Chapter 1 2021

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LESSON 1 – RESULTANT Engine thrust / Forward thrust

Force produce by an engine of a vehicle to
1.1 The meaning of resultant force move the vehicle.

1.1.1 Introduction

Before we learn more about force, we first need

to know some common names of some forces.

Weight(W) / Force of gravity Buoyant force / Upthrust(U)

Forces acting on a mass of bodies due to the Force acts in upwards direction by a fluid to an
gravitational pull toward the center of the object caused by the weight of fluid displaced.

Normal reaction ,R Lifting force

Force exerted to an object by surface of Force to lift up aeroplane , helicopter , drone etc
contact and perpendicual to the surface of due to its aerofoil-shaped wings
the contact.

1.1.2 How to result forces?

Tension ,T As you know, there are two types of physical

quantities namely scalar quantities and vector
The pulling force produced by a rope, cable quantities. To combine scalar quantities, for
,chain , spring to oppose the force exerted to example mass by simply adding or subtracting
them. because it has only magnitude. But force is a
vector quantity that has both magnitude and
direction, so how to combine it?

1.1.3 The meaning of resultant force

Combination two or more forces which act on

to become a single for by vector method.
Drag , D 1.2 Determination of resultant force

The force that always oppose the direction of 1.2.1 : Forces in parallels
motion .
The frictional force , air resistance and water To determine the magnitude of the resultant
resistance are the some examples of drag. force use addition or subtraction operations
The direction of the resultant force is either in
same direction or in opposite to the original

(a) Two forces in same direction

Magnitude FR = F1 + F2
Direction FR : Same as direction of F1 and
F2 (to the right)

(b) Two forces in opposite direction


When F1 > F2:

Magnitude FR = F1 – F2
Direction FR : Same as direction of F1 ( to
the right)
When F2 > F1:
Magnitude FR = F2 – F1
Direction FR : Same as direction of F2 ( to
the left)

(c) More than 2 forces parallel to one \

1.2.2 : Two forces that are not parallel

To determine the magnitude and direction of

the resultant force is by using the triangle
method and the parallelogram method.and
then solve it by the scaled drawing or
When F1 + F2 > F3 + F4 calculation method using trigonometry
Magnitude FR = (F1 + F2) – (F3 + F4) formulas
Direction FR : Same as direction of F1 and F2
( to the right)

When F3 + F4 > F1 + F2
Magnitude FR = (F3 + F4) – (F1 + F2)
Direction FR : Same as direction of F3 and F4
( to the left)

Example 1

Determine the resultant force for the

following diagrams.

Parallelogram method : (a) Two forces are perpendicular to each
In this method the tail of the first vector is
joined to the tail of second vector and then Example 2
draw a parallelogram.
The diagonal represents the resultant force. Diagram shows a wooden block is pulled by
two forces 5 N and 12 N and perpendicular to
each other.

Determine the resultat force by using

(a) parallelogram method
(b) triangle method


Triangle method:

In this method the tip of the first vector is

joined to the tail of second vector and then
draw a line to complete the triangle.
The third side represents the resultant force.

(b) Two forces are not perpendicular to
each other

Example 3

Diagram shows a ship being pulled by two

boats with a force of 40 kN and 60 N
respectively. The angle between the two
forces is 50o.

Determine the resultat force by using

(a) parallelogram method
(b) triangle method


1.2.3 : Experiment to determine magnitude of 1.2.4 : Experiment to invstigate the
the resultant force of two forces by using relationship magnitude of the resultant
parallelogram method. force of two forces and the angle between
the two forces.
Aim of the experiment :
Experiment to determine the magnitude of the Hypothesis:
resultant force of two forces by using
parallelogram method. The larger the angle between the forces., the
List of apparatus and materials: smaller The magnitude of the resultant
Three spring balances labeled R, S, and T, three between two forces
threads each about 30 cm long, iron bracelet,
retort stand , protractor, white paper and pencil Aim of the experiment :
Arrangement of the apparatus:
To investigate the relationship magnitude of
the resultant force of two forces by using
and the angle between the two forces

Variables in the experiment:

Manipulated variable: Angle between forces

Diagram(a) Responding variable: Magnitude of the
resultant force
Constant variable: Magnitude of each force

List of apparatus and materials:

Three spring balances labeled R, S, and T,

three threads each about 30 cm long, iron
bracelet, retort stand , protractor, white
paper and pencil

Diagram(b) Arrangement of the apparatus:

The procedure of the experiment
Draw a parallelogram WXYZ on white
paper with WX = ZY = 5 cm, WZ = XY =
7cm and angle XWZ = 50o as shown in
Diagram (a).
Measure diagonal length WX = d cm
Tie each spring balance with a thread and
the other end of the thread tied to the iron Diagram(a)
bracelet as shown in Diagram (b).
Pull the spring balance, S and R spring so
that the reading of the spring balance and S
and R are 5 N and 7 N respectively.
Adjust the readings and position of the
spring balance T so that the steel ring can
maintain its position as shown in Figure (b).
Record the readings of spring balance T = F
Compare magnitude d and F
Data: Diagram(b)
The magnitude of d = magnitude of F
The magnitude of d or F represents the
resultant of the forces.
Sum of two non parallel force must be
smaller than their algebraic sum.
So that the reading of( P + S) < T

The procedure of the experiment which 1.3 Communicates about the resultant force, F
include the method of controlling the
manipulated variable and the method of 1.3.1 Object at rest (stationary)
measuring the responding variable.

Draw a parallelogram WXYZ on white

paper with WX = ZY = 5 cm, WZ = XY =
7cm and angle XWZ = θ = 50o as shown in
Diagram (a).
Measure diagonal length WX = d cm
Tie each spring balance with a thread and
the other end of the thread tied to the iron When the F1 = F2 , Resultant force , FR = 0 ,
bracelet as shown in Diagram (b). the object remains stationary.
Pull the spring balance, S and R spring so
that the reading of the spring balance and S
and R are 5 N and 7 N respectively.
Adjust the readings and position of the 1.3.2 Object moves with a uniform
spring balance T so that the steel ring can velocity,v
maintain its position as shown in Figure (b).
Record the readings of spring balance T = F
The experiment is repeated 4 times by
using the angle θ = 60o, 70o, 80o and
Tabulate the data:
When the F1 = F2 , Resultant force , FR = 0 ,
θ ( o) 50 60 70 80 90 the object keeps moving at the uniform velocity,
The raeading v to the right.
of spring

Analysis the data:

Plot the graph F against θ

When the F1 = F2 , Resultant force , FR = 0 ,
the object keeps moving at the uniform velocity,
v to the left.
1.3.3 Object moves with a uniform
acceleration ,a

When the F1 > F2 , Resultant force , FR ≠ 0 ,

the object moves with the uniform acceleration,
a to the right.

When the F2 > F1 , Resultant force , FR ≠ 0 ,

the object moves with the uniform acceleration,
a to the left.

1.3.4 The relationship between the resultant (a) What is the magnitude of the engine thrust?
force and the Newton’s law of motion (b) Calculate the magnitude of the engine thrust
when the car moves with a uniform
The Newton’s First law of motion stated as acceleration of 2 m s-2.
follow“ An object at rest stays at rest and an
object in motion stays in motion with the Solution
same velocity unless acted upon by an external
From the law, when no external force ,means
the resultant force ,FR=0
When FR= 0 , the object remains stationary
(v=0) or stays moves with uniform velocity,v.
Conclusion : FR = 0 , v = 0 or a=0 Example 6
Newton's second law of motion stated as Diagram shows a space shuttle of mass
follows ‘The acceleration of an object as 2 x106 kg is launched with a thrust of
produced by a net force is directly proportional 3.1 x107N.
to the magnitude of the net force, in the same [ Air resistance is negligible]
direction as the net force, and inversely
proportional to the mass of the object.” Calculate
When FR ≠ 0 , a net force occur , a ≠ 0 (a) The weight of the space shuttle
F (b) The vertical resultant force
Conclusion : a  , F = ma
m (c) The acceleration of the space shuttle in
F = resultant force , a=acceleration , m =mass upwards direction

1. 4 To solve some problems involving the Solution

resultant force , acceleration and mass

1.4.1 For objects that move horizontally or


Example 4 Example 7
Diagram shows a hot air balloon of mass 350
Diagram shows a wooden block of mass is kg moves upward by a buoyant force 7200 N.
pushed by a force of 20 N on a horizontal Total mass of people on board is 250 kg.
surface which has the frictional force of 4 N.

