HP Pump Damage Analysis
HP Pump Damage Analysis
HP Pump Damage Analysis
Hasan Basri-382 Indonesian warhip (KRI) use MTU 16 V 4000 M 90 diesel engine with common rail technology
that uses a High Pressure Fuel Pump. The pump has a vital function because it provides fuel up to a pressure
of 1400 bars on the common rail. The problem is that there is pump compilation or damage (leakage), then the
fuel pressure at the High Pressure Pump input drops and risks the output pressure of the fuel High Pressure
Pump towards the common rail, where the pressure drops dramatically, so that the fuel pressure is below 4 bar
or fuel pressure inside the common rail below 700 bar Engine Control Unit (ECU) accepts the engine to stop the
engine. The price of the pump is too expensive. In addition, this pump cannot be repaired or in other words it
must be replaced by the new one. Based on the pump for life, it must be replaced every 4500 hours or in once
W5 maintenanc period. But this lifetime schedule has never been approved. Therefore, it is expected to cause
damage to the pump so prevention efforts can be made. In addition, the author has also used the SWOT
method to find the best strategy in finding solutions to the problems of this High Pressure Pump. And of course,
these strategies are used for advice at the end of this settlement.
Keywords: Common Rail, Damage, High Pressure Pump, Parchim Class, and SWOT Method.
1. INTRODUCTION out rejuvenation in 2004 with MTU 16 V 4000 M 90
KRI Hasan Basri with a hull number 382 diesel engine with common rail technology that
made at the VEB shipyard Penee Werft GmbH uses a High Pressure Fuel Pump. The pump has a
Wolgast East Germany on November 10, 1982. vital function because it is able to supply fuel up to
This ship is one of the types of ships Parchim. The a pressure of 1400 bars on the common rail. The
name of this ship when it was first launched was problem is that when there is a problem or the
"Gustrow-223", but after being bought by the pump is damaged (leaking), the fuel pressure on
Indonesian government, Refit was held including the High Pressure Pump input drops and of course
demilitarization, modernization and changes to the impacts the High Pressure Pump's output fuel
initial design. Then on April 22, 1993 was pressure towards the common rail, where the
inaugurated as KRI Hasan Basri-382 and is pressure drops dramatically, so that the fuel
currently at the juxtaposition of the Eskorta Ship pressure is below 4 bar or fuel pressure inside the
Unit of the Republic of Indonesia Fleet Command common rail below 700 bar Engine Control Unit
III. At the start of the launch the ship used a drive in (ECU) instructs the engine to do an engine stop.
the form of a M 504 A – 3 ER, star-type diesel The price of these pumps is very expensive. In
engine, 7 Cyle Block, Zvezda St. Petersburg in addition, the pump cannot be repaired or in other
1981. However, along with its development a words, it must be replaced if the pump is damaged.
rejuvenation of the ship propulsion system was Based on the lifetime of the pump, it should be
carried out in 2004, namely the propulsion system replaced every 4500 hours of play or onetime
new form of MTU 16 V 4000 M 90 Diesel engine, maintenance of W5. But in reality this lifetime has
(Livret KRI Hasan Basri-382, 2008). never been reached. Therefore, if you can find out
However, along with its development carried the cause of the damage to the pump, preventive
efforts can be made. In addition, the author has information from the KRI escort Hasan Basri – 382
also used the SWOT method to find the best as the user, the Eastern Region Material
strategy in finding solutions to the problems of the Compliance Unit (Satlaikmatim) as the expert
High Pressure Pump. And of course these choice and Technician of PT. Antakesuma Inti
strategies the author uses as a suggestion at the Raharja (PT. AIR) as the manufacturer of the
end of this writing. engine itself. Another step taken by the author is
testing the fuel content on the KRI Hasan Basri-382
2. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY. at the Labinkimat Fuel and Lubricant (BBMP)
2.1 Size of datasets Laboratory. In addition, the author also looks for
In this study the authors obtained data from supporting data sourced from book literature and
the results of observation directly on the KRI Hasan the internet, as well as interviews from parties
Basri-382. The author obtained data directly from related to previous research. On the other hand, to
the journal Motor Pokok (MPK) and the sick book complete this study the authors will also take data
MPK MTU 16 V 4000 M 90 on KRI Hasan Basri- on the KRI Kelabang-826 as a comparison ship that
