Hamstring Endurance

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Hamstring Endurance


Created by Nichole Reynolds, ATC, CSCS Oct 3rd, 2020
View videos at www.HEP.video
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Attach a looped elastic band to your ankle and to the opposite foot
while one leg is propped on chair or other raised object.

Next, draw your lower leg downwards to a bent knee position while
your other ankle anchors the band on the chair. Slowly control the
upwards movement of the leg before beginning next rep. Video #

Repeat 10 Times
Complete 3 Sets Perform 1 Times a Day

Glute Bridge
Laying on back, raise the knees bringing feet closer to the
buttocks until in a comfortable position. Squeezing your glutes and
ab muscles, raise hips off the floor until hips and knees are in line.
Hold this positive for 5 seconds. Slowly lower hips back towards
the ground and repeat. To increase intensity, place an elastic band
above the knees and abduct your legs while lifting hips.

Repeat 10 Times Hold 5 Seconds

Complete 3 Sets


Lie down on your back with a glider disk under each foot. Next,
bend both knees and then perform a bridge by lifting up your
buttocks off the floor.

Next, straight your legs and maintain your buttocks off the floor the
entire time. Then bend your knees again and repeat. Video #

Repeat 10 Times
Complete 3 Sets Perform 1 Times a Day
View videos at www.HEP.video Created by Nichole Reynolds, ATC, CSCS Page 2 of 2

Seated Hamstring Stool Scoots

Sit on appropriate height and stable stool or rolling chair (knee at
90 degrees). Dig heels into ground utilizing your hamstrings and
gently pull yourself forward on the stool across floor. Carpet will be
much more challenging than hardwood or tile floor.

Progress exercise to single leg when double leg is easy.

Repeat 20 Times Hold 2 Seconds

Complete 2 Sets Perform 1 Times a Day


Sit on a raised flat surface where you can prop your affected leg
up on it such as a treatment table, couch or bed.

While keeping your knee straight, slowly lean forward and reach
your hands towards your foot until a gentle stretch is felt along the
back of your knee/thigh. Hold and then return to starting position
and repeat. Video # VV6D3V843

Hold 30 Seconds
Complete 2 Sets Perform 1 Times a Day

Hip Flexor Stretch

Find a soft surface such as carpet or a pillow to rest your knee on.
Bring top leg to 90 degree bend. While keeping your back straight
and chest up, push your hips forward until you feel a gentle stretch
in the top of the thigh. Reset and repeat.

Hold 30 Seconds
Complete 2 Sets

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