Finals Theory
Finals Theory
Finals Theory
Final Requirement
Prepared for
Adahlia T. Basco, EdD, RN
Julie Ann C. Visaya, DOH-RN, PH-RN
MAY 2021
Republic of the Philippines
Wesleyan University – Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Graduate School
Quality of nursing care should be considered specifically for each patient. I chose to create
this model because I believe that the key to effective quality care is through an individualized,
tailored and patient-centered approach. Many times, I have witnessed a patient who were not
satisfied with the care they receive and complains that healthcare provider (HCP) just does what
they have to do. Some resort to healthcare hopping and acquire second, third, fourth opinions
because their needs weren’t addressed properly. HCP do not care enough to dig deeper and explore
all the aspect of the patient’s history and life to be able to give the holistic care they need. This
model will aide to assess regarding the patient experience about the care they received, whether
they felt that it was actually individualized according to their own needs and preferences. In
addition, Individual differences among patients, in terms of their health, illness and needs
emphasize the necessity of individualized nursing care. Individualized nursing care changes all
standardized nursing procedures and activities and adopts nursing activities with unique peculiarity
of each patient condition (Suhonen et al, 2010).
Republic of the Philippines
Wesleyan University – Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Graduate School
The core concept of the individualized patient-tailored care is that we are looking at the
whole person, not just the chief complains. We must remain flexible when considering the needs
of the individual patient, remembering that we are all different, with different underlying problems
and care needs. To perceive individualized nursing care, nurses should tailor nursing interventions
for each patient to understand the model created, definition of terms and the nursing
metaparadigms in the context of IPTC is necessary:
Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs: For the person to feel satisfied, cared for and cooperate,
their needs must be met individually. In this model, it is in the center. The level of care
required for the patient should be identified, not just the chief complain should be the only
thing that should be resolved but also, other needs should be explored, look upon and
Surrounding the Person and the Hierarchy of Needs are the 4 C’s of Patient Centered Care
with my own definition of how it’s been related to the concept:
Care: this is providing what is necessary in the promotion, improvement and maintenance
of health of a person. The interventions that take into account the individuality of a person
and that suits individual condition, characteristics, needs and preferences.
Communication: this will involve a two-way communication between the person and the
healthcare professional. Effective communication will elicit the patient’s agenda. Prior to
that, trusting relationship should be established. In asking questions, it should be open-
ended, actively listen to the patient without interruption. According to Robert M. Arnold,
MD, Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine,
“Effectively communicating with patients in an empathic way isn't just fundamental to
providing good patient-centered care and reducing patients' feelings of anxiety and
depression, it is also essential in building a meaningful relationship with patients” (Cavallo,
Collaboration: Collaboration is the link between adaptive and proactive behaviors and
perceptions of team-level patient-centeredness (Durand & Fleury, 2021). In this context,
this will refer to the partnership between patients and professionals, in which patients are
encouraged to be equal partners, among practitioners, patients and their families (when
appropriate) to ensure that decisions respect patients' wants, needs and preferences and
solicit patients' input on the education and support they need.
Culture: Culture, beliefs, and traditions should be considered when carrying out an
individualized care. According to the National Institute of Health, cultural respect is critical
Republic of the Philippines
Wesleyan University – Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Graduate School
to reducing health disparities and helps improve access to high-quality health care that is
respectful of and responsive to the needs of diverse patients.
Goals: the aim / desired result /expected outcome when individualized patient-tailored care
has been met. In this context these are: increase patient satisfaction, improve quality
outcomes, positive experience of care that strengthens individual well-being.
Quality improvement (QI) consists of systematic and continuous actions that lead to
measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM), which is a recognized leader and advisor on improving the
Nation’s health care, defines quality in health care as a direct correlation between the level of
improved health services and the desired health outcomes of individuals and populations.
Cavallo, J. (2017, November 10). How Effective Communication Is Integral to Patient-Centered
Care: A Conversation With Robert M. Arnold, MD. The ASCO Post.
Durand, F. & Fleury, M. (2021). A multilevel study of patient-centered care perceptions in mental
health teams. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 44.
National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Cultural Respect.
Suhonen, R., Gustafsson, M., Katajisto, J., Välimäki, M & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2010). Nurses'
perceptions of individualized care. J Adv Nurs; 6(5):1035-46.
Republic of the Philippines
Wesleyan University – Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Graduate School