Eorzea Companion Guidebook - GM Binder
Eorzea Companion Guidebook - GM Binder
Eorzea Companion Guidebook - GM Binder
Chapter 1: Races and Languages
Au Ra...................................................................................................5
Chapter 2: Classes
Bard (Archetype).............................................................................29
Black Mage......................................................................................30
Dark Knight.....................................................................................34
Monk (Archetype)............................................................................49
Ninja (Archetype)............................................................................50
Paladin (Archetype)........................................................................52
Red Mage..........................................................................................53
White Mage.....................................................................................66
Chapter 3: Spells
Spell Lists........................................................................................71
Created Spells.................................................................................76
Appendix A: Carbuncles.............80
Appendix B: Egis........................81
Appendix C: Nymian Fey..............83
Appendix D: Machinist Info........84
Appendix E: Naming Info............86
Preface Changes made by me
This document was originally created by SilentSoren.
The current The following changes are deviations from Sorens original work,
iteration is simply a adaptation. You can find the contact data of the based on personal preference, perceived balance, fulfilment of
original creator and me in the "Contact us" section further down the fantasies and WotC's style guide. The following product may not be
page. to your liking, or could be just the right tool for your needs. It
primarily exists as a ressource for the players in my personal
The following are the original credits, as cited by the author: campaigns and while I appreciate input, it's primarily focused on
Starting with aknowledgements! Special Thanks to being a fun to use toolkit of classes and races.
/u/JamesMusicus for his class and race creation templates and
/u/Stolksdorf for their homebrewing tool at Races
naturalcrit.com/homebrew. Thank you to Square Enix for producing Rebalanced all races to bring them in line with the PHB races,
Final Fantasy XIV. Specifically Akihiko Yoshida for the work he's using Detect Balance as a base for the rating of features.
done to create the art I am using. I have spent over two years
enjoying the world you all have created and have enjoyed it Classes
A huge thank you to r/UnearthedArcana and r/ffxiv for their warm Numerous changes to Arcanist, Astrologian, the Bard Archetype,
reception and feedback along with countless reddit users who've Black Mage, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Machinist, Monk, the
contributed with edits, ideas and proofreading. With all of your help, Paladin Archetype, Red Mage and Warrior.
this project continues to drive forward. Spells
Additionally thanks to Goob, Phalian, Acat, Yorxi, Zeppy, Simon,
Emmy, James, Hypno and Sara for playtesting in our campaign. Added the cantrips "Misery's End", "Rain of Death", "Empyreal
Though these names are just appearing on a list at the preface, I Arrow", "Caustic Bite" and "Stormbite" to the Spells section.
can not highlight enough how important their suggestions and Reorganized Spells Section.
feedback was to the polishing of my work. Thank you so much all of Reworked Spell Lists for all classes.
you, I wouldn't have gotten this done without you. Added several Homebrew Spells and their sources to the
document, for personal use
Utility Links Misc
Get Updates Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXIVxDnD/ Changed Document format to DIN A4, was US letter size.
PDF download of entire document: Changes to wording throughout the document, to bring it more
http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/print/B1HBWX5j? in line with the PHB and other WotC products - still in progress.
PDF download of document (Not browser based): Legal Disclaimer
Browser View link:
http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/B1HBWX5j I do not own the rights or permissions to neither the Dungeons
Past Versions are housed here: & Dragons franchise nor the Final Fantasy franchise. This is
https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjoQU3ivE3hUahbUhIZVOc99pXM simply intended as a fan project to bring both of these loved
properties together.
Contact Us
If you need to get in touch with Soren about whatever you need to
know about this document, you can message him via Reddit, Imgur
or email him at Silentsorengames@gmail.com.
he currently available races cover all playable races in
the FFXIV MMO along with the presumed race. Each Languages of the Realm
race is able to fit into most fantasy worlds without Your race indicates the languages your character can speak by
trouble, I will include a quick blurb for each here. default, and your background might give you access to one or more
additional language of your choice. Note these languages on your
character sheet.
Choose your languages from the Standard Languages table, or
Au Ra choose one that is common in your campaign.
With your DM's permission, you can instead choose a language
The Au Ra are a race of scaled people who vary greatly in size from the Exotic Languages table or a secret language, such as
between the males and females of the race. The males tend to be Thieves Cant or the tongue of druids. Some of these languages are
extremely tall while the females grow to be much shorter. The dark actually families of languages with many dialects. For example, the
scaled Xaela are nomadic, travelling around vast grasslands in Primordial language includes the Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran
various tribes. The light scaled Raen live largely in secluded villages dialects, one for each of the four elemental planes. Creatures that
built in secret locations, keeping to themselves. Both the Xaela and speak different dialects of the same language can communicate
Raen have members of their respective groups leave to find with one another.
Standard Languages
Elezen Language Typical Speakers Script
Final Fantasy XIV's answer to elves of fantasy settings, the Elezen Common Hyur Elezi
are split into two groups, the Wildwood whom are light skinned and
dextrous, skilled with a bow and live in either dense forests or their Auri Au Ra Auri
highly religious city-state homeland. Alternatively are the Elezi Elezen Elezi
Duskwights who live in a series of twisting tunnels and ruins
underground, coming up only to hunt for food before returning to Garlean Garleans Allag
their cavernous homes.
Imperial Citizens of the Garlean Empire Allag
Hyur Lalafellian Lalafell Magi
The Hyur can be equated to the every day humans of fantasy Roe Roegadyn Roe
settings. There are the average sized Midlanders, named for the
elevation in which their sub species lived for many years, and the
taller, more muscular highlanders, who lived in the high mountains Exotic Languages
for their declared homeland. Language Typical Speakers Script
Aetheral Spirits and Elementals Elezi
Allag Citizens of the Allagan Empire Allag
The Lalafell find themselves split into two sub races, the Planesfolk
and the Dunesfolk. The Planesfolk hail from flatlands and islands, Beastspeech Beastmen Elezi
coming from a heritage of farmers and merchants selling their Dravanian Dragons Dravanian
wares across the sea. Merchantry comes naturally to the Lalafell as
the Dunesfolk built their society around trade. Traditionally Jagdt Miqo'te Elezi
travelling on the backs of beasts of burden, they eventually settled
and built a merchant city in the desert. Magi Citizens of Nym, Mhach and Magi
Miqo'te Primal Primals ---
The Miqo'te people appear as cat folk who are expert hunters. The Voidspeech Voidsent Allag
Seekers of the Sun live in warmer climates and live in patriarchies
with a strict hierarchy, while the Keepers of the Moon live in dense
forests within a matriarchy.
The Roegadyn are large, hulking people who hail from the
mountains and the sea. The Sea Wolves are known as famed pirates
and settled a coastal city-state formed by a union of pirates, while
the Hellsguard live in villages atop mountains and volcanoes, acting
as keepers of the land.
Au ra Divided By Blood
The Auri creation myth tells the tale of two beings, the dawn father
We Xaela are nomads who roam and live off the land. My tribe was and the dusk mother. The two kinds of Au Ra have beliefs about
no different. Yet though we did no harm to those whose lands we their connection to these beings. The dark scaled Xaela are a
traversed, they treated us as vermin. in their ignorance, they feared nomadic people who believe that the blood of the dusk mother
us, and that fear manifested as spite and violence. courses through their veins. The Xaela view themselves as free
My loved ones and I were cursed at, spat upon, beaten, and spirit folk, who roam the lands hunting, gathering, and battling
worse. It was out of the desire to protect them that I began my against other roaming tribes, in honor of their ancestors of the past.
research. The light scaled Raen on the other hand have moved on from the
-Alaqa the Witch nomadic lifestyle, building a great city beneath the waves of the
Ruby Sea to make their home. Here the Raen live a life of tranquility
The Au Ra are a misunderstood people due to their physical and solitude from the rest of the world.
appearance. Their scaled bodies and horns led many to fear them,
believing them to be descendants of dragons or demons. This fear Peaks, Valleys and Plains
led to hate, which gave way to violence, leaving these proud people
few in number across the world. These conditions have led the Au The Au Ra's homeland is known as Othard, a region to the far east.
Ra to value their families beyond all else. A majority of their homeland is covered by sprawling plains known
as the Azim Steppe which dominates their country. The Xaela clans
Variable Size travel across this sea of land in close knight tribes. The northern
and western reaches of Othard are shielded by high mountain peaks
Au Ra are characterized by their curved horns and intricate and deep valleys shrouded in mist. To the East extends the Ruby
patterning of scales across their bodies. Sleek and powerful tails Sea, beneath which the Raen have made their home, hidden from
extend out from behind the Au Ra. There is a striking difference in the world.
height between the males and females of the race, the men ranging
from just over 6 feet tall to 7 and a half feet tall, while the women For my family
are dwarfed, rarely coming close to 6 feet tall. Their faces contain
sharp features and piercing eyes, alluding to their normally serious An Au Ra may set off on an adventure for any number of reasons. A
and sullen demeanor. thirst for adventure may awaken in them and draw them from their
Au Ra tend to dress very modestly, wearing simple robes and isolated clan lives, or an act against their clan or tribe has forced
lengths of cloth draped over their bodies as cloaks, especially them to action.
This could go as far as searching for lost family
amongst the nomadic Xaela tribe. members, or seeking revenge for a slight against their family.
the Au Ra, family is extremely important to them, and may serve a
central purpose to drive them to explore the world.
Subrace. The Au Ra's bloodline has split into two distinct groups,
Au Ra Names the nomadic Xaela and the solitary Raen, divided by the divine
The Au Ra approach names in two starkly different ways. The Xaela blood of their creators the Dusk Mother and Dawn Father. Select
see many names shared across tribes, but there are as many one of the two subraces of Au Ra.
spellings for the same name as there are tribes. Xaela take the
name of their tribe as their surname. The Raen name themselves in
their tongue in a way that their name carries meaning. Only those
belonging to the ruling and warrior class of society legally have
surnames, while commoners may take a surname, it is not legally
recognized. Raen who are in power often take surnames related to
their feats in battle, while commoners take names related to their
Male Raen Names. Tosetu, Keimei, Rakuyo, Hien, Genbu,
Fugetsu, Unzan, Masatsuchi, Izuna, Sagan, Karaku, Chikamasa,
Rokuyari, Tanehiro, Yoshikore, Hidetake, Norishig
Female Raen Names. Yachiyo, Kikyo, Awayuki, Narumi, Azami,
Kurenai, Tsubaki, Chidori, Suzume, Mizuki, Ibuki
Male Xaela Names. Arslang, Agasiletai, Chaghagan, Chuacenur,
Bayan, Luvsan, Bujeg, Khalja, Charakha, Khaishan, Chigu, Jebke,
Cirina, Narangerel, Ogul, Altan
Female Xaela Names. Boragchin, Narengawa, Chotan, Qoyar,
Khorchi, Ogul, Checheyigen, Altun, Eji, Baguchi, Odchigin,
Khorghosun, Yesun, Ariunbold, Bayar
Clan Names. Adarkim, Bolir, Dalamiq, Khatayin, Oronir, Malqir,
Khatayin, Ura, Goro, Oroq
Family Names. Yuzuka, Obinata, Yuzuka, Yatsurugi, Rokuyari,
Godo, Tabito, Yumishi, Musa
Au Ra Traits
Your Au Ra character has a variety of natural abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Despite their extraordinary physical features, the Au Ra live
about as long as any of the other races of Eorzea, reaching physical
maturity around the age of 16, and living to be around 80 years old.
Alignment. The Au Ra as a whole do not tend to neither good nor
evil, or towards law or chaos. The Xaela tend strongly towards the
chaotic lives of nomads outside of the laws of civilized city-states,
while the Raen enjoy the order provided by the law. Often times an
Au Ra finds themselves to be the product of their upbringing.
Size. There is a large size disparity between men and women of
the Au Ra. Males range anywhere from 6 and a half to 7 feet tall
with a lean build dwarfing the females who rarely grow taller than 5
feet. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Cranial Horns. Your horns act as your means of perceiving
sound. You have improved hearing and spatial awareness compared
to other races because of this. You gain proficiency in the perception
Gift of Dawn and Dusk. Starting at 3rd level, you gain access to
the heavenly powers of your celestial parents. Xaela will call upon
the Dusk Mother, while the Raen will beckon the Dawn Father in
most cases.
As a action you can unleash the heavenly light of the
moon or sun from within yourself, causing your scales and eyes to
glow in bright orange or light blue. Your transformation lasts for 1
minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you shed
bright light in a 10-foots radius and dim light for an additional 10
feet, and at the end of each of your turns, each creature within 10
feet of you takes radiant damage equal to half your level (rounded
up). In addition, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra
radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an
attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level.
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a
long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Auri.
The Auri language does not include gender or numbered nouns or
verbs, causing an Au Ra to mislabel things sometimes when
speaking another language.
A Valuable Ally
Difference of Opinion
The Elezen race is divided due to their pride. The Wildwood and
Duskwights found they could not coexist and distanced themselves
from one another. The Wildwood believing they are the true rulers
of the forests in which they live and hold dominion. The largest
population of Wildwood Elezen live in Ishgard, a massive religious
city embroiled in a war against dragonkind, closed off from much of
the world. The Duskwights, who made their homes in the cavern
systems of the forests have since been driven to crime to survive
due to the Wildwood's clutch on the boundaries of the forest.
The Woods and the North
The forest which the Elezen live is the Black Shroud, a massive
forest brought to order by the Wildwood, who protect the forest
from poachers and other threats which would encroach on it.
Duskwights, who disregard the need to protect the forest and hunt
to their content. Looking to the Northern city of Ishgard, towering
spires, homes and a grand cathedral hide behind their giant gates.
Living conditions in Ishgard are rough, as the poor go hungry in the
Elezen lower levels of the city, while the wealth live in exuberance, looking
For centuries, our nation has been punished for the sins of our down on the less fortunate citizens, ruled by the religious teachings
forefathers. If our punishment is to end, I believe we must right the of the Holy See.
wrongs of antiquity and move forward as a nation united. Needless
to say, my father did not share this opinion. Honour and Vengeance
-Ser Aymeric de Borel, Lord Commander of the Holy See An Elezen may set out on an adventure for many different reasons.
An Ishgardian Wildwood hungry for revenge against the dragons
The Elezen are a race divided within themselves, and their often may set out to seek greater strength, while another may take up
arrogant attitudes keep the other races at an arm's reach. The arms to defend their forest home from an encroaching threat
Wildwood live off the lush forests, using their keen eyes to hunt and against the Black Shroud. Duskwights may set out to gain honour
gather in the dense forests or live in the religious oligarchy of and riches to support their family or to prove to the world they are
Ishgard, cut off from rest of the world. The Duskwights in contrast more than just a thief. Perhaps you seek glory in battle, and head
are notorious for thievery and pillaging. Spending much of their live out to find this fame.
in caves and caverns hidden in the forest.