(a) Calculate the acceleration of the wooden

(b) Determine the direction of the movement of
the wooden block.


Example 5 (a) Name another downward force other

than air resistance, R
Diagram shows a car of mass 900 kg moves (b) The acceleration of the hot balloon in
with auniform velocity. upwards direction is 0.5 m s-2. Calculate
the air resistance , R.

A student of mass 50 kg stands on a weighing
scale in a lift. What is the reading of the
weighing scale if the lift
(a) at rest
(b) moving up with an uniform velocity20 ms-1
(c) moving up with an acceleration 4 ms-2
(d) moving up with a deceleration 2 ms-2
(e) moving down with an uniform velocity
30 ms-1
(f) moving down an acceleration 5 ms-2
(g) moving down with a deceleration 3 ms-2
1.4.2 Passengers in a moving lift (h) is free falling


Passengers in a moving lift will 1.4.3 Pulley system

experience a weight change known as
“ apparent weight” due to the normal Within the pulley system there are two forces
reaction, R of the lift floor to the passenger, that normally act :
R but the mass of the passenger remains (1) Weight of the load ,W always act to the
unchanged. downwards direction.
The following table shows the several (2) Tension of the rope , T always act in
equations can be used to solve problem opposite direction to the direction of the
involving passenger in a lift. weight of pulling force.
Situation Equation Conclusion
At rest ,
moving up R=W Weight Example 9
or moving unchanged
down with a Diagram shows a force ,P pulls a load of mass
uniform 4 kg is hung on a smooth pulley.
Moving up
with an R = W + ma
acceleration Weight
or moving increased
down with a
Moving up
with a a
deceleration R = W - ma Weight Determine the value of P when so that the
or moving decreased load moves with
down with (a) a uniform velocity
an (b) an acceleration of 3 ms-2
Cable of lift
breaks R=0 “ Weightless”
causing the
lift to free
Example 8 Solution

Example 11

Diagram shows a pulley system .

Calculate the the acceleration of the trolley and

the stones and also the tension of the rope
when the pulley system is released to move.


Example 10

Diagram shows a load of mass 6kg and pail

filled sand of mass 2kg kg are joined by a
length of rope passes over a smooth pulley.

If the system is released from rest, what is the

(a) acceleration of the load and pail?
(b) tension of the rope


TUTORIAL 1 4 Which of the following shows the forces acting
on a lawn mower while a gardener moves the
1 Diagram shows a man riding a motorcycle on
lawn mower forward to cut the grass
a road.

Which of the following name of forces F1 and

F2 is true ?
F1 F2
A Engine thrust Normal reaction
B Normal reaction Lifting force
C Normal reaction Engine thrust
D Engine thrust Lifting force 5 Which of the following produces the largest
resultant force?
2 Diagram shows a boy sitting on a chair.

Which of the following is true? 6 W, X and Y are forces with the same magnitude
acting on a wooden block. Which diagram
A P : Normal reaction , shows the maximum resultant force acting on
Q : Normal reaction the wooden block?
B P : Normal reaction ,
Q : Frictional force
C P : Frictional force ,
Q: Normal reaction
D P : Frictional force,
Q : Frictional force

3 Diagram shows a fisherman rowing a sampan.

Which of the following is the dragging force?

7 Diagram shows two forces F1 and F2 acting at

point O.

Which line represented the resultant force for F1
and F2.


10 Diagram shows two forces 6 N and 8 N which

8 Which of the following diagram is correct two are perpendicular each other.
shows resultant of two forces of M and N?

What is the angle between the resultant force to

the force of 8 N?

A 53.1o B 48.8o
C 42.0o D 36.9o

11 Diagram shows four forces 3 N, 8 N, 8 N and

20 N acting at a point.

9 Diagram shows two forces 9 N and 12 N act at a

point O.

What is the magnitude of the resultant force

for the forces?

Which of the following diagram shows the A 5N B 8N

resultant of two forces. C 10 N D 13 N

12 Diagram shows two forces WX and WZ are

combined to become a single force.

Which of the following represents the resultant
of two forces WX and WZ?


13 Diagram shows two forces 3 N and 5 N .

What is the resultant force to pull the car?

Based on the diagram above, which of the
following diagram show the resultant of two A 1698 N B 5854 N
forces 3 N and 5 N? C 13654 D 14133 N

16 Diagram shows two lengths of cables are used

to hold a flag pole upright. Each cable has a
tension 1 200 N and makes and angle θ between
two cables. The resultant force of two cables is
2078 N.

14 Diagram shows a car on tow exerted by two

forces , the engine thrust ,E and the tension T.

What is the angle of θ ?

Which of the following vector diagrams A 60o B 45o

represents the resultant force, F, which acts on C 30 D 15o
the car?
17 Diagram shows two forces 6 kN and P pull an
eyebolt. The resultant force of two forces is 10
kN parallel to the x-axis .

15 Diagram shows car pulled by two trucks with

forces of 6000 N and 9000 N respectively at an
angle of 40o What is the magnitude of P?

A 14.9 N B 8.0 N
C 11.7 N D 7.2 N

18 Diagram shows three spring balances E , F and
G pulled an aluminum ring simultaneously until
the ring at a fixed position.

22 Diagram shows a wooden block is exerted

by two forces .In which diagram the block
experinces a deceleration the right.

Which of following spring balance readings

combination is not possible ?

A 4N 9N 10 N
B 7N 3N 8N
C 6N 4N 12 N 23 Diagram shows forces, P and Q exerted on a
D 5N 8N 7N wooden block placed on a table surface.The
friction between the wooden block and the
19 Diagram shows a wooden block experinces an table surface is 3 N.
acceleration when it is pulled by a force F.
The frictional force acts to the wooden block is
5 N.

Which pair of forces P and Q causes the

The force ,F is wooden block to move with a uniform
A equal to 5 N
B more than 5 N P (N) Q (N)
C smaller than 5 N
A 2 5
20 Diagram shows a force F pushes a box to B 9 4
moves with a constant velocity. C 12 14
D 6 10

24 Diagram shows forces, F1 and F2, produced by

two men exerted on a box. The friction between
When the force F is equal to the frictional force the box and the floor surface is 5 N.
, the box will

A be at rest
B moves with constant velocity
C moves with constant acceleration

21 Diagram shows a block is exerted by two forces

of magnitudes 14 N.
In which diagram the block experinces an
Which pair of forces F1, and F2 causes the box
to move with an acceleration?

F1/N F2//N 28 A man in moving lift feels that his weight has
become lighter. Which of the following is true?
A 10 5
B 7 2 A The lift is accelerated downwards
C 12 4 B The lift is decelerated downwards
D 7 5 C The lift is accelerated upwards

29 Weight of a girl in a lift moves upwards with an

25 Diagram shows a trolley of mass 50 kg. The
uniform velocity 20 ms-1
trolley is pushed forward by a force of 80 N.
The frictional force between the trolley and the
floor is 5 N. A increases
B decreases
C remains unchanged

30 Which of the following is not true to the

passengers of a lift if the cable of the lift

A The mass of the passengers is zero

B The acceleration of the passengers is g
C The passengers in “weightless” situation
What is the acceleration of the trolley?
D The normal reaction between the passengers
and floor of lift is zero
A 1.5 m s-2 B 1.6 m s-2
C 10.0 m s-2 D 16.0 m s-2
31 Diagram shows the pointer position of a
weighing machine in a stationary lift.
26 Diagram shows the forces that are exerted on a
cyclist. The mass of the bicycle and the cyclist
are 10 kg and 65 kg respectively.

What is the acceleration of the cyclist?

A 6.4 m s-2 B 7.4 m s-2 Which of the following diagrams shows the
C 9.6 m s-2 D 11.1 m s-2 correct position of the pointer when the lift
moves down just a moment before the lift
27 Diagram shows a truck with a mass of 4000 kg stops?
moving with an acceleration of 2 m s-2. There is
a frictional force of 2000 N acting on the truck.

