Life Process: 1. Objective Questions

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CBSE Objective Questions Exam 2019-2020
CLASS : 10th
SUB : Science
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Life Process

1. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (b) The relaxation period after contraction of the

(c) The forceful pumping action of the heart
1. Vocal cords occur in:
(d) The contraction period after relaxation of the
(a) pharynx (b) glottis
(c) bronchial tube (d) larynx
Ans : (b) The relaxation period after contraction of
Ans : (d) larynx the heart

2. What is the mode of nutrition in fungi? 6. Blood vessel carry blood from lungs to heart through:
(a) Autotrophic (b) Heterotrophic (a) Pulmonary artery (b) Pulmonary vein
(c) Saprophytic (d) Parasitic (c) Coronory artery (d) None of these
Ans : (c) Saprophytic Ans : (b) Pulmonary vein
Fungal organisms feed on dead matter. They release
chemicals to break complex organic matter into simple 7. Which of the following structures is involved in
forms and absorb them. This is called saprophytic gaseous exchange in woody stem of a plant?
mode of nutrition. (a) Stomata (b) Lenticel
(c) Guard cell (d) Epidermis
3. How many pairs of salivary glands are found in
humans? Ans : (b) Lenticel
(a) Two (b) Three The guard cells regulate the opening and closing of
(c) Six (d) Four stomata to maintain the flow of respiratory as well
Ans : (b) Three as photosynthetic gases (CO 2 and O 2 ) in the plants.

There are three pairs of salivary glands present in 8. Which substances are produced by anaerobic
humans, namely the parotid gland, submandibulars respiration in yeast?
and sublingual glands.
Carbon Alcohol Lactic Water
4. The diagram shows the arrangement of cells inside dioxide Acid
the leaf of a green plant. (No cell contents are shown).
(a) { { # #
Which cells normally contain chloroplasts?
(b) { # { #
(c) # { # {
(d) # # { {
Key { = produced, #= not produced.
Ans : (a)
During anaerobic respiration in yeast, following
equation shows the products synthesised:
C 6 H 12 O 6 $ 2C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO2

9. Which cell organelle is involved in breakdown of

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 4
glucose to produce energy for metabolic activities?
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4 (a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplast
Ans : (d) 2 and 4 (c) Endoplasmic reticulum (d) Golgi body
The palisade mesophyll cell (2) and guard cell (4) Ans : (a) Mitochondria
contain chloroplasts that absorbs sunlight. Most of
Mitochondria performs the cellular respiration in
the chloroplasts are concentrated in the palisade cells
which the glucose is broken down to liberate energy in
to absorb maximum amount of sunlight required for
the form of ATP for other metabolic activities.
10. From which structure, the free oxygen gas produced
5. In the cardiac cycle, diastole is:
during photosynthesis is released?
(a) The number of heart beats per minute
(a) Epidermis (b) Stomata

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Chap 6 : Life Process
(c) Cortex (d) Guard cell (b) They make a large surface area for absorption
Ans : (b) Stomata (c) They protect against bacteria
The oxygen gas produced during photosynthesis is (d) They move mucus over the surface
released into the surroundings through stomata. Ans : (b) They make a large surface area for absorption
Structure X shows microvilli, which increases the
11. A plant is kept in the dark for two days. A leaf is
surface area for absorption of digested products i.e.,
used in an experiment to investigate the effect of two
amino acids, glucose etc.
factors on photosynthesis as shown in the diagram.
14. Choose the forms in which most plants absorb
1. Proteins
2. Nitrates and nitrites
3. Urea
4. Atmospheric nitrogen
Choose the correct option.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
Ans : (b) 2 and 3
Most plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrates,
nitrites and urea. All of these are taken up from the
What are the colours of Q and R , when the leaf is soil by the plant.
tested for starch, using iodine solution?
15. Only two of the following Statements accurately
Q R describe what happens in the mouth.
(a) Blue/black Brown 1. Amylase breaks down large starch molecules into
smaller maltose molecules.
(b) Brown Brown 2. Chewing increases the surface area of food for
(c) Blue/black Blue/black digestion.
(d) Brown Blue/black 3. Saliva emulsifies fats into smaller droplets.
4. Teeth breakup large insoluble molecules into
An R smaller
s : -Br soluble
(wb ow molecules.
n), n
Some alkali solution is carbohydrates
kept in the flask,
which absorbs CO2, so Ans : (c) absorption of
no photosynthesis digested food
occurs and apical The small finger-like
region of leaf will show projections. i.e. villi
negative results for present in intenstine
starch test. Part Q increase the surface
of leaf remains in dark area for better
within the cut part of absorption of digested
cork and no food.
photosynthesis occurs
here. It also shows 13. The diagram
negative result of represents a section
starch test. through the small
12. Villi present on the
internal wall of
intestine help in the
(a) emulsification of What is the role of the
fats structure labelled X ?
(b) breakdown of (a) They help to move
proteins the food along
(c) absorption of
digested food
(d) digestion of