Elegance and Pride
Long legs, slender bodies, pointed ears and sharp features are all
marks of an elezen. Only rivaling their otherworld appearance is the
poise with which they carry themselves. Their tall, thin frames only
differ within the race by the colour of their skin. All Elezen try to
clothe themselves whenever it is appropriate, valuing their
Child of the Land You know the Druidcraft cantrip. Intelligence is
Elezen Names your spellcasting ability for it.
Both the Wildwood and Duskwight clans of Elezen spell their Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one
names very similarly. Men's names are longer and always end in - extra language of your choice.
loix, -aux, -mont, or -eant. A female's name will always end in -ne, - Subrace. The Elezen come from two different clans. Select one
ette, -elle, or -ie. of the two subraces of Elezen.
Despite the similarity in their first names, the Elezen tribes over
time claimed surnames for either side. These surnames will never Wildwood
cross clans, but only those who live within the race will know the The Wildwood Elezen have become the protectors of the forest and
difference. mortal enemies of dragonkind depending on where they are living.
Male Elezen Names. Adeux, Beichault, Dreauchant, Eauplaux, Despite this, the Wildwood keep a tight hold on their homes,
Etrent, Gloffaux, Jodeaux, Joyent, Ulmant, Ulwex, defending them aggressively. They have learned to live off land
Female Elezen Names. Adreanne, Iflione, Eaupline, Eranne, wherever they find themselves. Years of life in the forests of the
Etrene, Moriene, Peronne, Cummone, Phivonne, Paxeonne Black Shroud has imbued them with various abilities.
Elezen Surnames. Breaunojuste, Douvionne, Feajorins, Gehon, Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Glauvefand, Grurubont, Nahame, Prihaux, Shogamie, Zuhepane Hawk Sight. The normal range of your ranged weapons is
increased by 30 feet.
Elezen Traits Mask of the Wild You can attempt to hide even when you are
only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and
Your Elezen character has a variety of natural abilities. other natural phenomena.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2. Prying Eye. You have advantage when making a perception
Age. Though Elezen are one of the longest standing races, they check which involves sight.
do not live much longer than anyone else. They reach physical Remembrance. You have proficiency in the history skill.
maturity around age 18 and live into their nineties. Wildwood weapon training. You have proficiency with the
Alignment. Wildwood Elezen lean towards lawful alignments, be shortbow, shortsword, spear and dagger.
it their upbringing to protect the forest or life within the religious
walls of Ishgard. Duskwight's have embraced the wild way of living, Duskwight
leaning towards chaotic alignments, viewing laws as arbitrary Duskwights are Elezen who made their home in the cavernous
things. systems of the Black Shroud. Their light hair and dark skin sets
Size. Elezen are known for their tall slender bodies. Men can them apart from their surface dwelling counterparts. Duskwights
reach a maximum 6 feet 8 inches and rarely are shorter than 6 foot are expert cave explorers after growing up in such systems. Though
3 inches. Women reach a maximum of 6 and a half feet and rarely the caves could not satisfy all of their needs, leading the Duskwights
shorter than 6 feet tall. Your size is medium. to build a reputation of banditry for themselves.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Darkvision. Due to life in the caverns your eyes have adapted to
help you see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Duskwight Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the
shortbow, longbow, shortsword and javelins.
Poachers Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as
a bonus action on each of your turns.
Superb Hearing. You have advantage when making a perception
check which involves hearing.
Arrogance or Confidence?
The Elezen strongly believe in their abilities and their birthrights.
Many races may see this as arrogance, but if you are able to see past
their haughty attitudes, you will find a steadfast and reliable ally.
Hyur. "We were the first people of the woods, regardless of what
they believe. Why the forest sends their chosen through the Hyur is
beyond me, but I suppose we can be friends."
Miqo'te. "They are skilled hunters, perhaps too skilled. We share the
woods with these people in service to the forest. But the Keepers
who break off from the clans and become poachers are as deadly as
they come."
Thal's Balls... I'd forgotten what it was like to feel so alive! Not since
leaving the bloodsands have I had the privilege. Not since the Bull of
Ala Mhigo hung up his swords. Back then, the outcome might have
been different. But I do not begrudge you your victory. I know how
far you have come, how much you have endured. Our fight only
confirmed it. We shall have to do this again one day, when time
-Raubahn Aldynn, The Bull of Ala Mhigo
Around 1000 years ago, the Hyur spread across the land in a great
migration from the north. They made their homes wherever they
could set their footing. Some took to the mountains, while others
found a foot hold in any city which would accept them. Today the
Hyur are one of the most populous races in the world.
Of Average Build
The Hyur are a race of average sized humanoids whom one may These tough living conditions lead to a heartier, more physically
view as an average group of people, lacking distinguishing features powerful people. The Midlanders lived at sea level and across the
such as pointed ears, immense size or horns. Over time Hyur have world, which minimized changes due to life in extreme conditions.
diverged into two distinct groups, the Midlanders and Highlanders.
Midlanders are widespread across the land and come in all shapes People of the World
and colours, becoming prevalent in all cities. Highlanders in
comparison are taller than their Midlander counterparts, boasting a Hyur as a whole make up a large percentage of the population in the
more powerful, muscular build. world. Over a thousand years ago the Hyur immigrated in massive
waves from their homelands and made their homes wherever their
A Matter of Location feet hit the ground. Highlanders are a special case within the Hyur,
famed for their mountainous city of Ala Mhigo. In recent years, the
The differences between the Midlanders and Highlanders was born Ala Mhighan's were forced from their homes to immigrate across
from their homes long ago. The Highlanders are named for living at the world, mixing into the cities across the world themselves.
a high elevation, mountains in particular.
Glory and Prosperity Hyur Traits
The Hyur are a hardworking and ambitious people, no matter what Your Hyur character has a variety of natural abilities tied to their
walk of life they come from. It is for this reason that for every Hyur heritage of being a diverse peoples.
in the world, there could be a different reason to seek adventure. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Some may head out on the road for the value of the journey itself, Age. Hyur tend to live for approximately 75 years, reaching sexual
while others may do so in search of riches. Some Hyur may be maturity around age 16 and full maturity around 20 years old.
adventuring on another's behalf, perhaps their family sitting at Alignment. Overall the Hyur are a highly variable race, so it
home, or to defend their people from an imminent threat. In a world stands to reason that the Hyur tend to not lean towards neither
with so many possibilities, it does not take much convincing to bring good nor evil. The same could be stated about their impressions of
a Hyur to action. law and chaos. They comfortably fall in line with the culture in
which they are raised, but are generally good-hearted.
Hyur Names Size. Hyur tend to range in height from 5 feet to 6 and a half feet
The names of the Hyur are in the common tongue of the land. tall depending on their heritage. Midlanders struggle to pass 6 feet
Midlander may take names which are appropriate for the culture in while highlanders easily pass it. Your size is medium.
which they live while Highlanders take names which have a Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
harshness in their pronunciation. As a surname, Midlanders will Worldly Skill. You have proficiency with a set of artisan's tools of
often take a descriptive name for their physical traits or profession. your choice.
Highlanders prefer to earn their surnames in battle, using feats of Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and two
martial prowess or names with violent imagery. other languages of your choice.
Male Midlander Names. Odard, Redwald, Kenward, Herebert, Subrace. The Hyur have changed over time based on where they
Acwuld, Edward, Roderic, Eadwine lived over the past millennium. Select one of the two subraces of
Female Midlander Names. Rowena, Hilda, Agatha, Hrodwyn, Hyur.
Goldyna, Hounild, Edusa, Beyhild, Mathilda, Tonild, Somerhild,
Rimilde Midlander
Male Highlander Names. Sigmundr, Arnar, Armond, Varin, Bard, As a Midlander, you are a child of possibility. The midlanders can
Hordr, Ogmundr, Hallgrim, Thordr, Raubahn live pretty well anywhere in the world and not seem out of place.
Female Highlander Names. Marte, Cathrine, Yngvildr, Helene, Due to their ability to find comfortable lifes anywhere, they have
Kolgrima, Katie, Myrun, Kaolin, Kaia, Kamilla becoming highly adaptable and well educated.
Midlander Surnames. Taylor, Faulkner, Browne, Parker, Forrest, Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your
River, Miller, Draper, Fletcher, Hill, Thatcher choice increase by 1.
Highlander surnames. Fury, Burne, Savage, Stronge. Strongaxe, Skill Versatility. You have proficiency in three skills of your
Blood, Furor, Shatterfist, Strongblade, Ironwill choice.
The warlike Highlanders see battle as the reason for life. They are
Breadth of Bonds no strangers to violence living in the mountains, over time making
great conquests against various groups of people. Life in these
Hyur are prevalent throughout the world, and because of this most tough conditions has hardened the Highlanders as a people, leading
will welcome a Hyur into their lives without prejudice. Overall the to naturally powerful builds.
Hyur are met with courtesy wherever they wander.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Elezen. "For a long time we didn't see eye to eye, but for the time Highland Endurance. You can focus yourself to occasionally
shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction
being we are friends."
to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled,
Lalafell. "The Planesfolk are a wonderful people, so earnest in their and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you
lives. The Dunesfolk, will rob you blind with your thanks."
can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Miqo'te. "They're a quiet folk who keep to themselves, but I can Naturally Honed Body. You have proficiency in the athletics skill.
respect their skill. I have no qualms with them." Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining
your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Soldiers Attention. Highlanders are known for their resilience.
When you take a long rest you only need 4 hours of sleep. You may
spend the remainder of your rest doing light activity or standing
watch. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a
character usually does from 8 hours of sleep.
But I will see them suffer no longer. The victory feast shall provide
the stage on which I declare the dissolution of the sultanate. 'Tis Products of the Land
mine intent that the ruling class of our golden city should take its The Lalafellin homelands produced two types of people, from which
place beside the common man in a fair and equitable republic. No they take their names. The Plainsfolk started off as agriculturalists
more shall this nation bow to the whims of a privileged few. living their lives on their farms, eventually trading their goods
-Nanamo Ul Namo, Sultana of Ul'Dah across the land, leading for lalafells to spread across the world. The
Dunesfolk began and remain as desert dwelling folk, their bodies
The Lalafell are generally a cheery race of people. Long ago the adapting to the harsh conditions.
Lalafells lived as masters of agriculture and spread across the land
along trade routes, selling their produce becoming one of the most Rolling Planes and Towering Dunes
widespread races there is. In time the Dunesfolk went as far as
establishing their own desert city-state known as Ul'Dah. These tiny The Lalafell can trace their ancestry back to two key area. The
folk are highly ambitious and are not afraid to take hold of Plainsfolk began as farmers on fertile islands in the south, farming
opportunity when it appears before them. the fertile lands of their namesake. The Dunesfolk were not so luck
to have farmable land and instead turned to animal husbandry.
Tiny Yet Mighty Traditionally Dunesfolk built their homes on the backs of beasts of
burden, travelling with their herds. Eventually the Dunesfolk
Lalafell anatomy sees these kindly people rarely growing to be 3 founded a great city of wealth, where nearly all Dunesfolk live today.
feet tall. Their short bodies are rotund, with short feeble looking
legs. But appearances can be deceiving as Lalafells bodies are Family and Fortune
highly efficient, allowing them to travel long distances on their short
legs. The Plainsfolk have larger, pointed ears which greatly Lalafells care deeply for their small families and would do anything
improved their hearing, while the Dunesfolk developed a film which for them. They may set out on an adventure to support their families
covers their eyes, protecting them from the sun and sand of the or in their defense. Not all Lalafells have such pure goals though as
desert. Additionally out of tradition, Dunesfolk will place gemstones many contain a great deal of ambition in their tiny bodies.
associated with their zodiacal sign on their foreheads. Merchants travel all over the land, researchers seeking knowledge
in secret places, sellswords bravely take on jobs to prove
themselves. Lalafells may be small, but they take on the world in a
big way.
Lalafell Names
Both the Plainsfolk and the Dunesfolk name themselves using set Good Relations All Around
rhyming schemes, ruled by rhythm and repetition. Syllables are Thanks to their charming demeanors and financial ties across the
combining in various combinations to form playful sounding names.
This means that Lalafells generally do not have surnames unless world, Lalafells are one of the few races who can say it is on good
they come from royalty, which adds their family name in the middle. terms with nearly everyone. Most Lalafells are kindly and outgoing,
Each gender and subrace of Lalafell have their own ruleset detailed allowing them to seem like the younger sibling of all the races.
below. Each letter indicates a syllable or pair of syllables.
Lalafell Naming Convention Subrace. The Lalafell come from two distinct groups of people.
Gender and Subrace Rhyming Scheme Select one of the two subraces of Lalafell.
Male Plainsfolk AB - CB Plainsfolk
Female Plainsfolk ABB - AB As a Plainsfolk, you have spent some time working in agriculture, or
have had information passed down to you from your family. Your
Male Dunesfolk AAB - CCB highly sensitive ears and knowledge of farming has led to the
Female Dunesfolk AAB - AB development that sets you apart from your fellow Lalafell, the
Male Plainsfolk Names. Budadi Yidadi, Egul Sagul, Erelo Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Forelo, Elehul Pedulehul, Gusis Shisis Healing Herbs. As an action you can procure a variety of healing
Female Plainsfolk Names. Icucu Icu, Badada Bada, Usoso Uso, herbs and salves you keep handy. You can feed a creature and cause
Kikuku Kiku. it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use
Male Dunesfolk Names. Wowokima Chichikima, Sheshehici this trait, you can't use it again until you replenish your stock during
Rorohici, Hihihebo Ruruhebo, Tutushuhu Kukushuhu, Gogoreba a long rest.
Susureba Sharp Senses. You gain proficiency with the perception skill.
Female Dunesfolk Names. Ejaja Eja, Babayi Bayi, Rerega Rega, Dunesfolk
Chochosha Chosha, Bobochu Bochu, Lelepu Lepu
As a Dunesfolk, you have an instinctual ability to work with animals
Lalafell Traits thanks to your ancestors. Additionally you have adapted to the harsh
desert environments and thrived.
Your Lalafell character has a variety of natural abilities derived from Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
their ancestry. Dust Shield. Your eyes have developed a film to protect them
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2. from desert conditions. You have advantage on saving throws
Age. These smallfolk are able to live just as long as the other against being blinded.
races. Lalafells reach physical maturity around the age of 18, and Poisonous Upbringing. You have advantage on saving throws
live until their mid eighties. against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Alignment. Generally speaking, Lalafells lean towards a good
natured alignment, though some shrewd businessmen may push far
away from this approach to life. Neither the Plainsfolk or Dunesfolk
have a inclination to law or chaos, with individuals falling into all
Size. Lalafells are a diminutive people who see no difference in
height due to gender. Their heights on average range from 2 feet
and 8 inches to just over 3 feet. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Lalafell Luck. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check,
or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Merchant's Intuition. You gain proficiency in the persuasion skill.
Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when when you
are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than
Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature
that is of a size larger than yours.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one
other language.
The Nunh that I once fought also believed that his strrrength would
save him. He was wrong, and I am now Nunh. Many years ago I
joined the Company of Heroes to hone my skills instead of
challenging my predecessor before I was ready. Even when I was
young I understood that victorrrry goes to the patient, the cunning,
the pragmatic."