What is the force exerted by the engine of the


A 4000 N B 6000 N
C 8 000 N D 10000 N

32 Diagram shows a load hanging on a spring
balance in a stationary lift. The reading of the
spring balance is 30 N.

What is the value of P if the loads move with

an uniform velocity

A 25 N B 50 N
C 75 N D 100 N
What is the reading of the spring balance
when the lift moves up with an acceleration 36 Diagram shows a worker lifting a weight of
of 3 m s-2? mass 2 kg with a force of 50 N using a pulley
A 10 N B 21 N
C 30 N D 39 N

33 A pail of water of of mass 5.0 kg is

suspended from a weighing scale hanging from
the ceiling of a lift. What is the reading of the
scale when the lift moves downward at a
deceleration of 4 ms-2 ?

A 20 N B 30 N
C 70 N D 100 N

34 Diagram shows a fish of mass 4 kg is

suspended to a weighing balance from the
ceiling of a lift. The reading on the balance What is the acceleration of the load?
when the lift moves up is 48 N.
A 10 m s-2 B 15 m s-2
C 25 m s-2 D 35 m s-2

37 Diagram shows two weights of mass 2 kg and

3 kg are joined by a length of rope passes over a
smooth pulley.

What is the acceleration of the lift?

A 2 m s-2 B 4 m s-2
C 6 m s-2 D 8 m s-2
When the system is released from rest, what is
35 Diagram shows a man pulls with a load of the tension of the rope
mass 5 kg with a force P by means a smooth
pulley. A 10 N B 24 N
C 32 N D 50 N

38 Diagram shows two loads of mass 1 kg and 41 Diagram 41.1 shows a 120 kg refrigerator is
3 kg are joined by a length of rope passes over a pushed by worker force of 600 N. The
smooth pulley. refrigerator moved with a constant velocity.

When the system is released from rest, what is

the acceleration of the loads.

A 2.5 m s-2 B 5 m s-2

C 10 m s-2 D 15 m s-2
Diagram 41.1
39 Diagram shows a trolley of mass 2 kg is placed
on the smooth surface of a table and joined with (a) What is the meaning of force?
a load of mass 3 kg through a smooth pulley. …………………………………………........
[1 mark]
(b) (i) What is the frictional force acting on
the refrigrator?
[1 mark]
(ii) Give the reason for your answer in
(b) (i)?
[1 mark]
What is the tension of the rope when the weight (ii) Sketch a velocity-time graph motion of
of mass 3 kg is released? the refrigerator in Diagram 41.2.

A 12 N B 14 N
C 16 N D 20 N

40 Diagram shows a wooden block of mass1 kg is

placed on the rough surface of a table with a
frictional force 2 N. The wooden block is joined
with a load of mass 4 kg through a smooth

Diagram 41.2
[1 mark]
(c) The pushing force of the refrigerator is
increased to 900 N.
(i) the resultant force acting on the

What is the acceleration of the system when

the wooden block of mass 4 kg is released?
[2 marks]
A 10.0 m s-2 B 9.6 m s-2 (ii) the acceleration of the refrigerator.
C 8.0 m s-2 D 7.6 m s-2

[2 marks]

42 Diagram 42 shows a boy riding a bicycle with Based on Table 42 , state the characteristics and
constant velocity on a flat road. The total weight the reason for the suitable bicycle should be
of the boy and the bicycle is 650 N. The normal used:
reaction on the front tyre is 300 N while the (i) Material of the body
forward thrust is 200 N. ........................................................................
[ 2 marks]
(ii) Type of handle
[ 2 marks]
(iii)Which bicycle is most suitable?
[ 1 mark]
Diagram 42 43 Diagram 43 shows an archer pulls on the bow
string produced a tension of 320 N in each
(a) What is meant by weight? string. The angle between the two strings is
........................................................................ 128o.
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Calculate the normal reaction, P, on the rear

[ 2 marks ]
(c) Why is the drag, Q, equal to 200 N at that
[ 1 mark ]
(d) What will happen when forward thrust
is increased ?
[ 1 mark ]
(e) Table 42 shows the design and specifications
two different bicycles, P and Q used
(a) What kind of energy is stored in the string
in a competition to ensure the bicycle
when it is stretched .
moves faster.
Bicycle P [ 1 mark]
(b) Determine the resultant force of the strings
by using,

(i) scaled diagram

Bicycle Q

Table 42
[ 3 marks]

(ii) calculation method (c) (i) What happens to the pole when the
angle between the two cables is
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give the reason for your answer in
[ 1 mark ]
45 Diagram 45 shows boy of mass 55 kg standing
in a weighing machine in a lift.
[ 3 marks]
(c) The mass of an arrow is 0.02 kg. Calculate
the acceleration of the arrow when it is
[ The air resistance is negligible]

[ 2 marks]
44 Diagram 44 shows a new tent that is being set
up before being used in an annual camp event at
a school. The tent had a single pole. L and M
are two of the cables used to upright the tent
Diagram 45
(a) State the physical quantity mesaured by the
weighing scale.
[ 1 mark ]
(b) On diagram 45 ,name and label two forces
acting on the boy.
[ 2 marks ]
(c) (i) What happen to the reading of the
weighing machine moves upwrad with a
uniform velocity 15 m s-1.
Diagram 44 ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ]
(a) Name the force produced by the cables. (ii) Give the reason for your answer in (c)
........................................................................ (i).
[ 1 mark ] ..................................................................
(b) The force in each cable L and M is 1200 N. [ 1 mark ]
The angle between the two cables is 80o. (d) Determine the reading of the weighing
Determine the magnitude of the resultant machine when the lift moves downward with
force produced by the cables. a deceleration 6 m s-2.

[ 2 marks ]

[ 3 marks]

46 Diagram 46 shows a pulley system includes (b) Diagram 47.2 shows two towing boats
three load of mass 5 kg , 2 kg and 1 kg pulled a a fishing boat from beach to sea
respectively linked by maseless and frictionless used cables.
strings and pulleys.

Diagram 46
Diagram 47.2
(a) On Diagarm 46 mark the tension in each You are required to investigate the four
string P and string Q as T P and TQ. methods as shown in Table 47 used to pull
[ 1 mark ] the boat in order to move faster
(b) When the pulley system is released , the
loads move. Met Angle Type Maxi The
(i) Mark the direction of motion of the hod between of cable mum wooden
loads. two tension bar
[ 1 mark ] cables of shape
(ii) Calculate the acceleration of the loads. the placed
cable under
the boat
as rollers
P Large Inelastic Low cylinder
[ 2 marks ] Q Small Elastic Low rectangle
(c) Calculate the tension in cable
(i) string P R Small Inelastic High cylinder
S Large Elastic High rectangle
Table 47
[ 2 marks ] Explain the suitability of each aspect and
(ii) string Q then determine the most method to be
Give a reason for your choice.
[ 10 marks ]
(c) Diagram 47. 2 shows an oil rig of mass
[ 2 marks ] 1.1 x 107 kg is towed by two towing
47 (a) Diagram 47.1 shows forces acting on a
speed boat.

Diagram 47.1
(i) What is meant by drag?
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) By using the forces acting on the speed
boat explain how speed boat can moves

- a constant velocity
- an acceleration Diagram 47.2
[ 4marks]

Based on Diagram 47.2
(i) Determine the magnitude of resultant
force from both of the towing ship.
[ 3 marks ]
(ii) Calculate the acceleration of the oil rig.
[ Drag is negligible ]
[ 2 marks ]

48 Diagram 48.1 and Diagram 48.2 shows two

workers pulling a log by using cables .The angle
beween two cables are different.