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Bronchus Bronchiole Larynx Trachea
Chap 6 : Life Process
(a) W X Z Y
which statements are (a) Amino acids and water (a) Protein
correct? (b) Fat
(a) 1 and 2 (c) Starch Ans : (d)
(b) Fatty acids, glycerol
(c) 3 and 4 Mineral salt Larynx is at the beginning
and water (d) Z Y W
of trachea. X trachea,
Ans : (a) 1 and 2
(c) Protein and water Ans : (c) Starch 6CO2 + C 6 H 12 O 6
Statement 1 and 2 are $ 6H 2 O + 6CO2
The final product of
correct. Saliva cannot + Engery
(d) Protein, amino acids photosynthesis in
do emulsify fats and
and water plants is glucose and 21. Major function of
teeth do not break
water. The glucose contractile vacuole is:
molecules or do not Ans : (d) Protein, produced is stored as
change insoluble ones amino acids and water, (a) Excretion (
starch in storage
into soluble ones. Water Circulation
They only help in the (c) Osmoregulation
In stomach, egg white
churing of food. 19. During vigorous (
is broken down to
amino acids. It physical exercise, Ans : (c)
16. When a person eats
contains albumin lactic acid is formed Osmoregulation
some egg white,
protein which is not from glucose inside
proteins and water
completely broken the muscle cells 22. The diagram shows
enter the stomach.
down. Some of it is because part of the human
Which substances are
further hydrolysed in (a) there is lack of gas exchange
found leaving the
intestine, from where oxygen
stomach and leaving
the small intestine? amino acids are (b) there is lack of
absored by food. water
Leaving the Stomach (c) there is excess of
carbon dioxide
(d) none of the above
17. In photosynthesis, which
substances are used up, system. Ans : (a) there is lack
which are produced and of oxygen
which are necessary, but Muscle cells respire
remain unchanged after anaerobically to
the reaction?Used up Produced Remain
produce lactic acid in
the scarcity of oxygen
(a) Carbon Water Oxygen during excessive
dioxide physical exercise.
(b) Chlorophyll Carbon Water
20. The following changes
take place in an
(c) Oxygen Starch Cellulose athlete’s body during
(d) Water Oxygen Chlorophyll a 100 m race. Which
change occurs first?
(a) Increased
What are W, X,Y and Z
availability of
Ans : (d) Used up- oxygen to muscles
Water, Produced- (b) Increased
Oxygen, Remain breathing rate
Unchanged- (c) Increased carbon
Chlorophyll dioxide
Equation of concentration in
photosynthesis shows the blood
the reactants and (d) Increased
products: production of
6C+ S C + 6O carbon dioxide by
O u H
g Ans : (d) Increased
t production of carbon
2 6 12 6 2 dioxide by muscles
In order to provide
oro energy for 100 m race,
phy respiration increases
ll in athletes muscles
18. What is the of and carbon dioxide is
final product photosynthesis? produced, i.e.

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Chap 6 : Life Process
bronchi are found assimilation is not a disorder of the
which further branch circulatory system? system. Where is the
(d) Ingestion "
into bronchioles. (a) Atherosclerosis blood pressure highest?
digestion "
assimilation " Arteriosclerosis
23. Instrument used to
measure blood
pressure is Ans : (c) Ingestion "
(a) barometer digestion "
potometer absorption "
(c) thermometer assimilation
sphygmomanometer After ingestion, food
Ans : (d) is digested in buccal
sphygmomanometer cavity, stomach and
small intestine. Then
Blood pressure is the products of
measured by (c) Arthritis
digestion, i.e. glucose
sphygmomanometer. Angina
and amino acids are Ans : (b)
absorbed from the Ans : (c) Arthritis
24. In which order do The lungs receive low
ileum region into the Arthritis is the
these events occur in pressure of blood from
blood which carries inflammation of
human nutrition? right side of the heart,
these products to joints causing pain
(a) Digestion " with thinner ventricle
body tissues and cells and stiffness.
ingestion " wall as compared to
where assimilation
absorption " the thicker wall of
occurs. 28. Which of the following
assimilation left ventricle. From
is responsible for the
(b) Digestion " 25. The diagram shows the left
transport of water and
ingestion " the human gut. ventricle, blood is
minerals from roots to
assimilation " Which numbered pushed into aorta (B),
aerial parts of the
absorption structures secrete which has
(c) Ingestion " digestive enzymes? normal blood pressure
(a) Xylem of about 16 KPa.
digestion "
(c) Cortex Pressure in
absorption " (a) and (b) D is less than 4 Kpa.
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Ans : (a) Xylem In the Pulmonary
2, 3 and 6 which muscles relax in vein A, the blood
moving from position In rooted plants,
(c) 2, 3, 4 and 5 X to position Y ? tranport of water pressure is evenless,
3, 5 and 6 and minerals after being passed
occurs through through the alveolare
Ans : (b) 1, 2, 3 and 6 Diaphragm capillaries.
1 is stomach which (a) No
secretes pepsin in 29. The diagram 30. Urea is formed in:
(b) No (a) Liver (b
gastric juice. 2 is represents a part of
pancreas which (c) Yes human circulatory (c) Kidney (d
secretes trypsin (d) Yes Ans : (a) Liver
and amylase.
3 is small intestine in Ans : (d)
31. The diagram shows a
which lipase and During exhalation, the vertical section
peptidase are secreted diaphragm arches through the heart.
while 6 is salivary upwards as a result of
gland which secretes muscle relaxation. The
amylase in saliva. external intercostal
muscles are also
26. The diagram shows
relaxed to move the
the ribs and some of
ribcage back into
the muscles used in
27. Which of the following

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Chap 6 : Life Process
what are the functions Ans : (d) (a) Aorta
of the numbered blood Pulmonary artery 36. What are the functions
Vessel 1 is pulmonary of the Xylem?
vessels? (c) Pulmonary vein
artery and carries
Carries Carries blood to lungs. Vessel Carrying Carrying
blood blood 2 is vena cava and Ans : (a) Aorta sygars water
of to carries blood from
body lungs Oxygenated blood is
body to heart. Vessel
carried back to the left (a) { #
(a) 1 2 3 is aorta and carries
atrium through the
blood from heart to (b) { {
(b) 1 3 pulmonary vein and is
body. Vessel 4 is (c) # {
(c) 2 4 pumped into the left
pulmonary vein and
ventricle before (d) # {
(d) 3 1 carries blood from
leaving the heart
lungs to heart. Key { = a function
through the aorta.
of xylem, #= not a
32. What is the correct (d) The surface area The thick muscular function of xylem
route for blood flow of the root is wall of the left
Ans : (d)
in a human? reduced ventricle of the heart
(a) Left atrium " contracts to generate Xylem is a part of
Ans : (d) The surface the highest pressure vascular tissue which
Left ventricle " area of the root is
Lungs " Right possible to pump not only supports a
reduced blood into the aorta stem, but also
ventricle "
Right atrium Digging up a plant and to the rest of the transport water and
may damage roots and body. mineral ions. Phloem
(b) Left atrium "
affect mineral uptake. is involved in the
Left ventricle "
Wilting occurs if roots transport of sugars
Right ventricle dissolved in water.
are damaged. Stem
" can still transport
Right atrium " water. 37. Excretion is
Lungs carried
(c) Right atrium " 34. Which of the following out by
Right ventricle is not a purpose of nephridi
" Left ventricle transpiration? a in:
" Left atrium (a) Supplies water for (a) cockroach (b)
" Lungs photosynthesis am
(d) Right atrium " (b) Helps in oeba
Right ventricle translocation of (c) earthworm (d)
" Lungs " sugar in plants human
Left atrium " (c) Cools leaf surface Ans : (c) earthworm
Left ventricle (d) Transports
Ans : (d) Right minerals from the 38. Which chambers of
atrium " Right soil to all the parts human heart contain
ventricle " Lungs of the plant oxygenated blood?
" Ans : (b) Helps in (a) Left atrium and left
Left atrium " Left translocation of sugar ventricle
ventricle in plants (b) Left atrium and
The correct route for right ventricle
Transpiration is the
blood flow in humans loss of water in vapour (c) Right atrium and
is form from the leaves. left ventricle
Right atrium " Translocation of (d) Right atrium and
right ventricle " sugars in plant is not right ventricle
lungs " left atrium performed by Ans : (a) Left atrium
" left ventricle. transpiration process. and left ventricle
33. What may happen if a 35. The table shows the Left atrium receives
young plant is dug up characteristics of oxygenated blood
and re- planted in blood in one blood from pulmonary vein.
another place? vessel of the body. This blood enters left
(a) The leaves lose ventricle before being
less water Oxygen Carbon dioxide pushed into aorta in
concentration concentration order to supply the
(b) The roots cannot
High Low whole body.
take up mineral
salts which blood vessel 39. The process of
(c) The stem cannot contains blood with conversion of glucose
transport water these characteristics? into pyruvic acid

