Manual Lathe Calibration Procedure: 1.0 Standards and Equipment

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Manual Lathe Calibration Procedure

Memorial University Technical Services

Document No.: TS-0054
Revision: 2

1.0 Standards and Equipment

The following equipment is required:

Calibrated Dial Indicator

Calibrated Finger Dial Indicator

NOTE: Standards and equipment used must have a valid calibration certificate

2.0 Calibration Procedure

“TS-0076 Manual Lathe Calibration Record Sheet.pdf” must be used

Clean the Dial Indicator and Finger Dial Indicator’s measuring surfaces and stand, the
lathe bed, chuck, and all mounting points for the magnetic base.

NOTE: Ensure that the dial indicator stylus is perpendicular to the X, Z scales, the
rim and the face when performing any measurement

Step 1:
Measure the ambient temperature and record it. If the temperature is <18oC or >24oC,
see the Division Manager for further instructions.

Step 2:
Test Characteristic: Face, Rim and Bore of Spindle,

Test Method: Remove the chuck from the lathe. This can be
accomplished by removing the set screw, or rotating each cam
lock to its notch. Securely mount the magnetic base and place
the finger dial indicator stylus against the face of the spindle
(Fig 1). Rotate the spindle 360 degrees by hand, and then
record the maximum deflection. Repeat for the rim and the
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inner bore. Some lathes will have multiple outer rims - only
record for the inner most face which the chuck’s inner surface
mounts to.

Acceptable Limit: +/- 0.001" or 0.025 mm

Figure 1
Step 2:
Test Characteristic: X - Axis Scale

Test Method: Mount the dial indicator securely on bed with the stylus
against the carriage cross-slide (Fig 2). Manually move the
carriage into the dial until the needle starts deflecting. DO NOT
Zero the dial indicator, and zero the digital readout. Continue
to move the carriage until the digital readout displays 1.0000”.
Check the dial indicator reading at this point, if it reads around
0.5000”, move the carriage until the digital readout displays
2.0000”, because it is measuring diameter. Record both the
digital readout and dial indicator reading.

Acceptable Limit: +/- 0.001" or 0.025 mm

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Figure 2

Step 3:
Test Characteristic: Z - Axis Scale

Test Method: Mount the dial indicator securely on bed with the stylus
against the carriage (Fig 3). Manually move the carriage into
the dial until the needle starts deflecting. DO NOT MOVE THE
indicator, and zero the digital readout. Continue to move the
carriage until the digital readout displays 1.0000”. Record both
the digital readout and dial indicator reading.

Acceptable Limit: +/- 0.001" or 0.025 mm

Figure 3

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