Diagram 48.1

Diagram 48.2
Based on your observations onthe angle
between two cables and the motion of the log;
(a) State one suitable inference.
[ 1 mark]
(b) State one suitable hypothesis.
[ 1 mark]
(c) With the use of apparatus such as spring
balance , white paper and other apparatus,
describe an experiment to investigate the
hypothesis stated in (b).
In your description, state clearly the
(i) The aim of the experiment.
(ii) The variables in the experiment..
(iii) The list of apparatus and materials.
(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus.
(v) The procedure used in the
experiment.Describe how to control and
measure the manipulated variables and
how to measure the responding
(vi) The way to tabulate the data.
(vii)The way to analyse the data.
[10 marks]


FORCE Determine the magnitude and the direction

of the horizontal force and the vertical force
2.1 Describing the meaning resolution of force for the following forces:
2.1.1. Introduction

Observe above diagram. When a person pulls a
bag with a force in the the direction as shown,
does the bag move in the direction of the
force? No , the bag moves forward. How to
determine the forward force? We must resolve
the force in the horizontal component.

2.1.2 Meaning the resolution of force

The separation of a single force or into two or Solution

more , generally resolved along two mutually
perpendicular directions

2.2.1 Resolution of an inclined force pull

push an object in horizontal plane.

A force can be resolved into two

components, that is,
- the horizontal component, Fx and
- the vertical component , Fy

Fx = F cos 
Fy = F sin 

 is an angle between the force F to the

horizontal line

The direction of Fx and Fy depends on the

quadrant where the force , F is located.

2.2.2. Resolution of weight an object 2. 3 To solve some problems involving the
located an inclined plane. resultant force and the resolution of a force

For an object on a inclined plane, the Example 3

weight ,W of the object can be resolved
into two components ; Diagram shows three forces 180N, 250 N and 320
- parallel to inclined plane, Wparallel N acting at a point O
- perpendicular to inclined plane,

(a) Complete the table below.

Wparallel = W sin θ
Force (N) Fx(N) Fy(N)
Wperpendicular= W cos θ
θ is the inclined angle 320
Σ Fx = Σ Fy =

Example 2 (b) Based on your answer in (a) determine the

magnitude and the direction of resultant of
Diagram shows a stationary wooden block forces 180 N, 250 N and 320 N.
of mass 0.05 kg is placed on a inclined
plane with an angle of 40o to the Solution
Force (N) Fx(N) Fy(N)
Σ Fx = Σ Fy =



(a) The weight of the wooden block

(b) The weight of the wooden block
(i) parallel to the inclined plane
(ii) perpendicular to the inclined plane


Example 4 Example 6

Diagram shows a box being pulled by a Diagram shows a car of mass 850 kg is parked on a
boy. The frictional acting to the box is 5.0 N. hill. The slope of the hill is 20º to the horizontal.
The brakes on the car fail. The car runs down the
hill and collides with a big tree . The force of
friction on the car as it runs down the hill is 340 N

Calculate the acceleration of the box?.

(a) Calculate the component of the weight acting
down the slope.
(b) Calculate the acceleration of the car.

Example 5 Solution

Diagram shows two tugs R and T pulling a ship S

from point O to X parallel to x-axis.
R pulls with force 6.0 x104 N at an angle of 20o to Example 7
x- axis and T pulls with force 3.6 x104 N at an
angle of θ to x-axis . Diagram shows a 4 kg wooden block is placed on
a smooth inclined is attached to a 3 kg load by a
light rope through a smooth pulley. The angle of
the inclined plane is 20o.

(a) (i) Calculate the magnitude of acceleration

(a) Determine angle of θ of the wooden block and the load
(b) Calculate the magnitude resultant force to move (ii) Determine the direction of the wooden
the ship from point O to X. block and the load move.
(b) Calculate the tension of the rope

2. 4 Some conclusion regarding to problem the
resolution of a force

2.4.1. The effect of pushing and pulling an

object with an inclined

Push :

The resultant vertical force , FV = W + Fy

FV > W

The resultant vertical force , FV = W - Fy

FV < W

2.4.1. The effect of the angle of inclinedto

the weight of an object .

Small θ :

The smaller the θ , the smaller the F parallel

Large θ :

The larger the θ , the larger the F parallel

TUTORIAL 2 Which of diagram shows the correct direction of
horizontal component ,Fx and vertical
component, Fy for the force F.
1 Diagram shows a luggage being pulled with a
force of 70 N.

What is the magnitude of Fx?

A 70.00 N B 53.62 N 5 Diagram shows a force, F force is applied by a

C 45.00 N D 7.00 N cable to lift a log.

2 Diagram shows a trolley being pushed by a

345 N to move the trolley forward.

What is the magnitude of Fy?

The resultant vertical force is
A 197.88 N B 241.57 N
A Fy + Fx B Fy - W
C 282.61 N D 345.00 N
C F-W D Fx + F
3 Diagram shows a monkey pulled by a vertical
6 Diagram shows a box of mass 3 kg being pulled
force 270 N.
by a 60 N force on a rough surface . The
frictional force between the rough surface and
the trolley is 4 N.

What is the tension in the rope?

A 297.91 N
B 579.02 N
C 638.87 N
What is the acceleration of the box?
4 Diagram shows a gardener pushes a big stone
with a force F. A 2.50 ms-2 B 3.67 ms-2
C 5.16 ms-2 D 6.33 ms-2

7 Diagram shows three forces of 100 N , 150 N 10 Diagram shows a box of weight 25 N is placed
and 200 N acting on a point P. on an inclined plane.

What is the magnitude of force P?

A 14.3 N
What is the resultant forces parallel to the x- B 17.5 N
axis , Fx and y-axis , Fy. C 20.5 N

Fx (N) Fy (N) 11 Diagram shows a snow slider descending a hill

A 424.5 118.4 with a force of 500 N.
B -424.5 118.4
C 251.3 -18.4
D 251.3 18.4

8 Diagram shows two forces 4.0 N and 5.0 N

acting on a body.

What is the mass of the slider if the friction

force is neglected?

A 37.7 kg B 66.4 kg
C 83.1 kg D 103.9 kg

12 Diagram shows an object is placed on an

inclined plane with the normal reaction of
180 N.
The resultant force is

A 2.52 N at an angle of 67.6o under the x-axis

B 2.52 N at an angle of 67.6o above the x-axis
C 8.69 N at an angle of 46.7o under the x-axis
D 8.69 N at an angle of 46.7o above the x-axis

9 Diagram shows two forces of 240 N and 250 N What is the magnitude of M?.
pulling an object from point O to T parallel to y-
axis. A 87.8 N B 200.2 N
C 369.1 N D 410.6 N

13 Diagram shows an object in stationary position

on a rough inclined surface with the frictional
force of Ff.

Which relationship is correct?

What is the angle of θ ? A R = W sin θ

B R = W cos θ
A 33.5o B 33.1o C Ff = Wcos θ
C 27.9o D 28.7o D Ff = W tan θ

14 Diagram shows an object of weight 400 N is A PQR
resting on an inclined plane. The frictional force B RQP
is 150 N. C Stationary

18 Diagram shows a 4 kg block P is placed on a

smooth inclined is attached to a 6 kg block Q by
a light rope through a smooth pulley. The angle
of the inclined plane is 28o.

What is the angle of θ?

A 20.57o B 22.02o
C 67.97o D 69.44o

15 Diagram shows a metal ball of mass 12 kg is

pushed with of a force , F to move up on an What is the acceleration of the blocks . when the
frictionless inclined plane. blockks are released to move in m s-2.

A 2.47 B 4.12
C 7.88 D 9.53

19 Diagram shows a pulley system

What is the possible minimum value of F?

A 50 N B 60 N
C 70 N D 80 N

16 Diagram shows a toy car of mass 0.8 kg which

is released from rest and is now moving down a
smooth inclined plane. The inclined plane
makes an angle of 50o with the horizontal plane.

When the objects are released to move , what

is the tension in the rope?

A 12 N B 36 N
C 44 N D 68 N

What is acceleration experienced by the toy car 20 Diagram shows a 2 kg block is placed on a
smooth inclined of angle 40o is attached to a
A 5.14 ms-2 B 6.13 ms-2 3 kg block Qby on another smooth inclined
C 6.42 ms-2 D 7.66 ms-2 of angle 30o by a light rope through a
smooth pulley.
17 Diagram shows a pulley system.

