Ch10 Triads

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Chapter 10 Triads

In this chapter you will:

1. Identify major and minor triads 5. Identify triads with key signatures
2. Write major and minor triads 6. Write triads given the third or fifth
3. Identify all four types of triads 7. Review the four triads
4. Identify triads by sound and write triads given the root

10.1 Identify major and minor triads

• A chord is three or more notes played together.

• A triad is a three note chord which is written in thirds.
• There are four types of triads. This worksheet presents two of these:
• A major triad has a major third on the bottom and a minor third on top.
• A minor triad has a minor third on the bottom and a major third on top.
The 5ths, from the bottom notes to the top notes, in both triads are
perfect, so 5ths cannot be used to distinguish these two triads.
“Major” and “minor” are used to describe both intervals and triads.
Major and minor triads are named after their bottom thirds.

1. IDENTIFY the bottom third of the triad as major or minor.

2. IDENTIFY the top third of the triad as major or minor.

3. IDENTIFY the triad as major or minor.

Pathways to Harmony Chapter 10. Triads
10.2 Write major and minor triads

• The bottom note of a triad is called the root.

• To write major and minor triads given the root:
1. First write two noteheads above the root in thirds.
2. Alter the middle note if necessary to make the bottom third
major (for a major triad), or minor (for a minor triad).
3. Alter the top note if necessary to make the top third
minor (for a major triad), or major (for a minor triad).

1. WRITE major triads above these roots.

2. WRITE minor triads above these roots.

3. WRITE triads on the bottom staff as indicated.

22 Gilbert DeBenedetti

Pathways to Harmony, Ch. 10. Triads
10.3 Identify all four types of triads

• Diminished triads have two minor thirds and a diminished fifth.

• Augmented triads have two major thirds and an augmented fifth.
• Diminished and augmented triads are named after their fifth. (Recall
that major and minor triads are named after their bottom third.)
• All four types of triads can be distinguished by their thirds alone.
You can figure out the fifth to check your work.

1. MEMORIZE the chart above.

2. IDENTIFY these triads.

2. IDENTIFY the triads on the bottom staff. Gilbert DeBenedetti 23

Pathways to Harmony Chapter 10. Triads

10.4 Identify triads by sound and write triads given the root

•To identify triad types by their sound, these associations might be helpful:
Major: Birthday party Diminished: Halloween
Minor: Funeral Augmented: Science Fiction Film
• Recall from worksheet 10.2 to write the noteheads in thirds before altering

1. IDENTIFY triad types played by your teacher or friend.

2. WRITE triads above these roots.

24 Gilbert DeBenedetti

Pathways to Harmony, Ch. 10. Triads
10.5 Identify types of triads with key signatures

• Recall that the key signature will affect some notes on the staff.

IDENTIFY these triads. Gilbert DeBenedetti 25

Pathways to Harmony Chapter 10. Triads
10.6 Write triads given the 3rd or 5th

• The middle note of a triad is called the 3rd. It is a 3rd above the root.
• The top note of a triad is called the 5th. It is a 5th above the root.
• To write a triad given the 3rd or 5th:
1. Write the noteheads in 3rds. At least one notehead will be below
the given note.
2. Figure out major and minor thirds starting from the given note,
not the root. Do not change the given note.

COMPLETE these triads. The given notes are either 3rds and 5ths.

26 Gilbert DeBenedetti

Pathways to Harmony, Ch. 10. Triads
10.7 Review triad types

1. COMPLETE this chart.

2. IDENTIFY these triads.

3. WRITE triads above these roots.

4. WRITE these triads given the 3rd or 5th.

5. IDENTIFY these triads. Gilbert DeBenedetti 27

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