Everydy Life Under Communism. The Case of Romania
Everydy Life Under Communism. The Case of Romania
Everydy Life Under Communism. The Case of Romania
Eastern Europe
Daily life
JEL classification
After the Second World War, Central and Eastern Europe was discovering the
communist influence. The communist ideology changed the political regimes of the countries
from the region, but most important it changed the society and the mentality of the people
living in Central and Eastern Europe. The countries experienced censorship, lack of private
property, repression, secret police abuse, religious bans, poverty, food rationalization, lack
of privacy, massive industrialization and many other abuses which are typical for a
totalitarian regime.
This article focuses on daily life aspects during communist Romania, because it is one
of the most revealing cases of the post-communist countries. Romania had one of the most
abusive and obsolete communist regime.
The methodological approach is based on the case study method, which will be
validated with empirical data. This article will also emphasize the legacies of the totalitarian
recent past over the contemporary evolution of the Central and Eastern European societies,
with an accent on the Romanian case.
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
must also make choices in relation to both choice would be a big deal - a strategic
their goals and the means for attaining union between Russia and the rest of
these goals. Rational choice theories hold Europe - is possible only if the parties try
that individuals must anticipate the to achieve a common goal or find answers
outcomes of alternative courses of action to challenges equally important for both
and calculate that which will be best for partners. The main challenge is the need
them. Rational individuals choose the for a serious revamping of relations
alternative that is likely to give them the between the state and business
greatest satisfaction” (Scott, 2000). (Bordachev, 2008).
But does rational choice theories have any Exploring the work of Western
application in the main political political theorists on social and political
developments, during the last decades of models provided us with a vital tool in
the 20th century. And if so, how do they understanding and interpreting the drastic
help us understand the evolution or events developments that arised in Eastern
before or after the collapse of Soviet European history. Communism as an
Communism? “Rational choice, like answer to authoritarian political systems of
constructivism, should be understood as a the 18th century offered an opportunity for
broad approach to social theory, capable of restoration of the class equilibrium and
generating an array of specific theories and economic equality. When its application
testable hypotheses about range of human led in a totalitarian reality for the entities
behaviors. Over the past two decades, that found themselves under the
rational choice theories have made rapid communist establishment of the Soviet
inroads into the study of EU politics, most Union, an old-new concept of national
notably through the application of rational identity emerged.
choice institutionalism to the study of EU The recent development of political
decision-making” (Pollack, 2007). Thus, a theories reminded us that the concept of
better knowledge of the rational choice ‘nation’ is not sufficient enough to explain
theory facilitate the understanding of such major world developments. A point
European integration and enlargement, of view that takes the individual behaviour
enormous forces that served as a into consideration is vital and evidenced in
counterweight to a nationalist outrage of current political affairs. In the following
Europe in the 21st century. chapter, we refresh our memory of the
In dispute with the rational choice most crucial political events that marked
practice since the formation of the the history of communism in Romania.
European Union, many argue that a
rational choice confines the development Milestones in the History of Romanian
of contructive bilateral relations between Communism
the European Union and post-Soviet Throughout the 1920s and 1930s
Russia. Timofei Bordachev argues that the the Romanian Communist party was rather
EU should broaden up the dialogue with small. “It scored a few but minor successes
Russia, in order to achieve the maintain among railway workers, but on the whole
her as an allie. “A rational choice in it failed to take advantage of the various
conditions of global disorder is not crises of the period” (Chirot, 1978).
openness and orientation toward multi- During World War II Romania sided with
party regimes, but building strong walls, the Germans and invaded the U.S.S.R., so
setting up areas of influence behind them, when the Soviet army sided Romania,
and making periodic forays into ‘enemy because of the country's role as a German
territory’. All this has become part and ally, the Western powers were hardly in a
parcel of both European and Russian position to protest. In 1945, Moscow
politics in recent years (…) A new rational imposed a Communist government on
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SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
Human Rights for violations to freedom of genius he was, how the entire world spun
expression. Cases of convictions against around him and how the entire Romanian
journalists that criticised the communist people loved their president. This kind of
government were revealed in the post- propaganda was present even in schools,
communist era (Predescu & Udroiu, 2008). where children learnt songs that glorified
After 1989, the Romanian society suffered president Ceausescu” (Bacanu, n.d.).
