5 Pen PC Technology: IJEDR1803036 197
5 Pen PC Technology: IJEDR1803036 197
5 Pen PC Technology: IJEDR1803036 197
5 Pen PC Technology
Adarsh Kumar
Computer Science and Engineering
Sikkim Manipal Institute Of Technology, Majitar, India
Abstract— Modern technologies are shaping the world in very effective and efficient ways. Computers are advancing
rapidly. In this process, the technology came which is known as 5 Pen PC. This technology is a new finding of NEC
corporation. It is also called “P-ISM” – Pen Style Personal Networking Gadget Package. It consists of five major
components: CPU pen, communication pen, Projector pen, Camera pen and Virtual keyboard pen. It uses mainly
Bluetooth and internet for communication purpose.
Keywords— CPU pen, P-ISM, virtual keyboard, communication pen, LED projector
5 Pen Pc Technology is developed by a Japanese Company NEC (Nippon Electric Company, Limited) in 2003. It is designed
by Tour Ichihashi. It has five major parts: CPU pen, communication pen, Projector pen, Camera pen and Virtual keyboard pen.
It is also known as P-ISM. P-ISMs are link to each other through wireless technology like Bluetooth. It can also uses the wi-fi
Technology as well and provides facilities to develop computing environment anywhere. It was first feature at ITU telecom
world held in Geneva, Switzerland.
Communication pen
This pen is used for establishing communication between others device. It uses the wireless technology like Bluetooth or
sometimes wi-fi for connecting purpose. This pen has basically inbuilt cellular functions which is used to connect it to the
internet and share information to relevant devices. It is conceptually form a Tri- wireless mode consist of Bluetooth, 802.11 B/G,
Cellular for connection.
Working of P-ISM
P-ISM has five pen devices in which each device is connected with CPU pen. Camera pen is connected with Projector pen to
establish communication between camera and display unit. Projector Pen is connected with Virtual keyboard pen so that
keystrokes can be made visible on display. All components are connected by Bluetooth 802.11 B/G. Sometimes devices are
also connected using wi-fi technology.
The communication technology is improving with time and becoming smaller and sophisticated. In this process, P-ISM came
which is really a hi-tech technology and bring the computers in people’s pocket. It can be surely great discovery in future when
its usage will general among people and it can change the people’s view about computer.
[1] Mrunal Shidurkar, Mohammad Usman https://www.ijser.org/researchpaper/5-Pen-PC-Technology.pdf
[2] Sai Kiran Lakumarapu, http://www.researchpublish.com/download.php?file=5%20Pc%20Pen%20Technology-
[3] Jayesh S. Pednekar, Pratibha M. Deshmukh, https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v6i5/ART20173295.pdf
[4] Chavan Mayur, https://medium.com/@chavanmayur996/5-pen-pc-technology-6b1bb92e4136
[5] http://thejoblessengineer.hol.es/5-pen-pc-technology-p-ism-includes-5-functions/
[6] https://i0.wp.com/catchupdates.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/pen.jpg
[7] http://rockinglearners.blogspot.com/p/cpu-pen.html
[8] http://mosaic.cnfolio.com/B101CW2010Article154
[9] https://i0.wp.com/catchupdates.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/led1.jpg
[10] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-j3u2rmFogZc/U9KRmXx1_wI/AAAAAAAAATg/_LEAxLfCYdA/s1600/11.png