-U'odh Nunh, leader of the Drake Tribe
The Miqo'te are an aloof people who value their independence from
the world. Centuries ago the Miqo'te migrated, Seekers spreading
across the world in low numbers while Keepers finding dense
forests as a new home. Traditionally they avoid the other races, but
over time more and more Miqo'te have integrated into society with
pockets of die hard traditional Miqo'te tribes surviving out in the
Lithe Hunters
The Miqo'te are a feline race with large catlike ears, fanged teeth
and long tails. They have a highly tuned sense of smell and powerful
legs, which have allowed them to become natural hunters. The
Seekers of the Sun's ears are wider with thicker fur, while the Arid Sands and Dense Woods
Keepers of the Moon's ears are longer and stylized, with shorter fur. The hot, arid deserts of Southern Thanalan are home to one of the
Furthermore, the eyes of the Seekers has developed such that the most famed tribes of the Seekers of the Sun. Seekers can be found
pupils are slit light, to help guard their eyes from the exposure of the anywhere across the world, barring cold regions with a harsh winter
sun, while the Keepers' pupils have become large and rounded. climate. Those who integrate into larger cities tend to discard their
Many more women are born into the tribes and clans of the Miqo'te tribal ties and take up the social norms of the city in which they live.
people. Keepers of the Moon have taken to the dense forests away from the
heat of the sun.
Of Suns and Moons
The Seekers or the Sun and Keepers of the Moon are two distinct Adventure Calls
ethnicities falling under the Miqo'te. Their cultures differ greatly The Miqo'te tend to differ on their approach to life depending on
down to the social structures of their groups. The Seekers live in their ethnicity. The Seekers of the Sun are bold individuals who are
male dominant societies centered around an alpha male known as quick to jump into action, but also become bored easily. This natural
the Nuhn, and worship the god Azeyma. In contrast the Keepers live need for excitement may call a Miqo'te to action, leading them out
in a matriarchal society and worship the goddess Menphina. into the world to explore. Those from traditional tribes may leave
their tribe seeking to start their own clan of Seekers, becoming the
alpha of their group.
Keepers are guarded and brooding, which may stall them from
setting out on a journey, but when the need arises to protect family,
friends or their home, a Keeper will stop at nothing to protect that Reserved Watchers
which they cherish. Miqo'te tend to keep to themselves, trying to avoid contact with
Miqo'te Names races outside their own, Even in highly populated cities, individual
Miqo'te lead isolated lives, preferring to stay aloof.
Seekers of the sun use a simple naming convention. Male names
are one or two syllables and preceded by a letter which is associated
with the tribe. The extra aitches (H) we see in names such as
Miqo'te Traits
Your Miqo'te character has a variety of natural abilities related to
their natural physical traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Miqo'te tend to live secluded, healthy lives reaching physical
maturity around the age of 16, and living to be around 80 years old.
Alignment. Miqo'te who live within a traditional tribal setting
lean towards a lawful alignment, adhering to the laws of their
people. Those who are born or live in more diverse settings tend to
lean in no particular direction.
Size. Miqo'te are a people people with powerful leg muscles.
Their slender builds distract from how powerful their bodies really
are. On average males tend to range in height from 5 feet to 5 and a
half feet tall, while females range from 4 feet 9 inches to 5 feet 3
inches Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Your eyes have adapted to help you see in the dark.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour
in darkness, only shades of grey.
They sought to secure a place to breed and multiply, that their kind
might survive. Self-preservation, as you say. But we have as much
right to live and thrive as they. If our own survival is threatened, are
we to lay down our arms and welcome oblivion? Nay.
-Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn
The Roegadyn are a physically powerful race of people with a thirst
for life which few can rival. They live loudly with boisterous voices,
larger than life goals and an unflinching approach to danger.
Roegadyns are fearless explorers who long ago were the greatest
pirates to sail the seas. Adventure is in their blood. Be it sailing, naval service or mercenary work, the Sea Wolves
continue to feel most at home when adventuring on board a ship.
Size Matters The Hellsguard in comparison live in land around the volcanic
Roegadyn are enormous humanoids with a hulking muscular build. mountains of abalathia. Here they guard the material plane from
Men and women alike grow to tower over the other races. Partly undead spirits trying to return home.
due to their size, Roegadyn as a whole love competitions of strength
and courage, challenging one another to push themselves and their The Great Seas and Abalathia
bravery. Their faces have fierce features and large flat noses. Due to The Roegadyn as an entire race hail from the Northern seas , their
their large size, Roegadyn tend to wear durable, flexible clothing name translating to people of the rain. These seafaring people can
which allows them to move easily. be found living in coastal cities the world over living as sailors,
mercenaries and pirates.
Maritime Reavers, Volcanic Hermits The Hellsguard live around the volcanoes of the Abalathia
The Sea Wolves live up to their names through a storied history on mountains, believing their home to be a sacred place related to the
the ocean. Most Sea Wolf communities can be found on the coast, afterlife. Those Hellsguard who choose to leave their mountain
as most make their living from the sea. homes can be found in large cities near these mountains, making a
living as sellswords or chasing deeper knowledge of magic.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Roegadyn.
In Their Nature Subrace. The Roegadyn have settled into two distinct lifestyles.
The Roegadyn people are a boisterous race, seeking out challenges Select a subrace based on where you come from.
to test their power and bravery.
They rarely need much convincing to head into the heat of battle
for a cause they believe in, though coin may help speed them along. On Your Merit
Sea Wolves have a long history of pirating, looting and battle on Both the Sea Wolves and the Hellsguard do not carry preconceived
ships of all sorts, giving them a deep seeded thirst for adventure.
Hellsguard grow up in solitude away from society, having no city to notions about other races, but rather judge each person they meet by
call their own. They may decide to head off in search of a more their own standards. Sea Wolves may value people who show
engaging existence by heading down their mountain and seeing courage, while Hellsguard appreciate those who think before acting.
what else the world has to offer.
Roegadyn Names Seawolf
Sea Wolves and Hellsguard follow very different rules when it Fearless sailors of the sea. The Sea Wolves have a storied history of
comes to naming conventions. Sea Wolves all derive their names by being a great sailors. No coastal cities were safe in the past when
combining two words from their ancient Roegadyn Language. the Sea Wolves came to town. A history of sailing and pirating has
Women of the Sea Wolves also derive their names by combining left the Sea Wolves with inherent abilities.
two words, but the second word is always one of eight words. Sea Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Wolves form their surnames by taking their parent's name and Sailor's Swimming. You have advantage when making athletics
adding a third word; syn for males and wyn for females, indicating (swimming) checks.
they are a son or daughter respectively. Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee
Hellsguard on the other hand avoid their ancient language and weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one
use the common tongue. Their names are formed using two words additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
as well, often drawing inspiration from nature. Women of the Sea Wolves weapon training. You have proficiency with the
Hellsguard tend to use plant imagery in their names as well, but are greataxe, battleaxe, greatclub and handaxe.
not restricted to do so. Nearly all Hellsguard abandon their family
names, refusing to be defined by their ancestors in the past. Hellsguard
Male Sea Wolf Names. Klynnahct, Flazfolg, Roehahtyn, The elusive Hellsguard live around then volcanoes located within
Broenstymm, Haergeiss, Nedyrsatz, Unsynfarr Abalathia's Spine. They have lived in solitude for hundreds of years
Female Sea Wolf Names. Rhotbryda, Hezzwyb, Rhenbryda, guarding the volcano from spirits seeking passage from the world of
Grynegeim, Ketenbryda, Skaenswys, Swozthota, Wyznthota, the dead into their own world. A long history of practicing magic in
Rhotbryda, Trahggeim the mountains has left the Hellsguard with innate supernatural
Male Hellsguard Names. Aware Sun, Major Wind, Blue Yew, abilities.
Grateful Forest, Surprised Cavern, Bright Island, Flawed Lake, Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Fearless Oak, Dirt Snow, Stark Crow Magical Knowledge. You have proficiency with the arcana skill.
Female Hellsguard Names. Soft Pea, Obedient Apple, Honored Volcanic Children. You know the Firebolt cantrip. At 3rd level
Eclipse, Orange Autumn, Silly Feather, Carefree Locust, Secret you learn the Burning Hands spell and can cast it at the 1st level
Lavender, Careful Vapor, Optimistic Blossom, Innocent Daffodil. once before requiring a long rest. Charisma is your spell casting
ability for these spells.
Roegadyn Language
Check Appendix F for a list of Roegadyn words.
Roegadyn Traits
Your Roegadyn character has a variety of natural abilities which all
members of their race have.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Though physically larger than the other races, the Roegadyn
do not live any longer; reaching full maturity around the age of 20
and living into their eighties.
Alignment. Roegadyn have no heavy leaning towards good or evil.
The Sea Wolves value the chaotic nature of adventuring and lean
towards this alignment, while the Hellsguard look to laws of their
ancestors to guard the sacred volcanoes they've lived near for ages.
Size. Roegadyns are a massive people who grow much taller than
their fellow races. Males grow as tall as 7 and a half feet tall, while
women can grow to be 7 foot 3 inches tall. Despite your powerful
builds and great height, your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being
Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your turn, your
reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining
your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Chapter 2: Classes
Hit Throw
Class Description Die Proficiencies Armor and Weapon Proficiencies
Arcanist A spellcaster who summons a familiar to assist d6 Intelligence Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs,
them in battle. & Wisdom light crossbows
Astrologian A spellcasterpower
who uses tarot cards and draws d6
from the stars.
Wisdom & Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarter Staffs,
Charisma Light Crossbows
Black Mage A mage who calls upon the power of the void to d6
empower their spells.
Intelligence Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarter Staffs,
& Charisma Light Crossbows
Dark A knight who harnesses forbidden power to d10 Constitution All Armor, shields, Simple and Martial
Knight protect the weak. & Charisma Weapons
A fighter who harnesses the power of dragons
Dragoon to jump through the sky and dive upon their d10 Strength &
Light and Medium armor, simple
weapons and martial Weapons
Machinist A tinkerer who uses firearms and creates d8 Dexterity & LightHunting
armor, Simple weapons, Pistols,
Rifles, Revolvers and
clockwork companions to fight with them. Intelligence Muskets
A mage who draws from the schools of white d8
Red Mage and Dexterity & Light armor, Simple weapons, Short
black magic, weaving them with swordplay. Charisma Swords and Rapiers
Samurai A fighter specializing in an eastern approach to d10 Strength & Light, Medium Armour, simple
combat. Wisdom weapons, martial Weapons
Warrior A fighter who uses immense strength and bulk d12 Strength & All armor, simple weapons, and
to overpower opponents. Constitution martial weapons
White A mage who draws on the power of nature to d6 Wisdom & Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarter Staffs,
Mage power their spells. Charisma Light Crossbows
Nymian Healer
Starting at 2nd level, your healing spells are more effective.
Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points
to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 +
the spell's level.
Fey's Embrace
Starting at 2nd level you have also learned to harness the bond
between you and your fairy.
As an action you can expend one of your
aetherflow stacks to let your companion cast a spell it knows
without expending a spell slot.
You can use this feature twice. You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Critical Heal
Starting at 6th level, your healing spells have the potential to cause a
critical heal. When you roll healing for a spell and roll the highest
number possible on any of the dice, roll another dice of the same
value and add that number to the amount of hit points recovered.
You can use the feature only once per turn.
Starting at 10th level, when you cast a spell of 1st level or higher to
restore hit points to a creature, you can expend one aetherflow
stack to empower the heal. Your healing spell creates a protective
ward on the creature, granting them temporary hit points equal to
half the hit points recovered for 10 minutes. If a critical heal
occurred, the temporary hit points is equal to the full amount of hit
points recovered.
Nymian Savior
Starting at 18th level, when you would normally roll one or more
dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest
number possible for each die.
For example, instead of restoring 2d6
hit points to a creature, you restore 12. Additionally roll your spell as
you usually would to determine if it's a critical heal.
A slender woman draped in fine robes sits in a dark room across
from a man who feels he has lost his way. Smiling she releases her
Planisphere and a flurry of arcana cards into the air. From the
squall of cards she draws and divines the man’s fate, instilling in the
lost soul a sense of peace and hope for the future.
A man stands behind his allies on the battlefield. He raises his
Star Globe to the sky and begins to channel energy into this tool.
Using the power of the stars above, soothing energy radiates
outwards, enveloping his allies, turning the tide of battle from the
prior dire circumstance they fought against.
A well versed Astrologian stands before a congregation of people.
She has come to spread the word of her rare new art, offering
understanding of the future through the power of the stars. It has
become her sacred duty to bring the stars into view for the common
Whether they stand behind their allies granting them the blessing
of the stars and moons of the universe, or standing alongside them
on the front line, Astrologians manipulate the
Time Dilation
Royal Road Effects Starting at 20th level, you can expend an available draw to extend
the duration of Draw's effect by one round on a single creature.
Converted: The Balance or The Bole
Each subsequent extension requires one extra available draw to be
Effect: Potency of the next card is increased. Double spent. You make this decision at the beginning of your turn before
the value of the effect, see the Potency Increase making any movements or actions.
Effects table below for details.
Converted: The Arrow or The Spear
If you are proficient with a simple or martial weapon, you can use it
as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.
When you gain this feature choose two cantrips from Caustic
Bite, Empyreal Arrow, Misery's End, Rain of Death or Stormbite to
learn. They count as bard cantrips for you, but don't count against
your number of cantrips known. You learn another cantrip from this
list at 7th, 11th and 15th level.
Army's Paeon
Starting at 3rd level your songs and words enchant your comrades
strikes with the power of sound. A creature that has a Bardic
Inspiration die from you can roll that die to add an extra 2d6 to a
melee weapon damage roll it just made.
This damage increases when you reach certain levels in this
class, increasing to 3d6 at 5th level, 4d6 at 10th level, and 6d6 at
15th level.
Mage's Ballad
Starting at 6th you learn to weave the power of aether into the most
mundane of strikes. Once per turn when you hit a creature with a
weapon attack, you can expend one bard spell slot to deal thunder
damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra
damage is 1d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level
higher than 1st.
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points using this feature, you
regain one use of your Bardic Inspiration.
Wanderer's Minuet
Starting at 14th you have learned to cloak yourself with the
wandering winds. You can use your bonus action to teleport to a
unoccupied space within 30 feet. When you reappear at your new
location, your body becomes covered in rapidly flowing aether until
the start of your next turn. The next time you hit a creature with a
weapon attack while under the effect of this feature, it takes an
extra 2d8 force damage.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it
again until you finish a long rest or have expended a use of your
Bardic Inspiration.
Black Mage
A Lalafell stands before a horde of kobolds, blood thirsty they dash
towards him. With a few skillful waves of his staff, a large fireball
erupts from the gem inlaid at the end of the staff, causing a massive
fiery explosion, leaving nothing but ash.
A woman wearing dark robes grins as she waves her wand before
a guard refusing her entry. With a few choice words and a spell, the
guard happily steps aside, unlocking the passage before falling
unconscious due to illness.