When the objects are released to move , what is

the acceleration of the objects?
When the objects are released to move , which A 0.43 m s-2 B 2.13 m s-2
direction of the two objects move? C 2.87 m s-2 D 20.52 m s-2

21 Diagram 21 shows a mother pushing a stroller (a) Name the force produced in the rope.
with her baby of mass a 15 kg a force of 30 N ........................................................................
on a floor.The mass of the stroller is 3.5 kg. [ 1 mark ]
(b) The water resistance is 120 N and the
acceleration of the barge is 2 m s-2. Calculate
the magnitude of the force in(a).

[ 2 marks]
(c) (i) Give one suggestion how the
acceleration of the barge can be
increased without reduced the weight of
the barge.
Diagram 21
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give the reason for your answer in (c)(i).
(a) (i) On Diagram 21 mark and label direction
of force caused the stroller move
[ 1 mark ]
23 Diagram 23 shows a crate of mass 520 kg is
[ 1 mark ]
pull by 3 iron chains of tension 600 N, 700 N
(ii) Calculate the magnitude of force in (a)(i)
and 800 N respectively in a horizontal rough

[ 2 marks ]
(b) The frictional force between the tyres of the
stroller and the floor is 4 N. Calculate the
acceleration of the stroller.

[ 2 marks ]
(c) When the mother push the stroller with Diagram 23
angle greater than 65o , explain what will (a) Complete the table below.
happens? Tension Tension Tension
........................................................................ (N) parallel to x- parallel to y-
........................................................................ axis ,Tx(N) axis ,Ty
[ 2 marks ] 600
22 Diagram 22 shows a workhorse tow a barge of 800
mass 2500 kg along a straight canal. The horse Σ Tx = Σ Ty =
exerts a constant force and the tow ropes make [ 2 marks ]
an angle 32o with the direction of motion of the (b) Based on your answer in (a) determine the
horse and the barge. magnitude and the direction of resultant of
forces 600 N, 700 N and 800 N.

[ 3 marks ]
(c) The frictional force on the rough surface is
450 N. Calculate the acceleration of the

Diagram 22 [ 2 marks ]

24 Diagram 24 show a metal block of mass 30 kg 26 Diagram 26 shows two boys A and B of the
resting on a rough inclined plane . The same mass sliding down to the two identical
frictional force is 150 N. sliding boards A and Bwhich has the same
length The sliding boards has the different
sloping. .

Diagram 24
(a) What is meant by mass?
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Determine the weight of the metal block.
[ 1 mark ]
(c) Calculate
(i) the component of weight of the metal Diagram 26.1
block parallel to surface of the inclined (a) (i) State the type energy of possesed the two
plane. boys before they slidedown.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Based on Diagram 26.1 , compare the
[ 2 marks ] weight of the boys , the sloping of the
(ii) the resultant force acts on the metal box board , the acceleration and the force
parallel to surface of the inclined plane. parallel to the surface of boards that
causes they slide down.
Relate the the sloping of the board and
[ 2 marks ] the force parallel to the surface of boards
(d) Based on your answer in (c)(ii) , explain that causes they slide down.
what happens the motion of the metal [ 5 marks ]
block. (b) Diagram 26.2 and Diagram 26.3 shows a
........................................................................ boy pulling a crate with diffrent length of the
........................................................................ identical rope with the same force.
[ 2 marks ]
25 Diagram 25 shows a bag of cement and a load
are connected through a smooth pulley system.
The frictional force on rough surface is 50 N.

Diagram 26.2 Diagram 26.3

He felt it was easier to pull the crate by
using the longer rope.Explain why?
[ 4 marks ]
(c) Diagram 26.4shows a lawnmower to use
by a gardaner to cut grass..

Diagram 25
(a) When the pulley system work calculate,
(i) The resultant force caused the objects

[ 2 marks ] Diagram 26.4

(ii) Calculate the acceleration of the objects. You are required to give some
suggestions and the reason so that the
lawnmower more stable and effectively
[ 2 marks ] based on the following aspects:
(b) Calculate the minimum inclination angle of - method to move the lawnmower
the smooth surface to stop the objects from - angle of θ
moved. - size of the blade
- engine used
[ 2 marks ] - length of handle
[ 10 marks ]

3.1 Describing the meaning forces in equilbrium 3.2 Sketch the triangle of forces diagram for
three forces in equilibrium state
3.1.1 Introduction
3.2.1 For three forces in parallel
Diagram shows a tighrope walker between two
high buildings.Why does he carry a pole or bar For three forces in prallel , the triangle of forces
during his performance? diagram is not required to sketch.

The pole helps him to maintain stability or

balancing while walking over the narrow tope.
The above situation is one example involving
equlibrium of forces.
You can also try doing a balance between a
fork, spoon and match-stick on a glass rim as
show in the diagram below.
When ( F1 + F2) - F3 = 0 ,object in equilibrium
The object stay at rest or moves with uniform

When (F1 + F2) – F3 ≠ 0 , object in

disequilibrium state.
The object experiences acceleration or
3.1.2 The meaning forces in equilibrium

An object in equilibrium state ,when the 3.2.2 For three forces in nonparallel
resultant force (net force) is zero (FR = 0).
When the object in equilibrium state , the object When three forces in equilibrium when a closed
in stationary or moves with a uniform velocity. triangle of forces in one direction (in order) can
Or vice versa. be drawn.

3.1.3 Forces in disequlibrium (unbalanced)

An object is in disequilibrium state ,when the

resultant force (net force) is not zero. (FR ≠ 0)
When the object is in disequilibrium state , the
object experiences an acceleration or a
Or vice versa.

P + Q +R=0

Example 1

Which of the following diagrams show the (b)

forces F1 , F2 and F3 in equilibrium or




Example 2

The following diagrams show the forces

involved in equilibrium state. Name and level
the forces F1, F2 and F3 , hence draw the
triangles of forces .
(a) A mirror is hung in a stationary state



(b) A chandelier lamp is hung in a stationary


(c) A weightlifting participant liftweights in a Solution
stationary state


(d) A wooden block moves down from

inclined plane with a uniform velocity.


(e) A ship is towed by two tugboats moves with

a uniform velocity.


(f) An aeroplane descends with a uniform



3.2.3 Experiment to shows the equilibrium of Conclusion
forces by using force table.
The value of the average of Σ Fx and Σ Fy
Aim of the experiment : is approximately zero.
The resultant force is zero when an object in
Experiment to shows the equilibrium of forces equlibrium state.
by using force table.
List of apparatus and materials:
The value found is not exactly become zero
Force table , slotted weights with hanger and because the frictional force

Arrangement of the apparatus: 3. 3 To solve some problems involving the

equilibrium of forces

Example 3

Diagram show a load of mass 4 kg is hung by rope

M and rope N to a ceiling.The system in
equilibrium state.Determine the tension in rope M
and rope N
by using
(a) resolution of force
(b) triangle of forces

The procedure of the experiment

Set pulleys to three angles on the force table.
Add as much weight to the three slotted
weights until the ring back to the centre
. Record and angle of the string on the table.
Repeat experiment four times with different
angles of the pulleys set.

Mass (kg) Angle (o)
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Pulley 1
Pulley 2
Pulley 3


Calcukate the resultant of forces parallel

to x- axis for three pulleys system,
Σ Fx = Fx1 + Fx2 + Fx3
Calcukate the resultant of forces parallel
to y- axis for three pulleys system,
Σ Fy = Fy1 + Fy2 + Fy3
Calculate the average of Σ Fx and Σ Fy


Example 4 Example 5

Diagram shows a metal ball of weight 50 N is Diagrarm (a) and Diagram (b) shows two identical
placed on smooth plane inclined at an angle 40o to traffic lights of mass 25 kg which are hung using
the horizontal. A horizontal force P prevents the two cables of the same length. The two traffic
metal ball from moving. R is the normal reaction. lights are in equilibrium state.

Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

Determine P and R by using
(a) Draw a diagram of a triangle of forces that acts
(a) triangle of forces method on the traffic lights in Diagram (a) and
(b) resolution of forces method. Diagram (b)
(b)Determine the values of T1 and T2:
(c) Based on your answer in (b),which is the most
suitable method to hang the traffic light and
give the reason for your answer.


3. 4 Some conclusion regarding to problem the

equilibrium of forces

θ1 > θ 2 > θ 3
T1 < T2 >T3
The larger the angle between the objects
suspended by the rope, the less tension in the
rope, so that the rope more stronger.