382. In addition, the author also collected also uses the 4000 series MTU engine.
Flow Chart Description: provide a solution and information on how to
a. Carry out observations on KRI Hasan Basri- maintain the life of the High Pressure can be used
382. In this study the writer will begin by carrying according to its useful life of 4500 Play Hours.
out observations on KRI Hasan Basri-382. In this g. Preparation of reports. The author will
case the author will carry out data retrieval about present all the results of observations, data
the constraints that exist in the MPK MTU 16 V retrieval, literature studies, test the composition of
4000 M 90 drive system, specifically related to the fuels, opinions of experts, and other findings in the
High Pressure Pump. field in a report in the form of a thesis.
b. Analyze data from observations with
literature studies. After completing the data
Table 1. Engine MTU Maintenance Table
collection and observation on KRI Hasan Basri-382,
the panel will compare the existing data with the
study of literature. In this case the writer will take
literature from PT. AIR and several book sources
and the internet.
c. Test the composition of the bahar material
used by KRI Hasan Basri-382. In this study the
author will also carry out a fuel composition test to
determine the composition and content of the fuel
on KRI Hasan Basri-382 at the Labinkimat Fuel and
Lubricant (BBMP) Laboratory, Surabaya.
d. Analyzing the Fuel Filtration System on KRI
HBS-382. After knowing the fuel content on the KRI
HBS the author will also analyze the filtration Certainly different depending on the type of
system on the KRI HBS-382 to determine the engine itself. Especially for the MTU 4000 series
condition of the fuel before entering the High engine has two engine types based on the level of
Pressure Pump. performance or the ability of the engine itself. The
e. Analyzing MPK MTU Maintenance System type is the medium duty engine with code engine 8,
16 V 4000 M 90 on KRI Hasan Basri-382. After the and the light duty engine with engine code 9.
author can find out the fuel content and fuel filtration Especially for the MTU 16 V 4000 M 90 engine is
system that exists, the writer will analyze the included in the type of Marine Use Light Duty
maintenance system on KRI Hasan Basri-382 to Engine which has a shorter time in the time or
find out whether indeed the current maintenance period of maintenance
system is implemented or not. What if the current It appears in the table above that the
maintenance system condition is on the Hasan maintenance schedule in the 12 V 4000 M 71
Basri-382 KRI compared to the maintenance engine has a maintenance period of almost twice
system on the Kelabang-826 KRI. the maintenance time of the 16 V 4000 M 90
f. Providing solutions and information on High engine. Likewise for W6 maintenance that takes
Press Pressure Pump damage with SWOT 15000 Play Hours. Still related to the High Pressure
Analysis. After the author can find out the causes of Pump maintenance schedule, this component is
damage to the High Pressure Pump, the author will included in the repair volume W5, where the volume
of work for this component will be replaced by 1 Table 3. Ash Content Table
Ash Content
unit. For the time specified for one W5 maintenance No. Type of fuel Sample
(% Wt)
itself is 7500 Play Hours. But in reality in the field, 1. Fuel sample from 0,0024
until the maintenance time of W5, the High Bunker (Bunker
Pressure Pump condition on the KRI Kelabang-826 Pertamina)
2. Fuel sample from 0,0077
was still in good condition. Even in reality on the
Pertamina Pipe Sytem
ground, the High Pressure Pump on the KRI 3. Fuel sample from Main 0,0061
Kelabang-826 can last up to 15000 Hours of Play or Tank in KRI HBS-382
one W6 maintenance. 4. Fuel sample from Daily 0,0090
Tank in KRI HBS-382
Table 2. Water Content Table
No. Type of fuel Sample Water Content
(% Vol) Ash Content
1. Fuel sample from 0,02
Bunker (Bunker 0,01
Pertamina) 0,008 0,009
2. Fuel sample from Nil 0,006
Pertamina Pipe 0,0061
System 0,004
3. Fuel sample from Main 0,05 0,002
Tank in KRI HBS-382 0
4. Fuel sample from Daily 0,015 Bunker Pipe Main Tank Daily Tank
Tank in KRI HBS-382 System
is a strategy in using the power possessed to
Sedimentation Content
overcome threats.
c. WO (Weakness-Opportunity) Strategy. This
0,008 strategy is implemented based on the utilization of
existing opportunities by minimizing existing
d. WT (Weakness-Threat) Strategy. This
0,002 strategy is based on business activities to minimize
0 existing weaknesses and avoid threats.