An Elezen laughs at his reflection as he inspects his body after
tapping into the powers of the void. His eyes glow red and his teeth
bare fangs, signs that his mastery of magic is growing.
A Black Mage is a powerful ally who wields forbidden magic
stolen from the void. This raw energy manifests itself into
devastating spells and effects. Their power is only rivaled by their
thirst to increase that power.
A Dark Past
In days long past, there existed an evil clan and arcane art known as
black magic—a potent magic of pure destructive force born forth by
a sorceress of unparalleled power. Those who learned to wield this
instrument of ruin came to be called black mages, out of both fear
and respect for their gift. Yet great power served to corrupt the
judgment of mortal man, and so he unknowingly set out upon the
path of ruin.
Adventurers who take the black will become agents of
devastation, capable of annihilating those who oppose them through
little more than the force of their will.
Ties to the Void
In order for a mage to don the black, they must extensively research
what they call the void. This is another plane of existence from
which Black Mages draw knowledge, in order to unlock power
within themselves. Most Black Mages are able to explore the
knowledge gained from the void through tomes and texts now, but
some who thirst for new power can attempt to tap into the void
directly. Black Mages continue to grow within their craft through
continuing their study of the dark arts.
Creating a Black Mage
Black Mages are earnest in their desires and reasons for taking the
black. More often than not it is in the pursuit of power or out of
sheer curiosity. You must know why you are pursuing this power, or
why you are curious about the dark arts. You must also decide
where you began to dip your toes into the world of black magic. Did
you join a cult of mages who studied the art? Perhaps a proper
school which provides the proper materials to explore black mage.
Maybe you were taken under the wing of a mentor who has
mastered the art.
The Black Mage
Proficiency Cantrips Spells
Level Bonus Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Enochian 4 2 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Spell Augmentation, Discipline 4 3 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 4 4 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 5 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 5 6 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Discipline Feature 5 7 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 5 8 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 9 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 6 10 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Discipline Feature 6 11 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Discipline Feature 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 6 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Surecaster 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Limitless Aether 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check against your When you use this feature and have used up all remaining shots of
Suppressive Fire DC. The device explodes early at the start of your your weapon, you can instead use this feature to reload your
next turn if you haven't attacked the creature carrying the device or weapon.
when being removed. Each creature in a 20-foot radius sphere
centered on the device must make a Dexterity saving throw against Quick Draw
your Suppressive Fire DC. A target takes 2d6 fire damage on a Starting at 6th level, you can reload a firearm using your free action.
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The Additionally when you roll initiative you can make one attack roll
damage of the device increases by 2d6, to a maximum of 8d6, for against a target.
each successful attack you make against the creature carrying it.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your Gauss Barrel
Intelligence Modifier rounded down (a minimum of once). When you Starting at 11th level, you have learned how to build and operate the
finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses. Gauss Barrel. If you have not moved on your turn you can attach the
Gauss Barrel to a firearm using your bonus action.
Combat Roll You can't move and take the attack action in the same turn while
Starting at 13th level, you are able to perform a combat roll during using the Gauss Barrel and you cannot take more than one ranged
battle. When you are targeted by an attack, you can use your weapon attack per turn. For the duration of the effect add your
reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack and move 5 feet to an Intelligence ability modifier to your ranged weapon attacks. Your
open space without provoking an attack of opportunity. ranged weapon attacks deal 10d8 piercing damage, along with all
other bonuses you would normally receive, and knock you back 5
feet into the opposite direction of your target.
After the effect ends
C.A.T you have to use your bonus action to detach the Gauss Barrel at the
Starting at 14th level, you've developed the compact aetherial start of your next turn.
You can use this feature for a number of
turbocharger, C.A.T.
As an action you can throw your C.A.T at a rounds equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up).
creature within 20 feet of you, restoring a number of hit points Your Gauss Barrel can be used twice before requiring maintenance
equal to 3d8 to the creature. If you are carrying the device and are during a long rest.
reduced to 0 hit points, without outright dying, it will automatically
activate, restoring hit points to you in the same way. Sniper
Starting at 17th level, when you land a critical hit, the damage is tripled. You score a critical hit on a die result 19 or 20.
Tinkerer Grenadier
You have decided to focus your efforts on the production of The Grenadier has focused their studies on the creation and
miniature turrets. These turrets come in many shapes and sizes and mastery of explosive arms.
serve specific purposes.
Explosive Innovator
Automated Turrets When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to create a
Starting at 3rd level, you have completed your newest creations, the set of Grenadier Bombs only you can use.
Automated Rook and Bishop Turrets. You may use your action to Grenadier Bombs. During a long rest, you can create a number
deploy or recall a Turret within 30 feet of you. You may only have of bombs equal to your Intelligence modifier. A bomb costs 1 silver
one turret deployed at a time. They gain the benefits of your in materials to create and you can carry a number of them equal to
Mechanical Bond ability. your Intelligence Modifier.
Saving Throws. Some of your Grenadier features require your
Mechanical Bond targets to make a saving throw to resist the bomb's effects. The
At 3rd level you build a turret companion when you select the saving throw is calculated as follows:
Tinkerer archetype.
To fully repair your companion you must spend
2 hours working on it during a long rest. Grenadier Save DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier + your
Your turret companion gains a variety of benefits while it is under Intelligence modifier.
your control.
Add your proficiency bonus to your turret companions As an action you can throw a bomb to a point within 30 feet of you.
AC, attack and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and Each creature in a 5 foot radius centered on that point must make a
skills it is proficient in. For each level you gain after 3rd, your Dexterity saving throw. The creatures takes 1d8 fire damage on a
clockwork companion gains an additional hit die and increases its failed save and half as much on a success. This damage increases
hit point accordingly. Your companion gains proficiency in Dexterity by another d8 at the 6th, 11th and 17th levels.
During your turn you can make one additional unarmed strike per
attack you have made during this turn. This does not apply to
attacks made during Forbidden Chakra.
You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you
finish a long rest.
Meditative Brotherhood
Starting at 11th level, you have gained a significant understanding of
the Fist of Rhalgr style. After connecting with a successful Greased
Lightning strike, you can spend 2 Ki points to deliver a powerful
blow. The targeted creatures must make a saving throw against your
Ki save DC.
Dragon Kick. A leaping corkscrew kick aimed at the target's
head, dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage. The target must make a
constitution saving throw, on a failed save, your attacks have
advantage against that target for a number of rounds equal to your
Wisdom modifier.
Elixir Field. You leap into the air above your target and unleash a
wave of Ki energy downwards, suspending yourself in the air as you
burn all creatures within a 10 foot radius centered on you with raw
energy. Affected creatures make a dexterity saving throw, receiving
4d8 radiant damage on a failed save and half as much on a
successful save.
Howling Fist. You crash your fist into the ground with
tremendous force, causing a shockwave of Ki powered explosions to
travel in a 15 foot line in front of you. Affected creatures make a
dexterity saving throw, receiving 4d8 fire damage on a failed save
and half as much on a successful save.
Tornado Kick. You leap into the air and deliver a series of swift
but powerful kicks to your target creating a small localized tempest.
The creature makes a strength saving throw receiving 4d8
bludgeoning damage on a failed save and is knocked back 10 feet,
and half as much on a successful save, with no knockback.
Perfect Balance
Starting at 17th level you can use your bonus action to use any of
the abilities offered by the Meditative Brotherhood feature at the
cost of 6 Ki points. Once you use this feature, you must finish a
short or long rest before you can use it again.
Ninja (Rogue Archetype)
You have chosen to study the art of the ninjas of Doma. These
talented fighters have learned to channel the power from the world
around them, the heavens, the earth and the hearts of man through
the use of mudras or hand gestures. These traditional arts are
passed down from master to student, father to son and mother to
daughter. Their secrets are closely guarded by the practitioners.
Each mudra carries meaning. The Ten mudras draws power from
the heavens, while the Chi mudra draws power from the earth. Jin
completes the triangle, drawing power from the hearts of man.
Together, these mudras allow the ninja to draw power from the
world they live in.
Starting at 3rd level you have learned the secrets of shukuchi. You
instantaneously travel a maximum distance of 5 feet per rogue level.
You can travel over gaps in the ground, but cannot scale walls using
Shukuchi. At 13th level you leave behind an optional 15 foot cube of
smoke. You can only use Shukuchi when you take the hide action or
while hidden. You must expend one use of your Ten mudra to use
Starting at 3rd level you gain access to the mudra 'Ten'. As an
action, you can cast ninjutsu by combining mudra together. You can
use each mudra a number of times equal to half your rogue level
rounded down. At 9th level you gain access to the mudra 'Chi', and
at 13th level you gain access to the mudra 'Jin'. When you spend a
mudra it's unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, during
which you spend at least 30 minutes meditating.
Ninjutsu Combination
Fuma Any single mudra
Shadon Any single mudra
Katon Any mudra and Ten
Raiton Any mudra and Chi
Hyoton Any mudra and Jin
Huton One of each of the mudras
Doton One of each of the mudras
Suiton One of each of the mudras
Trick Attack
Starting at 13th level you are able to perform a trick attack. When
you hit an enemy with a sneak attack, you can expend one use of
each mudra to perform a trick attack. The target then becomes
vulnerable causing all attack rolls to have advantage against that
creature until the start of your next turn.
Starting at 17th level after using a ninjutsu you can use a bonus
action to use a second ninjutsu which requires one fewer mudra.
You must then finish a short or long rest to use this feature again.
Ninjutsu Spell List
Intelligence is the spell modifier for the following abilities. The spell
casting focus for these spells is the caster's hands forming the
required mudras. Spells cast through ninjutsu are cast at their base
level. To cast ninjutsu at a higher spell level, you can spend the
required mudra for the ninjutsu again to increase the spell level by
one. You can spend mudra to increase the casting level to a
maximum of the 9th level.
Performing the Fuma ninjutsu allows you to cast the Ice Knife spell.
Performing the Shadon ninjutsu allows you to cast the Darkness
Performing the Katon ninjutsu allows you to cast the Fireball spell
at half the maximum range.
Performing the Raiton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Lightning
Bolt spell at half the maximum range.
Performing the Hyoton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Ice Storm
spell at half the maximum range.
Performing the Huton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Haste spell on
Performing the Doton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Doton spell.
Performing the Suiton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Suiton spell.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the following two
Channel Divinity options.
Cover. As an action you create an aetherial link with a creature
within 10 feet of you. All damage that ally would take is taken by you
instead. The link lasts a number of rounds equal to your Charisma
ability modifier or until you end it as a bonus action. The creature
you are linked to must remain within 10 feet of you or the link is
Flash. As an action you present your holy symbol which flashes
with blinding light. Each hostile creature within 30 feet of you must
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is
blinded for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma ability
modifier. On a successful save until the start of your next turn, a
creature has disadvantage on any attack roll that isn't against you.
When a target affected by this feature hits a creature other than you
with a attack, the creature has resistance to the damage dealt by the
Aura of Veil
Starting at 7th level, allies within 10 feet of you are protected by a
divine veil. As a reaction, you can choose to redirect half the damage
an ally would receive to yourself.
At 18th level, the range of this aura is increased to 30 feet.
Shield Oath
Starting at 15th level, your oath of protection allows you to easily
block attacks. When a creature that you can see makes an attack
roll against you, you can use your reaction to expend a hit dice,
rolling a Hit Dice and subtracting the number rolled from the
creature's roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature
makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack
Oath of the Sultansworn - Paladin Hallowed Ground
Archetype Starting at 20th level, you mastered the technique to channel your
will into an impregnable barrier. As an action, you create a barrier in
The Sultansworn were once known as fierce warriors who pledged a 60 foot cone behind you which negates all damage to your allies
their lives in the defense of the Sultan or Sultana of their land. for a number of rounds equal to half your Charisma ability modifier
These steadfast protectors sworn an oath to their rulers and their rounded down (minimum 1). Once you use this feature, you can't
ideals, becoming paragons of justice in their cities. use it again until you finish a long rest.
Today, paladins who take the oath of the Sultansworn make this
oath to protect someone of great importance, being provided with a
wide selection of tools to ensure the safety of their charges.
Tenets of the Sultansworn
Red Mage
Like a lightning bolt streaking through the battlefield, she makes
quick work of foe after foe. At the first sign of danger, the crimson
beauty flips over the head of the foe behind her, letting loose a wave
of energy as a parting gift.
A confident smirk spreads across the face of the veteran Red
Mage. He unleashes spell after spell in quick succession, drawing
on countless elements until his foe is annihilated.
As though a flower amongst a sea of weeds, the Red Mage leads
their allies into battle. With a deep trust that they'll stay at their side,
she turns her friends into the perfect dancing partners for this
adventure, empowering them to match their grace.
Red Mages have drawn on a multitude of disciplines across the
world, mixing black and white magic along with focused swordplay
and style. All of these abilities have combined in this alluring mix of
talent and flair, creating a hero worthy of becoming legendary.
Crimson Mage
Some fairy tales of Gyr Albania speak of the heroic deeds and
daring adventures of mages clothed in crimson. These adventurers
are known as Red Mages, and travel the world protecting the good
in the world by drawing on both white and black magic, while
mixing martial prowess into a flawless battle style.
It's Not About Fame
Their thirst for adventure, flashy style and renowned flair may lead
many to believe that a Red Mage becomes an adventurer for the
admiration of their fellow man, but that is not the case. Those who
take the Red do so in order to take up arms to protect the good in
the world and bring wrongdoers to justice. It is their heroic spirit
which drives them to action, the garnered fame is just a perk.
Creating a Red Mage
When creating a Red Mage, you must consider why they may be
heading out on their adventure. Did they become fed up with the
oppressive nature of the world and seek the need to become a hero
to the common man? They may have learned of a plot which
endangers their home, perhaps the world as a whole and will stop at
nothing to end it. Maybe it is simply a need to chase the thrill of
adventure and become a hero of legend.
One key consideration to make as a Red Mage is where you came
to learn your myriad of skills. Was it through the study of old tomes
you discovered in an abandoned warehouse or library? Did you
meet a mentor who saw great potential in you and introduced you to
the art? Whatever the origin, you wield powerful skills with an
artistic flair.
Quick Build
You can make a Red Mage quickly by following these suggestions.
First make Charisma your highest ability score, followed by
Dexterity. Second take the Folk Hero background. Third take the
Fire Bolt, Jolt, Mage Hand and Prestidigitation cantrips, and the
first level spells Chromatic Orb and Cure Wounds.