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Chap 6 : Life Process
occurs in constant body (b) laryx, trachea, air
(a) mitochondria temperature sac and external
cytoplasm Ans : (b) Diffusion of nares
(c) trachea, air sac, (a) X is sometimes
(c) outside the cell oxygen from the
chloroplast external nares and higher than Y
alveoli into the blood
larynx (b) Y is always higher
Ans : (b) cytoplasm Exchange of O 2 and than Z
CO2 at the site of (d) air sac, trachea,
During aerobic (c) Y is always lower
alveoil occurs due to larynx and
respiration, the than Z
diffusion gradient as external nares
glucose is converted (d) Z is sometimes
into pyruvic acid in the inhaled air carries Ans : (a) external lower than X
the cytoplasm of more O 2 than blood nares, larynx, trachea Ans : (c) Y is always
respiring cells. and blood contains and air sac
lower than Z
more CO2 than the
40. Which process atmospheric air. Structure Y is renal
48. In the figure given
occurring in human Processes in other along side, the artery which
body does not involve options are all energy structures associated transports urea from
energy from requiring. with human kidneys the body tissues to
respiration? are marked (X,Y and kidney for removel.
41. The sites of exchange Z ). The relative After filteration from
(a) Contraction of
of wastes, nutrients, concentrations of blood in kidneys,
heart muscle
gases and hormones urea in these concentration of
(b) Diffusion of oxygen structures is
between the blood
from the alveoli Nephron is the containing
and body cells are urea
into the blood urine thus,
(c) Digestion of bread (a) arteries
(d) Maintaining a arterioles

(c) capillaries glomerulus and

veins Bowman’s capsule of
Ans : (c) capillaries the nephron is to:
(a) reabsorb water
into the blood structural and
42. The rate at which increases
oxygen moves from (b) eliminate functional unit of in water
the alveoli of our ammonia from the kidney. (Z)
lungs into our blood: body maintaini
(a) depends on the (c) reabsorb salts and ng a
difference in amino acids constant
oxygen (d) filter the blood level.
concentration and capture the
between the 45. Choose the incorrect
alveoli and the pair.
Ans : (d) filter the (a) Ultrafiltration- Ans : (b) Lower
blood and capture the Glomerulus surface of leaf
(b) depends on the filtrate
color of the (b) Concentration of Since, lower surface of
alveoli. urine-Collecting leaf contains most of
44. Structural and duct the stomata, water
(c) depends on the functional
(c) Transport of vapours moves out of
availability of unit of
urine-Ureter stoma. This increases
energy to kidney is
(d) Storage of urine- transpiration rate.
transport gases (a) renal pelvis (b)
across the Urinary bladder 47. The correct order of
(c) nephron
membrane. Ans : (b) air reaching from
Ans : (c) nephron Concentration of
(d) none of the above atmosphere to the
urine-Collecting duct lungs is through:
Ans : (a) depends on
the difference in Concentration of urine (a) external nares,
oxygen concentration takes place in Henle’s larynx, trachea
between the alveoli loop not in collecting and air sac
and the blood. duct.

46. The diagram shows

43. The function of the
parts of a flowering
plant. Where does the
most transpiration
take place?

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Chap 6 : Life Process
49. The diagram given concentration of urea. Platyhelminthes.
below represents the 56. The movement of
liver, kidney and 50. Proteins A 55. Dialysing unit water and dissolved
some associated blood Peptones (artificial kidney) minerals from the
vessels. Identify the contains a fluid which roots of the leaves is
vessel from the Identify the enzyme A
is almost same as best explained by:
labelled parts A-D in involved in the above
plasma except that is (a) Cohesion-tension
which the blood will reaction. has theory
contain the lowest (a) Salivary amylase (a) high glucose
concentration of urea. (b) Bile juice (b) Translocation
high urea
(c) Pepsin (c) Tensile strength