1 When an object in equlibrium of forces , the

A remains stationary
B moves at a constant velocity
C remains stationary or moves at a
constant velocity

2 The forces are in equilibrium in all the

phenomena below except

A a car descending a hill at constant velocity

B a hot air floating and stationary in air
C a picture hanging at rest in a hall
D a coconut falling from a tree

3 Which situation shows forces are in


A A car speeding up on a highway

B A boat moving with uniform velocity
C An aeroplane take-off on a runway
D A cyclist slowing down his bicycle

4 Which of the following does NOT describe an

7 Diagram shows for forces acts on a drone
object in equilibrium?
moving at a contant height with an acceleration.
A A crate is resting on a table without
B A crate is falling freely from a helicopter
in the air
C A crate is being pulled forward by a rope at
constant speed
D A crate is being pushed down on an
inclined plate at constant speed

5 Diagram shows a boy and a girl push a box but

the box remains stationary.
This situation happens because
Which statement is correct?

Constant Acceleration
A Lift=weight Forward thrust > drag
A the existence of net force B Forward Lift=weight
B the forces are in equilibrium thrust > drag
C the weight of the boy and girl is same C Lift>weight Forward thrust = drag
D the normal reaction acts to the box is zero D Forward Lift>weight
thrust = drag
6 Which digram shows the unbalanced forces
acting on an object? 8 Diagram shows three forces, P, Q, and R acting
on a brick. The brick moves with an
deceleration, in the direction shown.

Which is correct about the forces?


9 Diagram shows three forces P, Q and R acting

on on object O. The object is in equilibrium

12 Diagram shows a wooden block of weight , W

is pulled by a force F and tension T. The
wooden block in a stationary state.

Which of the following triangle of forces

diagram is true?

Which of the following is true?

10 Diagram shows three forces F1, F2 and F3 acting
on on object O. The object is in equilibrium

Which of the following triangle of forces

diagram is true?

13 A uniform beam of weight W rests on a smooth

11 Which diagram shows three forces 3 N , 4 N wooden rod. The normal reaction of wooden
and 5 N in equilibrium state? rod is R. The lower end of the beam is on a
rough floor and the force on this end is P.
Which diagram is correctly shows the force W ,
R and P in equilibrium?

15 Digram shows three forces 10 N , P and Q
causes and object in equilibrium state.

What is the magnitud of P ?

A 5.0 N B 6.4 N
C 8.7 N D 10.0 N

16 Diagram shows an Orangutan baby

clinging to a rope and in equlibrium state.

When the tension of each rope is 250 N, what

14 Diagram shows a picture is hung on a wall. is the mass of the Orangutan baby?

A 5 kg B 10 kg
C 25 kg D 50 kg

17 Diagram shows a load of mass 2 kg is hung by

two ropes and the system in equilibrium state.

Which of the following diagram is true to
show the forces T1, T2 and W in equilibrium

Which of the following is true about T1 and Which of the relationship between three forces
T 2. W , F and R is true.

T1 (N) T2 (N) R F
A 20 20 A W sin θ W cos θ
sin 40 o B W cos θ W sin θ
sin 50 o
B 20 20
sin  cos 
sin 50 o sin 40 o
C 20 sin 40o 20 sin 50o
D 20 sin 50o 20 sin 40o cos  sin 

18 Diagram shows an object is hung by using 21 Diagram shows a boat is being pulled by two
two strings of tension 10 N each. cables of tension 450 N and P respectively.
The forces are applied to overcome the water
resistance , R of 1400 N.

What is the magnitude of P?

When one of the ropes is cut , what is the
tension of the other rope? A 1283 N B 1950 N
C 2110 N D 3489 N
A 8.66 N B 10.00 N
C 17.32 N D 20.00 N 22 Diagram 22.1 shows a situation in tug of war
contest. The rope remains stationary at central
19 Diagram shows three identical pictures are hang line although the rope is pulled at opposite ends
differently on a wall . by both of teams.
F1 and F2 are the forces acting at the rope.

Diagram 22.1

Diagram 22.2 shows a skier going down a hill

Which comparison is true about the tension of each at a uniform velocity. F3 and F4 are the forces
strings in the arrangement of P ,Q and R? acting on the skier.

A Tension P > Tension Q > Tension R

B Tension Q > Tension P > Tension R
C Tension P > Tension R > Tension Q
D Tension R > Tension Q > Tension P

20 Diagram shows a box is resting on an inclined

plane Diagram 22.2
(a) Name the forces of
(i) F1
[ 1 mark]
(ii) F3
[ 1 mark]

(b) What is the magnitude of resultant force
(i) F1 and F2
[ 1 mark]
(ii) F3 and F4
[ 1 mark]
(c) Based on your answers in (b)(i) and (b)(ii)
also the information about motion in
Diagram 22.1 and Diagram 22.2,relate the
situations to deduce a relevant physics
concept and hence name the concept.
[ 2 marks]
(d) (i) What will happen to the motion of
the skier when he push the snow surface
with his ski poles causes the magnitude
of F3 become 400 .N
[ 1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for your answer in
[ 1 mark]
23 Diagram 23 shows a car engine has a mass [ 3 marks ]
280 kg . This engine is being positioned above (ii) Triangle of forces
an engine compartment by a worker using an
iron chain. through a ring and a smooth pulley
system. The mass of the ring and the chain are

Diagram 23
(a) Name the forces P and Q
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Determine the magnitude of P and Q when
the ring in equilibrium state by using
(i) Resolution of force

[ 3 marks ]

24 (a) Diagram 24.1 shows for forces acting on an (i) What is meant by the equilibrium
aeroplane of mass 2x105 kg moving at a state?
contant height with an acceleration. [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Which of the diagram is most suitable
to hang the lamps. Give your
[ 4 marks ]
(b) Diagram 25.3 shows an inclined plank
together with a pulley system is used to
transfer heavy metals onto a lorry.

Diagram 24.1
(i) What is the lifting force of the
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Why the aeroplane accelerates? Diagram 25.3
.................................................................. Table 25 shows the characteristics of plank
[ 1 mark ] and the pulley system which could be used
(b) Diagram 24.2 shows the aeroplane to transfer the heavy metal onto the lorry
ascending with a constant velocity at an effectively.
angle 25o above horizontal. The engine System Type of Angle of Mass Type of
thrust is 4 x 105 N. plank plank of load rope
surface from
W Smooth Large Small elastic
X Rough Large Small inelastic
Y Smooth Small Large inelastic
Z Rough Small Large elastic
Table 25
Based on Table 25, explain the suitability of
each characteristics in the table and hence,
determine which system is most suitable to
do the work.
Diagram 24.2 Justify your choice.
Calculate [ 10 marks ]
(i) Drag (c) Diagram 25.4 shows two ropes pulling a
boat in a river along the direction due South.
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) Lifting force

[ 2 marks ]
25 (a) Diagram 25.1 and Diagram 25.2 show two
identical lamps are hang in two different
ways from a metal ceiling plate with two
identical metal wire.Both lamps are in an
equlibrium state.
Diagram 25.4
(a) The magnitude of resultant vertical force
acting on the boat.
[ 2 marks ]
(b) The additional force required to apply to
the boat so that the boat continues to
move in a direcction due South.
Diagram 25.1 Diagram 25.2
[ 3 marks ]


4.1 Describing the meaning elasticity The property of elasticity is caused by the
existence of two forces between molecules or
4.1.1. Introduction atoms in the solid material.
The two forces are force of repulsion and force
What is meant by elasticity? of attraction between molecules.
To answer the question, consider the following When a compressive force is applied to the
activities performed on three elastic materials solid, force of repulsion between the molecules
i.e., rubber band , spring and sponge. pushes the molecules back to their equilibrium
Material Activity Observation When a stretching force is applied to the solid
force of attraction between the molecules pulls
the molecules back to their equilibrium
Rubber The size of positions.
band rubber band In the absence of an applied external force on
return to its the solid, the force of attraction is balanced by
original size the force of repulsion or the resultant force is

4.2.Experiment to investigate the

relationship between the extension and force

Spring The length Hypothesis:

of spring
return to its As the force increases , the extension increases
length Aim of the experiment :

To investigate the relationship between the

force and the extension
The shape
of sponge Variables in the experiment:
Sponge return to its
original Manipulated variable: The force
shape Responding variable: The extension
Constant variable : Spring constant , diameter
4.1.2 Meaning of elasticity of the spring

Elasticity is the property of a substance which List of apparatus and materials:

enables it to return to original size / length/
shape after an applied external force Spring , metre ruler , slotted mass , retort stand.
(compressive force or stretching force) is
removed. Arrangement of the apparatus:

4.1.3Why is a material is elastic ?

