The Awakened Goat: Playable Race

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The Awakened Goat

Playable Race 

Awakened Goat
“Sir, that goat’s a wizard.” -Jade Riverbank, a matter-of-fact tabaxi traveler

Most goats of the world can’t talk, walk on their hind legs, and actively participate in
society. However, in extremely rare circumstances a goat will gain the intellect and
consciousness common among the many humanoid societies of the world.
Strange Origins
While the result is certainly uncommon, there could be multiple different causes linked to the
awakening of a goat. Some will quote the will of a divine, some believe it to be the love of an
especially powerful ranger, some point to experimentation by mad wizards or worse, and some
just say that nothing in the world surprises them anymore.
Awakened Goat Traits
Upon becoming awakened, your goat discovered their own natural abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score
increases by 1.
Age. While normal goats only live to be 15-18 years, the lifestyle of an awakened goat can
allow them to lead fulfilling lives of over double this age, living to be around 40.
Alignment. In the wild, goats do not lean towards any alignment. When a goat is awakened,
it could lean towards any of the alignments depending on the cause of their awakening,
reflections on their previous unawakened life, or how the people around them react to and treat
Size. As awakened goats adapt to walk on their hind legs, they can reach a height of just over
4 feet tall and average weight of 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ram Attack. Your can use your horns when making an unarmed attack. Your attack bonus is
determined by adding your Strength modifier and your proficiency bonus. The damage you deal
is equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Charge. If the awakened goat moves at least 20 feet straight towards a target and then hits it
with a ram attack on the same turn, then that target takes an extra 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The
DC is determined by adding 8 + your Strength modifier + proficiency bonus.
Hooves. Your hooves have no fingers, making you unable to grasp weapons or items without
some sort of constructed or magical device that allows you to do so.
Speak with Goats. You have the ability to communicate with goats as if using the speak with
animals spell.
Sure-Footed. You have advantage on Strength or Dexterity saving throws against effects that
would knock you prone.
Language. You can speak Common and one language of your choice, but cannot read or
write until you spend time studying how to do so.

Written by Josh Essex @GameMasterJosh

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All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Joshua Essex and published under the
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