roll down the Raj-
crocodile after goddess Maa Khodiyar asked him tel and went back into the lake. path.
� ������ MUMBAI | TUESDAY | JANUARY 26, 2021
Facelift for Hussain Sagar
ONE FOR INSPIRATION H ussain Sagar, the most popular hangout place in
Hyderabad, is getting a major face lift. The historic
Tank Bund road on the picturesque lake, which divides

the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, is
sporting a new charm with the installation of specially
designed cast iron railing, grills and designer lamp
posts. The first phase of works costing Rs. 38 crore will

Serpent had succeeded be completed in a month.
in surprising an Eagle
and had wrapped him-
self around the Eagle's neck. Far
into the sky he soared trying to
shake off his enemy. But the Ser-
pent's hold only tightened, and
slowly the Eagle sank back to
earth, gasping for breath. A Coun-
tryman chanced to see the un-
equal combat. In pity for the noble
Eagle he rushed up and soon had
loosened the coiling Serpent and
32 get Rashtriya Bal Puraskar
freed the Eagle. The Serpent was
furious. He had no chance to bite the watch-
ful Countryman. Instead he struck at the
he filled his horn at a spring, and was about
to drink. There was a sudden rush of great
O n the eve of 72nd Republic Day, the Central government on
Monday announced to confer Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya
Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) to 32 children from across the country
drinking horn, hanging at the Country- wings. Sweeping down, the Eagle seized the with exceptional abilities and outstanding achievements. The
man's belt, and into it let the poison of his poisoned horn from out his saviour's Central government has been conferring the Bal Shakti
fangs. The Countryman now went on to- hands, and flew away with it to hide it Puraskar under PMRBP to the children with exceptional abil-
ward home. Becoming thirsty on the way, where it could never be found. ities and outstanding achievement in the fields of innovation,
scholastic achievements, sports, arts and culture, social serv-
ice and bravery. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday in-

No to tractor rally in Bengaluru teracted with PMRBP awardees via video conferencing.

F armers would not be allowed to enter Bengaluru on tractors

from outside on Tuesday for their protest rally against the
three central farm laws, a top police official said on Monday. "In
view of the heightened security on the 72nd Republic Day on
Tuesday, farmers will not be allowed to enter the city on trac-
tors for their protest rally, as it would not only choke roads, but
also cause traffic jam," Bengaluru Police Commissioner Kamal
Pant told reporters.

BSNL-MTNL merger off Unhealthy ways

A 98% don't consume
Group of Minis-
ters, chaired by
Defence Minister Raj-
nath Singh, is learnt to
have deferred merger
of public sector tele-
enough fruits, veggies
com firms BSNL and
MTNL due to financial reasons, according to government
sources. The Cabinet had approved Rs 69,000 crore revival
C onsumption of fruits and vegeta-
bles among adults is inadequate,
with 98.4 per cent of those surveyed
package for loss-making telecom firms BSNL and MTNL, consuming less than five servings per
which included approval to merge both the companies. day, while more than two in five adults
and one in four adolescents do insuffi-

Naukasana to bust stress cient physical activity, stated an ICMR

survey released on Monday. According

A ctress and yoga enthusiastic Shilpa Shetty on Monday

suggested the right yoga to bust stress. Shilpa shared a
video on Twitter where she can be seen performing the asana,
to the National Noncommunicable Dis-
ease Monitoring Survey (NNMS), which
was released by Union Health Minister cable diseases (NCDs).The results also
called Naukasana. "For almost a year now, we've all been in Harsh Vardhan, more than one in every showed that, one in every three adults
rough waters. For four adults and 6.2 per cent adolescents and more than one-fourth proportion of
me, the best way were overweight or obese. It said almost surveyed men used any form of tobacco
to beat the stress three out of ten adults had raised blood and consumed alcohol in past 12 months
is to occasionally pressure, 9.3 per cent had raised blood respectively, the Health Ministry said.
draw out the glucose, average daily intake of salt was The estimated sample size for the sur-
'boat' pose or the 8 gms, while two in five adults had three vey was 12,000 adults (18-69 years) and
Naukasana," she or more risk factors for non-communi- 1,700 adolescents (15-17 years).
EU moots more FREE PRESS

restrictions MUMBAI | TUESDAY | JANUARY 26, 2021 ������ �

T he European Union's exec-
utive body proposed Mon-
'Cold, hot, trade, tech wars useless'
day that the bloc's 27 nations
impose more travel restrictions
to counter the worrying spread of new
coronavirus variants but make sure to ommitting to bridge countries' internal affairs,
keep goods and workers moving across
'Adopt differences by dia- and resolve disagree-
EU borders. Amid concerns related schools' logue and resolve ments through consulta-
to the production and delivery of
COVID-19 vaccines, the Euro-
pean commission urged EU
hief Minis-
ter Naveen
disputes through negotia-
tions with other countries,
Chinese President Xi Jin-
tion and dialogue," he said
in a special address at the
World Economic Forum's
nations to reinforce test- urged Orissa High Court ping on Monday warned week-long online Davos
ing and quarantine judges, two Union ministers against 'beggar-thy-neigh- Agenda Summit, which
measures. from the state and all ministers, bour' policies and said the will also be addressed by
MLAs and MPs of Odisha to adopt govern- strong should not bully the Prime Minister Narendra
ment schools under the Mo School initiative. In a let- weak by "showing off strong muscles or Modi on Thursday. "We have been shown
ter to the elected representatives and judges, Patnaik waving a big fist". He also cautioned that time and again that to beggar thy neigh-
advised them to adopt the schools in which they had any type of confrontation, be it in the form bour, to go it alone, and to slip into arrogant
studied or any school of their choice. A person can of "cold war, hot war, trade war or tech isolation will always fail," President Xi
adopt a maximum of three schools. war", would eventually hurt all countries' said. While he did not name any country,
interests and undermine everyone's well- China's relationship with a few countries,
being. "We should respect and accommo- mainly the US and India, has deteriorated
date differences, avoid meddling in other badly in the recent past.