The Red Mage
Proficiency Flair Cantrips
Level Bonus Features Points Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Dual Casting 1 4 2 2 — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Red Mage Style, Style 2 4 3 3 — — — — — — —
3rd +2 3 4 4 4 2 — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 5 5 4 3 — — — — — —
5th +3 4 5 6 4 3 2 — — — — —
6th +3 Extra Attack, Style Feature 4 5 7 4 3 3 — — — — —
7th +3 4 5 8 4 3 3 1 — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 5 9 4 3 3 2 — — — —
9th +4 4 5 10 4 3 3 3 1 — — —
10th +4 Style Feature 5 6 11 4 3 3 3 2 — — —
11th +4 5 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 2 — —
13th +5 6 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 —
14th +5 Style Feature 7 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 —
15th +5 7 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 6 14 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1
17th +6 8 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1
18th +6 Battle Flourish 9 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
20th +6 Acceleration 10 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Class Features
As a Samurai, you gain the following class features Katanas in Dungeons & Dragons
Samurai are known as masters of the katana, but their
Hit Points key weapon of choice is not listed in the Player's
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Samurai level Handbook. As stated in the Dungeon Master's Guide
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier (pg. 41) apply the stats of a longsword to the katana.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution There are substitutes for many different weapons like
modifier per Samurai level after 1st this which can be found in the Dungeon Master's
Armor: Light, Medium Armour
Weapons: simple weapons, martial Weapons
Tools: None
Starting at 10th level, you allow your inner beast to empower your You can use this ability once per Berserk.
physical abilities. You choose one skill from Acrobatics, Athletics,
Stealth or Survival and gain proficiency in that skill. If you are Ruffian Diplomacy
already proficient in that ability, double your proficiency bonus when Starting at 10th level, you gain proficiency in the persuasion skill.
you make ability checks using that skill. After interacting with a creature for 1 minute, you gain insight into
how the creature will react to boasts of might or intimidation. Your
Fell Cleave DM reveals if these tactics would be especially effective against the
Starting at 14th level, while you are under the effects of Berserk you creature and you gain advantage on the appropriate Persuasion or
may use Fell Cleave as an action. Make an attack roll against a Intimidation check if applicable.
single creature within melee weapon range. This attack has a
critical range of 15-20. On a successful attack, you deal the regular Overpower
damage of the attack and a bonus 5d10 damage. Your Berserk ends Starting at 14th level, you learn to cast the spell Destructive Wave at
immediately after the attack is resolved. 5th level while under the effects of Berserk. Strength is your spell
casting ability (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
modifier) for this spell. Your Berserk state ends immediately after
the spell resolves.
White Mage
A quiet and well groomed man waves his cane around himself,
drawing in magical energy from the land and calling forth its power.
With a flick of his wrist the land parted and erupted sending his foe
toppling to the ground.
A gentle young woman rushes to their ally's side. Through prayer
and reverence for the land, its power is shared with her, allowing her
to close the wounds of her dying friend.
A stern heavily robed figure approached the abomination, raised
from the dead. Calling for shining light, she banishes the undead
back to the abyss.
Serene and elegant, the White Mages commune with the world
around them, borrowing power from elementals present throughout
the word. They are level headed, respectful spell casters who are
aware that overstepping one's bounds in the world of magic can lead
to calamity, and seek to keep order within the magic world while
mending the wounds of those around them.
One with the land
White Mage's strength stems from an art they refer to as conjury.
Conjury calls upon the elements of earth, wind, and water and
concentrates them to a potency at which spells can be weaved.
Through practiced meditation on the essences of creation,
conjurers draw forth and absorb magic from their immediate
surroundings. A wand or cane made from unworked wood is then
utilized to focus the magical energy until it manifests as the desired
spell. Versed also in magicks that restore and strengthen, White
Mages are regarded as accomplished healers.
Patrons of Light
White Mages find their roots in a society which revered nature as an
ally, borrowing the power of the land and elementals to soothe
wounds and protect from the wicked. Over time, the White Mages of
the past overused this power causing the elementals to act out and
smite the land, alongside the damage wrought by the opposing
Black Mages, the world fell into a dark age. Today White Mages are
few and far between, practicing the forbidden art to wield the
powers of nature and light to drive off evil in protection of the world
Creating a White Mage
When creating a White Mage one must question how they came
into the art of conjury and the profession of White Mage. Did a
kindly mentor take you under their wing? Did your studies of magic
from the past lead you to discovering how to draw power from the
world you lived in? Perhaps the elementals which inhabit the land
reached out to you and their whispers guided you to the path of a
White Mage. Nonetheless a White Mage's role in the world is that of
a protector, soothing the wounds of those who need it most, settling
enraged elementals and driving the beings who bring destruction
back from hence they came.
The White Mage
Proficiency Cantrips Spells
Level Bonus Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Soothe Sayer 4 2 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Magical Discipline, 4 3 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 4 4 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 5 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 5 6 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Discipline Feature 5 7 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 5 8 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 9 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 6 10 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Discipline Feature 6 11 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Discipline Feature 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 6 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Conservation of Life 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Worldly Bond 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
Elemental Aid
Starting at 2nd level, as a reaction you can spend a Confession
charge to call on aid from the elementals to resist your enemies. You
gain advantage on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw you attempt.
Eyes of the Elementals
Starting at 6th level, you can commune with the elementals in the
surrounding area. You gain a mental map of an area of 2 mile radius
centered on you. You must spend 15 minutes meditating while
elementals share this information about the surrounding area with
you. You can only commune with the elementals in this way once,
your ability to do so refreshing after a long rest.
Attuned Resistance
Starting at 10th level, you have developed an innate resistance to
elemental magic. You have resistance to cold, fire and lightning
Elemental Conversion
Starting at 14th level, you are able to convert your Confession
charges into raw elemental energy. You can spend a number of
Confession charges equal to the spell level of a spell you know
which does not restore hit points to a creature and use the
Confession charges in place of a spell slot.
Spirit Master Ampdapori
A Spirit Master is a White Mage who has focused their efforts into Some White Mages focus on the role of repelling those who do not
becoming master healers. They are steadfast allies who provide a belong in the world from it, relying on light and holy magic to drive
great deal of support to those around them. Drawing power from the undead and fiends from the world through destruction. An
the land and the spirits who inhabit it, a Spirit Master is able to Ampdapori White Mage has taken up arms for this very purpose,
unleash incredibly potent healing and support spells. They have using a mix of healing magic and holy magic to smite out
taken on the role to soothe the wounds of those who protect the blasphemous creatures from the land.
world and those who need protecting.
Amdapori Expanded Spells
Spirit Master Expanded Spells Spell Level Spell
Spell Level Spell
1st Banish, Bless
1st Heroism, Sanctuary
2nd Moonbeam, Sleep
2nd Enhance Ability, Protection from Poison
3rd Daylight, Spirit Guardians
3rd Beacon of Hope, Revivify
4th Banishment, Wall of Fire
4th Regen, Tetragrammaton
5th Holy, Hallow
5th Assize, Mass Cure Wounds
Light's Blessing
Shroud of Saints Starting at 2nd level, if you are unarmoured, your armour class
Starting at 2nd level, as a bonus action you can spend a Confession increases by 1 for each charge of Confession you hold in your body.
charge to shroud yourself in light. Melee and ranged attacks against While you hold a Confession charge in your body, you have
you have disadvantage until the start of your next turn. resistance to necrotic damage.
Surging Succor Inquisitor's Light
Starting at 6th level, you can spend a Confession charge to cause Starting at 6th level, you can spend 15 minutes communing with the
the healing spells you cast on others heal you as well. When you elementals to learn the location of any undead or fiend creatures
cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores hit points to a within a 1 mile radius. You can only do this once before, your ability
creature other than you, you regain hit points equal to 2 + the spell's to do so refreshing after a long rest.
Ampdapori Protection
Clerical Smite Starting at 10th level, as an action you can spend a Confession
Starting at 10th level, you can spend a Confession charge to cast a charge to grant necrotic resistance to your allies for a number of
healing spell on a target creature and deal radiant damage instead rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. All allies within a 15 foot
of healing if the total amount of hit points recovered is decided radius centered on you gain this resistance. You can only use this
through rolling dice. This effect cannot be used with spells greater ability once, use of this ability refreshing after a long rest.
than the 5th level.
Touch of the Padjal Starting at 14th level, you can spend one Confession charge to gain
Starting at 14th level, you can spend a Confession charge when you advantage on spells cast against undead and fiend creatures. On a
cast a healing spell. When you would normally roll one or more dice successful spell against an undead or fiend target, you deal a bonus
to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number 4d6 radiant damage. At the 17th level this bonus damage is
possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit increased to 6d6.
points to a creature, you restore 12. You do not gain a Confession
charge after this healing spell.
Chapter 3: Spells
his chapter describes the spell lists of the classes A number of spells can be found within the spell list that are
available in this partner guide to the Dungeons & absent from the Player's Handbook. They are marked as following:
Dragons Player's Handbook. Please consult the
player's handbook for spell descriptions.
Italics: Custom created for this document
Spells custom created for the classes and taken from Bold: Taken from Xanathar's Guide to Everything
3rd party supplements will be detailed at the end of Underlined: Taken from 3rd party products
the chapter.
Hex Suffer Polymorph
Arcanist Spells
Identify (Ritual) Suggestion Slime Sphere
Cantrips (0 Level) Illusory Script
3rd Level
Unspoken Agreement
Acid Splash Inflict Wounds Vitriolic Sphere
Jump Bestow Curse
Blade Ward 5th Level
Mage Armor Blackened Heart
Dancing Lights
Malice of Arachia Catnap Cloudkill
Magic Missile Clairvoyance Conjure Elemental
Grasping Sprout
Masterful Focus Counterspell Contagion
Mend Flesh Daylight Dominate Person
Protection from Evil and Good Dispel Magic Enervation
Mage Hand
Ray of Sickness Fear Falling Star
Magic Stone
Shield Feign Death (Ritual) Geas
Shrill Whistle Gaseous Form Hold Monster
Silent Image Haste Insect Plague
Minor Illusion
Sleep Hypnotic Pattern Legend Lore
Piercing Thorn
Witch Bolt Luring Light Modify Memory
Poison Spray
Magic Circle Overwhelming Emotion
Prestidigitation 2nd Level Maim Planar Binding
Alter Self Major Image Raise Dead
Toll the Dead
Blindness/Deafness Melf's Minute Meteors Scrying
True Strike
Calm Emotions Shadow Toxin Seeming
1st Level Crown of Madness Skewering Vines Skill Empowerment
Darkness Slow Synaptic Static
Darkvision Stinking Cloud Storm's Eye
Detect Thoughts Tongues Wall of Force
Charm Person
Enhance Ability Vampiric Touch Wings of Night
Chaos Bolt
Chromatic Orb 4th Level 6th Level
Hold Person
Color Spray
Invisibility Arcane Eye Arcane Gate
Comprehend Languages
Melf's Acid Arrow Blight Circle of Death
Mind Spike Cloud of Spores Disintegrate
Cure Wounds
Mirror Image Confusion Eyebite
Defy Ruin
Misty Step Deadly Doorway Harm
Detect Magic (Ritual)
Phantasmal Force Dominate Beast Heal
Detect Poison and Disease
Protection from Poison Freedom of Movement Mass Suggestion
Ray of Enfeeblement Forbidden Obelisk Mental Prison
Disguise Self
Replenish Greater Invisibility Perfect Toxin
False Life
See Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Primordial Ward
Feather Fall
Skywrite Haunt Programmed Illusion
Fog Cloud
Spider Climb Locate Creature True Seeing
Healing Word
Phantasmal Killer
Shillelagh Locate Object 5th Level
7th Level Thaumaturgy Magic Weapon Angelic Rebuke
Crown of Stars Thorn Shield Magic Mouth Collective Unconscious
Etherealness True Strike Mind Spike Dawn
Finger of Death Vicious Mockery Replenish Dream
Forcecage Word of Radiance Shadow Armor Falling Star
Mirage Arcane Silence Geas
Plane Shift 1st Level Suggestion Gravity
Prismatic Spray Absorb Elements Zone of Truth Greater Restoration
Resurrection Bane
Hold Monster
Reverse Gravity Bless 3rd Level
Legend Lore
Symbol Ceremony Almighty Assault
Mass Cure Wounds
Teleport Comprehend Languages Bestow Curse
Rary's Telepathic Bond
Cure Wounds Catnap
8th Level Scrying
Defy Ruin Clairvoyance
Storm's Eye
Antimagic Field Detect Magic (Ritual) Daylight
Teleportation Circle (Ritual)
Dominate Monster Detect Poison and Disease Detect Interference
Wall of Light
Feeblemind Divine Favor Dispel Magic
Illusory Dragon Faerie Fire Fear 6th Level
Mind Blank False Life Feign Death Eyebite
Power Word Stun Guiding Bolt Fly Find the Path
Healing Word Fox's Fangs Heal
9th Level
Heroism Haste Hellish Halo
Astral Projection Inflict Wounds Hypnotic Pattern Mass Suggestions
Foresight Magic Missile Life Transference Primordial Ward
Gate Mend Flesh Luring Light Scatter
Invulnerability Silent Image Mass Healing Word Sunbeam
Mass Heal Sleep Melf's Minute Meteors True Seeing
Power Word Kill Unseen Servant Remove Curse
Prismatic Wall Revivify 7th Level
Psychic Scream 2nd Level Sending Crown of Stars
Time Stop Aid Slow Etherealness
True Resurrection Augury Plane Shift
Wish Blindness/Deafness 4th Level Regeneration
Astrologian Spells Blur Banishment Resurrection
Calm Emotions Confusion Reverse Gravity
Cantrips (0 Level) Clinging Shadows Death Ward Umbral Assault
Bladeward Coldfire Blast Dimension Door Symbol
Dancing Lights Dark Lightning Divination
Darkness Freedom of Movement 8th Level
Guidance Detect Thoughts Hallucinatory Terrain Antimagic Field
Light Dome of Night Locate Creature Celestial Opposition