Ans : (c) Pepsin

(a) A Proteins present in
(c) C food are converted to
Ans : (c) C peptones with the
When the kidney help of pepsin
filters the blood, renal enzyme. It is secreted
vein, i.e. part by gastric glands
C has the lowest found in stomach
(c) no urea (d) Pressure-flow
51. Digestion of food in 2 after a period of ten uric acid hypothesis
human starts from: minutes? Ans : (c) no urea Ans : (a) Cohesion-
(a) Duodenum tension theory
Small intestine Flask 1 The dialysing fluid has
the same composition
(c) Mouth (a) Clear as that of blood 57. Which of the following
intestine (b) Clear plasma except that it is not a component of
Ans : (c) Mouth is devoid of plasma?
(c) White/Cloudy (a) water (b
nitrogenous waste
52. Which one indicates (d) White/Cloudy such as urea. (c) fibrinogen (d
hypertension or high Ans : (b) platelets
Blood Pressure (BP)? Ans : (d) platelets
(a) 120/80 Living animals respire
and produce carbon
(c) 130/80 dioxide which causes 58. Figure given below is
Ans : (d) 140/90 lime water in flask 2 to representing the
become milky white. dialysis machine for
Person having blood removing nitrogenous
pressure 140/90, Potassium hydroxide
solution in flask 1 wastes in patient with
shows hypertension or a kidney failure.
high blood pressure. absorb carbon dioxide
The normal blood but remains clear.
pressure for humans is 54. Flame cells are the
120/80. excretory structures in
53. An experiment is set (a) arthropods
up as shown. Flasks 1 platyhelminths
and 2 contain lime (c) anneelids
water. Air is pumped crustaceans
through the flasks. Ans : (b) which substances out
platyhelminths of the following in the
dialysis fluid should
be at a lower
concentration than in
the blood of patient?
(a) Glucose and urea
(b) Glucose and amino
(c) Salts and urea
(d) Glucose and salts
Ans : (c) Salts and urea
Flame cells are the
excretory organs of The dialysis fluid
What is the contains glucose,
appearance of lime organisms belonging to
phylum water, ions and
water in flasks 1 and
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Chap 6 : Life Process
various substances in kidney disorder, the (b) It increases any
the same colour of urine change occurring as X .
concentration as the changes from yellow in the amount of
blood except urea and to others. A patient is
excess salts, which secreting dark colured
have low urine which turns to
concentration in the blue or black later.
dialysis fluid when This is due to the
compared to blood. presence of which of water in the blood
Urea is a nitrogenous the following?
(c) It reverses any
waste to be removed (a) Homogentisic acid (a) To excrete urea(b)
change occurring
from the body along (b) To produce urea
in the amount of
with the excess salts Methaemoglobin (c) To produce urine
water in the
(c) Coproporphyrin blood (d
59. Veins can be
Both (a) and (b) Ans : (d) To store urine
differentiated from (d) It increases the
arteries because the Ans : (a) Homogentisic amount of water ‘X ’ given in the
veins: acid in the blood diagram is the part of
(a) have valves The build up of Ans : (c) It reverses human excretory
have hard walls homogenetisic acid in any change occurring system called urinary
(c) have pure blood in body occurs due to a in the amount of bladder. Its main
them(d) have thick rare genetic disorder water in the blood function is to store
walls i.e. Alkaptonuria. urine temporarily
The figure represents until it passed out
Ans : (a) have valves This causes the urine
negative feedback through urethra.
to run dark blue or
control of water
black when exposed
60. Most often during a concentration in the 67. Example(s) of liquid
to air.
blood. This system waste product in
61. Main excretory organ digestion is regulates any change plants is/are
of humans is intracellular because: that occurs in water (a) rubber (b
(a) kidney (a) Amoeba is concentration of the (c) gum (d
unicellular blood through these
(c) skin
feedback mechanism.
Ans : (a) kidney (b) Amoeba is Ans : (d) All of these
multicellular 65. What is the term used
Kidney is the main All of these given
(c) Amoeba is found when vessels open and options are examples
excretory organ of
in a pond let more blood of liquid waste
human beings, while
(d) Amoeba is a through? products in plants.
other act as accessory
microscopic (a) Vasoconstriction
68. A healthy woman
Vasodilatation consumes a litre of
(c) Increased water at once.
permeability (d) None 1. How will be the
of these internal
environment of
Ans : (b) her body affected
by this?
2. A corrective
measure to bring
excretory organs. animal
the arising
66. The diagram given
Ans : (a) Amoeba is condition to
62. Which of the following unicellular along side shows the
normal state is.
is used in human excretory
Select the correct
manufacturing of system. Identify the
64. Observe the figure option for (i) and (ii)
varnishes, glazing function of part
given below which from those given
agents, etc? labelled
represents the control below:
(a) Tannin
of water concentration
(c) Essential oil in the blood. (i)
(a) Plasma becomes
Ans : (b) Resins diluted
Resins are used in (b) Osmotic pressure of
This is negative
manufacturing of the plasma decreases
feedback system
varnishes, glazing
agents, etc.
(a) It decreases the
63. In amoeba the amount of water
in the blood
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Chap 6 : Life Process
(c) The body cells the volume of urine metabolism in
formation. The humans is 7. Blood circulation in
undergo shrinkage humans is called
woman would thus, .........
have to urinate circulation.
Ans : Water
(d) Osmotic pressure of frequently. Ans : double
the plama increases
69. The breakdown of 4. .......... valve separates
Ans : (b) (i)-Osmotic the left atrium from 8. Pressure in the
pyruvate to give arteries during
pressure of the carbon-di-oxide, the left ventricle.
plasma decreases, ventricular relaxation
water and energy Ans : tricuspid
(ii)- Increase in the is called
takes place in: pressure.
volume of urine 5. Energy rich compound
(a) cytoplasm
formed. generated during Ans : diastolic
When a healthy (c) chloroplast photosynthesis
person consumes very is .......... . 9...............are regarded as
little water, the complete photosynthetic
Ans : ATP
osmotic pressure of Ans : (b) mitochondria units
the plasma will of plants.
Ninety percent of the
decrease due to 70. Digestion of starch Ans : Chloroplasts
water lost by the
increased amount of starts from:
plants during
water. As a result, (a) Stomach 10. Starch changes blue in
transpiration is
the body will increase Intestine solution.
through the.....................................
leaf. Ans : iodine
(c) Oesophagus glomerular filtrate
Mouth from the kidneys of a Ans : stomata
mammal? 11. ......... are the
Ans : (d) Mouth lymphatic capillaries
Glucose Protein arising from the small
71. The process of intestine.
transpiration in (a) { {
Ans : lacteals
plants helps in: (b) # {
(a) Opening of 12..............are fat soluble
(c) { #
stomata vitamins.
(b) Absorption of (d) # #
Ans : Vitamin A, D, E
CO2 from Key { = present,
and K
atmosphere #= absent
(c) Upward Ans : (c)
13. Two............are present
conduction of In mammals, the on both sides of the
water and glomerular filterate stomata.
minerals will consist of glucose Ans : gard cells
(d) Absorption of O 2 and salts by the
from atmosphere filteration of blood
14. Largest digestive gland
Ans : (c) Upward plasma. The proteins in the human body is
conduction of water are not present in .......... .
and minerals glomerular filterate
because they are Ans : liver
relatively larger in
72. Root cap has no role 15. The structural and
physical size.
in water absorption functional units of
because: lungs is .......... .
(a) It has no direct 2. FILL IN THE Ans : alveoli
connection with
the vascular BLANK
system 16. The .......... prevents
the entry of food into
(b) It has no cells the respiratory tract.
1. In human, the right
lung is............................................ Ans : epiglottis
Ans : 3
(c) It has no root
17..............(of bile juice)
2. Carbonic anchydrase help in emulsification of
(d) It has loosely regulates the fats.
arranged cells. formation of .......... Ans : Bile salts
Ans : (c) It has no Ans : bicarbonates
root hairs 18. In..........., waste is
3. Principal waste removed by diffusion.
73. Which substances will product of Ans : kidney
be present in the
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Chap 6 : Life Process
near the opening of
19. Synthesis of ATP superior and inferior 2. The lacteals contain Ans : False
using light energy in vena cavae. absorbed
photosynthesis carbohydrates. 11. Some organs are used
Ans : Sinu-auricular
is .......... . Ans : False in more than one
Ans : 22. A plant pigment system.
photophosphorylation known as .......... is 3. Teeth are the only Ans : True
involved in the part of the digestive
20. Diffusion is insufficient phenomenon of system that 12. Fishes respire through
to meet requirement photoperiodism. physically breaks skin.
of down food. Ans : False
Ans : phytochrome
multicellular Ans : False
organisms like humans. 23. Man 13. Translocation is the
Ans : oxygen nutrition. 4. The loss of water by a transportation of the
plant is called products of
Ans : heterotrophic
21. .......... node is present transpiration. photosynthesis.
Ans : True Ans : True
24. .......... involves the materials as their
intake of complex aqueous solution, 5. Blood is not a tissue 14. Essential amino acids
material prepared by called .......... . because it is a fluid. cannot be synthesized
other organisms. Ans : urine Ans : False in human body.
Ans : Heterotrophic
Ans : True
33..............secretes bile 6. Bowman’s capsule is
25. Contraction of heart and cholesterol. found in heart. 15. Stretching of inner
is known as .......... Ans : liver Ans : False wall of guard cells,
Ans : systole open the stomata.
34..............movements 7. Arteries are the widest Ans : True
26. The major function of occur along the gut. blood vessels.
the .......... blood cells Ans : Peristaltic Ans : True 16. The systems in an
is to transport oxygen. organism work
Ans : red 35. Second heart sound 8. Birds and mammals independently.
heard as..........................................
have tow-chambered Ans : False
27. The semiliquid closure of heart.
mixture of partially .......... valves at the
Ans : False 17. Veins are thick walled.
digested food found in beginning of
the stomach is called ventricular diastole. Ans : False
9. Grass-eating animals
.......... . Ans : Dup/Dubb, need a longer small 18. Respiration is the
Ans : chyme semilunar intestine to allow the only source of energy
cellulose to be for all organisms.
28. The functional unit 36. The thin double- digested.
of the mammalian walled sac enclosing Ans : False
Ans : True
kidney is the the heart is called
.......... . .......... 19. Carbon-di-oxide
10. Only animals have cannot be
Ans : nephron Ans : pericardium tissues. transported
29..............are the solid 37. Rings of ..........
bodies in fruits in present in trachea, haemoglobin. also performs the
which waste is bronchi and Ans : False function of
stored. bronchioles prevent homeostasis.
Ans : raphides their collapse when air Ans : True
20. In a general sense,
is not passing through
digestion is simply
30. .......... veins pour them.
hydrolysis of complex 23. In humans, protein
their blood into left Ans : cartilage polymers to digestion is completed
atrium. monomers. in the mouth.
Ans : Pulmonary,
oxygenated 3. Ans : True Ans : False

