International Journal of Health Sciences and Research: Historical Aspects of Leech Therapy: A Critical Review
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research: Historical Aspects of Leech Therapy: A Critical Review
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research: Historical Aspects of Leech Therapy: A Critical Review
Review Article
Bloodletting and the therapeutic use of Hirduo medicinalis dated back to the ancient Egypt and the
beginning of the civilization. Their popularity has varied over the years. Leech therapy is one of the most
important and widely practiced methods of regimental therapy, used for local evacuation of morbid
humour in Unani system of Medicine. With the advent of modern pathology, physiology and
microbiology in the late 19th century bloodletting with leeches fell out of favour. The leech once used by
physicians of emperor and influential academic surgeon enjoyed a renaissance in reconstructive surgery
during the last 15 years. The Leech is no longer ubiquitous, but has warmed its way back into the medical
field. This paper presents a brief review on the history of treatment with leech from its origin to the
present day.
Indications And Contraindications. [26-30] burning and blister formation and ulcerative
Indications Contraindications
Varicose vein Anemia necrosis due to toxins present in leech saliva
Ringworm Diabetes mellitus have also been reported after leech therapy.
Alopecia Hemophilia
Lymphadenitis Pregnancy Transmission of certain infections from one
Malignant ulcer Hypotonia subject to the other is another probable
Active tuberculosis
complication of leech therapy. [30, 31]
Elephantiasis General fatigue
Gangrenous wound High temperature SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Osteoarthritis Bleeding disorders
Phlebitis and thrombotic Severely ill patients In recent past years, various clinical
conditions as well as experimental studies have been
Preventing post surgical Bed ridden patients
blood clotting conducted globally to evaluate the efficacy
Odontalgia, periodonitis and Old aged persons of leech therapy in various ailments using
alveolar abscess
Post operative skin Around liver, spleen,
standardized outcome measures. In a study,
grafting lesions stomach & intestine. the hirudin was tested for thrombin
Revascularization of amputated On Buttock
fingers & toes after repalnatation
inhibition in synovial inflammation in
procedure Antigen Induced Arthritis (AIA). The study
was conducted on animal models where
ADVERSE EFFECTS experiments showed hirudin did indeed
The most worrisome complication significantly attenuate the severity of AIA as
other than superficial scaring is aeromonas measured by both 99m TC uptake and
hydrophila. This bacterium is a normal synovial histology. The intra-articular fibrin
inhabitant in the foregut of the leech. The staining was reduced by hirudin treatment.
leech does not contain digestive enzymes to There was a clear reduction seen in synovial
break down red blood cells from the blood inflammation by hirudin. [32] In India also,
so it relies on bacterial enzymes secretions various studies have been conducted to
to digest blood. A. hydrophila can infect the prove the safety and efficacy of leech
bite or surrounding skin during feeding, therapy in musculoskeletal and
such an infection presents itself as a local dermatological disorders on the basis of
abscess. The infection is not reactive to scientific parameters. Another study from
penicillin but to chloramphenicol and amino Bangalore, India, has proved the safety and
glycoside. Other complications are allergic efficacy of leech therapy in the management
reactions such as itching followed by of knee osteoarthritis (OA). In this study, 30
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How to cite this article: Itrat M, Zarnigar, Haque N. Historical aspects of leech therapy: a
critical review. Int J Health Sci Res. 2013;3(7):78-83.