Mage Hand Enhance Ability Mark of Objection Feeblemind
Magic Stone Gentle Repose Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Mind Blank
Message Healing Spirit Rary's Rapid Replication Power Word Stun
Prestidigitation Hold Person Shadow Refuge Reflective Defense
Resistance Knock Sickening Radiance Sunburst
Sacred Flame Lesser Restoration Sleepwalking
Levitate Unseen Claw
9th Level 4th Level 1st Level 3rd level
Astral Projection Cloud of Spores Absorb Elements Animate Dead
End of Days Flashing Blades Black Flame Blink
Foresight Haunt Burning Hands Clairvoyance
Invulnerability Shadow Refuge Cause Fear Counterspell
Mass Heal Shattersong Chaos Bolt Creeping Dark
Meteor Swarm Sleepwalking Chromatic Orb Crushing Tide
True Resurrection Unspoken Agreement Color Spray Dispel Magic
Wish Unseen Claw Comprehend Languages Fear
(Ritual) Fireball
Bard Spells 5th Level Detect Magic (Ritual) Fly
Mind Spore Disguise Self Frozen Lance
Cantrips (0 Level) Overwhelming Emotion Expeditious Retreat Funeral Pyre
Bonding Vine Shadow Stride False Life Haste
Cheerful Song
Feather Fall Lightning Bolt
Dueling Shadows 6th Level
Fog Cloud Major Image
Forget Banshee's Wail Jump Shadow Toxin
Fresh Paint Blood Cartography Mage Armor Spray of Thorns
7th Level Magic Missile Summon Lesser Demons
Grasping Sprout
Protection from Evil and Good Thunderstep
Seek Phrase Spreading Nightmare
Ray of Sickness Tongues
Umbraturgy Umbral Assault
8th Level 4th level
1st Level Silent Image
Sleep Blight
Blackflame Reflective Defense
Thunderwave Bloodthorn
Black Lotus Assault
9th Level Unseen Servant (Ritual) Charm Monster
Bridge of Branches (Ritual)
Touch Infinity Dimension Door
Duskwalk 2nd level Dominate Beast
Inflict Pain Black Mage Spells Alter Self Greater Invisibility
Aura of Shade Hypnotic Pattern
Rapport Spores Cantrips (0 Level) Blur Ice Storm
Shrill Whistle Acid Splash Crown of Madness Locate Creature
Slicing Leaves Blade Ward Dark Lightning Polymorph
Spider's Kiss Break Darkness Shadow of Moil
Chill Touch
2nd Level Darkvision Unseen Claw
Control Flames Detect Thoughts Wall of Fire
Arm of the Wild
Create Bonfire Enhance Ability Windblade
Aura of Shade
Dancing Lights Hold Person
Clinging Shadows 5th level
Fire Bolt Invisibility
Dark Secret
Friends Knock Animate Objects
Dome of Night (Ritual)
Frostbite Levitate Cloudkill
Hand of the Grave
Light Locate Object Creation
Mage Hand Mirror Image Dance Macabre
Shadow Armor
Mending Misty Step Dominate Person
Sinister Threat
Message Phantasmal Force Enervation
Minor Illusion Pyrotechnics Far Step
3rd Level Piercing Thorn Ray of Enfeeblement Forgotten Pain
Poison Spray Scorching Ray Hold Monster
Prestidigitation See Invisibility Hungering Hate
Creeping Dark
Produce Flame Shadow Blade Legend Lore
Engulfing Thorns
Ray of Frost Shatter Negative Energy Flood
Scorch Spell Flux Scrying
Shocking Grasp Suffer Shadow World
Shadow Toxin
Thunderclap Suggestion Telekinesis
Spray of Thorns
Toll the Dead Teleportation Circle
True Strike
Wings of Night
Red Mage Spells 2nd Level 4th Level
6th Level Aganazzar's Scorcher Arcance Eye
Arcane Gate Alter Self Confusion
Blade Ward
Chain Lightning Arcane Lock Dimension Door
Booming Blade
Circle of Death Blindness/Deafness Elemental Bane
Disintegrate Blur Flashing Blades
Dancing Lights
Eyebite Calm Emotions Fire Shield
Fire Bolt
Globe of Invulnerability Continual Flame Locate Creature
Hellish Halo Darkvision Shattersong
Investiture of Flame Dissociative Edge Skin of Flint
Investiture of Ice Dust Devil Spray of Thorns
Lightning Lure
Mass Suggestion Earthbind Stone Shape
Mage Hand
Mental Prison Enhance Ability Stoneskin
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Flame Blade Storm Sphere
Mold Earth
Primordial Ward Flaming Sphere Wall of Fire
Soul Cage Gust of Wind Windblade
Produce Flame
Sunbeam Levitate
True Seeing
Ray of Frost
Locate Object 5th Level
Resistance Contact Other Plane (Ritual)
Wall of Ice Magic Weapon
Shocking Grasp Destructive Wave
Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
7th level Scorch
Misty Step Dream
Cruel Wind Shrill Whistle Fell Onslaught
Delayed Blast Fireball Sword Burst Forgotten Pain
Scorching Ray
Etherealness Thunderclap Geas
See Invisibility
Finger of Death Thorn Shield Hungering Hate
Shadow Blade
Fire Storm True Strike Legend Lore
Forcecage Vicious Mockery Mass Cure Wounds
Silence (Ritual)
Mirage Arcane Sinister Threat Scrying
1st Level
Plane Shift Skystrike Shadow World
Absorb Elements
Power Word Pain Spider Climb Steel Wind Strike
Black Lotus Assault
Prismatic Spray Tormented Flurry Teleportation Circle
Burning Hands
Reverse Gravity Warding Wind Wall of Force
Charm Person
Chromatic Orb 3rd Level 6th Level
Cure Wounds Arcane Gate
Almighty Assault
8th level Detect Magic (Ritual)
Call Lightning Blade Barrier
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting Earth Tremor Eyebite
Dominate Monster Faerie Fire Flesh to Stone
Dispel Magic
Feeblemind Feather Fall Move Earth
Elemental Weapon
Incendiary Cloud Gaea’s Hand Wind Walk
Erupting Earth
Maddening Darkness Healing Word
Power Word Stun Heroism 7th Level
Sunburst Jump Prismatic Spray
Undertow Lightning Shard Regenerate
Fox's Fangs
Mage Armor Resurrection
Frozen Lance
9th level Magic Missile Whirlwind
Funeral Pyre
Armageddon Masterful Focus
Hypnotic Pattern 8th Level
End of Days Reaper's Scythe
Lightning Bolt
Flare Rimesworn Blade Antimagic Field
Magic Circle
Gate Shrill Whistle Control Weather
Mass Healing Word
Meteor Swarm Sleep Carnage
Melf's Minute Meteors
Power Word Kill Thunderwave Earthquake
Time Stop Witch Bolt Incendiary Cloud
Speak with Dead
Wish Zephyr Strike Sunburst
Speak with Plants
Water Breathing (Ritual)
Water Walking (Ritual)
Conjure Celestial
9th Level 2nd level 4th level Cruel Wind
Mass Heal Aid Cloud of Spores Crown of Stars
Meteor Swarm Augury (Ritual) Control Water Divine Word
Power Word Heal Blindness/Deafness Death Ward Etherealness
Storm of Vengeance Calm Emotions Divination (Ritual) Fire Storm
True Resurrection Continual Flame Freedom of Movement Plane Shift
Dust Devil Forbidden Obelisk Regenerate
White Mage Spells Find Traps Guardians of Faith Resurrection
Gentle Repose (Ritual) Guardian of Nature
Cantrips Symbol
Gust of Wind Invitation Whirlwind
Acid Splash
Hold Person Locate Creature
Bonding Vines 8th level
Lesser Restoration Mark of Objection
Life Transference Rary's Rapid Replication Antimagic Field
Locate Object Sickening Radiance Control Weather
Prayer of Healing Skin of Flint Earthquake
Replenish Slime Sphere Holy Aura
Silence (Ritual) Stone Shape Mighty Fortress
Magic Stone
Skyward Strike Windblade Reflective Defense
Spiritual Weapon Undertow
Mold Earth
Warding Bond 5th level
Mold Plant
Warding Wind Commune (Ritual) 9th level
Poison Spray Contagion Astral Projection
Zone of Truth
Produce Flame Dawn End of Days
Resistance 3rd level Dispel Evil and Good Gate
Sacred Flame Animate Dead Flame Strike Mass Heal
Scorch Bestow Curse Geas True Resurrection
Shape Water Catnap Greater Restoration
Shillelagh Clairvoyance Holy Weapon
Spare the Dying Create Food and Water Insect Plague
Thaumaturgy Dispel Magic Legend Lore
Thunderclap Explosive Seed Mass Cure Wounds
Word of Radiance Feign Death Overwhelming Emotion
1st level Frozen Lance Planar Binding
Glyph of Warding Raise Dead
Magic Circle Scrying
Bridge of Branches
Maim Storm's Eye
Mass Healing Ward Wall of Stone
Meld into Stone (Ritual) Wrath of Nature
Create or Destroy Water
Protection from Energy
Cure Wounds
Remove Curse 6th level
Defy Ruin Blade Barrier
Detect Evil and Good Bones of the Earth
Detect Magic (Ritual) Create Undead
Speak with Dead
Detect Poison and Disease Dryad's Leap
Shadow Toxin
(Ritual) Find the Path
Skewering Vines
Guiding Bolt Flesh to Stone
Spirit Guardians
Healing Word Forbiddance
Tidal Wave
Inflict Pain Harm
Inflict Wounds Heal
Venom Blast
Mend Flesh Heroes' Feast
Wall of Sand
Protection from Evil and Good Investiture of Stone
Wall of Water
Purify Food and Drink (Ritual) Investiture of Wind
Water Walk (Ritual)
Shield of Faith Move Earth
Shrill Whistle Perfect Toxin
Planar Ally
True Seeing
Word of Recall
7th level
Collective Unconscious
Created Spells 5th-level evocation
Assize Casting Time: 1 action
5th-level evocation Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 60 feet Duration: concentration, 1 minute
Components: V, S You create a magical barrier around yourself. The barrier is 10
Duration: Instantaneous feet in radius and spherical. All allies within 10 feet of you are
An eruption of energy from your body soothes allies and wounds healed immediately for 3d8. As long as they remain in the barrier,
enemies. All allies within 60 feet recover 3d8 hit points and all their AC receives a +1 bonus and each time they start their turn
enemies within 60 feet must make a wisdom saving throw. They within the barrier they are healed for 1d6.
take 4d4 radiant damage, and half as much on a successful save. Doton
You can reverse which die affect healing and which die deal radiant 4th-level evocation
damage, but must make this distinction before rolling.
Casting Time: 1 action
Banish Range: 30 feet
1st-level evocation Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 minute
Range: 120 feet You draw out the energies of Ten to create a circle of corrupted
Components: V, S earth on the ground centered at a point of your choosing within
Duration: Instantaneous range. The circle has a radius of 10 foot and is considered to be
Light energy converges on a creature you can see within range. difficult terrain for all creatures except for you. Creatures take 4d4
The creature makes a dexterity saving throw. This energy erupts necrotic damage for every 5 feet they travel within Doton. When
with great force, searing the target creature with 3d6 radiant Doton appears, all creatures within the ring make a Dexterity saving
damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful save. throw, taking 4d4 necrotic damage and half as much on a failed
save. You are unaffected by this damage.
Caustic Bite At Higher Levels Creatures take 1d4 more necrotic damage for
Transmutation cantrip each casting level above four.
Casting Time: 1 action Empyreal Arrow
Range: 60 feet Evocation cantrip
Components: V, M (one piece of ammunition or a thrown weapon) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 60 feet
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a Components: V, M (one piece of ammunition or a thrown weapon)
ranged weapon attack against one creature within the spell’s range, Duration: Instantaneous
otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack’s You fire a humming arrow onto a spot within range. Choose up to
normal effects and the target and each creature within 5 feet of it two creatures within 5 feet of the arrow. Each creature must
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 acid damage. succeed on a Strength saving throw or takes 1d6 bludgeoning
This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level damage and is knocked prone.
(2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4). The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level
Celestial Opposition (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
8th-level evocation Flare
Casting Time: 1 action 9th-level evocation
Range: Self Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 120 feet
Duration: concentration, 1 minute Components: V, S
You release a massive amount of astral energy in a 30 foot radius Duration: Instaneous
globe centered on you. The inside of the globe is dimly lit, and filled You select a target within range, and create a point of energy on
with softly glowing lights which map the starry sky. On this release, their body. Fiery energy explodes from their location in a 40 foot
all enemies coming in contact with the sphere are star struck and globe, incinerating all creatures within the globe. All affected
must make a wisdom saving throw. Enemies take 6d8 force damage creatures make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 20d6 fire damage
and are stunned for 1d4 rounds on a failed saved, and half the and 20d6 force damage on a failed saving throw and half as much
damage is taken and they resist becoming stunned on a success. on a success.
Gravity Misery's End
5th-level evocation Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, M (one piece of ammunition or a thrown weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure the energies of the stars through your arcane focus to As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
temporarily create a small, dense celestial body at a point in space ranged weapon attack against one creature within the spell’s range,
within range. A spherical gravitational field appears around the otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the ranged weapon attack inflicts
body with 20 foot radius and produces a pulsing sound. Each no damage and the target takes 1d6 necrotic damage + your
creature within the field must make a Dexterity saving throw. A spellcasting ability modifier. If the target is missing any of its hit
target takes 10d6 force damage on a failed save, and half as much points, the damage die becomes 1d12 necrotic damage.
on a successful one. The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of (2d6 or 2d12), 11th level (3d6 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d6 or
6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level 4d12).
above 5th.
Rain of Death
Holy Conjuration cantrip
5th-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: self Components: V, M (one piece of ammunition or a thrown weapon)
Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
You let loose an orb of radiant energy which floats above you for a ranged weapon attack against one creature within the spell’s range,
moment before exploding with great force in a 10 foot radius. All otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack’s
creatures within range must make a Constitution saving throw. normal effects, and spear-like shrapnels ricochet from the target to
Creatures take 6d8 radiant damage and are stunned for one round a different creature of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of
on a failed save, and take half as much and resist the stun effect on the attacks target. The second creature takes piercing damage equal
a successful save. to your spellcasting modifier.
This spell’s damage increases when you reach higher levels. At
Jolt 5th level, the weapon attack deals an extra 1d4 piercing damage to
Evocation cantrip the target, and the piercing damage to the second creature
Casting Time: 1 action increases to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage
Range: 60 feet rolls increase by 1d4 at 11th level (2d4) and 17th level (3d4).
Components: V, S Regen
Duration: Instantaneous
4th-level enchantment
A shard of crystalized aether streaks toward a creature within
range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the Casting Time: 1 action
target takes 1d10 force damage. Range: 60 feet
The spell creates more than one shard when you reach higher Components: V, S
levels: two shards at 5th level, three shards at 11th level, and four Duration: 1 minute
shards at 17th level. You can direct the shards at the same target or The target's body is enchanted with a blessing which repairs
at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each shard. damage to their body over time. For the duration, the creature
regains 1d6 hit points at the start of its turn.
4th-level evocation Sacred Soil
Casting Time: 1 action 4th-level evocation
Range: 30 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V,S
You can cast this spell as an action or as a reaction. This spell Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
cannot be used in tandem with Adloqiuem (Nymian Scholar You create a 10 foot radius dome of protective magic to shield
feature). A target you can see within range is invigorated by a burst your allies from harm centered on a location within range. When an
of soothing magic. They recover hit points equal to 5d8. ally within the dome takes damage, the damage is reduced by 1d6.
