Thug (5e Rogue Subclass) : Bonus Proficiencies

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Thug (5e Rogue Subclass)

Not everyone who follows the path of the Rogue fights from the shadows. Those who follow the Thug Archetype
are brutish brigands brutally beating any hapless victims they come across. They focus on intimidating and
crippling their foes before finishing them off with a sickening sneak attack.

Thug Saves are made against: DC 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level you gain proficiency with martial weapons, medium armour and shields.

Shake Down
You’ve learned to use your frightening presence to exploit an enemy’s weakness. Starting at 3rd Level,
you can use a bonus action to have a creature make a Wisdom Save. On a success you can use your
sneak attack against the creature even if you do not have advantage, as long as you don’t have
disadvantage. This lasts for 1 minute, or until you use this ability against another creature.

Whenever you reduce a creature under the effects of this ability to 0 hp, you may use your reaction to
immediately make the same save against another creature.

At level 3, your gain additional hit points equal to your levels in Rogue. Additionally, Sneak Attack can
be triggered while wielding any One-Handed melee weapon.

Case the Joint

At 9th level, you’ve learned to quickly analyze an enemy encampment for much needed intel. You can
spend 10 minutes in a state of surveillance against an enemy encampment. After that 10 minutes you
then know the following.
• Any secret passwords or rituals to enter the encampment
• Estimate of how many able bodied people are in the encampment
• Advantage on spotting traps that may be in the encampment  
• Advantage on Stealth Rolls to infiltrate the encampment, applies to friends in stealth with you.

Knee Cap
Starting at level 13 when you use your Shake Down feature against a creature, you can forgo 2d6 of
your sneak attack damage in order to cripple the target for 1 minute. When struck by this special attack,
the creature makes a Constitution Save. On a failure their speed is halved (cannot move at all for it's
first turn) and it suffers disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.

Gut Wrencher
Starting at level 17, when you make an attack against a target that is suffering from your Knee Cap or
Shakedown class feature you deal an amount of acid damage equal to your Rogue Level. The target
must make a constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of your next turn. You must finish a
short rest before using this ability again.

Reddit User HoneyBadger3495

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