a series of transformations - and the press “The cultural life was strangled by
was one of the things that have changed the political regime. It was almost
considerably; it suddenly became free, impossible to find a good thing to see on
having the possibility of not being subdued TV. The censorship was present even in
to a party, an idea or a personality, but music. The communist authorities rejected
however developing chaotically (Quffa, different kinds of music (rock, for
2012). example), not necessarily for political
Razvan T. Coloja, a Romanian reasons; they just did not like them (i.e.
writer, describes his experience as a child rock artists). Consequently, they were very
raised in communist Romania: “I rare in TV or radio programmes. The
remember the propaganda. Each morning, history was falsified in schools and
as students, we had to stand up facing the newspapers. One direction of falsifying
portrait of Nicolae Ceausescu that was history was to increase the role of the
hanging in each public room of each communist party and president Ceauşescu
institution and chant our national anthem. in some historical events. Old books were
Each manual I had in school had the same not available in libraries, exactly for the
picture on the very first page. Almost reason of hiding the past. Even literature
every poem we learned had something to was censored. Writers whose works were
do with the glory of our nation, the bravery not ‘politically correct’ from the
of soldiers, the working class or the future communist point of view were not allowed
of our communist youth that will bring on to print their books. Translations from
the flame of science and hard work. About other languages were very few, and of
twice a year, every schoolchild had to course, only ‘politically correct’ works
attend public marches and hold up signs were translated. Because of the strict
bearing either the portrait of our beloved control over everything that was printed
leader, either slogans praising the there was a shortage of good books to read
Communist Party. We didn't know what or good movies to see, even about themes
they meant but we were hearing them a lot not related with politics. Even the classic
so we took them for granted” (Coloja, Romanian writers were forbidden”
2011). (Bacanu, n.d.).
From Petre Mihai Bacanu’s point Correspodent of Deutsche Welle,
of view, a journalist that was sentenced to Zack Baddorf, interviewing Anca Sandu
prison, for the publishing of an ‘illegal’ that lived in communist Romania reports:
newspaper, political propaganda was “The problem was that we weren't allowed
inescapable: “Political freedom was not access to information. We weren't allowed
allowed in Romania during the communist to read writers who didn't have
regime. Neither was freedom for press or Ceausescu's approval. We weren't allowed
speech. The television programme lasted to travel abroad, or have friends from
only two hours every day and was full of abroad. On some days, we weren't even
political propaganda. The personality cult allowed to drive” (Baddorf, 2009).
of president Ceauşescu was omnipresent. Another unknown consequence of
The TV and radio programmes and the the communist propaganda was the
newspapers were full of comments about influence on athletic life. During the
how good president Ceauşescu was, what a communist rule, sports were used as a
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means of propaganda and the regime often demanded a radical revision of the five-
assumed athlete’s achievements. In 1976, year plan that would make the early
at the Summer Olympics in Montréal, payment of foreign debt the chief priority
Nadia Comăneci became the first gymnast of economic policy. As investment in
to be awarded a perfect 10 in an Olympic industrial expansion was set to continue,
competition. She also won several other all imports had to be cut drastically and the
golden medals for the individual all- export volume increased. That led living
around, beam and bars titles. Following standards to collapse. This owed to the fact
her performance, the Bucharest regime that all strategies meant to amass the
awarded her with the title of “Hero of dollars necessary for eliminating foreign
Socialist Labor”. Multiple Olympic, debt by the end of the 1980s were on the
European and international champion, table, including the engineering of a
Nadia Comăneci retired in 1980 and massive drop in domestic supply of staples
remains one if the best athletes of the 20th and consumer goods. Overall, between
century. Unable to follow her dreams 1981 and 1989 the supply of food staples
under an abnormal political regime, Nadia was nearly halved (Ben Ner & Montias,
flees the country in November 1989 and 1991). The production of consumer goods
asks for political asylum in the United was also nearly halved during the same
States (Istoria Comunismului ȋn România, period and, to make matters worse, its
2011). share in exports was increased.