‘Textbook precision’ QUICK NEWS


er Remo DSouza, who

'Green Tax' on old vehicles was admitted to hospital

recently after suffering from
cardiac problems, on Monday

A 'Green tax' will clean up the environ- revealed that he is dancing his
soon be imposed ment by phasing out un- way to recovery. DSouza took to
Instagram to share a video that
on vehicles older than fit and polluting vehi- shows him dancing as part of
eight years in a bid to cles. Union Minister for
Road Trans-
port Nitin
I ndia on Monday successful-
ly test-fired the new-gener-
ation Akash missile from an
will be used by the Indian Air
Force to intercept high-ma-
noeuvring low radar cross-
his ongoing treatment. "Dance
is the joy of movement and the
heart of life. Thank you my
amazing team of doctors," he
Gadkari has integrated test range off the section aerial threats, it said. wrote with the video.
approved the Odisha coast. The surface-to- "The missile intercepted the
proposal to air missile was launched target with textbook preci-
levy the tax from Chandipur ITR in the af- sion. The launch met all the Scrapping of
and it will ternoon, it said. The Akash- test objectives," an official
now go to the NG (new-generation) missile statement said. govt vehicles

states for con- he policy to scrap more
sultation. than 15-year-old vehicles
TAAPSEE HITCH-HIKES owned by government
departments and PSUs is likely
Sharing a happy picture from Rann of to be notified soon and will be

Merck gives up on C-vax Kutch, Bollywood star Taapsee Pannu

on Monday announced a wrap on her up-
implemented from April 1,
2022, the government said on
Monday. The Road Transport,

M erck is giving up on two potential Covid-19 vac-

cines following poor results in early-stage stud-
ies.The drug-
coming sports-drama 'Rashmi Rocket'.
The 'Pink' star hopped on to Instagram
to post a happy picture of herself as she cherishes a camel
Highways and MSMEs Minis-
ter Nitin Gadkari has approved
the policy. It is to be notified,
and will come into effect from
maker said ride.The photo sees Pannu sitting on a cart, which is being 1st April, 2022.
Monday that pulled by a camel decorated with colorful ornaments.
it will focus
instead on 91% TURNOUT IN DELHI
studying two
possible treat-
ments for the
O ver 7,400 healthcare workers received Covid-19 vac-
cine shots in Delhi on Monday as the inoculation drive
picked up pace in the city, recording 91 per cent turnout for
virus that also have yet to be approved by regulators. the day, officials said. The targeted number for vaccination
The company said its potential vaccines were well tol- on January 25 was 8,100, they said. "On January 25, 7,408
erated by patients, but they generated an inferior im- people were administered coronavirus vaccine, with a cov-
mune system response compared with other vaccines. erage span of 91.5 per cent. AEFI (adverse events following
immunisation) was reported in 14 persons.
� ������ MUMBAI | TUESDAY | JANUARY 26, 2021


Singh launched
the trailer of the
upcoming film
Fauji Calling on
Monday, at his res-
idence in the capi-
tal. The event took
place on Republic
Day eve and was
attended by the
cast of the lead
film, Sharman Joshi and Bidita this film will be a source of in-
Bagh, and director Aaryaan spiration for youngsters and in-
Saxena. "I would like to con- voke feelings of patriotism,"
gratulate everyone who has Singh said, while addressing
been part of this film. I believe the press at the event.

England beat Sri Lanka 2-0 Priyanka in 'Citadel'

E ngland defeated Sri Lanka by six wickets in the second Test to seal the two-
match series 2-0. Needing 164 to win, the English faltered when reduced to
89 for four. But opener
A ctor Priyanka Chopra Jonas on
Monday said she has started
work on Ama-
who appeared in the recently released
Netflix film "The White Tiger", shared
the news on In-
Dominic Sibley and No. 6 zon Studios se- stagram. "New
Jos Buttler shared an un- ries "Citadel", day, new job
beaten 75-run partner- produced by #Citadel Happy
ship for the fifth wicket "Avengers: Monday," the
to lead their team to vic- Endgame" direc- actor captioned
tory. Earlier, English tors Anthony the photo of
spinners effected a re- and Joe Russo. herself from
markable turnaround. Chopra Jonas, her car.

�������������������� ������������������������ �������������������

��������������� F ormer England batsman Kevin Pietersen
has criticised England's squad selection �������������
Y oungster Sohail struck the target in the
79th minute from Tyson Singh's cross to
earn a spectacular 1-0 victory over the UAE.
for the first two Tests against India, saying
not selecting the
best players in the
T he Indian junior women's hockey team de-
feated Chile senior women's team 2-1 in
their sixth and last match here at the Prince
Sohail, who came of squad would be of Wales
the bench and scored disrespectful for Country
the decisive goal, dedi- the England fans Club. For-
cated his goal to his as well as the ward Beau-
"teammates". Inciden- hosts -- Indian ty Dung-
tally, it was his first in- cricket team. dung's
ternational goal wear- Bairstow, Mark brace
ing the India jersey. Wood and Sam scored in
"I'm very happy to have scored my first inter- Curran have been the 6th and 26th minutes helped India regis-
national goal. I would like to dedicate this rested for the first two Tests against India be- ter the much deserved win and also remain
goal to my teammates. It was a result of pure ginning February 5, while Ben Stokes, Jofra unbeaten on the tour. The lone goal for the
team effort and nothing else," Sahail said. Archer and Rory Burns have been recalled. hosts was scored by Francisca Tala (40').

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