Stormbite The following spells can be found in the Dark Arts Player's
Conjuration cantrip Companion:
Casting Time: 1 action Aura of Shade (2nd-level illusion) for Bard and Black Mage
Range: 60 feet Banshee's Wail (6th-level necromancy) for Bard
Components: V, M (one piece of ammunition or a thrown weapon) Blackflame (1st-level transmutation) for Bard and Black Mage
Duration: Instantaneous Clinging Shadows (2nd-level transmutation) for Astrologian and
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a Bard
ranged attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell’s Dome of Night (2nd-level transmutation) (ritual) for Astrologian
range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the and Bard
attack’s normal effects, and one Large or smaller creature of your Dueling Shadows (Cantrip) for Bard
choice within 10 feet of the target is pulled to the nearest Flicker (3rd-level transmutation) for Bard and Red Mage
unoccupied space adjacent to the target. Hand of the Grave (2nd-level necromancy) for Bard
At 5th level, the ranged attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage Inflict Pain (1st-level necromancy) for Bard and White Mage
to the target. This thunder damage increases by 1d8 again at 11th Maim (3rd-level necromancy) for Arcanist and White Mage
level (2d8) and 17th level (3d8). Rary's Rapid Replication (4th-level conjuration) for Astrologian
and White Mage
Suiton Reaper's Scythe (1st-level necromancy) for Red Mage
4th-level evocation Shadow Stride (5th-level conjuration) for Bard
Umbral Assault (7th-level transmutation) for Astrologian and
Casting Time: 1 action Bard
Range: 30 feet Umbraturgy (Cantrip) for Bard
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous The following spells can be found in the Compendium of
You draw out the energies of Jin to cause a powerful geyser of Forgotten Secrets - Awakening:
water to explode from the ground beneath a target location in a 5 Almighty Assault (3rd-level evocation) for Astrologian and Red
foot radius circle. Each creatures inside the geyser must make a Mage
dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage Angelic Rebuke (5th-level evocation) for Astrologian
and 4d6 cold damage, and half as much on a successful save. Armageddon (9th-level evocation) for Black Mage
Additionally, you cast invisibility on yourself at the 2nd level. Black Lotus Assault (1st-level illusion) for Bard and Red Mage
At Higher Levels When you cast Suiton at higher levels, you deal Blackened Heart (3rd-level necromancy) for Arcanist
1d6 more bludgeoning damage and for each level above the 4th Blasphemy (3rd-level abjuration) for Bard
level. Blood Cartography (6th-level necromancy) for Bard
Break (Cantrip) for Black Mage and Red Mage
Tetragammaton Carnage (8th-level evocation) for Red Mage
4th-level evocation Cheerful Song (Cantrip) for Bard
Casting Time: 1 action Coldfire Blast (2nd-level evocation) Astrologian
Range: 60 feet Creeping Dark (3rd-level) for Bard and Black Mage
Components: V, S Cruel Wind (7th-level evocation) for Black Mage and White Mage
Duration: Instantaneous Crushing Tide (3rd-level evocation) for Black Mage
Dark Lightning (2nd-level necromancy) for Astrologian and
You can cast this spell as an action or a reaction. A creature Black Mage
within range you can see is healed for 3d8 hit points Dark Secret (2nd-level divination) for Bard
instantaneously. Defy Ruin (1st-level abjuration) for Arcanist, Astrologian and
White Mage
3rd Party Spells Detect Interference (3rd-level divination) for Astrologian
Dissociative Edge (2nd-level transmutation) for Red Mage
The following spells can be found in the Sprouting Chaos Douse (Cantrip) for White Mage
Player's Companion: Duskwalk (1st-level divination) for Bard
End of Days (9th-level conjuration) for Astrologian, Black Mage
Arm of the Wild (2nd-level transmutation) for Bard and White Mage
Bonding Vines (Cantrip) for White Mage Falling Star (5th-level evocation) for Arcanist and Astrologian
Bridge of Branches (1st-level conjuration) for Bard and White Fell Onslaught (5th-level evocation) for Red Mage
Mage Flashing Blades (4th-level illusion) for Bard and Red Mage
Cloud of Spores (4th-level conjuration) for Arcanist, Bard and Forbidden Obelisk (4th-level conjuration) for Arcanist and White
White Mage Mage
Dryad's Leap (6th-level transmutation) for White Mage Forget (Cantrip) for Bard
Explosive Seeds (2nd-level conjuration) for White Mage Forgotten Pain (5th-level enchantment) for Black Mage and Red
Gaea's Hand (1st-level conjuration) for Red Mage Mage
Grasping Sprout (Cantrip) for Arcanist and Bard Fox's Fangs (3rd-level illusion) for Astrologian and Red Mage
Mold Plant (Cantrip) for White Mage Fresh Paint (Cantrip) for Bard
Piercing Thorn (Cantrip) for Arcanist and Black Mage Frozen Lance (3rd-level conjuration) for Black Mage, Red Mage
Rapport Spores (1st-level conjuration) for Bard and White Mage
Slicing Leaves (1st-level transmutation) for Bard Funeral Pyre (3rd-level conjuration) for Black Mage and Red
Spray of Thorns (3rd-level conjuration) for Bard, Black Mage and Mage
Red Mage Glimmer (Cantrip) for Astrologian and Bard
Thorn Shield (Cantrip) for Astrologian and Red Mage
Haunt (4th-level divination) for Arcanist and Bard
Heartripper (2nd-level necromancy) for Arcanist
Hellish Halo (6th-level evocation) for Astrologian and Black
Hungering Hate (5th-level enchantment) for Black Mage and Red
Invitation (4th-level enchantment) for White Mage
Lightning Shard (1st-level evocation) for Red Mage
Luring Light (3rd-level illusion) for Arcanist and Astrologian
Malice of Arachia (1st-level enchantment) for Arcanist
Masterful Focus (1st-level enchantment) for Arcanist and Red
Mark of Objection (4th-level abjuration) for Astrologian and
White Mage
Mend Flesh (1st-level transmutation) for Arcanist, Astrologian
and White Mage
Overwhelming Emotion (5th-level) for Arcanist, Bard and White
Perfect Toxin (6th-level conjuration) for Arcanist and White
Reflective Defense (8th-level abjuration) for Astrologian, Bard
and Red Mage
Replenish (2nd-level evocation) for Arcanist, Astrologian, Bard
and White Mage
Resonance (3rd-level enchantment) for Bard and White Mage
Rimesworn Blade (1st-level evocation) for Red Mage
Scorch (Cantrip) for Black Mage, Red Mage and White Mage
Seek Phrase (Cantrip) for Bard
Shadow Armor (2nd-level abjuration) for Astrologian and Bard
Shadow Refuge (4th-level illusion) for Astrologian and Bard
Shadow Toxin (3rd-level) for Arcanist, Bard, Black Mage and
White Mage
Shadow World (5th-level conjuration) for Black Mage and Red
Shattersong (4th-level evocation) for Red Mage
Shrill Whistle (1st-level evocation) for Astrologian, Bard, Red
Mage and White Mage
Sinister Threat (2nd-level enchantment) for Bard and Red Mage
Skewering Vines (3rd-level conjuration) for Arcanist and White
Skin of Flint (4th-level transmutation) for Red Mage and White
Skystrike (2nd-level evocation) for Red Mage
Skyward Strike (2nd-level evocation) for Red Mage and White
Sleepwalking (4th-level enchantment) for Astrologian and Bard
Slime Sphere (4th-level conjuration) for Arcanist and White
Spell Flux (2nd-level abjuration) for Black Mage
Spider's Kiss (1st-level illusion) for Bard
Spreading Nightmare (7th-level enchantment) for Bard
Storm's Eye (5th-level divination) for Arcanist, Astrologian and
White Mage
Suffer (2nd-level necromancy) for Arcanist, Black Mage and
Tormented Flurry (2nd-level necromancy) for Red Mage
Touch Infinity (9th-level transmutation) for Bard
Undertow (8th-level conjuration) for Black Mage, Red Mage and
White Mage
Unseen Claw (4th-level divination) for Astrologian, Bard and
Black Mage
Unspoken Agreement (4th-level enchantment) for Arcanist and
Venom Blast (3rd-level conjuration) for White Mage
Windblade (4th-level evocation) for Black Mage, Red Mage and
White Mage
Wings of Night (5th-level illusion) Astrologian and Black Mage
Appendix A: Carbuncles
10 (+0) 13 (+2) 8 (-1) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Actions Actions
Gust. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 30 ft., one Gouge. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2). A creature struck by Gouge
must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
Backdraft (Recharge 5-6). Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, save, the creature has disadvantage on actions taken
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2). When a against targets other than Topaz Carbuncle during their
creature is damaged by Backdraft they must make a DC next action.
15 Strength save. On a failed save, they are knocked
back 10 feet, and are not knocked back when Curl (Recharge 5-6). Topaz Carbuncle increases its AC
successful. by 2 for 1d4 rounds.
Appendix B: Egis
Small Elemental, unaligned
Ifrit-Egi Armor Class 15
Small Elemental, unaligned
Hit Points 15(1d10 + 7)
Speed hover 25 ft.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 10(1d8 + 4)
Speed hover 25 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Senses passive Perception 15
12 (+1) 13 (+2) 8 (-1) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) Languages understands the languages of its summoner
but cannot speak.
Senses passive Perception 16 Challenge 1/4 (400 XP)
Languages understands the languages of its summoner
but cannot speak.
Challenge 1/4 (400 XP) Actions
Rock Buster. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
Actions ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Burning Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 Landslide (Recharge 5-6). Melee Attack: +4 to hit, reach
ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage. 5 ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
A creature targeted by Landslide must make a strength
Flame Crush (Recharge 5-6). Melee Attack: +1 to hit, saving throw (DC 15). On a failed save, the targeted
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d6 + 1) fire damage. creature is knocked back 15 feet.
This attack targets all enemies within range.
Enkindle Earthen Fury. Titan-Egi instantaneously pulverizes the
Inferno. Ifrit-Egi releases an explosive pillar of fire land around it. Turning a 30 foot radius circle of land
around itself in a 30 foot radius, severely burning all into a swampy mire. This is considered difficult terrain
creatures in range. All affected creatures must make a and all creatures who begin their turn in the mire
dexterity save, taking 6d10 fire damage on a failed receive 4d8 poison damage. The area remains for a
save and half as much on a successful save. number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Small Elemental, unaligned
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 8(1d6 + 4)
Speed hover 25 ft.
Wind Blade. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 30 ft.,
one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) thunder damage.
Aerial Slash (Recharge 5-6). A target creature within 30
feet of Garuda-Egi becomes the center point of a
massive burst of wind energy. All creatures within 10
feet must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 14). On a
failed saved the creature takes 1d6 thunder damage
and half as much on a successful save.
Aerial Blast. Garuda-Egi unleashes a thunderous burst of
energy in a 20 foot circle within 30 feet of Garuda-Egi.
This massive tornado persists for a moment, dealing
6d12 thunder damage. All creatures within range must
make a strength save. On a failed save all creatures are
knocked back 20 feet from the point of origin.
Appendix C: Nymian Fey
Eos Selene
Small Fey, unaligned Small Fey, unaligned
4 (-3) 13 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (0) 4 (-3) 13 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (0)
Innate Spellcasting. Eos's innate spellcasting ability is Innate Spellcasting. Selenes' innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell
attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, attacks). It can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no material components: requiring no material components:
Actions Actions
Unarmed. Melee Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Unarmed. Melee Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit 1 bludgeoning damage. target. Hit 1 bludgeoning damage.
Fey Lance. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range 30 ft.,
one target. Hit 5 (1d6+1) radiant damage.
Appendix D: Turrets and Clockwork Turrets Described
The initial building of a Clockwork companion is free to complete
Machinist Arms for your class. When a companion fails all it's Saving Throws it
becomes inoperable and requires 10 GP in materials and a long
Rook and Bishop Autoturret. rest to complete repairs on it. If your clockwork companion is totally
The Autoturret series of clockwork companions are small metalic lost to you and needs to be fully rebuilt, it costs 100 GP at 3rd level
allies that move around via propellers. These machines come in a with an additional 50 GP for each additional character level.
cylindrical chassis specialized in shooting (Rook) and a spherical
chassis specialized in electrical shocks.
Bishop Autoturret
Small construct, unaligned
Rook Autoturret
Small construct, unaligned Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 15(1d8)
Speed fly 50 ft.
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 15(1d8)
Speed fly 50 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5) Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Senses passive Perception 16
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Languages ---
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages ---
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Actions
Area Shock. All creatures within 5 feet of the Bishop
Actions Autoturret must make a Dexterity saving throw against
your Suppressive Fire DC, taking 1d6 lightning damage
Auto-fire. Ranged attack: +3 to hit, range 60 ft., one on a failed saved, and half as much on a successful
target. Hit 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage. save.
Stance Single Shock. Ranged Spell Attack: +3 to hit, range 20
Root Stance. As an action the Rook Autoturret releases ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d6) lightning damage.
tripod legs into the ground rooting it in place. The
turret now automatically fails all Dexterity saves and it's Stance
speed becomes 0. The turret must use an action to Barrier Stance. As an action the Bishop Autoturret
retract its tripod legs and leave its stance. The Rook releases tripod legs into the ground rooting it in place.
Autoturret doubles the proficiency bonus it receives The turret now automatically fails all Dexterity saves
from Companion Bond on its attack and damage rolls. and it's speed becomes 0. The turret must use an
Promotion action to retract its tripod legs and leave its stance. The
Bishop Autoturret creates a circular barrier of lightning
Muscle Stimulator. Rook Autoturret releases a field of energy, 10 foot in radius centered on itself. Any
stimulating energy around itself. Allied creatures within creature that attempts to pass through the barrier must
20 feet of Rook Autoturret deal 2d6 bonus damage make a Constitution saving throw against your
when hitting with a melee or ranged weapon attack. Suppressive Fire DC. On a failed save, the creature
This benefit lasts for 1 minute. takes 2d6 lightning damage and is paralyzed for one
round. On a successful save, half damage is taken and
the creature is not paralyzed.
Mana Capacitor. Bishop Autoturret releases a field of
aether amplifying energy around itself. Allied creatures
within 20 feet of Bishop Autoturret gain +3 to their
spell save DC and ranged spell attack bonus. This
benefit lasts for 1 minute.
Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Martial Ranged
Pistol 250gp 2d10 3lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading
Revolver 350gp 2d6 piercing 3lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (6 shots)
Musket 500gp 1d12 10lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, two-handed
Hunting rifle 600gp 2d8 piercing 8lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (5 shots), two-handed
Levinshot 700gp 3d6 lightning 10lb. Ammunition
(range 15, cone), reload (2shots), two-handed
Machinist Equipment
Item Cost Weight
C.A.T. 150gp 1lb.
Gauss Barrel 50gp 10lb.
Golden Eyes 50gp 1lb.
Sensory Input Headpiece 50gp 1lb.
Machinist Firearms
The Machinist only has access to a limited number of firearms, detailed in the list above. If you'd like to use a different kind
of firearm, talk to your DM.
Special Attributes
Weapons with special rules are described here.
Levinshot. When you make a attack with this weapon, you make one special ranged weapon attack against every creature within a 15 feet cone in
front of you, dealing damage to each creature you hit. If a creature is within 5 feet of you, you can instead use two shells to make the attack against
said creature without having disadvantage on the attack roll, dealing 6d6 lightning damage to the creature instead of in a cone. You can only attack
with this weapon once per turn and do not add your dexterity mod to damage rolls made for this weapon.
Reload. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. A character must then reload it using an action or a
bonus action (the character's choice).
Roegadyn Common
Appendix E: Naming Info Abar Lone/Alone
Miqo'te Tribes Abyl Rage
There are 26 tribes within the Seeker's of the Sun, here is a list to Aent Duck
help you decide what tribe your Miqo'te came from.
