Syllabus JKSSB Forest Guard Forest Department
Syllabus JKSSB Forest Guard Forest Department
Syllabus JKSSB Forest Guard Forest Department
In continuation to this office no. SSB/Sel/Secy/2016/14000-14010 dated
18-05-16, whereby SYLLABUS for the posts of FOREST GUARD (Forest
Department), advertised under various notifications was notified, it is further
notified that the same SYALLBUS shall also apply to the below mentioned posts
(where candidates have already been put to PHYSICAL TEST) as well:
It may be stated that the Board is going to conduct the Objective Type
Written Test of the candidate for the aforementioned posts very soon.
(S.A Raina), KAS,
J&K Services Selection Board,
Annexure “A”
Time:-2:30 Hours
Syllabus for Written test (Objective Type) for the post of the above said
Unit IV Mensuration
Problems on finding surface areas and volumes of combination of any two of the
following cubes, cuboids, spheres, hemispheres and right circular cylinders/cones.
Frustum of a cone. Problems involving converting one type of metallic solid into
another and other mixed problems. (08 Marks)
Unit V Probability
Repeated experiments and observed frequency approach to probability. Focus is on
empirical probability. Classical definition of probability. Simple problems on single
even, not using set rotation.
(10 Marks).
Section III Physics (20 Marks)
Unit I Light-Reflection and Refraction
Reflection of light, spherical mirrors; Image formation; uses of spherical mirrors.
Sign, conventions for spherical mirrors. Refraction of light, refraction through a
glass, refractive indes, conditions for no refraction. Spherical lenses, image
formation, sign conventions, lens formula (only relation).
(05 Marks)
Unit II The Human Eye and the Colorful World
Human eye; power of accommodation; defects of vision and their correction. Glass
prism (refraction and dispersion). Atmospheric refraction-twinkling of stars and
color of sun at sunrise and sunset.
(05 Marks)
Unit III Electricity
Concept of electric charge. Electric current; electric potential and potential
difference; Ohm’s Law and experimental verification; resistance and its
dependence. Heating effect of current-Electric power and energy.
(05 Marks)
Unit IV Source of Energy
Various sources of energy; Conventional sources of energy; improvement in
technology for using conventional source of energy (Biomass and wind energy).
Non-conventional sources of energy (Solar energy, Energy from Sea). Nuclear
energy (Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission). Lasting of energy sources.
(05 Marks)
Animals- Nervous System, What happens in Reflex Action? Human Brain. How are
these tissues protected? How does Nervous tissue cause action? Coordination in
plants, immediate response to stimulus, movements due to growth. Hormones in
Animals. (10 Marks)
Unit-III How do Organisms Reproduce?
The importance of variation. Modes of reproduction used by unicellular organisms.
Fission, Fragmentation, Regeneration, Vegetative Propogation, Budding, Spore
Formation, Sexual Reproduction: Why the sexual mode of reproduction?
Reproduction in human Beings. Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive
System. What happens when the egg is not fertilized? Reproductive Health.
(10 Marks)
Unit-IV Heredity and Genetics
Accumulation of variation reproduction, Heredity: Inherited traits, Rules for the
interitance of traits, Mendel’s contribution. How do these traits get expressed? Sex
determination. Acquired and inherited traits.Speciation. Classification, tracing
evolutionary relationships, fossils, evolution by stages.
(05 Marks)
Unit-V Our Environment
Environment and Ecosystem- What are its components? Food chains and webs.
How do our activities effect the environment? Ozone layer and how it is getting
depleted. Managing the garbage we produce.
(05 Marks)
Unit-VI Management of Natural Resources
Why do we need to Manage our Resources? Forests and Wild life, Stake
holders, Sustainable Management, Dama, Water harvesting. Coal and
Petroleum. An overview of Natural Resources Management.
(10 Marks)
(S.A Raina), KAS,
J&K Services Selection Board,