The practical outcome of the
Collectivization, Industrialisation and macroeconomic planning was food
Trade shortage and rationing: “I remember food
Starting from 1949 the process of shortages. Basic food that westerners took
agriculture collectivization takes place. for granted was handed out in rations
This process represented theconfiscation during the Romanian Communist regime.
of private agricultural properties and their About twice a month my father would get
merging in state-run farms. For Romanian up at 4 a.m. in the morning, get dressed,
peasant - obliged to surrender the land, get a bag and start his way to the closest
animals and equipment held - this meant food distribution center were a long line
the dispossession of land ownership and was already forming. By 5 in the morning,
rights for which he had fought in two there were at least 30 people standing in
world wars. Many peasants (both wealthy line to get their rations of sugar, milk, rice
and poorer) opposed this action and the or cooking oil. Cooking oil was especially
communist government resorted to violent hard to get by 1988. Bananas were sold
repression, deportation, imprisonment, only on the black market and by the time
confiscation of all fortunes of those the Revolution came I was priding myself
involved, and even summary executions. of having eaten three in my entire life. In
Because of the peasant resistance to the country side, most people have never
collectivization, the operation became even heard of bananas and most thought
much slower in 1953 but resumed in the they were some sort of deformed, yellow
second half of 1950, and at last completed watermelon. Oranges, lemons were also
in 1962 (at which time 93% of the hard to come by, as was any other
agricultural heritage of the country had chocolate that was not Romanian - made
already became state property) (Istoria or imported from Communist China”
Comunismului ȋn România, 2011). (Coloja, 2011).
That allowed Ceauşescu to control Ceausescu refused to draw the
domestic production and even use it as a lessons from this failure. Instead, he
guarantee for the country’s debt resolved to repay his $10bn foreign debt as
repayment. Indeed, in 1971 Ceauşescu soon as possible. The decision to repay the
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debt in accelerated stages was not dictated 60 percent and 70 percent per decade. This
by Romania's financial condition. It was is not to say that the Romanian economy
entirely dictated by the preferences of the has performed poorly, but only that it has
President and the calculation that any not been as miraculous as one might
rescheduling or bridging loans expect from reading the Bucharest press.
negotiations would undoubtedly entail What has been extraordinary has been the
discussions with foreign bankers on emphasis on industry, and the consequent
Romania's investment priorities. Every neglect of other sectors. In social terms,
effort was directed towards repaying the rapid industrialization in Romania has
debt. Exports were maximised with little involved most of the changes that have
reference to prices, profitability and occurred in other industrializing societies,
market targets in a furious attempt to gain but always with an interesting twist
foreign currency. That deteriorated the (Chirot, 1978).
internal market situation even more. Food The second observation that one
was exported at considerable cost to the would make is that despite the common
Romanian consumer. Most import orders assumption that workers and communist
were cancelled, even if this entailed regimes to ‘get along’, they don’t. From
foregoing the purchase of much needed Gdansk to Shanghai, evidence accumulates
machinery for industry (Eyal, 1989). Anca that communist parties find their most
Sandu also remembers: “And then there consistent opposition among their
were the food rations. No more than half a supporters. In 1977 a study of twelve
loaf of bread, not too much meat, or sugar, workers' councils found that all 215
and so on” (Baddorf, 2009). Anca's members were Romanian Communist
husband, Vio, chopped potatoes and Party members(Nelson, 1982). In
cooked them in a frying pan, while Anca Romania, millions of workers attended
was talking to Deutsche Welle’s general assemblies in their enterprises
correspondent. Twenty years ago, if he'd across the country. But their attendance
been cooking at 7:00 pm, he would've proved little other than that their physical
been cooking by candlelight. That's presence in a meeting hall or stadium lends
because the communist government cut off itself to mobilization. But governance, or
electricity from 6:00 - 8:00 pm each night even interest in it, was associated strongly
across the country to preserve energy with party membership (Nelson, 1982).