The procedure of the experiment which 4.3.3 Experiment to determine spring
include the method of controlling the constant , k
manipulated variable and the method of
measuring the responding variable. Aim of the experiment

The original length of the spring is recorded Experiment to determine spring

, Lo constant , k.
The mass of the slotted mass is recorded ,
m = 0.5 kg List of apparatus and materials:
The new length of the spring is recorded
after the slotted mass is hung , L Spring , metre ruler , slotted mass , retort
The extension of the spring is calculated , x stand.
= Lo – L
The experiment is repeated 4 times by Arrangement of the apparatus:
increasing the number of the slotted mass ,
m = 1.0 kg , 1.5 kg . 2.0 kg and 2.5 kg

Tabulate the data:

m (kg) x = L - Lo(cm)
Analysis the data:

Plot the graph x against m

The procedure of the experiment

The original length of the spring is recorded

, Lo
The mass of the slotted mass is recorded ,
4.3. To communicate the law involving force, m = 0.5 kg
F and extension, x. Calculate the force , F = mg
The new length of the spring is recorded
4.3.1 Hooke’s Law after the slotted mass is hung , L
The extension of the spring is calculated , x
Hooke’s Law states that the extension or = Lo – L
compression of an elastic substance is The experiment is repeated 4 times by
directly proportional to the stretching force increasing the number of the slotted mass ,
acting on it provided that the elastic limit is m = 1.0 kg , 1.5 kg . 2.0 kg and 2.5 kg
not exceeded.
Tabulate the data:
In mathematics form :
F α x F (N) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
F=kx x (m)
F = the acting force or the effort Plot the graph F against x
x = extension or compression
k = the spring constant

4.3.2 Spring constant , k

F = kx
k Gradient of the graph = k
the unit of k is Nm-1 Discussion
k = Gradient of the graph F against x Each time before the mass of slotted mass is
The larger the stiffer the spring.the larger the added make sure the spring returns to its
k, original length

4.3.4 Elastic potential energy , EP

Elastic potential energy of a

spring is given by the equation
E P  Fx
1 Area under the graph = EP
or E P  kx 2
or Area under the graph F against x. Each time before the mass of slotted mass is
added make sure the spring returns to its
original length
4.3.5 Experiment to determine the
elasic potential enegy of a spring
4.3.6 The factor affecting
the spring constant , k
Aim of the experiment
Material of spring
Experiment to determine the elastic potential
energy of a spring.
A spring made from a hard material
extending shorter than aspring made
List of apparatus and materials:
from a soft material. For example a steel
spring extending shorter than a copper
Spring , metre ruler , slotted mass , retort
So that spring constant ,k of steel spring
> copper spring
Arrangement of the apparatus:
Length of spring

Stretch of a longer spring is more

easier than stretch of a shorter spring .
So that spring constant ,k of long spring
> short spring

Diameter of spring

A spring coil of a larger diameter is

easier to stretch ( the rate of extension is
high) compared to a spring coil of
smaller diameter.
The procedure of the experiment So that spring constant ,k of small
diameter of spring > large diameter
The original length of the spring is recorded
, Lo Diameter of the wire of the spring
The mass of the slotted mass is recorded , (thickness of spring wire)
m = 0.5 kg
Calculate the force , F = mg A spring coil made from a thicker wire
The new length of the spring is recorded is harder ( the rate of extension is low)
after the slotted mass is hung , L compared a spring made from a thinner
The extension of the spring is calculated , x wire.
= Lo – L So that spring constant ,k of thick spring
The experiment is repeated 4 times by wire > thin spring wire
increasing the number of the slotted mass , .
m = 1.0 kg , 1.5 kg . 2.0 kg and 2.5 kg Spring arrangement:

Tabulate the data: Stretch of a spring in series is more easier

than stretch of a spring in parallel.
F (N) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 So that spring constant ,k of spring in the
x (m) parallel arrangement > spring in the
Calculation series arrangement
Plot the graph F against x

4.3.7 The spring arrangement Example 3

There are two ways to arrange a spring, that is, Spring P extends by 2 cm when it hung with a 10
series arrangement and parallel arrangement g weight. Spring Q extends by 4 cm when it hung
with a 10g weight.
Determine the total extension in each of the spring
systems shown in the following diagram.

Series Parallel

In series arrangement same load is applied to

each spring i.e W
In parallel arrangement the load is shared
equally among the springs . i.e

4.4 Solve some problems involving spring

Example 1

The original length of a spring is 5 cm. With a load

of mass 20 g, the length of the spring is extended to
7 cm.
(a) the extension of the spring with a load 40 g
(b) the length of the spring with a load 60 g.
(c) the load required to extend the spring to 20 cm

Example 2

Diagram shows a spring is compressed by three

different loads of mass 5 kg, M kg and 20 kg.

Calcukate the value of M.


Example 4 Example 6

Diagram shows two springs X and Y having the Diagram shows a graph of force, F against
original length 5 cm each are connected in series to extension, x for a spring.
a 400 g weight .
[ Spring X extends 2 cm when it is hung with a
200 g .
Spring Y extends 3 cm when it is hung with a
100 g ]

Calculate the potential energy stored when the

spring is extended by 0.4 m?

Calculate the length , L?


Example 5

The original length of a spring is 12 cm. With a

load of 20 g , the length of the spring is extended
to 15 cm.
What is the elastic potential energy stored in the


TUTORIAL 4 6 Diagram shows the graph force, F applied to
spring against extension , x.
1 The property by which a body returns to its
original shape after removal of the force is
called as

A plasticity B elasticity
C ductility D fragility

2 An elastic material is able to returns to its Which of the following related to the graph.
original _____________when the applied force
is removed except
Gradient Area under
the graph
A shape B size
A Elastic potential Spring constant
C length D mass
B Spring constant Elastic potential
3 Property of elasticity is caused by the existence
C Spring elasticity Forces in the spring
A the force of repulsion between molecules D Forces in the Spring elasticity
B the force of attraction between molecules spring
C the force of repulsion and attraction between
molecules 7 The relationship between stretching force, F,
with the extension ,x , of a spring is given by
4 The force, F applied to a spring is directly the equation;
proportional to the spring’s extension or F = kx
compression, x. where k is the spring constant.
The above statement is What is the unit of k ?

A Snell’s law B Boyle’s law A N m-1 B N m-2

C Hooke’s law D Charles’s law C kg m-1 D kg m-2

5 Which graph represents Hooke's Law? 8 Diagram shows two situations of a spring
before and after a load of weight 400 N is
placed on it..

What is the spring constant?

A 1.25 x 10-2 N cm-1

B 8.0 x 101 N cm-1
C 2.0 x 103 N cm-1

9 A spring has a spring constant of 5 N cm-1.

What is its extension when loaded with 15N?

A 0.3 cm B 3.0 cm
C 7.5 cm D 75 cm5cm

10 The spring constant ,k decreases when

A the spring length deccreases

B the diameter of the sprig decreases
C the diameter of the spring wire deccreases

11 Graph shows the extension, x against
force, F for two springs P and Q.

Which comparison about springs P and Q is Which comparison is correct about the
correct? extension of P, Q and R?
A P is softer thanQ A J<K<L B L<K<J
B The spring constant P is larger than Q C J<L<K D K<L<J
C The original length of P is longer than Q
15 Diagram shows three springs, R. S and T.
12 Diagram shows two springs with a different made of same material and diameter of wire. A
original length . A piece of wood slowly moved 300 g mass is then hung to each spring. The
towards the wall with a force F so that the extension, X, of each spring is measured as XR ,
springs are compressed together with a XS and XT respectively.
distance, x

Which one of the following graph is true?