Aerg Ambitious
Seekers of the Sun Tribes Aerm Poor
Tribe Letter Associated Creature Aerst First
A' Antelope Agat Amber
B' Boar Agynn Beginning
C' Coeurl
D' Dodo
E' Eft
F' Bear
G' Gryphon
H' Gigantoad
I' Buffalo
J' Jackal
K' Hipparion
L' Viper
M' Marmot
N' Aldgoat
O' Mole
P' Basilisk
Q' Puk
R' Raptor
S' Zu
T' Condor
U' Drake
V' Vulture
W' Wolf
X' Lynx
Y' Jaguar
Z' Ziz
Roegadyn Words
The Roegadyn name themselves by pairing up two words from their
language, usually a descriptor and then a noun. A noun is turned
into a descriptive word by adding a I to the end of the noun. Here is
a list of known Roegadyn Words to help you select a name. This is
an incomplete list.
Roegadyn Common
Roegadyn Common Fhet Fight
Byrg (Byrgin) Protect
Bylg Fertile
Byrm Tree
Byrt Axe
Caepf Slate
Caer (Careig) Sad
Ceig Sail
Ceil Rope
Cwaen Pine
Cwin Wine
Daeg Soldier
Dani Narrow
Denkyr Thinking
Denn Thin
Dhem Dusk
Doen Thunder
Doer Dry
Does Two
Dornn Thorn
Dorpf Village
Draeg Carry
Draga Carrier
Drys Three
Dyn People
Dyrf Farm
Dyrst Thirsty/Thirst
Eidin Oath
Eifa Bitter
Elak Elk
Elil Exiled/Foreign
Ent End
Erna Earnest
Ewan Even
Eyha Oak
Eyhil Acorn
Eyn One
Eynli Eleven
Eyri Wandering
Edz Eat
Faeld Field
Faez Fat
Falk Falcon
Farr Bull
Fatyr Father
Fedar Feather
Roegadyn Common
Roegadyn Common Khezl Kettle
Gybet Prayer
Gyft Sell
Hael Healthy
Haemr Hammer
Haer Grand
Haerz Heart
Hald Kind
Halp Side
Hana Hemp/Hempen
Hanth Hand
Harr Hair
Hart Hard
Hast (Hastal) Hazel
Helb Half
Herl Elder
Hezz Hot
Himal Sky
Hint Behind
Hirsk Agile
Holas Bald
Holl Hollow
Holsk Fast
Horsk (Horsam) Obedient
Hort Treasure
Hund (Hundr) Dog
Hwab Hawk
Hwyz Know
Hyll Hell
Hylt Forest
Hym Heaven
Hyr Army
Hyrt Autumn
Ingil (Inghil) Angel
Isil Island
Itar Knight
Iyrn Iron
Jaeg Hunt
Jarr Year
Jho And
Jungh Young
Keim Violet/Purple
Kelt Cold
Kest Chestnut
Keten Chain(ed)
Khan Laugh
Roegadyn Common
Roegadyn Common Rhen Clean
Mhar Horse
Mhas Scar
Mhol Salamander/Eft
Mhus Mouse
Moeg Able
Moen Moon
Moer Kill
Moht Mind
Murl Wall
Myna Love
Mynd Mouth
Myrgan Morning
Myst Mistletoe
Myte Middle
Nagl Nail
Nahct Night
Nazz Damp/Wet
Nebb Fog
Nedyr Low
Niu New
Noez Walnut
Nort North
Nortyr Northern
Nyst Nest
Nyun Nine
Oebb Above
Oefyr Sacrifice
Oeya Eye
Ofan Clear
Opyl Apple
Orn Maple
Ost East
Ostyr Eastern
Oura Ear
Pfar Walking
Pfef Pepper
Pfrew Joy
Pfrym Plum
Pfym Five
Pfyn Finger
Phati Late
Rael Doe
Raen (Raeng) Circle
Raet Chariot
Ramm Ram
Roegadyn Common
Roegadyn Common Tyl Valley
Sthan Stand
Stral Arrow
Stymm Voice
Styr (Styrn) Star
Styrm Storm
Sund South
Sundyr Southern
Sunn Sun
Swaen Mushroom
Swar Black
Sweig Herd
Swerd Sword
Swoz Sweet
Swyg Silent
Swyn Round
Swyr Big
Swys (Swysta) Sister
Sygg Victory
Syhr Fearless
Syk Sick
Sylb Silver
Syn Son
Syng Song
Syngi Singing
Synt Sand
Syvin Seven
Syz Sit
Syzn Sitting
Thor Torn
Thosin Grey
Thota Daughter
Thuba Mage
Thubyr Magic
Thuv Dove
Toeg Secret
Toff Deep
Toum Dream
Trach Dragon
Trachyn Dragon
Tragg Slow
Trahg Lazy
Troe (Troeb) Confused
Troeg Monster
Tu Dew
Twyr Dwarf
Roegadyn Common
Roegadyn Common
Wyrn Snake
Wyrst Sausage
Wyss Wise
Wyta Water
Wyzn White
Ybolg Enraged
Zaen Ten
Zaes Right
Zagyl Tail
Zahr Tear
Zant Tooth
Zedyr Cedar
Zeh Toe
Zent Send
Zirn Fury/Furious
Zoeng Tongue
Zoer Sour
Zwelf Twelve
Zwyn Twin
Tribe Distinguishing Information
Xaela Tribes of the Azim Steppe
A tribe that follows the Borlaaq, taking on any
A Xaela's last name is the name of their tribe, rather than having a Iriq male children given up by the female warriors
formal family name. They wear this name as a badge of honour and and raising them as their own.
fight to protect their families. Each tribe has its own cultural ideas.
The Azim Steppe is an amazing large region of land where 51 The second largest Xaela tribe. Mortal
known tribes are said to wander. It is not impossible for new tribes enemies with the Kharlu, the Jungid will
to form or disappear as people leave tribes to form their own or are spend the greater part of the year subjugating
assimilated into other groups. Jhungid smaller tribes to swell their own ranks in
preparation for an annual battle with the
Tribe Distinguishing Information Kharlu--the winner gaining control over a
The largest of the Xaela tribes. While not the large part of the eastern coastlands.
most skilled at battle, they overwhelm with The third largest Xaela tribe. Mortal enemies
Adarkim numbers, taking losses in stride, knowing that with the Jungid, the Kharlu will spend the
a future victory over a weaker tribe will greater part of the year subjugating smaller
replenish their ranks. Kharlu tribes to swell their own ranks in preparation
A small tribe which keeps mainly to the for an annual battle with the Jungid--the
mountainous region of northeastern Othard. winner gaining control over a large part of the
Angura The glare reflected by the everlasting glaciers eastern coastlands.
upon which they travel has rendered this A tribe which largely remains unseen, hunting
tribe's skin color a deep rusty tone. goats in the mountains for nine moons of the
A tribe thought lost 200 years ago, only Khatayin year. The remaining three are spent at the
Arulaq recently discovered once again living in a foot of the great north range, where they
secluded valley in the mountainous north. survive off the dried meat they stocked.
Though defeated and absorbed by the A western steppe tribe characterized by its
Adarkim, several of the proud tribe's members unique leader-choosing ritual which, instead
Avagnar still secretly use its ancestral name, knowing Malqir of the usual test of brawn, is a game of
that it could mean death if they are Kharaqiq--a chess-like game played on a
discovered. circular board divided into three rings.
A middle-sized tribe of the southern deserts A coastal tribe which fights with blow-darts
and masters of survival in the driest of climes, made from bones dipped in the poison of the
Mankhad pufferfish. So practiced with the pipes are the
Bairon the Bairon are all trained from a very young
age to collect and drink their own bodily tribe, that they can disable a target from 200
fluids, allowing them the ability to venture paces.
deep into places no other tribe will. A desert tribe which, over the course of a
A tribe of the steppe’s western edges. Women Mierqid year, travels between over a hundred secret
from the Bayaqud tribe will traditionally take buried caches of supplies restocked with
Bayaqud several husbands, as did the tribe's founding each annual visit.
matron 2000 years ago. Master trainers of the wild horses which
A small tribe that earns its living by collecting populate the majority of steppe. It is said that
Noykin the horsewives
the dung of the beastkin herds which roam of the Noykin can break any
Bolir the steppes. The dung is dried, turned into beast if given but a week.
charcoal in temporary kilns, and sold to other Selective breeding has seen the average
tribes. height of the central steppe-dwelling Olkund
A tribe of all women. While breeding with men Olkund tribe males reach over two and a half yalms.
The females, for whatever reason, remain of
Borlaaq from other tribes is allowed, if a male is born
into the tribe, he is given up within a year of an average height.
birth. Household duties such as cooking, cleaning,
and childrearing are handled by the males of
Buduga An all-male tribe which only increases its ranks
through battle and kidnapping. the Dazkar who, other than when on the
Dazkar move, rarely ever leave their family's yurts.
One of only a few Xaela tribes which has Female Dazkar are tasked with hunting, and
abandoned the nomadic lifestyle and built a are known across the steppe as being some
Dalamiq small village on an islet in the middle of a two-
malm-wide span of the great inner river. It is
of the most accurate archers in the realm.
said they once worshipped the now-fallen
lesser moon.
Tribe Distinguishing Information Tribe Distinguishing Information
All members of the Oronir tribe believe An extremely violent tribe with members who
Oronir themselves to be direct descendants of Azim, revel in massacre and are taught from a young
the tribe's god of the sun. Dotharl age not to fear death. While they are quick to
attack other tribes, mortality rates are high,
The Oroq create sleds made of reeds dipped in ensuring that their numbers never grow too
Oroq horse fat to help move their possessions and high.
young children about the inner grasslands.
A tribe recently massacred by the Dotharl. The
The warriors of this tribe all wear complete only members surviving are those who left the
Qerel suits of armor crafted from the bones of steppe
tigers which they kill with their own hands
tribe to travel on their own and were not
Hotgo present during the killing. The Hotgo were
upon their coming of age. known for their vibrant face paints which
This desert tribe does not wear any clothes, members would constantly change depending
choosing instead to cover their bodies almost on their current mood.
Torgud entirely in a white paint created from mud, A tribe which sees all beastkin as equals with
lime, and bone meal. The paint helps to reflect man, therefore refuses to eat or use them as
the relentless desert sun. Sagahl beasts of burden. As a result, the diet of the
The children of the Tumet, upon seeing their Sagahl mainly consists of steppe shrubs and
tenth summer, are tied to a sacred tree while vilekin.
the remainder of the tribe packs up and moves A tribe made up of orphans and refugees from
Tumet to their next location. Those children who
manage to break free from their bonds and Kahkol tribes defeated or destroyed. Many choose to
combine the name of their old tribe with
catch up with the tribe at that next location, are Kahkol.
given a name and allowed into the tribe.
Unlike most of the Xaela, the Kha live on the
When members of this tribe die, their heads are fringes of the Xaela lands, actively seeking
removed from their bodies and placed in a jar Kha contact with non Auri peoples, introducing
of fermented goat milk. Once the liquid has many aspects of those cultures into their own.
been drunk by the head (in other words,
Ugund anthill so thatthe head is then buried under an A small tribe of devout worshippers of the
the tiny workers can carry the elder gods, the Mol will consult with their
spirit to the afterlife. The journey is thought to Mol deities (via a shaman conduit) before making
be a terrible one, the road filled with ghosts of any tribe-related decisions, from the direction
the damned, so ensuring the spirit is drunk of their next migration, to the beasts they will
helps ease the journey. hunt each day for food.
One of a handful of Xaela tribes which have The Gesi are masters of the slingspear, a mid-
given up the nomadic lifestyle. The Uyagir sized javelin carved from mammoth bone
reside in a system of limestone caves on the Gesi which, instead of being thrown by hand, is
northern edge of the southern deserts which
Uyagir are flung with a leather sling to improve range,
believed to have been dug by a race of giant speed, and killing power.
oliphant-like beetles which were placed on the
land by the gods to punish the elder tribes that The Kagon are a nocturnal desert tribe who
had grown too greedy. worship Nhaama, goddess of the moon and
mortal enemy of Azim, god of the sun.
An elusive tribe that avoids contact with most Instructed by their goddess that to step into
Dhoro campstribes.
other Lookouts are posted all about their
with orders to flee given the moment an Kagon the sun is to succumb to the evil of Azim, they
spend the daylight hours in their tents, only
outsider is spotted. emerging to hunt and migrate at night. The
result is an uncharacteristically pale skin for a
A tribe that rides up and down the great inner group of people living in an almost eternally
Orben river on boats woven from reeds and reinforced fair-weather locale.
with scales from their own skin.
The Goro believe horses to be perfect beings,
A river tribe that chooses to swim from place and each male and female, upon their coming
to place rather than walk or take boats. It is said Goro of age, is married to a horse of the opposite
that members of the Ejinn can hold their
Ejinn breaths sex. Reproductive mates are chosen by lots.
for up to a quarter bell, and will often
migrate while almost completely submerged in
order to avoid contact with hostile tribes.
Tribe Distinguishing Information Tribe Distinguishing Information
Before each migration, the Gharl will fill a This desert tribe has the queer custom of
sacred urn with the soil of the place they just travelling with their elders carried upon their
camped. This soil is then dumped upon Urumet shoulders. It is believed that in the flat desert,
Gharl arriving at the next location. This tradition has this gives the tribe the advantage of being able
been carried out for thousands of years, to see farther.
leading people to believe that most the
steppe is now all of one soil. Also known as the songbirds of the steppe, the
Qalli communicate through song, attaching a
Qalli melody
The Dataq cover quite possibly the most area to their words to further add emotion
in their migrations, for they rarely stop in one to the meaning.
Dataq area for longer than a few bells. Sleeping is all
done in the saddle, and tents are only used This tribe refuses to speak, believing that all
when the rains are heavy and unbearable. Qestir words are lies, and that a man's actions are the
purest form of communication.
The legends of this coastal tribe tell of a
group of their ancestors who crafted a giant
ship and sailed out across the endless eastern
Haragin ocean. The explorers are said to have returned
with tales of a terrible island covered in
massive grey monoliths and inhabited by fire-
breathing steel demons.
This mountain-dwelling tribe is one of the
Ura few which instead of hunting, mine the
precious ores of the peaks and trade them
with the steppe tribes for food.
A tribe invisible for the fact that its members
are spread out across many different tribes
(unbeknownst to those tribes).
Moks Communication between its members is
done on the rare occasion when two tribes
meet, through an ancient set of hand signals
only recognizable by those who know what
they are looking for.
In addition to the standard language used by
most of the Xaela in cross-tribe
communication, the Geneq employ a
Geneq complex system of whistles and clicks which
resemble the cloud- and wavekin of the
To those who live the meager lifestyles of the
steppe dwellers, being overweight is a symbol
Horo of affluence and power. To appear heavier
than one in their station, the members of
Horo will drink copious amounts of water to
bloat their bellies.
For reasons unknown, one out of every three
pregnancies amongst the Himaa result in
twins. As a result, over half the tribe's
Himaa members have a doppelganger. This can
prove an advantage during attacks, as it
confuses the enemy into believing the dead
have risen.
One of the only tribes that accepts people of
the Raen - those that have been exiled, or
Malaguld those who have fled persecution - into their
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.