(Baddorf, 2009). Whether the industrialisation
One would consider the proclaimed policies, to a certain extent, had created
industrialisation as one of the positive new opportunities for the Romanian
attributes of the communist system in citizens is also debatable. A lot of Western
general, and the nationalised communist jobs were non-existent in Communist
system of Romania specifically. However, Romania. “There was almost no purpose
the industrialisation policies started with of learning English since no one was
the Gheorghiu-Dej's government did not allowed to leave the country and no one
result in any considerable economic came in to visit. The few movies in
development. From 1950 to 1974 English were all subtitled or had a
Romanian per capita net national income Romanian narrator that translated
grew at the rate of 5.3 percent per year, or everything the actors said. The computers
68 percent per decade. This is a very good, we had were few and of Russian make and
but not surprising, rate of economic there was no Internet at the time to connect
growth (Chirot, 1978). In other words, the people the way it does today. Basically,
capitalist economies of southern Europe the best job you could have at the time was
grew at about the same per capita rate as either being an engineer or a doctor.
Romania's economy, somewhere between Engineers had high state pay and doctors
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got more bribes than the guards at the industrialisation and urbanisation of the
border did. In communism, everyone is country have left neither time nor available
taught to be content with what they have investment for such amenities. Rather,
and never yearn for more. So, normally, urban services throughout most of the
doctors didn't try to do their best and had country, and even in the new suburbs of
to be ‘stimulated’ by other means to do the large cities, are aimed at mass needs.
their job. You wanted a kidney examined? Basic schooling and medical care, minimal
You had to shelf out some bills and pass recreation facilities, too few stores with
them to the nurse under the table. Had a too few goods, scattered restaurants with
molar that was bothering you? Pay the bad food and almost no service these have
doctor and he would take care of it, or been provided (Chirot, 1978).
even might throw in some anesthetics”
(Coloja, 2011). Systemisation Means
The communists have utilised the Bucharest had been only
job sector in an effective way of keeping moderately affected by Leninist-Stalinist
control of the society. Any person who planning in 1965 when Ceauşescu came to
wanted a good job had to be a Communist power. He launched a transformation that
Party member. As a result, many people lasted until his downfall in 1989. The first
joined the Communist Party for phase, to 1980, altered the outer zones and
opportunistic reasons, without believing in surrounding villages of the city, changed
the communist ideology. This could be the administrative districts, enlarged
seen during the Romanian Revolution, certain penetration boulevards, and
when members of the Communist Party intensified the construction of standardised
could be found among the people who apartment blocks. During the second
fought against the regime. Of the whole 23 phase, 1980-1989, large areas of the center
millions Romanians, 3 millions were of Bucharest were razed to make way for
members of the Communist Party. As monumental structures and routes, as well
Romania had a state-owned economy, as the completion of the subway system.
almost all jobs were under government Post-revolution Bucharest is burdened
control. In a free-market economy, a with unfinished buildings (Danta, 1993).
person in conflict with his boss has the In urban planning, Ceauşescu's
chance to find a better job somewhere else. main undertaking of the 1980s was the
In communism, the government rules complete transformation of central
everything. A person who is on the ‘black Bucharest. The law of urban and rural
list’ of the authorities has no chance to systematization of 1974 created a real
find a good job, irrespective of his or her estate disaster in the 1980s for Romania.
professional results. It was not necessary The devastating earthquake of 1977 was
to criticise the government openly in order another incentive for Nicolae Ceaușescu’s
to see your name on the ‘black list’. It was urbanistic plans (Istoria Comunismului ȋn
enough to avoid participating in România, 2011). Motivation was threefold.
demonstrations in favour of the regime The first stemmed from socialist ideology,
(Bacanu, n.d.). specifically the concept of monumentality
Part of the economic stability was (i.e. creating buildings that served as
that the rapid industrialisation of the monuments). In this case, monumentality
country had left other services sectors in architecture and art was used to anchor
underdeveloped. Cultural opportunities, collective cultural aspects of the landscape
stores, restaurants, and other services, as an expression of liberation (Church,
including medical care and schooling for 1979). The second aim was to rewrite the
children were distinctly inferior outside of history of the country in Ceauşescu's
a few big cities. The rapid rate of image by destroying the visual past in the
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Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014