TRUE/FALSE 21. Leucocytes play an 24. Only the multicellular

31. Glomerulus occurs in important role in organisms require
............................................. blood coagulation. transporting
Ans : Bowman’s 1. Fermentation is a form Ans : False mechanisms.
of aerobic respiration. Ans : False
32. Kidney eliminate the Ans : False 22. Circulatory system
excretory waste
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Chap 6 : Life Process
25. External respiration
36. In photosynthesis, Column I Co
may be called 3.
breathing. carbon-di-oxide is
(A): True
Ans Stomach (p)given
Theout by diffusion
structure is 6.
the site where
Ans : False
the chemical Column I
26. The exchange of (Region of digestiv
nutrients and waste breakdown of
proteins first system)
products between the
blood and cells occurs 4. MATCHING
occurs. (A) Mouth
within the arteries.
(B) Large intestine (q) QUESTIONS
This organ absorbs (B) Stomach
Ans : False most of the
(C) Duodenum
water from
27. In humans, the alveoli undigested food. (D) Small intestine
question contains
intestine statements
(r) This given
organ in two
is the Ans : A-s, B-r, C-p, D-q
units of external columns whichofhave
section the to be
respiration. matched. Statements
alimentary (A, B,
canal 7.
Ans : True C, where most of the
D) in column I have to be
food is absorbed Column I
28. Trypsin digests matched intowith
blood. (A) Autotrophic
proteins into amino (p, q, r, s) in column II.
(D) Excretion (s) This organ secretes (B) Hetetrophic
acids. the chemical bile,
1. nutrition
Ans : False which is used to
emulsify Column
fats. (C) Parasitic nutritri
29. Living organisms (D) Digestion in food
must maintain a (A) Nutrition A vaculoes
constant internal n
environment. s Ans : A-s, B-r, C-p, D-q
Ans : True (B) Column
SynthesisII :
Column I A 8.
(A) Pancreas (p) This organ secretes -
30. Deficiency of folic acid
the chemical p
causes scurvy.
enzymes amylase, ,
Ans : False (C) Growth B
protease and lipase.
31. A(B) Rectum
complete digestive (q) This is a storage q
(D) Transport
site for faces before
tract consists of an ,
oral and an anal being egested from C
opening. the body. -
(C): True
Ans Oesophagus (r) This tube structure r
transports food ,
32. Stomata are tiny Ans : A-r,
from theB-s,
oralC-p, D- D
pores present on the q cavity to the -
surface of leaves. stomach. s
(D): True
Ans Oral cavity (s) The structure
where mechanical
Column I
33. The liquid portion of digestion of food
the blood is called (A)
first Regulation
Ans : True
(B) Reproduction
34. Generally
gravitational water is
utilized by the plants.
Ans : False
(C) Respiration ns : A-p, B-q,
35. Humans have an open C-r, D-s
circulatory system. (D) Excretion
Ans : False 5.