Which comparison is correct?

A XR > X S > X T
C XT > X S > X R
D XT = X S = X R

16 Diagram shows three springs arrangements, P,

Q and R. All spring used are identical.
13 Diagram show four arrangement of spring A ,
B , C and D . All springs are identical.
Which arrangement produced the smallest

Which comparison of the length of spring

arrangements, P, Q and R is correct when
14 Diagram shows an identical load supported by weight of 1 kg is hung?
the arrangement of springs J, K and L. All the
springs are identical. A P<Q<R

17 Diagram shows three springs arrangements, K,
L and M are hung by pendulum bobs. All
springs and pendulum bobs used are identical

What is the value of M?

A 100g B 180g
Which comparison is correct about the C 200 g D 240g
extension of K, L and M?
21 Diagram (a) and (b) show the two positions of a
A K =L= M pin when a spring is loaded with two different
B K>L>M weights.

18 A spring extends by 4 cm when it hung with a

load of 8N. Find the weight of a load when
hung from the same spring, produces an
extension of 5 cm.

A 9N B 10 N
C 12 N D 14 N

19 Diagram shows a spring of length 12 cm

compressed to a length of 10 cm by a load of
W and compressed to a length of 4 cm by a
load of 5 kg.

What is the reading on the pin when 20 g of the

load in Diagram (b) is removed.

A 5.00 cm B 10.00 cm
C 15.00 cm D 18.75 cm

22 Diagram shows a spring is compressed by a

What is the value of W ? load of 20 kg and 50 kg to a length 18 cm and
12 cm respectively.
A 12.5 kg B 15.0 kg
C 25.0 kg D 30.0 kg

20 Diagram (a) shows the pointer reading of a

spring without load. Diagram (b) and (c) show
the pointer reading of the spring when it is
loaded with a different load.

What is the original length of the spring?

A 28 cm B 24 cm
C 22 cm D 20 cm

23 Diagram (a) shows a spring extends by 5 cm
when it hung with a 0.5 kg weight. Diagram (b)
shows four springs which are identical as spring
Diagram(a) P are arranged in a system and it
hung with a 1.0 kg load.

What is the length of P?

A 50 cm B 70 cm
C 105 cm D 125 cm

26 Diagram (a) and Diagram (b) shows six

identical springs U, V, W, X, Y and Z whose
original length is 10 cm each.

What is the total extension of the spring


A 5.0 cm B 10.0 cm
C 15.0 cm D 20.0 cm

24 Diagram (a) shows a spring P extends to a

certain value when it hung with a 60 g weight.
Diagram (b) shows three springs Q, R and S are
arranged in parallel extends to same value as
spring P when it hung with a weight W.

What is the value of p?

A 18 cm B 20 cm
C 26 cm D 28 cm

27 Diagram shows three identical springs with the

original length of 20.0cm.

What is the value of W when the spring P,Q,R

and S are identical springs.

A 20g B 60g
C 120g D 180g

What is the length of L?

25 Diagram (a) shows two springs M and N having
an original length of 10 cm each are loaded with A 5.0 B 7.5 cm
the mass of 100 g and 200 g respectively. C 10.0 cm D 12.5 cm
Diagram (b) shows the springs M and N are
arranged in series and it is loaded with the mass 28 Diagram (a) shows a spring of length 12 cm
of 300g. compressed to a length of 10 cm by a load of
20 N. Diagram (b) shows five identical springs
are compressed by a load of 50 N to a length of

(a) Name the law involved when the spring is
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Based on Diagram 31 ,compare the
(i) the spring constant
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) the elastic limit
What is the value of L? [ 1 mark ]
(c) The springs are to be used in a Newton
A 10 cm B 9 cm balance to measure a maximum load of mass
C 7 cm D 5 cm 0.6 kg.
(i) What is the maximum weight of the
29 Diagram shows a spring with original length is load?
20 cm. When a load of 500 g is hung to the ..................................................................
spring, the length of the spring becomes 14 cm. [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Based on Diagram 31, which
springs which are suitable to be used in
the Newton balance specified above.
[ 1 mark ]
(iii)Give the reason for your answer in
[ 1 mark ]
32 Diagram 32 shows a graph extension , x against
Force ,F for two springs W and X. The spring
W and X having an original length of 10 cm
What is the elastic potential energy for the

A 0.10 J B 0.20 J
C 0.35 J D 0.70 J

30 A spring has a spring constant of 0.1 N m-1 is

compressed possesses 8 x 10-3 J. What is the
compression of the spring

A 0.16 m B 0.80 m
C 0.40 m D 0.20 m

31 Diagram 31 shows the graph of force against Diagram 32

extension for two springs M and N. (a) Based on the graph , state the relationship
between the extension, x and the force, F.
[1 mark ]
(b) State the law involved.
[1 mark ]
(c) What is the physical quantity is represented
by the gradient of the graph?
[1 mark ]
(d) Which of the spring is the most suitable to
measure the large force. Explain why?
Diagram 31 [2 marks ]

(e) State two factors why the extension of the
spring W is different from the extension of (a) What is meant by extension of the spring?
the spring X? ………………..…………………………......
…………………………………………….. ……………………………………………....
…………………………………………….. [1 mark ]
[2 marks ] (b) Using Diagram 33.1, compare the thickness
(f) Draw an arrangement of the combination of the spring wire K and spring H
spring W and X to get the extension of the ………………………………………………
spring system is 10 cm when a load of 10 N [1 marks]
is hung. (c) (i) Using Diagram 33.2, calculate the elastic
potential energy of the spring J and
spring H

Spring K

[2 marks]
Spring H

[2 marks ]
33 Diagram 33.1 shows two load of different
masses are hung to the spring K and spring H . [2 marks]
Spring K and spring H are identical but different (ii) State the relationship between the
thickness of the spring wires. thickness of the spring wire and the
elastic potential energy of the spring.
[1 mark]

34 (a) Diagram 34.1 shows a cellulose sponge The

sponge is one example of an elastic material.

Diagram 34.1
(i) What is meant by elasticity?
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Based on kinetic theory of matter ,
Diagram 33.1 explain why the sponge is elastic?
[4 marks]
Diagram 33.2 shows a force - extension graph (b) Diagram 34.2 shows a spring and a cups
of spring K and spring H. provided by your teacher to design a spring
balance sheet used to estimate the weight of
the items in the lab. The minimum weight of
each item is 100 g and the maximum is 1 kg.

Diagram 33.2 Diagram 34.2

Table 34 shows the characteristics of the spring 35 Diagram 35.1 shows a participant standing on
and the cup should be used to design the spring a diving board before jumping.
balance. Diagram 35.2 shows the participant pushing the
diving board with his feet to start his jumping
Design Type Spring Spring Material of
of constant is cup
spring (Ncm-1) required
to obey
laws or
J Helical 1.0 Obey Polystyrene
K Slinky 1.0 Obey Glass Diagram 35.1 Diagram 35.2
L Slinky 4.0 Not Glass
N Helical 4.0 Not Polystyrene Based on the observation:
Table 34 (a) State one suitable inference
[ 1 mark ]
Based on Table 34, explain the suitability of (b) State one suitable hypothesis that could
each characteristics in the table and hence, be investigated.
determine which design is most suitable to [ 1 mark ]
make the spring balance. (c) With the use apparatus such as spring,
Justify your choice. slotted weights and other apparatus ,
[ 10 marks ] describe one experiment to investigate the
(c) Diagram 34.3 shows the spring arrangement hypothesis stated in (b).
of springs S and T. In your description, state clearly the
The spring constant of a sping S and spring following.
T are 10 N cm-1 and 20 N cm-1 respectively. (i) The aim of the experiment.
Both spring S and T have original length 20 (ii) The variables in the experiment..
cm. (iii) The list of apparatus and materials.
(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus.
(v) The procedure of the experiment
which should include one method of
controlling the manipulated variable and
one method of measuring the responding
(vi) The way you tabulate the data.
(vii) The way you analyse the data.
[10 marks]

Diagram 34.3
(i) Determine the length X.
[ 3 marks ]
(ii) Calculate the elastic potential energy in a
spring S when it is hung by load 50 kg.
[ 2 marks ]


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