Affidavit of Warranty1
Affidavit of Warranty1
Affidavit of Warranty1
Gladys C. Ilao
I,___________________________________________________, of legal age, Filipino and
San Felipe, Naga City
presently residing at ___________________________________________________________, after
having been sworn in accordance with law hereby depose and state that:
1. I am the New Owner of a motor vehicle which is more particularly described as follows:
3. In my capacity as New Owner, I hereby unconditionally warrant the absolute title and
Ownership of Vehicle over the prescribed above-described motor vehicle and I hereby declare
that the same is free from any liens, suits, claims or encumbrances whatsoever, or any matter
which may prove adverse thereto;
4. I hereby release the Land Transportation Office, its officials, staff and personnel from any suits,
claims or liabilities which may arise from the approval of the said application for motor vehicle
registration or any process or matter pertinent thereto and in the event of any suit, claim or
liability, I hereby undertake to defend such title, as well as assume and satisfy any such suits or
claims resulting therefrom, without cost, charge or liability whatsoever accruing to the Land
Transportation Office, its officials, staff and personnel;
5. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts, for warrant the title and
ownership of the above-described motor vehicle, and for whatsoever legal intents and purposes
it may serve.
Gladys C. Ilao