Ans : A-s, B-r, C-q, D-

p A
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Chap 6 : Life Process
Ans : A-(q), B- I reaction of
(p), C-(s), D-(r) n photosynthesis
occurs, in
n which the
5. ASSERT i products of
g light reaction,
s ION h i.e. CO2, ATP,
: AND t
H2O are
REASO utilised. CO2 is
d reduced for
q N a the production
r of
B DIRECTION : The k carbohydrates.
following question
r 2. Assertion : Raw contain a residual
consist of two
, materials needed for volume of air. It
statements -
C photosynthesis are provides sufficient
Assertion (A) and
- carbon dioxide, water time for oxygen to be
Reason (R).
p and minerals. absorbed and for
Answer these
, Reason : Nutrients carbon dioxide to be
D released.
selecting the provide energy to
appropriate an organism. Ans : Both Reason and
option given (b) Both A and R Assertion are true and
below: are true but R is Reason is the correct
(a) Both A not the correct explanation of
and R are explanation of A. Assertion.
true and Raw materials needed 4. Assertion :
R is the for photosynthesis are Transpiration is a
correct carbon dioxide, water necessary evil.
explanatio and minerals like Reason : It causes
n of A. nitrogen, phosphorus, water loss but helps in
(b) Both A and R are iron and magnesium. absorption and
true but R is not upward movement of
Nutrients are the
Column I the Column
correct II water and minerals.
substances required
(Animal) explanation of A.
(Respiratory Organ) for proper growth and Ans : (a) Both A and
(c) A is true but R is maintenance of a R are true and R is the
(A) Fish (p) Trachea
false. living body but they correct explanation of
(B) Birds (q) Gills (d) A is false provide energy to an A.
(C) Aquatic (r) Lungs but R is organism. Transpiration is a
(D) Earthworm (s) Moist cuticle Hence, both necessary evil. It is so
(e) Both Assertion and Reason because water is lost
Assertion are true, but Reason is in the form of vapours
and Reason not the correct from the aerial parts of
are false. explanation of the plant through
Assertion. transpiration. But, it
1. Assertion : in
helps in absorption and
the daytime, 3. Assertion : Lungs upward movement of
CO2 generated always contain a water and minerals
during residual volume of creating transpiration
respiration is air. pull.
used up for Reason : It provides
photosynthesi sufficient time for 5. Assertion :
s. oxygen to be absorbed Translocation of sugar
Reason : There and for carbon dioxide occurs through the
is no CO2 to be released. phloem.
release during Ans : (a) Both A and Reason : It is achieved
day. R are true and R is the by diffusion of sugars
Ans : (a) Both correct explanation of through phloem.
A and R are A. Ans : (c) A is true but
true and R is R is false.
During the breathing
the correct
cycle, when air is The transport or
explanation of
taken in and let out, movement of soluble
the lungs always products (sugar) of