Bunker Pipe Main Daily Common rail technology is a technology on
System Tank Tank
engines that uses configurations / arrangements
Fig.4 Sedimentation Content Chart
and components that are different from
From the graph above, we can see that 3
conventional fuel systems on other engines. One of
samples namely, fuel samples from the barge, main
the examples of engines that have implemented a
tank and daily tank have very high sediment levels,
common rail system is MTU. Where this system
even greater than the permitted limit. This is
relies heavily on a high-pressure fuel pump that is
necessary because the fuel source from the barge
able to provide a continuous supply of fuel at
which has high levels of sediment enters the fuel
injection pressure to all injectors. In this common
tank. Because this is constantly repeating so that
rail system does not require a component injector
sediment occurs at the bottom of the fuel tank, both
pump with a separate plunger which is driven by
the main tank and the daily tank.
cam driven to produce fuel pressure to the entire
Table 5. Table of IFAS and EFAS for HP Pump
Error injector. Where in timing and fuel capacity (fuel
Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS)
No Strength Bobot Skor Bobot x Skor
quantity) is set by the Engine Control Unit (ECU).
1 Memiliki tekanan bahan bakar yang tinggi 0.16 4 0.64
2 Menghasilkan pembakaran yang mendekati sempurna 0.20 3 0.60 There are several problems that often occur
3 Menghasilkan power (tenaga) yang besar 0.14 4 0.56
in the MTU High Pressure Pump Engine 4000
1 Bad fuel caused the error of HP Pump 0.17 4 0.68
2 The error of Hp Pump can stop the engine 0.16 3 0.48
series. These problems include shift gear drive
3 HP Pump component is consumabl and remanufacture 0.17 3 0.51
1.00 0.13 (Armed Gear Position), damage to the ceramic
External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) bearing (Broken Ceramic Bearing) and leakage on
1 Choose good resource of fuel 0.14 4 0.56
2 Optimize the fuel filtration system on the ship 0.18 4 0.72
the connection between the pump body (Body
3 Maintenance sesuai jadwal dan spare part dari pabrikan 0.20 4 0.80
1 Bunker Fuel Fiiling System 0.21 2 0.42 Affecting Factors:
2 Using ungenuine spare part 0.17 3 0.51
3 Uncorrect Maintenance System 0.10
2 0.20
a. Fuel Quality
b. Fuel Filtration System
Based on the Internal and External Factor Analysis c. Maintenance System
Summary Table, we can determine several possible d. Operation Pattern of War Ship
strategies, namely: Discussion of Damage to the KRI HBS-382
a. SO (Strength-Opportunity) Strategy. This High Pressure Pump with the SWOT Method:
strategy is made based on the way of thinking to Carrying out maintenance according to
use all the power to seize and take advantage of schedule and factory-determined spare parts will
maximum opportunities. greatly help extend the lifetime of the High Pressure
b. ST (Strength-Threat) Strategy. This strategy Pump, as has been done by KRI Kelabang-826. On
the other hand, dirty and contaminated fuel is a 3) Choose a good refueling source.
major weakness of the common rail system that 4) Providing training and training on how
uses High Pressure Pump as its main tool. to maintain a High Pressure Pump.
Therefore, carrying out refueling through Pertamina
Pipes is the best option that can be done to avoid 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
damage to the High Pressure Pump. The author would like to extend her gratitude
a. Choose a good refueling source College who has given opportunity to collect data of
b. Repair the fuel filtration system my paper. The author would also like to say thank
c. Carry out tank cleaning regularly to Mr. Semin and Mr. Wawan who have supported
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