Written & Oral Communication
Written & Oral Communication
Written & Oral Communication
The effective command of oral and written communication is key during university studies
and also in professional life. It does not reach the expertise in a subject or have innovative
ideas, it is necessary to be able to communicate that knowledge and those ideas.Oral and
written expression aims to be a space to systematize knowledge about this field and practice
this skill required in the academic and institutional environment. To do this, it promotes a
reflection on the communication process, combining the contributions of linguistics, cognitive
psychology, discourse analysis and rhetoric.
The proposal seeks that those who study this subject recognize and consciously and
systematically use the strategies and instruments that allow them to make solid and coherent
presentations, and achieve a powerful connection with the audience. In its theoretical-
practical approach,Oral and written expression addresses issues related to audience
knowledge; the ideation, organization and structuring of discourse; and the handling of the
body and voice.
Central part of the course focuses on the analysis of the participant speakers' own
performance and the qualities that they would like to reinforce or modify. Practicing
presentations enables them to receive constructive feedback while identifying and
refining categories of analysis.
Let students:
The following content proposal will be developed throughout the course. It is not a linear
development: the acquisition of oral and written expression skills involves the recursive
interaction of different competences in different communication situations.
1. Oratory: past and present. Classic Speakers vs. Speakers in the 21st Century: Continuities
and Differences. The importance of public speaking in professional training.
6. Preparing the speech: The ideation, organization and structure of the discourse. The
choice of the lexicon. The use of rhetorical figures. The script. The transitions. Visual aids.
Approval conditions
Oral and written expression requires committed participation in class. Those who attend
are expected to speak in public, observe each other's presentations, make judicious and
profound feedback - and justify them - and learn from the content and form of other
people's presentations. Attendance, therefore, is a key element and attendance and
punctuality are required in 80 percent of classes.
The course also requires the approval of two or three practical assignments, a written
rhetorical analysis on a speech selected by the chair –or an equivalent practical assignment–
and a final exam. You may be excused from taking the final exam if you get a B average or
higher on all assignments.
Partial exams are not taken, practical work fulfills that function. Class
participation affects the final grade.
Note Equivalence
UTDT numerical
TO Outstanding 10
TO - Outstanding less 9
B Very good 7
C+ Satisfactory most 5
C Satisfactory 4
D Insufficient 2
F Reprobate 1
TONDERSON, CHRIS, TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking, Buenos Aires,
Paidós, 2016.
Discourse analysis manual, 2nd. updated edition, Barcelona, Ariel, 2008.
CAMMAROTA, HUMBERTO RAÚL, Public speaking for success, Buenos Aires, 2007.
CARNEGIE, DALE, The quick and easy way to speak effectively, Buenos Aires, South
American, 2001.
CICERON, MBOW TULIO, The prayer, Madrid, Alliance, 2004.
DIGNEN, BOB, Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English, Oxford,
Summertown Publishing, 2007.
DUARTE, NANCY, HBR Guides, Persuasive Presentations. Encourage action. Connect with the
public. Sell your ideas,Harvard Business Review Press, 2012.
GALLO, CARMINE, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in
Front of Any Audience, New York, McGraw Hill, 2010.
HUGHES, DOMINIC AND BENEDICT PHILLIPS, The Oxford Union Guide to Speaking in Public,
London, Virgin Books, 2004.
LAKOFF, GEORGE, Don't Think of an Elephant: Language and Political Debate, Madrid, Editorial
Complutense, 2007.
LEITH, SA.M, You're talking to me? Aristotle's rhetoric to Obama,Madrid, Taurus, 2012.
LUCAS, STEPHEN AND., The Art of Public Speaking, 10a. ed, Boston, McGraw Hill, 2009.
MALATESTA, NORBERTO OR, I ask the permission to talk. Learn to speak well in public and improve your
professional performance,Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2014.
MINTO, BARBARA, The Minto Pyramid Principle, London, Minto Books International,
PERELMAN, CHAIM AND LUCIE ORLBRECHTS TYTECA, Treatise on argumentation: The new
rhetoric, Madrid, Gredos, 2009.
STUDER, JÜRG, Oratory, The art of speaking, lecturing, convincing, Madrid, El Drac, 2013.