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Chap 6 : Life Process
photosynthesis from flow of blood. which allows the
leaves to other parts 7. Assertion : Energy is Ans : (c) A is true but movement of blood in
of the plant is termed used during the R is false. one direction only.
as translocation. It process of respiration.
Reason : Respiration Since ventricles have 12. Assertion : In woody
occurs in the part of
stores energy in the to pump blood into plants, gaseous
vascular tissue known
form of ATP. various organs, they exchange occurs
as phloem. The
have thicker muscular through lenticels.
tanslocation in Ans : (d) A is false but
walls than atria do. Reason : Lenticels are
phloem is mainly R is true.
Valves prevent back specialised cells found
achieved by utilising Respiration involves flow of blood. along with stomata on
energy by expenditure the oxidation of
of ATP. the stem of woody
glucose inside the 11. Assertion : In human
Assertion is true, mitochondria to heart, there is no
but Reason is produce energy, which mixing of oxygenated Ans : (c) A is true but
false. is stored in the high and deoxygenated R is false.
energy bonds of ATP blood. In woody plants,
6. Assertion : Digestion molecules as Reason : Valves are gaseous exchange
breaks large complex biologically useful present in the heart occurs through the
molecules to simple energy. which allows the small pores found on
smaller molecules movement of blood in stems called lenticels.
which can be easily 8. Assertion : During one direction only. Stomata on the stem
absorbed. physiology of Ans : (b) Both A and aid in gaseous
Reason : Digestion is excretion, R are true but R is exchange, in
necessary for the deamination does not not the correct herbaceous plants.
absorption of all take place in liver. explanation of A. Assertion is true,
molecules. Reason : Deamination
There is no mixing of but Reason is false.
Ans : (c) A is true but is a process to make
use of excess of amino oxygenated and
R is false. 13. Assertion : Excretory
acids which cannot be deoxygenated blood
Digestion breaks large due to presence of unit of kidney is
incorporated into nephrons.
complex organic inter-auricular and
molecules to simple inter- ventricular Reason : It has no role
smaller ones which Ans : (d) A is false but in secretion of urine.
septum. On the other
can be easily R is true.
hand, valves are Ans : (c) A is true but
absorbed. However, present in the heart R is false.
certain molecules such 9. Assertion : Egestion is
as glucose, vitamin C the removal of Nephrons are the basic to push the food
etc, do not need any nitrogenous waste filtration unit of forward. This is known
digestion before their products from the kidneys. They carry as peristaltic
absorption. body. out filtration, selective movement.
Reason : Excretion is reabsorption and
the discharge of tubular secretion to 15. Assertion : Artificial
undigested matter from urine in kidney, kidney is a device used
from the digestive which is then passed to remove nitrogenous
tract. out through the waste products from
Ans : (e) Both urethra, via the the blood through
Assertion and Reason ureters and urinary dialysis.
are false. bladder. Reason : Reabsorption
does not occur in
Egesstion is the 14. Assertion : Muscles of artificial kidney.
discharge of
undigested matter stomach wall possess Ans : (b) Both A and
from the digestive thick layers of R are true but R is not
tract via anus. While, muscles. the correct
excretion is the Reason : These explanation of A.
removal of muscles help in mixing
nitrogenous waste Kidney failure can be
the food with the
products from the managed by artificial
enzymes presents in
body. Thus, both kidney. It is a device
the alimentary canal.
Assertion and Reason used to remove
Ans : (a) Both A and nitrogenous waste
are false. R are true and R is the products from the
10. Assertion : The correct explanation of blood through dialysis.
muscular walls of A.
Artificial kidney is
ventricles are thicker The lining of different from natural
than auricles. alimentary canal has kidney as the process
Reason : This helps in muscles that contract of reabsorption does
preventing the back rhythmically in order not occur in artificial
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Chap 6 : Life Process
kidney. specialised respiratory
organs. explanation of A. Ans : (a) Both A and
Both Assertion R are true and R is
and Reason are true, Reason : Plants do not
have great demands of 19. Assertion : Plants have the correct
but Reason is not the explanation of A.
correct explanation of gaseous exchange. low energy needs.
Assertion. Ans : (a) Both A and Reason : Plant bodies Lymph is similar to
R are true and R is the have large proportion plasma of blood but is
16. Assertion : correct of dead cells. colourless due to lack
Respiration is a Ans : (a) Both A and of erythrocytes.
biochemical process R are true and R is Erythrocytes
opposite to the correct contain haemoglobin,
photosynthesis. explanation of A. which imparts red
Reason : Energy is Because plants have a colour to blood. Due
released during large proportion of to its absence, lymph
respiration. dead cells in many is colourless.
Ans : (a) Both A and tissues. So, their
R are true and R is energy needs are low 24. Assertion : The main
the correct and they can afford to organ of human
explanation of A. have slow transport excretory system is
Respiration is defined system. kidney.
as the process of Reason : Kidneys
20. Assertion : Walls of perform the function
biochemical oxidation
the intestine has of removing excess
of nutrients at cellular
numerous villi. water and nitrogenous
level. It occurs in the
presence of specific Reason : These villi wastes from the body.
increase the surface
enzymes at optimum Ans : (a) Both A and
area of digestion.
temperature in the R are true and R is
cells to release energy Ans : (c) A is true but
the correct
for various metabolic R is false.
explanation of A.
activities. All the digested food
The main organ of
Both Reason and is taken up by the
human excretory
Assertion are true and walls of intestine,
system is kidney. The
Reason is the correct which has numerous
major function
explanation of villi. These increase
performed by kidneys
Assertion. the surface area of
is to remove excess
absorption. Assertion
water and nitrogenous
17. Assertion : The is true, but Reason is
wastes from blood in
release of energy in false.
the form of urine.
aerobic process is
much more than in 21. Assertion : Thus, both
anaerobic process. Mitochondria help in Assertion and Reason
Reason : Each glucose photosynthesis. are true and Reason is
molecule produces 2 Reason : the correct
molecules of ATP and Mitochondria have explanation of
38 molecules of ATP enzymes for dark Assertion.
in aerobic and reaction. Ans : (d) A
anaerobic respiration, 25. Assertion : Lipases
is false but R is true.
respectively. help in emulsification
of fats.
Ans : (c) A is true but 22. Assertion : Blood Reason : Lipases
R is false. pressure is arterial hydrolyses fats and oils.
In aerobic process, 38 blood pressure.
Ans : (d) A is false but
molecules of ATP Reason : It is measured
R is true.
released per one by
glucose molecule is sphygmomanometer. Bile helps in
much more than the 2 Ans : (b) Both A and emulsification of fats
molecules of ATP per R are true but R is whereas lipases are
one glucose molecule not the correct the enzymes which
in anaerobic process. explanation of A. hydrolyze fats and
Assertion is true,
but Reason is 23. Assertion : Lymph, 26. Assertion : Humans
false. also known as tissue are not truly aerobic.
fluid is colourless. Reason : They produce
18. Assertion : In plants Reason : It lackes lactic acid
there is no need of erythrocytes. nanerobically.
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Chap 6 : Life Process
Ans : (b) Both A and Food is self- oxygen.
R are true but R is not manufactured by them Ans : (b) Both A and
the correct using CO2, light R are true but R is
explanation of A. energy trapped by not the correct
chlorophyll and water explanation of A.
Human are aerobically
respiring animals, but as raw materials.
33. Assertion : All the
sometimes anaerobic Both Assertion
arteries carry
respiration takes place and Reason are true
oxygenated blood
in certain tissues like and Reason is the
from the heart to
skeletal muscles, correct explanation of
various organs.
which do not get Assertion.
Reason : Pulmonary
immediately as much
30. Assertion : vein carries
oxygen as it requires.
Haemoglobin is the deoxygenated blood
Therefore, the muscles
respiratory pigment to the heart.
respire anaerobically
and produce lactic in human beings. Ans : (e) Both
acid from glucose. Reason : It transports Assertion and Reason
oxygen in the human are false.
27. Assertion : body. Ans : (a) Both The arteries carry
A and R are true and oxygenated blood
Photorespiration R is the correct from the heart to
explanation of A. various organs, except
decreases net pulmonary artery.
photosynthesis. Haemoglobin is the
respiratory pigment in The veins collect
Reason : Rate of
human beings. It takes deoxygenated blood
respiration in dark
up oxygen from the air from different organs
and light is almost
in the lungs and carries and bring back to the
same in all plants.
it to tissues. heart, except
Ans : (d) A is false but pulmonary vein.
R is true. Both Assertion
and Reason are true Both Assertion and
and Reason is the Reason are false.
28. Assertion : HCl
converts pepsinogen correct explanation of
Assertion. 34. Assertion : Human
into active enzyme body produces highly
pepsin. toxic substances,
31. Assertion :
Reason : Pepsin which if not
Interauricular septum
converts protein into eliminated may cause
separates left from
proteoses and the death.
right atrium.
peptones. Reason : Excretory
Reason :
Ans : (b) Both A and Interventricular substance removes
R are true but R is not septum separates left nitrogenous waste
the correct from right ventricle. from the body.
explanation of A. Ans : (b) Both A and
Ans : (b) Both A and
HCl creates an acidic R are true but R is not R are true but R is
medium, which the correct not the correct
facilitates the action of explanation of A. explanation of A.
the enzyme pepsin. The biological
There are four
The active enzyme process which
chambers of the heart.
pepsin converts involves the removal
The left and right atria
proteins into of harmful metabolic
are separated by an
proteoses and wastes from the body
interauricular septum.
peptones. is called excretion. If
The two inferior
chambers of the heart, these harmful wastes
29. Assertion :
i.e., right and left are not removed from
Autotrophic nutrition
ventricles are the body, then it may
occurs in green plants.
separated by an cause the death of the
Reason : Green plants
interventricular organisms.
self-manufacture their
Ans : (a) Both A and 35. Assertion : Amoeba is
R are true and R is 32. Assertion : Blood of an omnivore organism.
the correct insects is colourless. Reason : Lion is a
explanation of A. Reason : The blood of carnivore organism.
Autotrophic nutrition insect does not play Ans : (b) Both A and
occurs in green plants. any role in transport of R are true but R is

