MTB Lesson Plan
MTB Lesson Plan
MTB Lesson Plan
Teaching becomes rewarding when learners get the most from instructions as manifested in their
performance. An important element in engaging learners is when the strategy used in delivering the
lessons uses an instructional material. When properly and appropriately used, it can spice up a classroom
activity. These instructional materials may come in varied forms. One group refers to the conventional
and non-digital tools. A classroom will always need a chalkboard or a writing board that may come in
varied forms and shapes. Bulletin boards, flip charts, dioramas, puppets, terrarium, and the like, will
always find their significance in any classrooms. However, nowadays, lessons can be made more relevant
and engaging for learners as digital tools are integrated.
This Module presents both non-digital and digital tools. Explore the possibilities of learning about these
tools and how to effectively integrate them in instruction. The teachers need instructional materials to
enhance teaching and learning. Instructional materials are defined as print and non-print items that are
rested to impact information to students into educational process (Effiong and Igiri,2015).Examples of
instructional materials are drawings, kits
texbooks,posters,magazines,flipchart,newspapers,diorama,pictures,recording videos and like.
According to Wright (1976:1) as cited in Cakir (2006) many media and many styles of
visual presentation are useful to the language learner. All audio-visual materials have positive
contributions to language learning as long as they are used at the right time, in the right place. In the
teaching and learning process, learners use their eyes as well as their ears; but their eyes are basic in
It will make the classroom to be creative and innovative. It is a fun way to build an exciting scene a
small space. Dioramas are small scenes created of layers of materials, all depicting a similar concept or
theme. They usually display a historical time period, a nature scene, or a fictional situation.
This is a table that contains objects and/or scenes related to the current season, or upcoming festival
or a symbol of an ecosystem. Children love to follow the natural changes that the world offers each month
and classroom decorations reflect these.
A writing board can display information written with chalk (chalkboard or blackboard) or special pens
(whiteboard).Although there are usually more effective methods of transmitting information, the writing
board is still the most commonly used visual aid.
It is a large tablet or pad of paper, usually on a tripod or a stand.
It is a multi-board series of three or four rectangular boards. They are joined together along the sides by
hinges so that they can be easily folded up and carried. Each board can be of a different type, for example,
a whiteboard, a chalkboard, a flannel board and so on. The size of the boards for the zigzag multi-board
depends on what you want to use them for.
Displaying items on a classroom wall is a well-known, tried and tested educational method. A wall
display is a collection of many different types of items and materials put up on a wall to make an
and informative display. In a classroom, the display can consist of the students' own work. In
development work it can be used to convey information to the community.
Non-Digital and Digital Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology-Enhanced Lessons serve as
guide for every teachers on what to teach and how to teach. What to teach in the manner of what non-
digital or digital tools you are going to use in an appropriate learning or topics. How to teach in where
how can we integrate this following digital and non-digital tools to facilitate and enhance learning. It also
gives us a strategies on how can we teach better in facing new generation in where advanced technology
is commonly used. It sometime brought back my old memory when I was an elementary students, in
where some of my teachers really have and presented the given non-digital tools in teaching. It helps us to
enjoy learning with the flip chart, diorama, writing board and other non-digital tool. But nowadays we
cannot deny the fact with the changes in behavior and learning style of every students. Even to myself I
am enjoying the class having a power point presentation, printed materials and many thing that advanced
technology is presented, in short by the means of integrating and by the use of digital tools in teaching.
How much more a little individuals in elementary, if at my age I am amazed of what digital tools bring
inside the class how much more for them in where they are being exposed in the things that there
generation known with. May be it could really enhance learning effectively, with the proper guidance and
at the same time proper usage that it could not affect the behavior of every students. For what I have
observe, there are parents and other people blamed technology in the changes of the attitude of their
children, they conclude that this technology only causes bad effect. But it really a great help for everyone,
it is a big for every student. In where they can learn in a new and enjoyable way.
As a 21st century educator how can we apply and at the same time integrate the use of Non-Digital
and Digital Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology-Enhanced Lessons? How can we enhance learning
using this digital and n0n-digital tools? Well it is our obligation to teach students and transform them with
their true potentials, all we have to do in implementing the use of this tools is to facilitate if it is really
helpful or appropriate to use in a certain topic. We must become a digital literate teachers for us to be
connected with our own students. We must be on trend, not only to be part of the group but at the same
time to assure that we can impart knowledge to the students in a meaningful way. Of course we cannot
just look forward and forget our non-digital tools in learning for it is still beneficial as a part of strategies
in learning, some innovation to improve those things are needed sometimes. For us to teach better
weather by the use of digital and non-digital tools.
Education and technology have always been strongly related. This is demonstrated by the many
technologies, old and new, that are used in classrooms everyday by teachers and students alike.
The current definition of educational technology from the Association for Education Communications &
Technology (AECT) is as follows: Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of
facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate
technological processes and resources. The sheer breadth of what form technology can take and how it
interacts with the learning environment has important implications for its potential to ‘facilitate learning
and improve performance.’ For instance, both a pencil and a laptop can be seen as different types of
technologies for use in the classroom. However, this does not mean that either tool is necessarily
appropriate for all classrooms or lessons all of the time. What facilitates learning for one context or
situation does not necessarily do so for all.
By Sushmitha Kolagani
Digital resources a learning nuggets, are shaking up the foundation of traditional learning and leaving
the boundaries of time zones, flawed teaching, and budgets behind, making learning a truly global
affair. Digital resources like simulations, models, graphics, animations, quizzes, games, e-books, and
e-notes are making learning more accessible, engaging, and contextualized.
Simulations are usually equipped with interactive controls and activities where learners can
vary any parameters in specific models and see real time changes in the outcomes.
Videos and graphics have a high sharing potential, which enables the knowledge to reach a wider
Interactive quizzes can be an innovative way to test the learners’ knowledge and moreover can
modified as per the situation and the target audience.
E-books are easily sharable and can be accessed almost anywhere allowing learners to stay in
touch with topic, at their convenience.
Integration of the use of digital and non-digital resources
Technology integration is the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like
smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the
Internet, etc. -- in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school. Successful technology
integration is achieved when the use of technology is:
Routine and transparent
Accessible and readily available for the task at hand
Supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals
2. Basic: Technology is used or available occasionally/often in a lab rather than the classroom. Students
are comfortable with one or two tools and sometimes use these tools to create projects that show
understanding of content.
3. Comfortable: Technology is used in the classroom on a fairly regular basis. Students are comfortable
with a variety of tools and often use these tools to create projects that show understanding of content.
4. Seamless: Students employ technology daily in the classroom using a variety of tools to complete
assignments and create projects that show a deep understanding of content.
Task 1 - Non-Digital and Digital Skills and Tools in Delivering
Technology-Enhanced Lessons
Explain (with pictures) the different styles of visual presentation that are
useful to the language learner by Wright (1976:1) as cited in Cakir (2006)
( Module page 2)