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Chap 6 : Life Process
not the correct Carbohydrate Ans : (c) A is true but
explanation of A. digestion mainly takes R is false. surface. While, in
place in small multicellular
Amoeba is an Photosynthesis is an organisms, specialised
omnivore organism, intestine. anabolic process as it organs perform the
its mode of nutrition Reason : Pancreatic takes CO2 and H2O
juice contains the function of excretion.
is holozoic. Lion is a then assembles them Thus, Assertion is
carnivore organism enzyme lactase. Ans : into glucose. The true, but Reason is
because it eats other (b) Both A and R are process of false.
animals (meat true but R is not the photosynthesis occurs
eaters). Both correct explanation of in chloroplast. 46. Assertion : Plants
Assertion and A. excrete various waste
Reason are true but 43. Assertion : In humans, products during their
Reason is not the there is a complex life processes.
38. Assertion : Valves are
correct explanation of respiratory system. Reason : They produce
present in the arteries.
Assertion. Reason : Human skin urea just like humans.
Reason : Arteries
is impermeable to
36. Assertion : Liver is carry oxygenated Ans : (c) A is true but
blood from heart to R is false.
known as the smallest Ans : (b) Both A and
gland of the body. different body parts Like human beings and
except pulmonary R are true but R is not
Reason : It secretes the correct other organisms, plants
artery. also excrete various
salivary amylase. explanation of A.
Ans : (e) Both Ans : (d) A is false but waste products during
R is true. Humans need more their life processes. The
Assertion and Reason oxygen to maintain
are false. Valves are absent in waste products include
their high metabolic gums, CO2, O 2 , resins,
Liver is known as the arteries, whereas it is
rates. Thus, a complex rubber, etc.
largest gland of the present in veins,
respiratory system has
body, which secretes which prevent back Urea is produced
evolved so as to meet
bile juice. Salivary flow of blood. in humans liver and
this need.
galnds secrete excreted in the form
39. Assertion : Plants lack 44. Assertion : Alveoli of urine through
salivary amylase. excretory organs.
Both Assertion and contain an extensive urethra. Plants do not
Reason : Plants usually network of blood produce urea.
Reason are false.
absorb essential vessels.
nutrients. Thus, Assertion is
37. Assertion : Reason : Alveoli is the true, but Reason is
site where exchange of false.
Ans : (b) Both A and water is absorbed by gases occurs.
R are true but R is not the tubular part of 47. Assertion : In
Ans : (a) Both A and
the correct nephron. anaerobic respiration,
R are true and R is the
explanation of A. Reason : Absorption of one of the end product
correct explanation of
water depends on the is alcohol.
40. Assertion : dissolved waste to be The alveolisupplied
of lungs Reason : There is an
Haemodialysis can excreted from the are
blood and incomplete
save the life of patients body.
breakdown of glucose.
with kidney failure. Ans : (b) Both A and
Ans : (a) Both A and
Reason : Waste R are true but R is not
products like urea can the correct R are true and R is
be removed from the explanation of A. the correct
blood by explanation of A.
Major amount of
haemodialysis. water is selectively
Ans : (a) Both A and reabsorbed by the 48. Assertion : Bile is
R are true and R is tubular part of essential for digestion
the correct nephron in humans. It of lipids.
explanation of A. depends on the Reason : Bile juice
amount of excess contains enzymes.
In case of kidney
failure, haemodialysis water present in the Ans : (c) A is true but
is the process of body and dissolved R is false.
purifying blood (or waste to be excreted
removing waste from the body.
products like urea) by W
an artificial kidney. 42. Assertion : W

This can save the life Photosynthesis is an .

anabolic process.
of the patient. B
Reason : The process S

41. Assertion : In humans, of photosynthesis E

major amount of occurs in chlorophyll. O

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N N h
are the sites a
where ^O2 and CO2h
exchange of
gases occurs For session 2019-2020 free pdf will be available at
between blood for
and 1. Previous 15 Years Exams Chapter-wise Question
atmosphere. Bank
2. Previous Ten Years Exam Paper (Paper-wise).
45. 3. 20 Model Paper (All Solved).
A 4. NCERT Solutions
s All material will be solved and free pdf. It will be
s provided by 30 September and will be updated regularly.
e Disclaimer : is not affiliated to Central Board of Secondary
r New Delhi in any manner. is a private organization which provide free
t study material pdfs to students. At CBSE stands for Canny Books
For School Education
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Chap 6 : Life Process
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Chap 6 : Life Process
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Chap 6 : Life Process
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